Stella Dimoko Wednesday Spontaneous Morning Post...


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Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Wednesday Spontaneous Morning Post...

 #itsanotherwomancrushwednesday #nodonodogragra #itiswell #neversaynever

Good Morning oh....

Are you already at work?

It is another lovely Wednesday to appreciate the women in our lives via the Woman crush Wednesday hashtag...... Who will you celebrate today?


If Yesterday did not go well, dont let it affect today...Smile and go out there to conquer....

E go be!


  1. From Emmanuel to Christ In You!!
    John 14:16.


    "Christ in you became a vital reality in your life the moment you were born again. From then on, no need to ever “seek God’s face”; He’s in you and you’re in Him—mingled with Him as one divine creation"

    "If the Gospel you’ve preached or received doesn’t include that God Almighty has come to live inside you, it’s time to wake up to this reality"

    "This is Christianity. Never make light of it"


    Christ lives in me through the Holy Spirit, and Christ in me is the hope of glory! The glory is revealed in my finances, health, business and family! Christ in me is my assurance of prosperity, success, victory and dominion. Hallelujah!

    Further Study-
    Colossians 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 1 Corinthians 6:19

    1. Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah πŸ™Œ πŸ™ πŸ‘

    2. May God glory always radiates around us .Amen

    3. Christ lives in me. Helleluyah.

  2. Good morning bvs! It's that time of the day again when we gather to recieve the mercies to God in time of our need.
    Connect to pray with pastor Jerry Uchechukwu Eze on NSPPD 7am fire prayers. For what Gid cannot do does not exist!


    1. Hello! You've not been here since Monday. Good to have you back

    2. Good morning everyone πŸ’•
      I'm celebrating myself today
      Happy women crush Wednesday Oluchi πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

  3. This new day as you go forth...

    May the Lord increase your greatness on every side and cause you to have reasons to rejoice in victory today...

    May the Lord preserve your testimonies and cause them to bring glory to God at all times...

    In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Amen.

    Blessed and exciting day, I wish you!!!

  4. "And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.” Luke 12:15.

  5. Replies
    1. *As we go out today, the Lord will calm and silence every wave and storm that is disturbing ur peace. He will remove disappointment at the edge of our success* .

      _Today and always, we will never experience depression, disgrace, shame and ridicule in Jesus mighty name. Amen!_

  6. Oh Heavenly Father, this blessed Wednesday is the day you have made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. We give you all the praise for the gift of another blessed day.
    Your steadfast love never ceases. Your mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning.
    Psalm 30:5 Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.
    Lord, you have a plan for our life's. Help us to keep the faith and walk steadfastly in the ways that you lead us.
    Guide our thoughts today in the midst of this week, and even as the week progresses, may we always take time to commune and praise your name.


  7. Charity begins at home. It’s no point being nice to outsiders when your family becomes your enemy at home. You curse, swear, nitpick over the smallest thing and never have a good word for them. You play mind games. Be careful. The Almighty is aware of all that you do.

    1. Louder for those who has good and supporting family. Have you heard of Esau and Jacob. Cane and Abel?. Joseph and his brothers?. Indeed Charity begins at home only for those who have positive family.


    He that gathereth in summer is a wise son: but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame.
    Proverbs 10 verse5

  9. 50 negative comments about Nigeria under any social media thread or blog post and 45 of them will be from one particular tribe in the country.

    This generational hatred will not take you people any where 🀦‍♂️

    I'm outtie

    1. πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ So true and y'all from there should take your 'L' in peace.Eesah,i absolutely grab..

    2. 2 local government areas in Niger state were chased away few days ago by Boko Haram bandits,the pregnant women were lucky some okada riders put on their wheels to flee. They love President Buhari and this administration well well well and he's doing them well well well.
      The next election they will be voting from IDP camps for the chosen names they'll forcefully be convinced to vote for while holding onto new babies fathered by camp officials.
      Na so the thing dey go. 🀸🀸🀸🀸🀸🀸🀸🀸🀸🀸

      Their love will not kill them.Iseeeeeee πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

    3. My brother man, hope you are doing good today? Why is you under anonymous?

    4. It's better for me this way @Eesah and i ain't really complaining..

    5. brothers in BuharismπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    6. Stella delete shim comments o.

