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Monday, June 06, 2022

Nigerian Babalawo Explains Why He Resigned From His Job As A Pastor In Winners Chapel

This is a must read!!!



He posted.....

''In my formative years, we were three fiery brothers practising Christianity in Iwo town -- two of us very poor, but with strange will to survive. After secondary education and with nothing to live for, first among us was a talented beggar. As the second guy, my mother is late, and my father's whereabout was unknown. So, the first guy and I were living in one of the three houses I knew belonged to the father of the 3rd guy, but the father didn't care about the 3rd guy, though. The first guy is a genius in gathering monies through request for "urgent 2k" -- we lived on this for years.

Miraculously, I and the 3rd guy obtained degrees in science and administration respectively; the first guy obtained a degree in theology and became the chaplain of a university Chapel.

But those days as a fiery Christian, I lost 40% of my hearing. The last time I visited the first guy of a chaplain, he needed me to source urgent 5k for him. Just this morning, the 3rd guy called me that he has bone fractures and is receiving treatment at the Ogbomosho general hospital. He needs money at least for feeding, but none is forthcoming. Let me add that the first guy is in Baptist, I was in Winners Chapel while the 3rd guy is a Mountain of Fire adherent.

Then I joined the ministry in Winners Chapel. Oratory is still my best physical gift -- those in Winners Chapel Adeeke, Iwo in 2005 will remember me by the name Yinka. I had studied the scriptures from "paali to paali"; prayer sessions I handled those days looked like wartime events. While in the university, I was sent to pastor a new church in another town and did so successfully. But when I started full-time ministry, what you would usually call hosts of hell came banging at my door. They would tell me what would happen the following day and they would come to pass. They would tell me Mr A was at my door while I was still sleeping by 6:30am and that would be so.

Later, those spirits told me why I am on earth, and if I neglect my path, I would regret being born. They said I'm a Babalawo by design. I quickly went on overdrive binding "thoughts that may setup their selves against God's knowledge and every disobedience..." Then I would hear strange laughter of a group of persons suggesting the spirits were many. Then I traveled to see a primary school mate who is making waves as a general overseer of a church. All his prayers or deliverance made no difference.

Then voices started threatening me and commanded me to go to a village whose name I never heard hitherto saying that someone is waiting for me there. I googled the name of the town and I found it. I went there because previous messages didn't fail. I met the person and the priestess gave a stern warning that refusing to work for the gods would be a deadly decision. I accepted the calling right away.

But divination is not that easy to learn. I know someone who spent eight years on it. I became a pro within five months by some rare twists of events and within nine months, I became a full-blown Babalawo.

I'm tempted to say that Christians practice something different from what the Bible taught me. In 2020, my daughter was on life support at Bowen University Teaching Hospital, Ogbomosho. The bills were clearly beyond what my 50k salary could handle. I requested for help from the church hierarchy by calling the district pastor, and he said I should follow a correct route in channelling my request. I replied that I first of all called the area pastor who directed me and gave me his number to call. The district pastor started sounding offensive. That was why I went to ***** and made a thread for help.

Someone I met online sent huge amount of money to me in the following thread to clear hospital bills.

I tendered a resignation letter in Winners Chapel in 2021 with two weeks notice. Before the notice elapsed and till today, I never heard anything from them about my resignation. But when the district church mistakenly paid a sum of money into my bank account after I had left (that money ought to be sent to the current pastor of the church) I told the accountant and he asked me to refund it immediately. While working there, I never had any history of misconduct. They treated me as though I never existed; that action reduced me to a new low, lower than the basest of animals...

The following advice is indispensable: life is not all about money; you're here on a certain assignment."


  1. I understand this well. Ancestral spirits disturbed me for years too. I suffered o. Every day they visited but I didn't understand until years later. I have peace now.
    Christianity doesn't answer all our questions.
    And Christianity won't save you.
    I went to different churches, I prayed, i fasted. For where?
    I regret all the time i wasted seeking for solution in church.
    Na native doctor help me last last.

    1. Where you smoking weed at the time?

    2. @15:58
      You went to "churches, fasted, prayed" but you did not go to Jesus; the Savior.
      Christianity (religion) does not save, JESUS SAVES!
      My mom was also disturbed/possessed but we all began to seek Jesus, in fasting, praying and studying
      the Bible, no church thing. She was healed totally and it's been nearly 2 decades of it. She is filled with the Holy Spirit
      and even ministers to others.

