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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Victims Of Domestic Violence...

All the women in these pictures are dead! All within a space of 5 months.

They were all victims of domestic abuse and they all suffered extreme physical violence in the hands of their husbands up until their deaths.
Growing up, I was told the reason many women stay in abusive marriages is because they don’t have their own money and they can’t run back to their fathers house….

Let me shock you!!!

All the women in these pictures were the breadwinners; they were all independently and financially well to do. They all had their own money and they were all richer than their husbands. 

They were all equally educated and relatively exposed; everything you know about domestic violence, they knew much more!
But yet! Yet! Their lives were ended by the dead-beat men they chose to love!

Dear Women,

If he hits you once, he will definitely do it again and again and again. And if you make excuses for him the first time, you will see yourself making excuses for him, over and over and over again.

Maybe one day he will change, but until then, leave! Because he won’t change if he keeps seeing you to punch. He can only change when you leave him! So, leave now! Carry you bag and go. Just go! And don’t come back!

Under the flyover is better than a inside the casket.

We can blame society, we can blame religion, we can blame the church! But the truth is, you always have a choice and the choice is always yours to make.
Religion cannot go, tradition cannot go, society cannot go… only you can go!
If you love yourself, leave! If you love your children, leave! If you love your friends, leave! If you love your partner, leave!

The rate at which women are dying in the hands of their partners these days is alarming. It’s seems like the right question to ask is….Who Is Next?

- True Crime Daniel


  1. Replies
    1. If you are a succesful woman doing well for yourself pls stay away from BROKE men....the typical Nigerian man has EGO especially the uneducated ones. Many cannot handle their wives succes except they are equally succesful.
      The more she rises,the more jealousy,envy,and anger seeps through them until hatred enters. When the man is now jobless,Sister you are a living dead. He will blame all his misfortunes on you and all the anger will come out in beatings.
      Now im not saying all men are built this way o.... But pls if u are a succesful woman,choose a man dat is atleast comfortable in his own right. And if ur a lady hustling and doing okay,choose someone dat matches ur hustling spirit.

    2. Not just ego.

      It's a wretched barbaric, bush primitiveness in their genetic makeup.

      They would rather kill the wife than see her more successful than them.

      Meanwhile they have NOTHING to offer, intellect zero, spiritual vigour-zero, dick game-wack, ability to lead the family- cant even lead oxygen complete zero, common sense- nothing empty kom kom.
      Just empty air, ego, jealousy and envy. Bush mammals.

      Any man who you marry who prevents you from earning your own money so you can depend on him, or tries to crash your business with plenty borrowing money or prevents your family from associating with you, or supports his family in running you down, sleeps around like a worthless pig endangering your life and health, beats you, etc etc was excreted by the scrotum of the devil.

      Yes, you dey answer Mrs o, but no be husband you marry.

      Na demon.

    3. @ bnr I been dey preach this thing on this blog but it's like many don't like to hear it. Mostly broke men and pick me women. Women were made to be hypergamous and marry up. For some women they are designed to be pampered n Stay at home wives with an online business but because of this new wave of calling women lazy for wanting to be taken kiaruf, many women are rushing to marry men that are not worthy of them financially n men that don't even love them
      . Ladies I hope this will ginger u to start resting in your femininity, marry up n stop marrying bums, deadbeats, because the excuse is always "rich men treat women badly and cheat" but as u can see poor men can do as much damage if not worse!

    4. Well said @ Bed&Roses but the educated ones can be abusive too

    5. I have seen clean well educated men beat their wives and gfs
      I think it’s a mentality, they probably grew up seeing that and accepted it as the norm

      Dear singles, marry a man with a conscience and who is kind, in his words and actions he should be kind,
      Just that people take kind people for granted.
      I always picked kindness

    6. Anon 15:43 stop making excuses to date uneducated men because of desperation. These men have nothing to lose compared to educated ones that have made sth of themselves..bummy men have no issue bringing a woman down with them n destroying her completely because they are not accountable to anyone, nothing is at stake for them to lose if they self destruct
      The fact that some educated men do it too does not mean that means women should start avoiding educated men n going for broke uneducated ones..abi what are u saying.?? U ppl will say anything to justify women marrying dusties that end up harming them. N say anything 2 prevent women from choosing partners strategically because u want them 2 make bad decisions in marriage. Just stop.

