Stella Dimoko MONDAY In House News


Monday, December 06, 2021

MONDAY In House News

 Hailings oh......


I need to point out something to some of you......

Some people came on my inbox applying for the give away and what i always find amusing is that they start by telling me how many years they have been reading my Blog..... So what if you have been reading it for years? does it mean i owe you anything? You also read other blogs and websites dont you? Why is the entitlement mentality activated here? Did i do something to enable it?

I have Germans friends also reading here and they expect nothing...
You also read International websites dont you?
When something chooses to be different, dont choke it......

I am also reaching out to people i know outside the Blog who need support, people i can keep up with and ask about the business or what they did with the money and not the ones that will vanish and only reappear during giveaways with sob stories....

Your format pushed me to tow this path.

So far ten people have gotten 200k each, amongst the ten is Chilaka who will get his today...

Whether comments increase or reduce, I will do what i have to do....

Some of you have gotten lots of giveaways but always come back for more.... This time it wont happen, let it reach others please!

I will be giving away N200k to BV Pinky to start the Business he discussed with me months back.... Nobody should bully is what it is.

Enjoy your day......



Sometime last month, a customer and myself bumped into each other at the entrance of a hospital where I went to see a sick neighbor. I asked her what she came there to do and she dropped the bombshell.
She said the younger sister of her best friend was admitted there. The story is that this lady was waiting for a cab by the roadside after closing from work when a car pulled up in front of her, the person behind the wheels was an old classmate from secondary school, a man.

 On sighting themselves they screamed and hugged and the man offered to give her a lift, he told her he was going to her direction.

They exchanged phone numbers and she dropped at her bus stop. Later in the midnight she started bleeding from her private part, she was not on period and she was not pregnant let alone having a miscarriage or abortion. The bleeding continued till the next day so she went to the hospital, they carried out all manner of tests and treatments, they did not see what was wrong and she kept bleeding and getting thinner. Her mum and sister then took her to different Pastors and spiritualists, one of them eventually told them where the problem came from.

They said she sat on juju meant to renew ritual money, that they have used her blood, she will keep bleeding till she dies. They asked her to think back to the day the bleeding started, which unusual chair did she sit on, she now remembered that she was in the bank where she works till evening that day, then the next place she sat on was her old schoolmate's car seat before she trekked home from where he dropped her.

The pastor warned her never to accept lift from anyone again especially someone that she doesn't know what he does for a living, like the old schoolmate that she did not see for years. They cured her of the bleeding but she lost a lot of blood and so they took her to the hospital for blood transfusion.

Pls bvs let us be careful and prayerful. So many evils in town. May we not fall victim.

WHAAAAAT!!!! Wickedness!!



Fridays column from woman going through motherhood prompted me to write this.

My husband and his siblings.

Their parents were very strong deeper life pastors back in the days, infact, he tells me that his mum was a very popular evangelist.
His dad too was a very strong believer, he pastored a branch of deeper life church for many many years.

Stella but you see these children, ***crying***my husband’s lifestyle is really terrible, he smokes like a chimney, carries prostitutes all around, infact, all the vices you can think of, he specializes in them.

His siblings nko? Ha! his brother, that one is in his second marriage, his first wife left when she couldn’t cope, the second wife is living in hell, any bad thing you can think of, this dude is capable of it.
His brother is known as the village nuisance, these are children that were giving quality education back in the days o, he fights his father and even his mother of blessed memory.

Their dad can not have a single day of peace, it’s either this dude wants to break his head with cutlass or he wants to sell one of his cars.

Their old man is dead now and my husband’s elder brother who obviously won’t contribute shi-shi is threatening to scatter the burial ceremony...Stella the story is long.

What breaks my heart is that their parents were very strong believers, so what really went wrong?
I really feel sorry for their parents when I remember all they passed through in their old age, and to be honest, I blame them sometimes because I feel they did not bring their children up properly.

The funny part is that my husband is a worker in the church, much to my displeasure because I feel he is being a hypocrite.

Ah this is so sad.... It must be really hard for you!



When my family and I wanted to relocate, my partner didn't make frantic effort at proper house haunting, he prolly just taught house na house since we are believers.

