Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Monday, April 04, 2022

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....




I need advice too. I have been talking to guy and I haven’t been this compatible with anyone in a long while. He is from Abia and he is a Pentecostal.

 I am from Anambra and my parents are Knights in the Catholic Church.

 I don’t even know how to approach my parents with this marriage talk because it will really break their hearts. This is something they have always warned against but I started off with him as friends and somehow mutual romantic interest entered the matter.

 If he approached me with a relationship at the start, I would have vehemently kicked against it by not even starting anything and now I am stuck. Every move he has made to move the whole thing forward, I kicked against because I am trying to kill the whole relationship but this guy won’t even rest. It’s not because I don’t love him enough, he is perfect gentleman, but I Am daddy’s girl and I don’t want to hurt my parents. 

The other time he was trying to get me his city to intern, I kicked against it by all means and went else where, he still supported me and now I am regretting it because I am even loving him more because he is one that 100% respects my decisions, his behavior hasn’t changed one bit upon how stubborn I am and the fact that I am constantly ruling him out. Part of me is now getting hurt that I am hurting him. I don tire. It will really be war

Why dont you discuss first with the parent you are closest to? Your parents cannot dictate who you should marry, in fact dont let them.....

The worst they will do is to disown you but with time, their hearts will soften...

Let them know that marrying someone who worships in a Catholic church does not mean automatic happiness...

Or you can plan with your guy not to have any denomination until after the wedding and then he can resume going t o his church and you with him if you want to....LOL


  1. Hmm. Poster talk to your parents first and know what they have to say. It's character thst matters not by church. Follow your heart and listen to Stella's advice too. All the best poster

    1. You are daddy's girl, oya spin your web. You should know how to get your dad to see things through your eyes.

      You see these qualities you mentioned, they are rare so you must use wisdom. First, tell him he will have to marry you in Catholic church so you can keep your sacraments. Tell him your dad won't walk you down any isle that is not Catholic.

      Meanwhile, hope you have a job/business and making your own money? It is not a guarantee but a cardinal essential/prerequisite for marriage.

    2. The wedding in church shouldn't be any problem. Both of you can do your wedding in the Catholic church, afterwards you join him in the Pentecostal church he attends. My immediate Elder sister and friend did same thing. It's not a big deal.

      Ask your man and if he agrees then go tell your folks. We are Catholic with my parents in 3rd abi 4th degree Knights. Relax it's not a big deal

    3. Boss lady, it is a big deal in some circles. I have seen cases where family refuse to support marriages and cut off "disobedient" children.
      Poster, me too I'm a daddy's girl and I tell you ehn, the power I have none of my siblings understand it. I can twist and turn things to the direction I want with him. Use your power jare. Na small small you go enter am.

  2. Poster choose love over church any day any time, as long as it is not "ndị uwe nwuda na uwe ọcha" .

    Is he a man that fears the Lord and have you really gotten the go ahead from God?
    Please choose your love and peace ☮️🕊️ instead of trying to please parents who will not be in the marriage with you.
    Approach your parents respectfully but firmly, it is your life 🧬 and happiness that count.

    And be easy on the guy, he may truly love you but being vehement everytime on certain decisions that concern both of you may be a gradual wane in the love he feels. Overdoing things no dey pay....

    1. Twins squared why are you talking from both sides of your mouth?

      You told her to choose love over church.
      The same you is telling her to choose church (not to marry ndi uwe ocha) over love.

      See why religion is a scam. It is the opium of man.

      Ndi uwe ocha, Catholic, CMS, Pentecostal, etc, are they all not worshipping the same God?
      This your comment screams HYPOCRISY.

    2. Allow me say what I believe in abeg. Ndị uwe ọcha from what I know do not believe that the finished work of Christ on the cross is enough, they believe in animal sacrifices, burning of incense and candle 🕯️, midnight bathing, but other churches don't.
      Allow me to be HYPOCRITICAL like that inugo ?

    3. Twin squared ndi uwe ocha believe in old and new testaments but other churches that you said that believe in it is finished (only new testament) will still collect tithe ( that is in old testament). Tell me what level of HYPOCRISY is that? Other churches choose the part of bible that will enrich their pockets.
      I ask again, ndi uwe ocha and other churches are they not worshipping the same God and belong to the same Christian religion?

    4. Twin squared oooooo.
      Ndi uwe nwuda, hahahahaha

    5. Hahahaha been long I heard uwe nwuda

  3. He is "pentecostal"
    YOur parents are "Knights in the catholic church"
    And you; you haven't even told us whom you are?
    And none of these stories brought Christ in, except the character of gentleness in this man's life which should be the yardstick for any interaction in the first place.
    Please find your identity (in Christ) and these things will fall in place.
    He alone can change a person's heart, including your parents.

