Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


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Thursday, December 09, 2021

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...




Good Morning 

..I am an Anonymous B.V since 2013..please post as a chronicle...

I am almost 37 years...No reasonable relationship .. Fibroid growing rapidly.. I have been praying all my life.. celibate for over 5 years.. 

Recently in my Dreams I see Me Existing in a different World/place communicating with different people, Raw sex in the Dream... visitation to maternal Village Home and Father's village Home.. Many depressing experience I can't type..


Where I stay and my church is beautiful Location to see reasonable Men But Yet. ....

The worst is if we meet and speak and exchange Number that is the END and Yes I Have a satisfactorily Genuine income.. I can pay my bills and More Great Idea to make more Money ...I Need Relationship and Friendship Above All DELIVERANCE..

SUICIDE is the Next Option.

 I am an Active participant of NSPPD For months Now!! 

Thank you 

God Bless you

*So because of what you mentioned you want to commit suicide? that word scares me when someone uses it, now i am the one who needs to recover from it cos i will be thinking every day if you did it already.

Don't kill yourself, make more efforts.. if someone collects your number, collect theirs too, if they don't call, you call to find out what is wrong. that happened to me a lot when i was single but i always called back and found out why they never did, they would explain and i would find closure and move on and I would not call back if they tried to connect.

You can change your Narrative by yourself.


  1. You want to commit suicide because you not in a relationship?HABA..........About the fibroid go to a gen hospital and get it removed..E never reach to dey think suicide

    1. First, I understand how you feel, not been in a relationship at that age is not easy. Please there are problems that require more efforts. There are problems that require other approaches. For example if you have Eye problem and you are seeing a Dentist sorry, wrong place. PLEASE HEAD TO MFM CHURCH RIGHT NOW. it is never too late. As churches are, so hospitals are. Some are general practitioners, some are specific. Your dreams shows there are spiritual issues to be dealt with. So head to the right church. As you are doing that, find out ways to handle Fibroid. Note what I said it is not the end of the road, I am glad you are financially okay, please urgently find a hospital and freeze some of your eggs. If you cant carry the baby, there are surrogates that can do that for you. Suicide is not an option, Give it a further fight and a different approach. Maybe you are in churches for Faith/prosperity (Winners,) healing(Redeem et al). Cute/Easy (House on the rock, Word of God (Dunamis). All these are churches but they are not for this problem. Quickly go for deliverance. Your partner and children will come. NEVER TOO LATE TO WIN!!!

    2. Also, If you are in MFM church already, go to another branch or Headquarters. Give it time, worst case, you get a sperm donor, have a child through surrogate (you wont be the first nor the last, Ini Edo just had a life companion - a daughter) while treating the Fibroid, start a training and loving the child. Also watch out for your attitude/Character, if there are things you should change pls do, like Genevieve Said, take away 'Ego' and replace with love. You cant do it on your own, seek medical health while you purse the spiritual too. Be determined to win, think out of the box and get out of the box. Find a way to win here, dont think about leaving.

    3. You are considering suicide just because of this? Nne, this life too sweet oooh and beautiful and there is always a reason to live. Maybe God wants to use you to break the yoke. Your problem is both spiritual (foundation) , physiological and psychological. But you can win this seemingly 'big war.' First, look at that problem and tell yourself you have what it takes to overcome it and build your mind to see yourself pull through it and help others win such war. Secondly, be reminded that God created you, has original spare parts in Heaven and makes all things new including your womb. Therefore, you must seek Him first on your own. Purpose in your heart, separate yourself for 21 days praying & fasting and preferably Midnight 12am-4am daily. start with genuine worship and praise, ask for forgiveness of ancestral, parental and personal sin praying with Psalms 51; cry for mercy upon your life and ask him to show you the secret of your life. Even if you see nothing in your dream, keep asking, God will show up and show you the root of the fibroid and veil over your life; pray for power for victory and ask Jesus the Balm of Gilead to heal you and bring you out of every grave of darkness by the power of the Resurrection (Holy Ghost) in Jesus name. Watch your dream life, study your environment including your immediate family and extended on both sides i.e maternal and paternal. Do not quarrel with anyone and do not tell anyone your intention-just your eyes and ears only. Be assured that once you start, temptations will increase on every side and fibroid pain/palaver will increase which is aimed at making you stop so you don't pray through. After which, you go to the hospital to check yourself again. I personally believe self deliverance is key because na you know where the shoe dey pain you pass. I also believe believe in corporate prayer/deliverance ministry-try MFM GO Team(Onike), CAC etc. Not all ministers are built for foundational battles which is usually messy and takes time to overcome sometimes due to the layers of battles that may be as far back as four generations. Then HAVE FAITH AND BE PATIENT, continue in praise, service to God and mankind. You can also make a vow and remember to keep it either ahead or when your breakthrough appears. Also be mindful of the marital partner to choose because the enemy is highly strategic and determined. He will introduce and make you prefer the wrong ones who may even pose as saints just to get you. Do this sincerely and if God answers, return and share your testimony here so others too can be delivered.