  10. Good morning beautiful people. The anonymous trolling me yesterday and other days i post a story. I am a children's teacher that teaches kids about God's laws and how to live right. I know there is a punishment for every sin, if I make up a story and post it, i also know that there is a consequence. God can not be mocked and i can not decive Him. So stop trying to help Him for my supposed 'lies'

    I'm just a free spirited girl who has gone through different phases in life. I do not live in estates and Govt residensial areas like you where you barely come out to see what's happening in the streets like me. I'm a proud street girl who knows and goes to every nook and cranny to do my petty works to fend for myself and to have a better tomorrow. Why so much hate, i'm not a slay queen neither do i live a lavish lifestyle, not in competition with anyone, so why you go hate me.

    He who comes to equity must come with clean hands. I've never gone under anyone's comment to cuss or abuse. I post stories here base on my experiences as an orphan, a local,village and street girl. This is a faceless blog, i do not know anyone neither have i contacted anyone from here apart from the owner of the blog. It's Ok not to like me, and it's OK not to read or believe what i post. But weather you like it or not, believe it or not, the spiritual controls the physical. You have been trolling and getting away with it, tomorrow now you'll start crying for one predicament or the other not knowing you brought it upon yourself. Don't play that expensive play with me oh. Whatever your mission is has failed, and you will continue to fail. For crying out loud, i have teens and adults i introduced here, before you tarnish my image , MY GOD WILL DISGRACE YOU. Mark today's date and watch out. Search your conscience oh, don't heap coals on your head. You want to run when no one is chasing you abi, jidekwa offor

    Ma'am pls post, dem don too do. It's about time

    1. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    2. Just continue to do and say what you know is right my dear. Trolls are cowards who can't face those who they troll πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    3. Ij don't dwell so much on it. Truth's people will talk weda good or bad so don't let it weigh you down. Someone said this year is either you ignore scroll and past or say something. But in all let this past. It's well ij baby

    4. 🀣🀣🀣 your last paragraph.

      Ijeoma ph you better don't waste your time on trolls.

      I love your stories keep it up


    6. Children church teacher laying curses. Clap for yourself.

      You still have not answered the main question asked you, what is the relationship between you and your married neighbour that he will tell you he wants to go and sleep with his ex? If it was a single man, it would be understandable as per single to single gisting, but married? Na na na! Come and answer and stop cursing yourself.

    7. Girl, you're doing WAY too much for anons who would still continue to troll you regardless lol. You don't need this press statement to convince the doubters about the authenticity of your stories, and you don't need to call for God's disgrace upon your "haters". Sorry to sound so scathing but some of you be acing like you have no life outside SDK.
      If it's that small drags you received yesterday that's making you feel this heated, you should probably stay off the internet lmao.

    8. πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ Well written. I wonder why people just hate for no reason.

    9. Ij babe, just ignore and move.don't waste your time on whoever that is trolling you.😘

    10. Don't mind the anonymous peeps doubting your stories. They are not aware a lot of things happen around. They are doubting Thomases, they may never believe till it happens to them or around them. Why not read stories to learn one or two things so that when you see it happening around you, you know how to go about it.

    11. Anon do you know what friendship means? Some people of the opposite gender can really be close without anything attached to it so cleanse your mind

    12. In the same 3rd paragraph....... You do not know anyone here and have never contacted anyone in the blog apart from the owner. 3 sentences later, you have introduced teens and adults to the blog.
      Just wondering if in the bid to defend yourself so much, you don't end up shooting yourself in the foot.

    13. Keep being you IJ and ignore them trolls

    14. IJ, don’t mind them. The truth is that you don’t have to do anything at all before some people hates or dislikes you. Keep being you and please don’t stop bringing us gist.

