Stella Dimoko Friday Night Post



Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday Night Post

 The last Friday in October.......

Please throw in your gists....

Some of you owe us updates!!!


  1. It’s been a good week I’m so thankful and happy.

    The drama on this blog has kept me entertained

  2. Good pm,lovelies

    Don't you ever forget that haters must hate and potatoes must potate too..πŸ‘πŸ‘

    I am currently sipping on some chilled traditional zobo drink whilst hoping to continue binge watching my SGIT series later today with my night data...

    I am currently in Season 5 episode 3....

    Stay happy and get groovy groovy today cos it's allowed.....πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

    1. Dante is a clown 🀑 πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    2. πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ I basically can't deal

    3. Dante for president! πŸ˜„πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜„πŸ€£


    4. @ Dante this your name speaks Volumes. Freaking hypocrites and liars πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚everywhere!!!

    5. Man-child Stan. Get that feeding bottle off your mouth!

    6. Castle doing the job she's been 'paid' for. Tufiakwa.

    7. Lol@Dante..and his i basically can't deal πŸ˜€, Genius V no well!

    8. Fools with poverty mentality everywhere! I won't stoop low and reply any baggage, but I will insist one more time... "Liars and hypocrites everywhere"

  3. TGIF Baybie πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸ’ƒπŸΎ

    Grateful to God for an amazing weekπŸ™πŸ™ can't complain ❤️

    Just home and about to take a cold bath, today's sun in gidi didn't come to play..the weather is so damn hot! Everything is always extreme at this end

    I just wanna relax a bit before my family night vigil begins by 11pm prayers is never enough,it's the key

    Have a fantastic weekend lovelies and get groovy jiggy πŸ₯‚πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰

    1. Enjoy your weekend as you prepare for tomorrow's thrashing of the red devils *kisses*

    2. Paris Savannah I have a prayer request please, do put me in your prayers that God resolve this challenges I’m facing presently amen

    3. Rest well
      It's needed,I pray God answers your prayers πŸ™πŸ™

    4. Yes darling, pray is the master key.
      Have a great weekend ahead.

    5. Lol..
      This your 'jiggy' advice go still put person for trouble one Friday πŸ™„πŸ™„

    6. DANTE your new id is the real deal

    7. @anonymous 21:21
      I have a leading in my spirit to ask you to give GOD 21praise ,confess your challenges and shout 21 hallelujah...
      @Bv Savannah please kindly pray for us all sugar...more grace ...

  4. Home with my fam.

    Cooking locust beans jollof rice with vegetables. Will wash it down with something warm.

  5. Na to knack better knacks tonight.

  6. I miss having a weekend getaway, which I have never had 😏

  7. It was a stress free day for me and I so much love it. I feel like hanging out but doing that without a company look so boring and dull to me. I'm just gonna get home, shower and kiss my bed.

    I've a wedding to attend tomorrow. The bride specifically invited me. Pls guys what gift should I get for the couple that will look good and nice?

    1. A nice clock

    2. Just throw them 5-10 bundles of 500 naira note. Throw it pack by pack as onye nku... Ezege, ike di na afa gi.

    3. Get them a nice set of pot.

  8. Feeling so horny this night. Never been like this before with my previous pregnancy.
    My husband will just dey pity me with my big belle. Me wey want am fast fast and full penetration,he will just be entering half way and with gradual pounding.
    I go just enter bathroom ,bath and help me self

    1. Anon 20:13, tell your husband what you want and exactly how you want it. He is YOUR husband.

  9. I'm on an emotional, there's this man I've known for about 5years we've been talking and doing all whatchamacallit but this year,this Month precisely I think I'm catching feelings for himπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it's crazy like I have known you for so long where's this stinging butterflies coming from? Tuh! Chilllee.

    1. Men are patient, they can wait 20years to get you to give them the deep dive

    2. Awwww does he feel the same way too , truth is these things happen sometimes

    3. Anon 20:25 he's been getting the deep dive though πŸ™„
      Jewelu my darling I think he does feel same way too.

    4. Lol..
      'Dem' don get this one..
      I hope the bobo do you well for our sakes, if not we SDK men are in trouble

  10. Sleep gat me.
    I'm worn out from today's hustle.

    God please answer my prayer for a change of job.

  11. I dedicate this song to everyone of you who have the luxury of sleeping on blogs.

    Those Who don't have a life whatsoever

    To the charge and bail lawyers who couldn't afford to attend NBA conference.