    4. There is something such as spirit husband and wife, you can do your deliverance by yourself. Start praying in this form and manner
      I am married to Jesus so there for any spirit husband and its activities in my life I denounce and send by to the pit of hell
      Denounce every connection you have to any spirit husband and ask God to create a boundary between you and it
      Bleed the blood of Jesus upon you Body upon your body especially upon your vagina. Do mid night prayer and you will see results
      Pray about foundational powers from your maternal and paternal background, detach yourself from any incantations that might have been made against you and you siblings, the bible say my people perish for lack of knowledgeable, knowledge of the word of God is key, read your bible, believe it and you will instantly get a relief

      The devil is a liar and the father of it, he will not win over you don't allow him

    5. Poster, if you hear from story, you go dey console me. All I live for is my comfort and happiness. There are people in worst place than you and the last thing they think about is suicide. Life too sweet o, don't allow the devil to deprive you of this great gift.

    6. Hian it seems in Nigeria marriage is the ultimate. With all life has to offer u want to kill urself cos u have no man???

  2. Hang in there and don't do it please..I know it's not easy but you have got to persevere and be strong too

    1. You have prayed enough. It's time to live. You have fasted enough. God has heard you. Stop the "churching" go out there and enjoy single-ladyhood. Stop going to places where your problems are projected and blown out of proportion and causing you depression. Go to parties. Go clubbing. Wear trendy clothes and make bbeautiful hair. Go out there and date and stop being a slave to anything including celibacy. You are 37, a woman's sexual prime, so biologically your body has needs which is what plays out in your subconscious/dream which is a realm where you can't lie to yourself. Go out there and date, have sex (protected), have fun, loosen up and relieve yourself of all the build-up tension that is making you unattractive and giving you an unpleasant aura. It is a known fact that a sexually starved woman is the most unpleasant kind to be around. Do you know the enzymes released when you have an orgasm? Oxytocin! That is why you are suicidal and depressed.
      You are not possessed. You are just joy-starved/ oxitocine and prolactin starved. You can't cheat nature. You are an adult and have needs.

      And...when you eventually date, DO NOT TIE IT TO MARRIAGE. Date for the fun of it and loosen up. Yours will naturally be attracted to you without stress.

  3. Yes you need deliverance. It's not a good dream you have. Go to Dunamis or MFM. Let prayers be offered on. Your behalf.

    1. From what you described up there, I think you're battling spirit spouse, spirit of backwardness and retrogression, ancestral forces, spirit of depression and fear.

      Firstly, you need to access your life: what are the contents of your thoughts, imaginations, what do you feed your mind. This is because the wrong thoughts are gateways for these spirits to penetrate into you.

      Secondly your family background: you need to find out more about your family, do you have idolatry background, mysteries surrounding your birth etc. These will help guide on ow to go about your prayers.

      Thirdly, you need to give your life to Christ, renounce every covenants and unions with these spirits. Ask God to forgive you any known and unknown sins. Plead the Blood of Jesus to wash you clean and break any covenants binding you to your family bloodline and curses. Remind these demons that you have been bought with a price. Your maker is your husband.

      Fourthly, constantly study God's words, meditate on it, sing praises to God, engage in spiritual warfare both day and night. The bible says 'we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers'. It also says 'the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds'. In other words, warfare is compulsory.

      NB: when you begin this warfare prayers, the dreams and attacks will intensify but believe me,it is working. They are just to weaken your faith but continue.

      You need live a holy life because sin creates room for them to attack you. Study Christian books.

      You can listen to tapes by Apostle Joshua Selman on dealing with spiritual attacks, pulling down strongholds.