    15. Snark... it is a very toxic behavior to minimize someone’s feelings. You don’t get to decide what is small and what is not when you aren’t the one being trolled. It is downright rude and such a distasteful thing to do. This lady said she has been trolled over and over again she is human and has probably reached her breaking point: Heck!even stella sends memo to her haters once in a while. Not forgetting the same you had also done a similar thing once when you could have ignored. You were trolled you got so tired that you went back to your profile to add a childish memo to your trolls saying, “get off snarker’s peen”. That showed the trolling got to you. Why go through such when you could have ignored too?

    16. Pay no attention to the anons,they can keep wailing.

    17. Telling her it is a small drag and dismissing her feelings does not speak well of you who did not ignore your troll sometime back. Easy to give advice you can’t take,right? Telling her to get off the internet for not having a thick skin? You don’t tell people how to respond to a hurt.if you can’t pacify her keep quiet!

    18. anon 8:41 some people have really loud mouth. They can say anything to anyone. It's possible she's in good terms with the man and he feels free to tell her such. Besides is it not better he told her and she advised him against doing it? I can relate cause I know people who can say such to people they feel free around them

    19. Anon 9:13

      I told my trolls to get off my dick, i didn't call for for God's curses on them. I didn't call for God to disgrace them. That's doing WAY too much in my humble opinion. All because of what? Because people doubt the stories you post here? It's really not that deep. Never would be.

    20. I sincerely like your person and your creativity , those trolling you have nothing to give and hate the fact that you re creative with gists,hence the enviousness.

      Whether you stay in the slum, estate, ghetto, island et al, laslas we all re equal before God. don't allow anyone to bully you and make you stop being who you are. Take a clue from EESAH and TEEJAY, don't allow trolls to make you change and stop gisting us those juicy gists. "We" like those your gists well well, naim we take dey kee boredom during workπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    21. Okay y'all are really misunderstanding me. I'm not out to undermine anyone's feelings or tell them how to react to getting trolled. I just personally feel that exploding like this in anger because people doubt your stories to the extent of cursing them is doing THEE absolute most and y'all can't convince me otherwise. And I'm saying this with my full chest unlike you anons who cannot counter me with yours.

    22. Y'all should leave Ijeoma PH with the saucy gists alone mbok..Snarker,you are such an insensitive person to have uttered such words from your mouth.

    23. This is not about people doubting her story. This is about her being called a LIAR. Stop playing around with words. When you are tag such a demeaning name to the full glare of everyone then you can decide how to respond. You don’t get to decide for her how to express her feelings until you wear their shoes. If you feel how you personally feel should be respected then respect how she PERSONALLY FEEL as well and stop trying to convince her otherwise. You say it with your full chest because it is her.

    24. Kidjo, "creative with gists" can be taken to mean what the trolls are accusing her of.. just saying.

    25. @Genny, but that is not appropriate though, next thing he will graduate to telling her about his sex life. Let's be guided please.

    26. IJ don't mind the trolls and don't let their words get to you. keep bringing your stories because we enjoy it πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    27. 10:28 oh dear, I was referring to her style of narration as creative, only few people have such abilities to write what they've experienced in a way to keep the reader wanting to read more gists from the writer.

    28. Snark....this was what you wrote, “you don’t need this press statement to........”. Firstly calling her heartfelt expression a press statement is downright rude and yes very dismissive. You ignored that part but keep focusing on the curse part like that was what your whole comment was about. Quit deflecting. I wasn’t talking about the curses since that wasn’t the only part you emphasized upon. You called her feelings press statement and told her to get off the internet if she can’t take the heat was really rude. Though you tried to soften it by adding lmao at the end of each comment, you were rude. Telling her not to curse wish is a good thing wasn’t what revealed your harshness.

