Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Saturday, October 02, 2021

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...




I've been married for 5 years and we have two children and one on the way soon. My wife and I don't have any major issues. She's beautiful (slay queen) and hardworking. So my issue, I have been talking to an old friend from university. We liked each other back then and reconnected years later and only a few months before our weddings (she got married a few weeks before I did).

 Those weeks before we married other people, we had amazing s#x and plans to continue. I had to relocate for a job so we didn't see ourselves for 2 years. We also stopped talking on all SM. When we saw at a work function in 2018, nothing happened because she was expecting her first child.

But since that meeting we have kept in touch and have supported each other through many of life's accomplishments. She has provided funds when i was in need and I have also provided for her in her time of need. She has been a true friend and I value our friendship. Thing is, she is planning on visiting my state later this month and we have plans to see. I'm already planning which hotel to take her to. She has told me that she also wants to be with me.

I have never cheated on my wife and I know that my wife would never get to know. I care a lot about my friend and the s#xual attraction is so strong. She wants nothing more from me than I can give (s#x), so what is the real harm?

Confused but caring husband

when you both were single, it was different, now its different...Just stay being friend s and if the attraction is too much then cut off.. The devil might have plans for both of you... what if she gives you herpes or something you cant treat? she sleeping with someone else who might be sleeping with someone else, all without protection...
Wear face mask for your preek and face front....
I know you will still do it if you want but try to control yourself abeg....


  1. I remember someone swearing to my husband that his wife will never know,cos he felt she was extremely naive,well she somehow knew and that lead to the end of their marriage.
    The man is still begging till date.
    Yeye fowl,never say never with humans,no body has monopoly to wickedness.

    1. This is wonky and what the heck is wrong with some people? Jeez!

    2. Dear everyone, if you think this poster really needs your advice, then you are on a long thing. His mind is already made up. He's just writing to amuse himself

    3. Dear poster

      It is not just sex

      It is having peace
      Hating peace and using your ear , mouth & eyes for deceitful conversation

      Then a small appendage on your body to test the devil concerning your life and marriage

      As you play Russian Roulette with your future , remember it is NEVER JUST SEX

    4. Aa long as you don't mind your wife doing her own outside fire on o.
      Someone who did not have self control a few weeks before marriage is it inside marriage he will have self control? Loll.

  2. Married people takes d cake when it comes to cheating.

    Poster I know you will still knack that woman, but be rest assured, someone will knack your wife and you will never find out. Wanna bet?😁

    1. Dear poster,
      Please no offense but you are a mumu man sometimes. Na woman dey get this kain confusion na! To gbensh is not a problem for our gender but na married woman nah.......abeg leave this one biko. Forget all the attachment and benefits and inuendos..... never fuck a married woman knowingly. Na your destiny and life you take dey play so oo. I like to talk more but a word is enough for the wise. Don't be unfortunate in life like BOMA!

    2. Na wa ashawo wife and ashawo husband.

  3. You are already planning which hotel to take another man's wife to??Please keep up the same energy when another man plans which hotel to take your wife to.I don't understand why some people can't have self control.Tufiakwa!

    1. He is a fool who doesn't like the peace in his life and takes it for granted

    2. Jet li, do you have to insult him. Did he say you most comment on his post. I have never seen where you insulted women who come here everyday to gloat about thier cheating ass

    3. Any behavior we know is bad/wrong but we try to justify and rationalise is foolishness

      Asking what is the real harm ?

      Answer: Regrettable foolishness

  4. The real harm here is breaking at least two hearts; your amiable, beautiful wife and God. Yes, God will judge adulterers and sexually immoral Heb. 13:4.
    If you do not desist, this matter will both consume your marriage and your soul.
    And your co-adulterer's.
    There is a reason you married your wife and not her. Talk to your wife and talk to Jesus today.

    1. Three hearts, actually. The woman's husband

  5. You are weak and defeated already. If you do not talk to your wife and confess everything and allow her to monitor and resist this situation with you, you are gone! 😮😮😮😮

    1. What if she dies at the hotel or something bad happens, picture yourself in cuff and prison.

  6. The real harm is you underestimating your wife talmbout she will never know.

    No matter what we tell you, you are still gonna hook up with your friend with benefits. Happy Cheating!

