Stella Dimoko Couch Convo - The Hazards Of Marketing...


Monday, January 17, 2022

Couch Convo - The Hazards Of Marketing...

Today we will be discussing marketing from the side of the Marketer and the side of the Marketee....

The stories abound and some are quite shocking.....

Have you ever marketed anything before and added something to spice it up?
I know someone who worked in a bank and married the married man she went to market their product to...........She is living the good life but had to relocate abroad when the main wife almost finished her off.....

A BV said  ''I went to see a client who gave me an appointment at her house in surulere, omo as I entered her house, goose bumps full my body as a man. I never see that kind gown before, as short as a singlet, see laps, she offered me wine, sat close very close to me to discuss business. Brought out her cheque book by the side while discussion was on going, Stella, the gist no be here. 
 I entered her house 12noon, I no come out till 6pm. This na me guy ooooh, imagine wetin ladies they face''

Do you have a story? Most men dont allow their wives work as Marketers because it allows them meet a lot of people and...... who knows!


  1. Knowing what i know now, i thank God i failed the interview for a bank job in Oceanic bank years ago. I cried so much back then.

    1. Your tears were valid.
      I worked as a marketer in a bank and if you're not loose, you won't sleep with any prospect/customer to get account.

    2. Hahahaha, mine was Finbank then. I wept but now I Thank God.

  2. As a Lawyer, i have seen "ween". A senior friend that i have known for years called, that he is buying a duplex, and needs me as his Lawyer, imagine the excitement when i heard the amount involved. Even if it was 1% i wouldn't have had issues at all. 1 Year post call and expecting such huge amount of money even as 1%

    He said 1% kor, that he is paying me 10% ni. Before this, he has asked me out before and i outrightly told him i can never sleep with a married man, which he was like okay no problem. Let us be friends, Which it was always hi hi big friend, and once in a while communication . He is very rich, and liked the fact that i never ask him for anything or complains

    Told his boys to take me to the property, when i saw it and the price involved i knew this was it. Oya let start business, he said there is condition oh, okay fire on. Before this had started planning what i will use millions for

    He said you must sleep with me. Kia my world came crashing, i begged my friend, liked begged, that he knows my principles and how i respect marriage, quote all the bible portion and devotion for were. I told him i will never ever do it, he thought i have needs and i will change my mind. That was how i lost that huge deal thag would have changed my life forever . But no regret. i blocked him cos that can never be a big friend never. Doing the right thing always, loving God wholeheartedly is the most beautiful feeling, no money can buy that

    1. Way to go woman 💪🏼

    2. The way the man really wanted to bed you at all cost,there was more to it.
      Good you didn't fall for it

    3. Very wicked man. He was no friend!

    4. Good for you
      That was the devil's gift which brings pains and lasting sorrow

      The man na wrong number abeg

      Stella those who submitted and still entered voicemail full ground, I wonder if they can tell their cautionary tales or they are still licking their wounds in bitterness at being used

    5. If you had slept with him, you still wouldn't have gotten that deal. He knee what he was doing. Don't regret it.

      Marketing? I have seen it all. 17yrs and counting, though I do a different kind now at management level. You want to make it? Keep it clean and stay extremely classy. They will smell it from a far and be on guard. Even if they want to misbehave, they will count their teeth with their tongue first. DO NOT BEG!!! Do business and be courteous. Your own will scale through seamlessly. Forget those ones giving you dirty conditions.

    6. Ms Saphire thanks so much for the tips

  3. Banks don't encourage you to market alone, that's why most marketing teams have both male and female to avoid things like these. The pressure is much oh but most of those buying and selling are doing it willingly, they are probably into that lifestyle already.

  4. The last job I will ever take is the job of a marketer. I do not have spit to waste abeg 😂

    1. Would be hard to be a marketer if the person isn't polite to start with. That's like Basics 101.

    2. Anon what’s wrong with you? Why harassing her unprovoked? They send you ne? My goodness

  5. omo marketing get as e be ohh...its a very sensitive occupation, one needs to be prepared for anything

  6. Stella, I was the one that dropped that story up there. I just open the blog now and come see this post, I dey come with the full gist today untop this thread. No be small thing ooooooooooh. I dey drive comot for office. I dey come

    1. We are waiting for the gist, no fall our hand.

    2. I get time today for amebo🤷😜🙈
      Mbok no disappoint us o

  7. FCMB sent a text to me for an interview after an aptitude test around 2008 or so... When I found out it was an aggressive marketing job, I didn't border abeg.