However when we were cleaning the new apartment, I discovered the last tenant was fetish as dark items like black pot, local sponge, stones, snail shells etc were seen and removed. I was concerned but unfortunately we had paid. 

Y'all know how hard it can be to retrieve such money.

The owner of the building was a Muslim lawyer whose only child suffered from an undiagnosed chronic disease. Of course, that shouldn't be connected to anything, or maybe it should be.

We had a family saving to the tune of 2million naira when we arrived and after all the expenses, we still had some good sum left, but as soon as we settled in, things went awry. The business that my husband and I established crumbled the second month and we began to feed from hand to mouth, it was so bad, we had to close the business and became a stay at home jobless couple. 

My partner became suicidal at some point... But in all of these, we never stopped praising, praying and fasting, so many things happened along the line that time will fail me to share, but on Dec 24th that year, I woke my man in the middle of the night and told him that i am weary of living in this strange land and it was time to return home.

We would run out of rent in 3days, the same thing that happened to the previous tenant that led to his property been seized is about to happen....

We took a bold step and jointly agreed in prayer, on the Dec 25th, 20**, we left that city for good and never took a pin out from that apartment. I remember backing my kid and telling my neighbor we are taking a short trip home for the festive season, that was the last they saw of us. Till today, I didn't know why God permitted the turbulence, but one thing was clear, He saved us, in the end.

In this season, God will deliver you.

There was a curse in the house you rented.... Maybe all the fetish things you saw was the last tenant also trying to fight back... Most times the Landlords are responsible for such calamity befalling the tenants...

Thank God for saving you and yours.



A young man drove to the area after the morning rush hour when everywhere was calm. 

A lot of people had gone to work and students too have gone to school, except late goers or those in the afternoon session. He came out of his car and threw a snail down. He didn't know that about two women in their shops saw when he threw the snail down.

He called unto a young girl that was preparing for school to come (it's an open compound), she was just in her tights and singlets getting ready for school. She was walking towards him, then he asked her to pass through the back of his car and help him pick the snail on the ground.

 The young girl who's in SS2 was surprised and asked him why she should pass through the back of his car. That's when the two ladies in their shops who were observing him came out and started asking him why he wanted the girl to pick a snail for him. They raised their voices and he jumped into his car and drove off.

People came out, they saw the snail and started hitting it. Ma'am could you believe that they were hitting this snail and it shell didn't break . That's when they concluded it wasn't an ordinary snail, If that girl had touched it, she would have disappeared or used for sacrifice.

Plenty people gathered. The young men present all peed inside a bowl and they poured their pee on the snail. Got a pastor to pray on it and buried it. It was like a Nollywood movie. 

Things are happening, parents should please tell their kids to stay away from strangers and teach them the safety rules too. No evil shall befall us or come near our dwellings-

HA!!!!!..... what is the pee supposed to do?



  1. Divine Health Confessions!!

    I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Sin, sickness, and death have no power over me. I rule and reign in life. I dwell in Christ, seated with Him far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion. Glory to God!

    1. Congratulations pinky
      Your hussle don pay last last.

      Stella I guess the pee is to neutralize charm on the snail

      Nazarite thank God for your family

      Shiloh starts tomorrow.
      Come and have and encounter with God.

    2. Congratulations pinky, more wins for you and your wife in Jesus name amen

    3. Glory to Jesus..

      Good afternoon blog visitors..

      Congrats Pinky. I know you will use it well..


    4. Congratulations Adebisi Pinky. I'm happy for you. May you grow in the business. God bless you Angel Koof

    5. @all the gists. Things are happening. Juju and diabolical people everywhere. May we not fall victim.

    6. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

    7. Ihn is here...
      lagos sun is crazy.

      Good afternoon to everyone

      congratulations Pinky

    8. Yea Stella. The pee was to neutralize the effect of the charm. God will ever continue to save and keep us safe. Congratulations Pinky and all recipients. God go open our door Amen

  2. IHN is here......una Good afternoon

  3. Replies
    1. A pregnant woman entered our compound with big Ghana must go" and was trying to open my flat not knowing that an elder was inside. My compound is always quite. I shouted at her and she replied that "am looking for soya milk woman".l asked her whether the compound looks like one, and why she didn't knock at first? She started crying. I just looked at her and sent her outside.
      People blamed me for doing so, that l should raised alarm.
      It was the pregnancy that made me to look at her with mercy.