      I pray for God's strength and wisdom to go about this. Suicide is never an option.


  4. It is quite a pity reading you.
    You told us about; celibacy, praying, churching etc. but you did not tell
    us about any relationship with Christ Jesus. Celibacy, church, prayers (can be to any being) did not die for you.
    Jesus died for you that you may be free indeed from every bondage of the evil one.
    The first step to being delivered is to be repent; when you say "suicide," it is taking a life you did not create and a flagrant disregard of one of the key ten commandments.
    How will that grant you peace with God in eternity?
    So after repentance, comes seeking knowledge; fasting, prayers in Jesus name and studying the Scriptures to know him.

    1. Poster follow this advice,may you find peace 🤗

  5. Dear Poster, suicide is NEVER an option, so please do not consider it. What do you do in your spare time, when you're not working? Try go out, even if it means doing it alone. First, find yourself. Keep yourself happy, for no one can make you happy if it's not from within. Above all, keep praying, and keep on holding onto God, He will surely show up. 🤗🤗🤗🤗.

  6. So much empathy girl for all you are going through.
    All these emphasis on "deliverance" won't cut it. I have noticed that Nigerians like to just go for a "one stroke hit all type of it in deliverance" and after that, return to their usual lifestyle of pursuit of vanities. That is not the life that Jesus taught us. The life of Christ is a daily walk with him and there is no substitute to that. Please do not wait for your church to teach you the Word of God. You can read it. It is in the app stores for free and the Bible is never hidden. Make up your mind to serve God and serve him in Spirit and in Truth and not telling us how "good" you've been in your years. There is no promise of husbands to the celibate in anywhere in the Scriptures. What God promised is salvation to all who believe. And working everything for the Good of those that love him. Do you love him?

  7. You don't need suicide. You need deliverance from every backwardness. Family altars fighting every good things you need. Just give your wholeself to Jesus Christ and let Him fight your battle.

    Go to a good bible believing church and leave this one for now. The ancestral spirit is really strong.

    May God Almighty come through for you

  8. Please don't try it, perish the thought of suicide first. Try and create a happy mind, a happy appearance attracts people, keep praying and keep hoping for the best

  9. Poster, please dont give up. I got married at 40 years. Started praying early wjen I was in my early 20s to get married because I lost my Dad at 9+ and suffered a lot. I wanted to marry early so as to have a companion who will take care of me. I was working in a bank and still working till date. Even with all the prayers, beauty and good job I didnt get married till age 40. Please my advice is dont give up.Continue praying and believing in God. He never forgets his own. Some people marry early while some are not destined to marry early. Love will find me.

    1. Poster pls read and comprehend this. This is someone that knows exactly how you feel. You see that suicide thoughts you're having. It's going to affect your mood and appearance and nobody wants to be around a moody person. Cheer up, at least you can take care of yourself. Things will turn around for the better very soon.

    2. This!!! I got married last December, I am the same age as the poster and also a banker, when I look back, I wasn't forming or having unrealistic standards or anything, I just didn't have serious people coming for me, the few serious one changed tack along the way, I heard many talks about spirit husband and co but at a point, I just decided that no spirit husband/wife is more powerful than God and I will keep my gaze on Him believing he will do it and He did.

      Poster, thank God you are empowered financially, take one or two children/teenagers to live with you and keep you company, go out more and make a conscious effort to he happy, I heard that 3 out of 5 black women have fibroids, though some are not symptomatic, if yours is symptomatic, go to a good clinic and take it out, I have done this a while back, keep an open mind about alternative modes of conception and start saving for it (you might not need it finally) when marriage comes because it is coming soon.

      Please, learn to be happy, no matter your problems in life, God is still God and will always be God, there are some questions we will never get answers to on this earth but choose to enjoy this one life you have been given. God bless you dear.

    3. Anon 16.13 👏👏👏
      Thank you for this:
      --> I heard many talks about spirit husband and co but at a point, I just decided that no spirit husband/wife is more powerful than God and I will keep my gaze on Him believing he will do it and He did.

      For any one truly in Christ, no other power has a final say in their life.

    4. I've said it that many Nig women fall prey to this spirit husband ish because they desire marriage and husband above all else. So they live in bondage of their fears. Of course the devil will come for you with that which you place above all. If you really place God first, you will have joy whether married or not. If you are constantly depressed over lack of relationship then you haven't loved God yet cos perfect love casts out fear...

