Stella Dimoko Saturday In House Gists - Implications Of Marrying As A Virgin



Saturday, October 02, 2021

Saturday In House Gists - Implications Of Marrying As A Virgin

 The topic says ''Marrying as a virgin''... We are not taking about the activities that happen on the wedding night but the implications of marrying as a virgin...

What does one stand to gain marrying as a virgin? Does it make the Marriage last longer? Does it make the other partner not cheat? does it make the trust stronger?

Does it guarantee something that those who have been gbenshing /Nacking since will not get?

Where are those who married as VIRGINS? Please come and gist us what you are enjoying that we wont ever get to enjoy...

Ndi virgins wey una? Are there advantages?

Awon virgins wey dem? Are there disadvantages?

Lets gist!


  1. Replies
    1. That’s a very good point. It also takes away a possible onset of suspicion because you know how you met the person.

    2. My sisterin law married my cousin a virgin. She was sorely disappointed thinking my cousin will value her in a different kinda way and treat her like the rare gem she is. coz is a pig. A devout-church-going pig and he valued her just as much as a pig would value a gem. Long story.
      He complained she was hard to please and had this superiority complex with unrealistic expectations.

      I met my husband a virgin but we took several rides b4 tying the knot.

    3. Meanwhile, my husband does hymenoplasty o. He will repair your 'vally' back to factory mode. Northern girls patronize him the most.

    4. Stella, I married as a virgin and my marriage has been so blissful (All I can say is "it has been God). We do have our rough days but in the end, we're cool. Advantages for me getting married as a virgin is that I have peace of mind and my husband trusts me. I dated before I got married and once you ask for sex, i move. I can still talk to guys I dated today freely even with my husband because its no big deal. Afterall, nothing happened between us. Its all just fun time gist now. I fear no blackmail because I know i don't have any nudes anywhere (there's no fear of "i hope he didnt record our sex sessions that year")

      Having said all this, I'd still like to say that virginity alone doesn't keep a marriage. It is God who does.

    5. I lived in d North for a while and I witnessed and was told ways 2 gbensh even as a Virgin,u can still b a Virgin and b having penetration.
      Some r saying zero STI, Nwanne,some go to toilets used by pple infected by sti and carry what dey left there ( some call it toilet infection). Let's b clear, Virgins threat infections too

    6. So from the ignorant comments here I can deduce that:

      1. Only women are expected to be virgins, Nigerian men can fcuk like goats as much as they want.
      2. Women dont mind casting Pearl's before swine think swine will appreciate them more.

      My opinion, virginity is the best. No fear of STDs, stis,pregnancy etc. Its is ONLY a gift if YOUR partner is also a VIRGIN.
      3. If you are a virgin and you marry a man who is a non virgin na yourself you do.

    7. Revelations 14:4 These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for THEY REMAINED VIRGINS. THEY FOLLOW THE LAMB WHEREVER HE GOES. They were purchased from among mankind and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb.

    8. You can still catch STI without having sex, shit everyone quick to forget Herpes and the likes ?

  2. More than 12 years joyfully married as a virgin. That fact still surprises me; that I married a virgin.
    The only reason I was not promiscuous was due to my dad's strictness; you don't stay away from the house beyond 7PM.
    But the reason my marriage has been blissful; no quarrels, no arguments is due to JESUS. Giving my life to Jesus and learning from him, including who to marry and working it out together in prayers, fasting, studying the Bible and so on, is the
    reason I have been very fulfilled in my marriage.
    Yes, being a virgin does not earn you heaven...being in Christ earns you eternal life which is the ultimate.
    Being a virgin keeps you from STIs, unwanted pregnancy, abortions and the guilt of murdering innocent kids.
    Being in Christ Jesus gives you peace of mind 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

  3. Virginity is a virtue and will remain so

  4. The implications plenty
    No sexually transmitted diseases that can harm your spouse and children
    No passing of other men's children to your husband
    Surer of your reproductive apparatus being intact
    Guilt free conscience and peace of mind

    1. Anon you are right about guilt free and peace of mind. I've been celibate for almost two years now and the peace of mind that comes with it is unexplainable. If I could turn back the hand of time ,I would love to have married as a virgin.

    2. Surer of your reproductive apparatus being intact? ❌❌❌

      There are many barren virgins out there. We have read many such stories on this blog.

    3. @Saphire
      There is a reason why "surer" was used there. And mind you that the women, married as virgins who you brand "barren" may have unfertile husbands.

    4. Sure of your reproductive being intact?
      I know of this lady that got married the 2years before I had my daughter. She married as a virgin and I remember how men were falling over themselves to marry her. I remember how she and her mom mocked my parents when I got pregnant. In my mind then I was wondering how somebody who is TTC will be laughing at me cause I had a child out of wedlock then.
      My daughter is 10 now and she still doesn't have a child.

      In this life,there are no guarantees sometimes.
      I really pray God will give them their own soonest. The husband is a good man even though the wife is this type that carries herself like she's the best thing after jollof.

      About virginity,it helps you have a conscience good of offence towards God at least sexually. No fear of STDs too.
      Your mind no go dey cut when it's time to do HIV test

    5. @Darajah
      Do you also know that stds can scatter your reproductory system and make you infertile. Gonorrhea alone can do that very well.
      You cannot use the case of "a virgin who is barren" to judge.
      Remember that her husband may be the problem. Virginity is an undeniable virtue.
      If you haven't repented from the lifestyle you described you lived, you will miss eternal life in heaven which is the
      main thing

    6. Saphire, your wrote barren? I thought the word used on this blog is TTC or GTC? but because you wanted to prove a nonsense point you called a woman who is yet to conceive barren. pathetic!

