Stella Dimoko Friday Night Post....



Friday, July 08, 2022

Friday Night Post....

 If you are ever bored on a Friday night, Please spend time in the comment section of this post........

Lets go!!!


  1. Craving hot porridge beans with riped plantain. Then consume it with drinking garri mixed with enough milk and some quantity of sugar.

    Unfortunately, there's no place I can get it now. I will just drink my tea in peace and sleep.

    1. Lol...just what I'm eating as I'm typing minus the gari

    2. Jesus!!! Abeg Bluetooth for me naaa.😁😁😁

    3. It baffles me when adults don't know how to cook! I mean, this should be a basic life skill!

    4. Anon 22:27 abeg carry your life skill shift biko. Life skill kor, life guard ni. Osi baffle🤣🤣

    5. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Afi baffle 😂

  2. Good evening my people.
    I am at home and not going out today.
    I am not outside o.
    I don chop and na indoor things.
    I am patiently waiting for Ileya ni o.
    Happy Eid-El-Kabir in advance to all muslim faithful out here and scattered all over.

  3. Good evening all .and happy weekend.
    Please how do you guys see people whose only means of communication is whatsapp?
    Its a turn off for me. Is it that They dont have money to put credit in their phone to make proper call or what?
    A man ask for your number and all he does is via whatsapp

    What do you think?

    1. Some of us prefer to write/ chat than call, I not a man though 😃

    2. Some persons prefer typing than talking. e.g my sis-in-law.
      You will regret calling her because you are the only one talking. the conversation will be boring. But when we chat she is like a different person.
      sweet conversation we chat for a long time .

    3. Open your mind. Love him a little and you will appreciate his Whatsapp chat and always look forward for it

    4. I am more of a chatter myself, on whatsapp. So if a guy judges me by that........ 🤷🏽‍♀️

    5. You guys WhatsApp is also for calls na
      The guy only calls with free or cheap wifi

  4. Nigerians will give you ANYTHING as gift for ANY occasion....
    On this day 3 years ago, 2 people gave me Wall Clock as Naming Ceremony gift for my son.🥲🤦🥺
    Every year I remember it, #iWeak.
    Una Gud Evening...#ALiSpeaks

    1. You should be happy that you got something na

    2. Lolz
      You should always be at alert.
      Although some wall clock dey fine

    3. 😂😂😂 but na wetin dey get dey give nah

    4. You no thank God say na wall clock them give you,me wey somebody give me one cup of unpeeled egusi seeds as birthday present.

    5. Big Energy: nor be say I nor happy o. The choice of gift just weak me! LoL....

      Osundi: Choi! Give me the full names and address of that person, make I clean im name from book of life.....

  5. #Theweekend 🥳🥂

    Rainy wet cold night🤗🤗🤗 I'm cuddle up on my bed of roses 🌹🌹 listening to cool love songs and sipping steaming hot tea ☕☕ I will be going through old posts for the day

    Stay safe y'all and have a groovy jiggy weekend 🥂🥳🎊

    1. Paris,see me falling for you,I never knew you're married o,until you talked about baby hanger anyway make I dey crush from afaf

    2. Enjoy your weekend ☺️❤️

    3. See my people, Paris and BS❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    4. Paris isn't married. Shoot your shot jaree

    5. Sis, enjoy jare. Nothing do you 😊.

    6. Anon 21:18 I'm not married yet oh,I have baby hanger for my panties and season like this when rain falls daily,so instead of using the clothes line,I use the baby hanger..pls feel free to crush 🥰🥰

      Thanks Blackie 💙💙

    7. 21.18, hian. Na only married people dey use baby hanger?

    8. Anon contact St Stella allow better thing pass you

    9. Maybe a baby mama, I saw the baby hanger comment too

    10. Fall in peace abeg. Nothing do you jare.

    11. Anon, abeg shoot your shot jare. Baby hangers are not meant for nursing mothers or wives alone. 😊

  6. I'm presently in portharcourt to stay with my brothers wife who lost her elder sister , they were extremely close, is not easy with her at all, her eye are swollen.i hate to see her cry , I pray God should use is hand to console her oh.