    7. Push up, some of them call kind people SIMPS because they are not dishing slaps left, right and center but choose to treat a woman right

    8. 18.11 you made so many (wrong) assumptions on behalf of anon 15.43. Please, learn to read and understand.

  2. Thanks momma for sharing this🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏Say no to domestic violence and yes to live......So sad all these pretty women are no more😭😭😭😭😭

  3. These cases are the ones we know. There are some that go unnoticed and the man lies about the cause of death. There are others that the both families cover up so as not to put their family names in the media.

    1. GOD will reward all those who cover up evil

  4. False prophet ®12 April 2022 at 11:41

    I see a wide spectrum of Stockholm syndrome.
    For an onlooker, you wouldnt understand the stronghold it has on the "victim", such as a heroin addict.

    1. May GOD revive the will of the broken to take the right decision ON TIME in Jesus Christ name Amen

  5. Very sad. I hope those in such cases listen cos all these talks of not wanting their kids to come from broken homes is just nonsense. They end up raising damaged kids. So wetin you gain?

    1. I watched one video on IG where the man beat up his pregnant wife because of sahur. Serious beating.

  6. I have been a victim of domestic violence and so I know what it feels like. These men don't beat u like they are beating their kids.

    They beat u like they intend to kill u. They target the most vulnerable parts of ur body. They land u punches on ur head, face, chest, stomach, back etc. It's like a demon possesses them once they start.

    I'm glad I left with my life intact, I'm glad I did. I just hope this Viral Osinachi's case finally gives some women the zeal to leave an abusive partner.

    1. Eka that one na killer you date.
      Not all of them are like that.
      Some use belt, and others slap u repeatedly

    2. @Eka Joy thank you for that 'It's like a demon possesses them once they start' its what i noticed during my own case

    3. Let me gather courage from u Eka and share cos I think tears just welled up in my eyes just as you described the target places. I recall the night my ex-husband punched me like a thief. The blows kept coming until I went down and then he kicked me hard. I don't remember exactly where the kick landed but something told me not to get up cos I could feel as though my brain vibrated and I was going blank. Until today no one in my family knows cos I never shared it. I knew if I had taken one more blow I don't think I would have made it hence my brain said to stay laying on the ground and don't get up.

      Parents, brothers, sisters, and friends, please support your loved ones to leave a bad marriage and that comes from u showing them unconditional love and that they would never be judged.

      Looking back, I thank God for giving me the most amazing support system in my family and friends cos they have never ever made me regret being divorced. I am so so happy I left that man men.

    4. Exactly, its like demon possesses them. Later their eyes will clear and they will start begging.

      Men be prayerful and alert in the spirit so that demons won't be possessing your soul to beat and kill.

      I watched one Indian movie "provoked" about DV.

    5. Them never born the grand, grand, grand great grand father of the dog that will lay his dirty hands on or verbally abuse me. I don't need any help from anybody. I go mend am by myself, even him family no go see him bone pick and na me go cry pass. How much more if I am the one feeding the bastard-I really wonder how women think they can feed a man and be 'loved', wetin happen to high heavens like champagne & strawberry, dark chocolates, exotic island and plenty self-love? A woman does not need a man to COMPLETE HER. She is first of all complete as a single person, understands the purpose of marriage, choose to marry or remain single until the right one who is COMPLETE shows up and she goes in to be a HELP MEET not take on the role of the man or subject herself to the most inhuman abuse and defilement just to please others and serve as a 'role model' worthy of emulation. Imagine the psyche of these children, can it ever be repaired?

    6. 12:19, and the belt and slaps are better?

    7. I remember how Rihanna said Chris Brown's eyes turned red and he was in a blind rage the night he kpokpo'd her. That's the blood thirsty demon right there.

    8. Thank God you left. I knew of the daughter of a senator who was being beaten by her so called boyfriend who she was even financially propping up.

    9. Actually demons possesses them to beat up their partners.

    10. U know nothing anon. From the belts and slaps it graduates to something worse. So u better run while ur alive and stop making excuses for that man thinking he is any better than eka Joy's past lover or any of these murderers..he is not! That being said. A lot of Nigerian men need serious psychological evaluation. I remember one I was having a thing with, one time he came to visit me n noone was home. Out of nowhere he was like "I wonder what will happen if I just strangle u here" he was always into "playfully" slapping n beating n talking about how he gets the urge sometimes to beat someone into coma but has never acted on it. We need to take training of these boys in Nigeria more seriously. The likeness I had for him disappeared n I lost contact with him n relocated abroad

    11. @Tiana, how am i going to forgive you for this trauma you just put me through with your detailed discription. I swear i felt every blow you described so bad i couldn't go back to work, i had to come back to comment.

