Stella Dimoko The Dark Diary - 3


Monday, October 18, 2021

The Dark Diary - 3

Are you still wondering why I didn’t tell someone?

 I could but, but who would listen? I could barely get their attention when I was starving and, when I do they just shove me aside and continue gambling or slide a plate of leftovers that has been under the table for God knows how long and probably got used as an ash tray.

My ‘’customer’’ and I had an agreement of feed me and get satisfied and so the dark days continued.

I would be sleeping and he would tap me to follow him. There was this time I was sick and he still came to have his way and I was just crying.

After satisfying himself he asked if I had taken medicine and I said no I only drank ‘’agbo’’. He went out and came back with medicine which I took and slept off.

He would dress up and go out to work then come back through the back door to meet me.

My brothers only passed and asked why I was lying down and when I tell them I am sick, they laugh and say I am pretending so I won’t go to school. Me that couldn’t wait to get up and run out so that my abuser will stop sleeping with me on sick bed.

He was nice and even protected me from others for himself {mtcheww} he also saved me from getting flogged to death whenever my brothers start their nonsense beatings.

My sister ran away to the next state because she couldn’t take it anymore. Her friend told her she could link her to someone to help her secure an admission in the University. Unfortunately she got pregnant .

When she came back home she was heavy and they couldn’t touch her, so I became the punching bag. They would rain curses and call me ‘’ashawo’’ and I should not dare come home with a pregnancy.

At that time I hadn’t started menstruating . I didn’t get my period until I was 16 thank goodness. I already knew what it took to get pregnant and even my abuser asked me questions too.

If you don't guide your child another person will groom them for you.


  1. How i wish I can just not open this post, but sadly I can't help myself because all it does is to mess me up😔😥.

    Poster may God alone give you total healing, amen

    1. Me too. I have been skipping it since about 30mins now that I had seen it posted but I thought I might learn something new that would help in raising my daughter. Truly, there is a lesson to be learnt in every episode .
      Poster love and light to you

    2. Same here! I wish i wouldn't read it but.... It is well

    3. Thought I was the only person that said so after reading the second article.

  2. Nawao, this story makes me so sick any time I read it. Please how do I connect with you

    1. Maybe you should send a mail to stella

    2. Where is that chronicle poster of 2days ago that was asking what she should do as she can't take her maltreated daughter to live with her for some sick reasons best known to her?

    3. Yes, that chronicle poster should come and read these stories. May God protect our children from the evil ones.

    4. I couldn't believe that with all that is going on she is still contemplating🤨🤨 I was so pissed at her chronicle

  3. Replies
    1. GOD please keep me alive to be able to train my kids. I'm just so sad reading this. The other sister got pregnant??? I'm just so sad

  4. Hmmmmmmmm

    So Sad!

  5. This just makes me cringe 😬.

    Sorry poster, sad story..

  6. Methinks the abuser was either her father, a step father, an uncle, or a pervert who offered to help in time of need.

    I wish God would hasten His work in my life and make His vision a reality. I so much want to run missionhelp to help the needy.

    Do as Thou has said, Oh LORD!

  7. God please don’t let another person groom my child for me

  8. Seriously this is so sad. Everyone cared for themselves.

  9. Keep them coming, most mothers here need to read this. May the Lord Jesus heal you through this.🤗🤗🤗🤗
    So many of them are so engrossed with social media
    that they don't even know if their teen daughter has begun menstruating.

    One was told that her 14 year old daughter has died on the abortion table and she was screaming;
    "How can, how can, she goes to church, she is a covenant child..."
    Madam, Church won't raise your daughters for you or keep watch over them. You watch and teach them
    and then trust Jesus. We only read Proverbs 31 for the virtuous woman but hardly see that it was
    "an oracle that King Lemuel's mother taught him!" Read it from verse 1 and see.
    Woman, when last did your seat your daughters down and ask them "how are you?" Or teach them the Word of God; when last did you read
    it yourself?😐😐😐😐

    1. Mothers & sons too

      Fathers and daughters/sons too

      Abusers are everywhere

    2. Correct yourself
      "Most parents"
      Raising a chicken shouldn't be left to the mother alone.

      Her father failed her in this story

  10. Haba Stella.

    Post all stories at once joor.
    It's such a sad story though bt educating.

    Indeed, so many of us were abused.

  11. Reading this makes me cry. Oh God. See me crying like a baby.

  12. Sadly...this happens to both male and female child. A lot of men just chose Mot to share their stories.

    God help everyone out there suffering like this.

  13. Even when you were sick?😭😭

  14. 😭😭😢 poor girl. I hope you have been able to heal now. Honestly your dad did not try at all. Why couldnt he get someone to look after you.

  15. Parenting is the most difficult job on earth! No one can tell me any other. God help us to always be in the lives of our kids. Amen.

    1. My dear it is
      You have to check social life

      Just plenty things and you have to make sure you are a "firm friend" to your kids

      Walahi it's not easy

      My heart bleeds for this poster

  16. Dear parents and intending parents, our kids will only be little for a while, do not let :
    1. Your phone.
    2. Your job.
    3. What is going on in the world.
    Deprive you from being present in their formative years and enjoying time with them.
    This story is sad. I pray poster is fine and in a good place now. Gosh!

  17. God's master piece18 October 2021 at 14:24

    This story is sad 😭😭.

  18. Are you sure the father or one close uncle is not the abuser???.

  19. Parents have the duty to do all it takes to protect their children. Some parents are so irresponsible. I just can't deal

  20. God help me so that another person will not groom my children.

  21. This is sad. May God protect our innocent children from abusers.

  22. This is heart wrenching. May God give you the closure you need.

  23. Madam name and shame this beast. Why arent you calling him by his name?

    1. @16:39 She cannot protect her identity if she names an shame the beast, can she?

  24. This is so sad! You need to name this bastard,if you want closure,you need to confront him,who knows whether he is doing it to another person's child again,the poster need to expose him,you might save another child from what you went through,may God heal your heart and give you a new beginning

  25. Hmmmmm... Everyone around her failed her big time.

    Comforts and peace to your soul...


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