Stella Dimoko Friday In House News...



Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday In House News...

 Awesome Friday!!!


Firstly let me state it here that the winner of the face of in house news that was posted this week has been disqualified and she will not get the winning prize because of impersonation.

Of all the IDs to clone you chose Amethyst ??? Nice try!

The fake Amethyst used an email with a name she claims is hers and then sent me an account that has another name entirely.... so we are talking three different persons as one oh like you are trinity huh?........ The drama is too much please, you people should let me work oh.

Waju data, i sent you some numbers from the face of in house news contestants but it seems you have not checked email? Waju? helloooooooo!!!!

N100k has been sent to the BV that wanted to steal her father's money to go and start a new life in Lagos...

Madam when you get to Lagos banish all thoughts of stealing because na tyre and kerosene dey end the matter... God bless you and the person who sent it.

BV Castle please check your account, Amethyst blessed baby castle with a whooping amount of cash.....

Enjoy the rest of the day darlings!



Good evening Madam Stella,

I have been really busy and I haven't been constant on the blog so imagine the shock that I won the competition.

Please that is not me. I don't know why the lady chose to use my ID when she could generate hers...very strange I must say but I digress.

It's probably Stan that sent you my pics cos my family is on here and they don't know my ID plus they will tell me first before sending anything.

Anyways, I'm not "Orobo"...I'm tall, busty and curvy with chocolate skin and not skinny at all.

I would advise the BV to do the right thing and get her own ID and not copy would be the right thing to do.

Thanks and will revert soon on my promise.



Good morning y'all I'm just here briefly cos I have a meeting in a few hours. So will just drop this here: 1. To the "skinny" lady that used my ID. I know what your endgame is...what you did is you chose my Blog ID on purpose and used it for the competition.

 Nne...You knew you are not the owner of the ID (Amethyst )but went ahead anyways and did not say anything until your accomplice brought his "receipts". I don't know the rules of the competition but you should be disqualified. This is by far the dumbest s**t I have ever seen or ever been on...even on a faceless blog.

 Even the way you wrote your lil disclaimer is not even close to how I usually write. Copying me and failing woefully...Ole nke wu "anyhow pictures"??? Talking about " first time I have been commenting on here, I'm not Amethyst but BV Amethyst" ������WTF is that????!!!! need to stop with the bulls**t!!! Imagine random BVs saying that I stole someone's pics cos of you...really?? For 10k??? As in Ten THOUSAND Naira...lawd������. Did you know if that actually happened, someone could sue Madam Stella for appropriating their images without consent??? Cos it was done on her blog!!! Clearly two of you didn't think this through. 

2. Madam Stella, Stan is one of only two people who has seen me from this blog and know my Blog ID. My brothers and sisters don't know my ID nor do they care...they are not active. The other person is my friend Odogwu (not real name). I suspect that he might be consorting with the fake BV Amethyst in a probable psychotic revenge scheme. But I can't prove it until I see the pics that was sent to you...which is why I contacted you with my real name and phone number. 

He is currently blocked on FB, I haven't been active on there in 5yrs anyways but It would be interesting to see the pics that were mailed to you cos the only pics he probably has of me are the ones I sent to him directly. But with the anonymous comments I read describing my physique...I am �� sure he is the one. Odogwu and I are not friends on FB. Moreover, he contacted me via another nos to say he "he will never cast me" and that "he meant well" hmmm ��...very suspicious words. So why didn't he just call me directly since you mean well???

 Why not accuse the fake Amethyst of impersonating me instead of sending my personal details without my consent or approval BTW to allegedly prove I sent fake pics??? Oh discredit me that I'm so broke that I had to steal pics so as to win TEN THOUSAND NAIRA!!! The same person that pleaded for my services as a lawyer to recover his balance of over 500k from a certain embassy he did work for, of which they refused to pay cos of his gross negligence until I got involved. My fee rate is 10% of the recovered sum for Debt Recovery... love agbawasiam anya I rendered my services free of charge. 

He showed his gratitude by not even telling me that he was paid in full until I found out. Calculate the fees I waived but muwa bu Amethystchukwu used faked pics to win TEN THOUSAND NAIRA!!! I laugh in Chinwetalu Agu. No wahala. Until I see the "evidence" will start from there. Whenever you're ready Ma'am hope you're alright. 


End this drama already please!....It is a relationship that didnt work out, nobody died!!! gosh!!!

I have seen the two Amethyst' photos and all i can say is that it is a set up that was not well planned and shame on whoever did this..... I was sent an old photo of the Original Amethyst to post to shame her but her recent photos stopped me in my tracks ... Money good ooooh,, Original Amethyst, Babe you are beautiful!