    29. You don't know anyone here and not in contact with anyone apart from the blog owner, those teens that you said in the same comment that you introduced to this blog nko? You don't know them too? πŸ™„


    'Pray without ceasing.' 1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV

    Gone are the days when gun-shy theologians bowed to the god of science. Reliable scientists are now affirming how ingenious God is and how his principles hold up under the piercing light of scientific scrutiny.
    Neuroscientist Andrew B. Newberg, MD, who studies the relationship between spiritual phenomena and the brain, has demonstrated that we were designed physically and mentally to interact with God through prayer and Scripture. It's a known fact that there are centres in the human brain that respond positively to prayer, reading and meditating on God's Word, group worship, hymn singing, and empathy for other people. And Dr Newberg believes that practising a personal religious faith is the most powerful way to maintain a healthy brain. The brain's frontal lobe is used in focusing attention, rational thinking and decision-making. It responds to prayer and meditation by helping to reduce stress, strengthen our immune system, enhance memory and increase our capacity for compassion. It helps us ward off age-related brain deterioration and live longer! Newberg's research indicates that praying for at least twelve minutes a day slows age-related brain decline. Prayer and reading Scripture also deactivates areas in the brain associated with anger, guilt, anxiety, depression, fear, resentment and pessimism.
    It seems that 21st century science has finally joined ancient Scripture in echoing what the psalmist said: 'Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvellous' (Psalm 139:14 NLT). Can you think of a better reason to 'let the word of Christ dwell in you richly' (Colossians 3:16 NKJV)?
    Word For Today

    1. Thanks


    2. Let the word of God dwell in our heart. Amen

  12. I celebrate me,I am simply the best.

  13. It's not everyone that goes to console the bereaved is genuine. Some went to see if the person actually died. Do not share your problems or challenges looking for sympathy to every one.

    1. One of my uncle needs to hear this. He goes about telling anyone that cares to listen all his problems. It's very embarrassing even random people!

    2. Well said, the world has really changed to something else now

  14. "Anonymous8 February 2022 at 14:28

    One of my relation when she was very ill went to that church that was popular on TV for their healing. The attendants refused to let her go to the front. That's when I knew for a certainty that they are scam..."

    Yea, it's the scam of the century. But the major problem here is just that it's a cheap scam. For anyone to believe them tells alot about their IQ. If you really believe these supposed miracles are real, you need urgent help. Just last night I went to get groceries at a supermarket. One of the attendants whom I'm always nice to came to me. For sometime, he'd been on medicated glasses after he developed sight challenges. I always felt for him and encouraged him my own way. I noticed he had dropped the pair of glasses. I asked him and he gave me a shocker: he said his pastor asked him to have faith and drop it. I asked him to honestly tell me if he felt any better since then. He shook his head. Yet, you've refused to use your glasses! That's what religion does to you. It blocks critical thinking. You willfully make yourself a zombie. Same guy was now telling me he had financial issues cos his wife just had a baby. I asked him to have that same faith that his financial problem will disappear. He laughed. This tells you that deep down, people know they're being scammed, yet they take their heads to abbatoir. See nzuzu!

    The surprising thing is that oga pastor will never drop his own pair of glasses if he'd been the one with the challenge because he knows deep down it's all scam.

    The scam is seasonal. The new one has to do with some NSPPD shit. It's a forum for runs girls, retiring runs girls and the aspiring ones. Go check their log book and see.

    There's nothing like miracle. Why is it always people on wheel chairs or supposed diabetes et al? Why can't they make people grow limbs? Crooks.

    1. Some of what you wrote is sincerely Truthful

    2. There are miracles, your not believing it does not change that.

    3. "It's a forum for runs girls, retiring runs girls and the aspiring ones"


    4. 'Who sayeth a thing and it cometh to pass when the Lord commandeth it not?'

      Ceaser, I don't always agree with you but on this be very careful. You have never been on that platform to see what they are doing. You haven't seen the testimonies of people who got their healing or deliverance. Even a popular Igbo man who was a big deal in the 90s had to come on there and give his own testimony of what God did for him after years of stagnation. Is he a 'Retired Runs girl"???