    To the Detectives who can't detect or reason.

    And finally, to the Anons and Known BVS esp the grammatically challenged diseased vermin aka resident cockroach who think there is some kind of "shade" over money...this is definitely for you.

    IDFWY by Big Sean ✌️

    1. Aunty to be honest, nobody really cares. Except maybe the person you gave handouts to. It's just bants.

      You always come off as a very unpleasant, aggressive, argumentative, full of herself individual.
      Nobody likes associating with those kind of people.

      If you really didn't GAF, you wouldn't be rushing here to type longwinded empty comment full of pain

      Chill,nobody cares.

    2. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜† Apt!

    3. Anon 01.42 πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

    4. Anon 01.42
      I have never commented on this blog and once upon a time may have reasoned like Amethyst, but over the years have learnt it’s all just banter. She does come across as a very bitter person, why take stuff so seriously? Thank you for the articulate manner in which you have defended this blog without descending into the mud with her.

  12. Good evening everyone.
    Jus sipping lemon grass,mint leaf and honey tea. So refreshing.

    Youngie Grandma

  13. In all my 34yrs on earth I have never been touched the way... This Man touched me. See me shivering.. Dear Diary....

    1. πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Dante πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  14. Joined a new company this year funded by foreign investors. Was asked to leave today cos of financial issues but the main theives are still at work while the innocent ones with no access to funds were fired. I give the company till december cos these ppl act like foreign investors funds is mugu money. Them just dey publicly thief and embezzle. May God make a way for me where there seems to be no way in Jesus Name

    1. I feel your pains, So sorry, God will make a way

    2. Eayah sorry. May God Almighty come through for you Amen. The bad people keep getting good things.

      A lot of people in such positions don't go empty, they go with jujus. They do sacrifice to be there and continue with their stealing and so on.

      Sorry oo

    3. So sorry... Better opportunities will come your way.

    4. God will make a way for you. Amen

    5. God will surely make a way πŸ™

    6. Sorry sugar please be strong..
      Help will locate you

    7. Do they just let employees go without any notice in Nigeria? Why not ask for your notice period.
      That's insane.
      May God provide a better job for you.

  15. Yesterday, a lady took me out for lunch in a nice restaurant. She kissed me immediately we saw. And wanted to see me again today but i did not turn up.

    She had seen my profile on a dating site and reached out to me saying we should be friends. I enjoyed chatting with her on the site and like her personality but i am so confused as she said we should act Lebo tinz. That I should forget about man.

    Much as i am lonely but lebo was the last on my mind.

    Pls how does it work? Now i am thinking about giving it a trial as y kind of guys are not forthcoming.

    She was assuring me I will enjoy it. How? We are both Milf and single. But i am so undecided yet. She has been calling and putting pressure to see me this weekend.
    Please those who are in it or had in the past,how does it work? I am scared she may injure my abinna. Or what else,,,,?

    1. Lucky you! I crave for lesbo sex but haven't met one who'd come all out for me.

    2. Please, don't destroy your destiny with perversion, don't start what you can't end. Those already down seek who to bring down with them.

    3. Pls those of you craving for lessons sex.pls go for water baptism by immersion...and then get busy with your life and destinies!...if it had been me eh..the kind of slaps & blows I'd give you,even your destinies will be crying.anon your problem is idleness! will men come to you when you are seriously idle??? germania!...mtcheww

  16. Just had spicy noodles and pork chops.

    my Kdrama lovers,abeg recommend one for me to download tonight😊

    1. Uzu, you've seen Taxi driver? Stranger? Penthouse? Veil? If you haven't check any of them out tonight

  17. Feeling so,so tired..
    Had a very stressful day..

  18. Good evening my people. Eating my kilishi with papπŸ˜‹. Waiting for comments to load, my Friday is made already

  19. Ive had a good week but I want to rant

    My own is every where I go this week I see Ebuka looking so fly on billboards, transit bus adverts etc

    But Cynthia obi ochend if you allow this guy scatter my dada obuzi onye ga anu dim ma mu solu Ebuka!!!!!