    1. May the Holy spirit comfort and strengthen her, Amen

    2. God bless you for standing by her at this low moment of hers. Happy weekend. With the way ram is expensive no hope of any body giving me ẹran ileya.

    3. This is sad. Sorry for the loss. May the Lord comfort her.

    4. So sad, may God comfort her.

    5. Eeya,you are a good person. May God comfort and console her.

    6. May God console her and may her sisters soul rest in peace

  7. Hubby stays outside Nigeria, he travelled back since March, I'm just left with my vibrator, now am tired of it. Infact, I need a good sex, but I don't want to cheat. He is not coming back till December......not funny I swear! So afraid to cheat, to avoid been caught. This life no balance oh!!!!

    1. Caught ke? Are you a baby?

    2. I carry hand up for couple that are leaving separately. I can't leave my woman behind oo. I no fit. E go worry me if I do am.

    3. Comot mind from gbensh, e no easy for this cold weather but e possible. Read ya Bible, don't cheat oooooo, God bless

    4. The disadvantage of separation for greener pastures. Be true to your vows. No let anybody convince u otherwise. Not even that him dey do yonder. He go soon reach

    5. Been caught that your fear?
      Better hold body and wait for your hubby.

    6. Just talk say cheating dey your eye but marriage no let u do an but las las waytin go be go still be.

    7. Please don't cheat on him, keep holding up for now. You need to let him realize how it's uneasy for to hold body so that he can work out how you can join him.

    8. And he will be there fucking other women..

    9. 😂 Olomo you are funny.

    10. As if you never cheat b4.

    11. I know myself,I no fit hold body o, I dey always thank God say I'm circumcised,if not,hmmmmm, I can't stay for long without sex o, olorun ngbo, my husband sef knows,highest2 weeks, my body go dey shake. Never been apart for more than few days since 12 years we got married

    12. It's just for a while. Soon he will.come back and give you and overdose of what you crave for. Hold on.

    13. Throw away that vibrator and buy newer toys and satisfy urself till infinity.
      Check online you will find better,newer and recent toys that will bring u the ecstasy you desire. Bottom line is that u should not cheat.

    14. It is well
      Please read your Bible always 🙏 and remove your mind from there..

    15. Well I'm not circumcised and I am single. And I don't believe the premise that once you are not circumcised you no fit hold body. Pls, pls and pls female genital mutilation must stop. It is a very unhealthy practice for females.

  8. Omo konji na bastard shaaa
    Boy shuuk woman prick for yansh today as we all lined up to get our voters card,It was too freaking crowded.
    He apparently unzipped his trouser,brought out his gbola and was rubbing it on this lady that was so engrossed with the name calling that she didn't notice what was actually happening behind her ikebe.
    I was tired,So I sat down to rest small then I saw what was going down,Before I could say jack,Unku has cum o.
    Spe#m all over the girl's leg,The girl still didn't notice,Before I could stand and call her attention,Unku new at that moment he fucked up,ran away and never came back.

    My question,How carried away can you be that you couldn't notice gbola rubbing you??
    Abii you like the thing nii
    I sha gave her my handkerchief to cleanup.
    Things dey happen o.

    1. Wetin i just read now? Could it be that she was aware but didn't say anything b'cos she was loving it?
      I don't get

    2. Sperm touched her leg and she didn't notice? Obviously she's wearing a jean or was it her skin the thing touch?

      That guy is a potential rapist.

    3. That guy is not okay
      Sick people everywhere

    4. A man has once done that to me. You don’t blame her especially if the place is crowded

    5. Disgusting... Who does that?

    6. The guy is an Imbecile, it's his type that rapes a 13 month old

      You for raise alarm make e for collect small beating

    7. The woman self dey sick for her not to feel it except she also enjoyed it.

    8. Ewww

      Some people are disgusting o, in front of igwe mmadu?😲

    9. The guy is sick,so disgusting..
      Na wa o

    10. This is so disgusting and irritating.

    11. Happens very well in crowded places and public transport. That is why most times women sit behind men on bikes. Similar thing happened at a birthday party. When we crowded to take a picture, by the time I turned I couldn't identify the culprit. I had my suspicion, but since I wasn't sure I decided not to spoil someone's birthday party. But I was very upset and left thereafter. I felt like I was molested. I was so pained. Some men don't realise how their lack of self control adversely affects others.

