

Friday, July 08, 2022


 Beautiful Friyaaaaay!

Catch my COVID infused hailings...LOL



The winner of the face of in house news competition for June has been given cash instead of a phone..... I dont know if he has indicated that he got it last night or if i missed it.... 

The July face of in house news competition is open and you can send in your entries already.....

Send in 2 photos of same outfit but different postures... Photos must be latest photos and background of photos must be neat and clear and not clashing with your outfit.

Thank you

Enjoy the Weekend.

In house news will be back on Monday or...................LOL



When I had my first while I was being taken care of after delivery the nurses attempted to feed him, he threw up all the milk he was given few hours after birth.

When we got home from the hospital, he would throw up after breastfeeding, it got so bad vomit would run out of his nostrils. I took him to the hospital and he was certified okay and I was told he would grow out of it.

My sisters in law assured me that he would outgrow it and shared how they had similar experience with their kids and how they all outgrew it by the time they were one.

It’s been over three years and he still throws up after eating. It has reduced drastically but there have been periods that he has thrown up almost everyday.

He could go for weeks without throwing up but this last few days has been crazy. He is a very very picky eater who wouldn’t eat certain textures of food and having him throw up the little he had eaten has been headache inducing for me.

I have searched and still searching to know why he experiences this because he doesn’t have all the symptoms of the common causes of things like this such as reflux/ GERD , etc.

I really pray he grows out of it.

Ah ah what kind of thing is this? Well if its not something to be worried about then fine but i hope he doesnt grow up throwing up



My Fellow Nigerians

It's called "Bath" not "Baff"

It's called "Naira" not "Nera"

It's called "Witch" not "Winch"

It's called "Argument" not "Ajument"

It's called "Air" not "Hair"

It's called "Eight" not "Hate"

It's called "Zero" not "Siro"

It's called "MTN" not "Empty Hen"

It's called "Fifty" not "Pipty"

It's called "Five" not "Pipe"

It's called "Glo" not "Gilo"

It's called "Come" not "Kwam"

It's called "Bedsheet" not "Baysheet"

It's called A "Gucci Bag" not "Egusi Bag"

He is "Mark Zuckerberg" not "Mark Nsuka Bread"

It's called "Don't mention" and not "Don't menyon"

It's called "Department" not "Depamen"

It's called "James and John" not "Yems and Yun"

It's called "Jump up" not "Yump up"

It's called "Lorry" not "Lolly"

It's called "Rice" not "Lice" 

It's called "Africa" not "Aflica"

It's called "Certificate" not "Cerfiticket"

Thanks and have a nice day...... 

And you can add any one you know to increase the laughter level.... Dont turn this into something to drag any tribe with or your comment wont be enabled.



  1. Divine Health Confessions!!

    I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me.

    1. Amen.
      Womanhood poster , your son will outgrow this, please be patient.

  2. It's ileya weekend and a very rainy one.
    We welcome the last IHN of the week.....

    1. Hello Miss Ess! Please, let me borrow your space.

      On the issue of accent and pronunciation, my sister's husband told a story of his neighbours (females) that were quarrelling seriously. In the heat of the quarrel, the Akwa Ibom woman called the Nembe(Bayelsa) "yuyu" woman, you be yuyu woman. She was demonstrating and clapping while calling her yuyu woman.
      He said, the Nembe woman laughed so hard at the Akwa Ibom woman for pronouncing "zuzu" as "yuyu". Lol. In all these, both women could not pronounce juju without an accent.

    2. @Vikx 😂😂😂😂😂

    3. 😆😆😆😆😆😆

  3. A wet day it is. Greetings to everyone in the house.
    Big sis and hubby get better soonest.
    Enjoy your weekend all

    1. Greetings Boo 🥰😘

      Wet wet day in Gidi 😎😎 I loveeeeeeeee it

    2. serious wet day. The igbos( Majorly anambra), yoruba's, aboki and akwa ibom are well represented in the word pronounciation write-up. Kudos to the writer.

      Hope you are fully well Stella? a beautiful ileya weekend to all muslim faithfuls

  4. Good afternoon beautiful people 💋

  5. Egg not hegg

  6. Just finished watching RHOL. I really don't envy people that still see Carolyn as classy. She's one one the vilest cast of the season. Perfectly masked under shiny pretty, yellow and extremely flashy skin, nice accent and a fake demeanour of calmness. Na wa.