      So when you see a woman who is yet to conceive in your mind God has written her off and in your mind she cannot have kids later in life when her TTC phase is over?

      So you also belong to those group of people who believe the fault is always with a woman who is yet to conceive and not the husband? Some husbands of those women have low sperm count while some do not have sperm at all but the fault is always the woman, right? what if it was not even God's time for them to get pregnant YET? are there not non-virgins who ttc for years before they later got pregnant?

      Think before you type please.

      Even though I got pregnant immediately after marriage and had my kids in quick succession and I am thankful someone somewhere is not using my life as a bad example but that does not mean I should not bring your attention to your choice of word.

    7. Anon, says who, come and see lots of virgin with HIV

    8. @19:03
      You just decided to mock and sneer? 85% of HIV transmission is sexual and you think you can come here to confuse anyone with what you just wrote there?
      Except the "virgin" you mean are those whose rears are well drilled. *vomits*

    9. For me, I have no DNA issues to worry about, I have no sexual partners to compare my husband to because he knows how to do his thing. Plus no teenage pregnancy issues.

      Virginity doesn't keep a marriage but it definitely eliminates the distrust that arises in marriage especially with the hasty generalizations that men have about Nigerian women.

      My husband appreciates me for it everyday. It is something my mom talked about. She married as a virgin and I aspired to it and God helped me.

      Been married 10 years and God has been AWESOME!

  5. Benefits include - no STD, no pregnancy scare, no need for contraceptives, no sex experience to compare to, ability to move on fast, men's intentions towards you are shown faster when no sex is involved, protecting your spirit and obeying God if you are a Christian

  6. I really don’t know what the advantages are for me. Like which part of my marriage blessings I’m enjoying that I probably wouldn’t have if I had gbenshed before marriage. I don’t know.
    Just honor God with your life and marriage. Virginity or no virginity.
    There are so many non virgins with great marriage.

    I believe when one asks God for forgiveness and genuinely repent, They become a virgin again. God wipes away all completely.

    My hubby was no virgin but I trust him as completely as he trusts him.

    1. look at the way you have spoken with so much kindness about non-virgins but you will never see a non-virgin talk about virgin like this. They always know one or two virgins suffering in marriage but will never admit what you admitted concerning them in the last sentence of your second paragraph. always having negative tale to share.

      Stella Jet Li have written it all!

    2. Most of what you said here is good. But being forgiven by God and genuine repentance doesn’t make one a virgin again after the sin of fornication. You can say the sin for transgressing God’s order has become forgiven.
      Secondly, it becomes extremely difficult or almost impossible for your husband to believe or even think of you as a cheat or promiscuous because he knows how he met you. That’s an advantage. The trust he has in you doesn’t just come from nowhere. This adds to it.

    3. Anon 15:05, I wanted to say something like this but didn’t know how to say it any better than the way you put it. That’s what they do. They just find a way to discredit virginity because they lost theirs and cannot be this way ever again. Always looking for one bad example to another to rationalize their irreversible state. It isn’t necessary. Just be critical without letting emotions in the way.

    4. Anon 15:48. Don't blame us. It's a case of misery loves company 😆😆😆😆😆
      Don't mind me


    5. "There are so many non-virgins with great marriages"

      Yvonne O you wrote that up there.

      Please do not ever speak of them nicely like you did up there because they would never do the same for you. These non-virgins their eyes only see imaginary virgins in bad marriages and their eyes only hear bad experiences but not even one of them will you ever find to humbly admit what you just admitted about them. Even if a knife was put to their necks no matter how glaring the truth is to their faces that there are lots of virgins who are blessed in marriages with no regrets. They would rather pretend not to know .

    6. a lot of you virgins behave like your marriages will be the best because you were people use you as examples because you also end up with same issues as non virgins. when a woman is TTC the first thing people do is blame her past like she killed her womb by herself.. virgin or not bad marriage and infertility can happens to anyone. a poster will bring a story here and tell you but she married a virgin. each one stop judging the other. abstinence is still the best policy

  7. Please GOD
    No abortions & the trauma that goes with it
    No funny videos
    E no slack
    You get to learn together
    It shows a good amount of restraint
    No STI,STD history
    You laugh at any attempts to describe or portray nether regions
    If belle dey pain you, you no dey fear belle
    No doubts about your first child DNA
    Your self respect is intact
    Okafors law no concern you
    Body count is zero
    No funny soul ties
    You can confidently inspire your children that self control is possible using your experience as case study

    1. Thanks for this list Jet nwanne m
      As clear as the noonday sky

    2. Someone is thinking right here

    3. E no slack is complete BS.

    4. Gbam! Let them keep arguing. It is what it is.

  8. The didn't seen against God & their body
    They will not do abortion
    They will not feel guilty even if pregnancy is delayed & they will have the boldness to call on God during this time.
    They will not fear empty after sex

    1. Hmm, this your spelling of SIN is most complex 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  9. 1) Zero Mileage

    There is a difference between Zero Mileage and 143k mileage

    2) Brand New is different from Unboxed,Open Box or Refurbished..

    Three of them na same product;but customer satisfaction isn't same😂😂

    3) No history of STD,you save money to treat all manner of disease plus infection and keep your health intact..