  4. Congratulations Pinky
    A nice day I wish everyone

  5. Who's watching "Harlem"? Staring Meagan Good, "The last Duel"?

    Beautiful movies๐Ÿฟ

    1. Me me๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Quite interesting

    2. Please where are you people watching it? Help a sis. T for Tanks.

    3. 15:21 download from netnaija.

    4. Whenever I post the link, SDK doesn't approve my comment.

    5. Thank you Sandra. Let me go and find it. ๐Ÿƒ‍♀️

  6. Omo no light for Abuja ooo.

    Heard CBN Is owing AEDC some change. Na wa oo

    If you are in abuja, and you have light, raise up your hands ✋

    So that I will report you๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  7. Congrats BV Pinky and Chilaka God bless you beautiful angels on this blog...

    Easy wheezy day

  8. Pinky,Congratulations brother
    So happy for you ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ

    Who else is not feeling harmattan in Lagos???2021 be doing whatever๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

    1. It was only yesterday morning oh! The Sun in Lagos can roast corn ๐ŸŒฝ

    2. Babes,the shakara no be here๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

  9. Praise God, Weldon Stella.
    Pinky got what he ever wanted.
    Stella na you biko.

  10. IHN is here.
    Congratulations pinky, I am so happy for you, more blessings for you and your wife in Jesus name amen.

  11. My husband lost 50k yesterday and he's planning to see a native doctor today, is that how to solve family issues.๐Ÿ™„


    Good afternoon ihn is here๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™

    Awwww see me blushing thank you @ KIDJO,Anon 9:26,Stella Maris Baby & Deheroine

    Congratulations Bv Pinky

    1. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃtalk true it's you who took your husband's money๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.

      Congratulations Pinky, may the business flourish.

    2. Plenty E-hugs dear, goodafternoon๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

  12. See gists o
    Stella the pee will neutralize any juju in the snail

    1. Congratulations Pinky. May it turn to gold in your hands.

  13. Good pm,lovelies.

    Congrats are in order to Pinky but can you tone down the negativity as pertaining Nigeria now?? ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ Be positive and more of what Stella just did now won't cease coming your way you hear?? I like the memo today for reasons best known to me..Entrepreneurship is my watchword still...


    1. Dash ryt my boy. Keep mentioning your 'entrepreneurish' let dem 'ear. ๐Ÿ˜…

  14. Good afternoon everyone
    Congratulations to you Pinky.

  15. Good afternoon Fam.
    IHN Tor hot today ๐Ÿ˜

  16. Good afternoon.
    A hot and sunny day. Lord I need harmattan.

    1. Congratulations Pinky,I'm so happy for you,your business will prosper in Jesus name.
      Congrats Chilaka,everything will work out for your good.

  17. Sunny ๐ŸŒž afternoon ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿคธ๐Ÿคธ๐Ÿคธ๐Ÿคธ
    Congratulations to Pinky omo Stella, I pray to be favoured too as I really need the giveaway like I need air to breathe. Stella kindly consider me as this would go a long way, I won't even mind half of the said cash.

  18. Congratulations bv Chilaka and pinky.
    Christmas is finally in the air. I am super excited.....

  19. That’s how that day they said a man turned two kids to yam until the news was later debunked. Guy man was just brutalised for nothing.

    So abegi jare

    1. Eka these things happen. God protect us

    2. Don't be a doubting Thomas o even if you have never seen it happen don't you know the world is evil and evil things are happening. Continue to pray it never happens anywhere around you.

  20. Replies
    1. Dupe! Please it is Ekasan, stop spelling yoruba as if you are not from the tribe. It's enough already, just write good afternoon now.

  21. Good afternoon everyone๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ
    Congrats pinky.

    1. Awwww!Stella yaff vex o,E ma binu ma๐Ÿฅฐ

  22. Good afternoon house, God please come through for me

  23. Wickedness everywhere.....I pray she survives it........congrats Bv pinky.God bless your kind heart stellalicious

  24. Good afternoon BVs, may this week the fruitful for everyone.

    Congratulations to the recipients. I pray the money multiplies into millions.

