Stella Dimoko Comedian Julius Agwu Reportedly Moves Out Of Matrimonial Home + Insider Narrates The Real Story



Saturday, April 09, 2022

Comedian Julius Agwu Reportedly Moves Out Of Matrimonial Home + Insider Narrates The Real Story

Comedian Julius Agwu and His Beautiful wife Ibiere have parted ways...
Whilst some are saying that she moved out of her home and abandoned her husband, others confirm that the Comedian moved out of his Matrimonial home and abandoned his family.....

There are too sides to every story!

An insider revealed to SDK Blog...

''IB, Julius Agwu's wife is the reason I will forever support women like Nkechi and Tonto who speak out. Because like I said, our society operates a culture of silence which men take advantage of wield stories against women.

 Julius had his health issues years ago and IB stayed with him nursed him back to health. Despite his numerous flings, she still stayed. She never left. I said SHE NEVER LEFT! 

As at last year (when he had fully recovered), Julius came with 4 men and his sister Theresa to their rented apartment. They moved his (Julius' property) from the house. 

At some point, IB ran into a room and locked herself out of fear. Julius ordered the men he came with to break the door and take away every single thing he has bought from the room and the entire house. As he was moving out, they were praying and casting out bad luck from the properties. That IB will not kill Julius. Witnesses who ran to IB's rescue cos of the commotion include Okey Bakasi, Comedian Senator and David Sikpa. 

They were shooting the TV series Flatmates nearby. This man moved out of his home last year cos he believes his wife who nursed him back to health is the cause of his wahala. He left his wife for over a year and hasn't even checked on his kids since then. 

As at the time he moved out, he was very much healthy and their rent had expired. But did he care that his wife would be homeless? No! Contrary to the lies going on, he's still very much healthy and even has an upcoming show this Easter. And more importantly, HE LEFT HIS WIFE. HIS WIFE DIDN'T ABANDON HIM WHEN HE WAS SICK. 

There are several high-profile witnesses to this. His close celebrity friends know. Yet in solidarity and bro code, they say nothing as the poor woman is being maligned. ******* Now back to my first sentence. 

This is why no matter how razz or ratchet you think a woman speaking out is, I'll always stan her. If IB had spoken out when this happened last year, this wouldn't have happened. Our society takes advantage of women's silence to spin lies against them and drag them through the mud. 

Remember the guy that came last month to tell us all his kids aren't his and disgraced his wife? We later learnt this man didn't even do common DNA test. Men/society practice a "give a dog a bad name" custom here in Nigeria. And our culture of silence enables it. If not for Julius and IB's family friends like the actress Victoria Inyama and Ena Ofugata that are speaking up, we for no know. Cos Julius' friends who witnessed the showdown and practically saved IB kept quiet and said nothing. 

This is the Julius wey una dey lie say he is bedridden and his wife abandoned him for side chicks to care for. He has a show on Easter Sunday. I got this from the website gangan. It's real. This is the person you people are saying is on his sick bed and his wife left him for side chicks. This whole dragging of IB might even be a gimmick to garner sympathy and publicity for his show at the expense of his wife. Cos why now? Why lie that he's bedridden? You people should go o. Don't just insult IB. Go for the show'':

*Comedian Julius Agwu and his team can contact me to correct this story if they feel their side needs to be told....


  1. Bovi just said they were at the club witn some of their colleagues some days back. I just love the decorum, class and honour the wife kept during all these.

    1. Men sha,trust them to ride for eachoda...all Bovi cld say is they were in the club together;while Ebere has been pulled apart in shreds on OBJ's internet.

    2. thought IB relocated since to yankee......where is all this coming from ?which show and where is it taking place ??I wish them all peace and hope they find a solution whether together or apart its all good

    3. Narrator, so you mean that other man didn't even do DNA? Ha!
      Let me go back and conclude my read.

    4. There's something Nigerians need to know. When someone's brain is messed up, they might do things that are out of character. He had a brain tumor and had surgery. He might not be the Julius we used to know sadly. The brain controls behaviour emotions everything

  2. It is a pity to read of these scattering of marriages by the evil one everyday.
    I do not expect much from marriages of people who do not know Jesus as Lord. I don't mean people who go to church or not; but know Jesus as Lord. They are exposed to the manipulations of the evil kingdom.