    4) No knowledge of Different Vagina or Penis Size..

    You hardly understand what you haven't seen or tasted before;so when married and the Vagina is wide ooo,or penis is small...The Virgin Man/Woman will be happy with their package because they have zero experience or knowledge;well except they get to taste another package outside;then greed sets in😉😉

    5) No history of abortion or suffo ation(😏😏 @ANG) for those in this category,hence No guilt!! Its Blissful and gives a clear conscience especially when you pray..

    Nothing is worth your Peace!!

    6) Self-Respect,No gossip plus you are truly Nobodys Ex..

    Lastly,The Penis/Vagina is called a private part;not a public space for every nuisance to dance atilogwu,why should you even see another's nakedness when they arent your spouse??

    Common phone you want to buy,you will keep asking for brand new;e reach human being turn you change mouth🤗🤗😀😀🤗🤗

    If you lost your Virginity without your consent;its no fault of your please..#Hugs


    1. Is N0. 4 really an advantage or just cluelessness?? 🤔

    2. Oh Martin, you still remember "Stella, shall I suffocate it..." 😮😮😮😮😮😮
      A one year bouncing baby o!

    3. Hi Perxian..

      It's an Advantage for A VIRGIN

      Its Cluelessness for a NON-VIRGIN..

      Case here being;if a virgin woman for example has only being in the walls or warmth of the penis of her husband for the first time;she has no idea in reality whether the penis is big or small for her V..

      She will make love to her husband and be happy because she believes that is how the walls or warmth of a penis is suppose to be..

      Same cant be said about a woman who was dating a guy with huge penis and later married to a guy with a small penis..

      Comparison sets in;she will start imagining her Ex in most cases with the huge Penis while her husband is on her,she might never be satisfied and it could fuel her going for Dildos,masturbation and in most cases cheat with her Ex or another guy with a huge penis..

      All this is due to experience for the woman;COMPARISON!! hence where my no 4 comes in here..

      Any further question Ma?😉



    4. Martins, these points are very beautiful and right on hit, even the number 4 that someone up there wants to put a doubt on. The answer is obvious. I love the way you brought it your phone market strategy to rationalize your points. It makes so much sense and draws close to understanding.

    5. So you married as a virgin Martin?

    6. @Gifty, so you mean someone who married as a virgin cannot give accurate opinions? His answers are really accurate and beautiful. He might not have married as a virgin due to one reason or the other but that doesn't mean he's not an advocate of sexual purity

    7. Prexian you remember one Wedding Night Brouhaha we read here of a disappointed virgin bride?
      Really, they think because you are a virgin, you are clueless. I was a virgin for 34years, no touching, no Xrated movies and stuff but I read up. I knew what to expect.

    8. LOL, yes Martin .. One more question ☝🏻

      Even a virgin knows a considerably small weenie. Do you still insist that she has no idea if she’s getting filled aka satisfied or not?

    9. LOL, Ms Saphire.. exactly why I’m asking all them questions. Cos the maths is not mathing for me.

    10. 😊😊Perxie,we humans arent programmed to ruin what we have no idea of..

      Besides practice will perfect the filling up with time..

      Case study here being a Virgin Bride;you can have a "Mental Idea" of how sex should be when you read all round and finally do it;and that is normal..

      Craving for something which you have a mental picture of is VERY different from Craving for something WHICH YOU HAVE TASTED before...

      So the Question should be,how is a Virgin whose hymen is being broken with all that pain and discomfort be much bothered about being filled up at that moment??

      Cos the math isn't Mathing for me Perxiee😊

      Read this wedding night Gist perxie,a virgin should be worried about being penetrated for the first time;not being filled up..#Cheers


    11. Martins,you are 100% on point

  10. Nobody should come talk about God or bible on this topic, thats not what the question is asking. Holy holy go come Dey talk another thing here now.

    1. LOL. Even if they do, I have a repartee for them.

    2. Sorry, you don’t have any “repartee” for them. You just feel pained about this topic in general.

    3. 15:19 Go sit your butt down and stop policing my engagements to others. Just open mouth like goat to bleat bla bla bla.

    4. Perx, Na do e pain you reach? Are you not the same person frolicking on other comments all in the effort to rationalize a baseless nonsense just because it’s already on your face? Sorry, the train is long gone. You wish you arrived earlier. The deed is irreversible. Don’t be irrational.

    5. But Perxian, I thought you are a believer in Christ, how come you are referring to us as "them?"

    6. You can't take God out of this became it is discipline + God = virginity.

      Oh, you forgot that it is Gods utmost command that we keep the marriage bed undefiled. How dare you take God out of this? Please o.

  11. Unless you’re keeping your virginity for the sake of your God if not,
    I have a relative that married as a virgin but her horseband is a chronic cheat. This man cheats with even widows, yet will still be policing his wife up and down.
    When I asked him why he’s monitoring the woman he married as a virgin he told me “ now that my wife has tasted the sweetness of gbola she may wish to explore”. He concluded by telling me that women will always be insatiable.
    The one wey pain me pass be say this man promised us a cow for raising a virtuous girl but for where.. All na scam. Up till today he has refused to bring the cow in fact he’s no longer talking about it.

    1. You guys always have negative stories about virgins in marriage and never good ones.
      NaWa oo

    2. You didn’t even answer or discuss any of the questions or discussion points Stella raised in the post. You just want to put a clause on virginity before marriage being nothing.

