

Thursday, September 02, 2021




Please winner of face of IHN competition, check your alert. thank you.
I am a little under the weather but i will try my best to give una as e dey hot or cold...heheheeheheheehhe

Enjoy the rest of your day.....
This life no balance at all......



Na me your number one amebo for SDK worldwide, I don land with this hot gist....

This matter wear blouse, tie wrapper, wear gele, come wear koin-koin shoe join, siddon like balanciaga make I yarn you tori, the matter long ooo....

E get one woman wey just move into my compound, let's call her Mama Ebus, infact she has only brought a few of her luggage, so one evening at about 12am, she called me to come and open gate for her, I came and opened the gate even though it was already midnight, I noticed she wore about 3 blouses like someone who is getting ready to sleep along the road, her face was swollen, her lips too, I no stand ask questions ooo, I quietly went inside, the next morning I noticed that those things they had put in their parlour had disappeared, Yay!! what happened?? 

Well I decided to drink a lot of water and mind my business.

 I neither saw her nor her kids, so I had to ask people, na there story full my ear, they said one of her friends came to her to help her borrow money from money lenders, then she brought her expensive gold as collateral, then she (my supposed neighbour)found out that the gold was more expensive than the 1million she wanted to borrow, so she went behind the woman's back and sold the gold, the woman no see money, she no see her gold, she used the military to arrest her, they beat her and almost killed her, yet my neighbour no gree say she sell gold, she actually used the money to fill up her shop and rented the duplex in my compound.

She only got back the day she asked me to open the gate for her, I did notice her almost damaged face, so they said immediately she got to her shop after the release from the army people, she got to her shop and saw a huge crowd, she already knows why, she took to her heels hence my seeing her in the compound with plenty clothes on, and the reason she came to the compound with her husband was to remove their properties cos she didn't want people to know that she had moved into the apartment.

She and her group allegedly stole a school girl from Ikorodu side, brought the child to our side and has been keeping her locked inside her shop, Hmmmmm the drugs she's been giving the child has crippled him according to what I heard, so that very night, while she was being tortured at the military base, no one to open the shop and feed the child with that thing that makes him sleep and shut up, so the boy started crying and banging on the shop door, it attracted some passerby and by morning they broke the shop, she came and hid inside my compound unknown to me ooo......

The police finally got her yesterday and as I write to you now, she's cooling off at Panti police station..... This is one neighbour from hell.... and she does this evil with her husband, their 13 Yr old son impregnated a 15yr old girl, took her for abortion, this tiny looking boy smokes everything smokeable.... 

Na God go save me, I feel like telling my Caretaker but one mind is telling me to continue acting like I didn't hear anything and enter my house.... Hmmmmm

You didnt hear anything at all and if you have kids keep them away from that side..... Hmm things are really happening in some neighbourhoods.... na wah!



An idle hand is the devil's workshop 2

He sat down. A million Naira. How do I get it? He blamed his wife for his calamity. Had she not denied him his conjugal rights, he would have not been in this problem. It was her fault, he rationalized. She would pay for it. He hatched a plan.

Bisi in the meantime was also dating a guy who never knew she was pregnant( his name is Akin). Though she had given Jide two weeks to find the money. He told her to be patient. Then she asked Jide for part payment otherwise she would talk. Jide considered his standing in the community. What would friends and family say? He could not bear it. He started to grow lean from worry and an inability to eat.

His plan was being hatched.

He was going to inform Akin's mum about Bisi being pregnant for Akin and planning to give another man or stylishly poison her drink with a drug that will terminate the pregnancy. Akin's mum stays at Sagamu, about 70km from Lagos. Then Jide needed to form a gang. Jide and his friend traveled to Sagamu and logdeg in an hotel for further action.

What was Jide's excuse to his wife?

He told his wife he had a job interview in Benin. She was excited for him. Finally, something was happening in our lives. She gave him transport and money for his planned 4 day stay in a hotel for the interview process.Then he set off to Sagamu. He had rented a short time hotel called Mazi and friends. (I needed to be discreet,as the writer).

The friend got to Where Akin's mum stays on that fateful day, narrated everything añd also told the mum not to tell Akin because he doesn't want Akin to know he is the one(don't forget he gave the mum a wrong name). Akin's mum being this born again Christian and a woman of dignity and hates abortion, she gathered herself and was in lagos the 3rd day to see her son who has clocked the age of getting married and refused to.

we never knew how they settled it but all I knew was, Akin accepted the pregnancy and by October 18th, the child(Boy) will be 8years. The issue now is, Uncle Jide as I was told some weeks to my wedding has been planning to go carry his son without minding whatsoever will happen.