    3. Trash and all trash, you are not a true Christian, my friend converted her mother who was a dibia and she swore never to serve devil again. When they will tell you to make a blood sacrifice inform us too

    4. Brainwashed people dont know anything. When real spirits reveal themselves to you... you will find a native dr who specialises in it cos your pastors dont have the spiritual power to contend real africa powers and spirits. Kudos.... may the good ancestors empower us to be wiser.

    5. @17:18
      You have been in error in that you were looking for "pastors with power."
      NO, look for Jesus instead. You too can bear the power of God. "Pastors" fail, Jesus never fail

    6. If your bloodline was offered to a deity, you would have to break the covenant in the realm of the spirit. You would have to cancel certain things and take spiritual steps to keep those spirits at bay. You also have to avoid living in sin, as that’s a major doorway/currency to their operations in your life. Be like say you hold person money you say make e no follow you. How can??!

      Many of you don’t believe in ancestral covenants and actions that you should take to break them. You Mutter repeated prayers and take little action. The deity won’t leave you. You will succumb like he did ☺️

  2. You have allowed the devil to win. Enjoy your babalawo

    1. If all you know is what u were taught in the church and indoctrinated by ur parents, then you know nothing.

      Most of you were born in a Christian /Christian home. Try bn born in a Christian /muslim home and the scales of religion will fall off your eyes. No foreign religion hold the truth for Africans nd our wellbeing

    2. 17:20, your are blessed beyond measure for this comment. Ifa and our alales will continue to prosper us by the power of almighty God.

  3. APOSTACY is a grievous sin!
    What believers in Christ do not understand is that Christianity is not going to church or being a pastor or GO; it is following the teachings of Jesus Christ as written in the Bible. Jesus was emphatic about it;
    "Did we not perform miracles in your name, cast out demons etc. but I will tell them, depart from me, you workers of iniquity, I do not know you. . ."
    Whether you go to church or not, know that where two or more are GATHERED IN HIS NAME (not in the name of money of GO), then, he Jesus is there in their midst.
    Be watchful and prayerful people of God.

    1. Just the same way blasphemy is a grievous sin to the muslim. You religious people make god look like a monster. Do u want to say an all knowing god doesnt know ur path? Yet when u follow ur destined qay, he burns you in hell? Only humans do evil.

    2. @17:16
      God created you in his image; you have a free will which he does not interfere with.
      If you decide to end you life right now, God won't stop you; will he?
      You are responsible for your actions and inactions. You can look into the principles of God's kingdom
      it is in the Bible

  4. This man went to serve Satan; Zeal without knowledge is not good. It takes fasting and prayer and knowing the word of God to overcome the evil spirits that came for him but he did not do any of those.
    May the Lord Jesus save you dear.

  5. There is a big difference between the religion of christianity and truly being born again christian.
    When you are truly born again, it follows an acknowledgment and appreciation of what happened to Jesus on the cross, repentance from a sinful lifestyle and trusting in the finished work of Christ, turning to God, receiving His Holy Spirit and as He lives we can also live with Him.
    There are many pastors who are not truly born again... doing warfare prayers is not evidence of relationship or being born again.
    Evidence of truly being born again is living a righteous life and growing in faith and kindness.
    the way this babalawo was treated is very bad, but if He truly had a relationship with God and was born again, it is not what others say or do that should make Him leave His relationship with God, if indeed he had one.

    1. Thank you!
      You gossip and you pray and you call yourself a Christian. When devil comes for you, you will say prayers aren’t working. Who are you deceiving?

    2. God bless u.

  6. Life is a mystery but the power of Jesus is not in doubt,the same yesterday today and forever I may not fully know what is the problem but am also a testimony to the same power of Jesus which you said didn't work for you from those spirits though personal knowledge of who you are in Christ and the word based prayer with direction of holy spirit is never in doubt to deliver and am free from them for greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world

    1. I love your response. Hmmm! Are you single, I will like to know you more if you are.

  7. I too know people, always so keen to throw away their heritage and embrace anothers'. Christianity like African traditional religion is still man-made, only that one is made by us. More atrocities have been committed under Christianity that you dare not try with the African gods, biko, thank you for going back to your roots. If we know ourselves we should all be following your lead. If Africa didn't accept Christian we would have done so much better for ourselves, who no fear Amadioha never start life.