    Na waooo

    1. Ashawo ❗😲😲
      Leave person husband alone😱😱

    2. Honestly, i thought i was the only one complaining.

  20. Wishing everybody a peaceful N happy weekend.

  21. We've been on a short vaccay for a couple of days it's been very adventurous and exciting, a little something to ease tension ,
    Just getting back to the apartment 😌 wanna catch up on what I've missed earlier.
    Have a safe weekend 😘

    1. You to unwind sometimes
      Enjoy your weekend πŸ™‚

    2. All l saw was "we". Enjoy dear.

    3. Have a blessed weekend namesake.

    4. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ Zaram thank you for making me laugh πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ its not what you're thinking just some of my immediate family πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      BS thanks a lot ,hope you're doing alright , decided to go take a short walk and it started raining lol

      My dearest Namesake thanks a lot sweetie and have a beautiful weekend filled with ever good thing

  22. Hornt up typa night πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ I'll probably study abeg in order to get these wild thoughts outta my head

  23. It's a friiiiidayyyyy!!!
    October making way for November.
    God got my praise.
    What time it is????... Unwind mood.
    Chilling in my own paradise.
    Shut out from vibe killers.
    Munching sweet-bitter things.
    Good to feel like kids sometimes.
    Glad I'm getting rid of this 'Big Belly' that keeps idle mouths 'wagging'.
    But this particular food keeps making me to break rules...sides eyes at 'swallow '.
    What is price saying now ?
    Omoh! economy isn't smiling, yeah we are survivors.
    Power is nothing if your people cannot feed. West, South and North una dey hear?
    Who dey cause violence with no 'shishi ' for pocket, be wise nah.
    Go make money people -Owonikoko.

    Let them know ......
    Proud Igbo babe is here,chilling in SDK street.
    Anambra first daughter.
    I'm outta here.

    1. No. Someone cloning her style of writing is on the blog.
      sista first daughter xp don't have big belly & hates swallow.

    2. Anonymous is not XP.
      Can't you see?
      I do my own thing.
      I have been commenting for years.
      Read and pass.

  24. Good evening people! Iam just going to watch some movies I downloaded last week,the weather is really hot!

  25. Reading old Post before sleep will come.

  26. I made a quarter of a million today. Let me flex small.

  27. I am feeling down. I did not go to office today. My boss is scheming and plotting to promote my junior above me as they are both Islam from same region too.
    I have been on the same grade level for years and they removed this my colleague from another unit to my unit. We are both on same grade level now but only one chance for higher level. I senior him on that post. But that doesn't count as far as Hausa connection is concerned.

    I am so depressed and i have tried talking to people in power, but if you are not their relative, no face.
    I am hanging my faith in God as we approach promotion by January.

    Its so demoralizing being stagnated and seeing your juniors rising above you for sake you are from minority area with no connection.

    To get promotion now in Federal govt work is by luck and this is where I have been for 25 years now. This is my peak and someone is playing on my progress.

    But, I hand it over to God. This is becoming worrisome to me.

    1. Nawa o,it is well with your soul,may Jesus show up for you,amen

    2. E-hugs dear. Be careful so that they don't harm you in order to have their way.

    3. Hmmmmmmm my dear pray hard. Go to God Almighty and make a big sacrifice to Him. Allow Him to fight for you. My church member own was like this and today she had her promotion and in bigger seat in ndic.

      These people you see don't stay empty. Be wise

    4. This is sad but I want you to rest in God's peace.
      Things can always turn around for your good. You never can tell which way

    5. This is sad, forget connection,one with God is a majority, cry to God, they won't bypass you, the lord will still show up for you

    6. Hand it over to God.Promotion comes from God alone.

    7. Hand it over to God. There's nothing He can't do. I'll share my testimony soon. I even posted one time out of desperation and thankfully Stella didn't post my comment. It's a dog-eat-dog world out there in most govt agencies. A colleague sabotaged my transfer for reasons best known to whoever did it. But God had other plans... Everything will work out for your good eventually. Leave 'men's connection' alone, It's God that gives connection. He has the heart of a king in His hands and knows where to turn it to.

      When God turned again the captivity of Zion, they were like them that dream. Keep trusting, keep praying, keep believing.

    8. This Nonsense became rampant under this government. A DSS official met me for the first time, thought I was Muslim cos of my beard and 'jumping' trousers, he started discussing a business he'd like me to do for him, asking me to reduce the price because we are 'brothers'.. I pited the guy and accepted, then while exchanging numbers, I told him my name, couldn't place it's origin, so he asked what state I was from, told him, he was like so there are Muslims in Delta state πŸ™„πŸ™„, then he asked me directly if I was one.. I said I don't practice any religion.. from his countenance, you could tell he was no longer interested in me handling the job anymore.. see someone I wanted to even help.. fanatism has blocked his head, to think someone like that is in the DSS sef, a delicate office that's supposed to be occupied by liberal minds.. this country has really lost it

    9. Sorry ❤ I pray that God comes through for you

    10. You position will not be given to another. You will get What is rightly yours.

    11. I'm sorry I will tell you the truth. I have worked with them.

      They will NEVER place you above their person. NEVER.

