Stella Dimoko SPONTANEOUS Sunday Morning Post....



Sunday, October 03, 2021

SPONTANEOUS Sunday Morning Post....

#newday #newweek #newhustle #positivethoughts #ekaro #ndewo #namaste #churchdayforthsewhoattend #prayertagforthosewhoonlyprayonsundays #Goddeyeverywhere #itiswhatitis #wokeuphungry #wokeupblessed #wokeuplikethis 

What a beautiful day!

Good Morning!

I hope today turns out right for everyone of us. 

I wonder what Caesar my love will post today...  I wish people know that you are a great person outside of this Blog and different...I even think sometimes that you are catching cruise with the way you piss them off here.

Please if you come on my WhatsApp to bring up Blog issues to stress me, I will block you, its enough drama here, don't chase me around with it, abeg you.

That said, did I hear that BV Eka Joy sent in a Chronicle? God forbid. she never has and she never will... Please stop wishing people bad..... let BV Pinky breath if he wants to tell his story, let him tell.....

Let people breath please..... Its not that serious  and even if it is, let them talk.

If you are a BV here and you are reading this, whether on this Blog or in the real world, do not let anyone suffocate you into silence eeeeh. find your voice and be the Narrator of your own narrative.

Please be easy on people with your comments, let it heal instead of hurting... I love everyone here and no matter what you try to do, I will not hate...I may be upset but i reject hating anyone here.

Over to you preachers of the word of God..... Please preach love and healing, dont go preaching agape..  Address this love and hate issue with people, address jealousy and how much it destroys...address those who curse and let them know that if the person they curse is Innocent, the curse returns to them fully activated...PREACH!!!

Take it easy on yourself and others...

One love!



  1. The Responsibilities Of Priest!!
    1 Samuel 12:23.


    "The Bible says in revelation 1:6 that the Lord Jesus has..... made us Kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever"

    "So, in Christ, you're a priest before God. Each one of us is occupying that office today, and there're responsibilities attached to that office"

    "The first responsibility of priests is ministering to the Lord (Exodus 28:1).
    Secondly, priests make the Word of God known. (Mathew 28:19-20).
    The third responsibility of priests is Intercession (Hebrews 7:25).


    Dear Father, thank you for the privilege to take hold together with you, to side with you in bringing your will to pass on behalf of others. Thank you for the dominion and the authority to alter the course of events in the earth, using the Name of Jesus. Amen!

    Further Study -
    Revelation 5:10; Malachi 2:7; 1 Peter 2:9.

    1. Good morning blog visitors.

      A slow and beautiful Sunday it is..


    2. Good morning to y'all on here and happy Sunday to you too..πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ€©πŸ˜˜

    3. Amen to your prayers Jeweluchi Stella.

  2. Good morning.😘

    A joyful Sunday to you.

    Let genuine love leadπŸ’ž

    1. I have been so sick. I pray for God's healing upon my life and all those who are afflicted with sickness.
      Finally changed my plastic ID to blog ID.

    2. @Unique, you are healed in Jesus name.

    3. Amen @Erika. God bless you.

  3. Replies
    1. For almost 3years have not been to church.

      Went today
      I love it and feel refresh.
      I need to draw closer to hungry for him. God please help me

    2. Some thing light, that's the spirit dear

  4. Please send in your photos for face of in house news competition to Two photos with the same outfit but different postures.
    thank you

    1. nah everyday u must post this? there are other things to post but u always post this as if my life depends on it.....

    2. Lmao 🀣 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
      Stella oooo

  5. They say and I age 25, you need not bother about your alarm because your problem will wake up as at when due.

    Posiy vibes for this week and I pray we all will be bless beyond our imagination this week,this month and all through the remaining days of the year.


    Thanks in advance

    1. Pinky pls always try to edit your comments before posting, it doesn't sit well seeing this type of comment from you, a supposed blog writer.

      Martins' phone number is always displayed in his comments, why don't you pick it and contact him, after all your own phone number too has been displayed here several times by you.

  6. As you go out today with full faith in God Almighty, something positive and favourable will manifest in your life and family. You will encounter divine miracle that will positively transform your life. The Lord will remove your name from the book of destruction and He will destroy every demonic altar raised against you.Good morning and happy sunday to you allπŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

  7. Stella always forming bestie with blog visitors, people that will japa from the blog after collecting enough giveaway, no wonder the number of comments on the blog keeps reducing daily, go and learn blogging from other bloggers, the insult you receive daily is as a result of over familiarity with your bvs, continue licking their ass.

    1. hateful human being, i dont need to learn from anyone I AM THE BEST THERE IS TO FIND IN THE NIGERIAN BLOGSPHERE...nothing u say will move me...i write my own narratives....
      After dropping your hateful comments now run along...let whoever wants to scam me do so, its not your money!!

    2. She wants to help the BV save face, it's the best option to avoid massive trolling.

    3. Awon anons, just breeeeeethe. Naija hard for all of us oo but we no dey use am fight. Pele dear.

    4. Sometimes I wonder if it is the Nigerian situation that squeezes people into bitter lemons?? All you do is troll,... You anons, at least do it with your ID, what is your self worth??