 I am done with this drama please!.... we move!




Amidst the Total lockdown a friend Introduced me to some realtors groups in Lagos that offers free registration.

These groups provided us with pictures and videos of some of the properties the companies they are in partnership with are selling.
We, on there other hand,use this pictures and videos for adverts on our social media platforms and anytime we have a client interested in any of the properties We meeet with the companies that also offer free inspection .

Thay, was how I became a Realtor ..few months after I started advertising these properties on my WhatsApp status and other social media platforms I got a client who bought few plots of land in a remote area months. After the transaction was finally sealed,I was able to realize like 200k on the transaction. I was overjoyed....the joy was however, short-lived when the thought of how to preserve the money from finishing sets in.
I then remembered that the client who just bought the property through me was into this popular forex investment. After so much thought i decided the investment was the best choice for me ,I was convinced the guy is genuine, as a close relative that introduced him to me has being running the same investment for like a year plus with him without trouble.

That was how I invested 100k to be getting 35k monthly ,omo mehn to say my happiness was full was an understatement.

As in I can't remember the last time something was entering my account on a monthly basis.At least now I could do somethings for myself without asking my husband..

Shortly after,my first property sale a learned colleague of mine,decided to invest into one of the real estate company's investment scheme I was advertising also.From this transaction I was paid some commission ,out of the money I was paid together a savings i was having I was able to add 100k to the initial investment.

It all added up to 200k and I was getting 70k monthly .....yes ooo big girls doings.

This monthly income boosted my confidence let's say from 5% to almost 70% if not more ..

All these feelings was however short lived as the investment crashed

I never believed it will ever, because I trusted the guy ,

HAA!!! As the investment crashed like this, I also crashed .. this means going back to square one, going back to where I was coming from, to a place I dreaded so much just when I thought I had broken the jinx, here I am back to where I started from.

This period coincides with my 3 decades birthday. OMOH!! I cried bitterly, I saw myself as a failure, I said maybe perhaps I was the reason my husband lost his job.

Even though the money was so little it meant a lot to me

For like 2 months all I did was cry, eat sleep and try take care of my children; at times I snapped unnecessarily at them. I had over me a cloud of sadness created by me.

Mind you we might not have enough but we were not hungry. There's absolutely nothing I want, that my husband wont try to get for me even if he has to borrow to get it done. Despite all these I felt empty......

To be continued

(This story ends at part 4)





Hi Stella, How are you and your Family, hoping this mail finds you well, please Stella help me I would never ever have done this if I had a choice, please have mercy on me. Stella please I beg you with everything you hold dear don't turn your back on me,

Stella please I need a loan of 250k to pay my rent next week, I will pay you back asap, I am ready to drop my account number, BVN and photos for call out if I don't meet up with the loan agreement please Stella Save me from this disgrace.

 I am Newly pregnant, and my husband just lost his job, I am a contract staff with various NGOs but right now I have not worked for a few month and everywhere is just heavy for us. PLEASE.......''

Why do i get such mails when its getting to xmas time? Na format? how can you come and be asking me for a loan of 250k when i dont know you or know if you exist to pay me back? I know how many BVs i have borrowed small monies and they vanished and even stopped commenting  LMAO.... (Not that i would have collected u back but i did it to test them and my dear when it comes to money, e get as e be!

These husbands why do they sit down and allow their wifes beg? or is this a format?

What do you guys think? 




  1. Divine Health Confessions!!

    God made me in His image and likeness. I’m fearfully and wonderfully made. The plan of the enemy concerning my health is of no effect because I am born of God. I have peace within my borders and health flows from me to everyone I come in contact with. What a glorious life!

    1. Good pm,lovelies

      Thank goodness that the fake Amethyst got disqualified by Stella

      Castle,congrats and your friendship with the Abuja babe paid off after all


    2. Genius (olodo rabats) what kind of statement is that? So your own friendships are for pecuniary purpose? (go and check dictionary for the meaning). AFI 'friendship paid off after all' Na una type dey call pesin after 5 years of silence dey discuss aso ebi like a phuul always looking for who to sponge off of.
      Anyways not surprised, you always sound extremely hungry.

    3. Stella the price should be given to 2nd runner up

    4. What I font understand is why you chose this time of all times to deliver your "whooping amount of cash". To show say 10k no dey hungry you? Buahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa all of una go dey all right biko.

    5. Why so much hate on someone you don't know @ Genius Vincent ?
      you need to cut your hateful words down, it show that you are not normal at all and you need urgent help. please seek for help immediately

  2. Your Value in Life Today Depends On The Level Of Impact You Made Yesterday.
    If You Want To Remain Valuable In Life, Then Continue To Be Impactful And Live An Impact Driven Life, (POSITIVELY)!.. copied

  3. The MAIN question is why did the ORIGINAL Amethyst keep quiet when others were assuming she was the one and casting their votes all through the post?!

