Stella Dimoko Frequently Asked Questions On Stella's Blog....


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions On Stella's Blog....

 The Frequently asked questions post is awesome and Unique to this Blog.

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  1. my vagina is always dry and uncomfortable during sex. and my sex drive is low, if my hubby doesn't initiate,i wont. How can I help this pls?

    1. Missed my period for 3 months now and I'm not sexually active. Went to the hospital and was asked to go for some tests which includes hormonal profile. Please what does it entail? Will I have to open my legs or it can be done with blood? Thank you.

    2. Oh it's everyday we answer this question on FAQ na. Don't you check?
      Engage in long foreplay, don't just dive into the act. Relax your mind too. Eat fruits like bananas, pineapple, watermelons plus milk(heard this makes vagina taste heavenly).
      Prepare your mind to have good sex, don't just do it because you want to please your hubby. Be spontaneous. Don't limit the sex to just your bedroom. Sitting room, bathroom, against the wall etc. Na ur husband.
      And please try to initiate too sometimes. So your hubby won't feel unwanted.

    3. @Anon 13:07;take enough watermelon,pineapple and dates..

      Buy Lubricant like KY Jelly or Preseed..

      But you see that pineapple,become the minister of pineapple affairs Daily..


    4. Take lots of water,take lots of dates,pineapple and watermelon for the dryness,buy gorontula syrup or the seed and chew,Try to remove shyness and always try to be naught with ur hubby,there are some sex coaches online,u can follow their pages and learn from them,don’t be rigid,be free and ready for sex and u definitely will have fun.goodluck!

    5. Hormonal profiling is with blood, sometimes you will be required to do a TVS then you will off pant n open leg, or a normal abdominal scan.

    6. Thank you all❤️

    7. It's just your blood sample that will be taken.

    8. Doctor in the house..please is it good to take drip for body cleansing

    9. Thanks blackberry and Blessed

    10. What are you cleansing?
      Is it gonorrhea or chlamydia?
      Take prescribed drugs.
      Is it Makaroa/Typhoid
      Take prescribed drugs.
      What are you cleansing?

    11. Fidel, those answering it everyday are not complaining, right? It is a FAQ post fgs!

    12. Every yr since I started my period@ 13 , I miss my period, usually October. I never went to any hospital. Now with a baby of 6 and have not experience it again. No allow anybody chop ur money, since u knack ur body go reset itself

    13. Anon 13:07, if you’re stressed out or depressed, or not getting enough sleep will definitely contribute to low libido. Work on the underlying issues first. Lubricant can only do so much and for how long. High level of stress can make one lose your sex drive. So work on your stress level and other factors contributing to this. Goodluck.

    14. Anonymous16 December 2021 at 17:38...stress

  2. How can I connect hotspot from my phone with my POS. I usually buy data to my POS but I don't use it finish.

    1. HELLO

      1) Your phone data has to be switched on;that gives the internet access

      2) open "SETTINGS" from your phone Menu,click on "Connections" then scroll to "Mobile Hospot and Tethering" and click,switch the hotspot on

      3) Go to the menu of your POS terminal then click on "Settings" then scroll to "Wifi" and switch it on,then wait and connect to the available hotspot(your phone)

      4) Input password if any and that's all..

      Hope this helps..


    2. is it good to take drip?

  3. Is it good for a Christian to write exams for another person. It is becoming so common in the country.
    Or for a Christian to participate in organized expo or exam malpractices.

    1. Forget your religious affiliations, is it right to write exams for someone

    2. It's about morals and not religion here.

      Is it morally right?
      Does it sound good to the ear?
      Is your conscience okay with it?

      After that;comes your faith or religion..


    3. It's not good for a Christian to do sure. It's a sin

    4. How can you tell someone to "forget about" the person's faith. The commenter is obviously a Christian. Is there a book in the world called "moral codes?"
      Why are people so comfortably removing Christ from everything but trying too hard to retain the moral teachings he taught those who believe?
      Isn't that the reasons young people are sold to drugs and fraud?

