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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

ChrislandGATE - Mother Of 10 Year Old Suspended From School Narrates What Her Daughter Told Her And Seeks For Justice

The mother of a 10-year-old Chrisland school VGC pupil who was filmed having s#x with her classmates in Dubai has come out to speak and seek justice.

In a video shared online by Ubi Franklin, the distraught mother said about a month ago, she received a call from one Mrs. Azike, the headteacher at Chrisland school VGC, who told her she needed to see her. She said she was already on her way out of Lagos when she received the call and that two days later, she visited her daughter’s school where she met with Mrs. Azike and two other officials. She said Mrs. Azike told her that her daughter who was left in their care was caught kissing another boy and that it was discovered that they got the kissing game from ”Truth and Dare”.

The distraught mum said Mrs. Azike told her that what they wanted her to do was to retrieve the phone she gave to her daughter from her so that she wouldn’t keep practicing kissing. She said one of the school officials, Mrs. Kemi, who was also in the meeting, appealed to her not to tell her husband about the kissing incident as it is not everything women should tell their husbands.
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”I said no problem. As long as this is just kissing, I will caution my daughter. So I left them. I didn’t hear anything from them again. The girl was going to school. I thought everything was fine. Not until after two to three weeks that we had the conversation, Mrs Azike, the head teacher sent me a link that she wanted us to have a zoom meeting by 5pm. I said I was going to join them.” she said
She said she had a meeting with some persons including the board of directors of the school where one of them started talking to her about forgiveness.

”We had the meeting. There were many people, boards of directors. I was even the one asking them what is your name? Can you introduce yourself? One particularly said that his name is Akin. The Akin was the person leading the meeting. He began by saying if there is no sin there cannot be forgiveness. He was speaking in parables.

At a time I had to scream ‘what are you people talking? what are you people discussing?’ He now said they just wanted to do a follow up to ensure that I have withdrawn Juliann’s phone and to check on how Juliann is doing. I said Juliann is fine but he now made a comment. He said ”when it happened”. I said ‘Sir what happened? He said Juliann did not tell you? I said no Juliann did not tell me anything.

I was screaming at them ”Tell me what? Juliann did anything happen? Juliann said no”. I said Okay as it is now I don’t even know what you people are talking about but if it extends more than this that my husband would definitely know about it. The way you people are calling me I am not comfortable with it. At the end, we finished the meeting and we left. They didn’t tell me anything. I went on my own” she said

Juliann’s mum said she received a call from another parent of a pupil in the school who informed her of what had happened to her daughter.

”The day after, a parent called me after we had that zoom meeting.. the next day that she needed to see, that it is very very urgent. So I had to go her house. When I got to her house, she said something has been trending in Chrisland which I am not even aware, that she has told them that she doesn’t think that I am aware of this incident.

The woman now called me and said look at this video. See what is trending in Chrisland. All the parents are aware.

So immediately I informed my husband. We began to call Mrs Azike. She refused to pick her call. I called her more than 20 times she didn’t respond to the call but later I think she spoke with my husband and told him that she doesn’t know anything if such a thing existed. That was how I began to beat my daughter that why would this happen? What is going on?

As we were beating her, the girl now said Mummy please can I talk to you? She said Chrisland, Mrs Azike threatened her not to speak out. She narrated how it happened. How they abandoned them in a hotel, how the school left them and how she got into this thing that is happening now.”
The distraught mum said the school authorities had all the while been sending delegates from their headquarters to have meetings with her 10-year-old daughter without her daughter.

”They have been coming to have meetings, sending delegates from their headquarters to have meetings with my daughter without my consent. I was not aware. We were not informed. Please I am begging Nigerians to help me. Help me because Chrisland was trying to hide this issue. They were trying to push us out of the way and my daughter was going psychologically in sin. I am begging fellow Nigerians to help me.” she said

Speaking further, she said

”As a mother and the part that Chrisland played to cover up this rape issue…On the day of mother’s day, I was in the school. We were all there, not knowing that they had other delegates that came to interrogate my daughter. As soon as we finished that mothers day, I left and they took my daughter elsewhere to go and interrogate her without my consent.

