Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...




This is my own story.....

 I and my family relocated with the help of my co wife and her hubby and after this we became friends (or so I thought)

They helped us to secure a place that is closer to them, they also helped my hubby to start a biz which he reports the movement of the biz to his elder brother who brought the idea of relocating, and he is also the owner of the biz. 

This particular side of them made me to be loyal to them even though no one in the extended family relates with them. 

All of a sudden they started feeling like a demigod over my family affair, I still over looked all their excesses and still look for a way to stay peaceful with them.

This wonderful couple have insulted me to a fault all because they are assisting us with biz n just when I thought I'm beginning to develop a thick skin to their insult, the wife called to tell me that her husband said that I'm jealous and envious of their wealth, that her husband who is an elder brother to my husband said I look like a maid. 

I've cried and I've asked God some questions and one of it is why did he allow this relocation to take place when he knows I will be reduced to nothing in my husband house?. 

I'm so hurt and depressed right now but one thing I know for sure is that my joy will definitely come in the morning.

Hmmm this is the problem with people like them, he minute you try to break free, they will set you up to be deported.... Both of you should thread carefully


  1. Eyah,God will elevate you and hubby. Good afternoon

    1. Poster, it's unfortunate your benefactors are not humble about their benevolence to you but you know what? A begger has no choice. Your mistake is not finding your own way after the relocation. No, you guys over stayed in their benevolence list.

      Relax, stoope to conquer. Take the shit now for a better tomorrow. No need feeling bad about it. Have plans and focus and forget the rest.

    2. *beggar, stooo

  2. No love!!!

    Actually you husband is a puppet to his brother and no mutual respect.
    If your husband can not stand tall to curb those insult. I'm very sorry my dear.

    Woman to woman... u can insult her too. Then the boys can come in to settle it. If the bond is very strong among then, then the girls bickering wudnt matter much.

    Tone done your respect for her, accord it to her husband instead.

    1. Your last paragraph is πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ, poster I don't think her husband made that statement, be very weary of her, she is the enemy

    2. Hmmm your thoughts gave me joy. So apt

  3. Same father and mother?
    Answer first, let me know what I am saying.

  4. This is pettiness and wickedness.
    Hmm take it to God in prayer, stop asking God question.

    Rather ask for way forward

  5. Wicked in-laws indeed,I think it's high time you limit the closeness,get a job or small business to keep you busy.may God perfect all that concerns you.

  6. This is seriously serious and πŸ‘‹ learn to develop a thick skin mbok cos they are not worth the dang stress

  7. Relocating is good but did you consult God Almighty before you all went?

    Luke Stella said thread carefully. Develop that thick skin and just see their curses as a complement for you to do better and never let it reduce you.

    I will say they are the ones jealous of you and your family because they did not believe you people will do well. They are seeing it that things are about to change for you so they need to bring you down.

    Don't give up

    1. Exactly! They are the envious ones! If I was so wealthy, I would be too busy enjoying life. They seem so pressed!

    2. Poster, make those insults your stepping stone to success I.e. anytime you remember it, believe that "you will make it and don't give up"

    3. This sounds strange until you experience it, people who seem better off in many ways will be jealous and bitter about those they are better than. Poster, just start one step at a time, making moves to distance yourself from them, how difficult is getting a job, start gathering information and other stuff, once you are well settles, firmly and silently distant yourself from them.

  8. How can a human being make you this miserable in your own house; does he pay the rent for you?
    Or is it that there are certain shoddy dealings that these people know about this relocation that you did not write here?
    If you relocated legally, meaning you have your papers to work, why not cut off from these people and leave that city to another city and live a normal faithful life?
    When you ask God "why, why?" did you pray and wait for him to give you the go ahead before you left?
    Please do not be a slave to another human this way. πŸ€—πŸ€—

  9. God will open other doors of opportunities for you nd ur God

  10. Thread carefully and ask God for wisdom on how to relate with your brother in law and wife. I pray God come through for your family soonest.

  11. Humans can be so disgusting.

    Well, now you know why nonody relates with them. Unfortunately, I have no useful advice to provide, except not to get into anything with them. Kill them with kindness until you can break free.

    1. Easier said than done. There’s a limit one can bear she has reached her limit. If I were you I’ll damn them and give it to God he won’t fail you

  12. Sorry about it all, talk to your husband about your worries you hear, it's well with you πŸ€—

  13. Why should they be this mean to you? If you guys can, find a way and save and relocate to another place or stay and be calm and do your slavery in peace.

