

Sunday, July 10, 2022


 #sundaymorning #blessedmorning #awesomemorning #covid19isreal #dogood #thosewhojumpintoconclusionsneverfindclosure #lol #morningrush #motivationalpreaching #inspirationalgossiponsdkblog #the100thcommentgift

Good Morning!

Have a Beautifully Blessed Sunday!

Spread some love and food if you can....



  1. Be Strong In The Lord!!
    Ephesians 6:10


    "Be strong in the strength of the Lord and in His ability to apply force. What amount of force is God able to apply in a situation? Take advantage of it; take advantage of God's ability"

    "Remember, it is the Spirit's might and not your might. Apply His strength and not your strength. Trust in Him with all your heart. Trust what He can do. That's why you have to know Him to have an idea of how much He's able to do"

    "Be strong in God's truth"


    I'm triumphant forever, because I'm born of God and live by His Word. No matter what the enemy throws at me, I'm unflustered because greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world. I'm strong in the Lord and in the power of His might to do exploits! Hallelujah!

    Further Study:
    Micah 3:8; Ephesians 3:14-16 & 20

  2. Heavenly father,we come before you this Sunday morning as your servant.
    Lord we submit ourselves to you as we lay our burdens and challenges before your throne.
    Deliver us from the evil pestilence and arrow of the devil.
    Deliver us from destruction set by the devil and his agents.
    Loving, father, you said in your word, “Cast your cares on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”
    Take away sickness, accident, disappointment, sorrow, and pains from our life's today.
    Redeem our souls from those marked for death today.
    Thank you gracious Lord for answered prayers 🙏🙏

    1. Good morning, please I need suggestion or recommendation of body cream for glowing skin for a dark person. That I can easily get in any European country. Thanks

    2. God bless you ma'am. Get well Stella

    3. Anonymous 9:10 . Try jergens.u will love it

    4. Amen ma'am . Good morning to us

    5. Anonymous 9:10 Palmers Fade milk

  3. I pray this day that our Lord Jesus brings us all to a place of rest

  4. Good morning everyone🥰🥰🥰
    May we receive all that our heart desire in his presence today.
    Happy Sunday my people.

  5. Some of you lack community relationship.
    You think shouting on top of your voice while praying at midnight and disturbing your neighbors is a sign of Spiritual Fervency?... After now if Dem give you quit notice you go say your landlord na witch abi Occult man .
    Abeg if you no fit pray peacefully, carry yourself go desert na .. afterall anytime we saw Jesus praying in those early hours of the morning, bible say na mountain he Dy also go.
    Stop disturbing the peace of your neighbors!!.... it's bad community- relationship habit.

    1. Have you been to Onitsha?
      They have A1 in that.
      Some people can't pray like normal human being.
      Same goes to church and mosque. They mount speaker and disturb the whole street.

    2. This used to be my predicament in my old house.
      There was self acclaimed prayer warrior neighbours,There was mushroom churches all over with their gigantic speakers stationed towards my window...I had crisis on a steady,There was also a bonus of troublesome landlady.
      I'm glad it's all over.

    3. This is one thing I don’t miss about naija. When I visited, it was church music and prayers, loudddd early early in the morning on a Saturday when one usually sleeps in after a long week. This is one thing I like about abroad sha. They for don call police on you lolll. Nigeria my country. We’re so religious yet you hardly see Christlike Christians!!!!

  6. this cold nawa o.prick just stand since two days now.i go complicate things if I go church like this. I won't deceive my self .make I dey my house jeje

    1. Na wa ooooo and I’m sure the prick na big one! Lord forgive me for imagining this o. I’m a married woman who needs tender love, care and good sex!

    2. It's well with you 😊😊😊😊😊

      Lovely morning blog Fam 💞💞💞
      Stella babe 💕💕💕 lovely morning to you

      Happy Sunday, the good Lord will grant us victory against every battle amen.

    3. @Anon08:58,why not talk to your husband to try do all what you just said? You think being thirsty is the solution?

  7. Happy Sunday beautiful people 💋💋

  8. Sweet Stella. How are you and your hubby doing this morning. Try and eat no matter how small. Food has a way of relieving sickness.
    This regime Sha. See how street dey dry yesterday that is Sallah. One Muslim baba that use to share every every for people on Sallah day. Muslim boys gathered as usual but baba no dey. Dem say ground no level and baba traveled. Wisdom is profitable.

    No matter what you are going through. Be assured it will surely pass away. Nothing last forever

  9. Goodmorning Stella and bvs
    The day is looking good already
    I'm off to church in a couple of hours,Can't wait for that refreshing and renewing energy that comes with it.
    May God continue to bless and direct our steps,We fall short sometimes but by his mercy we're forgiven.
    Have a beautiful Day everyone.

  10. You never forget a person who came to you with a touch in the dark.

    Great morning Guys💖💖💖

  11. That phone call that will break your heart irretrievably and turn your world upside down, may you never get it.


    1. Amen in Jesus mighty name.

    2. Sometimes it is needed for you to move forward.

  12. Doesn't matter whether you believe in God or not. 2 things are certain:
    God is God
    God is Good
    May His Goodness Surround you all week long. You are blessed and highly favored.
    SDK Yard Pipo, Una Gud Morning.❤️

  13. "Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus said to him, "What is written in the law? How do you read it?" He said in reply, "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." He replied to him, "You have answered correctly; do this and you will live."