Secondly they have been threatening my daughter that if she speaks out they are going to kill her, that it is a man’s world. That she should keep quiet and shouldn’t disclose it to me and my daughter was dying in silence I didn’t know. Everyday when she is going to school I will be forcing her, I will be telling her come out, come outside. This child will not want to go to school. Even her class teacher, Mr Timothy was calling her ”stupid girl, useless girl” in the midst of other children.

Please help me. They took this girl to go and do pregnancy test without me or the father knowing and lied to us that they were taking her for COVID test. They took her almost three times for COVID test. Please is it possible? Do they use blood sample for COVID test? Do they use urine for COVID test? I did not know not until when this thing came up.

To crown it all, because we have started confronting them and started telling them we are aware of what happened, they now sent her a suspension letter”

She said when she asked her daughter how she was allegedly raped, she said

”My daughter said that they went out in the morning to have breakfast and one of the boys, Kachi, begged her that she should borrow him her phone charger. So she gave Kachi the charger. Then later in the evening after they had dinner, the Kachi now called her room that she should come and pick up her charger.

So she went to the place to get the charger. When she got there they opened the door and one of them asked her to take her charger from the toilet. It was when she entered the toilet they now hijacked her and told her to drink a substance. So they were all under the influence of drugs and after that she did not know what she was doing again. That was what she narrated to me and they told her to be climbing them and somebody stood and was videoing them and was posting it out”

From 1stnews.

This is my take on this.......

Maam get this story off the Internet and go seek help for your daughter....Why mention her name and use your photo? why do an interview on this very sensitive issue at all? why?

Chrisland school should not be the focus, this incident probably happened for you to see the bigger picture of what has been going on, look for the person who has been sleeping with your daughter and tutoring her on styles and get Justice.....

 This story told by your daughter is told out of fear and sounds untrue.....

Madam try to repair your relationship or find one with your daughter cos if one existed, the school would not have been able to manipulate her into silence and not telling you.
In all, this story is really really sad and shocking and all the kids involved in this need help fast:

All those who uploaded that shocking video should being it down at once...IT IS A CRIME!


  1. This mother was set up by a male blogger for content.had she been smart, she would have cooperated with the school authorities instead of coming out to cry wolf.

    1. The Original ShugarGirl19 April 2022 at 09:31

      Madam, thank you for your side of the story even though I have been avoiding this disturbing story.

      It all comes down to how you and your husband have failed at growing your home. You are not even friends with your kids. How could you create and leave such a gap for other people (chrisland) to fill for you?

      So you noticed a change in your daughter's countenance when going to school but you never proved further??? Parenting is by force if you don't know.

      Money is not security.

    2. Everyone has their blame
      Where is my comment oo

      The parents are to be blamed for bad parenting
      The school for negligence and not reporting immediately to the parents, protecting the name of their school at the detriment of the child
      The child is to be blamed for acting that way at that stage

  2. God please help our little ones, this is not good at all

    1. Where did 10yrs old children got alcohol from?

  3. Hmmm aye ti baje. These rich boys of nowadays are so terrible now. Too much easy access to porn is causing all this. In my time we aere all so innocent at 10 years old. I just cant imagine...i cover my children in the blood of Jesus in Jesus mighty name. AMEN!.

    I know all their friends , see all their chats... she talks to me about every petty thing in her life. May it continue to be so in Jesus mighty name AMEN!

    1. Problem with some parents these days is their “wokeness” what is a 10 year old child doing with an internet enabled phone?
      They just make money and give these kids “the good life” without even paying attention to certain things.
      Well for me, I’ll raise my kids the old fashioned way as they call it.