    3. Anonymous 15:08 that's a very normal thing for people who married as non virgins to do. They have to find something about virgins to gloat over. Perhaps makes them feel better about themselves.

    4. Lol it's really funny how people say this same thing about virgins. Majority of people telling stories of "I have a relative who married as a virgin but..." are not real. But Fan, you haven't even answered the question.

    5. Oga Isaac and co,not marring as a virgin has never caused 1 issue in my marriage. I stated it clear that UNLESS you’re keeping it for the sake of God if not no human deserves your virginity except if the person is a virgin too.
      I shared the experience I witnessed why getting agitated? Please share your own good news and leave me alone.
      Aside that I didn’t obey God,I have no reason to regret loosing my virginity before marriage because my husband did not marry as a virgin too. What’s you guys problem?

    6. The hype has calmed. Reality hit.

    7. See as this subject de pain non-virgins before marriage as if virgins forced dem to lose their virginity. Haba! I have a friend, I saw a friend, a friend told us, a relative was….but virgins are not saying all these about you all to reduce you people. Chill abeg.

    8. Fan,tell them ooo.
      Not everyone wants to marry as a virgin. I do NOT regret marrying as a non-virgin at all. I'm happy I didn't keep my virginity as I didn't marry a virgin husband!
      Infact , I wish I flexed more sef!

    9. As in 17:58
      if it was a virgin saying all these they are saying about virgins to them they would turn the tables around and guilt-trip them and start calling the virgin names like holier than thou, sanctimonious, judge judy and all that rubbish.
      they can dish it but can't take it.

    10. @Anons 15.08 and 17.58 - According to Aesop, the fox jumped several times but could not reach the grapes hanging on the tree. So it said the grapes may be bad anyway.

      It is in the nature of some of us to decrepate what we don't have or cannot get to console ourselves.

      A virgin who faces pregnancy issues traced to her and you understands God's way is likely to cope better.

      I didn't marry as a virgin. But I wish it was so based on what I know today - the pains, avoidable regrets, etc.

      Even our traditionalists know the virtuous powers of virginity. When they want their enchantments, sacrifices, etc. to be exceedingly potent, they usually ask virgins to carry the objects or to be involved in the concluding processes.

    11. Fan, the Lady did not seek the face of God before marriage. If she did God would have shown her in the dream or even caused confusion in their relationship.

  12. That's the best gift a man can get from a woman in this horrible generation. If you're a man reading this, if you're fortunate to marry one, biko worship the ground she walks on. Respect her. Cherish her. She's a rare gem. Accommodate her fuck-ups. She deserves it.
    My brother, na ashawo full everywhere. Most of these girls making noise, are serial mistresses to disease-rich married men. If you know their body count, you go faint. After fucking all the married men available, they're looking for who to pin down. Nwanne appreciate that virgin you married. She's a goddess.
    If I'm lucky to have one, she'll have the best marriage. I'll treat her like the precious egg that she is.

    1. Important Question..will she be lucky to have you as a husband??

    2. Lol..
      They'll soon come any tell you she was collecting through the 'back door'.. they always try to discredit the truth and at the same time they don't want to live right but want us to accommodate their Nonsense lifestyle 😹😹

    3. Arhh, here I am thinking that virginity is a 2 ways thing.
      Bro Ceaser men no dey be virgin? Are you saying you’re no longer a virgin yet wishing to marry one? Umu nwoke kwezuonuoooo

    4. But Dante it is true na, I had a virgin friend in school that was disturbing me for sex. I accepted the friendship without knowing she’s a lesbian. It was when she started disturbing me that I got to know. Me wey don spoil tey tey go come dey satisfy my fellow woman so she could maintain her virginity. When I reminded her that she keeps hammering that she’s a virgin she told me that she and her virgin friend that has relocated used to cure their urge by stroking each others clit and s**king.

      The anonymous attacking me for having only negative things to say about virgins I’m sorry oo, I am only sharing what I witnessed. Abi make I come dey lie to please you?

    5. Ceaser and Dante , are you virgins ? You are not one and you are looking for one to marry. What an irony! Those virgins you are looking for ,you will not find o. Better look for a non virgin like you to marry. Nonsense!

    6. In your small mind naw, virginity is expected from only the woman bah?

    7. DANTE and CEASER shouting virgin up and down like a broken record you better stop being delusional
      you think those virgins wants your shrivelled arse and community *****🤣 think again
      we have two of them here oo
      the first one stays dashing you both insults day and night. She cannot hide her disdain. babe likes you not!!!while the second one sits on her high horse with her nose raised up ignoring your existence and comments.🤣🤣 that should tell you both something. UNA NO REACH.
      niggaz better stick your kind and stop day-dreaming. Virginity is not everything.

    8. 15:30 those virgins sef no rate them or reason their matter. they must really think the same virgins they put on a pedestal have really low standards.

    9. This Dante that always have friends wey dey knack. Him na virgin na🙄

    10. Hey God!!!

      I am a virgin, but my virginity isn't becos I want anything from a man. Although, I have great respect for men who treat women right. But my decision to stay this way till marriage is to honour God.


    11. Dante no virgin will ever marry you in this life or do not and can never deserve it...a male chauvinist pig like you? how dare you..infact you must do DNA in your marriage...ewu with mouth like virgin

  13. for me it makes the trust stronger, husband appreciated and still appreciates me for it after 8yrs of marriage. 1 disadvantage was I didn't like sex the 1st 2 years of marriage, it took a lot of patience from his side.

