Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



Monday, July 04, 2022

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



Good day bvs.....

 My in-laws want to throw a party So my sister in law was ask to buy the material that the ladies in the family will use. She called my husband that she will send my material that my husband should pick it up. Like we are not close but when we see we greet each other. Have called her like three occasions. 

I will have to introduce myself meaning she never saved my number. After receiving the cloths... should I call her or not? I Am a soft person. Hate to fight/keep malice Please advise your sister.


Please continue how you are like that...She may have saved your number but be asking who is calling to make you feel bad...Please continue to re- introduce yourself and play along...... At least it saves you drama....



I am in love with a guy and i am 4yrs older than he is, we broke up a year ago, and we made up 2 weeks ago. I am confused too, cos he is pressing for marriage :

So what is the issue there? Why do you Ladies have a problem with marrying a younger guy as if that will make a marriage last longer? If he asks and you feel good about it, agree.



Hi everyone....

Is it a sin to use s#x toys as a married woman? My husband has been having issue with s#xual performance and he has given me the go ahead to get the toys, while he looks for solutions.

 He even said he will add money for me to buy it since I complained it’s expensive. I am a Christian and feel a certain way about it but since my husband has given me the go ahead, i feel I should respect him and buy it....

Madam buy the toy and go and enjoy yourself ...LOL
Madam using these toys have nothing to do with religion abeg you



Fellow BVs, is it okay for your girl not calling except text messages? I ask because I am confused:

She may be your girlfriend but she is not into you.... Abort mission.


  1. Stellz, chronicles don finish for folder 😳

    Sex you lady, you have the approval of your hubby. Please go ahead.
    Age shouldn’t limit you if love is knocking seriously at your door but make sure he is financially capable in starting a family so you won’t be left with that responsibility.

  2. Poster 1
    Why would you keep re-introducing yourself to your sil on the phone? Thats very wrong. Why are we women like this?
    Will she appreciate the same treatment from her own sil? I think you can just acknowledge that your got your cloth with a text message.

    No confusion here.

    Last poster,
    No its not ok!

    Sista Jane.

    1. Exactly, poster with the sister in law, just send her a text message acknowledging you got the material, and thank her. Include your name so th3res no iota of doubt the text is from you.

  3. 1: please avoid every familiarity with her. She obviously does not want your friendship and that's fine. Collect cloth, acknowledge it and deh your deh.

    2: since he likes you to the extent of marriage its all good, but you are the problem here. Your heart is not clicking cause of the age then let him go find another older woman na. I don't like younger men myself so you are well in your feelings

    3: please show us where in the bible it is a sin to use sex toys. Your own case is even fair your husband is giving you the heads on which he can as well use on use during love making and or can revive or aid his sexual life.

    4: try and discuss it, talk about it, and if there is no head way then it's either you are the side cock or she does not love you. Simple.

  4. Using a sex toy is masturbation..poster,stop attracting spiritual husband to your self...

    1. @ Queen, osi gini? Had to read it over and over again. Never expected it from you but you echoed my thought.

    2. She shouldn't use a set toy but you advise women to get a younger man to cheat on their husband with.

  5. Poster one,dont call her oo..
    Mind your business and stay on your lane..

    1. Unless she gave you the material free of charge then you can call to show appreciation. Other than that sew the material and turn up.

  6. looool, as e dey hotttt

    I second all stella's advice to all scenarios

  7. Poster 1
    You're an amazing person and the fact you radiate so much peace,love and happiness is what's paining her. She would rather act nonchalant with you than acknowledge what a sweet soul you're...Abeg keep being unproblematic and spread positivity anywhere and everywhere.
    P:S I'm like you too.

    Poster 2 It all depends on individual differences,If you feel comfortable about it then go ahead but if you don't,call it off.
    But one thing you should NEVER ever consider is other people's unsolicited opinions.You and your God have the final say.
    Age is just a number,I've seen people way younger than me teach me things,Maturity is the koko.

    Poster3 Sex toys are not bad but never let it take the better part of you;Never compare it to your hubby's performance and try not get addicted to it,Use it wisely.

    Poster4 I personally prefer texts to calls sha,Wo who has time for all those talkingzzz 😓
    Like I said,Personality differs so does our love languages.
    Talk to her and tell her how you love your convos,she will adjust if she loves you.