    And Toyin, I don't wish a friend like Toyin on anyone sha. I don't.

    Mariam was utterly useless to the show sha and constantly doing unnecessary things to make herself appear useful.

    A friend like Chioma is a friend one should never have abeg because how dyu go tell others the extremely horrible things one said about them just because u fell out with said person 🤮.

    Laura, you should have known that people do not appreciate u being ur real sef especially if it seems u are always fighting. Good to see that you eventually toned that part down.

    Iyabo Ojo, fight instigator

    1. Oh well, thanks Eka.
      I didn't watch but read all about it on blogs and insta posts.
      I had a feeling that Laura isn't that bad and probably one of the realest among them but she isn't really loved by the cast sha.

      For Carolyn,hahaha, I perceived her to be what you described 😁


    2. All those women are the same,none is actually different,they all don't genuinely like themselves. So much pretence,each trying to feel superior to another.

  7. @motherhood poster, Alex had same issue that even tho the paediatrician certified her OK because she was gaining weight as required, I would always still run to the ER to complain. Put that girl through unnecessary stress of doctors poking and probing for no reason. She eventually outgrew it at around 4 months. Before she clocked 5 months, we had no issues with throwing up anymore. What a relieve that was!

  8. I greet you too Stella, its rainy here in lagos, what a beautiful weather.
    Indeed jealousy is a disease of all diseases, it kills faster than you can imagine .
    Road not Load
    Market not market
    Stab and not starve
    Breast not bleast
    Yearly not leary
    Aunt not hanty
    Plate not flate
    Joy not yoy .
    Over to una make una continue from where I stop ✋

    1. Hahahaha na our calabar people own be this

    2. Market not market? School me m8!
      Bwest not Breast! 😋

      Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

    3. Markit in pronunciation not MARKET.

    4. 🤣🤣🤣 Romance not lomance🤣

    5. It's pronounced markit, buckit, toilit.😁 Learnt that in primary school

  9. Good afternoon peeps.
    This eba and okro soup(the popular blog soup) i just downloaded this afternoon hit differently.
    Thank God It's Friday

    1. I pray I see mallam with okro, na sure soup for this weather. Can't wait

    2. Blog soup 😂😂😂
      The okro gang will soon coman disturb now😪🙄

    3. Yes o,okra soup is bae especially with fresh ugba and umu uru uru ihe ( in Nda Martin's voice)😃
      Paree nwa oma 😘

    4. Stella maris you know

      Mixed Okro with small scent leaf,yellow pepper,small small kponmo, goat meat with body odor, stock fish and smoked fish

    5. 😁😁@Fidel;we go disturb una well


      Chop life before life chop you😁


    6. Bv Osundi, are you from Imo? From any of the "mba's" or close to them?
      Just asking for a friend.....

    7. My love for okro soup. Funny enough, growing up I hated it with a passion. Fell inlove with it during my service year. I can never get tired of eating it

    8. I have blended okra, fresh home made fufu and full goat in my freezer.. I think should go fix dem up

    9. Ebony Oge I'm comfirm Imo babe o😃

    10. Just finished downloading mine too,l don't get of eating it o

    11. Hope you all added "umu uru uru ihe"inside the okra?

    12. Mehn! Okro is life, I made mine with fresh fish, fresh prawn, assorted meat, kpomo, periwinkle and water snail. Wata feeling 😋

    13. God forbid I eat okro....yuck.

  10. Replies
    1. Lagos is beginning to compete with PH for rain.

    2. Good afternoon cynthia, abeg make the rain stop ooo or else today's traffic na die
      Black Slimzy

    3. Teejay, hope you feel better?

      Blackie, sorry na 😊

    4. Yes ooh Cynthia. Thanks dearie. You're kind.

  11. Good day everyone, Stella thanks for the cash. I received it with appreciation. Thanks everyone for making it possible. God bless you all

  12. Good day everyone
    Congrats to the June winner
    Motherhood mama,Don't worry nothing will happen to your baby,He will outgrow it.My kid sister was like that,She wouldn't eat to the point that you could literally see her skeleton shaped body,I could count her ribs then but guess who is the biggest eater now.

    Lmao..You could tell my tribe from my accent,It has given me favours too,"So you be Omo ibo,Oyah what's your issue?" Countless favors.. I love it!

    Stella your sign out is so true,The amount of jealousy i see on here is too much,I initially thought it was a girl thing but not anymore,Boys have taken it to another level.

