Stella Dimoko The Real Housewives Of Lagos Stars Iyabo Ojo And Carolyn Hutchings Drag Each Other On Twitter



Friday, July 08, 2022

The Real Housewives Of Lagos Stars Iyabo Ojo And Carolyn Hutchings Drag Each Other On Twitter

What da heck!...What is the real housewives of Lagos show about again? Oh my goodness!..  what!!!


  1. Iyabo 10, Carolyn 0

    1. Low life Ghetto bred Caroline Ekanem,, she has been like this from Uni Uyo. Failed Mgbeke beauty queen.. No man who dated her ever agreed to appear in public with her, low life. She got fed when Danjuma married and still DUMPED her. She quarrelled most people and lied so much in University of Uyo. At almost 50years, she is still fighting publicly. It's a curse probably.

    2. Go back and read Caro tweet. That lady is mouthed. Wow!!!

    3. Carolyn buried Iyabo. She's mouthed.

    4. But Caroline was in unical not uniuyo na.. Are you sure it's caroline ekanem

    5. Abegiii 18:36

    6. Call Caro whatever name you like but Chile, that girl can hold her own anytime any day amount those bulldogs.

    7. Mehnnnnn! Caro peeled iyabo! Hahahahahaha!

    8. It's scripted 4 the show

  2. Growing old is mandatory.....
    Growing up is optional....

    1. These ones grew old but still got a lot of growing up to do.

  3. I guess they have to make it look real.

    1. Yeah they do🤦
      Disgusting to say the least.

    2. If u think dis is acting then u know nothing. Shit is too dirty to be acted and they wont drag their Ex husbands, babby daddys, sponsors and kidz into it. Its damn real.

    3. 23.39 welcome to reality tv. Naija copied from americans..They have 2 make u think it is real so the show will be juicy. So they lift rumours that have been said about the celebs n add extra maggi to make the show lively. Problem is that most times the script they act ends up becoming reality

    4. 23:39
      You people should stop being naive, haba! Ofcourse it is scripted to make it look real hence the word "reality" show. How can it not be scripted when there are cameras everywhere? Make una dey use una brain. The more drama, the more views, the more money. It's not rocket science

  4. I'd be disappointed if these women weren't paid in thousands of dollars to disgrace themselves like this.
    People's mothers and wives🤦🏽

    1. That's exactly what I told someone, that they had better be paying them at least $500,000 for this

  5. Please, can someone help me translate this to simple English?

  6. Tell me again how Caroline is classier than the rest?

    1. My dear, many people actually do not know the meaning of 'classy'.

    2. Because she's composed eh!

    3. Composed in madness, anon 18:43, I get you dear.
      God forbids this kind of composition, shameless old women.

    4. She is composed and hold her own with those women coming for her. I’m not saying that she is perfect but under the circumstances, she did well

    5. Thank you! She sure do know how to throw punches! Savage😂😂😂😂

    6. Locate your dictionary and read up the meaning of classy 😏

    7. Because she is mixed race na. Dont forget the colourist country you are coming from

    8. According to many nigerians, pretty + nicely dressed = classy. They dont really know the meaning

  7. How do they keep up with this constant beef sef?

    1. I don't know because it's 🦾🦾🦾🦾 draining. Is this stress worth it??

    2. How? For the money ofcourse. They are being paid to create content that will get attention. It's that simple. If there was no drama, no one would be interested.

  8. Their cup of kunu, just passing

  9. Me ayam enjoying the gbas gbos sha😁

  10. Naija Celebrities are useless! All of them!

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

  11. I still stand with Carolyn. She didnt even call Iyabo ojo name. Iyabo pained old cargo who wants to be called aunty by force.
    Even though I work full time, I dont insult women who dont or choose to do business.

    Iyabo you are a street fighter, you have fought almost everyoone. And force your ill mannered daughter down our throats.

    You're the most mature on show , instead of promoting peace youre are the hidden catalyst.

    1. Don’t be biased. Caro insulted her first with her mortgage. Make una dey talk true sometimes

    2. Iyabo is a nuisance and an abgaya. Carol finished her, all the yeye respect they were giving her on the show she thought Caro will back down. I am not a fan of either but Iyabo is a bully and uses fear to make people not come for her but Caro no send. they should not let that yallow skin colour fool them caro dey fight wella and there is no day Iyabo go beat Caro

  12. Iyabo- 1000 / Caro nil 🤣

  13. Caro calling her age mate old, no wonder she removed 15yrs from her age just to feel younger 🤣 thank God she said that to someone that knows her very well. Beautiful liar

  14. Aunty Grandma Iyabo. Why are you all attacking one woman . Its called Jelousy . This is why all females should be extra careful around other females . No freinds anywhere.
    Carolyn if you ever read this I will advise you to leave that show.
    Most of the other women on that show are street hustlers who hustle with anything to survive.
    Carolyn stay far away from them they will never understand or be kind to the kind of life you have.
    I hope and pray for a hubby who will take responsibility, particularly for his kids, due to raising my first child alone which has been by Gods grace.