    1. Everyone is exposed. The devil will even attack believers more. Abi you no read about the death of that popular gospel singer due to domestic violence? If she had divorced she may still be alive today, but some people will blame her because she is a believer.

  3. IB, continue enjoying ur life jare.

    Only a good man deserves a loyal woman. Even after all the lady did while u were sick, u still had the effrontery to do what u did.

    I have no pity for u, Julius!

    1. You read this story so, Eka? Julius na him leave the woman. He is healthy. He dey groove and club steady. He even get show.

      Which pity you dey talk of?

    2. Anon other publication said she has found a new man and moved on and left Julius on sick bed reason shidren of anger were bashing her.

    3. Anonymous 15:01, I no sure say you read am well oo.

  4. Osetigo!
    Julius that I heard is a randy man, who knows whether it is one of his side chicks that gave him the sickness that almost killed him. That his sickness was clearly a spiritual attack. Wicked people everywhere

    1. Which spiritual attack?
      It gave him tuberculosis and moles on his skin?
      Julius has AIDS,he should quit the lies and wear a sleeveless shirt,let's see

    2. Dem dey contract brain tumor?

    3. Few years ago, shortly before his illness, Julius met my friend in an elevator at transcorp hilton. Before she got off, he had already asked her to come meet him in his room and gave her his room number. All within such a short period of sharing an elevator! Complete strangers o! If that does not define a dirty, randy, shameless man, I dont know what does.

  5. Hmmmmm, If this is the true story? God is watching and he will surely judge

  6. Bovi also said they were at the club together few days ago

    Checked his IG page and the last he posted was 2020.Wishing them ife ati ina whatever could be the issues.

    1. He has another page and he’s advertising his show . His last post was 3 days ago

    2. Wawu,never knew he has another page🤔

  7. Na wa. The wife would have opened her mouth. Why close it to suffer pains

    1. And damage his career and doesn’t have money to take care of the kids school fees and maintenance? To borrow leaf from Ivana Trump Don’t get mad, get everything”. Or in my own word, take him to the cleaner

    2. opened it for you guys to debate and gist online and actually do nothing to help..she is a smart and strong lady and has done what she needs without online drama ...

  8. Exactly what I read on Instagram. Surprised that he was living in a rented apartment.

    They looked good together...

  9. Ibiwari celebrated her birthday a few days ago and her close friends gifted her a box full of money. She was so emotional. Kai I guess they knew she really needed it.
    So sad

  10. Useless dog! He abandoned his wife n kids? May his sister experience worse.....stop patronising fake pastors and self styled prophets

    1. Choco, maybe because she accompanied Julius to pack his things🤷

  11. Bovi twitted that he, Save,Julius Agwu and other friends were at a club on Wednesday,that he's healthy. They just wanted to paint the wife bad that she left him while on sick bed.

  12. I have never judge Ibiwari, some men are terrible especially those that take every words that came out of their mama, papa, and siblings mouth very serious. Marriage no be moi moi oo

  13. This is so sad. I admired this couple so much and when I initially heard there was fire on the mountain, I chose not to believe it. If Julius Agu actually did this, then it's sad. As Stella said, there are two sides to a story. I know she was with him throughout the whole ordeal when he was down in health. God help the children get over this. It is the worst feeling being abandoned by a parent especially if the father was the bread winner. I just hope she has something doing that could sustain herself and the children.

  14. Probably Juluis Agwu is compating himself to his colleagues as per the cash keeps rolling in for them all the time while he is still struggling. Everybody get im own time to blow no b by comparison

  15. I don't know what will make a man abandon a woman that nursed him back to health...I still find that weird to believe. Either there were some bad things did to him while nursing him that he couldn't voice out cos of his condition then, or, he had been told by one of these road-side prophets( native doctors) that the wife is the cause of his downfall.

    Whatever may be the case, let peace of mind reign.

    1. Yes na, the actual victim is always at fault

    2. You people find it hard to believe that a cheat will cheat regardless. Na una sabi. Continue looking for explanations.

    3. If u find that hard to believe, then it means you live in a bubble and are very naive about real life. Even God said the heart of man is DESPERATELY wicked.