    5. Bia, those two anons trolling, please send Stella your account numbers, make I use money slap una mouth shut...

    6. She is an amature in blogging yet you are here reading every post. Well-done.

    7. 08:19 the comments on the blog are not reducing because stella is friendly on the contrary, the comments are still the way they are because of her good ways.

      if the comments are reducing then it is because of trolls and bullies like yourself who insult bvs anyhow who stays on their lane on this blog.

      People like you who fight bvs on this blog like you don't have a life outside of this place. Your life is so boring so to spice it up you cause fight anywhere you go.

      People like you who wish evil on others and are jealous when stella says she likes a particular bv then the next thing is to start hating that bv.

      People like you who are envious of others sharing their beautiful stories here because the only story you are used to hearing are terrible ones.

      People like you who turn giveaway time to a hatred contest and mockery show to bring down those who were gifted. Policing what and what bvs used the money they were gifted for like stella sent you to be her accountant.

      People like you whose only life mission on earth is to make others miserable yet keep deluding yourself that God will make you smile forgetting you reap what you sow.

      I am sure you have one or two things you are hoping on God for and after this nonsense you have written up there you would turn to him and cry your crocodile tears to help your situation. Meanwhile he saw what you did a few minute ago.

      He keeps wondering why you are still looking and praying for a helper when he had already send those people to this blog because of you but what he did not know is that you have used jealousy and bad behaviour to pursue them.

      Carry giveaway on your head like opioro mango. Is it your money?

    8. pray tell, why you are here if you enjoy those other bloggers so damn much?! Some of you are just not it. Smh

    9. Stella get una time today 🀣🀣

    10. Anon. 10:9 I wish there was a like button for posts like yours. You just saved me from typing much.
      The heart of some Nigerians are so dark and bitter. They can never see anything good in anyone. I have been coming to this blog for years now because to me, it's more than a blog, it's a community unlike other blogs. There are BVs I like and care about just based on their comments although we have never met in person and they don't even know me because I rarely comment.
      Some days I think about past BVs and wonder if they are fine and hope things are going well for them. I read other blogs too for news, but none have had much impact on me like this blog. This blog makes me realise that they are still good Nigerians out there.
      May God continue to bless you Jeweluchi SDK. Your blogging style is not only unique, but it's the best. What you have created is more than a blog but a family.

    11. Unique, you are right. Some or even most Nigerians are wicked to the core. I used to feel bad when fellow Nigerians say they are avoiding Nigerians in the abroad but with this kind of mindset from people, I now know better. Anon up there, your kind can never raise a finger to help people even if their life depend on it but be the first to go green when such people are helped. May God keep you as you are.

    12. Oh dear! I'm stuck here o... No leave, no transfer. Now run along to your other blogsπŸ™„

  8. Happy sunday blog Fam!
    Smen to your Post Jewelu ...

    "i was glad when they said to me Let us go to the house of the lord". Make we go church!!!!
    Blessed day ....

  9. Good morning beautiful people
    Happy Sunday to you all ❤️❤️


  11. Replies
    1. I would recommend reading Martin's BEP comment. Just a recommendation, you don't have to take it.

    2. And the comment from one bv Lydia on that chronicle, Friday chronicle. She posted it the next morning. All singles should read it too.

    3. @Anon 08:57 let people share what they need to share on this blog biko.. So because of envious people one should not boast of what the Lord has done for them? It don't matter what you do,some people will still be envious and jealous of you, for no reason..

    4. Pastor Paul of dunamis preached about this today second service about envy jealousy and bitterness

    5. And Amen my sister. No weapon or evil thoughts fashioned against you shall prosper.

    6. Eka Joy, you will never go down. Higher ever in Jesus name. Amen

    7. Amen, Castle and Erika. No weapon fashioned against you and urs shall prosper.

  12. If you have a good parent, cherish them, cherish them o, cherish them.

    Look beyond their weaknesses and love them. Tell them you love them. Ask them how they're doing, speak with them, let them know you have time for them. Send them money, buy random gifts, credit their phones. Visit them.

    That parent irrespective of what they did or didn't do, also have their own fears and demons. And if in spite of it all, they show up for you in the world, never take it for granted.

    No matter how old we get, they never cease to carry our burdens in their heart. They never graduate from being a life source. It's an incredible responsibility to carry for a lifetime. We must not forget.

    1. Wise words, I'm saving this. Thank you.

    2. Bless your heart , I always appreciate people that take care of their parents. I love my parents with every fibre in me , now that I'm left with one parent I do extra , yesterday we went to the mall and my mom was complaining that we are treating her as fragile , I said mom you're all we have.
      Giving your time to your parent is way more valuable than money and fancy gifts .