    5. 16.58 👌 well said

  10. Suicide is not an option.

    Work on ursef, and don't brood over it because your time is now..

  11. I will advice you to go to youtube and watch the testimony of that lady that died on the abortion table. After that, you won't think of suicide again. Just type it in youtube search; "woman goes to hell during abortion procedure"
    Again listen to; Victoria Nehale's testimony

    Still on Youtube.

  12. My dear, Suicide is the surest way to hell. Repentance is the surest way to heaven

  13. some are in 40s and not yet married. why kill yourself when this world dey sweet

  14. Sometimes, the things we experience are as a result of our mindsets.

    Please, work on your mind and work on yourself. Things will get better. 🙏🏿

  15. Please,don't take your life.know God better.Today's Shiloh night encounter is specifically for marital breakthrough and fruitful.write down the date you desire to be married.God will do it for you .just have faith.

  16. Come to Harvester and dance away your sorrows. Join the next level prayer with Pastor Bolaji Idowu at 6.30 am on Facebook daily.
    You won’t be the first to be single abeg. Take care of your self, look for a place you can exercise and keep fit( you don’t have to be fat to exercise), learn how to dance, dress neatly, make sure you have no body Odour, go for scaling and polishing of your teeth, go for a nice low cut ( funky one) not mother Mary type, with sporty waves, wear red lipsticks always and thank me after 6 months.
    Even if you have fibroid hustle so you can pay for a surrogacy to birth your child when you marry. Life is simple don’t complicate it.

  17. Please what is NSPPD?

    1. It's a program. New Season prophetic Prayers and Declarations by pastor Jerry Eze
      Good evening

  18. Poster please suicide is never and will never be an option
    Please follow Stella advice and keep praying. May God come through for you!!!

  19. I decided to go anonymous, my dear suicide isn't an option, lemme give you a brief intro 'bout me
    While I was growing up say mid 20's permit me to say I was a very pretty lady...till now though. Every man wanted me and so I decided to give marriage a trial. Met this young man, we were literally in love with each other and boom he came to ask for my hand in marriage. He came with his people and after the introduction, that was the end of that relationship.
    I moved on and years later got into another and same ending. Once they come for introduction eveeverything ends. It continued like that, same pattern till I finally got married....
    and yes I did get married, marriage lasted for a year or two and ended. I had to embrace God and he has never failed. My dear you need to draw closer to God, trust him to perfect all that concerns you.
    Light & Love

  20. Poster why exactly do you want to commit suicide? For the fibroid or relationship? None is worth is please. Fibroid can be removed, it is fear that is keeping you not to remove it Uptil now.

  21. Suicide is really not an option. Be more closer to God,study the word of God regularly,pray,praise and worship....go for medical care and see God perform wonders. Hugs
    Good afternoon

  22. Poster Step 1 Take away suicide from your mind.
    Step 2 Try to make yourself happy
    Step 3 Look for Mfm or Redeemed Church to attend
    Step 4 Try and make friends.
    Step 5 Get a quiet time everyday and study the word of God.
    Step 6 Build your faith in God.

  23. Suicide isn’t an option... God will settle you at your own time... have faith dear

  24. Give time some time, it will surely end in PRAISE

  25. Poster.. raw sex in dream means horny spiritual husbands.
    Go for deliverance and have faith in God.

  26. It so sad reading this,so many things I would have suggested but you're doing already.

    Drawer closer to God and not just by going to church,have a relationship in him,it only in him you can Have solace.
    Some are married but not financially ok,they are to looking up to God for that
    Some are married but are TTc

    Some are married but desperately looking for a way out.
    What I'm saying is that we all,one way or the other have something we are looking up to God.
    Please suicide isn't an option.You have a lot of things to be grateful for.

  27. I tire oh..
    Dey there dey wait make man choose you instead of taking your destiny into your hands..
    If to say I be babe ehn, na me for dey approach guy weh I like collect him number, infact na me go even ask am so what are we now if him dey dull, no shame for there, you dey ask for definition, you no kee person, if him no talk Wetin you want, you go tell am say you want more but if him no want more, then you have to bounce..
    Na some of Una dey complicate Una life by unasefs, still come dey cry ontop..