    1. I was thinking you're Yoruba. Never knew you're Igbo.

    2. 3yrs in this ph and the minute I talk, "you be warri geh?"😪
      To think I mentally prepare myself not to say "sharger" instead of "charger"🙄

    3. Teejay i be your sister o

      Fidel,Do you know if you organize a comedy show,I will willingly pay you all my money for ticket🤣🤣

    4. @Krytic Ambi, nor go waste money o. Fidel is a shy comedian.

    5. Motherhood, your kid suppose outgrow it but na only God know why? He will outgrow it shah.

    6. See that hater dey disguise🤤
      As biochemistry nor work, make I nor find another hustle na

  13. Few days ago I was at the hospital to run some test. At the hospital I was feeling so cold and the AC was on. We were at the reception all waiting for our turn to see the doctor. I wasn't feeling comfortable with the AC but then some other persons need it. So I just had to try and cope with it though I was shaking a little.

    The nurse at the reception noticed it and approached me and asked if I'm feeling cold. I smiled and said yes. She told me to come. I went with her and was ushered in a one of the visitors sitting room and the AC put off since I was the only one in.

    When it was my turn, she came and informed me. I met the doctor and was given prescription. Couldn't get all the drugs and I decided to pick some and get some outside due to the exorbitant price of it at the hospital. She insisted I take them all for she will cover me and whenever I am strong I can come back with it.

    I smiled again and took them, thanking her as I leave.

    Yesterday, I couldn't wait to have a glimpse of her so I went and returned the little balance to her but she refused and said I should keep it. I insisted for I had added a thousand naira to it as a tip for her kind gesture. She insisted I keep it. So I thanked her again.

    Coughs.... Some people are just naturally kind to others in this life.

    Okay byeeee.

    1. Oya oo. Ask her out if she is single. I want you to marry so you can stop looking at those big ikebe 😂 😂 😂

    2. Brother mi you don find wife be that.
      Hope say she geh yansh??

    3. Nna see wife material, if you don't want Biko hook me up🤪🤪

    4. Ezege Ezege😃 see aunty nurse giving you green light fa.
      Hope you are much better now.

    5. I have never seen/met a kind nurse before. They have this countenance they carry around.
      Always feeling like you are coming to stress them. Ogbeni ain't you paid to do your job?

    6. Smiles and shines teeth. I don't know if she's single ooo but she's very beautiful and she's surely a nice person. You can tell from it all. First impression they say, matters.

      @Kry, she's gallant. Full option.

      Bv Osundi, thanks I feel more better today. I have been at home for sometime now. Hopefully by next week if things goes as planned, I will resume work.

      @Razzy, you get PVC and are you Obidient? If yes, then I might consider your request.

    7. Nurses make good wives. They're neat and caring😍🥰
      Oya TJ, no dull oh😜

    8. Thirsty TeeJay 😂😂😂

      You come off as one that falls easily for women and be very mumuishly in love. Be careful 🙂

    9. Thanks to you all. I appreciate you all.

      Hahahaha @Snarker if I no fall for woman na man I go fall for? Well thanks for the "be careful" statement. I appreciate.

    10. Follow the green light o, may God heal you speedily 🙏

  14. Labour party and Peter obi has unveiled the VP candidate. A worthy pick indeed.
    Economist with pedigree.

    No certificate issue. No age falsification. No EFCC wahala. Clean and sound psychologically.
    We shall deliver 🇳🇬 soonest.

  15. Who says Mark Nsukka Bread?? If u don't get d........

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

  16. Hi everyone. Please i need help, i'm eight weeks pregnant and i can't hold down anything i eat. The vomiting and stomach pain is severe. Have tried everything from ginger to lemon water, i'm so tired. Have gone to the hospital, scan and test came out fine. Please i'm open to suggestions on what to do. Thanks

    1. please ma stop that mission of ginger and lemon water if not you ll abort the child/ children in your womb. Please try mint sweets or tom-tom, cracker biscuits 😋, or even palm oil concoction rice with pepper 🌶 and dried crayfish. You ll be fine all that worked for me .safe delivery Ma.

    2. Eeya so sorry. Maybe you should try bitter kola or alligator pepper,it works for some people. Wishing you safe delivery.

