Stella Dimoko Sunday In House Gists - Natural Birth Versus Caesarean Section


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Sunday, February 06, 2022

Sunday In House Gists - Natural Birth Versus Caesarean Section

Let us talk about the two ways of birthing babies....

We have natural childbirth and caesarean section and some women will NEVER opt for CS birth because they want to be like the Hebrew woman....

Some will never opt for natural childbirth because of the pain involved...

I had CS deliveries and all i can say is that the pain i went makes me question if natural childbirth would have been easier...

Is there someone here that thinks like the Hebrew woman?
Which childbirth did you have to birth your child? which would you have preferred?

Are you currently pregnant and almost due? which method do you want to use?

Natural childbirth is cheap but CS is very very expensive in Nigeria , so most opt for the natural way...

Lets gist!


  1. I had my first via cs and my second was elective CS

    1. Wait both r not the same?

    2. It's the same, dont mind her.
      Maybe the first was an emergency one. Story story πŸ˜…πŸ˜

    3. Anon 16:35, elective CS means she chose ahead of her EDD to undergo CS when it's time for delivery. The first CS must have been unplanned.

  2. I experienced both and I'll say vaginal delivery is waaaay better.

    For six weeks after I had a Caesarian Section, I was going for wound dressing and each time the bus I was in hit a gallop, I had to bite my mouth πŸ‘„ to stop screaming out loud. I never really had a bath for over one week, just using a towel to thoroughly clean myself to stop the wound from getting infected.

    Apart from the vaginal tear I had, I forgot about the pain of labour immediately the babies came.

    Vaginal delivery for me is the best.

    1. So sorry about how you felt but I think the pain varies from person to person and also the doctor that did the surgery. I used to stand up and do everything myself after one week. You wouldn't know that I had a CS birth if I didn't tell you

    2. Exactly, I have experienced both and I prefer vaginal delivery.

    3. I was walking uppandan london after 3 days bevause my babies were still in hospital after i eas discahrged. I guess i have a high pain threshold. Also i had my kids at a very good hospital. The scar is really tiny doesnt even show. childbirth is really traumatic

    4. 3 days after cs I could walk about. One week after, I could do everything. I guess it's different for everyone.
      It wasn't painful for me like that and I think I'll pick cs over vaginal delivery because the way they keep stressing this labor pain... Nah.

    5. I had all my kids through vaginal delivery. I prefer it because it will allow you to eat whatever you want after delivery ( correct nsala soup with better fufu).πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    6. I've had both and I prefer CS delivery.
      Stella, you're talking about pain of CS? Wait till you experience dilation and all the drama that go with labour the vaginal tear. Thanks God for UK hospitals, my tear was stitched amd had to be re-stitched 2 months later! Wonder how they would have handled that in Nigerian hospitals.

  3. I birthed mine naturally

    None is superior to the other, the koko be say make the mother and child(ren) dey alive

    Yes you're right Stella CS is so expensive in Nigeria esp in private hospitals maybe that's why women prefer natural to CS

    1. The hospital I was using were charging between 250 to 400k as far back as 2011, depending on the 'issues' sorrounding the delivery

  4. Natural/ caesarean birth, as long as you give birth to your baby or babies safe .

    1. I've experienced the both,left to chose I'll definitely go for natural birth.

  5. Personally,all mode of birth is God ordained and a success so long as mother and child are both healthy.i I have no aversions towards any but I had my first baby by CS which was not planned as I started bleeding in my 40th week and there was protein in my urine,I had to be induced but induction failed as I remained at 2cm for almost two days before I was eventually operated on. That CS was the first operation I ever had in my life and I didn't quite recover first . Till date my parents in law,are still believing I had to be operated on cos my baby was big and I wasn't exercising. currently pregnant and will be die in about 3months time. For no particular reason,I am looking forward to a vagina birth(partly because I think I will heal faster) but the whatever happens, I am expectant to meet my baby and deliver safely. I won't die by insisting on any method that doesn't have my and my baby's safety as top priority.