    1. Thank you for being honest about this, how were you able to overcome this.
      31 yr old virgin here, not sure what to expect

    2. I married as a virgin at 37, I'm always dry as in very dry, five months of peaceful marriage no child. Don't know if I'm happy or sad. But was so happy as a single lady because nothing ever bothered me, now a whole lot to worry about

    3. I would have recommended a natural food for you but I've forgotten the name. Please visit the clinic, you have a minor issue. Your problem is the deficiency in some food nutrient. You could ask Google why you esperience dryness. I came across the solution last year

    4. I came across the solution sometime last year. Just ask google. I believe you will get the solution. We laddies need to read more about our hormones to prepare us for things like this

  14. The benefits of marrying as a virgin is just being able to bring your stained sheets to irritate the internet and embarass yourselves.

    The challenge of marrying as a virgin is that you will then not answer if they ask if your husband was also a virgin. I mean, new wine in old skin logic- ko Le werk.

    So please, if one side is a virgin and the other side is fairly used, is it not logical to ask if the benefits are halved or even completely lost since the set is not "tear-rubber"?

    Another thing I wonder is why God will allow virgins to settle for "wear and tear" after all the self-sacrifice.

    Lastly, does being a virgin prevent people from stepping out of their marriage later? Because it seems from experience that the virginity does not affect the behavior of their spouse judging from experiences all around.

    1. This is definitely coming from a pained non virgin. When they have slept with every di*k and harry, you will hear them saying "being a virgin doesn't guarantee your going to heaven" "being a virgin doesn't mean your spouse won't cheat on you" "virginity doesn't guarantee good marriage". The list is longer than my arm but then, virginity is still a thing. Take it or leave it!

    2. This is the comment of a person that feels pained about losing their virginity for no cost. All they do is to say negative things about it to make them feel alright.

    3. Interestingly, I wrote this as a virgin who is not "keeping myself" out of fear of soul ties or to win an award or cow. I Just don't buy into common societal expectations of how to fashion my life. I am non religious and a bit of a hermit, uninterested in the burden of living in twos, hinged to someone else for the rest of my life and rearing little copies at the cost of myself. Do you though. I opt to lead a simple, linear life. I however find weird, the reasons why women especially, think virginity is somehow superior. I've never felt that way considering that as a medical fact, everyone masturbates, even asexuals. The idea that non-virgins are bitter or regret to me, is evidence of a frustrated person. Statistically, this woman with "standards" will still desperately settle for a man with none and will be squishing his cheating head into her boobs from church to church. How's that superior?

      The reasons for abstaining stem from fear- one ever burning oven in the stratosphere that has been proven doesn't exist; e no slack- so after the first year or kid, you're dumped goods? No pregnancy? There is more than one way to the market and people who don't want to get pregnant don't-its called science. This is not just about buying condoms and plan B. Miss me with the soul ties BS. This is not secondary school where you scare kids with an abortion video. All this syncretism mixed into Abrahamic religion is nonsense.

      What else? No suspicion? That's if he still cares after the slacking and by that logic, won't you be living in suspicion of him for having experiences outside or before the marriage?

      The only benefit to not having sex is that you don't even remember your period is late and perhaps not shaving your legs as frequently. See the kind of men hailing the virgins in the comments section then give yourself a hug.

    4. 😂😂😂 @ "the list is longer than my arm"

      14:52 so you haven't heard of virgins who also married virgins as husbands?? or virgin men who end up with non-virgin women??

      from your write up and logic we can all agree that if your husband is a virgin and marries you then you are ""old wrinkled skin" and he is a new wine since you are not a tear rubber?

    5. Aunty, I am a virgin o! It's just not the reservoir of my self worth. Unlike those who look down on anyone else who isn't, I don't place it on my CV and it isn't tattooed on my forehead. If I were no longer a virgin tomorrow, it won't change my view.

      This view includes the fact that there are male virgins but as in the example I gave earlier, I think parking your virginity into marriage with a non virgin is comical and shows that there is a deficit of self-esteem, that wanting to qualify. The point that the "receipt ended up on Facebook is telling. For many mental health experts, they can tell you about the mourning experience of many married virgin females whose worth lay in the hymens that were broken in the wedding night and the horrors of those who didn't bleed, who couldn't "prove" their worth. It's a very sad wat to exist. All that qualifying for a guy that has been around town? Sad.

      Secondly, I have nothing but love for midgets ��.

    6. Anon 16:15, actually your epistle says nothing as a response to the comments before yours. It’s just a case of a person trying to impress by typing ill-constructed sentences to impress but ends up making no sense at all. Whatever you describe the afterlife with your absolute false claim that it has been proven to not exist is just your sad business. Your contributions on this topic with the absoluteness of false claims with bring forth is nonsensical.

      Don’t be the frustrated one. Be happy with your pitiful simple and linear hermit life. What a life?!!!

    7. Aunty, you forgot to drop my award for being a virgin. I'm sorry for deflating your self esteem. It would have been easy to dismiss and look down on a woman who has had sex but I'm this case, it is now difficult for you because I'm actually on that "virgin pedestal".

      When you end up giving it up to the streets on the streets or in marriage, give yourself a hug. For me, standards are sky high despite not having a born again burden.