    Something is very very off about the whole thing.

    1. She probably didn't come online on time to see the drama

    2. Then suddenly she shows up to dash castle money, isnt that fishy? If no one call out the fake picture, you think she'd come out de debunk the claims? She keep shut for BVs to keep believing shes that pretty

    3. I tire o..That was the mistake she made and i am pretty sure the whole drama wouldn't have lingered up until now

    4. Richie, she was online. The IHN post of the same day, she still commented. The 2 posts were next to each other.

    5. Must someone be online all the time? When I'm very busy I can stay some days and not read the blog... Then when I'm free, I try and meet up with old post

    6. She has explained,sometimes I check IHN by midnight and go through all the other post to help me doze off,but the heart of man is truely evil,sending her old pictures to shame her to what gain,please since the winner was disqualified Debbie automatically wins right?

    7. 14.35 who said anything about being online all the time?

    8. Not everyone has the free time to be on every post. But might come later to read and comment. Or even some days later to just read through.
      That's how I missed out on the giveaway someone picked me for, maybe because I replied days later due to my faulty phone. Sometimes when this things happen, you just let it rest.

    9. Lousy,who's talking about days later? Are you naturally this daft? Keep making excuses and asslicking,mayb give away go follow touch you.

    10. I don't understand,if I'm castle,I will return that money, its an insult, castle isn't a begger please

    11. @Lousy Mouth It is your name that is making you miss your giveaway.
      Don't blame your phone.

    12. You are absolutely spot on @Anon16:05 and i honestly think it's insulting for her to accept it

      This is exactly what i said above and one Anonymous nonentity came for herself thinking it's me she's doing..😆😆😆

      I will start ignoring not so making sense Anonymouses from this moment onwards..

      If you have me in mind and wanna fight me cos of my opinion then make sure you do so with your ID..Kapich!

    13. I think there is a mix up somewhere. The person who won doesn't look like a 40+ plus woman. Still looks like an undergraduate sef.

      I don't think she would attempt to use someone's pictures knowing that at least 1 person has seen her on this blog.
      Besides she is a lawyer and knows the implication of impersonation with an intent to commit fraud.

      She could lose her license for that amongst other things.

    14. 16:05, isn't it rather fortunate you're not me?

    15. 16:39 as long as she used her friends or sisters picture then there is nothing like impersonation and she has nothing to be afraid of.
      That line of argument is weak.

  4. Have faith in your parenting,no body knows your child better than you.


  5. Amethyst: I have been really busy and I haven't been constant on the blog so imagine the shock that I won the competition.

    BUT you were still commenting on IHN post of that same day. Ah!!! Smh

    1. How do u know she was actually the one???

    2. Sharon, immediately I sighted her comment I entered her profile to see her details because I know borrow pose lawyer like you might want to argue she is not the one.

      Her profile had information
      Fact, Abuja
      She has been on blogger since
      July 2018 so there is no way she would argue it was that second Amethyst( which is really her) that commented and not her.

    3. Mrs Sharon, how I do i know you are actually the one commenting right now? Your id, simple.

    4. Amythyst have you always been like this or was it your failed relationship with the stan that turned you into this?? Just wondering

    5. 14:50,I asked u a simple question and u are there insulting and analyzing all ur life history..
      Anyway I wish u peace of of mind

    6. Mrs Sharon, that is Amethyst (blog) life's history so far on the blog e.g lawyer, female, all and all and not my life history.
      But the way you are asking a simple question pretending to be ignorant say a lot about your life's history you mockingly exposed and leer on. I wish you
      peace too.

      Now that you have enough proof that she was the same person that commented that same day did you reply the second anonymous that replied you "respectfully" without insult or you just ignored?

    7. @17:45,u actually answered my question,I really wanted to know if u took ur time to go through her profile and that was why I asked but calling me a borrow pose lawyer is what I don't get..
      If u answer me without dragging me, will it reduce u?or u can't answer without being petty..
      I didn't answer the other anonymous because u have already answered my question

  6. I’m watching them pretending and they are watching me pretending - Cross BBN

    1. Perxie ma good sis, how are you?
      Was catching up on previous posts, and saw you’re going to my hometown Eket😊. Make sure you bring me some fresh Afang and Atama leaves when coming back 😁.
      I’ll recommend you visit Ibom tropicana

      Girrrllll have you seen the teaser for Porsha’s new show??? She said “give me my check while I tell my own tea 🤣”
      I’m saving front seats for you and TWE 😁