    12. How you go dey where people plenty like that still get mind do this kind thing. They for catch am bit am well well.

    13. Teejay she wore a denim pant

    14. The place is crowed. As you said. She is the person calling names.. That means so many people are pushing her at the same time with different parts of there body. How will she know an uncircumcised guy was molesting her with his third leg. It's well.

  9. BVs in the house, pls i wanna add more kgs to my weight. What and what can i eat?
    I am in my early forties i look 30, i am serious (i can send my pics to Stella)
    I am being embarrassed everyday.
    Today i was sitting at d front seat in d car waiting for hubby. He later joined me in d car, as he was abt to start d car a senior colleague,(merely looking at him i could see pride written all over his face),
    he is abt to retire though(hubs later told me), waved my hubs to drop him at the next busstop. He doesnt know me. When he got to the car, he came straight to d front seat and asked me to get 2 the baq seat. I was abt to talk and my hubb winked at me nt to talk. He repeated it again and opened d car door for me to get down.
    Hubby told him i am his wife ooo
    I could see his facial expression and i smiled.
    He later apologised and told my hubs dat he tot i was his girlfriend
    Hmm, the stature tired me myself

    1. Even if you are his girlfriend, he is still very stupid. Ordering you to go to the back seat. Foolish man

    2. I can't believe you still think your size is the problem after typing this...Your husband's friend is an a#shole.

    3. Me and you dey same Whatsapp group, but I love my 59/60kg. Na to burn this stomach fat remain.
      What you have is what plenty people want, change ur perspective 💕😌

    4. Nawa
      Very rude man.
      Wife/gf he should know how to talk.
      You better enjoy your stature. Forever young

    5. Even if u are the girlfriend nko. Unkle no get manners. Simple. Leave ur weight o. To look younger is bae. I know

    6. Abeg we plenty like that, I have learnt not be worried about my size again because some are also struggling to fight fat due ill health they are battling. I just say to God I thank you Lord for making me Mr.

    7. This should not make you want to add weight. Enjoy what you have.

    8. You should be bothered that your horseband keeps girls if not that colleague would have behaved himself.

    9. Even though you're his gf, what effrontery, how dare he said/did that, nonsense! I don't have solution for you because we are in the same boat 😁

    10. How rude!

    11. Abeg forget size This isound weird. Who does that. Even if the man is your dad's father and saw someone already seating in his front seat. He has not right to ask the person to go back. Even if you are five years old. Maybe your hubby dey do runs so the man felt you are one.of his babes. Even at that.

    12. The audacity!! Even if I be girlfriend I won’t move an inch.
      What robis!!

    13. @Anon 22:04
      Read again
      He was a senior colleague to my hubs, they r nt close at all
      N besides na proud man
      He asked my hub to drop him at d next junction
      He was expecting to see my hubs with a woman with "big look" as his wife
      Bad belle dey worry you
      Wetin carry ur mind go side chics
      Other BVs's comments r sweet n hilarious but urs na vawulence
      Y i dey even reply u self🥺😁

    14. 22:40 u Gerrit! It's either he doesn't present himself as a married man or the friend knows he carries girls.

    15. Madam, keep your weight. Even men face the same challenge. Just dress your age in classy and up to date way, and comport yourself well in public. Then you can quietly treat anybody who treats you lesser than your age in public as lesser than your age.

  10. Cold Friday night 🥶🥶🥶 I'm currently in traffic.i can't wait to get home to drink hot beverage and be under the duvet.its going to be a very long night 🤗🤗

    Sending you all 🤗🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️❤️

  11. Let me finish dancing to this Asake’s music 🎶 I’ll be back

  12. BVs the siege has bn broken o! We haven't set foot in our father's house since 2005 ! All thanks to his wife. We were informed on Wednesday that she suddenly packed out and left him all alone. My brother's have started cleaning and have seen orisirishi small black pots, a horn with red cloth etc na to buy hoe go unearth the whole compound. Cant wait to see my dad again!