      GOD ABEG!

    12. 14:41 which stupid demon? Why doesn't the demon enter them ehen their felllw8 man insults them?
      The demon no dey enter for office.
      Na for house the demon dey enter them
      Yeye useless worthless men.
      May they like the nonentities that they are.

    13. @Eka joy, thank goodness you left the animal,see how God finally blessed you with a good man .🤗🤗

      😢😢 so sorry dear, thank God you were bold enough to leave@Taina

    14. Kidjo, I thank God everyday sha. I thank God

  7. Damn!!!!See beautiful women of substance
    Please Leave to LIVE!!!!!
    I see women staying as committing suicide
    Do not become an history

  8. The Original ShugarGirl12 April 2022 at 11:46

    This DV topic gets me emotional and tearful

  9. If you stay in an abuse marriage and you die there , the blame is on YOU and YOU alone. The blame is not on your family , church or society. It is on YOU.

  10. The hatred of women is evident. Because in most of these cases the women were soft, and good, beautiful and bread winners, faithful to their partners. Yet they get treated like trash, abused emotionally and physically and financially till they are killed. Most cases of women against men, the men were usually cheating and the fight in retaliation got out of hand (not saying that is right) or they were defending themselves against violence from men. It is not just couples in marriage, I see a lot of violence against the girl child, young ladies and elderly ones. It is like there is a move to subjugate them and take them back into the dark ages. Stop the hate. Too many rape, beatings, molestations, sex for favours and domestic violence cases against women these days. Too many derogatory name calling of women like hoe, ahewo, pu*ss*, slut, old mama youngie, gwegs etc, some even done by women themselves, too bad.

    1. "Most cases of women against men, the men were usually cheating" and the "retaliation got out of hand".


      Some people! A very serious matter is on the table. Yet you still found a way to hide the leaven of gender issue in the dough. And some how trivialize the other points made.

    2. That is your opinion 13:48. I stand by mine. Most cases I have seen when women were violent is because the men cheated and they retaliated in rage. I also stated that it is not something I agree with. Or the man was actually beating them and in trying to defend themselves, they kill, as in the case of a story of a rapist we read here on this blog. There may be few exceptions. I believe it is better to leave a cheating spouse than retaliate. But with men, without ANY provocation they can beat a woman blue black and do so continually till she leaves or gets killed. So if you are trivialising my points it is your own business.

  11. I keep telling both gender but they will never listen to me cuz they think I'm not fit enough to imbibe knowledge into them.

    Why take a slap as a way of showing love from ur man or wowman?

    He loves me or she loves me,reason behind ifs every minute nagging(continue,,u will end up like Sub-Zero)

    I don't want to leave him because he is rich and has been taking care of my family(no worry, u will be use in exchanged soon)

    The statement below goes to women especially.

    If you leave ur husband's house due to domestic violence, please,it's better to remain unmarried than to date married. Cuz if you do, you will make the wife at home to go through such pain again.

  12. This is so sad.

  13. Hmmm.. Will they hear, Stella? Will they hear?

  14. Non of these occurrences are new. In fact it's even better now because of enlightenment and empowerment of women. The only difference I see hear is the advantage of social media.
    If this woman died in the 80's, it's only the information collective family decides to release to the news paper that we would hear which is usually just obituary post on national newspaper. Do you know how many that has died in the past? Parents used to train their daughters on how to avoid being beaten, how not to provoke a husband, how to be lowly submissive, how to endure. Parents whose daughter was sent packing or left a marriage were shamed and the church sanction them. So parents ensure daughters are conditioned to take it.

    God bless present day father's who raise daughters with healthier self-esteem. Thank God for social media so we hear and learn and react to issues.

  15. #leavetolive
    I'm just weak from all this death, like I'm tired

  16. Most of them, their husbands are very ugly sef. If you want to die, is it not better to die for something wey make sense?

    1. 13:28: go and ask Google. Mtcheew.

