Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


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Friday, February 11, 2022

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Hello Stella, Thank you for all you do. Pls keep me anonymous whenever you post this. 

 I am a woman that has been passing through hell from one reproductive problem to another.

 First it was myomectomy, ( Fibroids)and then ovarian cyst, endometriosis ,polyp and as a result I lost both tubes. Doc told me after my last surgery last year that I can't conceive naturally, that I can try IVF ( where is the money again nau) and that if I am lucky, it will work. 

If I see where to sell a Kidney Stella just to raise money for my IVF,( without my husband knowing) I will . All I am asking God is Just to help me ,one child is enough for me!!! 

I lived as an only daughter and I craved so much for child even since I was young. 

Things women go through on earth. My husband has been there for me . My health wrecked him completely. I need God's Favour, blessings. I feel lost most times, all I do is stare at the ceiling, always lost.

I need kind words, encouragement, and prayers which will go along way to sustain me. Knowing that SDK family have me in their prayers would also help because they are family

This really made me sad... A woman's life is not easy at all!!!
May the will of God for your life not pass you by in Jesus name...
May God continue to bless your husband for standing by you...

In the main time why dont you adopt a child and/or get a surrogate?


  1. Poster just hold go strong.
    I know it's not easy.
    Help will locate you
    Your miracle will come.
    Jehovah has the final say

    1. Ma, how about adoption? My aunt got 2 and they are in their early 20s now. The boy even looks like her husband and the girl looks like me.

      Wipe your tears. Your problems are God's way of pointing you to go be a mother to His other numerous motherless babies.

    2. No, Stella. Surrogacy will not cost her less than 7-10m and she is not sure the first trial of IVF will even yeild.
      Poster, the day your adopted baby will arrive and in your arms, you will flog yourself for not doing it earlier and putting you and your husband through the trauma.

    3. The Original ShugarGirl11 February 2022 at 15:41

      Poster, may it happen right for you and your good husband this same year 2022.

      I love you.
      You are not alone.

  2. Poster it is well with you. Why don't you find out time and go to the House of God give Him praise. When those evil thoughts wants to come let praise fill your mouth and see God in action.

    Be strong and don't lose faith. He is still God Almighty despite all you have gone through

    1. Join NSPPD. Wombless women suddenly had wombs. What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist. Your case will be mention and you will carry your baby

  3. God will show up fr u

  4. Oh so sorry poster. Stay strong.
    Stella even getting a surrogate is money also.

    1. May God bless and keep your husband for always standing by you.

      I wish i could help you carry your baby FREE.
      I would if i could.
      I already have 3 kids of my own and in my mid 30s.
      Baby dust to you and please hang in there.

  5. Hold on sting , Miracle will locate you🤗🤗

  6. Dear Poster, PLEASE do not give up. That's the Doctors report, not God's report. Remember this song, "whose report would you believe?" Believe God. Believe He'll come through for you. Believe He'll make you and your hubby smile. It will end in praise. Hold on to Him, ok. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

    1. E-hug to you poster. God has remembered you and you will testify, hold on and be strong, it is well with you.

  7. Please join NSPPD fire ALTAR

    1. yes oh, dat 7am fire prayers is the real deal

  8. Isaiah 46:4
    I will be your God throughout your lifetime—
    until your hair is white with age.
    I made you, and I will care for you.
    I will carry you along and save you.

    Dear poster, it's not too late to trust and believe God. That's all you have now. I have seen miracles and I know your case is not beyond God.

    Luke 1:37 says and with God nothing shall be impossible.. Can this be your daily confession? Every day you wake up is a chance for you to receive your miracle. See it in your heart and act like it. God will come through for you. By the way You can join us on Facebook with Pastor Chioma Ibezim or IG, or YouTube. She is hot. And today's prayer is about the 11th hour miracle.

    And you can also join Nsppd. God is doing awesome things. Mark 11:23-24 if you can believe and not doubt in your heart... I just
    Jparaphrased. Pls read it.

    I am trusting the Lord too for a baby. I have named him and I see it with the eye of faith. God does not lie. And what God cannot do does not exist.

    The devil is fighting you. Rise up and fight back. The devil is a liar and will not succeed over you. But you have to change your confession.
    God has given new wombs, O aries etc. Is it you he will not do it for? No..

    Rise up wash your face. And rejoice in the Lord. Because God is good and His mercies endures forever.

    Pls don't forget, go to Pstn Chioma Ibezim's page and read testimonies. And join in thr prayer at 9pm. See you there.

    I believe I will come to this page and testify. God is good.

  9. Sorry about what you are going through sis. Believe in God and he will make a way where there seems to be no way.

    Meanwhile, why don't you go for adoption or surrogacy as Stella suggested. The feeling and happiness of having a child through adoption is same as birthing the child yourself. Just do that and make the whole family happy.