    2. Perxie ma good sis, how are you?
      Was catching up on previous posts, and saw you’re going to my hometown Eket😊. Make sure you bring me some fresh Afang and Atama leaves when coming back 😁.
      I’ll recommend you visit Ibom tropicana

      Girrrllll have you seen the teaser for Porsha’s new show??? She said “give me my check while I tell my own tea 🤣”
      I’m saving front seats for you and TWE 😁

    3. Hey, Rhoa hun..I’m good. Hope you are good too?
      You re from Eket! Oh niceee cos now we re one step closer. 😁 LMAO at your request, I take it we have a meet up to plan (?) 😆. Thank you for the recommendation. 💛

      Ooh I ain’t seen the teaser yet. Porsha is really giving us the tea about how she got with Simon.. It’s gonna be juicy and ratchet in equal proportions. 🤣

    4. Pretense-,we see through it all.

  7. Bv Amethyst, it's good that you have clarified this.

    I hope those that deliberately set out to hurt others jam what they are looking for one day.

  8. Abeg my head don de turn, I no trust anybody, all of you are suspects.

  9. Congratulations chronicle poster.
    Congrats baby Castle.
    God immensely bless the givers.🙏

  10. Stella, well done, you're giving the money to Castle, it's not from Amethyst, we know all these things.

    1. Whats your business with who Stella gifts money?

    2. Castle I trust her buying a better phone Redmi,iPhone, Oppo she will log in and abuse Stella shege 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    3. Keep asking rude questions up and down when they give you the answer you are looking for now you will start complaining.
      Asking questions indeed!

  11. Impersonator how far? Why faking? Good it was detected on time.
    God will continue to bless you Stella for putting smile on people faces. You will live forever and ever ooh
    You have my prayers always 🙏🙏

  12. **It's probably Stan that sent you my pics cos my family is on here and they don't know my ID plus they will tell me first before sending anything.

    **The other person is my friend Odogwu (not real name). I suspect that he might be consorting with the fake BV Amethyst in a probable psychotic revenge scheme.

    2 conflicting statements, which one do you want us to believe? Probably Stan, next Odogwu. Btw, who was "the friend" that was trolling Stan the other time?

    I put it to you that you are lying. I also put it to you that this was a pepper dem tactic that backfired.

    I rest my case.

    1. 😆🤣😆 Are all lawyers liars??

    2. Anon 14:11, when someone uses 'probably' or 'might' do you need to be told that they aren't speaking with certainty?

    3. Anon 14.11
      almost certainly; as far as one knows or can tell.

      So , why then mention Odogwu?

      Semantics won't save you out of this one 😏

  13. Till we see the fake email of the wicked or whatever person who was impersonating the real Amethyst then you Stella has sold yourself cheap once again to tarnish another lady's image. It's that email or nothing you think head is paining all your blog readers,this is not Nollywood celebrity image mudslinging real barristers are involved in this gist you keep the pictures we want the email. Thanks and no thanks

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. 😂😂😂👍👍

  14. Replies
    1. Stella Pele for the whole drama with the FOIHN, it couldn't have been easy with this whole back and forth. Amythyst I don't believe any part of this your write up. Your desperate need to come off like you are rich or classy is too much sotey you dash Castle pikin money. I think you are a lawyer who is jobless because if you are busy you won't have this much time.See how you brought out a business transaction between you and your boyfriend out.I think you are poison and people should stay away from you. I'm happy that the stan abi odogwu didn't even answer you in all of this. You are a terrible human being. Stella please post. Someone needs to tell her the truth here.

    2. 14.32 👌👌

    3. "Your desperate need to come off like you are rich or classy is too much sotey you dash Castle pikin money."

      14:32, thank you!👌

      If you are rich and classy you do not need to stress yourself because it naturally shows. You don't even have to prove a point because being rich will seem like a norm. I can count five blog visitors on here that you don't need anybody to tell you they are sophisticated because it just radiates. You can even have money and not have class.
      The gift she gave Castle was borne out of desperation and not love. You can gift her some other time but not when the whole issue is still hot. Always give gifts from your heart and not to flaunt. my 2 cents.

    4. Chai. You people are real cid and don't know why you did not use it to catch financial thieves but come here to disturb amethyst. Take her write up.

      Why are you all disturbed

    5. 😆🤣😂 @Amethyst is a terrible person and herself doling out money to someone that adores her is the lowest of lows..