    2. The old fashioned way is the best o. The world is now bad.

      I have a friend, they are rich as in rich but she told me that she can't give her kids phones till they finish secondary school. The news now is so scary eh. The north is kinda safe for kids.

      Those boys are messed up, counselling they need.

    3. @sluttychuc & Mao Akuh...I CONCUR!!!

      The unnecessary exposure to the internet (with its many x-rated websites/content), Netflix (with its many immoral & illicit movies) and wrong peers are some of the major no-nos for the kids of this generation.

      I have 2 daughters (10 & 7) and they KNOW how to 'flee' from 'bad' cartoons talk more of age-censored movies. These are the kind of upbringing God expects us to instill in our children. My daughters will NEVER watch witchcraft-themed cartoon or monster cartoons. Infact, there are some of vampires and others that glamourize magic too. My daughters have been thought never to watch them and they follow these instructions religiously.

      The parents of these children failed woefully in their style of parenting. I and my Husband have always believed in the old-time religion hence our resolve to properly infuse old-time parenting with our modern teachings too.

    4. The problem is the parents are rich not the children

      A false sense of possession, entitlement strip humility, deference and respect from immature foolish minded child or teenager

  4. 10yrs old child, someone must have been doing it to her at home. Madam go and do investigations o.

    1. This woman’s story is just to cover her lack of training her kid.She is trying to push all blame to the school forgetting that charity begins at home.That video shows a girl who isn’t new to what she’s doing,she wasn’t under any influence either.

    2. Exactly ask gateman,driver the guy in the boys quarter, family friends.

  5. Yes the uploaders are to blame but don't blame me fro watching please, the video is controversial, right in front of me plus I have MB why shouldn't I watch to have a say on the issue. Please stop attributing watching the video to one being a pervert, I watched it and I am not a pervert. Thanks Stella for that assertion, that story the 10 year old told wasn't true at all. She was in on everything that happened. The kids need help

    1. You are a pervert for watching the video! I hope the law catches up with y'all that are confirming you watched the video

    2. You are a very perverted soul! If it was your daughter, you think you will have mind watch? You fit mad self. Check the vidoe of that girls mother. She looked gone and broken. I watched a Parent shattered in real time

      So don't come on here and lie you watched to form an opinion! There are appropriate bodies for that. The court sees cases like that and determines under the law, its usage for evidence. It is not for you and I! You are a perverted soul. At least come out with your full chest and say you are attracted to pedophilia. No sane person should watch and share that video!

  6. I think this issue needs to be thoroughly investigated.

  7. This is a very shameful act and I don't know why a 10 year old girl should have an internet enabled many things in the net that she can easily pick. The school is not to be entirely blamed, the parents are to take major part of the blame.

    1. That they'll kill her if she talks? The same school that notified you? Why is this story not adding up to me?

    2. They are right to carry out investigations as you could come up with a false narrative and lie against them to milk them dry. They were faster. btw, theres something about the narrative of threatening to kill the girl if she speaks lol. Wasnt it the same school that notified you? For them to still be investigating shows that they are very efficient and strict which I love

    3. God bless you Stella for your advice. Perfect!!! I hope she listens

  8. Replies
    1. It's heartbreaking that a 10yr old is going through this..the Mom casted herself big time with the help of Ubiham that is not smart..this matter is too sensitive for the mother to be all over internet seeking for attention or justice without proper investigation

  9. Father Ubiham has brought your family to shame just for clout.There was no rape.This is a case of bad parenting.You failed your daughter.

    How can a 10year old knows reverse cowgirl.Only God can redeem this generation.