  7. Oga, reread this story and this time , slowly but imagine that the female character in the story is your wife.
    Making plans with an ex.

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Yes, do to others as you will like them do to you

  8. You are a mumu man. Ask yourself if that visit with that person other than your wife,will take away your peace if your wife finds out.
    Ask yourself,if the tables were turned and this scenario happens to be your wife about an ex who she has had sex with,will you be happy?
    Did u marry your wife out of love to treat her like that? Why didn't u marry that lady. See,the devil works with suggestions and u have built on it. You are uneasy in your spirit hence this chronicle,for the sake of your marriage keep away from that woman.Remember,whoever that breaks the vow in a union has a special punishment from God. Get sense.

  9. Why do people do this? Oga why did you not marry that lady ex of yours since you guys have the most perfect amazing sexual chemistry? Oga, what you are doing sexting abi now you are about to really go fill throttle. If your wife does same, would you be happy? You know that your wife can do the exact same thing you are about to do, but choses not to. Don't turn a good woman into a bad one, cos if she ever catches a hint, your marriage will forever not be the same. Next time marry that lady you are sexting with, don't go and put another person in situations they don't want to be a party to.

  10. Aturu. You'll get what you're looking for very soon. I pray the husband catches you. There's no better filth than a man who fucks another man's wife. He doesn't deserve to breath the same air as normal human beings. Mr man, you're a very shameless dog.

    1. Ceaser,this matter that made you come out in all your glory.

      Poster resist, resist and resist.Infact if you did it your own wife will he fucked one day soon and when you find out remember an anon warned you and you must forgive her.
      My only pain is that she would have been used to it by then.

    2. Ceaser my darling,I love you dearly

  11. When the devil calls it comes in the form of a woman.

  12. Once you guys meet, it definitely must happen as the feelings are still there and strong. Best thing is to avoid her and but that's impossible. Part of you wants her while the other does not. This is what your self control might not be enough to do for for you before her in a hotel room. Do it, regret for a while and want more that might be dangerous.

    She might even give your child to her husband without you knowing. She wants you and in her mind, she is like; what's there since we have done it before. Make up a story on the agreed dates to run from her.

    Avoid her!

    1. Benefits of virginity by both man and woman

      You cannot miss what you do not know

      Okafors law destroys

      Do not let your penis replace your brain & conscience

    2. Ordinary avoidance won't work for a married woman. She needs the confidential prick most badly than FG needs money right now. If she even has ways to betray or blackmail you, she will. Poster fabricate serious quarel in a way it will seem like her idea to break off the won't end well, it can't fit. If you continue, nemesis must catch up with you. Take this advice from me. Na something like this finish me for my previous life that's why I'm here shouting and preaching to you and those reading here now. Avoid married women in Nigeria* guys.

  13. So you have a "slay queen who is very obedient" as a wife and you still want to cheat?
    Don't you see that cheating is a spiritual tragedy that only Jesus can deliver you from?
    Hell is beckoning, the destroyer is beckoning.
    Few minutes of sinful pleasure and a lifetime of guilty conscience, sulking and eternity of grinding of teeth in hellfire.
    And you know who else is beckoning?
    Jesus. Go to him instead of this blunder

    1. Greed makes a person look for wetin no loss

  14. Why do people do these? Oga why did you not marry that lady ex of yours since you guys have the most perfect amazing sexual chemistry? Oga, what you are doing sexting abi now you are about to really go fill throttle. If your wife does same, would you be happy? You know that your wife can do the exact same thing you are about to do, but choses not to. Don't turn a good woman into a bad one, cos if she ever catches a hint, your marriage will forever not be the same. Next time marry that lady you are sexting with, don't go and put another person in situations they don't want to be a party to.