    5. No it’s not,it’s not Christlike.

    6. Yes, according to eyin 'no shame in the game'.

      But pray that Christian writing exams is not writing exams for someone who will later graduate and do surgery for him or her. Because na carpentry e go do for that body.🚶‍♀️

    7. As a Christian, it is a No.... It is Cheating. That everyone is doing it doesn't make it right

    8. Exodus 23:2 “Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd,

  4. Saw egg White(ovulation)
    When can I have sex with my husband?
    We are TTC
    Should it be everyday.

    1. The best time is when you're ovulating because your body is releasing egg and wait for sperm to fertilise

    2. Download period calculator,put in ur last period date ,it will help u every month to notify you on ur ovulation days,when there is a highest chance to get pregnant and when ur chance is low.May God grant your heart desires 🙏

    3. He's your husband right? You can sex with him everyday if you want to. Some reports claims that abstinence from sex for some time before that ovulation day will improve the chances of having a male child(if you're particular about that)
      Otherwise if you're ttc, it is advisable you have sex frequently.

    4. Infact, not just every day, every hour, every minute, every second

    5. As often as you can. Also whenever you see your ovulation. Goodluck.

    6. Get an ovulation test kit, seeing egg white is not certain that ovulation took place ...

    7. Download flo or any ovulation app,stop depending on just egg white.Have sex everyday,every hour during ovulation abeg

    8. Fidel, what's with the sarcastic replies hun?

    9. If he eats healthy yes if not, as he comes d quality of sperm is watered down. As u wait for ovulation, feed him well with native fruits and food.

  5. My father inlaw is a rich man
    We will be travelling home.
    What gift can I buy for him?

    1. 1) Quality fabric like Ankara and nice pair of shoe


      2) Good phone together with a good powerbank


      3) Wristwatch and a good wine


      4) A Big portrait of Buhari so he can look at him every morning and either Bless or curse


    2. madame koinkoin A.K.A "PeaceMaker "16 December 2021 at 13:55

      lol at Martin's last paragraph. No be lie .

    3. A beautiful portrait of him,2 or 3packs of healthy multivitamin for him(for good eyesight,strong bones,healthy body)those types. A pack of healthy organic teas,a smart watch to monitor his bp and track his daily steps,just something very beneficial to his health and thoughtful at the same time.
      Goodluck ❤️

    4. 😁😁😁🤣🤣🤣@ Mantins this your fourth advice no follow

    5. A bottle of his favourite drink, 12yrs old Gle.......dich

    6. Anon get a good Artise to make a portrait for him. A really good one o

    7. You can get him a nice wrist watch

    8. 😂😂😂😂😂😂Martins when did you become mischievous

    9. Follow Martin's advice 🤣🤣🤣.
      Vahleree,your advice is awesome 👏👏👏👏👏

    10. Martins🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. I like Denmark and Netherlands 🇳🇱
    Please who can assist me with possible ways to relocate to this countries.

  7. Please someone should help me. I can't access my Gmail account and google playstore for almost a month now. How do I also logout of Gmail with my phone?

  8. What business can someone who was deported to nigeria but has about 1 million naira do in lagos?

    1. Learn a skill n produce from home..

    2. Sorry anon about your deportation.

    3. I heard farming is good or buy a land so it appreciates as good investment for your money. . And why did they deport you? Just curious to know.

  9. Please dose anyone know any accounting firm that accepts interns(paid or unpaid) please I need to gain experience in the field so I can become employable... please blog fam help me.

    1. Yes,i do. Dunno if Stella mama will permit me to mention it on here. On the Island though
      Good evening

  10. Are their side effects to staying celibate?? . cos i see most women who kept themselve till marriage having problems conceiving and the sexually active ones with multiple abortions conceiving easily..i was telling a colleague recently that being sexually active makes one open and easy to conceive.. abeg what do you guys think.

    1. Since you are talking of sex, I want to believe you are an adult, what does your Bible or Quaran say?

      If you are an atheist, feel free to fcuk whatever, whenever.

    2. Sex is good for the body. When a woman climax, everypart of her body come alive. It is good for your heart and body in general. Just be wise to use protection.