  4. What about him wedding you in the catholic church. Thereafter, you can agree on where to worship and where the children will go to. Love, such as you both profess for each other now, solves such problems.

  5. "Daddy's girl" should grow up to be a man's wife someday. That day is now; today!
    Daddy isn't going to live in your matrimonial home with you, cook for you, do bedroom duties for you, get pregnant for you, take the labor room heat for you and nurse your child and husband.
    Please let your daddy/mommy know that you have someone who wants to marry you. If the only "crime" he committed is not being a Catholic, then he is guilty as charged and innocent of any crime as well.

  6. He can marry you in catholic church after una go muffon jare

  7. You never ready at all. I’m catholic and my parents are Knight and lady too, they are very understanding.
    Don’t let a good man go cos he isn’t catholic. Would you prefer a catholic who isn’t compatible with you just cos you want to please your parents?
    I used to say I won’t marry a man that’s not catholic. He is not catholic but that didn’t change my mind about him. I knew what I wanted and I went for it.
    He doesn’t have a problem with me remaining a catholic. He joins me sometimes and we are cool....understanding.
    Sometimes, you just have to fight hard for what you want.
    Yes, it’s definitely not going to be easy at first but eventually, your parents will adapt. Your happiness is all that matters.
    Since you are daddy’s girl, use your power then or you don’t know how to?
    We all have disappointed our parents one way or the other, we are still a family. As long as he is worth it, fight and don’t give up.

    1. The Original ShugarGirl4 April 2022 at 16:06

      Slutty thank you.

      You see all those decorations with religious position/ spirikokoism has got zero influence on the success/failure of a relationship/marriage.

      Just like slutty said why let a good and considerate man who is willing to be by your side go? Knowing that your energy matches his, it is not a selfish relationship but one with mutual respect and harmony.

      I for one don't care about all that. The kind of rotten mentality/behavior some highly decorated church goers display, you will be wondering which kind one chance you don enter.

      Avoid future chronicles by choosing with logic rather than sentiments.

    2. U r married?congrats.

    3. Congrats Slutty
      16:27 not everyone will chronicle the story of their marriage online. Smart move.

  8. Daddy's girl..tell your parents that they should arrange a Catholic husband for you.

  9. Am a Catholic and what you are saying sounds so strange to me.....I don't see anything stoping you from marrying this Guy if he fits in perfectly well to the man you want and cherish...One thing you should do is to check his background fess to avoid writing more chronicles in Future... All the best to you and I wish your parent softens their heart towards this gentleman.

  10. Don't loose this guy of your heart is settled. You have your life aside your parents. So what do you really want? Don't loose this guy over small things that can be worked out. Like Sdk said, look for a parent that will listen or an Aunt or uncle.

    If he gives you peace and you are happy. I think that's a good place to be.

    All the best.

  11. I had same issues 9yrs ago, wedded in catholic church in Enugu. Today we worship with mountain of fire. u see the 360. The only constant is change. Choose love choose peace of mind

    1. I tell you. I married my hubby and he wasn't a church member but we agreed to attend the same church for the sake of our kids when they start coming. Today, na me take my hand commot for the church patapata because of distance and other reasons, but my hubby still attends my former church till date. If anyone had told me then that I would stop going to my church, I would have called the person the biggest liar cos I never saw it happening. That's LIFE for you. IT'S SO UNPREDICTABLE!!!

  12. Find out how you feel about him first before you bother your parents
    Go ahead and date him for real

  13. Imagine talk!!!!
    You just no serious

    1. She no get problem at all. She never ready to marry or know what she wants for life.

    2. Exactly my thought when I read this

  14. Daddy's girl please be your own woman as long as you know you're making the right choice.

  15. Poster your parents will never agree to attend your wedding in a Pentecostal church.
    Have a heart to heart conversation with your man, let him wed you in Catholic Church and after that you follow him to his own church.

    I’ve been there, my Mum is a deaconess, my elder brother that’s like my father a Deacon,me church treasurer and Pentecostal church has a big disagreement with orthodox, vice versa.
    My husband came to our church in the city and agreed to all their condition and we wedded.
    After that, I’m pleased to announce to the whole world that I am now a member of otito diri Jesu!! Even during Christmas that I traveled to the village, I attended the Catholic Church in my village without sending anybody 😜

    1. Fan so the Guy's parents will be the one that will agree to attend their son's wedding in Catholic church?

    2. Anon, why not?guess cos they are igbos. We,yorubas, you wed in the lady's parents church.

    3. Yorubas always have the wedding in the bride's parent's church sha so that wouldn't have been an issue at all.

  16. Very simple stuff, he should wed u in the Catholic Church, afterall that's how it should be done.

  17. It might hurt your parents but they will get over it, don't loose a good man because of church issue.

  18. Poster forward this Chronicle to your Dad and ask what he thinks about it, don't tellhimit'syou. Note I said your dad not your mum. If you channel this thing through your mum, know that men like to protect their egos to the wives in other not to seem weak. Go through him and he will be the one to convince your mum sef because through be told, daughters are their father's mumu point.