    1. Hope he's willing to see you and repentant too

    2. Thank God for you. Am happy God has defeated Satan for you people. Hallelujah

    3. God be praised, it's a new dawn

    4. OMG!!
      To God be the glory.

    5. A big congratulations. The storm is over permanently Jesus name.

    6. Hallelujah, what a breakthrough

    7. Congratulations but your dad has eaten his cake and is about having it back. He left you people for.yesrs enjoying his second wife and you people desperately want him back when the first wife has left. River does not swallow who did not go nearer it. Before the woman jazzed him. Your dad approached her first. She did not charm your dad from afar.
      Men keep your third legs in check. Not every child will want this kind father back. Me na to.move front.

    8. I am so happy for you anon. There will never be peace for the wicked. Go see your dad and y’all stay happy.


  13. A cold Friday night. Watching unbroken on Gotv. Looking forward to falling in love again. Once scathed,forever apprehensive.

  14. I av been avoiding hubby in d oza room since Wednesday. He provoked my c*mming. Aswear down, it was so annoying.
    The foreplay was top notch nd i was m**ning ... When i was abt to c*m like dis gbam, he reached climax b4 me and i couldn't do d needful. I was expecting him to help me out d next i heard was him snoring.
    Haba, this man kill action for my body and i no gbadun am like he did.
    S*x is meant to b enjoyed by both parties fa
    Since he has bn using side eyes to look me and i dey eye am like dnt come near me oh
    He has bn sending nasty memes to since morn 😂
    We hv to sign agreement tonight dat my c*m must come b4 his c*m...

    1. Not again. I cover my mind with the blood of God.

    2. Be taking it easy,some of us are still single o.Make jealousy no kee us.

    3. 😂😂😂😂His cum must wait for ur cum

    4. Your husband is an asshole why didn’t he finish you off with his fingers or tongue smh 🤣🤣🤣

    5. I join you Teejay 🙉

    6. Different people with different problem😂😂😂😂Abeg allow us to singu my singu in peace.Stop longthroating us.

  15. Here for the comments

    Just chilling before nature calls✌️

  16. Get well soon sdk.

    This weather fit make person fornicate, two weeks of celibacy gone just like that hian. na real wa.

    1. I'm tempted sha..It's been 5 years😭

    2. No lie abeg! Talk say to nack dey your body 🙄🙄 no be weather cha cha

    3. You have started again abi?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    4. 5 years? i take God beg you hold body. if i can hit 6 month straight, i will easily do 6 years.

      more grace to you ma 😂😂

    5. 😂😂😂Finny I cover my 5days celibacy with the blood.

    6. Nobi weather abeg, konji hook you since, nobi today😏😏😏

  17. Lagos traffic be making alot of us think we are hard working🤣. We no hard working anything. Get to work before 7am, Close at 5pm,stay in traffic and get home at 9pm. Story!

    This night, because of the traffic and flood in the city of Lagos, I will be indoors when I get home, ain't going out tonight!

    1. Pls go out oooo and enjoy your weekend. Your friends will soon blow up your phone with calls 😂

    2. MM you lie,you can't stay indoors lailai😃 you are going out tonight.

    3. Seriously the stress in Lagos is making some people older than their actual age. Waking up by 4:30 to be back home by 10pm just to beat traffic with the increase in transportation fare once it rains and fuel scarcity, and u see us praying for the things we rightly deserve in this country. I just tire.