    1. *You will be due*,you will not due in Jesus name.

    2. Due in three months. I cover you with the blood of Jesus Christ and I wish you safe delivery, amen πŸ™

    3. *You will be due*.You will not die in Jesus name.

    4. You will be due and deliver safely in Jesus name. Amen....

  6. Bottomline: safe delivery.

    That maga that will ostracize any woman because she went through CS deserves to be under a rock.

  7. I go with CS ooo shey once they give you the spinal injection everything is set.
    You won't even know when they finish the operation.

    1. I have experienced both, trust me the recovery after CS is not easy especially if you don’t have much help..

    2. You mean epidural? I'm sure uve never experienced CS, if you have you would have been telling us more about the pain and healing afterwards.

    3. Funny enough, they can also give epidural for vaginal birth but it's not a common practice is Naija

    4. Csection hmm!!
      After surgery, I couldn't even feed my babies, the midwife took care of them. It took a while for the anesthesia to wear off. I couldn't move any part of my body till the next day. I think they removed the catheter on the 2nd or 3rd day. You dare not have a cough after a csection, the pain is indescribable.

      Oh then when they removed my staples on the 7th or 10th day, not sure, I screamed in pain and the midwife was almost crying for me.

      If you have no medical reason to do a csection, please consider a vagina delivery.

      How about nursing your babies afterwards? I could only breastfeed and couldn't do much. My first csection was better than the 2nd, I was a huge mess after the 2nd csection with swollen feet and I lost so much blood during surgery.

  8. Women please when you wants to give birth, if the doctor recommend CS please opt for it immediately. And when pregnant safe money for CS too, in case you need it. No one can tell

    Honestly, i think people that talk down on CS are illiterates, even if you're educated

    1. My problem is that a lot of private hospitals recommend CS cos they want to make money... Sorry docs in the house, my opinion. Government hospitals only recommend CS when it's truly necessary.

  9. Wish I can send a voice note πŸ˜”
    My three kids were all birthed through CS but, my mom never allowed me tell my visitors because she felt it was not 'normal' and I respected her wishes then. Her reason was that I was the only person that had given birth through CS in both lineage (hers and my father's) but years later I tell everyone that cares to listen that it is not a bad thing and I don't regret it one bit cos everything on my body is still in order πŸ˜‰

    1. My first was an emergency CS cos I was not dilating more than 9cm for two days but the second and third were both elective CS. The beauty of elective CS is that you get to choose a date that suits you to birth your baby.

    2. I prefer cs. Vaginal sounds brutal

    3. Did you say 9cm? Every hospital have diff method sha

      When I was 6cm dilated, the nurse broke my water herself and I was taken to the delivery room to give birth, at the second push my baby was out.

      I observed that as long as dilation is progressing well, they break your water and take you in for delivery.

  10. Whichever one,may God grant my request to be a mother.

  11. C section, without a doubt.

    It’s the safest way to bring a baby out. I find it very beneficial that I’m calm when my babies come to me as opposed to unpredictable hours/days of labour that might even end in Emergency C section as a result of complications.

    Yes, recovery from CS can be daunting and sometimes may have prolonged effect but I will choose it over and over for lesser risk for my unborn child.

    1. That emergency c section is beyond annoying, after waiting and going through labour pains, Kai!! Very painful something

    2. I had emergency for both kids, after waiting and going through labour painπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  12. Had my 1st through emergency cs...I will b going for elective cs come April for the 2nd.

  13. I don't have issues with either. I used the natural birth for the low fund. I just had my last baby last December. I was due and didn't fall in to labour by 41 week. I was so scared for CS not because of anything but for the cost that comes with it.
    We weren't too bouyant for such birth and God came through for me.