      As a man thinketh so is he. What you call others is what you are and will end up with. Not a curse but a fact.

      Heidiot of the Century.

    5. Damn Ceaser, but I agree with almost all you wrote.

    6. Gifty you saw that too! Sucker punch right there! 🀣

  15. I don't know who needs to hear this but I beseech you in the name of anything you hold sacred to pay your employees their January salaries .

    People have needs ;

    School fees must be paid .

    Children must be fed .

    house issues must be addressed .

    There are people who send money to their parents and those under their care every month.

    I don't even want to talk about people who depend on their monthly salaries for their health needs.

    People went through a lot last year and haven't even recovered from the stress of January .

    The story I heard today is just so painful .

    It is not wise to wait for the third week of the month before paying your workers .

    When people work for you , pay them as at when due .

    Don't live lavish and watch your workers wallow in poverty .

    Hard work should be rewarded .

    It is not a good thing that people work like elephants and eat like ants in your company.

    It is understandable when your workers know that you are still growing and are willing to grow with you .

    Don't be a give away Lord when the cleaners in your organization are hungry .

    There is high productivity in your organization yet you haven't increased your workers salaries for ten years.

    You don't even care that there is persistent increase in the price of goods and services .

    They are afraid to speak out because they haven't saved enough to stand on their own .

    How do you even feel when you pay your workers 7k after 6 weeks ?

    Don't be the reason children go to bed hungry .

    S.T.O.P .I .T !!!

  16. Good morning beautiful people. Congratulations to you Twins Squared.
    I'm crushing on all the beautiful and hardworking women out there.

  17. Good morning everyone 😊
    Have a great day ahead 😊

  18. Memo

    If you want to take part in the next face of in house news competition kindly send your photos to
    NB: Two photos wearing the same outfit but different poses

    Are you SINGLE and ready to Mingle? Here's your chance to meet the love of your life... Stella Singles Mingles Valentine post will be out on Sunday February 13th, 2022. Prepare your texts!

    If you have any of these interesting articles below.. Chronicles of a blog visitor, Wedding night brouhaha, Omugwo Chronicles, Meeting Point, How Motherhood Changed Me, Service year Boulevard and Labour Room Drama etc.. Kindly send to

    thank you

  19. Whoever that is occupying your seat of breakthrough, closing your door of favor, scattering your seed of progress, pointing accusing finger at you, fabricating lies against you, plotting your downfall, shooting negative arrows and bullets at you, today the power of God will reverse all their evil plans and send their wishes back to them by the grace of God, in the name of Jesus Christ.

    I decree that the Almighty God will satisfy you with all the desires of your heart. You will be a reference point of success to others and God will keep a permanent smile on your face in Jesus Mighty name. Amen

    A fruitful day to us all.

  20. Good morning.

    My woman crush is to all mothers. Abeg, it is not easy.

    Have a splendid day y'all.

    1. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    2. Justyswt, today let me crush on you. You're a good woman with a beautiful heart. There is a comment of yours I won't ever forget. I don't know if I've said this to you here before. When I came into this blog newly, I was depressed at the time and I remember writing a chronicle then. Your comment on me touched me so deeply. A good number of persons encouraged and motivated me but yours really go deep into me. I took notice of it and promised to reward you when things get better for me. I think I'm ready now. I will contact you through the blog PA. You can drop your mail with her.

      Good Morning to you.

    3. Awww nice one our CEO,God bless you more and replenish ur pocket. Congrats Justyswt.

    4. Awwwww see the way I am blushing here. You are also a strong and courageous man. You will definitely go far in life.πŸ€—πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

      I love you allπŸ€—πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  21. Good morning gbogbo Ile.
    Stella you always have the right words. I will continue to look up to God from where my help comes πŸ™. Make una get better day.

  22. WCW 😍

    Ladies how do you prepare for the day. Do you select the clothes to wear, shoes, paent, bra and keep aside before going to have your bath or you randomly and hurriedly search your box for what to wear after having your bath?