  25. Congrats Pinky and Chilaka.... May you guys multiply with this money. A miracle that sound like a lie just hit me few hours ago. You see this life eenn, don't fear to try a thing. You never can tell the outcome of your trial. I went for a proposal to a very wealthy man from my place and after discussing with the man, he said the timing is wrong to work on my request. I told him even in a wrong timing, things can still be made right. He asked how much am I looking at? I told him my figures. After some silence, he brought out a cheque and that is it.

    See me smiling sheepishly coming out from Trans Amadi. Getting a contract and a project executed here in Port Harcourt isn't for the faint hearted.

    Good Afternoon Guys!!!

    1. Congratulations teejay

      I dey wait for my percentage(joking

    2. Congratulations! More good news

    3. Your growth in business is amazing, congrats

    4. Congratulations Tee-jay. I'm happy for you.

    5. Thanks guys... God always show up for me in critical moment of my life. I can't just explain this kinda Grace and favor not minding how sinful I am.

      This week started on a good note for me.

    6. Congratulations Teejay, you're so right about getting a project from Rivers State Port Harcourt especially.

    7. Congratulations to you Teejay

  26. So many mysterious things are happening,the quest for quick wealth has made people very wicked,may God continue to grant us safety.

    Congratulations pinky!
    Disappearing from the blog can never be an option to me oo,cos its part of my everyday life,the money will be a complete turnaround for my small business.

  27. Good day everyone. I have been seriously sick since the past 3days now. I don't know what the problem could be, for the past 3 months, I always fall sick each time my period is about to start, or each time it starts. I'm getting to recover.

    1. So sorry dear..thank God you're better! Im on the same table,I always feel feverish when on..but the fever disappears when I'm done without taking any drugs

    2. So sorry dear.could be your hormones re imbalanced due to lack of some vitamins or something. please go for a medical checkup, let them run a proper check on you. get well soon

    3. Thank you so much dearies.
      Fidel ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
      Paris, honestly it's tiring. I even lost some weight without hitting the him, Lol.
      Kidjo, yeah I thought so too. I was too weak to go run a test. When I recover fully, I wouldn't hesitate to do so.

    4. Sorry about how you feel, maybe your period comes with fever. Mine is serious cramp on the first day.

    5. Hitting the 'gym'.
      Thank you Radiant and Genius Vincent onye nkem. I appreciate.

    6. It is well with you dear. You are whole in Jesus name...Amen


  28. My daughter, If you are dating a stingy guy, buy yourself gifts and tell your friends he bought them for you.
    Your fake friends will steal him and suffer. You cannot be suffering alone.

    The suffering must go round. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚

    Hello bvs!

    1. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    2. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    3. This you advice na helele๐Ÿ˜„. My daughter, if you're dating a stingy guy kindly leave it's not by force ๐Ÿ˜

  29. Congratulations BV Pinky.

    What a read! Chai ... Crazy things are happening everywhere. May God keep protecting us ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฟ


  30. My daughter, If you are dating a stingy guy, buy yourself gifts and tell your friends he bought them for you.
    Your fake friends will steal him and suffer. You cannot be suffering alone.

    The suffering must go round. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚

    Hello bvs!

    1. Ha. This your advice get as e be o.

    2. @Metoyou ,The advice from Praise is funny but true. I know so many girls that do such, my frd got herself a benz and lied that it was her guy that got it for her, only for the bf to expose her that she got it herself and he didn't even contribute shishi or is it the ones that throw themselves surprise birthday bash๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ girls and plenty wahala eh

  31. Good afternoon Stella mama and Blog BVs. Congratulations BV Pinky

  32. Good afternoon everyone.
    Congratulations to the recipients do far, God bless you Jeweluchi Stella and blog Angels.

  33. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty

  34. Good afternoon everyone.
    Congratulations to the recipients so far, God bless you Jeweluchi Stella and blog Angels.

  35. Hmmmm what a wicked school mates, I Hope,the evil he wanted for his friend backfired to him.

    And most times parents of mere church goers turns out much better than the
    pastor or all this over spiri Koko children
    The banner of the Lord will continue to be our shield and the of our children especially at this time.
    Congrats to all recipient of the giveaway.