    1. African heritage nd spiritual system for life. As soon as i feel out of Christianity, my life became better and took a great shape nd turn. I will always be grateful to my source and all the orishas that empower me. My roots over false foreign religions.

  8. Knowledge is power. You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

    So sad, 😕☹️ This man allowed the battles of life and ancestral covenants to win him.

    For clarity, search YouTube for "The mystery of deliverance " by Apostle Joshua Selman. PART 1 TO 4. Take time to study the messages one by one ... I'm still in part 2 and I'm already so blessed.

    May he find the truth he seeks before its too late. 🙏🙏

    1. You mean before a blue-eyed Jesus comes back on a horse to fry 80% of the people in northern Nigeria, India and the middle east? Okay, it's been just 2,000 years plus. We are still waiting.

      Or is Mohammed you want to go and meet at fountain? Just 1400 years plus... E never to long to wait.

      You all play too much.

  9. When you get born again. Your focus should be on Jesus and not man. What God cannot do, no human can do it for you. Desperately ask God to bless you above what man can give.
    Enjoy your new found profession. You will soon find out it's not the solution to your needs.

  10. I also was a youth pastor of mfm. Now im into Ifa fully. I have accepted my calling as a priestess. And yes there is nothing satanic or demonic about my heritage as an african. The Europeans who beat our ancestors to accept false religion can never share the same heaven with you. African heritage for life. Life is deeper than Christianity nd islam. And you can only use african roots to cure africa problems.

    1. None of the religions are that great to be frank
      I do believe in God
      I have a hard time with the ifa and other trad worship cause they were right there when the white folks killed us and took our land and people

    2. African sold out Africans. The ones who affiliated with the slave masters sold their own blood. Africans are the custodians of astrology. Our messages are in star collation. The earlier we go back to our roots, the better. Ifa is a system of life, a way of life. Not magic. Nd jazz

    3. African heritage nd spiritual system for life. As soon as i feel out of Christianity, my life became better and took a great shape nd turn. I will always be grateful to my source and all the orishas that empower me. My roots over false foreign religions.

    4. I’m sorry ifa is not great
      They all have limitations
      What’s the greatness of all those relying on ifa. Are they grater than Elon musk and bill gates

    5. @17:14
      And you are not typing on "african gadgets"
      You are not typing in African language
      You went to non African schools
      You watch European false television, enter European false cars, false airplanes,
      Even the clothes you are wearing now, isn't made by African technology
      You visit European social media and internet sites.
      So you reject "European religion" but use everything else European?
      Wow, isn't that hypocrisy?

    6. So you do about that your religion is European or Arabic brainwashing of the African mind? 1 less avenue of zombie existence is thus progress.

      Ifa is not adverse to knowledge as it is knowledge itself: the binary system you use for modern tech today originated from this same IFA system. Even the Christianity that was whitewashed to brainwash was packaged according to Greek and Latin traditions that Brits borrowed in order to become great which is why everyone who has amounted to anything significant in political life in those climes is steeped in European classics. Oduduwa himself was a foreigner and Sango was Nupe. The learning other languages or aunt to one's knowledge is part of what makes a normal human being. It is what every successful civilization has done without hollowng out it's essence. Africa cannot afford to throw out the essence of our being and heritage for knowledge which our ancestors laid the foundation of. The Chinese, Indian and Japanese use the same knowledge and speak the same language but have not lost themselves.

  11. The Devil is really a liar and a bastard. Using God people against their father. Jesus is the way, the truth and the light.

    Life has its challenges but it's just a testing period and power of prayer. No condition is permanent.

    Not doubting our traditional gods and power but the power of Jesus is greater than any other.

    Dont be deceived by the devil.

    1. Jesus is the way bcos ur Bible says so and u grew up in a christian home. Go to Afghanistan nd say jesus is the way if they wont cut off ur head. We are all products of deep indoctrination nd lack of individual thinking nd following our paths. Jesus is nt the way in india, pakistan, rwanda nd soweto

    2. Like anon @2:05 said, in virtually everything, the ppl of those nations readily go with the Euro flow but when it comes to religion, they remember roots, abi? Ok na.

  12. I am not in a position to judge you cos I am not God who sent his son to die for our son. Make sure whatever you do it please God and is what God want us to do.

  13. You people cannot even preach to your Muslim neighbors or fellow BVs but you have so many words for a man whose former problem you couldn't proffer a solution for.


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