    3. You will be fine in few weeks, if you can get crackers biscuits it helps to stop vomiting.

    4. Pele
      Seems that's your package.
      Hopefully it eases in 2nd trimester

    5. Try food that wasn't prepared by you or cooked close to you, crackers especially the dry ones

    6. Pls stop taking ginger and lemon mix.not good for early pregnancy o.

  17. Good day SDKville
    It's a rainy day 🤗🤗

  18. Beautiful rainy day. May it wash all our pains out in Jesus Christ name AMEN.

    The first one na Anambra get am hahahaha

  19. E kaasan gbogbo ara ile. Bawo ni nkan o?
    Abeg that accent thing is a universal thing jare, I mean, some Asian and Hispanic people pronounce five as ‘pipe’. I work in customers services and by the end of the day, my head aches from straining to understand people’s accent. My own accent nko? people have misunderstood me and I’ve been called Yolanda and Yacunde instead of Yetunde many times. Ayettymama

  20. Otele not Nyash
    Bwested not Breasted
    Add yours don't spoil the fun ikwkwakwakwkwkwakwa

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

    1. kelvin !
      Kelvin !!
      Kelvin!!! How many times did I call you , repent for there is no B without the word Born Again 🤔, repent! SHALOM!

  21. Stella and BVs I'm catching feelings for a 28yr old boy. I'm 30
    He is not talking marriage of course but he is ever so nice and loving but damm he isn't tall.
    I'm 5'4 and he is 5'7/8 and this gives me a great concern.
    Do you think height matters? I'm not bothered about the age gap right now but the height sha.
    Well, let me see where this goes...enjoying the friendship while it lasts cos he might decide to go for a 25yr old girl later and I won't cuss him out.
    End of rant😞

    1. The height gap isn't that much na

    2. Me that brags with 5'8 height🤦
      Abeg he's tall! Ahn ahn! How dem dey tall pass again?

    3. You are 5'4 and he is 5'7 or 8. Na you short na!🤣🤣. "Great concern" is making me laugh here.

    4. I Lowkey find short men hot though…
      And 5’7/5’8 isn’t short for a man, that’s average height

      And only about 8-10% of African men are 6 feet and above so better stop letting trivial qualifies like height stop you from finding your soul mate

    5. Just don’t commit to any financial spendings yet

  22. Chai rain beat nonsense comot for my body on my way to go and buy fufu to take hammer the sweet vegetable soup that I cooked. I sha thank God I see the fufu buy. Good afternoon everyone

  23. If you beg a lot, stop it!
    If you always collect things from your friends, stop it!
    Truth is, Nigerians are very kind hearted, they will always give you.
    However, in World Rankings, Nigerians have 1st Position in SEE FINISH! And if Nigerians don see you finish, your own don FINISH! Respect yourself. Manage ur life jejely.
    Stellz how body? Una Gud Afternoon...

  24. Mark Msukka bread got me Lol. I catch your hailing Stella, after all hailing no dey gum for body, hahaha. Good afternoon peeps.

  25. I wish you quick healing Stella

  26. It's raining cats and dogs🥶🥶🥶

  27. My bloda Rawlins went to Rondon to do raw science😂

  28. Rain 🌧️ go away......
    Wet Friyaaay....... beautiful weekend ahead folks 💋💖

  29. Today is so wet 🫦


  30. Looking forward to the very long weekend 💃🏾 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾
    Starting from tonight, it’s gon be activities galore!😁😁😁

  31. How do you get rid of a contact you don’t want to talk to or engage with anymore? I’m clearing out my contact list and I’m deleting from my list people I don’t talk to anymore, people with weird or bad vibes / energy, people I’m not just interested in relating with anymore and so on

    I’ve deleted some numbers already but I still get their messages and blocking them might be too petty because they’d think they offended me when it’s necessarily not so, I’ve just grown out of that relationship or “friendship”


    1. If you don't want to block them, try and get a new sim

  32. The rain today na koko ma.... Tried waiting back for it to stop but for where . No wahala 😂 i entered it like dat o first branch to the woman selling corn near us there, buy my hot corn and coconut. I started muching it inside the kowope I entered. Aunty wey dey beside dey look me
    lolz our gaze met, Mo ya look away 😂😂. No be for this my corn i go do oyibo as e dey hot.

  33. Hahaha make una leave our naija ooo,we Dy formulate our own English abeg....we don't colonise the language from the original Englishmen 😂😂

  34. Igbo people it is America not Emerica...amen not amem


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