      I can never go the ass licking route trust me

    6. If I'm castle,I won't take that money. Its an insult honestly,no matter how hungry I am

    7. False prophet ®29 October 2021 at 16:33

      I see it's not just me that resents being in a position people automatically assume I need alms, or they can use my plight/situation to score or feed their hungry ego, I'd use the last shred of dignity in me to reject such advances. I'd also politely decline if I'm in castles shoes, but I dont know her size.

    8. You don't know castle size?

  15. This drama is not even worth it at all. I read the real Amethyst was in the comment section of IHN the very day this competition held, why did she not call out the fake Amethyst for cloning her ID immediately to avoid all of this?
    That’s what I would have done. How can someone just decide to use my ID and I’ll keep quiet? I nor go gree o.
    Anyway, always do right and be transparent in all that you do.

    1. Yes, she was. Both of them did not deny until the call out. We move!!!

    2. False prophet ®29 October 2021 at 14:32

      I see after witnessing the buzz and admiration the picture gathered, she'd rather keep shut and make BVs go on with the believe that shes actually that beautiful, just to pepper them.... so you see it's a win win situation, the impostor gets the cash and she gets the glory, but it didnt play out as orchestrated, and blew out in an unforeseen way, if you ask me I'd say she and the 'impostor' are one, or are "friends".

    3. @SluttyChic, that was where the whole issues would have been settled or impression corrected. Like you said, it's not worth the stress oooh. Everyone should just move on please.

  16. Na wah for this Amethyst drama. Oh well, the winner is Debbie then. I am glad I voted for Debbie. She is effortlessly beautiful 😍

    Have a good day everyone. It's Friday. Make una enjoy the weekend. E go be 😎

    1. Yes, like every competion, even the winner fuckoyo, second runner up takes the prize. Me I voted for Laura crystal but was is fair is 'firm '.

  17. Abeg Debbi should win that competition. Imagine the drama just to hurt someone. Shame all those involved.

    1. They were out to rubbish Amethyst reputation but God pass them. They thought Stella would post the old pics of Amethyst that they imported from Facebook

  18. !!! *MAD- MAN.*!!!

    People called him mad-man
    but I was surprised when he moved close to me,
    He said, “can I ask you a very important question?”
    I nodded, in acceptance,
    and then,
    he asked, *“am I a mad man?”*
    The obvious answer, from a sane person, will be, "no",
    and that was what I said.
    “Thank you!”, he replied;
    then he said,
    “just because I don’t see things the way other people do, does that make me a mad man?”
    "No", I answered again.

    He bent down, wrote “W”,
    and asked me what he wrote.
    At this point, I was already feeling ashamed,
    getting involved in a lengthy conversation with him.
    In a hurry to leave, I said “w”,
    but I was amazed when he replied to my answer,
    “You only see 'W',
    because of the angle at which you are looking at it.
    If you turn upside down, you'll see “M”;
    If u look from the right side, it is “3”,
    and looking at it from the left side, it is “E”.

    *The fact that I don’t see things at the perspective that everyone is seeing it doesn’t make me a mad man, he said. Then he left.*

    I pondered for so long about this and its application to life.
    Because We act, and relate to people, based on the perspective at which we are looking at their situation.
    Have you taken your time to look at other possible perspectives?

    I then decided that,
    before I get angry with, or act against, or judge anyone that has done something unfavourable to me,
    I will view it in at least three possible perspectives;
    1. My own perspective,
    2. His own perspective and
    3. Others perspective'.

    So, before you judge people, before you rage your anger on them, take a little time to view their angle or perspective, and, if you still cannot see a reasonable reason, then you may act REASONABLY.

    Live and let others live

    Food for thought.


  19. False prophet ®29 October 2021 at 14:17

    I see when stella says someone is beautiful, hmmm....

  20. Congratulations to the chronicle poster, God bless the Angel
    Congratulations to you Castle
    It's going to be a beautiful weekend 💞💞

  21. Good afternoon Bvs. This is oyin here. I want to say a very big thank you to Stella and to the Angel that gifted me the money. Thank you so very much. I have already started working on my business plan that I want to do when I get to Lagos and I will definitely update everyone here. I hope you all patronise me when I start. Thank you so very much. Help and Mercy will not be far from each and everyone of us

    1. Amen
      Congratulations to you. May God bless your hustle

    2. Wish you the best. May your business flourish.

    3. Amen. Go out there and excel. 💛

    4. Congratulations Oyin. Yes, I’ll patronize you. Be good and stay well.

    5. Congrats oyin,l wish you all the best

    6. Please don't tell your family members anything about your plans,just move out quietly, they will look for you when you have made it.
      Congratulations I wish you good success and may God prosper your business.