I will update you when time comes
I remain the aproko of our time.



I was at the hospital with my sick son. How did we get there ?. Hmnnn hmnnn. Three days prior to the day, I decided to deworm him like my father in law had been urging. So I went to the pharmacy I asked for an age appropriate drug.

The pharmacist gave me one but he sounded kind of unsure about the dosage. When I got home I decided to go online and check out the drug. The dosage I saw online was double of what the pharmacist prescribed. So I gave him double, barely twelve hours later he started acting up, stooling, high temperature, cries etc.

I thought it would pass and I decided to watch him a little and give him pain killers but he was only getting worse and started to vomit thick whitish substance. As I was contemplating going to the hospital my mother in law walked in. I greeted her, as I was talking to her, my son started to roll his eyes. I picked him up and rushed down to the hospital. I blamed myself, “He” blamed me, I blamed the “yeye" pharmacy and the drug.

When we got to the hospital he was admitted and test were carried out. Turns out he had severe malaria. I was very relieved, medications was given and he looked better.

I stepped out to clear my head and I suddenly heard screams. I thought a woman was in labour , she kept screaming for help. I decided to be my neighbour’s keeper and check. You can imagine my shock when I saw that the screams were from my sister.

My son was in such a terrible state. I went on my knees screaming for mercy. Praying to God as the doctors were battling to save him. He was stiff, they were able to stabilise him in about three hours.

We are back home he is doing great. I am watching him like a hawk and he is being pampered. I am currently feeling so drained and tired but I am grateful.

I felt so helpless seeing him convulsing that bad and there was nothing I could do to help. I don’t pray any mother goes through this kind of heart wrenching pain. I am just happy he is alive.



In July 2021, my friend and I ordered a bolt to take us from the island to Festac.

 When the vehicle showed up, we noticed that it had no back plate number. It also had very dark tinted glasses asides the windscreen of course. I told the driver that I was uncomfortable with the missing back plate number. 

He said it had fallen off earlier in the day. I didn't believe him because the dust on the area did not look fresh. I also complained about the tints. My friends said I should just ignore and let's go since he was already there. I was forced to accept.

 From my experience living in Abuja, I usually would check that I am able to open taxi doors myself. I would also check the boot. I have heard stories of criminals appearing from the boot or underneath the back seats once the car started moving. So my heightened security senses kicked in. 

As my friend tried to enter the back from the drivers side, she could not open the door. I had opened my side, the back passenger side then saw her walking to my side. I asked why , she said the door didn't open and the driver asked her to come in through my side. One more thing to be uncomfortable about. 

I asked the driver why. Again, he said it had spoilt earlier and he did not have time to fix it. I decided to test the car doors to be sure this was not a trap. I discovered that I could not open mine from the inside, neither could my friend open hers. I asked another friend who was outside to try opening my side from outside, and the door could not be opened. So, all the doors were faulty. Once you entered, you could not open any of the passenger the doors from inside and from outside. We were locked in. 

This was shocking. 

He said we could wind down the glass if we felt uncomfortable but I asked him ''You have the master button, you could decide to lock it and we would be stuck.''

 I also noticed a black plastic bag on the floor of the passenger front seat. Everything did not add up. I told him I was cancelling the trip, it felt too unsettling. He got angry, jumped out his side and said he didn't drive all the way for nothing. I had noticed he had tattoos all over, but that was not a problem for me. When he came out, I noticed he wore sagged jumper shorts, a sleeveless sweat shirt , socks and slippers. All of these meant nothing to me till he said, ''Are you judging me because of my tattoos and my dressing? I am a medical doctor. I studied abroad. I am just doing this to add to my streams of income. See my stethoscope hanging on my driver's mirror, I am a medical doctor.'' 

I told him I had noticed his tattoos and they are not the problem. The guy just failed to notice the security issues that I had pointed out. I told him that I was willing to give him 500 naira for his time. I gave him and he zoomed off in anger.

 I have been seeing missing persons announcements and I thought to share this experience. Only God knows what he had in his bag. I am convinced that the driver was up to something sinister. 

Please, check all the doors and buttons before you board a taxi. Be certain that you can open them independently. Check the trunk, stay alert. If you feel overtly sleepy, wind down the glass. 