      This is the same reason why women in unhappy marriages or situations where the husband has moved on, they stay stuck and miserable because that virginity was their life. It isn't mine. The way you are dragging this report card of virginity, it is obvious to me you will jump at any spent man. You are hoping to qualify and are desperate for approval- it's not something you are doing for yourself but because you think love is something earned. I'm not crazy about my virginity. It's just not a big deal for me.

    8. God I love you anon 14:52, and your comment is so beautiful, please keep being a virgin regardless..
      And as for you anon, what's your problem? Must every virgin share your ideology? Abeg rest!

    9. some of you virgins are delusional...people monitor your lives because you all think being a virgins makes you have the best is what society has fed people with and what a lot of people still erroneously like Dante will even worship a virgin e...such bullshit. so she marries him as a virgin and taste sex and then begin to sleep around because Dante is wicked or cheating on her of course a non virgin will use her as an example...get of all your sanctimonious horses because i did not marry a virgin but i was a decent girl and had only one body count before nobody can make me feel small or regret i was not a virgin before marriage...virginity was meant to be upheld by both male and female but society made it like God made that law for only women that is why a lot of people do not see the full benefits of keeping yourself before marriage. it is the reason why virgins end up marrying hegoats and chauvinist pigs like Dante hence no real benefits or joy for them because both are not virgins.

  15. It's God's perfect design and intention for couples.

    When both couples marry as a virgin they share a very special bond.

    No memory or yardstick for comparison or "sexual compatibility" so you both grow and explore sex together.

    If you are a young person reading this sex is worth waiting for..

  16. No STDs. Heartbreak.No giving births to another man's child. Peace of mind in your partner. Them plenty joor.

  17. I’m showing my ten yr old this post. It’ll help to make better decisions concerning the topic stella Biko screen evil comments Biko

  18. You married as a virgin, yet your husband cheats on u, what's d point then? Abegi...make we dey fire dey go..

    1. Very dumb point from non virgins to always make themselves feel good. More annoying when they everyone will be a victim of a cheat as spouse. You wey dey sleep around, when you marry, what's the assurance that your spouse's instrument is gonna satisfy you?

    2. Comment of a pained non-virgin. Sorry, it is irreversible. Ntor

    3. It's funny when y'all try to make it look like all non virgins regrets losing their virginity, some non virgins may regret, but I swear I don't regret losing mine, if I could reverse time, I will still lose my virginity, I am happy with my choice just as you all are happy with your choice.
      Please if you want to be a virgin, it's really cool and all, but y'all should just stop this virgin and non virgin war, let people make their choices and be happy.

    4. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 no difference between me and you o, we breathe same air, there is no special air for u. Your husband or potential husband will use his experienced manhood that has been in different holes and scatter ya own. Enjoy, cos there is a special road made for virgins in the world 🤣🤣🤣

  19. There are no implications. All those guys who say they cannot marry a virgin based on the fact that they will be really bad in bed👎 It's a dumb reason to me but different strokes for different folks. There's still pride in keeping your virginity

    1. Don't mind them o, all those men that are always saying they don't like virgins yen yen yen, secretly wish to marry a virgin or at least deflower one

    2. there are lot of non-virgins with years of enough experience and bedmatics training yet sucks in bed. Not everyone non-virgin is a pro even if they started 1900

  20. Keeping one's virginity comes with a lot of peace of mind, trust me. It's worth the wait at the end of the day. No fear of STDs, pregnancy or abortion, no guilt and all of that

  21. Virginity is to men what rich men is to women😌😌.
    #walks out

    1. you probably talking about broke women who gold-dig

      A virgin who has her own money and moves with people in her league can not relate.


    2. They have been avoiding this comment as expected 😀😀..

      Yes men wants virgins tho they might not be one, the same way many girls want a rich man when they're not one.. if you want non virgin men to marry non virgin women, then broke girls should marry broke men too..

      Until then.. spare me the NONSENSE question asking if I'm a virgin too😌😌

    3. Thank you Dante. Press their neck biko. Press am wella. Broke ladies stop looking for rich men. Dante my man of the year on SDK blog

    4. @16.30, a rich woman will choose a richer quality man over a rich quality man. We all know that.


  22. I'll grade virginity into two.

    1. Natural virgins
    2. Spiritual virgins

    1. Natural
    These are people who have never had sex. For the women (some) thier hymen is still intact. For the men, they've never penetrated a woman.

    2. Spiritual
    These are those who have been washed in the blood of Jesus. All thier sins (fornication included) have been wiped out by the blood of Jesus.

    If you have had sex outside wedlock, you can be washed in the blood of Jesus and be made new in Christ. Your spiritual virginity is restored provided you don't go back to having sex outside marriage.

    Advantages of marrying as a virgin:
    1. No spiritual baggage. Sex involves the body, the blood (body fluids) and the spirit. During sex, these three things bond. Now imagine having sex with a person possessed with demons. It's automatic transfer. The transfers of demons, diseases, etc. Most problems encountered in marriage today, stem from parties carrying huge baggage from different sex partners.

    Sex is not just chop and clean mouth as many people think. It is very deep and very spiritual. If you are having sex currently and you are not married, please, repent and be washed in the blood of Jesus. Ask God to give you the power to say no to sex. If not, if you marry with those plenty load, you'd keep battling with unexplainable issues in your marriage.

    Disregard those who tell you that they fornicated and married and nothing happened. Na lie. If it happens do you think they'd come and tell you?