    Na so one babe that year vex me, I come blank am, instead make she call apologize, she stay there dey fall sick and pray say make I forgive and call am.. instead make she just call me, apologize make matter rest..
    Sense really far from some people aswear

  28. Things dey happen, I know a woman that couldn't conceive, medically everything is ok, met a prophet that told her for her to carry her children, she must stop using any form of jewelry, no make-up or attached hair. She ignored the prophet,but after almost 10 years of trying, she told her hubby that they have tried everything no result except that prophecy, how will she cope especially with her job. She decided to try ,that month she conceived and later had 5 children within 8 years, twins inclusive.I also know a woman that refused when she is told same thing ,more than 10 years of marriage and age don go up. Sounds funny, conception tied to such. Spiritually we are all different until one discover the spiritual aspect of one's life it makes life easier. Poster don't try suicide, draw closer to GOD, pray HE leads you to the right church for your problems. Most reproductive ailments are caused by spiritual spouses activities.

  29. You are dealing with spirit husband issue and the solution is fervent prayers and deliverance. Mfm is a very good church for deliverance.

  30. Please be strong,don't commit suicide, maybe you have strong spiritual husband. Go for deliverance in and be more closer to God .

  31. Suicide isn't an option, I wish I can give you a hug right now and tell you that, it will soon end in praise! Keep praying on the alter of fire, there's nothing God cannot do, fix or solve..then try go to General hospital so you can get the fibroid removed! When it's time, He says! I The Lord will make it happen, don't loose faith! There's light at the end of the tunnel, just Keep pushing.

  32. I don’t usually like commenting on such issues because of the unrealistic opinions many here hold but I will make an exception and advice you like a junior sister.
    The fibroid might be what is responsible for your low sex drive. Get rid of it! As you said you have have been praying for years and doing all the church things with no results, so it is time to try something different.
    Get out there, meet people and have fun. Not every relationship must end up being serious or in marriage. Forget about your single status for a change. Men have a way of sensing when a woman is desperate and that is what sends them running for cover. If you must have a baby outside of wedlock, then have it. Thank God you can afford it. You won’t be the first, neither will you be the last. Don’t mind all the nonsense talk going on around about sex outside of marriage. (Why are we so fixated on sex anyway? We break the other Commandments every day but no one cares but as soon as it involves sex, everybody has an opinion). God will definitely not condemn you because you had a child without the benefit of some fake pastor mumbling some empty phrases.
    You owe no one your life!

  33. I hope you’re not the same person as my previous boss. Bitter vile woman that made sure I lost the job because I got married and I am younger than her. I cursed her very well and I’m working in a more conducive environment with better pay.

    Moving on, be happy for those around you, sow into people that are about to marry and pray to God for blessing. May He grant your heart desires!

  34. Do you know why suicide crossed your mind? The emotional load you carry is too heavy for you. Try this it works everything for me I wrote down my thoughts in my diary and read it aloud to myself, you will see how insignificant some of these emotions really are put all at Jesus feet. Your yolk can not be to heavy for him. Hr will give you rest. That problem has a solution, don't be confused, dont be let down, don't lose faith. Believe sister that marriage is your birth right, that you will do it and enjoy the union and it shall be fruitful

  35. Poster, suicide is not an option because the life you want to cut short is not your own. Then because you are unmarried,you want to die, does marriage guarantee anything? What is even guaranteed in this life? You have to remove the fibroid for your health, and make a conscientious decision to live a happy life. Worrying will never solve anything for you. Being a child of God means you can always find your joy no matter what ever is happening around you. Learn the Word of God for yourself and apply them to every situation. There is no deliverance stronger than knowing/applying the Word of God. When it comes to friendship, most times what you give, is what you get. Why not focus on making more money for now; because money shut up nonsense

  36. It is well with your soul dear poster

  37. two years ago someone sent a chronicle here about her dreams. honest people went under anonymous to give her undiluted advice which opened my eyes to what is really going on in this planet earth. all this people preaching here has already cleared their way, even if they didn't do it themselves their parents did for them.the truth is that most families served marine spirits those days, and they ignorantly dedicated their generations to this marine spirits without knowing what they're doing. only embracing Christ whole heartedly can deliver you or you settle them in native way once and for all, telling them you're not interested in serving them. yes quote me anywhere so many known pastors settled marine spirits before their names could be heard. I don't see it as a sin, I call it giving Cesar what belongs to him. I can't judge people until I wear their shoes. poster everything is not about church, look for a permanent solution to your problem, looking for solution to your problem doesn't stop you from praying and serving God. only God has the right to judge not humans like me and you. it's well
    one day, when I have strength, I will send in my chronicle for people to learn from, Stella pls post

    1. Ypu don't see it as a sin doesn't make it any less than a sin. So you think Jesus shed His precious blood for us to still have to settle marine spirits? what a shame.