    2. Lmao I can't stop laughing at ur comment although this is a serious matter. the average nigerian man is ugly as a troll. even worse when they get married when they are supposed to even become finer. u go see misshapen heads, beer belly and bad skin. if it is fineness ur after, go abroad o cus ur in the wrong country where men are overhyped for doing n looking like the bare minimum so much so that even the ugliest troll go dey do shakara for beautiful women. so much so that some people see fine men as bad husbands. what does that say about the country

    3. not a lot of handsome men in Nigeria if that is what ur after o. better go somewhere where the average man is quite good looking. the state of the country can't even allow most people's beauty show in nigeria

    4. Most Nigerian men are average or sub average looking.
      And even minus sub minus in terms of grooming and intellect.
      Their men survive doing the barest minumum and make no efforts to improve themselves intellectually, etc.
      It's not about buying expensive perfume building muscles, or beard gang...but they wont understand.
      They believe their full pockets are their handsomeness and that should suffice.
      Empty kom kom, head to toe.
      It's quite unfortunate though, because the potbellies, dry scaly skin, bad breath, body odour, man boobs, shit inside unwashed nyansh, ugly fingernails, dinosaur toe nails, pressed eba heads, sexual indiscipline, smelling feet, poor manners, zero table etiquette, poor hygiene etc etc etc are suffered by their women.

    5. Hahaha @ Anon 16.31 - you just described an animal.

    6. 16.31 it's definitely the ones you roll with you're describing. Why not change your circle biko?

    7. 19:26 most of them behave like them.

      20:35 Who whistled for you biko?

    8. And make sure your cheeks don't fall off while whistling all over the place 😂😂 Nigerian men yen yen yen everyday. Rest abeg!!

  17. This is so sad.
    Staying in that abusive marriage because of your children or what will be say, will never make the marriage better.

  18. #Leave2live
    Its never to late to start again.

  19. Not just domestic. All sorts of abuse.
    Verbal oh! Psychological, emotional, financial. Once you see him coming, dodge

  20. Deep sigh*, may God rest their souls.

  21. Broken boys grow up to be broken men, if only they allow love shine through their world. Some men find it extremely difficult to allow their women succeed except it benefits the men.

    It takes a spinned head to stand one's ground. Osinachi's in-laws, where are you, or is abuse the norm in your family?

    Why do women stay on in dead relationships or marriages? Dealing with the inner critic of failure and condemnation. battling one's self worth all alone are things people don't see, then talk about a hypocrites masked as family, advisers and society tearing you down

    A spinned head who knows in her heart that she is right, even if she has to cry to speak up, walk alone to find solace.

    1. See Osinachi's husband was benefitting majorly from her success. She was the sole breadwinner.. so it is not about a man benefitting or not. It is pure hatred, evil and a need to control

  22. To think that when a woman seprates from such marriage society will frown at her, saying all sort that she doesn't have patience....bla bla bla

    If Osinachi had left people will frown at her decision, probably the reason why she stayed back

    Some stay cos of their kids
    Women its better to leave to LIVE

    May we not trend after our death
    May her soul rest in peace

    1. Ehn, that means the person is senseless. Your life should be more important than what people will say inugo. people will always talk so do you and make your self happy before thinking of what people will say.

  23. thank you...I just get irritated with all the comments blaming pastors and religion as if they are the only ones who influence society. some women were raised with the mentality that marriage is the ultimate for a woman. what were some of you told from home when you were getting married? you hear things like marriage is a school, all men are cheats and some other sentimental hogwash they feed women with. some parents will tell their kids dont come back home bla bla, no room for you in your fathers house. how will she not feel shame coming home? some parents even drive their daughters back and tell her to control her mouth so her husband wont beat her do we treat divorcees? some married ladies do not allow divorced friends visit their homes. say you want to divorce and see the number of family meetings you will want to leave without your children and you are tagged an insensitive mother and selfish...some parents who had divorced daughters back then were not allowed to even talk at family meetings. they were shamed for having divorced daughters they did not "train well"...society as a whole needs to change the narrative and do better. Yes some men and women are badly behaved but if someone is abused in marriage such that it threatens their well being or life they should be allowed to separate. sadly while men suffer some other kinds of abuse too women are the major victims of physical abuse....the onus is on you to leave, people will always have something to say...