    I read a book as a teenager that opened my eyes to the gravity of sex outside marriage. The Bible says in Ephesians 5:3 that it shouldn't even be mentioned among you. Talkless of engaging continuously in it.

    2. Virginity has ultimate power. There is a spiritual group I know in Nigeria that have 120 virgins. Anytime they want to commit serious destruction, they use virgins especially where they know they'll encounter a stronger force. Imagine if they meet someone who is deep in sin, they'll just chop you like moimoi. Sexual purity makes it difficult for Satan and his cohorts to easily get you. It gives you great power you can't imagine.

    Now imagine you and your spouse married each other as virgins (spiritual inclusive). Both of you will crush Satan anytime he comes around.

    3. If you marry as a virgin, your decision won't be clouded by the euphoria of pleasure from sex. You'd concentrate on more important things that matter in marriage.

    4. Other sins are outside the body but fornication is IN the body. Therefore, you carry the consequences around.

    5. You weild strong power in the place of prayer.

    6. Etc.

    If you are still a natural virgin, please keep it. If not, become one by giving your life to Jesus and remaining pure from sin especially sexual.

    "Be ye holy..." is the instruction from your creator. Abide by it. You no sabi pass God wey talk am.

    1. So after the wedding night, the spiritual power disappears? Because then they'll really be into pleasing each other going forward.

    2. This @Jechix caps it.

      That no4.has been my greatest advantage yet, as a virgin.

      God bless you.

    3. @Anon16.16, you ask wetin? Please read again. This time, slowly that you may understand. Your hatred for the topic should not blindfold you to the message.

  23. Where is that bv that gave birth as a virgin? How is your baby doing?

  24. Why is it that majority of non virgins always have negative opinions about virgins?. It's either they know someone who married as a virgin but is living a miserable life or another person who married as a virgin that ended up with a cheat. Lol nawa! No one is judging anyone but keeping yourself is still a thing but yes, I smell jealousy 😂😂

  25. Why is it that majority of non virgins always have negative opinions about virgins?. It's either they know someone who married as a virgin but is living a miserable life or another person who married as a virgin that ended up with a cheat. Lol nawa! No one is judging anyone but keeping yourself is still a thing but yes, I smell jealousy 😂😂

  26. Met my wife in 1986 and became friends until 1994 when I asked her out. We courted for ten years and got married in 2004.

    She remained faithful to me throughout our courtship, though we lived apart in two different continents.

    There is no suspicion of her cheating on me. Our sex life is great. She is tight down there and I can't get enough of her.I trust her because she is God fearing.

    I've been tempted a few times but hurting this beautiful soul, God fearing and submissive wife of mine is not something I want to do.

    Being a virgin before marriage guarantees nothing where Satan and flesh hold sway.

    Marital fulfilment is by God's grace, purity of heart notwithstanding.

    1. were you faithful to her throughout? God expects men too to be virgins not only women.

  27. Marrying a virgin is simply based on a person's own belief system. There are no earthly rewards involved with making this choice. My cousin got an std from her husband. And my hairdresser has been through the wringer with her husband. He would get involved with her clients, barely contributed financially to the household. Eventually they had to part ways.

    So in my eyes it is something you do for yourself and peace of mind, not for any expectation of any physical reward. I remember a bv here once posted that she had to be ttcing even though she got married as a virgin. The poor thing thought her virginity would prevent fertility issues. I honestly don't know how some ppl think that virginity will mean a blissful marriage with no hiccups.

    More men who got married as virgins should speak up. I hate when this topic is focused only on women. Virginity is for both sexes, not just women. Imagine a women saving herself to end up with a man who has a lot of dyck mileage or vice versa. Virgins should seek out each other for marriage, especially if they are doing so for health and spiritual reasons.

    1. Stella single & mingle for virgins

    2. stella single and mingles for virgins?😂😂

      virgin hunters everywhere🤣🤣

  28. A virgin "couple" deserve all the accolades. A virgin couple NOT JUST a virgin bride, please. A virgin bride plus a fairly-used groom is like a new engine inside a tokunbo car. Nothing extraordinary about that as most Casanovas love to brag that they ended up with virgins after all their kurukere. Then dem go still continue their away match after marriage wey dem don keep trophy-wife for house and that's not fair on their virtuous wives.

    Now, how do ladies confirm the grooms' virginity? There are ladies who'd prefer virgin grooms too, you know. Nature tells us to rely only on "word of mouth" and that's unfair IMO.

    By the way, there are other ways to "re-virgin" ladies these days. One popular Efik lady offers the services at Adeniyi Jones. If I post her address, Stella go use my comment cook Ogunfe this afternoon. As in, the place go tight and real blood go drop for bedsheet. Aimoye Adeniyi Jones virgins. 😁😂😂😂.

    I kukuma trust Naija ladies. If men insist on only virgins for marriage, then "virgins" they'd get. Legit or repackaged as long as the place tight and blood drop for bedsheets for them to post online. E be like na dat one go begin reign now.

    Dear young man or lady, it is in your best interest to practice abstinence for all the good reasons that have been mentioned up there👆 BUT if you are an adult and cannot control your sexual urge, please use a condom to prevent unwanted pregnancies, abortions, STIs or STDs. Protect yourself✔.