    I went through a successful induction to the glory of God. Gosh!! The pain was out of this word. Make I drive I get customer

    1. Induced labour pains nor be here o

    2. Madame koinkoin A.K.A "PeaceMaker "6 February 2022 at 19:04

      Wow thank God for safe deliver. Congratulations Ma

  14. My children were birthed through cs. I was induced twice (Thursday and Friday ),went into labor on Saturday morning and by night I was fully dilated but the head couldn't pass through so I had to opt for cs.It was the best cs ever,didn't feel a thing (except a light slap on my cheek when I dozed off) even by Monday when the plaster was opened to check the wound,I just winced a little. When it was time to remove the pins,no pain.My body healed properly (I was thinking "why people dey run from cs)
    But my daughter's own?(booked)The pain was out of this world!I felt like a cow on a slaughter's slab!I felt all the injections,to cough sef na pain.I couldn't stand straight. It's been a year and when I remember the pains I went through, I shudder. But in everything, I give God all the glory.
    Would I choose cs again? Absolutely (boot hanged though )Do I regret it?no!Would I advice anyone against it? No

    1. You're lucky to have been in good hands.

    2. Please if your doctor says cs,don't run away o.Don't start looking for what's not lost. Aa nii daa mu o.
      All na safe delivery. Once you see your baby, you are an hebrew woman o

    3. You sef hang boot for two?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      Are you me? The way I'm planning and calculating so my next will be a girl ehn.. I wan hang boot too o

  15. I had my two children through CS. The first was a case of emergency while for the second I opted for it. The pain after the anaesthesia fades off is out of this worldπŸ₯Ί.

    In all, my defintion of "Hebrew women" is having a complete healthy baby and we both go home afterwards in good health conditons after the 9months journeyπŸ‘

    1. You can actually control the pain and not feel anything after the CS. There's this drug they insert in the anus every 6hrs, it helps greatly with the pain.
      It's like most people don't know about the drug. I can't really remember the name now but ask your gynae or nurses.

    2. Yeah when I had one major surgery like that hours after the surgery I saw heaven and hell at once Kai
      The pain turned me to semi mad woman ooo I was screaming and shouting. Every 9 hours I was on pain killers that once injected I will just feel numb and go to sleep instantly but that one wasn't working so I was always complaining to my nurse and he gave me this one you are talking about to insert in my anus walahi the pains just went away and I wasn't feeling anything again I think the name is diclofenac or something

  16. Natural birth is very painful especially if you are induced. You will go to hell and come back lol. CS comes with its own pain too, so in all, you must feel pain

    1. That induction is truly evil, I screamed like a banshee, it still didn't help fasten labour.

      Still had to an emergency c section.

  17. When was 40 weeks preggos I was induced in order to make the labour process fast, omo i cried like a baby, I was in pains from 6am to 6pm and I was only 4cm dilated, when the doctor in charge of my case came and broke the news to me that my baby was stressed and they were booking me for an emergency c-section, omo i was happy since it was an epidural process, na me know wetin my eye see for that induction the pain was more than that of CS for me oh. And to the glory of God i healed very fast, was discharged after 4 days, we held the naming ceremony on the 7th day, to the glory of God, i even wore high heel sef, i didn't even look like one who went under the knife to give birth. I could not even imagine myself bushing out any baby o Ha, the thought alone did not make me dilate. But in all I'm grateful and thankful to God, that child will be 8 years old in few months time to the glory of God.

    1. Asinnnn that vaginal sounds traumatic..

    2. That dilation really pissed me off!You could be in 2cm for 4hrs.... Chai

  18. Learning from the moms here.

    All I can say is, I am not a Hebrew woman (I’m Naija) so birthing like one is not a priority for me. 🚢🏾‍♀️ 🚢🏾‍♀️🚢🏾‍♀️

  19. I had 3 CS. The first was very painful but I kind of knew what to expect by the second and third. The only down side is that recovery takes longer. This Hebrew woman talk is in Nigeria only. πŸ˜ƒ
    Even the real Hebrew women don’t take it that seriously. Do what works for you.