  14. Happy Sunday everyone, preparing for Sunday service already. Hope everyone had a great Saturday 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  15. So MTN has the mind to stop 20gb for 5k right, they think one must remain with them alone or that we cannot get juicy offer from another network.

    I will soon stop using my mtn line to buy recharge or data , to think I have 3 mtn lines including my official line but I go shock mtn soon with my new lifestyle mtcheew mtcheew

    1. The truth is you will still fall back to mtn, other network will frustrate you when you need them happend to me, I switch back to one network like that ,that has the most attractive advert, omo nobody tell me to recharge my mtn shapshap.

    2. Hehehe

      MTN Abeg, behave yourself or else anon here would port to a new network and you don’t want that to happen. You’ve been warned.

    3. Use *121# to buy data from mtn.
      5k is for 40GB
      6k is for 50GB

    4. No mind then oh Jari. They feel we can't do without yellow network

    5. Anonymous 09:14 what tariff are you on cos mine is 4gb for 1200.
      If I see what you said up there boom I grab 6k for 50gb

    6. Yello network is still the best
      With *121#,I do 12gb with bonus of 12gb and 4gb for youtube for #3500.

    7. Mine is not doing anymore and just saying recharge as the only option.
      I have tried the code(that is 121) but still nothing yet
      I was using before because of the 9G for 2000 and 24G for 3500

  16. Goodmorning jesus! I couldn't make to place of worship today, body tire me too much after yesterday journey. I appreciate your mercy lord, and I pray you see us all throughout this week, protect us from dangers.Amen

  17. Happy Sunday fam ❤️
    This weather should be nice today please 🙏🙏

  18. Good morning.

    The cold is something else. Will attend online church. The roads as couple with no fuel, j don't want to risk it.

    Have a great day y'all.

  19. Arise and shine beautiful people ✨🌞🌟💫 happy Sunday
    Stella hope you're good now? Sending you 🤗🤗🤗🤗❤️

  20. Good morning peeps.
    I am not feeling too fine and going to be at home.
    Happy Sunday

    1. @BIG ENERGY.try and rest,take alot of water it's a soothing natural drug .then go to the hospital and run Some tests.e_hugs!!!!

    2. Chai dooh. Get well soon Big E

    3. You're blessed and preserved B E.

    4. Thanks to you all @Fidel,@IJ and @PP

  21. Nah my bro for Yankee dey supply my data, once e finish,I tell am,so I no know anything about subscription

    1. You're lucky.Always pray for him.

  22. Good morning everyone. I wish you and Hubby a quick recovery @Stella. Work has got me today.

  23. Good morning and happy Sunday to Jewelu Stella and all Blog Visitors.
    Healing Balm of the Almighty God upon you, Stella and yours in Jesus Mighty Name.Amen.
    @BVS please , don't forget to go to church to worship the Lord of Lords and don't be late
    If you have not given your life to Christ Jesus, please do before it's too late and if you have accepted Him as your personal Lord and Saviour, continue to worship Him in truth and spirit
    God bless you and do have a blessed Sunday.
    Love you all 😘


  24. Right or Wrong?

    Coming from a meeting with a client, his boss suggested they have lunch. They sat down and ordered. The boss ordered a plate of rice and salad. The boss requested for water.

    He ordered rice, moimoi, chicken, salad and fried ram meat. He topped it with a Malta Guinness. For starters he ordered fresh orange juice.

    The boss smiled at him, “you must be a healthy eater”. He grinned sheepishly. They sat down and engaged in gist.

    When the bill came , the boss asked them to separate it. He was just downing his Malta drink. The boss paid his bill of N2500. His bill was about 10k.

    He was an intern and his salary was 20k....

    He also had no money on him. His boss asked if he needed a loan ... he did.

    He took home 10k the next month....

    Have manners!!!!

    1. 😆🤣😂 He thought that the boss was going pay o.

    2. Good for him

    3. them
      Hungry greedy pipo. You see your life outside.

  25. Happy Sunday every one, may God Almighty guild and protect us in Jesus name amen.

  26. Good morning bvs. I’m saying this good
    Morning with so much joy and butterflies in my tummy. I have fall again o 🥰🤣🤣 and no I wasn’t expecting it. He gave me a lift and we got taking. Chia i can’t even stop smiling and blushing to myself even if the office. To think that we got to know we attend the same church. I almost bursted out of excitement lol 😂 communication and connection is lit. Me that have drop man matter for 2 years now. This stranger just came around and swept me off my feet 🥰🥰. But I’m still scared sha even though the feeling is mutual. #stranger #love #butterflies

    1. Enjoy every moment
      And I pray your heart desires is fulfilled

    2. Love is a beautiful feeling,I wish you the very best.

    3. Wishing you the very best dear.

    4. Awwwn.... Soo sweet!
      I pray I experience true love soon and meet my own person 🙏

  27. Up and grateful. Blessed morning everyone. Thank you Jesus I am thankful for everything. Thank you sweet sacred heart

  28. Happy Sunday Family... I love this weather.

  29. Blessed Sunday afternoon to us all 😘


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