Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...




Sunday, October 03, 2021

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...




I'm a married woman with two kids. We are both government employees.

My husband decided that we should not have anymore kids again, meanwhile I still want one more kid. So I intentionally told him that I'm pregnant to see his reaction but he got angry and even gave me money to go to the hospital to abort it because he is not ready.

Later, he told his siblings abroad about it and they called to tell me not to abort it, that they will talk to their brother.

Now my problem is, how do I tell my husband and his siblings that I was just testing them and what will they think of me after telling them I was kidding? I do not know what to do

*Hmmmm the trouble with this kind of lie is that if you tell them its a lie, no one will ever believe you again... Can you not tell them that you made a mistake and miscalculated...


  1. The whole thing was uncalled for and unnecessary to be very honest...

    1. Poster, kindly get pregnant ASAP!! That's all and tell them later that you wanted more kids and you went that way to see if your husband would reconsider, no Biggy jor

    2. No big deal here jare.

      Your period suddenly showed up. End of story. You don't need to start telling him you wanted to test him and all.

      Some of us dey miss period and we no get belle.

    3. You can simply said you had a miscarriage

  2. Just tell them you thought you were pregnant and now your menstrual shows up...

    Alternatively just say the truth that you were testing to see his reactions

  3. A lie will neve be the Truth and The Truth will never be a lie.
    You goofed, but you have to own up to it...and use the opportunity to tell your husband that you need another child.
    Pray too that The Lord Jesus will touch his heart to agree with you. And if you haven't made Jesus Lord of your life and marriage, this is a good opportunity.

  4. A lot of women often have pregnancy symptoms when they are not pregnant so it shouldnโ€™t be that big of a deal to fess up and tell them it was false alarm. You do not need to add the testing part.

  5. Some of you ladies joke with everything.
    Now, your husband has "murdered" an unconceived child. And this might even trigger DNAs to ascertain if you've been telling the truth all these while.๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
    It is not difficult to win your husband over to have another child if you are of good character. Study the Bible and know how it is done.

    1. So now you're going to blame this woman for her husband's 'attempted sin'(suggesting an abortion)? Wonderful, clap for yourself.
      How you always find a way to lay the blame at the woman's feet beats my imagination.

    2. @Dainty
      You chose to understand what you wanted and premeditated. The man is the murderer here and EVERYONE DIES FOR THEIR OWN SIN if they do not
      repent. Please find another reason to snub, sneer and mock. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    3. It is not difficult to win your husband over to have another child if you are of good character. Study the Bible and know how it is done.

      Ah, ANG teach us naa ๐Ÿ˜ข

  6. Government workers oo you want three children like why ? Do have a farm in your backyard? Or education fund? Smh

    1. So government workers can't take care of 3 kids? Hubby and I are government workers and together we pull in 550k monthly,minus other allowances and side hustle. With careful planning,I should think taking care of 3 kids will not be too much of a hardship. The man is just a self- centred man.

    2. Yes with your less than $1000 salary you a month, even 3 kids womt get enough let alone 3. Jow much do you think is fees for good school pls? Lets be realistic unless you are ok knowing your best is not good enough

    3. 15:48 if you are satisfied in giving those 3 kids less than the best (most often below average) then that's fine.

    4. @anonymous 3:48, that's won't be enough in Lagos oo.I don't know where you stay though

    5. What is best is relative. Your best with whatever you have now might also be average for another. And who says all things expensive are quality?

    6. Don't mind those peeps above. Is it everybody that attends conona or lekkibritush school or whatever? Internet warriors be forming rich when some of them don't even have a job. All the people hustling for give away on this blogs are ghosts,I guess.
      If an average couple with 3kids can't live on 550k per month in this Nigeria,then they are either living beyond their means or living a fake life. How much is food again? How much for a good school in an average middle-class neighbourhood in Lagos?

    7. Anon.16.56 is so silly. So now I live America where I have to pay S1,500 for a two bedroom apartment,right? I think people who are always converting naira to dollars for everyday expenses are just silly.
      Here in Nigeria,we pay N600k for a very decent 3 bedroom flat in a decent neighbourhood per year. That about S1,100. Spend about 150k ($250) on food monthly. As for school fees,a very good school in our neighbour good goes for 120-160k per term.
      So please, have some sense and stop living a fake live that you fund with illegal means.

  7. I don't see any big deal here. Tell him you were only pulling his legs. Why did he even involve his siblings? Or you want to lie? Then tell him you thought you were pregnant but you just saw your period. EOD.

    1. I am surprised,why she she is finding it difficult to tell him and how come he just told his siblings.
      Was the big deal,marriage has it's perfect and imperfections

  8. This your repercussion for lying came early.๐Ÿฅด

    1. It's not even funny but allow me ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  9. Poster just tell your husband you have already taken a pill before his siblings called you. If you tell them it was a joke no one will believe you next time or they will be looking at you with side eyes.

    1. Please donโ€™t take this advice .
      Lying to have committed murder.
      Just say the truth, it will set you free.