      Let me tell u for free, the people who suffer the most in life at the hands of others, are the most kind hearted, selfless people. Because people 'see dem finish', see their gentle nature & take advantage of their kindness, knowing they can't/won't do shit.

      Nobody messes with wicked, harsh people because they'd be afraid to do so. Open ur eyes before life opens it for you. E no go funny.

    4. God bless you 20:52.
      Plain truth.

  16. Eni ba dake, tie ma baa Dake ni: a closed mouth is a closed destiny.

    There is no award for the most long-suffering woman. No matter what happens between a couple, parental responsibilities don't disappear because you have left your partner. The are certain laws in Lagos enacted to protect women and children from MungoPark men. IB ought to alert the authorities and ensure that her kids are well taken care of by a man buoyant enough to club in his old age. This kind of wicked man obviously won't file for divorce but even while with her, was living like a divorcee. They know how to cast and bind but don't know about not leaving the wife of your youth.

    You people who keep looking for so called prophets and seers to tell you bad news, who keep jumping from one god of man to the other simply because of a challenge, this is the reward and the result of such spiritual prostitution- broken families, displaced children, deep wounds that bleed on innocent people and prevent you from ever feeling safe. Look at the Mamuze twins who are convinced their mother is the cause of their career decline instead of noticing the change in musical taste in today's Nigeria and catering to their own niche.

    In the comments, there is always someone who believes her mother is a witch or her ancestors are causing her mental distress: this is the real generational curse following many families today: chronic and fulminant suspicion. You are suspecting your parents, their siblings, neighbors etc the same way they suspected those before them so no one changed their diet, lifestyle, mentality or attitude towards money, work, family, marriage, etc since they already know without evidence, what is wrong and who is doing it. Other races went round this same mountain for centuries then they opted for common sense and shipped down their bibles and Qurans to you. Now, you have swallowed hook line and sinker what they spat out in addition to the indigenous religion you refuse to reform. You have signed up for double the trouble.

    1. Your school fees nor west @anon

    2. You only forgot to add. Those who accused the Mamuze twins as alleged here also accused their wives of being their instigators.

      Meanwhile, the Mamuze twins have denied all the accusations against them as fake news.

      Old experienced people will tell that only the husband, wife and God knows what goes on in a marriage. Sometimes, even the wife or the husband is ignorant of what is going on in the marriage.

      Hence, commenting on marriage between two people is challenging. The believed innocent may not be so innocent and the presumed guilty may be the innocent.

    3. I don't know who you are, but I like you

  17. Nothing new here. I have even heard worst stories than this of what women have met in marriage when their coconut head men start to blame them for their lack of progress and problems.

    His lack of prosperity is because of the state of his heart. Why should he be blessed if he would treat his wife and children like that? He think he saw wahala before, what is coming for him not even prayers on earth will help. But thank goodness he will not have the wife to blame this time around.

    1. Your head is there. Always blaming others for their own shortcomings.

    2. Truth be told! Julius started developing illness immediately after his ambition to become Rivers state governor! He never recovered after that! The fake prophet didn't see that! Rather they are blaming his good wife, who stood by him all thru! Am i wrong if i say that, it's a man's world in Nigeria and woman's world over here! Hmmmmmm!

    3. Ambition to be governor where? Lies!

  18. All these came from an insider..all statements in ".....". We await Julius version

    1. Julius' version is the one that has been going around for days now.

  19. Women, SPEAK UP!!!

    Speak up when you're abused.
    Speak up when you're mistreated.
    Speak up when they are lying against you.
    Speak up! Speak up!! Speak up!!!

    You would not be getting a special seat anywhere for keeping quiet.

    I'm not a fan of Tonto and her drama but I'll use her as an example. When Tonto spoke up about Churchill and Rosy, they lied against her claiming brother and sister, her ex friends ganged up against her to make the guy look like a saint. Today, brother and sister have married and had a son. People have seen she wasn't lying.

    When Tonto spoke up about Kpo, everyone thought she was mad. She turned out to be saying the truth about the man. Even the lady threatening court action couldn't do anything.

    Imagine if Tonto had kept quiet, she would either still be in a marriage with a cheating husband or be paying a blackmailer money.