    2. Thank u anon.
      Dear poster u can go to a genuine c&s church to solve ur problem by settling ur spirit husband then thereafter attend any church of choice.

    3. It's because of such settlements that Jesus suffered like a thief to save us, He has paid our debts just call on Him, at the mention of His Name every knee bows...
      Poster I beg you to be mindful of the suggestion you take from here, but truly my dear eternity is more important, how will suicide give you peace? Think about that.

    4. My dear only Jesus can set you free and you'd be free indeed!!!
      Anything settling spirits is but for a time!!! It doesn't give you genuine freedom, trust me I'm talking from experience. After a while it comes back.

    5. @anon 16:45,and you think committing other sins and asking God to forgive you is not a sin? don't judge people until you wear their shoe, you're not God. don't be surprised that you won't make heaven after claiming your holier than thou and keep judging people. leave Almighty God to do the judgement

    6. ano 17:35, pls read my comment again, I didn't force her to take my advice, I gave her two options, it's upto her

    7. 19.06 where exactly did I say in my comment that other sins are not sins? If you are one of those settling evil spirits, you better repent instead of hiding under judge not. Again, I repeat, Jesus did not shed His precious blood for us to still be settling demons.

  38. I don't even know what to say....all I know be say...this matter serious!!😳😳

  39. This same marriage some women are unhappy in some killed in its what you want to kill your self for . This life no balance. What you should also pray for is a good husband if not you go really commit that suicide if you end up with bad husband

  40. I love what stella advise today. if they dont call you. call them.. many women do not understand that there is a change of narrative in the dating world. The idea of waiting for a man to do the chasing is literally non existence again. infact show me a guy doing all the chasing without any effort on your end, i can almost assure you that it would never work.. Guys now know there importance and are not ready to be chasing women by the tail anymore. My advice is women need to take proactive steps. 80 percent of women i talk to have nothing to offer even as low as a reasonable conversation. My 3 cents though

  41. Poster hang in there, God will come through for you.
    My girlfriend got married November last year at the age of 38. As I write this, she is over 8 months pregnant. I on the other hand got married at 26, and I've been trusting God for children for the past 8 years.

    This life no balance but Las Las na God win! Trust me when I say HE WILL COME THROUGH FOR YOU. Just hold on. Your testimony is around the corner. Love and light to you!

    1. God will give you your own children this season.

    2. Sounds balanced to me. She endured a bit of delay in getting a partner but you didn't. She went through the agony of loneliness, mockery etc of being unmarried but you didnt. And now you're going thru a little delay & agony of not having kids yet, but she isn't.

      But just like her, you will celebrate your answered prayers real soon.

  42. Dear poster, hmmmm I would give you a different advice. My advise would be to ask God what your purpose on earth is. When you find that, you would have a joy from within. Do you know there is no marriage in heaven? All our spouses would be our brothers and sisters in heaven.Please note that your purpose in life is not your career, it is the reason you were brought into the earth, trust me you will find your missing rib when you shift your focus from being desperate to be married to being desperate to live your purpose on earth. Go adopt a kid or get a kid through artificial means.
    If you commit suicide and you meet your creator and he looks you in the eye and asks you, what did you do with the life I gave you. Will you respond that you took it away because he didn't give you a husband? Please rely on God, it's okay to be down but dont stay there sis. Hugs

  43. Fibroids are linked to high estrogen in the body. You need to eat natural foods and keep away from all soy and soy byproducts, as well as all estrogenic foods. Things that are in plastic, drinks and water sitting in the hot sun in plastic or snacks getting heated up in plastic bags. You have to eat an anti-estrogen diet and use natural based soap, skin moisturizers, deodorants, shampoos and hair care products. Much of the chemicals in these items are estrogenic, so you have a lot of research to do. Simply bathing with black soap and moisturizing your skin with shea butter or natural cocoa butter with nothing added will already take care of the body. You can wash you hair with black soap too, but for conditioners and stuff you must look for natural things.