  24. I think most victims of domestic violence need some psychological help to build back their confidence to be able to make a sane decision to leave coz these abusers start by killing their victims self esteem, make them see themselves as useless and worthless,the abusers behave like the victims while the actual victims try their best to make these abusers happy thinking it will make them happy and change for the better but nothing they do is good enough, they keep trying to please their abusers until they are killed and yet these abusers are not remorseful, they move on like they've done nothing, they are psychos and their mission is to kill.

    If you are married or dating someone that hits you, sorry you are married or dating a psycho,i mean a neatly dressed mad person and you are risking your life, you cannot change them and you are not suppose to be in thesame space with someone that should be in a psychiatric hospital, you are worth more, don't let them make you be like them,guide your life, let them go and get some help before they drain you and finally kill you.

  25. My elder sister knew my ex boyfriend and a few years back she was pestering me to hurry him up so he can come see my parents,she knew I was in a relationship so she felt I wasn’t putting effort in that relationship and praying enough for marital settlement.Sometimes she will call me,ask after him and tell me to keep praying that God will settle a point the pressure was becoming too much.One day i told her we had broken up and she was shocked.Yesterday she called me and we were talking about this Osinachis death and about domestic violence then I told her,u people are part of the problem pushing young single ladies into relationships that are not even healthy for them which leads to marriage most times cos of fear of pressure.I told her do u know that my ex used to beat me,My ex beat me up one night I thought I’ll die that day.I was just praying in my heart God please don’t let me die cos nobody in my house knew I went to his place and he can take my body and throw in third mainland bridge.The beating was so severe he broke a bottle and was trying to stab me,I was in d room and he was at the corridor so I locked the net that demarcated the room and he was dragging the net.I was screaming my lungs out 😭when he eventually came in I hid behind the wardrobe and he stabbed the wardrobe door,he was bleeding I was screaming.i cried so much that night and I couldn’t run away cos it was past 11at night,beating that started from after 9pm, I called his sister with his phone his sister said I should go hide somewhere,but no where to run to that night as all the flats had locked their doors and before I’ll open the burglary in his house he will have killed me.He beat me the so bad that the ring he was wearing got bent.My eyes were swollen, my mouth was bleeding,my earrings were stuck in my jaw.My ex was too jealous,insecure and over protective but I didn’t have the nerve to leave cos I felt those were his bad sides that he will change,I felt that after all iv put into that relationship there was no need for me to leave for another woman to come and enjoy what I suffered with him for.
    .That was the first and last beating cos after that beating I packed my things went home the next day and that was the end of that relationship.I told my sister I left the relationship cos of his anger issues and malice keeping,whenever he was angry he will change from the sweet loving young man to a monster.I was always so scared of him but by then he hadn’t hit me until that night.Sometimes we will have a misunderstanding and he will ask me to kneel down and he will be telling me on my knees to go ask my mum how she treats my dad.This guy was such an angel outside that if I open my mouth and say this outside no one will believe me,I told my sis that I ran for my life after that beating and she started apologizing to me about the pressure she has bin putting on me and the unnecessary questions she always ask me then.she said it’s because I never told her about the abuse then I said generally stop asking young ladies when they will get married cos u don’t know what we are even seeing in the course of relationships.
    my ex came back with a ring and proposed to marry me,if I was desperate I’ll have accepted his proposal but I told myself I deserve better cos I no be goat,that beating of that day alone can never make me go back to him.I took a walk for my safety and sanity.
    ThankGod I did only God knows if that marriage will have lasted one or 2years.
    Ladies no one can help u better than u can help urself.a man cannot love u and hurt u this much.shine ur eyes.

    1. Wawu! This is deep.
      Dear male BVs, if you are one of those men that beat up women, pls stop and go see a psychiatrist for therapy. You can be healed.

    2. Haaa,this is serious.

    3. 😯😯😯😯😯😯😯

      You didn't lock him up?
      You didnt send boys to beat she out of his blood cells, as in stretch his penis to touch his forehead?

      Its unfortunate what you went through but it's this culture of quietness that enables these men to act with wretched impunity like the worthless bast.ards that they are. So you left him to continue with his madness on another innocent victim?

      Anyway that next victim might be his very last...on earth.

      If this happened abroad, that animal would have spent yearrrrrs in jail.

      Even shouting on me I do not tolerate. Much less raising hand on me. Me?
      Me wey my papa never beat for one day you wantu raise hand?

      Loll I will make sure that kind of idiot NEVER forgets that moment.