    I do the former. I bring out what to wear and arrange them, clean my shoes and get everything set before going to bath. As soon as I have my bath I dress up and zoom off. It's easier for me that way.

    1. The former is the best way. If you do it the other way round, how do you iron, or even notice that there is a 'hole' on your dress and quickly make adjustments. I am a really organized person so I always prepare ahead.

    2. As the spirit leads.

      Depends on the occasion.
      Wedding,church,visitation.i arrange what I will wear.

      But normal going out.
      I pick any dress my hand touch.

    3. I do both, it depends on how the spirit led.

    4. Same too. I arrange everything from Mon to sat or Friday. It's easier for me

    5. I normally arrange my everything down,even accessories,bags and all to avoid stories that touch..since electricity isn't our birthright here,I have to iron and prepare down Incase power holders decide to hold the power

    6. I select mine the night before.

  23. Up and gratefulπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

    Its my birthday!

    1. Birthday blessings sweetheart

    2. Happy Birthday Dear πŸŽ‚ 🍾πŸ₯‚πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽˆ

    3. Happy birthday to you beautiful ❤️

    4. Happy birthday ms tee, your new age is blessed. πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

    5. Happy birthday dear. May your wishes come through amen. Long live and prosperity amen πŸ™

    6. Happy birthday ms tee. May God bless your new age. Amen

    7. Happy birthday darling. May God bless your new age. Have loads of fun today. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    8. Happy birthday Sweetheart 🎊πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸ’ƒπŸŽˆ God bless your new age richly πŸ™ŒπŸ™ keep on soaring higher πŸ™πŸ™ have a blast 🍾πŸ₯‚

      I love you plenty πŸ’–❣️❤️

    9. Happy birthday, ms tee. God bless you now and always. Amen.

    10. Happy birthday Ms Tee. God bless you.

    11. Happy birthday darling, I wish you the best in life.

  24. Good morning beautiful people πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹.

  25. Good morning everyone ❤ ❤ ❤

  26. So I woke up this morning feeling down, problems here and there, I just want to relax and be taken care of 😭😭😭. Good morning people of Sdk blog sphere

    1. Relax and watch God take care of everything

    2. God will show up for you. Hold on, ok. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    3. It's well with you πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ I pray God comes through for you

      Sending you loads of love and hugs ❤️❤️❤️πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    4. God will come through for you in Jesus' name. Amen. It is well.

  27. I celebrate myself. I thank God for me. I'm special! No be beans!

    Good morning blog visitors. Have a blessed day ahead. πŸ’•

  28. Good morning everyone
    My today wednesday crush is
    You Stella
    Eka joy
    Jewelua noir
    And others

    1. Right back at you Momma ❤️πŸ’•πŸ’‹

      Thanks and have a great day ahead πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

  29. Celebrating myself for all I went through and still standing strong. Never will I give up in life cos I know I am living in my best days everyday.

    1. πŸ˜˜πŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ€—❣️

  30. I used to have some trouble differentiating between advise(s) and advice(c) and just this morning I finally did! Thought to share here incase anyone would like to know too, advise(s) is a verb and advice(c) is a noun.

    So if you advise a friend, you are giving her a piece of advice.

    1. πŸ‘Œ Thanks for sharing. I also learnt honking this week from shooter gyal. I always like to learn something new.

    2. Halogen oven thanks for sharing, please what's the difference between air fryer and halogen oven?
      I also learned "moving houses" from Bv Omawunmi, though I have not been seeing her comment for a while.
      I take my time to learn new things here and it makes people accord me some respects considering my background.
      I'm really versatile with the conversation we have here and the ones I gather outside SDK.
      Thank you Stella for this opportunity.
      Gem, trust you're fine as well

  31. up and grateful to Allah.
    good morning one big family.
    crushing on all mothers❤❤❤
    May God bless all mothers all over the world.