    1. Na that foolish Ubi tell her to say its rape and seek for justice..... very wicked man.

    2. Is it also the drugging that thought her those moves?

    3. @8:50 The woman just dey blow her pikin upandan she no know. I pity the girl cos parents go stigmatize this girl tire. Dem go tell their children to avoid her and tag her "bad influence". She just dey injure her pikin anyhow over vengeance

    4. I don't know what the mother of this girl is doing on the Internet. I cringed when she mentioned her child's name in her narration,it shows she is very unintelligent.
      That child has been exposed to this act for some time and those boys are aware of it,why else will she be singled out of all the girls that went for the trip,to perform the act.
      It is something that they have discussed and they knew the girl will do the act. Seems like she has been forming "bad girl" in the school.
      It's just so sad,I really hope that her parents will be able to help her get therapy and regain her self esteem back after this mess.
      It is time that people know that it's not compulsory to have children,but it's absolutely compulsory to parent your kids. If you don't have what it takes to parent kid,then don't have them.
      May God help us to raise good children.

  10. If you can home school your child, if you have the resources and the skills to, please give it a whole lot of thoughts and consideration.

    My children starts homeschooling next week and it's for the foreseeable future.

    This I have thought about and worked at for more than 2 years. A lot of research and planning have gone into it and it's not a knee-jerk reaction to the sad news making the rounds. I truly haven't found that school that can give me what I truly want and my children needs. And yes, I've looked around a whole lot.

    The next one year will be me proving and validating all my ideas and concepts as Ms.queen writes Year 7 entrance exams and kunle writes Checkpoint.

    This Daddy isn't even playing with his assignment regarding this little ones. Now is the time to shelter and protect even more. The enemy isn't joking, we shouldn't either.


    Homeschooling isn't easy. Nevertheless, where there is a will, there's always a way. If you really want to do it and are committed to learning how to, you will do it. Parents who homeschool successfully don't have two heads. It starts with having the will to and committing to do it it right. Until you try you don't know what you're capable of. If regular school isn't working for you or your child, homeschooling is an often viable option and it's something you should seriously consider.

    1. Homeschooling is not the only answer to all the societal ills a child can face in life. I know the daughter of a priest that ended up a prostitute.may God help us all.

    2. Homeschool over wetin? Kids ought to learn how to interact with others. Why cut them off from the world? They'll definitely make mistakes that's why both you and the school are there to "CORRECT THE CHILD". It should be a "joint partnership". You'll destroy the confidence of the child if you talk about homeschooling. Don't even raise this up. What of parents who abuse the children? Where will you now keep the kids?

    3. Lol. 95% of abused children were abused right at home. Home schooling is good but not the answer to all ills.

    4. Home school ko, church school ni
      Go and homeschool your own in peace abeg abeg

    5. Home schooling wont solve all the problems. Parents should have a good relationship with their kids, teach them about their bodies, teach them self respect, teach them how to express themselves and most importantly, have a very good relationship with them

    6. @10:41🀣🀣🀣🀣

  11. All I read are lies.

    1. The mother is a fool
      Ubi is a mean cloutchaser
      The girl a victim of "cannot accept blame failed system"

      NBC dirty videos
      Government medicine after death
      Father MIA
      Mother foolish and woefully ignorant
      School underestimated the stupidity of entitled brats

    2. Naked slay queens corrupting the world
      Pornography rottening the mind and corrupting the soul
      Religious leaders living in denial

  12. To many loop holes in the story everyone trying to cover up their laxity including the mum

  13. Don't you just love how the whole blame is being put on the mother?

    From what she said, it's clear the child was coerced into the act, and afterward threatened by the school to keep quiet. This is a 10-year old girl. The mum's mistake was not gently finding out what happened to make her daughter not want to go to school, but instead forcing her.

    The school is to blame for all this. What were the pupils left without a chaperone? Why did a small girl walk to boys' room without anyone asking where she was going to? Why did the boys not have a supervisor?

    It's so sad that no one is talking about the boys who forced her, by telling her to come and take charger, it was obviously planned and it is STATUTORY RAPE. It really is a man's world and this girl has discovered it, sadly.

    And SHAME to all of you perverted people to watched and passed that video. And to think you are mothers and fathers.