  10. Don’t loose faith poster,remember Sarah In the Bible,remember Hannah,keep holding God by his words and his promises to you,keep praying,keep reminding God that u can never be barren as long as he is ur Heavenly Father.whenever u are worried,find a quiet place and engage in worship,sometimes buy sweets,biscuits,small cakes and share with the little children in ur neighborhood,or in ur church,give them random gifts,things that excite children,and pray that as u make them happy God should make u happy.God works in mysterious ways,he will surely show up and suprise strong ❤️

  11. Oh dear 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
    Awesome father please locate her and Grant unto her, her desire, amen.

  12. Sorry dear. Your miracles are on the way. What women go through. All the best honey

  13. Beloved, I will pray for you; that God will remember you! Nevertheless, you see that Stella's last line, it is GOLD.
    My sister had the same challenges; dual ectopic and lost tubes. IVF was presented and she quickly grabbed it as she had the
    money. Did three, four and had four successive failures. So you see, money and might isn't the issue. God gives children and my
    sister soon learned it. In the course of all these, she found Christ. She adopted two kids; a boy and a girl. She was happy.
    She learned forgiveness and confessions and put them into practice. She confessed to her husband her numerous abortions, and infections.
    That over, they had forgotten everything about having babies and she was in her forties at this time. She got ill and went to hospital
    did all the tests including ultrasound. When the doctor was explaining to her the ultrasound results, she aske the doctor a question, "are my
    ovaries healthy," and he answered "yes." Okay, so what did he think about IVF, "of course."
    She convinced her husband and they tried again; boom, twins.
    So now, they have four kids.
    Beloved, my sister's case may not be exactly yours, but I just felt I should share it even as we pray along. God bless you. *hugs.*

    1. The Original ShugarGirl11 February 2022 at 15:44

      😲 OMGoodness!

      Thanks be to God for this story. Poster there's hope.

    2. I have always been an advocate of adoption. Poster, adopt as many kids as u can comfortably train. Love and treat them as if they came from ur womb and God may just do the rest and even if he doesn’t, u already have ur own kids

  14. I pray God almighty to wipe away your tears and give you your heart desires

  15. This broke me. May God show up for you. Please if you can adopt, do. That's while you wait for your miracle. I don't want you looking back years from now and wishing you did (not saying you won't have yours soon ).

    There's a couple close to my parents who were married before my parents. The woman is in her 80s now. She and her husband are alone. When one is sick, it's the other that has to be strong for the sick one. Sometimes they cone to my parents for help.

    When I see them, I feel pained. I wish they had adopted when they were younger. But you know, we will always have faith that ours will come. What if it doesn't? If only we know what tomorrow holds, right?

    Please just see it from my perspective. You'll have your own kids, but try adoption while you wait for your miracle since you obviously love having a child cause it would be different if you don't want kids.

    Be strong please. Your miracle will come.

  16. take it easy Poster...I can only imagine what you've been through and it's just terrible thinking about it, may God be with you and never leave you

  17. Please look into the possibility of adoption. Having kids is one thing but being healthy for them is another. Besides no doctor will willingly perform IVF on a woman with one is too risky both to the health of mother and child. Yes, adoption is a hectic process in Nigeria but who knows, God can assist you. Also, if you have a family member who will agree to be your surrogate, that's an option as well. But adoption, look around, there's a lot of kids in this world looking for parents. Be a parent to one of them. Let heaven use you to make a child smile. That's my two cents

  18. Selling your kidney? Why not open a GoFundMe instead. Join a support group for women dealing with infertility. I think you could benefit from meeting and talking with other women in your same situation.

    Have you looked at changing your diet, exercising and other practical measures you can take? Soy for example is known to cause fertility issues, yet it is in almost everything these days. Being over or underweight can also affect conception. Stress and worry are factors that can also affect conception. And believe it or not, even the phase of the moon you try to conceive under play a role.

    Please look at everything before getting to that stage of desperation you go sell an organ. Ivf is phenomenal and has made many couples' dreams come through but it still only have a 25% success rate. So please hold off taking drastic actions especially with your own life and health to go get it.

    I have seen women here talk about drinking the okra juice, using their own applicators and injecting their spouses semen to ensure better contact with their eggs, and finding success. Ask God to show you what to do. Do not simply pray to get pregnant pray for knowledge, wisdom and divine guidance for your specific situation. God knows your biology and chemustry through and through and what you need may be a completely different approach from even what I have mentioned, so also seek direction from the all knowing source that is The Divine.

  19. This brought tears to my eyes, may God come to your aid.



  21. Dear poster, let me write in to encourage u. I have almost a similar issue with yours, Fibroid, did a Myomectomy to remove them, then both tubes were blocked after the surgery while healing. Then I had Cysts, hmm! To God be the glory my marriage ended. In all, I think the marriage ending removed the pressure of looking for a baby in the meantime, and trust me it helped me from the mental torture I was under.

    I returned to my parent's house, I am currently trying to build myself in the area of financial independence. I will be 37 this year and sometimes I worry, that a time does not come when I now have the money for IVF and age is telling on the process you know what I mean. For now, baby-making has taken a back seat since I can't afford it now, but rather than just stand still, I am trying to forge ahead in other directions

    Now my options are either to get married to a man who already has kids but is a widower or divorced and I raise his kids like ours, or in the future, I would be open to adopting a beautiful baby or all things being equal will try IVF too.