    1. I had my first through emergency cs, took in the second time and prophecy of delivering like a Hebrew women was flying upandown, time came I went to the hospital no labour no nothing I ran away and went to go and pray in one church like dat,na there I dey wen pikin die for inside belle,still went to hospital did the cs and lost everything baby and money.I took in for the third one prophecy started again and told them to am done with the Hebrew women prophecy not it's amnot my way am not waiting any more, packed my bag went to hospital and had a very clean cs safe mother safe baby. Forth baby came again with a clean cs.So 4cs and 3 children am done,for the hebrews I wish you all well it's not my way.

    2. Oh dear!
      But I am glad you learnt your lessons from the the whole episode.
      Thank God for you Ursula.

  20. I did both and if I was having a 3rd child I would have opted for CS.

  21. I had all my kids through natural birth. For the two births, Labour came on its own. For the third birth, Labour refused to come, I was induced, the pain can make someone go mad. Thank God, I am through with child birth.

    1. I pray to experience natural birth without being induced, cos the pain I went through during my first delivery eh... I screamed the hospital down 😭

  22. Which ever way,the safety of the mom and baby is all that matters. I had my two adorables via a natural birth,but the pain from tear is out of this world especially when your pee touches it,or you want to poop😭😭😭.

  23. Part of the stigma that comes with CS is people calling virginal birth natural birth. When a lady gives birth and people ask CS or natural, that question subtly shames the woman who gave through CS that what she just went through is not the real deal.

    1. There is nothing like "natural or unnatural birth please,its CS OR VAGINAL BIRTH!.I'm surprised everyone is chanting "natural birth" just because Stella wrote it so, its 2022,ignorance isnt an excuse

    2. Let them keep shaming. Me, I've resolved within me that it's elective CS I'll go for. Just jejely book a convenient date with the doctor, go and bring out my baby and use the drug they insert in the anus to control the pain. Case closed.

    3. Exactly anon. Its either virginal or CS,nothing else

  24. As long as I will get epidural, I'm good with vagina delivery all the way.
    I'm indifferent about both anyway, I always wanted a pain free delivery and epidural gave me that option.
    Women please if your doctor insists on a CS, go with the flow, even if you don't have the money at the moment, save your life and that of your baby first, you can always raise the balance you owe the hospital after delivery. The worst that will happen is for you not to be discharged till you've paid up your debt, but that's better than risking vagina birth when advised otherwise because of the fear of how you'll raise the fee for CS.

  25. In child bearing i don see nwiii. But I bless GOD in everything, I had molar first, lost second after Vaginal delivery,third pregnancy nko ooo, was dilating until village people came the umbilical cord is now coming before the baby after 2 days of labour, I was at a maternity home, the midwife called a doctor to prepare theater, the mad drive by hubby to reach the hospital is story for another day, on reaching my baby breathing was very slow, Doc told me that I am already very weak giving me any injection to sleep might react to more challenges that I should bear the pain once the baby is out he can sedate me, I felt every pain until I passed out, I saw my spirit left my body, my spirit was watching them panic in the theater, hitting my legs, the midwife calling her prayer warriors friends to pray for me, my spirit left the theater, saw hubby with red eyes as he was warned not to call anyone by the Doc, my spirit left the hospital to unknown place that I saw a tiny light I was walking to catch up with, while all these were happening, my baby girl they put in oxygen started crying, I heard it and I asked who is crying as I am alone on the road only a tiny light, I heard a voice told me that's your child , I shouted No, I can't let anyone take care of my children for me, I turned back and started running back, I saw myself enter the hospital, enter the theater even with closed door, the midwife was still praying as Doc was waiting for her to end the prayers to draw conclusions, I passed through their bodies, and entered my body. Doc noticed it immediately that I am back, I really thanked GOD, the midwife and the doc. To my daughter, her cries brought me back. I love her deeply, I named her Chimdindu ( My GOD is alive). I later had a natural birth 2 years later that came with buttocks. What we all pray for is mum and baby alive and healthy after 9 months. GOD i am forever super grateful for making a mother after all I passed through.