    Nonetheless. I will never be envious of a woman who has an ex- husband who takes responsibility for his kids. Carolyn bore Danjuma 3 kids and you expect him not to be involved in her or the kids life. I am not here to support Carolyn but Iyabo your rants and that of Toyin is pure envy and wickedness.
    Your baby daddy/s refused responsibility for upkeep of thier kids but dont bully other women who still get help from their ex for their kids. Its the right thing for a man to do!

    1. My dear eh, the envy is glaring.

    2. Caro anon 18 51 Weldon ooo, better go and hide your face in shame.

    3. If Carolyn had half the brain she tries to portray she has, she won't be on that kind of show.
      She claims to be rich and famous, so what's she doing on the show with the so called 'trenches' people?

    4. As in ehhh, the envy from all the ladies is definitely obvious. They all can't stand Carolyn, all their attacks on her is always linked to her ex husband. I'm very sure they'll die if Danjuma reconciles with Carolyn

    5. They secretly wish they were her! Hahahahaha! Womennnnnnn!

    6. Anon 18.51 I’m not a fan of any of the girls because they are all ratchet . However, I honestly feel that those women are in a way jealous of Caro. She might not be married but she has a lot going well for her compare to those other women. She and her children are set for life through her ex husband and she doesn’t have to hustle or work very hard like the other women to live that life. It might come across shallow but truth must be told and it is what it is

    7. One thing about caro.. she must defend her self via Anon on blogs, must be a draining, oh and by the way, Iyabo ate you out this round.

    8. 😂 I’m still trying to wrap my head around what Caro has that they are envious of 😏Caro continue hyping your disgusting attitude….. VC

  15. Carolyn is so ratchet

    1. Compared to others, l say NO!

    2. Anon 21.49! Well said. I used to call Caroline a dummy and a fine face with no brain until I watched her on this show and I was shocked with her eloquence and the way and manner she responded to those women. A lot of people wouldn’t be able to open their mouth if they are being attached by 5 women. I wouldn’t

    3. exactly! you nor see how Laura wey dey agidi curl up that a folded cloth. she could not even defend herself or express herself. If na online war now she go win. Shame on all of them but atleast Caro defended herself well. the others were looking for squad.

  16. This show is seriously getting toxic. Carolyn leave abeg. You clearly do not have the same mindset as these other women abeg who are street hustlers.

    1. Lol Caro classy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 because she is light skinned and has tweaked her body. Please ask people in her industry who she really is before calling her classy 😅🤣

    2. Leave to where? This is what they are being paid to do. This is the contract they signed.

  17. Iyabo na barking tout, wey no get shame. Iyabo will still deal with chioma last last when the time comes.
    Women like iyabo are deadly inside and like no one genuinely.
    What is Iyabo even doing on this show she is not a house wife.
    The rest of the ladies are the bread winners apart from Caro.
    So I dont get it, too much toxic fights

    1. Caro rest!

    2. Iyabo…… people don’t know her yet. Devil in disguise. No money for pocket. House she’s still pay mortgage for 3 years. She is so desperate to win every other woman but she will come out and act nice. Iyabo the Devil

    3. Dirty iyabo forming clean! Get over yourself! Fuck off! prefer Caro! Hahahahaha

  18. Iyabo cannot speak full English without adding Yoruba. Shame on her. Shame on all of them disgracing themselves. These are women with children. Caro stop disgracing your children with high profile name

    1. And What wrong with that? Madam English teacher @yoriyori fake ass

    2. English mistress like you. Take your trophy

    3. Can you allow her to speak her Language?So English language makes u look posh abi?Oshi radarada.Loud e jare Iyabo

    4. Eayah sorry ooo. Carolyn is better in speaking. So posh but Una iyabo na amala agbero

  19. If Musa ear dey street, e no fit carry this kind public toilet. Caro, the only reason we are not listing the men who have used you is because we have respect for them not you. But one day we go list your body count for public if you no take time. Me alone can count 18 between the ages of 27- 36.

    Musa was the easiest prey, his own is to collect pocket money and share to you. 2 jobless people married.

    1. Aswear 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  20. Caro too na street na. Why calling only others street ? They fit themselves!