      If there is a position for a PhD holder and a dunce to head a department, as long as the dunce is their person/religion, they will give the dunce the job. That is how they are.

      I pray God brings a miracle for you cause you sho gonna need it.

    12. Let God take over and watch Him do the unimaginable

    13. My dear, hand this matter completely over to God. Challenge Him, then relax and watch Him take over. He will fight for you and you will have your peace.

    14. My Sister abi Brother do not give in to things like this to worry your mind. Naked we come naked we go. They will not give you a chance for that position. Think less of it if it comes fine if it doesn't fine. Do not expect

  28. Korean Family Dramas I love so much 1.My Father is strange πŸ€—
    2.What happens to my family 😘
    3. Five Enough πŸ’ƒ
    4. Wang’s family πŸ₯°
    5. My golden life πŸ˜‹
    6. Wonderful days 😍
    This is for you Uzu a friend sent the list to me.

    1. Thank you so much and thanks to your friend😊

  29. Don't know was going on,no sale,so much to do wt money,just took agbo to cleans my system,I'll just surf d net n go to bed.
    Ada ohafia

  30. God's masterpiece29 October 2021 at 21:10

    Just finished better semo with bitter leaf soup, I feel so sleepy now but I have to wait up for my Ghana tv series Dede by 9. I don't know why I still watch the series because it is really getting really boring πŸ™„.make them quick finish am joor

    1. Enjoy, nothing beats swallow food

    2. I watch dede as well sometimes it's so annoying lol
      Do you watch venge and dilemma ? They're nice too .

  31. I byepassed my meter today and BEDC appeared from now where to check with one yeye supervisor lady.
    Had to cough out 10K to get it fixed.

    Hungry looking thieves.

  32. What a week.
    I need to rest like really rest.
    Wish I could take a vacation.

  33. Work has been hectic mehn!!!! Tasks ear and deer, e no dey finish.
    Been very irregular here for a while, and find myself trying to catch up on some old posts.
    I just came from one of the IHN? Post where people were talking about experiencing motion sickness.
    For those of you who suffer from motion sickness, especially on long transit, go to any pharmacy around, ask for Avomine (Promethazine) tablets. Use a tablet 30 mins - 1 hour before your trip starts and you will feel significantly better.
    Don't say I didn't do anything for you this cool evening.
    I'm going to take a quick shower and crash in bed nna, I've had little sleep in the last 24 hrs.
    E go beπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

    1. Teejay and martin's I hope this helps

    2. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 I started experiencing motion sickness recently and anxiety too , I dont know if it's trauma induced .

  34. I have the best in laws. God Thank you for blessing me with the best Sister in laws. Wow the alert was mind blowing

    1. I wish I could hug you , its refreshing to be read this. I pray the love continues and God strengthens your relationship

  35. Hello everyone. This company owing me wants to frustrate themselves not me. Whether they like it or not, my mnet shares money I will collect it. Shebi na bumper to bumper I go follow.

  36. Feeling moody but no one can steal my joy. I gave a tailor a wedding asobi cloth since 24th of last month. The wedding is tomorrow and she just dropped the cloth after so much noise. People of God, this woman made her own style and not mine. Called her now and she said her phone was stolen and she could not remember the style. Why not call me since. Why today when the wedding is tomorrow?.

    1. Some tailors can dissapoint sha, spoiling we the good ones

    2. This is so painful sorry about the disappointment dearie what are your other options

    3. This is heartbreaking πŸ’” so sorry. I am nervous, gave a tailor I've never met and will probably never meet asoebi to make. I hope she won't disappoint

  37. I was 46 few weeks ago. Started seeing my menses at age 16 and it has been consistent on 28th day. Never has it shifted back or forward. Married for 3years without a child and was sent packing. I have been very single for years now. This menses did not come out this month. I had all the signs of it coming like full breast and painful nipples but it did not come out. First time ever since l started menstruation that it did not come out on 28th day. My heart is deeply worried. Does it mean l am now experiencing monopause. The thought of it is killing me. I have been a good girl. Was a virgin till after nysc before l fall mugu for a guy in the name of love. He travelled out of the country and never got in touch till l.met my ex husband. I have been a good girl Lord. You know my heart. Does it mean l will die childless?. Oh my God. Can't even explain how l feel in words

    1. Hmmmmm, I feel your pain dear, but keep trusting in God.

    2. Get hold of yourself. Don't allow sadness to wallow you up. Just be strong for you. God is not asleep on your case. You don't know when He will wipe your tears.