    I pray that the girl speaks to a reputable child therapist and is able to heal from this traumatic incident.

    1. If this is all you see in the above saga, then your view is really skewed. You sef need therapy

    2. Rape by who? By another minor who could not give consent? The boy is a minor too.

    3. Imagine kids being entrusted in your care and this happens and people want to deflect on the presence or lack of parental skills. The mother actually needs to show her face. Yes she is calling for justice. Yes! So that this school will be held accountable! They were negligent and must be made to take responsibility! I pray this woman is not discouraged. I hope her girl is being kept in an embrace surrounded by those who love her and conversations had. Yes like you said a child therapist too.

      Nothing could have prepared me yesterday to the number of people who openly came out saying they watched and shared that video. Imagine someone on twitter posted she sent the video to her husband and that one sent her voice notes and was laughing like a fool. Thank God for the sane part of tweeter yesterday. Massive reporting of her page for spreading pedophilia content. Her page was taken down by twitter in the evening. You sent your husband child porn and you still come online to tell us like grow some shame! Even on here, a number of people were so descriptive I was like my goodness! At least come out with your full chest and say you are attracted to pedophilia. Ask yourself if that was your child, how would you feel? Would you want people watching that video? sharing it? Describing and redescribing? May God continue to protect children all over but we must do our partπŸ™

    4. Is reversed cowgirl a rape position? Nobody's a pervert for watching the video and it's likely because you've not seen the video you're spewing this nonsense here.

    5. @ mystique, a rape victim was coerced to give cowgirl and reverse cowgirl? Come off it! She wasn't raped. It was purely consensual. Shame on her parents for failing to instill discipline in her.

    6. Mystique please I don't agree with you on this one. How is the school to be blamed here?
      First off,what are kids that age doing with an internet enabled phone without supervision? Woke parenting?
      I went to a boarding school and I know how curious teens could be. Back then I started loving cooking early enough. It was contraband to stuff to sch but you know what we did,we will take our pillows home and when I get home,will put sardines,geisha,craysfish,dried fish,afang,grounded melon etc inside the pillow and see it back. When the teachers check our boxes,they will find nada.
      We then borrow stoves from the food and nut students to cook or even cook with firewood because the dinning hall food was terrible.
      That was my own level of intuitiveness.
      You know what that taught me as I got kids,I tend to think ahead of them cause I have passed through that.

      I check your bags as you are going to school when you least expect. Don't bring anything that's not yours home.

      Like Stella said,this woman is embarrassing herself and her daughter the more. I do not know the people advising her
      Last session my daughter did something in school that I almost went mad. The kind beating I gave her that day. I made sure het compound master added his own the next day and it was in front of the whole school. Them no born her well to try it again. It did not stop her from still coming first.

      While growing up my father never cautioned us. My mother dare not beat or shout on us. Infact,so many things that were wrong all for what.
      I will not use that pattern with my kids abeg. Nowadays,you beat a child and people say is assault. Issoriat

      By the way before anyone misunderstands me,there is a difference between correcting a child with cane and in love and using weapons of mass destruction in the name of correction.

      I just feel for the girl Sha. She is probably living with whoever introduced her to such back home. Gra gra method will not stop this.
      Mr Ubi abeg easy on the clout

    7. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ @you sef need therapy.

    8. Anon 10:40 You are a pervert for watching the video

    9. All the people that watched it have blog id o they’ve all gone anonymous.

  14. This is sad to read, ubi shame on you for sending this out.
    Madam you have fail your daughter, go and amend things before it is too late.
    The school too is in deep trouble.

  15. First off the woman should not have brought it out becos it is a sensitive topic. The girl needs therapy and Chrisland have theirbown shate of blsme on how they handled the case.

    Chrisland always in the news for wrong reasons. All I know this girl has a groomer either at home or at school.


    I have not seen the video and I don't want to becos for me it is subscribing to child pornography.