  15. Does this woman have two vaginas and 4 breasts as compared to your beautiful wife?🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  16. Proverbs 6:20 nkjv (S)My son, keep your father’s command,
    And do not forsake the law of your mother.
    21 (T)Bind them continually upon your heart;
    Tie them around your neck.
    22 (U)When you roam, [j]they will lead you;
    When you sleep, (V)they will keep you;
    And when you awake, they will speak with you.
    23 (W)For the commandment is a lamp,
    And the law a light;
    Reproofs of instruction are the way of life,
    24 (X)To keep you from the evil woman,
    From the flattering tongue of a seductress.
    25 (Y)Do not lust after her beauty in your heart,
    Nor let her allure you with her eyelids.
    26 For (Z)by means of a harlot
    A man is reduced to a crust of bread;
    (AA)And [k]an adulteress will (AB)prey upon his precious life.
    27 Can a man take fire to his bosom,
    And his clothes not be burned?
    28 Can one walk on hot coals,
    And his feet not be seared?
    29 So is he who goes in to his neighbor’s wife;
    Whoever touches her shall not be innocent.

    1. I read this yesterday. Proverbs 5 and 6. Life giving words. For men to avoid immoral women and also for women not be immoral or the seductress in the lives of men.

    2. Poster pls answer the questions above, esp proverbs 6:27: can a man take fire to his bosom and not be burned?

  17. Oga your wife already knows that you have plans with your married ex. So please, respect that woman and your marriage.

    Men please stop breaking your women's heart with this adultery thing. Same to women in marriages and efing another man.

    Upon all the slay wey your wife dey slay? Chai! Oga pity yourself, abeg.

  18. Never sleep with another man's wife.

  19. Imagine planning to cheat while your wife is carrying your seed, broadening your territory and bringing forth new life to your home. You are not confused, you have everything neatly planned out, you even know that your wife will not find out. This is not the way. If you can't even stay faithful for the sake of your wife, what about the vows you made with God regarding your marriage?

    I appreciate that you have sent this in, it shows that your conscience is not fully at peace. You want to do it, but your wife has not offended you in any way and she is with your child. You probably know that if the tables were turned you could not handle it. I will not curse you, as we are all human and prone to fall in different ways. However, if God has blessed you with a happy home and a good marriage why open the door for snakes to come in and fester. Please make up some excuse and do not meet up for any sexual liaison with this strange woman. But if your will is weak and your lust is overcome at least use protection, protect your seed and your wife's health especially since she is a 100% innocent party in all of this.

    I cannot believe that a woman who is/was married would encourage a man to step out on his wife to be with her. I am a very sexual person, even more so than the average individual and I in all my blatant lustfulness could not dream of entering a sacred zone like a marriage, just for an orgasm. Folks playing with God and His wrath. We better learn how to live right so that when the day comes when God's mercies is no more we will be alright.

    1. The devil has been using this 15-20mins sexual gratificationto destroy souls.
      Poster.. I urge you to get very busy and occupied with something else that period when she comes. Keep dodging her.. you dont owe her sex. She should get herself a professional gigolo.

    for he destroys himself.

    33He will be wounded and disgraced.

    His shame will never be erased.

    34For the woman’s jealous husband will be furious,

    and he will show no mercy when he takes revenge.

  21. Una just dey talk. This man has picked hotel and everything. My only advice is that this poster should use protection. There's nothing we'll say to you to make you change your mind. Just use protection. Tainks

  22. You actually wrote a chronicle to ask the harm in adultery. Lol.

    Ok. Here goes. It is harmful and destructive to your life, your family and your future. It is sin before God. Run from it. Cut every ties with that woman.

  23. There is nothing to tell you sir. ...

    Go and enjOy ur ways and later come back to tell us ur gain

  24. People don’t respect the institution of marriage anymore. The audacity to even send this in sef. What exactly do u want us to tell you? That it’s fine to cheat on ur wife?

    Abeg getat!

  25. If your wife won't find out, remember God will know and he will punish adulterers.

  26. Go ahead and cheat dear. Don't listen to anyone's advice. Adultery sweet. But my prayer for you is that your wife finds out, keeps quiet, cheats back and gives you another man's child.

    That woman you want to cheat with definitely doesn't have a happy home. You that has a peaceful home wants to join her in her unhappiness and destroy your home. That thing you don't know you are looking for(unhappiness), I hope you find it.

  27. I have strong feeling something terrible and irreversible would result from this if you go ahead.
    My instincts hardly fail me.
    Good luck.