    1. Poster 4: That could just be who she is. There are people who don't like call except it is work or business related. My husband's family don't, and it's not out of pride nor anything. That's just who they are, very amazing family. Their last born own naim worse, but dude is very easy-going-down-to-earth. I learnt to send messages. We can be on chat for hours but calls hardly stay on for 5mins. So find out if it's who she is or something else is involved.

  8. #4 it’s okay as long as she always picks or calls your back fast. If you want her to be calling, let her know you want her to call you and you’ll be waiting for her call. If she still doesn’t call, then leave it

  9. Angel of the morning4 July 2022 at 15:32

    July 4th, 4 great Narratives, 4th of July Independence day lol

  10. Poster 1.
    Just send her sms acknowledging the receipt of the material..

    1. Exactly! Because the your in law like drama doesnt mean you have to tow her path. Send text message acknowleging receipt of the cloth. It does not demean you as a person.

  11. Poster 3 my hubby is performs well in bed but he still buys me sex toys,. He even watches while I use it. So feel free and stop feeling guilty. You no kill person

  12. @ 4th narrative, have you checked to see if it is only you she doesn't call? Does she frequently receive calls or place calls? If not, maybe she doesn't like taking calls and prefer chatting instead.
    Yes, some of us exists. We text everyone else including family and close friends.

  13. #1 pls just text her your thank you
    She may not enjoy your conversations and she’s trying to keep you at arms length
    I don’t enjoy lots of relatives calls. I feel bad about it but fact is I’d rather they just text me or leave me alone

  14. Poster one send her text message that you have received it. Nothing more. Don't call her.

    Stella today na short short chronicles. ABI our people don dey get sense odinma

    1. Una too dey abuse dem that’s why

  15. I don't see any problem in all these posts. We just assume the worst in simple situations. Goodluck to all posters.kisses and hugs.

  16. I can only advice the lady that need sex toys can you answer say with certainty that your conscience is not judging you that it is not right that is why you are asking,forget about your husband ,if he says go now tomorrow he can say you hole is too big and go and look for tighter hole why no use this time to join your husband in prayer for his sex life to be revived,most of those adviser here don't know god

  17. Christians face these kinds of challenges by fasting and praying, and seeing the doctors, not by sex toys🏥🎈.

  18. Poster one don't call her, in fact stop calling her.

  19. @poster 1. Please don't call her. Face front. There are some inlaws you will NEVER please. Collect the cloth. Make better style and slay like a queen that day.
    @poater 3. I feel you should not buy the toy even though your husband is supporting you. Put yourself in your husbands shoe. He is going through a phase which requires your maximum supoort. I wonder how he will feel watching his wife moan at a toy when he can't have an erection. Some men will hold it against you tomorrow. If you must use a toy, please don't allow him see you with it.
    @poster 4. Buy card for her and insist she calls you. Maybe she does not have credit to make calls.

    1. Some men are not selfish and just want Max pleasure for their wife
      Song speak for him. He has said he likes the idea.

  20. Poster 1 : I think you should continue being the bigger person. My advice is " Introduce yourself before the question comes up from your her e.g " Hi, good afternoon, this is Bisi speaking, Kunle's wife" na she go tire for introduction.

  21. poster about sex toys if its not right in your mind or doesnot sit right dont do it

  22. Good afternoon guys! Funniest thing I read today on these chronicles is "Since my husband has given me the go ahead, I feel I should respect him and buy it"🤣🤣. Respectful wife! Taaa! You can't wait to start using the toy talk true, respect kor, obedience ni.

  23. Poster 1, just text her thanks and face front

    Poster 2 if the love ❤ is strong please go ahead and stop been confused.

    Poster 3, you have your husband support, so you are good to go..

    Poster 4 it is well

  24. Poster since you are a Christian, I will like to point out to you where the Bible addresses such unnatural sexual activity-
    Rom 1:25.
    . For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections; for even their women did exchange the “natural use for that which is against nature”: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was fitting. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them up to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not seemly.

    Such practices may attract demons of sexual perversions and open your life up for demonic oppressions.