  10. You tell them with the same lie that you were only pranking him based on the previous conversations you've had about you having 1 more child, o pari.
    You sef, your husband is probably struggling to take care of these 2 kids you have and you want to burden him with 1 more. Why not wait till you are more financially stable before bringing up the talk of having 1 more child with him.

  11. This one na serious issue oooooo...

    The truth can never been seen as lies and lies can never been accepted as the truth..God will help you..just be careful in what so ever techniques u tend using.

    I wish u best of luck

  12. Just tell them you had an early miscarriage. Miscarriages in the first two months happen more often than we know. When your period comes,just tell him itsa miscarriage.

    If you tell him ,it was a lie when you get pregnant for real he won't want to believe or even accept the pregnancy. My opinion though.

    1. Thatโ€™s insensitive for people like ME that have actually miscarried. TF??

    2. Well sorry,madam...its not about you,ok? I myself have had 3 miscarriages and the world doesn't revolve around me. Psoter is asking for a solution that will make her lie a bit easier to swallow and that my own opinion of how she can get around the lie. So swerve,pls.

  13. Tell your husband the truth and allow him handle his siblings. Regardless of how it goes , your credibility is gone. You told your husband and saw his reaction. The ideal was to tell him the truth within hours but you allowed your lie to fly.

    The number of children ought to discussed , compromises reached, but he forced his decision on you. You every right to be angry .

  14. Tell him u thought you were pregnant u had pregnancy symptoms but Uve seen ur monthly flow already..this is an opportunity to tell him u really want 1more child.It seems people donโ€™t have deep conversations with their spouses anymore.

  15. 1. You wanted to see his reaction if you get pregnant because you want to trap him into getting you pregnant. You were just testing the waters.

    2.But you have already aborted it when he gave you money na. What's there? Madam, you went to a pharmacy and bought medicine that very day and m the pregnancy is gone. Your husband killed your unborn baby and that is why you have been crying.๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

  16. easy peasy just lie again that u had a miscarriage due to the stress he caused u. u ll make him feel guilty and enjoy more attention and get to use that card anyhow. more empathy from the siblings for u.

  17. I have read something like this before I think on facebook . Poster just explain to your husband with love that you just wanted to know his reaction if truly you were pregnant .

  18. Telling 2nd lie to cover the 1st lie will lead to a long chain of lies.

  19. Wake up one early morning when your menses comes and start crying. Cry and draw your husband's attention. Tell him you are having miscarriage and allow him pamper you. No allow him flow you to hospital. Even if he does, tell the doctor the truth to defend you. Your husband seeing that will use his mouth to tell his siblings about the miscarriage. If you tell them it's false pregnancy hmmmmm. Those people will never believe you again.

    1. Why use lie to cover another lie
      It's not worth it

    2. Poster, follow Zaram's advice at your own risk. The doctor won't lie for you. Yes he won't disclose what you told him to your husband but he will not lie. He will simply encourage you to tell your husband.

  20. ..and I kept hearing "abort it" "abort it" abort what, dear people of God? Ant or cockroach? I pity this evil generation. May God forgive us all.

  21. One lie begets another and you'll have to keep track of each and every one of them. It sounds tiring. I don't recommend it. Just tell him the truth. It may mean that he never trusts you again. Let him deal with his siblings. They had no business being involved in the first place.

  22. How can your hubby tell his siblings you are pregnant and he asked you to abort?
    Is that not suppose to be private.?
    Since you involve the family in your affairs,no big deal,you tell him and he should tell his siblings.
    Are you afraid of your spouse ?

  23. Some ppl talk everything that happens in their marriage. He actually told his siblings all of that, wow.

    Just tell him it was a false alarm and your period is back. Technically, this is the truth. Please don't tell him you were testing him because he will go back and tell his siblings and who knows how far this shit will go.

  24. If you tell him the truth he will make sure you never get pregnant by using condom or withdraw.

    Better continue the lie for another 3 months till you get pregnant because now youโ€™re pregnant he will not use protection with you again as the deed has already been done.

    If after 3 months no pregnancy just say you saw your period and doc said it was a miscarriage then talk to him and cry very well that you want another baby and hopefully he will let it happen

  25. Am still wondering why he has to call his siblings over the issue..abi them for help train the pikin?๐Ÿ˜

    1. Hmmm
      No couple secrets na family discussion

      Then planning on other people's expected generosity?

  26. He called his family because some wives are stronger than their husbands. They nag or psychologically beat husbands into depression and submission. Such Husbands need 3rd parties to reason with their wives. This Husband needed support after rational discussion with the Poster failed. We all should note the Poster left out their joint income and who is carrying all or most of the financial duty in the family.

    Under financial stress, the husband would likely extort citizens who need his service in the civil service.

    Contentment with godliness is great gain.

    Poster tell the truth and let peace come first into your heart, then into your marriage.

  27. Very very very easy nah! Use the next period to form miscarriage. Simple. Everyone will rest.

    This one no follow for Chronicle o.


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