    7. Congrats dear, this seed in your hands will grow,and I pray you return with testimonies

    8. I wish you success and may God bless the work of your hands.

    9. Congratulations Oyin, God bless and increase you

    10. Congratulations oyin
      God bless your Angel. Pls move out of that house and go to Lagos. Go to a cyber cafe and tell them to give you the latest format of CVs. Make a good CV, print hard copies and photocopy them. Tell them to send the soft copy to your email address after you have created a good email address with your real names, Join Linkedin, nairaland, etc and start applying for jobs posted. Buy Tuesday Guardian every Tuesday, I saw it on this blog and I told my nephew who later got a job through it.
      I wish you luck

    11. Congratulations Oyin. Use the money wisely.


  22. Madam house rent mail
    why is it that you are the one begging for rent money? is your husband not the head of the house again? let him stand up and go look for the rent..
    Thinking of it now, why must you renew rent of 250k in your condition? why can't you move out to a smaller and cheaper apartment, like a self contained? you people will be in a financial mess and still be struggling to maintain your status, is it by force ? stop disgracing yourselves begging upandan.

    1. Don't mind them. They want to keep peppering their friends and relatives. Even if it is one room, you cannot move there for the meantime, you want to borrow rent money. Your husband is not working, you are not working, how do you intend to pay back?

    2. On point, case of xut your coat according to your material

    3. Tor. A man who cannot take care of his home is an infidel.

    4. Kai. This is just too much. Please madam rent God Almighty come through for you Amen.

      Am sure if they have money for room and parlor they would have gone. If you consider renting a new place, 2 years, agent fees, lawyer fees, payment for this and that, so am sure looking to renew their rent would be better. Let's show empathy. Not everything is pepper dem. A lot of people are suffering. She is down already don't hard more on her. My opinion

    5. I completely agree with you. Yes I understand people have scammed in the past, but how do we know this person is a scammer. If you’re suspicious, keep it to yourself. Don’t make somebody’s tough situation tougher with harsh words.

    6. If you say a room and pallor or self contain, where will they keep their load? Should they throw it away or dash people?

  23. Test this one too with as much as you can afford to bear and get back to us if she vanishes.

  24. Fully loaded IHN, hello everyone.

    Does that mean the two Amethyst up there have been commenting with the same ID and none of them noticed it? Something is missing here.

    Congratulations to the chronicle poster, may God bless the angel that blesses her.

    Enjoy the rest of the day guys.

  25. .....Anyways, I'm not "Orobo"...I'm tall, busty and curvy with chocolate skin and not skinny at all." Did I just read well? *Coughs*🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

    But why would anyone do such a thing? Is this how far and low people can go. Too bad I must say. Pls sister, let it go. It doesn't worth your time.

    The person asking for loan of 250k if you're a Port Harcourt based BV and have something to deposit as collateral to be sure you won't default, then get my mail from Stella. We will reach an agreement. For Stella sake, there will be no interest but just the capital you will return.

    Good Afternoon guys...

    1. Stop coughing, the statistics is your exact spec. Shoot your shot

    2. 😀😃😃😃 Anonymous ooh. Make I summon courage abi? Chike nnam, where you dey? I need toasting line from you urgently🤣🤣🤣. Come give me morale make I shoot my shot. Ezege wants to love and be loved.

  26. Hmmm. Ok o. Good afternoon lovelies. May today be exceptionally different from ever other days amen. Our hustles will pay.

  27. Wonderful is all I can say in this Amethyst's brouhaha. Drama will not finish on this blog.

  28. 250k loan? LoL. scam scammer scammest.
    she will use another person's pishure so that when you publish, the owner will sue you Stella.

    1. Stella, please do not involve yourself in anything relating to this amethyst matter again. Wash your hand biko

    2. My own is make dem no give you ID of dead pesin as dem don see say your head soft like moi moi. If possible pay direct to the landlord.
      The rent might even be lesser.
      Some of us used to give freely before but Nigerians don do us shege. Never again.

  29. A story to learn from.
    It is greediness that made you lose your savings.
    How can you invest 100k in a company and get paid 35k monthly? The returns is unrealistic, it is a Ponzi scheme. Even legitimate banks and companies don't pay up to half of that amount on 100k investment. Greediness!

    1. Is it not MBA forex people,onye akpiri ogologo ka wayo n'egwu .

    2. But she cashed out na. I think she even got more than the 100k in interest.

  30. bv Debbie congrats

    1. Which Debbie?
      Stella cancel that particular competition jare

  31. To think some of those who refuse to believe Salma believe this. Hmmm

    1. I tell you!

    2. Amythyst I raise nyash for you! I fear who no fear you!! You just sat down with your phone concocting rubbish. It's been you all along. From the word go; pictures, rejoinder, call out-out, everything. You are fighting yourself by yourself. From your imaginary house, to your imaginary FRIEND, to your imaginary youthfulness and beauty to your imaginary haters. Well done o. You hear?