    3. πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ❤️❤️πŸ€—πŸ€—

  13. Good morning. Happy Sunday.

  14. It is my birthday today!!!!!

    1. Happy birthday πŸŽ‚ πŸ₯³ πŸŽ‰ I pray for blessings and unstoppable joy. All the best.

    2. Happy birthday to you.Many more fruitful years ahead

    3. Happy birthday. God bless you.

    4. May this new year give you peace on every side

    5. Happy birthday to you.

      Pretty Patience

    6. Happy Birthday. God bless your new age.

  15. Preparing to attend second service at Canaanland.Today is our covenant day of special miracles.You can watch live on YouTube.. And the God we serve will bless you Amen.Good morning Bvs..

  16. Good morning Family..
    Total healing is all I ask for oh GOD πŸ™. I need to be strong for my people.

    1. Wishing you speedy recovery πŸ™πŸ™❣️❣️

    2. Receive total healing in Jesus name. Amen.

    3. Please be strong. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    4. Thank you Blackky and Zaza.
      @ the hospital right now..
      GOD abeg πŸ™

    5. @ HairsbyK
      @ IJ .. thank you my sweethearts, I appreciate.

  17. Good morning everyone. I just opened yesterday's SP now and saw that Eka Joy replied trolls from the Friday chronicle post, because I was offline through out yesterday. I've said it here before and I was attacked, I'm saying it again..... Nigerians are so evil and wicked!!!! They are full of envy. I've been on this blog for over 8 years, I don't know Eka Joy out of this blog but I know she's a good person. Even if she was the one that sent in that chronicle ( which she didn't), can't you just advise and move on. Must you show how bitter and jealous you're.
    Please this blog is a peaceful one. If you want to exhibit bitterness, hate and frustration, come let me lead you to Linda's blog. There, you'd see how other tribes troll and abuse the IGBOS in confidence & all sorts of things. Not here biko. Buru hate gi ahu gbagoo elu elu.....

    1. For you to know this, you must be a frequent visitor to that blog, does that not negate your point?

    2. @Supernova, i love the way you wrote(spoke) that igbo language. Gbagoo elu elu. Niceeee!! Do have a beautiful sunday. Gbagoo elu elu😍😍😍

    3. Mark Morgan, I'm proudly nwa afo Igbo, I speak and write it fluently oooo. I'm happy you liked it. Have a beautiful Sunday......

    4. You didn’t have to mention Linda’s blog tho

    5. Mark Morgan you no go Asalatu today? I'm glad you like our Igbo word. Which tribe you be sef? I know you are a Muslim, Yoruba or Kogi or North?

    6. Anon 13:34πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.. I am ibo. But my igbo language no sweet like some people own. So e dey sweet me when i read or hear people speak the language fluently. O n'atom pieces!!😍😍

  18. It's a beautiful Sunday morning here. I recieve all the blessings that this day has to offer. Happy new week guys πŸ€—

  19. Happy Sunday Beautiful People! May this week be our week of special miracles in Jesus Name

  20. Happy Sunday dearies, remember that God is always good πŸ’—πŸ’•πŸ’πŸ’–πŸ’“πŸ’žπŸ˜πŸ₯°

  21. Stella blog is the best pls,educative, entertaining, motivating, inspiring, and connecting the rich to the poor, giving a helping hand to the vulnerabilities, carry your hate elsewhere.

  22. Good morning people of God. Happy Sunday to us.

  23. Good morning my dear people! Wishing everyone a happy Sunday. I don't know Stella from anywhere except this blog. She is so transparent,a jovial person who is so full of fun just like any other person but haters will not allow her be. Some call her ugly even talking bad about her despite all she does is to help people be the best they can be. Giving money,free adverts advice and sending help to people she doesn't know. Make una leave her ooo. E don do abeg. All those anon if una no like Stella leave her blog let those of us that like stay and enjoy ourselves! If anyone comes under my comment to yarn trash Amadioha ga kugbuo gi.

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ e reach to call amadioha I swear.

  24. Service was lit,I was so blessed..
    Today is my hubby's birthday, Chef NinoπŸ₯°.

    He is a BV but doesn't comment.
    Wishing you a new beginning of breakthrough,victories and more of God's blessings.

    Menu for today is shawarma, asun,grilled chicken,catfish peppersoup, fried rice and jollof😊

    1. Happy birthday to your hubby..
      May he be your PEACE πŸŽ‚πŸ₯‚πŸΎπŸ₯³

    2. You dey enjoy o. I always look forward to your menu list. Being married to a chef must be good. That has always been my desire. Happy birthday to your hubby.

    3. Amen,thanks NnukwuπŸ₯°
      @Anony,thanks, my God grant you your desireπŸ₯°

    4. Happy birthday to your handsome hubby 😚😚

    5. Happy birthday to your hubby.

  25. A wonderful good morning
    Happy first Sunday of October

  26. You people that cook ofada stew with crayfish how do you sleep at night? Ahh pls stop it it’s a sin against stew. And if you don’t fry your assorted with meat with Palm oil what’s the point?

  27. Happy first Sunday of October.....may this new month bring God's blessings and favor to us all

  28. that prayer...
    Good morning beautiful people.

  29. A blissful Sunday blogfam,truth is everyone will not like or agree with you,some even hate because they are full of hate,who cares about the hate,who hate help?Team positive vibes biko,we move😎😎

  30. Happy Sunday all😘😘


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