      Keep your faith and trust on our Lord Jesus Christ. Be in the service for God Almighty and walk with Him. Something great will happen to you.

      It is well with you dear

    3. I pray that God comes through for you

    4. God will come through for you,God loves you,he hasn't abandoned you,when he shows up late,he shows up big,cheer up and could your blessings.All will be well.

    5. Be of good cheer, since it has only happened this one time, relax to see if it will shift to few more days. Observe it for the next month too. you have been a good girl you say, remember that God does not fail those who put their trust in him

    6. You wont die childless in Jesus name.

      Science have made things easier for us women, go to a good hospital for check up, they can help you to store your eggs for use in the future,you can use an anonymous donor's sperm to fertilise your eggs and a surrogate mum as a carrier of the baby.

    7. Sending you love, if you can please adopt and yours will come.
      God bless you 😘

    8. Please don't fall for the enemy! The devil steals happiness! You need to look for ways to go out, meet good people and stop stressing yourself! I believe you are stressed and it is affecting your body! Try boiling cilantro with white meat, drink it 3times a day!

    9. It just delayed becos of the sudden stress of divorce. Women that haven't had children yet can menstruate till 60years.

    10. Fear not. It may not be anything to worry about. However, with the advent of assisted fertility, you can still carry your child despite your age. If you have money, see a fertility expert and discuss your options. It is well with you dear.

    11. Anon type here can be tiring for me at times.

      Madam knowledge of things is the Γ¨ thing that saves in life.the second is the application of that knowledge in the area that concerns you.

      Firstly,Do you know that yellow signifies marriage as well as other things? you know that green signifies prosperity,good health,Abundance etc?
      Now,do you wear these colours often? you wear them to church as well as in your house?

      Pls,wear these colours.pray with them and engage in activities with them and see if your life won't change for the better.

      Also,Google 'spiritual and physical meaning of colours'. Read it and save the page on your phone.share the page and tell others about it,when it has worked for you.

      Also,drink yellow & green liquids along eg juices,water from squeezed vegetables(you can rub this on your body too) & declare what you want them to do for you.

      Pls,this goes to everyone here.learn to know the importance of colours and use them to your advantage.pray with the meanings of these colours & see if they won't align to you.end.shalom.

      Stella pls post this.

  38. Thank God it’s Friday!
    Writing a professional exam tomorrow and on parental leave from Monday.
    I thank God for opportunity to take care of my son. Me wey no get papa or mama. May God allow us be there for our kids

    1. Wishing you all round success

    2. God Almighty is your father and mother. Thank God for being there for you and your son. You will always be there for your boy.

      Wishing you success in your exams Amen

    3. All the best, may God crown your efforts with success . And may you live long for your offsprings

  39. God pls help me, falling deeply in love with someone else hmmmm hope this comes to pass let me have my sanity.

    1. Someone else's husband? Dear, harsh as it may sound, you're falling deeply in lust not love. Resist the devil (lust) and he will flee from you. Do not stoop low to the level of a side chic

  40. Just closed from work. Watching Netflix I can't come and kill myself!

  41. BV being bothered by promotion, talk to God and put your hope and trust in him

  42. It's been a good day, made some good sales am happy God has really been faitfhfull.

    1. Thank God for his faithfulness More sales to you

  43. Friday night amebo,mebo mebo😊😊,nothing much,relaxing with something lite as world people said I'm gaining weight,no more swallow till futher notice.No school runs next week as the kids have started their midtermπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ,dj play me Enjoy😁

  44. What i don't like is that i will just be minding my business, the next thing i will hear is "Honey leave the plates, i really want you" boom that statement sends chills down my spine.

    Mtcheeeew he will still not satisfy me after all the arousal...

    1. Then complain to him. You women just want men to read your mind for everything.

    2. Please be satisfied because we are insatiable


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