    4. Happy weekend Morgan.


    5. Ehennn Mark, it's all part of if na. Abeggi!

  18. Oooooboy see rain 🌧️🌧️🌧️. chaaaii wetin happen to me today I no fit forget am.i was so happy to go see my younger sister and her son and stay the whole holiday dere cos I m tired of staying all alone in the house so I wanted change of environment.i decided to go pick my elder sister son after school so we go together make their two play as they have missed themselves .Na so I enter the rain without thinking twice just because of happiness before I got out of the estate I was soaked ,my bags wet yet I kept going.Got to apple junction flood everywhere cars quenching rain beating me even inside Keke I started shouting who send me oooo confusion full my head whether to go back or husband calling why did I leave the house didn't I see how heavy the rain is.i got to mile 2 durbar where am to enter bus to go pick my elder sister's son make we begin go shibiri for the holiday rain everywhere I just enter Keke back to my house back all my body ,bags soaked oooooooh I was crying 😭😭😭😭 inside me already.i managed to get home offloaded my bag with the clothes inside the bag wet with water already blaming myself for leaving under the rain .Now I m looking for one of my fertility drugs container my husband bought #27,0000 which I m supposed to take for 30 days .I have taken it for like 17 days remaining 13 more days.i ve searched the whole house and emptied all my bags can't find it.i don't even know what to tell my husband if he asks me if I have taken my night drugs.

    This is my problem now oooo I just dey my house dey think d bashing wey guy man go give me considering the fact we are ttcing and he spends money buying drugs our doctor recommends for me anytime without complaining despite everywhere tight.ooooooh my conscience is killing me already cos he will say I care less if not why will I misplace d drugs ,I didn't do it on purpose oooo.My fellow bvs pls pray for me to see the drugs😊😊😊😊the bashing no go be here oooo.
    Make una no mind me ooo the heart of a troubled careless woman

    1. You will see it. Just calm your nerves. God will settle you Amen

    2. Did you go out with it? Hope say e Neva fall for road?
      Your heart desires will be granted, Amen

    3. You will see it.
      Calm down and look for it.

    4. If you didn't open your bag outside, carefully check every corner in your apartment, maybe it rolled over somewhere.. sorry darl it is well with you, the Lord will perfect all that concern you.

    5. Stay calm and gently look for it ....just laying somewhere looking at you

      All the best in your search

    6. Calm down mama,u will find it, just calm down and search for it later when ur mind is at rest. I pray God gives u babies your heart desires.Very soon you won’t be needing the drugs anymore cos ur miracle babies will be in ur arms😊amen🙏

    7. Ohhh, I pray you see it. Sorry

    8. Eeya so sorry for all the wahala you went through,about the drugs,don't worry you'll see it and congrats in advance.

    9. Which one is fertility drugs for 27k. Please see another doctor for second opinion oo

  19. What a long week!

    Thank You Jesus because they tried to count me out but I’m counting blessingssssssss upon blessingssssssss!

    1. ☺️☺️☺️☺️ happy for you

    2. Yassssss 🥳🥳 congratulations 👏

    3. Thank you Jesus

    4. Thank you my fellow BVs for celebrating with me. May you all celebrate too.

      My time of harvest is here and all glory belongs to GOD!

  20. Marriage is sweet. I repeat, marriage is sweet!!!!
    Ms Sapphire and Eka Joy, please spoiling us with good news about marriage. I personally enjoy it cuz e dey sweet😍😍

    1. Marriage is sweet but it can't be for everybody.You gerrit now?

    2. I dey tell u my dear, marriage sweet oh!

    3. If you dont gerrit forget about it.

  21. Sucking on oranges and pineapple in the dark 😊😊😊.

    1. E be like you wan suck something else

    2. Anon 21:19🤣🤣🤣fear God o.

    3. Enjoy Waju 🥰🥳

      @Anon21:19 something like what? 🙆🚶🏼‍♀️🚶🏼‍♀️

    4. 21:19 nibo latun jasi bayi ooo 😂😂😂😂

    5. U sure it’s oranges and pineapple🧐🧐🧐

  22. The good in Ibadan is much Baba God Biko reduce am small for us.

  23. I they wait make my dad cook finish.
    I they very hungry. That man food can so sweet.

    1. Awww 🥰🥰 this brings back so many late Dad used to cook for us then too,I love men that can cook

    2. This is also part of why I miss my Dad. 😔

  24. I am an Anambra girl, dating an Imo guy, he just proposed and I am so scared to marry him because I know my people won't like the idea of an Ada marrying an Imo person, I keep feeling like they will be disappointed and my head keeps fighting it. How do I let a good man go because of state? I am so exhausted from the plenty thinking. I want to make my people proud and I know this choice won't make them proud. My dad will be so disappointed.