  32. laslas we all re hypocrites in one way or the other, you say you are against something only when it involves those you like, but when it comes to those you don't like you let it scale through. Don't put others through what you won't like to go through again, you've experienced lies before and know how it hurts when you can't clear your name.

    1. Speak louder, we human beings are 2face in nature.

    2. Don't mind her and she's just a blabber mouth..

    3. Who are you referring to kidjo.. abeg gist us small na.

  33. Last week I crushed on Castle and Paris, today I crush on:
    Stellz Ma'am
    Jeweluchi Choco Choco
    Eka Joy
    Black berry
    Kidjo (my WCE)
    Queen and boss
    Fan Emmanuel
    And the list goes......... I'll continue from IHN. πŸ–️πŸ–️πŸ–️

  34. Please who is currently running PGD program in NSUK, asking cos I want to confirm if lectures has started and how the classes is. This my now boss don't want to hear school by all means and I want to try and make sure he doesn't know I am currently running any program in school.

    I don't want his frustration with my job cos I need it to achieve this certificate and more plans to japa from naija.

    Please help me with vital information πŸ™ 😭 😒

  35. Good morning blogfams,I celebrate you Stella and all the mothers on this blogπŸ’‹πŸ’•πŸ’šπŸ’žπŸ’œπŸ’ŸπŸ’™πŸ’–❤😍
    #Motherhood rocks

  36. Good morning beautiful people. Have a great day today πŸ’™πŸ’–πŸ’ƒ.

    Crushing on all hard working women, the Lord is your strength and sherperd

  37. The wave and storm that rocked Jonah's Ark did not make it sink. Therefore, I pray for you this morning, No matter the level of problems and challenges you are passing through now, they will not wreck you down but you shall overcome them. The Lord will arise and revive your celebration. Oil of prosperity, protection and healing will rest upon your life mightily. You will receive a good news that will change your story today, in Jesus Mighty name.
    Good Morning.
    _Have a blessed day_

  38. Good morning beautiful people ❤️❤️

  39. Good morning lovelies. Let love lead. Have a blessed day. Crushing on everyone. E no easy

  40. Good morning bvs. May today bring forth good tidings

  41. Yes ooooo....
    Already at work naaaa sinceeeee😁😁
    Today na woman crushing day, let me crush on ... My mommma.
    My Ezigbi Nne
    My Obioma
    My Prayer Warrior
    Nnem onye oga dili nmaπŸ™
    Your labour will never go unrewarded πŸ™
    Ezi nnem!!!
    To all the beautiful ❤️ women on this blogπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
    We all rock!!!!
    Jeweluchi our G.O ...greetings mammmy😁
    Blisssssful day ahead everyone 😘😘😘

  42. I'm crushing on myself todayπŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»
    Good morning everyoneπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  43. Good morning guys! Guten Morgen Stella. Enjoy your day guys. Show little kindness, do not offer a lecture to someone who needs a hug. Ciao!

  44. Good morning great people 😘😘

  45. Today is going to be a big day for us all.
    Good morning blog fam πŸ’œ

  46. Good morning everyone. I am celebrating my mother this woman crush Wednesday. She mean the world to me. I love you Mum.

  47. Good morning beautiful people
    Am crushing myself and my sister
    To my lovely mother.
    I celebrate STELLA for the way you do your things

  48. My Wcw is Ruth Kadiri, I think she is super and I enjoy her movies.

    1. She is really good at her job, her acting is always so natural.

  49. Good morning all,have a blessed day

  50. Good morning my lovely blogfam 😘.

    Yeah!! Im crushing on all the beautiful and hard-working women on this blog,I love you app and God bless the work of your hands.

    Happy birthday Ms Tee,God bless ur new age and grant u all ur heart desires..amen.

    Bvs have a great day ahead.
    E go surely be ✌️.

  51. My Wcw is Ruth Kadiri, I think she is super and I enjoy her movies.

  52. Good morning people. A blessed and highly favored day to us all.


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