    We must blame the parents of the boy and girl however I see the attention tilted towards the girl only. Please we need to do a lot of work on our kids. Social media esp that Tik Tok is a bane and an app for perversion. Even cartoons and animation are not do innocent as it was before.
    I pray this is handled with wisdom and peace.

  16. That girl is not saying the truth, and I don't believe the school either...
    And she is not New in the game, how can a child be so comfortable naked in the presence of boys... It's shameful 🀬
    I wish the mother didn't Grant this stupid interview, she just exposed the daughter by doing that

    1. Children her age are not aware of their body yet so she can't be ashamed of going naked until she gets to adolescent. That's the reason it is encourage parents teach their children boundaries.

    2. @9:37 oh please at 10 I was already aware of my body. I know I should never be naked before people. Not to talk of nowadays children. This is a case of that poor parenting please.
      @9:01 God bless you. You just said it all. She shouldn't have granted the interview

    3. Anon09:37. Don’t be deceived, a ten year old now knows a lot they might even know more than you adult. Even little ones below five avoids you seeing their nakedness.

    4. At 10, I knew but I did not practice. Why? I had an over watchful mother watching me like a hawk. We had one uncle staying with us n I knew he was a pedo by how closely he hugged me n some suggestive things he did n said but he was unable to do his act to the full extent because my momsi was there. Years later it was revealed that he was molesting his own cousin in her room to the extent she even aborted 4him. By that time he had completely isolated himself from the family out of shame n we all didnt know why until that was revealed on her wedding day

  17. Seriously the crime rate and immoral act among these underaged kids is just so alarming. May the Lord help us. I watched the video of a 15years old boy who is always paid #5000 for each child he abducts and he couldn't really talk from the beating he has received. Each kid for 5k, haaa, aiye oooo. The third attempt was when he was caught. Parents we have a whole lot on our hands, the society really can't help out on this. So pathetic.

    1. Moral decadence at its peak.. I don't know why we 're not looking at the bigger picture

  18. Stella post the video na.
    Its better seeing the mother speak than read. You de fear video?

    1. You are sick!! Stella should post a child porn?! Some of you are so sick in the mind I wonder where you all grew up. You should be ashamed for the fact that you even want to watch it, PSYCHO!!

      Stella please post.

    2. ARE YOU OK??????
      fear for what?

      Anyone who visits this Blog knows that i dont like to post videos and the reason is that all the old videos i posted i went to check and the people who posted them have deleted so nothing is it not better to capture the text?
      video also cause slow down.. I am not cool with video lets move on

    3. Text is better please and you don't have to be harsh stella, you cautioned TJ the other day about approach, learn to take your advise. Personally I prefer the text in case one doesn't have data

    4. If you follow this blog very well, you would have understood that Stella doesnt post videos but text which I prefer too. People should stop rushing into conclusion without first trying to know how people do their business.

    5. I like how Stella transcribed it abeg. Better than me having to waste data watching it on insta

    6. 9;34 u are sick.
      The anon obviously meant video of the mother speaking and not porn.

    7. The anon was talking about the mother's video. It's your problem if you don't have data. I personally would've preferred the video. But her blog, her rules

  19. Stella, i am sending u e-hugs
    U v said my mind
    Above all, Jesus still loves the child!!!

    1. They should introduce the child to Jesus now before she enter town o. Jesus still loves her I feel for the child honestly May God bring her back to himπŸ™πŸ™

  20. So many things in your story don't add up ma.The school takes some blames and you too,I believe there's someone closeby that has been molesting that girl before this incident,try and find out who ma.Your daughter needs help,this story of hers was probably beaten out of her and is not true.Get her help fast.