  21. Just watching Tony Tetuila's video with Caroline Ekanem in 2003 abi 2004. She's looking even more beautiful now although that tatoo is incredibly ugly. One of the ugliest I have ever since.

    1. Girl please

      I dislike the show but Carolyne is a fucking beauty.


    2. Anon 19:39. Please, what is the title of the song?

    3. Anon 21:15. The title of the song is E go better.

    4. Yep! Caro is pretty!

    5. 20:58 it's like that thing has started clapping in your brain again ba? Because I never said she was ugly.
      I said her tatoo is UGLY.
      And even if I said she was ugly, guess what? Its MY OPINION. Dunce.

  22. Carolyn is not suppose to be in that show........ Josaria

    1. Nope! We want her! She's giving us juice on their secrets! Hahahahaha

  23. This Caro is a trouble maker, from one quarrel to another.

    1. It is obvious that caro knows a lot of dirt on 'em women!

  24. This is what is clear.

    The other blog hounded Caroline for years. Writing stories, and claiming inside source/s.

    Now we know who the "inside source" is/was. Toyin gisted laura.

    Laura downloaded to her blogger sister. Laura is mad that Toyin could not be relied on. Unfortunately, Laura can't say much because that will mean giving up one of their main gist funnels.

    Ofcos, because Toyin outfits a lot of these people, she has some really sweetened, fake, true stories to give the bloggers sister.

    Watching the reunion:

    100%, Toyin is a bully, and a lousy uncouth person. She needs to be the centre of attention, and will talk down or attempt to discredit anyone that is in her way. Horrible behaviour!

    Iyabo was able to hold her own, seems not even the bully tried to ruffle her. They are same of same, so ..... Well done Iyabo.

    Chioma needs to be in squad, and will do anything to be on the popular side. I must say that, I found her a bit disappointing.

    Caroline is one hell of a strong woman (Irrespective of the other negative accusations). We can call her what we want, but if I am going to be ganged up against, best to have my composure/ wits around me.

    Laura, there is a lot of personal development required. I know it must have been a shock to be around people ( IG isn't real). She struggled so much, and had to rely on other people's fall out to feel good.

    Miriam, you came in too loud. And you finished without any impact


    1. Miriam ma Waka pass for the show. She hates to hear this, but someone still has to tell her...

    2. And you came up with this conclusion based on what 😏😏😏

    3. Anon 19:55 you are spot on about everyone except for your assessment of Iyabo. She uses the fear of her dragging you (social media antics)to intimidate the others. Only Caro did not buy it.

  25. Iyabo is a tout trying to upgrade to no avail. Carolyn finished her.

    1. Caro is full tank! She came prepared unlike iyabo, who came in with an empty tank! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  26. I have never been one to follow the herd.

    I'm not holding brief for Caroline, but because 5 people are saying one thing, doesn't make it true.

    One of the reasons I like Stella. I'll leave that right there.

  27. They are all street hustlers only caro got lucky not to stress herself so much for survival

    1. At Anon 21.02 Exactly She got lucky and like she said in her tag “Poor people can’t handle her having all her kids for a rich man”. Not that the other woman are lacking but they have to hustle big time to live the life that they live whereas, Caro doesn’t have to and that is a little hard for them to swallow. Period!

  28. Why is it Caro that always fight with everyone on social media? Or isn't she the one that fought dirty with Toyin not quite long? Na wa oh

  29. It is obvious, this woman is hated by others! Are they jealous because she's finer than them and seems to know everyone's secret! Women! Hahahaha.

    1. Aunty Caroline abegi zurukwanuike,your hand writing is written all over the post.


  30. I think Caro and Iyabo's tiff is a PR stunt to get the viewers' attention for the next episode. Increase in viewers ratings means more sponsorship and £££. The ladies are paid well, but this is a Nigerian show and not USA, where the psychology differs. People are already taking this seriously.

    A 💯% scripted show.

  31. Replies
    1. A very horrible person. Have her as a friend at your own risk!

  32. It is obvious that you women are very envious of each other! Caro is really giving these women sleepless nite! Hahahaha!

  33. These yeye people aren't supposed to be on this show, they are not housewives neither are they married.

    1. Because no decent wife will agree to go to this show..

  34. Why watch this show? It's too toxic!

    1. Anon 00.04. Did anyone ask you to watch the show? Sit your ass down and stop talking!

  35. My own be say make person go give him baby papa family him pikin because as the pikin dey grow him dey resemble him papa......
    I wonder why the boy family no dey see their son face for that pikin face..........

  36. May we not need to hustle and make being insulting and getting insulted as part of the hustling strategy.

    This is very messy on both Iyabo and Carole. Why do we derive joy in using age and aging as a way of insulting others?


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