    1. that bank that even the workers sleep with each other, both married and unmarried. was it not that bank that the former CEO fathered the children of a marriedwoman,which led to the death of the husband of the woman

  8. If you are not displined, don't bother about marketing job. Especially banking jobs.

  9. I use marketing blow. didnt wanna sleep with customers at first but the pressure got to me, juicy accounts, plus orgasms, what else can I ask for? now a retired big girl with kids and husband that sleeps with anything in skirt, needless to say i choptas not, I am cool with the title of wife, let him go into world as he pleases n he's grateful I do not bother him n very generous, i call him big god, lol. So far he doesnt put eye in my private "biz", we good. Atleast he has agreed to use CD at home.

    1. CD is not 100% protection o
      You don't know the spiritual and mental state of the ones he carries o

    2. Jet li, tell them o.

  10. All my life I’ve always been a professional sales man even before I did my Nysc and I must tell you that it’s never easy.

    I once went to deliver hampers to a particular client in the company of one of my colleague(A lady BTW) only for me to receive a query at the resumption of work that I was looking at the man suggestively and giving off gay vibes.

    This was me who was quite stressed out from the days errand oh that I barely looked him in the face. Funny thing was that it was a family owned business and I even delivered hampers to his brother too that same day and was even more friendly with him so I was surprised that the complaints was coming from him.
    Didn’t even know how to reply to the query so I went in person to see the HR and told him I was confused so he directed me to go see the ED and explain myself as the complaints was lodged at her table directly.

    I went to the ED and told her what exactly happened and even called the said colleague as a witness to corroborate my claims so the ED asked that I went in person to beg the said man or lose my job as he was one of our biggest clients at the time.

    I went to Ogas office oh and immediately I entered nigga started smiling and asked me to sit, he then asked if I wanted a drink and when I refused he started telling me to calm down that everything would be sorted out.
    I moved to state my reason for coming to see him and uncle told me to ignore it that he intentionally said those things cos he knew it would result to them asking me to come beg him. He then went on to tell me how he couldn’t stop thinking about me since the last time I left and how he could imagine the things my lips could do to his dick.

    At this point uncle was standing and he was already hard asf. He came closer and tried touching but I stopped him then he went on to saying how he’d take care of me and tell them to transfer his accounts to me so I’ll be the one in charge and how he’d introduce me to the people in his circle so I’d be on top of my game. I really was irritated and not because a man was hitting on me but because he had to put my job on the line to achieve his selfish aim.

    I told him off and told him to keep his account and left but he was on my neck for a while until I finally left the organization for personal reasons. Funny thing is that uncle has his family portrait sitting pretty on his table displaying himself, his wife and three of his lovely looking kids.

    Abi Na the aunty gwegs wey first gimme job come later dey say make I marry am say if I marry am her brothers go change my life😂😂. Me and aunty sha played small rough play but when I see say aunty don dey serious I Japaed biko. No be me you go kill for my mama.

    I don see plenty things for field abeg

    1. Hmm this is serious

    2. Wow. Things are really happening in this our country.

    3. I wonder if his wife is aware she is married to a fag.

    4. U truly give off gay vibes even on d blog.

    5. I honestly thought you're female!

    6. If you actually think I’m female then you are née to this blog cos my picture has been uploaded for three years consecutively on this blog in my birthday.

      Been here since 2012 just so you know say I be old bone.

  11. if you are a man, stay away from any female marketers. 90% re prostitutes

  12. Did this bank marketing work for about 12 years and left as an AGM and NEVER slept with anyone for accounts, deposit or biz. It's not for the faint hearted, bcos the threats no get part two. If I was given the chance to do it again, I would say "no thanks" bcos it took over my life. No be say money set my hand now, but I dey sleep and wake up in piece. Enrolling at a gym helped to keep me away from high BP and the kind of propositions from dirty old papas dey frustrate. I can't count how many times those papas stripped butt naked, but trust me by the time I laugh for a full five minutes that their hardon go deflate. Make I stop here, bcos I fit give lecture on this matter


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