  28. This chronicler, it looks like your wife has sent 📤 a chronicle on you going to another state to see your ex and you have been helping her financially.
    I remember her saying she has read your chats and doesn't know whether to confront you or allow you just visit her.

    I pray she's the one that sent in the first part so that she'll see what evil you are up to.🐐🐐🐐

  29. The devil is calling you by your 1st and last name...u better not answer. Do not see her, if u must, have lunch with her and make sure your wife is the no 3 on that lunch table. be guarded sir.

  30. I don’t understand how men sacrifice everything on the altar of sex. You have a relatively good life and you want to scatter it. Continue.
    I pity your wife sha.

    1. When the penis replaces the brain

      The devil takes charge

  31. I hope her husband catches you both

  32. Once a partner is faithful to the core in a relationship there is always a feeling or instinct to hint him /her the better half is cheating. Oga your madam must surely feel what you did without proof. And devil being a wise guy will push both of you to a point of disgrace. Such sins don't stay hidden. It is stolen and very sweet, hence every day for a theif, one day for the owner. Intentional living and mindfulness are needed in our self control process.

  33. You’re planing to see with another man’s wife. If nobody sees or catches you; God does and will punish you both!

    Hell fire is real

  34. Atimes these things are not always easy to ignore. I understand the poster perfectly well

    1. They are when you understand that the other person is a spiritual assassin

  35. Your wife will never find out,.
    No advice for you
    You've made up your mind and you LL reap what you sow.


  37. Poster why do you want to do this? Leave your ex alone and face front. Why didn't you marry her since you enjoy her toto

  38. This will be your first physical sex your Ex since marrying your wife. Nothing anybody tells you here counts. I know young men like you. There have been men like you through out history, men who prey on the vulnerabilities of women. Most cheating married women have multiple cheating partners and they get tired easily once they start dancing on your prick.

  39. Posters what ever you do with another man's wife will negatively impact on you, your wife, your home and children to generations yet unborn. DON'T BE A FOOL

  40. This poster doesn't need all these advice he has made up his mind already. Yeye man ,go ahead and commit adultery with that your concubine God is watching you in 4glight.

  41. ChopWell Foodmart Ph3 October 2021 at 07:45

    Don't go see this woman, 1 your enjoyment wey go spoil everything you don build. Abeg follow Stella' advice

  42. Ur mind is already made up to cheat,the desire to get what we cant have,when the chips are down ur ex will sacrifice u to save her marriage,can u handle the disgrace.flee from married woman,since u want to cheat look for single ladies

  43. It's always strange that all of you are abusing the man without condemn ing the married woman too.

    It shows how ṣexist most of the 'women' on this blog are.

    There was a post last week for the Friday night post where a woman Confessed that she just came back home from sleeping with her boss at work who transferred her 200k and when she got home her hubby is asking her for sex and she turned him down coz she wants her hubby to let her Pussy rest.

    But no...none of you all judged that woman ó. None if you even commented that what she did was wrong.

    I have realised that women generally forgive cheating women than men. advise is this - if you want to cheat....go and cheat. Just know that both you and the lady will have to bear the consequence of it.

    If I was in your shoes - i will make excuse for having an emergency and cancel at the last minute. The. Go home...fuck your wife.

    That's the best thing to do

  44. Poster give your life to christ.repent and be save now.people are talking about eternity you are talking about committing adultery which is a grave sin.please flee from it.

  45. Mumu man. You don't know women are spiritual when it comes to things like this. The day you will sleep with that woman she wil feel the energy and burst you.

  46. I'm the poster. I didn't marry my friend because my wedding was so approaching and I didn't want to hurt/embarrass my wife. I offered to leave it all behind but my friend also didn't want to hurt the man she has "invested so much in." Do we made our decisions, wishing that the timing had been different.
    My wife doesn't deserve to be cheated on. I have read each comment and I feel like I needed a brain reset. The grass isn't always greener on the other side, I'll focus on my wife and keep my friend at arm's length. It'll be really hard because she such a great shoulder to lean on and I truly care so much about her and love ha ing her in my life even if it is strictly platonic.


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