    4. Beating your spouse is demonic, and I'm very sure of it. What you described up there is true, I know this cos it almost happened to me. It starts with unnecessary feeling of insecurity, then jealousy sets in and malice joins the chorus. My brothers, you need to know yourself cos if you do then you will recognise that this is not you and know that it's time to pray. I noticed and then I started praying. My only prayer was that whatever my Father God has not planted in me must be uprooted. That was what saved me because if I had allowed that jealousy and his brothers to stay, they will definitely graduate to the next level one day. Marriage is an institution that was established by God and the devil fights it even from the relationship level. Woman, run when the unprovoked anger and the likes starts, if the man that is involved cannot see that he is becoming a problem to himself and to you, there's no amount of prayer from you that will make any change. Just Run.

    5. Valerie...I am sweating and palpitating here. You and Tiana won't kill me.

      What horror!!!

    6. Your sister was not at fault you never told her about the abuse.

    7. I'm so sorry for what you went through. Nobody deserves this.

    8. so sorry for all you went through and I'm glad you were able to leave the relationship, God will send you someone better.

    9. Chai! Reading this scares me ehhh! So sorry for all you went through.


    10. I cannot believe a human being would inflict such pain on another. I'm for you and everyone else that made it out alive.

    11. I have no words.

      E hugs to you and tania💕

  26. My heart is broken. I have a friend she is like a little sister to me. She stay in her boyfriend house as live in lover the guy has not married her but beat her at little provocation, he will even use wire, cable etc to flog this girl.I advice her she no hear, I warn she no hear, I called her family they did the same she don't want to leave the monster because of material things. The guy bought car and iPhone for her.She said the guy has changed and I told her they don't change, they become worse. Honestly I don't know what to do again.

    1. Leave her! Her brain go soon reset! Tufiakwa because of money she is chopping beating!

    2. Naira Iwuchukwu
      Will you stop that?

      What makes you think it is because of the money?


  27. The nigerian misogynistic system also contributes to this and enables abuse btw. any system where men are allowed n encouraged to disrespect women without consequences always ends up like this. I know of a few women who had abusive husbands n immediately the family relocated abroad, the men "miraculously" turned a new leaf.

    1. Not a society where animals should live. Much less strong, ambitious, bold women. It's a horrible society that looks for every way to subjugate and destroy its women.

  28. Chai this is serious o,#leave to live but they will not listen💔💔💔

  29. Most women never listen and feel they have it all under control... May God grant anyone going through DV the wisdom strength and resources to move out. Amen 🙏

  30. I feel so sad reading all these....Please leave when you have to

  31. How about creating a database with photos of known abusers, so other women can know if the man they are dating is an abuser.

    How about encouraging women to report domestic violence so a record can exist. We need to get in the habit of documentation and leaving records. We need to start removing the shame placed on women.

    How about some rehabilitation efforts for abusers. Jail time is good, but jail is not a place of transformation. Abusers need help.

    How about public service annoucements and a real push by the various states to let the populace know that dv will not be tolerated. How about blocking access to children when it is known that a parent is an abuser. Children should not be exposed to an abusive parent even if that parent has only abused the partner. Let's do away with the narrative that a man who beats his wife can be a good father, no he cannot!

    1. good ideas but the misogynist society we live in will frustrate any all those men at the assembly? till then we will all keep speaking out and doing our little bits

  32. Olumide fajuyitan dey this table,Chai I suffer from that idiot ,good for nothing broke dude tall as I am, this idiot will use belt to design my body, hmm the day I change am for the idiot,he thinks I'm like all those naive girls he's been was later I heard he used to beat his ex ,and even naked her . God punish the idiots, now he's a nobody in life and in the society, to think I even dated such a lowlife😢, I visited his Facebook page sometimes ago, all I see is a stagnant life, what a pity.

  33. I hope women will learn not to be blinded by money and gifts in order to objectively assess a man's character. The comments in one of the recent chronicles speak volumes.

  34. I think it's important now to raise our child to have independent mindset, that's the only thing that can help in situations like this, the mindset of I can be on my own, the mindset of self love, loving yourself too much to allow someone maltreat you, a good family support system, may God help us.

    1. thank you...Osinachi's main problem was her mindset. she loved God but needed to pull down strongholds of tradition and wrong mindsets regarding marriage. God hates divorce but never said die in abusive marriage


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