Stella Dimoko Boredom Eliminating Post


Friday, January 14, 2022

Boredom Eliminating Post


  1. It depends on the parents in context.
    Some parents of the older generation actually raised their kids well.
    My hubby is an example.

    1. Twin Squared,

      Please read the post again.

    2. It didn't say they raised us wrongly. They patented as life demanded those days. We have to raise our children as today's world demands. If you raise today's children as the past generation did, they will lag behind in many areas.

  2. True but one can imbibe the method used by their parents one way or another to raise their kids. Some of the societal vices we see today didn't just start. Some evolved over time, while some have been modified and modernized. Evil generally is as old as man.

  3. Yea, these generation are raising terrorist all in the name of wokeness Children with zero empathy and respect

    1. Wonderful! And the people of the old and past generations were all so nice and kind and saintly.

  4. To some extent I will raise them the way my parents raised me and to another extent I won't.
    Teaching and instilling the fear of God is one of the ways we were raised, being contented with what we have and exercising patience in certain situations are also part of the lessons learned while growing up. But you see, their approach to sex education is what I never use in raising my kids. I will not deny them that parents/children relationship, will be the closest friend they have.

  5. And what's that ๐ŸŒŽ that no longer exist?

  6. My children's matter was just on my mind before I opened this post. Sometimes I wish they can be under my orginial father's roof (not this grandfather version) for a minute.

    We were raised in silence but this my kids Ehhhh.....i thank God for them๐Ÿ˜

  7. Na una sabi. Awon woke generation

  8. So true. Can't raise my kids the way my parents raised us. I need them to love and help each other.

  9. Praying to GOD to perfect my children paths. I am teaching them the ability to say No when not comfortable and give their reasons respectfully. To ask questions when they don't fully understand. These areas my parents never allowed it and it really affected me.

  10. Honestly, I do not agree with this.. Not totally true

  11. I can't . Have alot to teach. Train. Make them my besties. My companion. My friend and everything. Teach them humility. Keeness. God fearing. Just want to change some norms

  12. My parents raised me well. The only thing I will do more is making my kids my best friends and making them open more to me.

  13. Well I don't agree to this. Some parents of those days did better than what some of this woke generation is doing now, so it depends.

    1. Cynthia, kindly read the post again.

  14. Not in all area, you can still spank a child, call for morning devotion,share house chore for them etc abi how else do you raise children of this generation? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคท

  15. My parents did a good job so I do not agree with this post. I have however adopted a hybrid approach so help me God.

    1. Sista Sista, you too? Please read again. ๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“

    2. 20:25 please leave people alone, they have answered it the way they think best. Answer yours and let them be!

  16. Atleast not everything about the upbringing we had is outdated, there are still lots of lessons to be transfered to our own kids

  17. My parents raised me well, especially my Dad. He gave me kisses and hugs always. Even the times I messed up. It doesn't matter what I do, his response was always love and more love. It was when I got into the university that I realised that it was a different world out there. But alot of people protected me while in school,people I didn't even know. Then they used to tell me that they don't want me to change the way I see life. But before I finished from uni, I just had to change the way I see life(in some areas) was necessary.


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