    1. You people use this one to speak against gayness and you want to use it for what again

    2. Thank you anon 16: 48

      If every body supports the use of sex toys that means they would advice virgins to use sex toy as well, then if a virgin uses sex toy are we still going to call them virgins?

    3. Thank you anon 16:48

      If the use of sex toy is not a sin that means they would advice virgins to use it then, and if a virgin uses sex toy are we going to still fall in the category of virgins? What is sexual immortality

  25. Poster 1, maintain your lane!
    Poster 2, the feeling is not mutual. Go for someone who needs you as much as you need her.
    Poster 3, your hubby is temporarily sick in-between his legs. If you are a committed christian, practice selfcontrol. Followup with him to get solution. Get NRI D3, cuminus oil and Nourisher for him. Enjoy other forms of intimacy with him for now. Ignore merchants of sex toys before you weaken your spiritual life. It is as unhealthy as masturbation and pornography.

    1. You don’t know what the issue is so how can you recommend anything

  26. Poster that wants a s#x toy. Can't you endure with your husband? Seek solution to his problem first or does it mean you can't stay without sex?

    1. You guys don’t understand humans
      You are putting the man under unnecessary pressure. The man wants to know that she’s at least getting something while he’s working on his part
      You think you can’t tell she’s not happy. If she buys this toy, that will relieve some of the guilt he’s feeling about what she’s missing
      You guys are not her husband

  27. Lol today na today , please all chronicle posters should quietly follow Stella's advise. She nailed it. Happy new week beautiful people

    1. Madam sex toy, no try'am o.
      In law poster... Face front

  28. Poster 1: Is she your husband adanne & elder to husband? Is she younger sister to your hubby but still older than you? Puts some things into perspective

    1. No
      She is the last girl among three.
      I am older than all of them.
      The other two We are cordial except her.

  29. Poster 1: don't call her,your hubby can pass across any message you have for her.

    Poster 2: Age is just a number, if you can submit to him when married without considering the age difference, go ahead.

    1. Gbam to your comment for poster 1. She can just say, oh babe, help me thank your sister o. I received the material. Or like everyone mentioned, send her a text message. Or if you wan call, then call. Up to you.

  30. No need calling her, you will meet at the event. My sister in-law just sent materials through my husband I don't see it as anything. When we meet we laugh and all then back to our various businesses............... Poster 3 as you work on solution to his problem please enjoy yourself with the sex toys, fore play and all with your husband,always allow him use it on you.dont use it with out his touch on you, that way he knows he isn't all that helpless little things ( kisses,romance, petting, if he eats your punana Biko get to his tongue and gbensh it silly etc)to him too, even if he can't get it up now let him see you get satisfied with the little he can do for now, this memories helps to keep him going pending when he will be set for real action... Please never let him feel less a man, it is well with you and your home.

  31. Poster one: stay on your lane. Her brother will pass the message that you received it across to her

    Poster four: Do you send her credit to call? Can she afford to call you.....?

  32. Poster 1 go ahead and call her to tell her you have gotten the material and add they are beautiful, I love it. Allow peace to be between you both than looking for wahala when you can avoid it.

    Poster 2 if you cannot respect him as your husband, if you cannot use his age tomorrow to disrespect him then about but I’d you will respect him, be submissive to him as your man then ho ahead and enjoy your relationship. Age does not determine the success of any marriage.

    Poster 3 since your husband has given you go ahead I don’t seen any reason why you should be afraid. Go ahead to help your ministry than to go and give your body to another man. I am sure If it was the other way round your husband would be with some girls

    Poster 4 that babe is using you to hold body cos she has another main boo. Face your front.

  33. Poster 4 that girl does not love you,she is having another guy or double dating, if not even more, she might be deleting her sent and received messages,run away.. .... Josaria

  34. Poster 3 : playing with toys

    Even If your husband gives you permission, morally it is still wrong... Please endure while he fixes his issues. Also trying other styles also help in prolonging "release" (if that is the problem).

    Spiritually, it is very wrong. Sex "toying" is an act of self service aka masturbation. It doesn't matter what name you call it, go and read up what masturbation does to an individual.

    You are inadvertently inviting strange spirits to have sex with you, and might not be able to handle the psychological , emotional and mental consequences of your action. PLEASE DON'T.

    THANK You.


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