  36. ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜† Pinky go dey happy wella o as Stella don finally notice am today..Stella your memo for those wey don collect giveaway but still wan collect another one dey on point.I know people wey deserve this giveaway for this blog but dem never get am

    1. When will giveaway reach my side ? No entitlement mentality,but I think Stella doesn't like me, it makes the rest of us feel somehow,when we are constant ,but giveaway doesn't get to us. The remaining money can be given 100k each,it will reach many and it will still serve purpose,it makes me feel less of a bv honestly,while someone will be getting over and over again. Please Stella, consider us too, don't be partial,God bless .

    2. 14:45, anyhow you want to write it, it's still entitlement mentality. Did she make the blog for you to come and beg? On top somebody's money you're writing this nonsense! My friend go and work you lazy ass!

    3. Why will you feel less of a bv because of giveaway,haha ko le to yen now,let us be calming down nitori olorun,we can't teach her how to do things on her own blog.

  37. Good afternoon fellow BVs, Stella don vex, abeg make una no inbox her again now, she made it clear, me sef need giveaway but we shouldn't feel entitled to something that is a gift. May God provide for all of us.

  38. That's one benefit of being in Christ
    They can't use you for any ritual.
    And by the way, the "pastor" who is talking about this lady bleeding till her death
    isn't representing Jesus at all. When Jesus comes in, he sets you free and you are
    free indeed.

    1. Dearest **** how is the Pastor not representing Jesus well?
      Is it because she had to still take blood transfusion or...???

  39. Good afternoon one big family
    One love

  40. Good afternoon people, hope you all are enjoying your day. Congratulations @Pinky, God bless angel Stella and angel Koof

  41. IHN is here.

    Congratulations BV Pinky, God's blessings upon you angel KOOF.

    Stella, it is believe that urine can neutralise the effectiveness of a charm.

    Beautiful afternoon to everyone.

  42. Congratulations bv pinky. May your business flourish.

    Harmattan should do and come. This heat is something else.

  43. A lot of people are looking for "human christmas goats for sacrifice"
    One word for all those who "peed on the snail"
    Do not get involved in what you do not know. For you don't take up the children of Belial
    if you are not fenced with iron; i.e. if you do not have the security that Jesus gives.
    And all the girls that love nice rides and think that when a man stops on the road for them, it means
    they are "happening babes," your vain pursuits can be you greatest undoing.
    Do not just celebrate the birth of Christ, give your lives to Christ for he was born to save you

  44. Hmmmmmm........ the evil people do. Stella, the urine is to neutralize the voodoo. May God keep protecting us.

    Congrats Pinky.

  45. Good afternoon all, congratulations to all the cash recipients,take care all,it's ending in praise

  46. Congratulations Bv Chilaka and Pinky.

    So news flying around is that one or two of the kids who bullied and beat up Sylvester which resulted to his death have traveled out of the country ๐Ÿ˜ก. Like seriously? What audacity? One of them Kashamu is the son of a late senator. Watched the interview of Sylvester's dad on Arise and was crying. Been having headache because of these.

  47. Congrats Bv pinky. May God bless you Mr Koof and ma'am stella

  48. Good afternoon SDK villa.
    Congrats Bv pinky,and God bless the giver.

  49. The rate of wickedness these days one needs to be very prayerful and careful.

  50. May God continue to give his angels charge over us, our children and loved ones in Jesus Name

  51. I believe the apple doesnt fall far from the tree, most of all these so called pastors live double standard lives, if you see or hear what they do in their closet, you would be shocked
    .so i think their evil children took after from them.

  52. Congrats guys, I pray slimzy get too he's a very cool guy, I'm not slimzy o,God bears my witness, I'm also praying I'm lucky . I'm specially happy for chilaka and miss Ess

  53. Good afternoon Everyone
    Examination week, so we are closing by 2pm from now till next week
    So, one of my student was caught with mgbo today. The thing shock me o, a JSs3 student have the guts to bring a full paper of answers to the exam Hall
    Children of this generation ll not seize to amaze me

    1. How did he get answers to a question paper that had not been released?

  54. Congratulations Pinky. God bless the giver

  55. Congratulations bv Pinky and to others as well. Una doh.

  56. Good afternoon guys!! Lets continue having an awesome week ahead. Some folks chatted me up to check up on me from here. You guys!! Thanks!
    In other news...since Chelsea lost over the weekend, my remote has never gone to any Supersport channel or Blitz channel. Na African magic yoruba i dey watch since saturday night. Black Slimzy and Paris Savannah this post does not concern you guys. Do have a great day ahead all. And yeah!! Pinky! Congrats bruv!