    NB: Virgins are people without any prior sexual experience o. If they pay you in dollars (in Nigeria or the UAE) for an*l sex but your hymen is still intact because your clientele don't do "front", you are NOT a virgin mbok. Read that again😏 and don't deceive yourself o 😁. #Shalom

  29. Stella, does this question apply to both genders?? ... Because all the comments here are skewed towards the gender with the vagina... If you have kept yourself chaste and married asva virgin blessed are you.. If you love your neighbour as yourself and you do not look down on those not fortunate enough to marry chaste.. You are even more blessed.. One thing I have learnt is to never look down on people whose weaknesses are my strengths... Every one, every single person on earth is fighting an imperfection,some win and some lose... So please virgin or not... Show love and you show God, not religion.

  30. Tbh being a virgin doesn’t guarantee a happier or more successful marriage. Speaking as one, I’m not necessarily doing it because I’m anticipating any rewards in marriage but because I’ve decided to honour my body and I firmly believe that sex binds you spiritually with whomever you’re doing it with. I’d rather be bound to only one person for life.

    I could also claim I’m going it for religious reasons but I think it’s sheer hypocrisy when you say you’re abstaining from sex to honor God’s commands but you go about lying, cheating, judging other people and engaging in other sins. You can’t just pick and choose what commandments you’ve decided to adhere lol but it’s very laudable to keep yourself especially in this debauched and sex obsessed world we are in.

    1. can we also say, it is sheer hypocrisy for a woman to say she would keep herself from adultery to honour God's command yet you go about engaging in other sins like gossiping, fighting, envy and the likes?

    2. I married as a virgin but my hubby still died so no benefit for me. I am neutral to this topic. God knows best

  31. anon 15:58 above

    Concerning your last paragraph.

    I know a man who got married as a virgin and was proud of it and told anyone who cared to listen. in a world where being a real man is sowing your wild oats everywhere he carried Jesus on his head.
    He does not cheat and have a happy marriage with lovely kids. His wife was his first girlfriend at age 27 and she was also a virgin then @ 21
    That man in question is my spirokoko brother. He does not cehat on his wife. if you want to know the latest trend when it comes to fashion just check his wife's and kids out. He prayerful and keep no friends. the only friend he has is his wife and kids and we his siblings.

    My second brother is not one and has been having sex since a teenager. his wife calls me a lot to complain of how he cheats and she is always crying on the phone. They are both non-virgins by the way, that is, before they met and married.

    The reason men are not coming out is because
    1) the men on this blog are not much and the few one's we have, well....

    2) when men come here and say they are virgins. insults starts flying.
    The same women who try to mock virgins women with story of how they know virgins who are suffering in marriages. Those same women still come forth to kick these men with mockery. You will see comments like, 'you have a low libido'
    'you are ugly'
    'you are broke'
    'you lack opportunity to cheat'
    "you will still cheat"

    so due to this, the few men who are virgins would rather keep quiet.

    the men on this blog who are non-virgins too call the one's who got married as a virgin 'simps'. the same way they are trying to silence women who they believe are moving virgins is the same way they get to silence virgin men and call them 'simps'

    Just know, virgin men and women exist.

    I married a virgin to a virgin man. he was the one who suggested no sex to keep his vow to God. me on the other hand knew we were going to marry so when it happened did not matter but to him it did. he said he would only sleep with the woman he outs a ring on her finger. So we waited.lovemaking is great and carries no guilt We trust each other a lot.

  32. I have read comments and I am only laughing a virgin bride only has advantages when the husband is responsible and appreciates her for that .
    I married my husband a virgin , on our wedding night I regretted from that day the pain was so much, no foreplay and no patience to help reduce the pain. My heart skips at nights he asks for sex, very rough with so much pain. Not only that he is a community dick , he takes all forms of rubbish sex enhancing drugs. I know this because I find the pack in places where he puts them. I regret marrying a virgin. The story long walahi

    1. Sorry, my sister!

    2. Your regret should not be marrying as a virgin. It ahould be not seeking God's face or marrying that man.

  33. Personally, I married as a virgin 6 years ago at the age 23 because growing up i would hear that anyone that disvirgned you, you'll be attached to him. If ya'll break up, you'll be crying and begging him not to leave so because I get coconut head, enjoyed the chase and didn't want to be at the mercy of any man (ie bf) I remained a virgin. #mytruth

    Don't know if that's why husband trusts me to a fault because I hadn't had sex but I'll say the main advantage is even if my period was late I wouldn't be worried

  34. Let no one deceive you, getting married as a virgin is very very good

  35. See as Women dey put themselves under pressure!! Lool!

    You have peace of mind...unwanted pregnancy blahblahblah!!

    Why can't men marry as virgins as well...Who said it is a Female thing?!

    Afterall God will not judge men and women separately! And no sin is gender- based!

    So it is OK for a man to have gone around town but you as the woman must be a virgin,then he marries you ...infects you with STIs...HIV... o ga o.

    1. It is not okay to sleep around whether male or female

      The only commitment that GOD is interested in to have sex is marriage

      My partner, my boyfriend, my friend with benefits are the devil's version

    2. Do men suffer unwanted pregnancy?

    3. @Anon21.45, virginity is a choice. A virgin is entitled to the bragging rights.
      As somebody said, if a woman can walk 70%+ naked with surgically enhanced bodies on the internet, any virgin woman has the right to placard her virginity.

      Life is not a competition of which gender is worse.

      A female who sleeps with 100 men because she saw a man sleep with 95 female will have only herself to praise her.

      If all men treat all women as men, you will still complain about men being brutes.

  36. @Anon 02:16, yes they do, it takes two, they suffer from "unwanted" child... Lol


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