  14. Nobody has reduced you to nothing. No one has that power EXCEPT you allow it. Just because they say it doesnt mean it's true.
    You have allowed the insults take root in your mind, that's why it affects you so bad. Better toughen up & only accept what you choose, not what people tell you. This is how you go through life as a victor.
    You may be in their mercy now since they have helped you. Chest the nonsense for now. Look at the benefits you stand to gain & simultaneously start planning on how to stand on your own feet. It may take some time, but with proper planning, discipline & smart savings, you'll get there.
    In the meantime, strengthen yourself up. Reject negative opinions & decide what to think of yourself. No be everything be 'cry cry' or "why me Lord?". No good thing comes easy & this may just be your own trying moments. It will pass but be smart & pro-active about it

    1. Easier said than done. Walk a mile in her shoes first, then you will understand.

  15. I dont know why my spirit is telling me you are the problem.. hope you didnt start raising your shoulder against them when you got there. If they didnt like you and your husband, they wouldnt have bothered to help relocate you. Must you and your husband work under them.

    1. Thank you very much Winnie.

      The story is not complete. This is obvious at first reading.

      The insult by Poster's co-wife was aimed at cutting her to size. Such insult is used when it is believed the person insulted has grown beyond bounds.

      Poster, please know that there is always a price on everything in life.

      Poster reflect on the matter deeply. If you are at fault, make needful amends. If you genuinely reach the conclusion that you are innocent, then pray for wisdom on how to handle it.

      If your story was fuller, you would have gotten more practical advice on how to resolve this matter. But as it is, you are likely to get more of sympathy today, which is not what you need even if you want that.

      May Almighty God help you.

    2. @winniethepooh, it's like you don't understand how people are. While it is true for shoulders to be raised you also don't know that some people never want to see you making progress or moving forward. They will always want you to know how they helped and picked you out of the miry clay. Some people will perpetually be like that.

      So what is wrong with them trying to be who they are. Is it because they were helped? Let me see one person who has not received help in whatever form or fashion in this world. Let the person say... So please. That you help a person doesn't mean you become god to them.

      Remember she said they were the only ones who related with them out of all the family members. That speaks alot about them.

    3. All I know is, there are two sides (or more) to a story.

  16. relocate abroad or to another state in naija???????i feel you both can stand on your feets and work things out

  17. What your brother in-law and his wife have done to you is bad, but you shouldn't dwell so much on it. Let your husband know about the insult and their attitude towards you and hear what he has to say. If your husband has your back, then you two should dig your heels deep and make a success of yourselves in that new country. When you start prospering, move far away from them and live your lives.
    What I just posted up there is only possible if your husband is with you a 100%. From the little you described up there, it sounds like your husband is a pushover. You need to get him on your side.

  18. Very petty and wicked. Imagine being so wealthy, yet still pressed about your struggling brother and his wife. Shouldn't you be enjoying your 'wealth? I think they are the envious ones. Yes, you can still be rich and envious of people beneath you.

  19. Thread carefully, until you find a way out ooo.
    I think the best thing is for you guys to move away from them but before then thread carefully.

  20. To be honest y'all should have known that one way or the other you will pay. People can't be saying stuff about one person and y'all decide to turn a blind eye because una hear relocation.

    That's the sacrifices you have to make till you are strong on your feet.
    Tell your husband to save more and reduce excessive spending so you all can gain financial freedom and be off their hook.

    Coz I sense they would want you both to be forever under them. So brace up and prepare for the yawa awaiting to happen in the future.

    Let's all endeavor to be good to people without expecting anything in return guys,coz there in lies the blessing.

    Someone like me fit off pants, beat her comot nonsense and then prepare to get deported. Yes I am that crazy

    1. πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

  21. Some women do not always look at the big picture and that’s one of the problems I have with my wife.Instead of poster to think of the better healthcare,security of your lives and property,better education for your kids,quality of life and the chance of having kids that can become citizens of wherever you are by birth,you are thinking of yourself alone and blaming God for relocating you cos someone is insulting you.Shey no be ment be this?

    1. At the expense of her sanity and mental health abi? No wonder blacks are treated anyhow overseas cos they know say some go chop shit and say thank you on top. Abeg have some dignity!!

    2. This relocation seems like from the village to the city. I don't think it's relocating abroad

    3. Even if it's relocating abroad, doesn't matter, doesn't justify it.

  22. Life is not fair.. What do some people gain in insulting others.

  23. Height of pettiness, how some adults behave like kindagerten kids, leaves me baffled.. She, said, he said, them said, who said? Get your independence and break free from them, if you know you relocated legitimately, then they have nothing on you.. Reason I refuse help from some people... Because some gifts are truly the 'devil's gift.

  24. follow them with diplomacy, after you might have gained your ground, give them looooooong rope

  25. I was confused at first when I saw the word co wife until I read further πŸ˜€

    However, no one can put you down except you allow it. As long as they didn't use a stick to hit you, you'll be fine.

    However, plan your detachment from them. It does not matter how long you plan, what is more important is a perfect execution of your plans.