    3. Hmmm I nor know this one o

    4. I have also seen some sexually active people who find it hard to conceive.Things are not as simple as you make it seem

    5. I will say only God knows how children come about even doctors cannot give a perfect answer. We tend to draw conclusion from experience of which no two individuals are the same.



    6. Most women? I would like to know the number sha, Cos from where I stand, its only God that gives kids, not excess body count or zero body count.

    7. 14.28 perfect response 👌

    8. Lies...lies....lies...nothing beats sexual purity. Take it or leave it.

  11. Dear maamas, please what food /cereals can I give my daughter who will be 6 months next week? Don’t know still cracking my brain. Your input is highly appreciated.

    1. I make my cereals myself.
      Blend steamed carrots and Potatoes
      Apples and Potatoes/rice or noodles
      Spinat and green beans
      Quarker oats with formula.
      Steamed fish and Brocolli

      My baby is very healthy. Most sold cereals have too much sugar. I'm keeping it clean.

    2. Cerelac
      ... Try till you get the one she likes. I use cerelac tho

    3. Anon 14:04 you can try Nutriben, Nutribon, Pap(ogi)

    4. Rice pap made with corn, millet, sorghum, soyabean, groundnut etc.

  12. Pls I need to know natural ways to get rid of rashes on the forehead. It doesn't itch though, just makes my face look rough. I have tried using my face products, but it's not helping.

    1. Urine ke! Thanks but I'll pass abeg.

    2. Go natural. Use egg yokes

    3. @Arike, most people will denounce your suggestion, but I know it works as I have tried it in the past.

    4. Ok. I'll try that. Thanks Anon

    5. I have a very smooth face thanks to early morning urine, its works very well abeg

  13. Pls what do l do,when I try sending email it will not deliver,, the next thing I will see is 'Queued', how do I solve this issue because l no sabi

    1. Na ur network dey cause am. Try refresh or get 4g sim.

    2. Update ur mail app

    3. Thanks @ sexy Hips and anon

  14. Why do instagram vendors say DM for price? I dont understand. Why is their hand heavy to write price of their goods on their page? Inside Shoprite there are more than one hundred thousand products each with price boldly pasted. You selling your 20 girdles, 10 bras and 6 hungry looking fiber wigs will still be saying 'DM for price'. So if 1000 people ask for price in your DM, you are ready to answer 1000 people. You must be professionally jobless. DM scatter you there. Theif. Banza.😒

    1. I don't have time for that rubbish. No time to DM anyone. If you like hide your price. All na gimmicks to cheat.

    2. Hahaha🤣🤣🤣, abeg calm down, why you dey vex like this now.

    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    4. Whenever I see it, such a big turnoff. I just scroll past

    5. I don't like it too and I don't do such

    6. 😂😂😂😂no mind them,I put prices of items on my page ,it’s the same price for everybody if u like be dangote na the same price I Dey sell my items.i think people that do that like to change prices for customers,they look at ur profile on ur page and size u up,then they give u price as the spirit leads them.why hide price when it help customers make a faster buying decision,so once they enter ur dm u are 80% it’s for payment.

    7. Only deceitful people who want to scam customers will not put a piece on their product or service? What are you hiding? No be sell dem you wan sell?
      There is NO reason why your prices should not be on your products unless you are a shameless THIEF.

  15. Please how do I get rid of wall geckos?

    1. You cnt. Rest

    2. Say hi to them, Or drop egg shells around your window.

    3. Those witchcraft agents,I don’t think there is any way to get rid of them,what I do is to kill them if I sight them.even insecticide doesn’t kill them easily.

    4. Buy read the dream insecticide. Pls cover your nose cos its very strong. Seal all cracks and openings in the ceiling. Also get the whole compound ground fumigated and lastly, buy a cat

    5. @vahleree yes they are witchcraft agents

  16. For those in Abuja. Where are the affordable places to buy groceries?

  17. Please is there any Blog visitors schooling or living in Scotland, please how is the life over there. I have plans to relocate there to do my MSC next year.