    1. Haa!!!!
      You are blessed, honestly. I felt chills reading your story.

    2. JEEESUUSSS😲. all i can say is thank God gor your life and your baby girls can they operate without even a spinal block😒. Nigerian hospitals sha😒

    3. Wow, this is a scary one. Congratulations. One thing I know is that when God says is not yet your time no matter what the devil tries will all be in vain.

    4. At the first hospital I registered, when I asked the matron how much they charged for CS, she replied, "Do you pray to give birth through CS? I reject it for you o."

      I was just asking to plan ahead in case I would have to undergo it. But she felt I was pronouncing negativity for myself. I kept quiet. I later found out she was a deeper life member. I liked her though. She was very jovial. Third trimester, I had preeclampsia. In the 38th week, doctor said they would have to induce me cos of the preeclampsia. Spoke with an experienced person who told me that if the induction didn't work, it would lead to CS. At that point, I strongly didn't want CS cos I was considering the funds.

      Meanwhile, I was also attending a church maternity home where I was told that I should make my decision. If I wanted to undergo induction and possible CS, I could do so. But, if I had faith strong enough, I could give birth at the church maternity. I chose the later while begging God seriously. I kept telling God, "You know we don't have money for CS. Please have mercy on me."

      Baby came vaginally at exactly 38 weeks. I didn't know everything that happened around me during labour. It was after delivery that hubby and close family members were filling me in. I remember that as soon as I was taken back to the ward after delivery, the nurses that attended to me kept telling me that God just had mercy on me o. Didn't really understand until hubby told me that they were about to refer me for CS when baby came out. They also told me that the pharmacist that sold the drugs prescribed for me, found it hard to believe that the patient delivered vaginally. I thank God for mercy.

      I have absolutely nothing against CS. It's just easy to pay for when one has sufficient funds.

    5. God is too wonderful. Thank God for your life.

    6. My goodness!

    7. Thank God you came backπŸ™πŸ™,Mercy said No!

    8. Jesus is Lord

    9. Father Lord😱😱 Thank God for your life. I had chills reading this. May God preserve your daughter.

    10. All the people I have listened to, who died and came back, gave this same description.

  26. Had vaginal delivery...had an epidural from barely strength to play with pain
    Baby came out, not a tear, not a bruise and back to pre pregnancy weight in less than a week.
    (Exercised alot during pregnancy, no cravings, appetite was normal, ate healthy, no nausea ,no vomiting and I guess that helped the snap back).

    Vaginal or CS are both natural birth, to the best of my knowledge, there is nothing like unnatural or artificial birth.

  27. I believe one of the reasons people do not want CS is cos of the cost. Had it being the cost is cheap;a lot of women might not mind it at all.

    I have never experienced CS, all my 3 kids came via vaginal birth, I have never been induced too. Will I reject CS if it happens to be my only option? NO. Though I prefer vaginal delivery cos once the baby is out all the pains are gone(except where you were given an episiotomy).

    Las Las, all na delivery. The most important is the life of mother and baby intact. God bless women.

    1. Madame koinkoin A.K.A "PeaceMaker "6 February 2022 at 19:20

      Same here, I won't reject CS if otherwise . Though mine are Vagina deliveries, I healed and got my body real fast. Cheers to all Mothers here and out there . GOD BLESS US ALL!

  28. It seems there is new CS method. A neighbor here has had 3kids with CS and she told us the pains she had was mild . She normally packs her stuff to the hospital herself and after delivery she comes back home next day

  29. Both C.S and vaginal birth both come with their own advantages and disadvantages.I had my first by vaginal birth but the baby was so big 4.5kg that a had a massive tear.I couldn't sit normally for about weeks.It was painful.But looking at the beautiful gift God gave me was all worth the pain.