  25. Just finished frying sallah chicken, we don almost eat half ( I and the kids )
    The girl that stays with my neighbor came to signal me from the fence, told her to come tomorrow I have a package for her, my kids already know when she climbs up the fence they are not supposed to call her name
    She likes talking to them whenever she hears us at the backyard she will climb and wave at them

    She also helps in disposing my trash

    Just that I can't give her food the woman she stays with is troublesome, will give her meat and drink

  26. Home alone in London and missing my hubby and kids like mad...I am back to naija in 2 weeks, ko funny joo. Just enjoying my mixed seafood salad alone

  27. Today has been good. I dey lookforward to intense penising this night.
    Legal knacks dey sweet. Praise be to Jesus

  28. Where can I buy happiness. I need it
    Just tired

    1. Look inward you and you will get it. It's only Jesus Christ and you can make you happy

    2. Hey don't be........ It'll get better.

  29. On my way to the outside!! I just pregamed at home with 4 vodka shots and I feel gooodt!!! I haven’t drank in a long ass time and I barely ate today so nausea has set in but I still feel good though.

    Gonna dance away the stress of this week lmao, on my way to meet my friends at our spot, from there I’d meet my newest nigga somewhere else. So excited 😁😁😁
    I’m not responsible for whatever I type tonight 🙂

    1. Hmmmm, I don't think drinking on an empty tummy is good. Anyway enjoy responsibly and be careful our dear Snarker.

    2. Hahahaha
      Carry go

  30. It's a cold night.... We thank God for the showers of blessings.

  31. I have just finish eating and I am under my bracket.

  32. Isley Brothers-Caravan of Love and Peter Cetera- you are the inspiration

    1. Niceeee, na enjoyment be dis (for me ooo ☺️).

  33. Feeling tire already with my pregnancy journey. Pregnant and still seeing monthly flow. I'm just tire/ worried and doctors said I should be patient that it will stop after five or seven month.
    I beg who has experienced such before

  34. I’ve finally decided to take my cooking business seriously, I opened a page for it since last year but iv bin so scared to go for it.
    Been cooking in medium and large scale for friends and family events and I wasn’t using those pictures and videos to create content,now I’ve wiped my phone and have to start content creation all over again so I can post on this page.
    God please help me in this new phase cos some customers can be troublesome,I need only good and stress free customers.amen
    Happy sallah bvs❤️

    1. Yo that's great! Wish you all the best!💙💙

  35. Does olay anti aging darken?im fair.

  36. Please help oh, I don't have any single feelings for sex again, last year I bought a sex toy, because my husband is in another sate was so horny last year, praying I wouldn't be tempted to cheat on him.. My people since last year I bought it, no feelings again, even when my husband is around, I don't even want him around again because I don't want to make love to him. Vibrator still packed as it came from jumia. I Excercise, I ate watermelon no show again. Please how can I get back the fire? Am getting worried, this is not me again. I just feel like nothing, he sucks do everything, it irritate me the more and he might be thinking, are you sure my wife is not getting it else where.

  37. Still awake ,thinking about my life that doesn't have focus or bearing ..I feel so sad lately..

    1. Come here🤗🤗🤗🤗

      I pray it all begins to make sense to you, take it to the Lord in prayers!!

  38. The night is too cold, am under my duvet.I remembered years ago,I was watching a romantic movie through my neighbor's window,about six of us and one of the boy started using his gbola to romance me, initially I was enjoying it,I almost cum but I don't know what happened I shouted pushed him away and ran away .I thank God I ran away,. that boy would have disvirgin me that fateful evening I was already lust with his long huge gbola rubbing my ikebe........ Josaria


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