Stella Dimoko Relationship Coach Kingsley Okonkwo Says Marriage Will Not Make You A Happy Person...


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Saturday, December 11, 2021

Relationship Coach Kingsley Okonkwo Says Marriage Will Not Make You A Happy Person...

 Do you agree with him?..... 


  1. It depends.If you’re a tolerant person and can quickly replace the bad times with the good ones then I agree but I doubt his theory if the downs are more than the ups,If the sad days overshadow the happy days.

    1. Try and read with understanding.
      Comprehension is key in getting the message here.
      He's 100% correct.
      If you're sad and miserable as a single person, then that is what you'll offer your spouse.

    2. @16:21
      In your eyes, he is "correct," not in everyone's; especially people that reason

    3. Be Calming down Anonymous 16:21, Anonymous 15:37 is entitled to their opinion and I believe 100% right.
      I married as a broken and depressed lady, just wanted out of the house, my father had 5 wives that were all harming each others children. You could feel fire at the entrance gate.
      But God turned my life around, He blessed me with a man after His own heart. My husband worked so much, i wasn't giving, I was practically taking so much energy from him. I would snap at every little thing, was always in defence, was brought up in a home where you had to fight to be heard. You know what, I just thank God for giving me an angel.
      But God turned my life around and I am very grateful.
      He made me a new creature.

    4. Anon 7:29 . You are lucky. What if your husband wasnt giving so much?. What your energy rubbed off on him?. That's exactly what the pastor is saying. People should stop being selfish and taking all the time. Heal so that you can also give.

  2. The analogy though.

    In life, I've learnt every individual have their truths. So it's true because it works for you. It may not work for someone else and that means it's not their truth.

    What am I saying? We'll not all have same outcomes if faced with same situation. Our approaches differ.

  3. I have come to realize that marriage isn't a destination,it is an assignment.It is not a place you go to rest, it is a place where two people come together to work ,reason, analysis and grow together for the accomplishment of their Destiny.

  4. Lies, marriage from God brings happiness, the bible said all Good and perfect things comes from the lord, marriage is a good thing, and all good things brings its own different vibe of happiness.
    He who finds a wife finds a good thing. Marriage brings joy and happiness when u are married to the right partner.

    1. go back and read it again ..marriage will not make you happy if you can't be happy as a single person ...

    2. Anon 16:32, thank uoooh but i still stand on my opinion marriage brings happiness with the right partner ok.

    3. Paprika, I agree with you. The right partner being its own special kind of happiness. This is another angle.

  5. It's true. Most people go into marriage with the mindset of finding happiness. Don't go into marriage broken and start carrying your hurt on your partner. Fix yourself up

  6. It is may not make you happier but it can definitely make you sadder and depressed

  7. Not true, marriage does make people genuinely happy if you are married to your God given partner. Marriage is orchestrated by God to bring joy, companionship and fulfilment for woe to him that is alone. Ecc 4:10.

  8. My marriage makes me genuinely happy. Different stokes for different folks I guess.
    Not like I was sad and frustrated before marriage but marriage has added more value to my life. I have had many more remarkably happy moments as a result of marriage despite the stress and consistent work we ve both had to put in. It’s all worth in the end.

    When you and your partner are intentional about making your marriage blissful, why won’t it make you happy.

  9. Not even one Scripture from the Bible or is this not the same man we've seen here labelled "Pastor?"

    Gen. 2:18 Now the LORD God said, “It is not good (beneficial) for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper [one who balances him—a counterpart who is] suitable and complementary for him.”
    Prov. 30:21-23 The earth cannot bear under . . . a woman that is not loved

    John 16:21 A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.

  10. If you have a twisted mind, you never have reasons to be happy as a single, marriage ain't going to change who you are dear. some people are naturally feel good humans, they don't need reasons to be happy, they are always happy regardless the situations/ circumstances they find themselves. Some need reasons to be happy and over time they now know what makes them happy. Those group of people who are never happy, the happiness of others often their sensibilities , not even their own success can make them happy. This last group will not find happiness even in marriage.

  11. Totally agree, if it's with a wrong person

  12. Well said.... If you are not a happy person whilst single, marriage won't make you happy either. Bottom line: work on your self if you have to,before getting married. You cannot give what you don't have!!!!

  13. Lies. When I was single, I was lonely, sad and depressed. My life change when I got married and had children.

  14. It depends on the foundation the marriage is built on. God ordained marriage. It comes with favours, including happiness.

  15. Good marriage add more happiness and long lives to both parties

  16. He is right. Your happiness need not be dependent on any cofactor, it should be a path you choose to walk through. That way personal happiness becomes a constant and not a variable which marriage is.
    Logically, it's more like self-love. If you don't love yourself unconditionally, you can't give unconditional love in marriage. So if in your natural element (nature) happiness is far from you, your marriage won't befit that on you. Our life journey is predicated on being who we are looking for - this is serenity.

  17. I completely disagree with him, If we really want to be happy in our marriage God has given us a manual, that is the Bible to follow, only if we apply what is found in the bible then we can be happy, for example, the Bible says husband should love your wife, if a husband really love his wife hardly the husband will cheat on his wife or raise his hand to beat his wife, at the same time Bible says wife should have deep respect for her husband, tell me if both of them apply these principle that they are not going to be happy.


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