  30. Please don't because of fear and lack of fun run away from C's when you are told that the only option left.CS in government hospitals is not has expensive as private hospitals in Nigeria.

    It is not a must to do it in a private hospital if you can afford one. I had my boy through CS,the labour pain and the recovery was really painful for me,it was an emergency CS but I thank God that my baby and I are alive to tell the story.

  31. Both was CS for me, first one wasn't planned I.e I didn't know I won't have natural birth, so I felt the pain but I was prepared for the second CS as such the pain I felt the second time wasn't as much as the first time, I don't think I can go thru the stress of vaginal birth, pain is too much. I prefer CS because you're such of your baby's safety, only mother goes through stress which is okay for me. Some have natural birth and end up looking their babies

  32. Both was CS for me, first one wasn't planned I.e I didn't know I won't have natural birth, so I felt the pain but I was prepared for the second CS as such the pain I felt the second time wasn't as much as the first time, I don't think I can go thru the stress of vaginal birth, pain is too much. I prefer CS because you're such of your baby's safety, only mother goes through stress which is okay for me. Some have natural birth and end up looking their babies

  33. Whether fish swallow Jonah or Jonah swallow the fish the end is what matters

  34. Two emergency c sections, I had the best of hands professionally and I'm very grateful for that.
    Am I still traumatised? Yes
    Do I still feel pains?
    Not really but sometimes when I stretch on impulse, I feel a sharp pain across my scar

    I know Fidel has been wanting me to share but I don't think I'm perfectly over it, sometimes I remember how I was close to death and I still cry
    I'm overwhelmed with hurt that as a woman society feels its normal for a woman to willingly give up her life during childbirth.

    In all I'm grateful for a wonderful spouse and siblings most importantly the gifts God gave me. Its not yet over but I know victory is sure

    1. One never really get over that preeclampsia ish. Sighs
      I wish I had twins because the thought of pregnancy again is frightening. You're a strong woman Duchess
      But still share the story soonπŸ˜‘

  35. I had all my kids through vaginal delivery. Anyone is ok as far as mother and child is ok.

  36. I am not married and I don't have kids yet. Can mother's in the house please elaborate on the healing process of vaginal birth and CS.

    Especially those who had tears (VB) how long did it take to heal and get back to shape because I once read from a mother who said she took a mirror to check her vajayjay after VB and she was traumatized at the sight.

  37. I had both my babies via elective CS.
    Vaginal birth was just something i never looked forward to doing.
    Started walking around a bit evening of the same day.Discharged 48hrs later.
    I would do it again and again!

  38. Having experienced both, I will opt for vaginal pls.

  39. I had my babies through vagina birth, I prefer vaginal because once the baby is out, all the pain is over. I had tears during my second. To wee and poop was so scary. I have nothing against CS but honestly, I prefer vaginal.

  40. I'm looking to God for children and I know he will do it soon. I am open to any of the procedure, vaginal or CS.

  41. I had mine through emergency CS. Oh the pains! I was induced but later resulted in CS as labour did not progress and baby was distressed. I almost lost my life during and after the surgery. Thank God for our lives.
    I heard that when you have your first baby via CS, the possibility of having a vaginal birth for the subsequent ones is low, that the rest are most likely CS, is this true bvs?

    It's eight years plus now and I desire another baby which is not coming, I and hubby are not even going for tests and treatment to get another baby because of the trauma of the first. I am honestly scared of another child birth. Is it the scary stories of vaginal birth? I still remember that chronicle where that woman's privates were damaged after vaginal delivery and now requires special surgery. I also remember what I passed through during my first. I'ma just tired πŸ˜₯

  42. Unfortunately some women have no say about whether they can deliver naturally like me 😞


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