  21. Hmmm I feel her pain and the pain this family is going through especially the little girl. Maybe she shouldn't be granting interviews but truth is nobody prepares for these things. She's acting out of anger, frustration and all but who can blame her. Nobody has a manual to this parenting thing so let's cut her some slack.
    Those sharing the disturbing video, those watching and the school should all face the full consequences of the law.
    Finally I pray this family gets healed from this, especially the girl. As Stella said, somebody might have groomed this girl, even the boys; they all need help.
    Parents, stop beating your children in situations like this. Beating this girl by her parents is so unnecessary if they had had a heart to heart with her, they would have heard the whole truth instead of this cut and join.

  22. No one is talking about a 10 year old being disvirgined by this singular act. Meaning, she's done it before and probably, from home. So many questions begging for answers.

  23. Pls people should stop blaming dis girls mother, no matter what can't u see these boys are spoilt n it was planned?no body is talking about their parents not training them well becos it's a Man'swhorld abi?the School should take d larger portion of blame why will dis kids be unsupervised is d big Question here let's be realistic for once

    1. I guess people are talking about the girl more because it was her mother that brought the matter online screaming rape when actually na her daughter dey on top boy smiling, according to those who saw the video

      I think people are just judging based on the video which indicates she ws the mastermind

    2. @12:11, thank you.

      This "it is a man's world" alibi, ehn.

      A lot of people were outraged at the school and the boys until the video went viral. Even till now the blame has been rightly placed on the school by majority opinions. Clearly, one or two official(s) of the school dropped the ball or went awol.

      But this matter should not be genderised

      Daily men being sent to prison almost for life or the better part of their life for s#x offences. Because this is underreported than the crime, people think it is a matter of do and go free for men.

      The teacher who molested a child in the school last time is under a 60years prison sentence. The Court of Appeal dismissed his appeal in a judgment led by a male Justice of the court. If you read that case, you will see the efforts the very younger girl narrated to protect herself from being molested.

      Not every matter should be used to push the gender or man hatred agenda.

      Everything has its place.

  24. A part of me is upset with Ubi for making this family come public with this story. Before he mentioned it, nobody knew the girl or her family. Making this whole thing public will definitely affect the girl, the focus should be on counselling and rehabilitation for the children involved. My heart bleeds for the little girl involved as it is, most well meaning parents will have concerns with their kids being friends with her and I do not blame them

    There are too many loopholes in the interview the mum gave but there is no need to go into them.

    Finally as parents, we can all learn a thing or two here. In todays world, we need to be very intentional in how we raise our kids, from what they watch, listen to and who they hangout with.

    1. Ubi loves clout chasing
      I just pity the woman.
      Parenting is not easy seriously

  25. No matter what side we are on, the parents or school let’s still be objective and focus on the issues, risks and what might be happening within this school community that parents may not be aware of otherwise the next casualty may be your child.
    Few facts we know and how it should be addressed
    1. This Child had sex while under the school watch.
    2. She may or may not have been groomed before this experience and if she was there’s a possibility it happened in the school premises.
    3. If this story is blowing out of proportion at this time a month later then it has not been managed well and there was some cover up by the school.
    4. How are the chaperons taking accountability considering it happened under their watch.
    5. For those who have watched the video saying she had done it before have you considered she may have been under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
    6. Why did the boys not report her to their chaperone, other kids were complicit.

    Lastly this 10yr old is a child those of you saying it wasn’t rape she is a child to have given consent. If we must heal our country and community we must all work in love. Pls stop staying behind your devices pointing fingers, give solutions.

    Our prayer is the school comes up with an approach that will prevent this from happening and others can learn and take actions with our wards that even good kids can be victims. Stop castigating people who are already going through a difficult time.

    1. I wonder why people are blaming the parents here. Hmm this school is lucky it happened in Nigeria. The school should be held accountable as it happened under their watch. Whether the girl is untrained is a story for another day. How can children be unchaperoned? People learn o. All this trips, camps by schools are dangerous. These things have been happening. Its just coming to light.