    Your diet must be mostly vegetable and fruits that are grown organically without chemicals. Make a lot of greens juices and drink. If you drink water directly from the tap invest in a water filter like Mavea. Get a shower head filter too to filter out the chlorine when you shower. Put your laptops and cellphones on airplane mode at night, or keep them outside of the bedroom while you sleep.

    I wish you all the best.

  44. We are not promised anything in this life except death. Every other thing we have is a gift given unto us. Are you healthy? Are you successful? Married? With kids? It's all a gift, not a promise. As ANG said the only thing promised is salvation, of which you receive its fullness in death. That is the only certain. And that is why we are not to conform or cling unto the world, cos everything we gain here we shall someday lose, it will all pass away. So poster, Christianity is loving God above everything else, even above your desire for marriage. That way you'll remain joyful and full of hope even if you don't receive what you ask. You are full of fear of being alone and the enemy is using this fear to drive you to suicide and give you nightmares. Fear is torment and of the devil, But perfect love casts out fear, and Christianity is love, God is love. Pls not allow your desire keep you in bondage. You are already free. You already have life in full, even without marriage.

  45. God will settle you poster.
    Don't commit suicide pls. Go for deliverance in a Bible believing Church to stop having those dreams.

    For your fibroid, go and remove it via surgery if it is life - threatening.

    Go out and attend parties, when you meet men and exchange numbers, call them if they don't call you and say hi. Don't appear desperate just be friendly. It will surely happen.

  46. A girl was spending her eighth year in a four years course (Industrial chemistry ) in the university of Benin. Again, she failed 3 courses, my classmate who was then a lecturer in the department helped her to get waiver. On her to the national service camp she died in an accident near Abuja. My friend regretted helping her and blamed himself for her death. She getting carry overs and coming back every academic session, this didn't stop her from living a vibrant life. If she wasn't pushed to go for service year, she probably would have outlived the year and most probably be alive today. Our destinies are different and we all move at different pace. Be happy to be alive and explore. My youngest sister was married for almost 23 years before God blessed her with a child. Life is beautiful deat, live life to the fullest, be happy with those who are happy. I guess your celebacy is driving your thought process wild. I have a cousin that married at 45 and gave birth to 3 kids within 5 years. Learn to go for walks, take your out and be genuinely carefree and happy. Visit the emergency unit of the closest teaching hospital to you and see the scale of human suffering, make personal sacrifices by helping others . Look if person too talk wetin dey do am, people go dey call am bad head. Focus on all that is positive, make new friends . God bless you

  47. Say no to Suicide
    Suicide is not an option....
    Dear poster go to God in prayer and Deliverance in MFM church.
    What God cannot do does not exist

  48. Poster please suicide is not the options
    Please try and rebrand your ways/sysle
    and see things change for good

  49. My dear God didn't spend his precious resources to create you for you to WANT TO COMMIT SUICIDE!!!
    Hey God please have mercy on this your ignorant shild!!!! You have fibroid, please go and have it removed surgically before it becomes too big.
    You are having raw sex!!! You are being defiled by spirit husband's who are demonic entities!!! E shock u !!!
    As long as these demons keep defiling you the more bad things will be happening to you. Start praying midnight prayers from 12-1am.
    Everyday for about a month. Separate yourself from everything called sin and friends that love sin.
    Start studying the Bible for 30mims everyday. Get a book and write the speakings of God to you.
    Come back and testify

    1. @ 19:06. Thank you for this advices to strengthen her faith.
      I hope poster follows the midnight prayers and quality Bible study non-stop

  50. It is well with you poster,Go to a bible believing Pentecostal church,where serious deliverance prayers take place.Pray and observe fasting 6-2 or 6pm ask God to deliver you from Marital disappointment,rejection,and seperate you from spiritual husband,cos those demons are defiling you spiritually,ask God to remove every evil veil covering ur face spiritually.Pray with a sincere and sober heart,cry from ur heart....God hears and answers prayer He will deliver you,just have faith,take away suicidal thoughts from ur shall be will with you,ur soul,spirit and body.amen

  51. Darling poster pls don't kill yourself,visit any Mfm church around you,they always have 3days deliverance service every month,you will fast and be in church for 3days,after that be at peace with youself,listen to good music and mingle with people.God will perfect all that concerns you.stay blessed.