    1. ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚ Good looking out to you and be good

    2. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿคฆ
      Why you remind me?

    3. Mark ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ you see what we've going through since eh! Keep on enjoying your AM series ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ e don over you

      Fidel don hide too ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  57. Congratulations Pinky. Go and Excel.
    More blessings to you, Angel Koof.

  58. Congrats pinky,I honestly thought of him this morning, may the money multiply in your hands.

    I pray I get lucky with this empowerment, it will change my story and levels for good o.

    God bless angel koof ,God bless SDK maami. Some people's life will never remain the same with this massive empowerment honestly, God almighty will surely reward you both.

    This ember period, please let us all be very careful,a lot of things dey happen ,evil people on the prowl,let's all be vigilant. Olorun a wa pelu wa o

    1. No surprises here.

    2. Na wa. Aunty you no dey tire????? Your drum no dey ever full????? Na wa for waya road.

    3. Which kain prayer be dis,you pray you get lucky wetin?You are greedy,only you wan collect all.Abeg give chance make dem see other people wey dey here dey suffer since.

    4. No mind her, the other time she was given 50k to help in her ponmo business,she came back again to say she used the money to learn tailoring,now na to buy tailor equipment, greedy human being. Stella post o,again she and able God was given some money recently by SDK, why this greed? I've not received a dime here,not even data, and you're here packing all. I dey angry,Stella post o

  59. Goodafternoon friends..
    Congratulations bv pinky and chilaka..
    May God continue to bless the givers..

  60. Compliments of the season oh.
    Congratulations to all wey get giveaways and those that have not gotten, be patient e go happen soon. Don't let jealousy and envy consume you o

  61. Congratulations bv Pinky. GOd bless Angel Koof in hundred folds.
    Ritualists are truly on the prowl. May God keep us safe

  62. Wow. The stories no b here o
    Congratulations pinky may hour business flourish amen. Pleasant afternoon BVs.

  63. Wait o! You people did not tell me I can use cold water to make zobo na????
    So you meantu tell me na so so gas I dey waste since????๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  64. Hmmmm... Things are really happening. Evil everywhere all because of money . Rejoice not when the evil peoeple are progressing . E get why.

  65. Good afternoon to you all..

    Thanks to Stella and also every individual who has made it possible for me to be pertaker of this give away without stress.

    Presently in my village for something important and what I met was something else entirely...

    Gist coming tomorrow...wicked people all over the world..

    Anyone wey no fear Akoko Ajowa(Ondo state) then u are on ur own

    1. Partaker** Proofreading saves you from errors

    2. Congrats Pinky. But wait o, you dey always experience drama left, right and center! Easy o biko

    3. I don't understand. This is your appreciation speech? Or you want to add it to the tomorrow's gist? Na wa

    4. Congratulations Pinky, may your business blossom. God bless Angel KOOF

    5. Heehehe iam from Akoko too(isua) hmmmm fear that place,if you see wetin my eye see for my mums burial hmmmmmm,another story for another day

  66. Angel Koof..God bless you the more and I appreciate you .ur blessings shall be upon you on multiple folds

  67. Congratulations Pinky and CC.
    May your business prosper and flourish in Jesus name.

    Stella abeg look my side o. I have an existing business,and this giveaway will go a long way.I pray grace finds me .

    Good afternoon everyone.

  68. Congratulations Pinky and CC.
    May your business prosper and flourish in Jesus name.

    Stella abeg look my side o. I have an existing business,and this giveaway will go a long way.I pray grace finds me .

    Good afternoon everyone.