    I'm not saying go to social media. But make sure your family, his family and people around you know what is happening. Don't allow any man destroy your good name. Haba!

    The only time you should go to Social media is when lies are being spread about you on social media, which Julius' wife should have done.

    Men are wicked sha! His comedian friends know the truth yet they all kept quiet while an innocent woman's name was being dragged. And they have daughters. Shame on them.

    1. Silence is golden. The truth will speak for itself. That man that looks like roasted corn

    2. Don't be quick to blame his friends! There are some people you would speak to and get insulted! Hence it is better to remain neutral!

  20. Every story on Nigeria's Internet is always one sided, biased e.t.c

    So this woman was taking care of him when he was ill and he just woke up one morning and abandoned her and his family just like that?.......Phew.

    The next thing that will happen is another stupid biased so called insider spilling rubbish but this time, it will paint Julius as the Saint.

    The issue now is blog visitors. Una no dey learn. Immediately story land, una go begin vibrate without even reading in between the lines.

    1. Do you read to understand at all? Obviously false prophets have gotten into his head and told him his wife is behind his predicament. They have also been having issues for a while now due to this,he didnt just wake up. Break ups are always gradual. No one just wakes up and leaves their partner. The marriage has had problems.

  21. The wife is a strong woman I noticed she had relocated her kids to America, I never knew they were having issues. I pray God heals both of them.

    1. Heal wetin? It takes two to tango. Obviously one has checked out.

  22. Alot of men dont like getting involved in their friends relationship or marriage and this is very bad. Currently having issues with my fiance and i am actually friends with two of his friends,i met these friends in school long before i knew him. They know their friend messed up but they will never get involved and talk to him,i am left dealing with it by myself. If it was me i wld talk to such friend. I have decided to move on with my life.

  23. What women go thr' in the name of marriage???? Almost similar to what mine did after he relocated for treatment according to him. He asked me to move to the village ( my father's house) and stay there with my daughter then (2yrs old) to be doing what exactly in the village ? While my parents are here in Lagos. He came one sunday morning after i had left for church to pack his things from the house. And told the landlord that whoever is occupying the house now is on her own, just me n my daughter and he should throw us out or do whatever he wants. Thank God for my parents who stood by my side during that dark period. For good 13yrs he never cared or drop shin shin or asked after her. All to punish me or ??? Thank God i held unto him . He is my reason for everything today and when i look back today and most especially at my girl,I ........🙏😊

    1. The Original ShugarGirl9 April 2022 at 19:32

      Strong woman. I praise God for giving you your parents and for making you and your daughter yet Victor's rather than victims.

    2. Guys! Please stop treating women in this way! l am really sorry for what you went thru! l am beginning to understand why some African ladies are not willing to give a relationship a chance! Some have stress or lost in deep thoughts while on a date! Some are even scared when they see that you have a good job, intelligent , good looking and can't believe you are not seeing someone else! I am not perfect but i'm no monster! Some stories here makes me feel bad sometimes!

  24. That is why I am on Tonto's side.

    History will remember her.


  25. You are moving on and still calling him fiance, meaning you are still with him. Una never marry he don dey give you problems, if he pay your bride price nko? Anyways, you ladies prefer marriage at any cost than your peace of mind. You may still Mary him and bring chronicles for us to read 👩‍🦯👩‍🦯👩‍🦯

  26. Silence is golden, but atimes you have to cover your own back by speaking up for yourself...

    Speak your truth quick

  27. get involved and if you refuse to leave they become enemies...

  28. Things l have come to learn in life, women and men open your eyes especially women.
    1, Love yourself first
    2, Hold your own money, even in a sweet marriage you still need vex money
    3, Open your eyes wide, ask questions, don't overlook nothing
    4, Be strong
    5, Don't let no one take you for granted
    6, Watch and watch again
    7, Don't carry any matter into the future, trash each matter as they arise.
    If you take it into the future by the time your are ready to might be series then.
    8, Don't be a housewife, never ! it makes a woman stink to her man, on the long run
    8, Be strong always women.

  29. Is this not simple advert by Stella of encomium 🤗🤗🤗🤗 can't you people just understand simple "inglish.." Ronalda where you dey o.….... Stella....


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