  26. Awon rich kids n parents u guys should go back to d drawing board, it's not enough to say I no want make my pikin suffer d kind suffer wey I suffer,we are talking about discipline here, it's not enough to give them heaven n earth n at last dey rubbish ur name in d mud,a word is enough for d WISE!

    1. Only the wise know true discipline is not suffering

      Where is her number guardian and protector aka Father

  27. Which justice? You probably failed as a mother. If you has done your job as a good parents, your daughter would have been able to confide in you when it happened. More over, it doesn't seem like this is the first time your daughter is engaging in such an act. If it was actually something the boys forced her into, she would have reported to the school and you her parents immediately. Stop coming online to shot for justice, take your daughter to see a psychologist and change her school. Start training her now, take her phone away from her and also apologize to her for not being a good mother.

  28. An unwise decision by the mother to grant this interview. As already pointed out here, it would have been better to keep silent and find out how her daughter became exposed to sex at such an age.

    Madam, your daughter has been abused most likely by someone close to your household. Best if you investigate and try to identify this person and take your daughter for counselling cos I believe she has esteem issues - her willingness to have sex in front of people, and willingness to own up to the sex act afterwards (according to what i have read) suggests serious self esteem issues.

    Best to tackle this now cos if not, the way this girl will be used by men, eh.....

    1. I think the school was handling it hush hush to avoid the long lasting effect it will have on the girl if it was brought to the public but the parents allowed Ubi to push them to go public just for him to get content

    2. exactly@Darajah. they were trying to protect the minors involved because exposing them won't undo what has been done but only make things worse, now the names of kids involved is out in the open and they might not be able to cope with the stigma

  29. Parents, if you are going to give your children phones, try and install parental controls (such as family link) on their phones such that any app to be installed can only be installed with your consent.

    Also endeavour to go through their Youtube history (to see the videos they have watched and are watching) every now and then.

  30. What stupid justice is this woman seeking for. This is a clear case of parental recklessness. They called you from your daughter's school and you could only see them after two days! For the school authorities to be asking you if your daughter hasn't told you anything shows everything is wrong with your family. That child is a pro already. Everything you said is pure trash and lies just to gain public sympathy. The girl was neither raped nor molested. One of the students with home training could be heard in the video saying he can never do such. Your public outburst shows you are as useless as the child you raised. If you as a mother could come out shamelessly to expose your failure to the world. You don't need help, infact other parents needs to raise a placard for your daughter to be dismissed out of that school because she is a virus to other kids.

  31. Honestly this story is sickening! I refuse to watch the tape,I blame the parents and the school too,when we used to go for excursions in junior secondary schools we always have up to 6 supervisors with us,you dare not leave your room back then,it so sad,the girl needs to see a therapist,the Mother has alot to do for her,they are kids and they already exposed may God help this generation

  32. So many loop poles in your story madam, how can the school alert you of an incident and at the same time threaten to kill your daughter if she speak out, you put your daughter's name and your photo out there forgetting it will harm your daughter on the long run. Seek help for your daughter, and if possible take her out of the country.

  33. She knew the moves
    She may have been given an aphror
    The Boys are rotten

    They all need deliverance, strong discipline and long term therapy

  34. so it was the same boy that gave her drinks and forced her to start making erotic videos and posting them on her online page with over 4000 followers right? that girl has been corrupted by an element within her home and was only corrupting other children. They should look for the person/element that corrupted her before anything
    let's not twist the truth when it's obvious.

  35. Social media is opening a can of worms...

    Why do I feel the mum's victim ploy is not working, the story don't make sense, blaming ain't the answer.

    The mother should accept that her daughter is sexually active, and work as a family to heal whatever is wrong. Yes people will point fingers at her and she will have to deal with the shame of bad parenting.

    All this justice talk is just dragging matters, Ubi brought to light what should have been resolved privately.

    This too shall pass

  36. Ubi no just try for these ppl. Did he even get their permission before making this thing public. All these entertainers and their busybody, sef.


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