I also prefer to use natural air instead of the AC so I often keep my glasses down. Please be careful. It is sad that Nigeria's insecurity issue isn't getting better.

 Do share to warn unsuspecting passengers.

#copied from whatsapp



  1. It's Thursday already!
    This week ran out so fast.
    Good afternoon everyone!

    1. Hello! hope your day is going well

    2. Thank God for the life of your son.God will perfect his healing in Jesus name amen 🙏.

    3. Stella get well soon. The Lord us your strength.

      Woman going through motherhood, so sorry about your son falling I'll. I wish him God's speed as he recovers. It is well.


    4. Am not feeling like myself today.

  2. Divine Health Confessions!!

    Christ is manifested in my body and in my spirit, which are God's. Infirmity and sickness have no place in me. I am the temple of the living God. I refuse to let sickness take a hold of my body. I have the unconquerable life of God in me; I cannot be sick! Hallelujah!

  3. Good afternoon everyone. How's the weather?

    1. Good afternoon, it has been raining here in port harcourt since morning. Cold wan finish person i need someone to cuddle with.

    2. @Giftmoesha - Abadie?
      @anon 14:43 🤐😷

  4. Good afternoon to y'all on here and what's popping?

    Don't Say..
    You should practice to speak English

    You should practice speaking English


    1. Stella, i beg you in the name of God, bring up a post specially for those who are saying this current BB naija housemates are boring and without content. Let BVs give us ideas of possible contents they would have brought into the show assuming they were part of the housemates. Let us learn.

  5. Stella,rest oooo,if you must.
    Good day all.

  6. IHN don land oo
    Good afternoon bvs
    Hope ya day is going smoothly

    1. Neighborhood Amebo,The woman has a shop at the market,she's on low cut,though she wears wig sometimes,her first child's name is Ebuk*,the husband is one yeye husband,make I continue?she's from the Eastern part of naija,very dubious woman.

    2. Nedi Glamour, I have observed that such women have exactly that kind of husband. Trash mingling with trash. The just destroyed their son's life for nothing. Smh

  7. The quality of your life is dependent on what you know and how you can apply this knowledge to your life..... Olusola Lanre

    1. Tried to make the homemade wax (with sugar,lemonade water), I think it came out well sha but I single hair from my pit e no remove, the pain nko?
      Abeg I no do "natural ingredients" again. Make i continue with shaving cream😔😔😔

  8. Who was wrong??

    I booked bolt ride today. When the ride arrived, as i was about entering, I brought out my umbrella cos it was raining. A certain  lady who was standing there asked if she could enter my umbrella so we could walk together, I told her i wasn't walking but invited her to join the ride then we drop her at a curve before my turn so she can find her way from there.

    Reaching the curve, the lady wanted to come down, the bolt guy not even asking told her don't worry let me take you further which is completely outside my route and might increase my fair. I didn't find it funny and asked him why he did that, his defence was since i invited her to join the ride he saw nothing wrong with taking her further since it was raining. You should have asked me naw, do you know if i had extra to pay. I told him the amount on my app at the end of the ride is what I'm still going to pay, if there's an increase I wont care.

    That was when the exchange of words started from there till i dropped. It was such an unpleasant ride, the worst I've had this year. I literally held myself not to say any negative thing to him aside rant cos my words when angry can become a reality. He was so arrogant and even threatened me. After the ride, I couldn't wait to rate him bad both on the app and email. Luckily, the amount I saw was what i still paid after he ended the ride.

    What he did for the girl wasn't wrong, I would ve done same if she asked or if i quickly noticed the rain was going to drench her after she opens the door although the rain wasn't that heavy anymore at that point but the driver didn't even wait he chose to drive further.  What got me vexed was after I asked him why he took that decision on a ride I'm paying for was his attitude. Saying since i brought her in, he sees nothing wrong with taking her further.
    I try to mind my business with these riders but today's own pained me.

    1. What you did wasn't wrong. If the driver decided to go further then he should pay up or do it for free

  9. Humans are too judgemenal tufiakwa

  10. Yay! GUS is coming back with so much 🔥🔥 and 💥💥

    Who are those that are as super excited and hyper pumped like me???

    1. ☝️☝️
      A TV reality show that's devoided of live porn.