    3. 15.58 you get it. You fully get it.

    4. Shes her own village people

    5. Stan, go on your knees and thank the God you serve, you dont know what he did for you.

  32. Drama upon drama,which is kind of interesting. Poster of story to encourage someone, thank God things are looking up for you and your family . Can't wait to read the past four Tonia

  33. Lol@ love agbawasiam anya I rendered my services free of charge.

    😂😂😂😂😂😂 nsogbu everywhere 😂

    1. Nah real nsogbu everywhere 😂😂

    2. Nah real nsogbu everywhere 😂😂

    3. Hoan! Person wey you never meet for one day, as you said, you done fall in love.
      Done dey do work for free???
      It can never be me.
      My own love dey wear thick glasses, dey carry stadium light for head.
      Make I see how any baskard wey wan scam me.

  34. How much is the prize money for the foihn sef that some people will bring themselves this low. All the 3 Amethyt, una way no pure.

  35. Everything dey gimme headache abeg 🤦
    Hah! So who won now? Debbie? Or it's cancelled?

    1. My dear,no comment on that mbok! I can't come and kee myself untop people that wanna be shady and all 😒😒😒😒😒

    2. Kpele 😆😁😁

  36. Drama every where, you people should take it easy, una ndewoohh

  37. End of drama please

  38. This Amethyst drama should just end abeg. We're dealing with enough drama already. Congratulations to Castle and Oyin. God bless the angels.

  39. Fake or real Amethyst, bvs move on please, this silly drama is becoming stale, let's find another drama...

  40. Amethyst, I hope you realise it's very unprofessional as a lawyer to be disclosing details of your client's cases like these.

    1. Dear Anon 14:45, I am thinking of the nicest way to tell you FUCK OFF without hurting your feelings. Can't find any, so here we go....Fuck off and go sit yo' ass down!

    2. Assuming she is a lawyer... the more you look, the less you see.

    3. Mark Morgan,you re beginning to sound like a woman.are you sure you re not an imposter🤔

    4. 16:42, he/ she is an impostor. This one case is loading

    5. I did not even believe the whole thing with wendy was real. Maybe just a diversion. How can a mature man be this petty and childish?

  41. Madam 250k loan, why don't u opt for a cheaper house rent. Although I know that life can be really unfair at times. If u really need loans and u are sure of paying it back. Why don't u borrow on popular loan apps like Branch, fair money, lapo etc. Or is Stella running a charity organization. I think it is time u double your hustles.

    1. Thank you
      Assuming you are owing loan apps, go and join LAPO and SEAP and borrow from them since you will pay back.

  42. Replied Stella.

    So sorry for my late response. Since I updated my phone it's like a new one so I'm still struggling with fine tuning it to how it was before.

  43. Good afternoon dear Stella and blog visitors
    @ poster on story to encourage someone,your story is so educative,pls don't stop this lovely series
    May God provide for all who are genuinely in need not ndu scammers and may God vindicate all those that need to be vindicated.
    E-hugs everyone 😘😘😘

  44. Good afternoon Stella and Bv's
    Please mothers and medical doctors come to my aid.
    I am 38, pregnant and I have multiple fibroids. I went for ante natal when I was 6 weeks, I was given vitamin c, calcium, folic acid, multivitamin and Bco to be taken everyday by a nurse.
    I took it in the morning next day, I had a serious pain below my abdomen, I thought maybe it was a coincidence, then I took it in the afternoon again, that night I couldn't sleep due to pain. So I left the drugs with the intention to see the doctor in my next ante natal visit.
    On my next visit I complained to the doctor about the drugs, after scanning me he said the pain is due to the fibroids, he gave me paracetamol and ibuprofen to be taken along with the ante natal drugs I listed above.
    Are these drugs not too much for a pregnancy of 11weeks?
    I am scared of taking them but I have been taking folic acid before and after I conceived.

    If anyone knows any good hospital with good gynecologist in Awka, please drop the address, I am new here. I want to change hospital ASAP.

  45. Nawao! Una say wahala be like wetin again? Thank God I didn't vote for that Amethyt babe sha! Make una dey use suferi take dey find money o! Una goodafternoon my people.

  46. Good afternoon from here😆😄

    It's a cool weather here in Lag. Hope we're having a great Friday? Enjoy the rest of the day💜💜💜💜

  47. Sunny afternoon 😎🤗

    Good Afternoon beevee 🥰😍😘😘😘

    Enough drama.