  69. Pastors kids go through alot, The enemies tend to attack their kids since they can't attack the pastor themselves and render them useless. It angers the devil that they are winning souls for Christ and most pastors leave the battle at their homes only to fight other's battle.
    Pls if you are a pastor, always expect temptations in any form on your kids and prepare them ahead on how to fight these battles. Poster, you should make the book of Psalms your frd and pray ceaselessly for your kids, also teach them how to pray for themselves.
    I pity girls still accepting free ride from people they don't know their source of wealth,This is an old trick used by yahooplus boys nah.
    If you must accept a ride sit at the back of the driver. evil things are happening, May God hide us under his wings

  70. Stella used my first comment cook ogbono soup. Anyways, congratulations to Pinky.

    Una good day ๐Ÿฅฐ

  71. Things are really happening,one to trust again, it's really scary
    May God continue to keep us safe

    Congratulations pinky

  72. God bless you all bvs, thank God for pinky, thank God for me also would be giveaway recipient by the grace of God

    1. Pray you have money instead of being a recipient. Have money and give to others. You people like hand-outs too much.

    2. in your dreams

  73. Hmmmmm! Things are happening ooo. So much wickedness everywhere. Congratulations BV Pinky.

  74. congratulations to the recipients, Stella darling please look my side this time, please support my water business

  75. Stella whether u choose us or not, na dis blog we dey. Like we die here. Your blog is not only entertaining but therapeutic.
    If u choose me yaay ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ, if u dnt still want love u less. One day one-day God will remember us in other various ways.
    We love u like that

  76. Stella where is my comment na???

  77. Congratulations @Bv pinky, Chilaka, Miss Ess, Martin and other recipients. May your businesses flourish.

    @Re: Inside the mind of...: From the few I have seen, I think some pastors concentrate more on their pastoral assignment/ministry forgetting that, their kids/family is another ministry on its own.
    Some pastor spend so much time growing the ministry and having little time to grow their families. Some female pastors will be busy finding faults in the kids of other people, while their children are going wayward, right under their noses.
    If pastors both male and female can make effort to great a balance between the pastoral and home ministry, if pastors, especially the male, can learn to be “daddy” at home, having fun time with their families, creating a beautiful bond with their kids/spouses, I feel their kids will behave right.

    @Nazarite ink: In getting an apartment, one needs to be prayerful oh! Some landlords are “very wonderful” beings. I remember sometime back, a bricklayer stopped building a house again. Asked why. He said, the landlord brought charms while he was working and told him to help him place the charms in the walls before he plasters them. He refused and left the place without looking back.

    See ehn, in this life, the only place we can find (divine) safety/security is in God.

  78. Wow! Pinky I'm happy for you. I was silently praying that you would be picked. Thanks Stella for picking him and Chilaka. God bless you Angel KOOF.

    I pray I am picked by SDK for this business giveaway. It will help start up my salon again, I would be able to stock up attachments and weavons for this festive period. So be it O'Lord��

  79. Congratulations pinky God bless angel koof, Stella thank you too.
    God abeg send help to me, you know it all.

  80. The level at which some young people involve in ritual is so alarming, as in they are ready to do anything for money. May God keep protecting we and our loved ones from these Evil.

    I have always heard about haunted houses but I don't really believe in it them too much until I had a 1st experience. Mehn it was terrible, we lost almost everything but thank God we are alive to tell our story. We had to live the house this January. Things are really happening oo, pls always seek God when renting an apartment.

    1. Tor! Thank God you saw with your own eyes.
      Some houses you can only leave with nothing. As in you will be so stripped of every good thing in your life.
      No matter how desperate you are, find out about the owner of the house and previous tenants.
      Also, as much as possible never stay in a place where landlord is also living.
      Even if dem give you for free, reject am.

    2. In my case my landlord doesn't live in d compound but av not been able to furnish my room since I moved in 2019,lots of setbacks and disappointments i face.i lost my job some months after n up till now no job even to renew my rent,I suffer before i get d money.the shocking one is dat every night we hear cats running in d ceiling, it sounds more like loud footsteps of a human being running,very scary,God knows i won't live here next year.

  81. Congratulations to Bv pinky and Chilaka. I pray grace finds me too.
    Terrible things are really happening... I pray that God will continue to keep us safe. Amen

  82. Good evening people of SDK. Congratulationsto to recipient. God bless for the good work Ma'am Juweluchi.


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