    I wish you all the best

  26. You sound like a drama queen and trouble maker

    1. How please? Make una sofri dey judge and condemn people abeg.

    2. How exactly does she sound like a drama queen? How?

  27. It's well with you dear poster
    God will elevate and open doors of opportunities for you and your husband in Jesus name Amen

  28. OP, did you seek God's face before the decision and get the go-ahead? If NO, why are you blaming Him now??

    1. God sent you somewhere or approved for you to go doesn't mean it will be smooth sailing all through. Read Apostle Paul's various travails on his missionary journeys. Challenges are a part of life, stop making people feel like they are experiencing challenges cos they went contrary to God's will.

    2. 17.47 no where in my comment did I imply challenges wouldn't come up even if God sends one. My question remains did she seek God or not? If she did, I see no reason why she would be BLAMING Him for the challenges as she would have confidence that He approved of it and she's not alone.

  29. We can't be making our own choices and then blaming God when it doesn't work out well.

  30. You guys should just thread carefully irrespective of the situation, some people enjoyed been Worshipped.

  31. To be honest with you, I feel you and your husband caused it. Because of the help they rendered to you both, you started treating them like "gods". You mentioned in your write up that you became loyal to them. You saw them as your source instead of keeping your eyes on God as the one who used them to help your family. They saw they have a hold on you and started acting out the position you gave them in your lives i.e demigods as you stated.

    If you don't set boundaries in relationships regardless of who or what someone did, they will walk all over you. My advice to you is to ask God for forgiveness and start seeing Him as your source, and as others advised, try to move away from their area so there is physical distance between you even as you stay friendly with them but keep them at arms length.

    They don't need to know all of your affairs. Only discuss those relevant to the business and that is even if you all run the business together.

  32. Your husband shouldn't have accepted that help .. couples should learn to manage on their own..see finish is the worst thing that can happen to any man

  33. Madam did you ask God before you relocated? Why asking Him why He allowed it to happen? You went on your own,and now you're involving God?
    I will suggest you go to God, ask Him for forgiveness for taking the decision without Him. And then tell ask Him the way forward. I'm very sure He will come through for you.

  34. Dear Post,

    Is there any way you can overlook them, atleast for now till you and your husband gain ground, then you can relocate to another town or state.

    Hope you didn't migrate illegally?

    Also put it in prayer, there's nothing God cannot do.

  35. her husband didn't say anything, if he said anything I'm sure it's the opposite of what she told you, maybe her husband has praised you so well in her presence that made her got jealous. report what she said to your husband, let him talk to his brother.

  36. Nne chill, no insults equals to the suffering in naija. Just keep being nice and accommodating but once a while try chip in to her to be nicer to u. I no wan see u for naija here oo...hmmmmnn

  37. My dear don't be depressed ask the Lord to take away the depression mood and give you joy ok? You have said it, your joy is coming in the morning and I believe you.
    Just keep your distance from them, you should have cut the call, don't listen to her next time, cut the call the moment you sense insult ok?
    Don't worry God allowed you guys to relocate for a reason and he is faithful ok? E hugs to you!!!!

  38. Dear Poster, your major complaint is that your brother in law got involved in your family affair. That's where it all started. What aspect of your family matters did they get involved in? You deliberately did not say. Is it your family expenses? Or did they bring another woman for your husband? You didn't say

    Please know that when you work for family. You finances and lifestyle is always under scrutiny and comments.

    If you earn 100, be prepared to live the life of a 40 earner or as low as you can spend without starving or being in rags. If you earn 100 and live the life of 100, the owner of the business will think you are making secret profits.

    Again, are your in-laws frugal while you and your husband are not? Are you sending much money to your family members back home?

    Summary, when you work in family business, you must mirror the lifestyle of the owner. Best you can do is to save enough to to go solo.

    If they brought another woman for your husband, then, they went above themselves.

  39. From the comments,everyone one assumed they relocated abroad,you do know you can relocate to another state too right??? The poster didn't really give much about the problems she is experiencing with her brother inlaw wife,except that she was insulted that she looks like a maid,but I believe if we hear from the other party,this story will change.Some people would actually turn you into an enemy after you try to help them find their feet,they will start chasing you and wanna be like you by all means that they won't mind to drag you down for them to climb over you.The poster didn't even say what led to her being told she looks like a maid,something must have happened,how did the conversation start,were you trying to be like her and she decided to put you in your place,I believe there is more to what you have told us.

    1. Under no circumstance should anyone be told they look like a maid. That you are even trying to justify it speaks volumes... please, it costs nothing to treat people right with basic respect.

  40. Try to be as calm as possible.. Communicate more with God on this issue.. He will lead you and make a way out for you.. Its well poster..


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