    Congratulations Debbie,,you na the winner🥂🍾

  48. Fake Amethyst, using d name to garner votes. The owner of that pic would be somewhere not knowing her pictures are here, lol.could even be a guy posing as a girl. Who knows if previous contestants have been using other people's pictures.

    1. Good point you raised re: previous contestants. Meanwhile, these are the same people that will be castigating the govt for being corrupt.

    2. Ah tor! Na who dem catch be tiff na. Ordnairy competition una don bring4your corruption DNA enter.

    3. Black berry my dear. For this to come to your mind, just know that it has been happening here. People have been impersonating others just for 10k!!! 10k!!!
      During election tomorrow now, Buhari will buy them over with amala ati ewedu.

  49. Good afternoon my people. How una day dey go??? Congrats Oyin and Castle's baby. What else,,,,,,,ok bye.

  50. So much drama,fake people everywhere.

  51. This drama issue is why I never comment with my ID, too many monitoring spirits

    1. BVs were jejely sitting on their own before she dusted up the drama herself. Several people have ids without constant drama.

    2. To be honest, when I saw Amethysts on FOIHN competition I was surprised, cos based on the real Amethysts comments here, she doesn't come off like one that'll contest for a 10k prize.

  52. Giveaway=damage control.

    If you know,you know!

    1. We know oh! It's very obvious

    2. Na midu finger be this, mummy castle?? No be me be 15:46 o. Aje I just dey ask.

  53. It is well ooo. Too many dramas. Amethyst, amethyst2, Stan and odogwu all of una weldone. As if the country is not hot enough, you all wants to make here hotter.

    Una weldone. May God Almighty come through for all going through challenges Amen.

    So na so dem disqualify winner... Chai my vote don waste. The other winners congrats. Enjoy your datas.

    Too many bad people doing so much to hurt people
    Anyway goodluck to you all. Next time I no vote before them bring fine people wey don die their pictures

  54. Wahala everywhere.
    Amethyst thank God you cleared he air.
    Whoever it is that sent that pics in for the contest, what did you want to prove?
    You went to her Facebook page to steal not so fine pictures and sent to SDK, you wanted her to post it along with a call-out and accuse Amethyst of fraud right? Thank God SDK is wise. How can a whole lawyer even go to that extent because of 10k, it is not even believable.
    God bless you Amethyst for gifting Castle's daughter and May God bless the angel of the chronicle poster.
    Congratulations to you Castle and the chronicle poster.

    1. Forget that thing! Which one I'd a whole lawyer there, you never see hungry charge and bail lawyer wey shoe be like canoe. Forget! Anybody can do anything. *I'm not saying the lady is charge and bail, I'm just saying trust no one.

  55. Good afternoon everyone.

    Its good the real amethyst has cleared her name, I honestly font think she's the one that posted that pics ,knowing fully well that some people here know her . this is definitely a set up or a kind of mixed up.

    1. Yeah, probably somebody wanted to mess her up. That's why I jump am pass all those bvs always asking to hang out.
      No be me and you.
      I said it can never be me.
      Before you run back to the blog with strange fictitious stories of events that never happened in my house.
      Let's just be meeting here and shining teeth.
      Anything outside of that, count me out.

      And yes, I went anon, comman bite me.

    2. Hahahahahaha I will comman bite you. You dey fear to use your I'd. What a shame you no get liver for wahala

    3. Even the people I used to think are intelligent sef can't see through this. Its clearly a case of set up. If I'm amethyst,I won't even say a word concerning this again, make everyone dey alright

    4. Treasures, the people you used to think are intelligent? Why not mention their ids and be bold about it? Smh

  56. Wow!!!
    I got the alert and wondered who it was. Made calls but everyone I called denied the payment until I read this post.
    Thanks Amethyst nwannem. Thanks a lot. Very kind of you. God bless you.
    Thanks Stella.

  57. Wahala no come too much laidis🙄

    Wetin miss Aboki no go see for obodo SDK. Omo x infinity

  58. Which of the Amethyst is doing giveaway now? El O El

    1. The original one. The fake no get shishi

    2. Na the fake one

    3. Na the fake one, but which is the real one sef?

  59. Thank you Lord for back and's so stressful retrieving lines

    1. Welcome back,Pinky

      So sorry about your experience and can you start with Pinky's corner now??

    2. Dem ask you for blood sample?
      Your people here say na very simple something.
      Why your own case dey different uncle?

  60. The original blog amethyst started all this drama from the pics she sent in. She didn't know it would backfire like this. She has been doing damage control and trying to shut people up by promising Stella that she would show end of year appreciation and now dashing baby castle money. It is well with all of you. Stella the Lord is your strength. The drama is too much. Kpele


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