    Just telling you my story so you don't give up and feel like you are alone in this. It's not the end until you give up or God says so. May God grant you your heart desire, IJN. Amen!🤗 🤗

    1. I am so hapoy to know that you are at a place of peace. God has a purpose for everyone's life and being a mother does not always mean you have to five birth. Mothering shows up in so many different ways.

  22. It's well with you Poster, I pray God opens way for you to get funds for IVF. You will carry your own child soon

  23. All I know is that, in this life you will have your own child (children, if you want more) in Jesus name. Amen. Bookmark this post so you can do a throwback when it is time for your testimony.

    Do what you can physically, pray and leave the rest to God. We got you in our prayers.

  24. All I know is that in this life you will have your own child (children if you want more) in Jesus name. Amen. Bookmark this post for a throwback when it is time to testify.

    Do what you can physically and just keep on thanking God for doing it. I am praying for you.

  25. Oh dear,poster be strong, it's not too late to trust God, don't believe the doctor's report,the God we serve has
    The final say over your situation,he will wipe away your tears and it will surely end in praise.🤗🤗🤗🤗😘😘

  26. God will show up for you in a miraculous way.

  27. Poster, wipe your tears. God has answered your prayers.

  28. Keep believing in God, get strong in your faith and keep praying for a miracle. While doing that, I'd suggest you start a Keto diet with intermittent fasting.

  29. Dear poster, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I appreciate men like your husband who despite all odds have stuck with you. Pls try other options suggested by other Bvs. May the God of all comfort who comforts us in our tribulations comfort you.

  30. Dear poster, I do not know you but I pray for you, that by this time next year, you will carry your own baby. The cry of children shall fill your home and laughter shall be your new sound.

  31. Poster you need to relax and reason your health too. A child is important but you don't want to die while trying to have one.
    Last last your husband will look elsewhere.
    If you can't afford IVF relax, consider adoption and then try IVF when you are financially buoyant.

  32. Go to the pharmacy buy Clomiphene citrate and take, it may work for you because it's a fertility drug

  33. Hi anonymous 15:39, if you have some funds, please look into freezing your eggs so that you will not be under pressure to marry any man because age is no longer on your side.

  34. God will come through for you just be patient and keep the hope alive.

  35. Poster don't sell your kidney. What an adoption?

  36. What about adoption? Don't sell your kidney o

  37. E-hugs dear poster,there is absolutely nothing difficult with the meantime, if you are in Lagos Nigeria,visit Bornfree Ministries,at Greenville Estate.Badore,Ajah.or join the pastor's facebook broadcast on Mondays 10am at Philip Osung Ministries.He's the God of flesh,and there's nothing too hard for God.He's still doing miracles.Don't give up on yourself yet.we are together in this.God bless you.

  38. I did the banana, milk and bicarbonate thing and it worked for me.
    Also, stress can cause infertility, as hard as it may seem, try remove stress and enjoy sex.
    My case was chemotherapy as a result of cancer... long story, today I have 2 boys and a girl.
    The God that came through for me is still God.

  39. Poster i know it's not easy but please keep on trusting God. He will make Your part straight, i too have had my share of life issue but knowing the word of God in jerimiah 29:11 and joel 2:25 it keeps me going.
    It may seem like there is no way out but i beg you don't quit and focus on God. Adoption too isn't a bad idea just invite God to direct you. Pls take of yourself

  40. Join nsppd prayer group 7-8am mon-fri through Facebook or YouTube and see the wonders God will do in your life.

  41. Poster pls just hold on to God and see him do his MIRACLES. He came through for me after 4yrs of waiting and some medical ISH. I don't recommend any Church or pastor to anyone because I believe in a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. May the TRUE GOD show himself to you and give you your desired miracles.

  42. My dear, join the Hallelujah challenge and praise God like kilode and see him arise for you. Check Pastor Nathaniel Bassey and join his page. Instagram, YouTube or mixlr, facebook as well. Taste and see that the Lord is good. It is well dear. After all in Psalm 113 he said he made the barren woman to keep house and be a joyful mother of children. Trust in the Lord do not give up hope.

  43. Hello poster. Don’t sell your kidney. With so
    Many other health challenges you need to be hale and hearty for when your baby comes home. Somebody up there said when you hold your baby in your arms you will be so angry you didn’t do it earlier. My dear try adoption, the baby will bring joy to you and your family, you will wake at night, prepare milk, wear nappy, bath baby sotey you go tire. And trust me the child will love you uncontrollably and call you mother. You will back baby and put baby to sleep and cry when baby cries. What other greater joy is there?????? What are you waiting for? Looking to the ceiling for what??? Adopt a baby today and see countless blessings fall on you for bringing a helpless child to a loving home. Take your joy into your hand my dear. Your happiness is in front of you.

  44. Join Nsppd 7am prayers everyday.what God cannot do does not exist. GOD OF SPARE PARTS WILL REMEMBER YOU.Thank me later.


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