  52. My sister I totally understand what you are going through and your frustrations. I also considered suicide after sometime, but i had to just focus on the good in my life. I know you need a solution, if you can visit Divine Majesty it is a deliverance ministry - 19, olu-Irolu street, Alalade B/stop, Ijeshatedo surulere Lagos, please do. You will be there for 3 days no food just water, and you pray, it is a ministry that believes in delivering yourself through the blood of Jesus. It is well with you dear and do know that when the pressure comes on you like this, God is also trying to get you to move. Remember He told Moses, when the Israelites were in front of the red sea, why do you cry unto me tell the Israelites to GO FORWARD! He was telling them to go forward towards the red sea, knowing fully well He is about to create a way for them. So please, its okay to be tired and frustrated but do not stay long there, you have to GO FORWARD! I am sure your breakthrough is just around the corner. God bless you. I will pray for you!

  53. Forget marriage for now, focus on your purpose!!! Let the word of God be your banner! It kept posting before I finish! Stay in the place of prayer! MFM cannot help you, but the word of God. In short MFM Pastors got fed up of my case! It was God that led me to Pastors that are handling the case now. You must hate sin and focus on God ! Your case is not just marine! But a network of foundational witchcraft , marine, water covenant and the occult . You must watch your friends and family carefully, because they are in the network. Stop telling people your problems, aside those you trust their spirituality . Always praise God and always tell satan, he is a defeated foe , that he was defeated 2000 years ago. You are even favored with a job! My case there was serious attack in every area of my life. Most times you have to look inwards and In house! Outlast the attacks by speaking positive , once you dream any of the evil dreams, cancel and render it null and void! And forget it! After sex dreams pray and drink the blood of Jesus Christ. Take back whatever virtue was stolen from you and always have the mindset of a victor. Do not ever go the way of the world or try to cut corners in your Christian faith. Do not let allow anyone to tell you to freeze egg or have a child outside of wedlock . You must solve your issues and make sure you have an all clear, before bringing any spouse or child, as satan likes to compound issues!!! satan is very deceitful! You must be full of the Holy Spirit!!! If you are born again, speak in tongues for at least 1 hour daily, so your soul, body and spirit is charged! Like I said in my earlier post , I am 45 going on 46, I had to do away with attachments and heavy make up, and thank God, eveything is clearing out. I only plan to get married and have kids when I have an all clear! We are created to worship God, not for marriage and to have Children! Sarah had just Isaac and she fulfilled her purpose. Please let your ways be clear by the power of the Holy Ghost!!! Shalom

  54. Poster, I was having sex in the dream in the past, I spoke to a deliverance minister in the Catholic charismatic renewal society and he told me to divorce the spirit husband,that it’s because I’m married to it that’s why the dream, that I should always pray morning and night before sleeping and always pray and speak out while praying that I divorce you spirit husband as many times as i can, I added I disown you spirit children to it cos I was dreaming of carrying children in the dream. That I should keep my thoughts pure and be careful of the tv programs I watch or stories I read so it won’t pollute my mind. I’ve been praying this prayer since then and the dreams have stopped and I’m making progress in all areas of my life. Draw close to God poster, develop yourself, look good and be friendly and above all pray for the will of God to be done in your life. It is well with you.

  55. Dear poster, For such a supreme being like God whose Knowledge is immerse....No man knows his will!!!!!! Why worry over something you have no Control over??? Don't let any Pastor deceive you, there is nothing wrong with you! You just need self evaluation and restrategise....
    Men smell desperation from afar, Relax the one that loves you would come...
    I would advice you take off the fibroid, get a Baby through a sperm donor and then Bank your remaining eggs.
    The only thing we owe God is total submission to his authority and by doing so we must live a life filled with love, so that we can account for our deeds when our creator calls us..
    Forget all these God Hates fornication and bla bla talk, NO MAN KNOWS the mind of GOD....
    In your quite time, try to understand the Science behind this world, then you would understand that such a Being behind this, No man knows his Mind..
    Deliverance talks, would only bring more frustration and fear...I have been there before, but in a much better place now so I know what I am saying
    Goodluck leaving your best life.


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