    1. Where in Scotland? Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Newcastle? I lived in Aberdeen. Not too bad. It's colder than England anyways. Nothing different or special there.

  18. Has anyone bought shoes on Amazon and had them delivered in Nigeria. Thinking of using this platform, since its only ugly shoes they sell for big feet. Very ugly and common.
    Anyone had any issues?

    1. Try Asos. They deliver to nigeria n they have beautiful shoes.

    2. 16.06 thanks. Will check right now. I meant since it ugly shoes they sell for big feet they sell here.

    3. What is the equivalent of size 42 shoe size in uk chart ?

    4. Thank u Abroadian.

  19. Please, where can one make tiny braids in Ogun state? Not for Christmas hair oh! I want to make it in January for work. I’m new in town.

    1. Prepare for your hair to fall off too

    2. When you don’t have an answer to a question, is it not better to remain quiet, then give unsolicited “advice”? Btw, who told you my hair falls off when I make braids,ehn! All these oversabis on this blog sef.

  20. What digital skill can one learn that is in demand, lucrative and you have financial freedom?

    1. Web design,
      page management
      Sponsored Ads for business pages.
      Graphic design

    2. Start with Data analysis( Spreadsheets, SQL, Power BI, R or Python).If you are good in maths you can advance to being a Data scientist. These jobs are high demand for freelancers.

    3. Thanks Vahleree and Fetosbabe

  21. I already have DRAGON FOOD FLASK(ROYAL 2000ML) but it's not retaining steam for me.

    Pls I need a medium food flask that can retain steam from 6am to 6pm. Please do you know any brand & the price & where I can get it

    Please where is Ronalda & XPHIED?

  22. Madame koinkoin A.K.A "PeaceMaker "16 December 2021 at 20:59

    Please visit the hospital ma, 3 years ols should pronounce words, see a pediatrician to be precise.

  23. I don't know if it's too late to ask this question as I'm just coming online after having a busy day. Please my Facebook account was hacked this afternoon through my number and it's through that number I opened the account more than 6 years ago. Martins and other IT savvy bvs please help me out. I really need that account as I use it for marketing too. The hacker has already changed my number in my account to another one. Please I really need urgent help.

    1. Mine just got hacked resently too, very annoying something.

    2. Wish I could help. You shd have secured that account very well with code generator and all. All the best

  24. Hw can I travel with 100ml perfume bottles, creans etc.without it being siezed at d airport?I always have to transfer my cream in a smaller bottle which i dnt like.

    1. Don’t put the 100ml in your hand luggage. Put the perfume in the bag you’ll check in. It’s common sense now

    2. Check it in

    3. Wrap it properly before putting it in check in bag so it doesn't break.

    4. I'm so dumb😂tnx guys.

    5. 6:34 Sometimes the way some of you reason is like they fart in your brain. Did it occur to you that he/she may only be travelling with carry on luggage?

      Poster get atomizers for your perfume. They are tiny and you can get several.

      All liquids, sprays, creams, sharp objects should be checked in. Always carry your laptop. Phones. Never check it in.

      One man checked in his laptop on a local flight. Lap top grew legs and disappeared.

    6. @09:09 Lol dnt mind the anon. I usually travel only with my hand luggage.tnx for the answer😊

    7. 09:09 then she she check in the damn carry on luggage if she wants to use her perfume. Again, it’s common sense! you’re the one that reasons like someone farts in your own particular Brain not me. And you ended up saying what I mentioned in my earlier comment, only adding more. Check IN the luggage.🙄😒

  25. Visit your child’s Dr to rule out Autism. He or she might recommend a speech therapist if necessary A 3.5 year old child should be saying well over 50 words by now. As in well over 50 words and starting to combine some words in a sentence self even if it’s not full sentence yet. Don’t just sit there, act on this immediately. Goodluck

  26. If he is the only child and has little interaction with other kids, it may delay his speech but that won't mean he has autism. Try to get him around other kids. Kids learn to speak from other kids. Also start teaching him objects by pointing at things and pronouncing their words. Repetition is key. All the best.


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