  19. Daddy's girl, tell your Knights in shining armour (your parents) to bring Pope, Rev father or seminarian to marry you.
    Perhaps, you can marry cathedral or Vatican to please your parents and make them very proud.

    1. Una no just get joy 😂

    2. Hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I had tears from laughing so hard hahaha. Poster no serious at all. She think say it’s easy finding a good man hmm

  20. If I were a man, I wouldn't want a wife like you.. a woman who has 1001 things to consider before being with me especially when all I've been is nothing but a gentleman. Silly things like her religion, her daddy's girl status, her parents position in church, her that and this. Then tomorrow, you'll cry about marrying up or down. You've found a good man and you're letting people who also have their lives to live determine how you'd live your life. There are orphans who have no parents to hassle them over their choice in spouse and are going over 15 years in their marriages, there are people who don't carry this "I'm a catholic and you're are an atheist" wahala on their heads and they have gotten married and are living happily. If the man was a wealthy man, you'd be surprised how quickly your parents would find a loophole in their Knighthood which permits a catholic and a muslim to be married.

    All this my parents say and my church say shows how unprepared you are for marriage. In marriage, nobody is going to live with you, no one will carry your pregnancy for you, no one will enjoy your rewards or bear the consequences of your actions with you. It's just you and God even if you come from a big family of 20. So stop all this yenyenyen biko and leave the guy for a woman who is desperately looking for a good man and wouldn't mind doing anything to keep him. Dude has no idea that SDKians are judging his matter and he's being a gentleman to you🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
    Go jare😌

    1. Loling at judging his matter🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  21. Ana ekwugheli.
    U Neva ready to marry.
    When menopause knocks on your door, you will gladly marry Muslim or Buddhist.

  22. Exactly my story.. my parents are knights of catholic church while my husband is an Anglican. My Dad refused to give my hands in marriage because of that. However, I adviced my husband ( my boyfriend then ) to agree to their terms and wed me in catholic church ( something we call mix marriage ) and ,i promised to follow him to Anglican afterwards. Luckily for me , he agreed. And today, my children and I attend Anglican communion church . As a matter of fact I am a certified member of mother's union in Anglican..

    1. Hahaha, you’re a wise woman. God bless your home

  23. Nah wahoooo.

    My Church, his church, their WHO Owns the Church?
    I bin think say nah Christ's Body.

    Meehn,Religion is the world's biggest scam. (Mind you I said religion, not Christianity).

    Like there's now heaven for Catholics, and other denominations??

    Wondering where God is in all of these 🥴.

  24. No church in heaven
    No marriage in heaven.
    No father or mother
    Make urself happy nothing last forever

  25. This kain chronicle dey shame me as a Christian. Where is the oneness in Christianity? Na wa .

    1. Very irritating tata Chronicle. Do you know how hard how rare it is to find a good man??? You said you have found one you are talking daddy's girl nyen nyen nyen. Go and marry daddy na... mtsheew

    2. Honestly

  26. In this age and time some selfish parents are still asking their children not to marry from a certain doctrine even though they are both Christians?how

  27. The matter shock me too. Hmmmmm

  28. Good men are hard to come by, don't loose a good man because you want to please your parents. Choose wisely dear

    1. Pleasing parents to the detriment of her own happiness. Daddy girl who doesn’t want to grow up or even ready for marriage. Na you sabi

  29. Poster you better be very careful and don’t push this good man away because you’re not standing up for him and the love you both have. You think it’s easy to find a good man. Let this man go and watch how long it’ll take you to find another good man. Even if you find the next good man, regret might set in and wish this and that. Like everyone mentioned, if you need to marry in Catholic Church then do so, and stick with you husband after marriage because you both are one moving forward and not your parents. Goodluck

  30. If your guy is a serious Pentecostal he is the one who should not even be marrying a he born again? are you too born again? Christianity is just not answering Christianity because you go to church on Sundays or born in a Christian home...a Christian must be born again i.e accept Jesus as your lord and personal saviour...if you do then he says be not equally yoked with unbelievers (those who do not accept his personal lordship as their lord and saviour). you are to relate to them with love but not to be equally yoked. who you submit to controls your life so marrying someone you do not have same christlike core values with will bring conflict. Being a knight are just titles most of them get because they have money. most of them are not born again and know nothing about the ways and life of the Christ they claim to profess...ask them they will just tell you the catholic church is the first


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