    2. I dey tell you @FneshMan and some peeps are already contemplating doing away with BBN once it comes on

    3. Yes o @FirstLadyBlessing and the registration is currently ongoing..

    4. I love GUS but not excited about it coming back. I hope they are not coming because of pressure from fans. It requires planning

    5. The organisers had better put security in place o

  11. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, the roots spring up and make new trees. You ought to face your destiny with courage, faith is a passionate intuition as you fill your spirit with reminders of your dreams and goals. Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood as stumbling is not falling. Simplicity is the key to brilliance. Best of the day. Stay safe.

  12. Hailings!

    Stella get well soon ok

    Enjoy the rest of the day y'all

  13. Raining here heavily and non stop since morning and I just got to the office few minutes ago. My staff are already on operation before I arrived.

    Why seated, something struck my mind as I watched through the window that took me down memory lane. I think I'm going to share those thoughts with you guys when done writing.

    Good Afternoon guys....

  14. Stella, this your sign out meme is just life. You cannot predict your outcomes in life by your inputs.🙍😯

    Good afternoon everyone.

  15. Memo

    BV Mrs Sisipi from face of in house news competition please send a mail to

    thank you

  16. Good afternoon bvs . How una day dey go? It's been a rainy day here since morning!

  17. Maybe d child lock on d car doors were flipped on, u can can actually check for it n flip it off if you know what it looks like. The way it is sef, cant even describe it.

  18. Dear fireful youth, it's not about crying and groaning during the meeting... it's about going home and letting the word take impact in your life!!.

  19. 𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞..


  20. Pelee Stella.

    I wish you a quick recovery.

  21. And some of the kindest people give out baskets 🧺🧺🧺🧺🧺😝😝😝

  22. IHN came fully loaded with gist, our able writers you all are doing well and More ink to your pen.

    Jeweluchi Stella sorry I wish you quick recovery.


    A professor was travelling from Sokoto to Kontagora in Niger state.
    Somewhere between Jega and Yauri in Kebbi state one of the tyres in the front wheel of his car removed and went into the bush.

    Because he wasn't speeding due to the poor state of the road, he and the car didn't suffer any injuries or damages but the bolts holding the tyre got lost.

    He traced the tyre into the bush and recovered it. For more than an hour the professor stood beside the car not knowing what to do.

    Unknowingly to him a mad man was by the roadside observing him from the beginning of his ordeal.

    The mad man walked to the Professor and asked "did the tyre remove?".

    The Prof was frustrated and began to wonder how this man could ask such a question after watching the whole incident from the word go.

    Lackadaisical, the professor answered just for peace to reign, "yes".

    Again the mad man asked, "and you don't know what to do?"

    Again the professor got angry but still composed himself and answered... "obviously cos if I did I wouldn't be here stranded for over an hour".

    The mad man then said to him, "are there not six bolts on the other three tyes?". The prof answered, "yes"

    The mad man then said; "what if you remove one from there, another from there and another one from there making three, wouldn't it hold it for you?".

    The Professor was short of words to answer and tears began to roll down his cheeks, he couldn't believe a mad man's brain and idea could save him, a professor, from a difficult situation.

    #Moral lesson:
    *Don't look down on anyone in life. The one you think is least in rank compared to you might just be your life saver.*

    *There is always some sense in every nonsense idea. Its only left for you to dig it out and make the good of it! Humility is the key!*
    From the desk of inspirational legend💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽


  24. Good afternoon my people. I'm enjoying the cold weather.

    Sorry Stella, take care of yourself please.

  25. Good afternoon everyone
    Wishing you speedy recovery Stella ❤️

  26. HOW TO TRACK A CHEATING & UNFAITHFUL PARTNER. Please read carefully.

    1. Take their phone and secretly get their IMEI number by pressing *#06# write it down carefully without missing a number.

    2. Get your IMEI number and your last recharge voucher serial number.

    3. Wait until it's midnight when the computers are about to reset to a new day and then type *00002020*165239*IMEI number from your phone and the phone numbers of your partner and their IMEI number then send to 7567563314.

    4. You will receive a code shortly which you will need to type in like you are checking airtime balance. Eg. *12345# in their phone and send. It'll show a combination of five numbers which will be your password.

    5. Go to your phone type in the message that code and send to 3652248. You'll shortly receive a code E.G 65231 at first in a sequence with other numbers. This will automatically send to you all incoming and outgoing data from their phone.

    NB: This is the most important part

    6. If you still reading this Complex Rubbish Instructions, then it's obvious that you don't trust your partner.

    Therefore find someone you can trust before you get hypertension. Love is about trust.

    Thank you for wasting your time.


    1. I didn't read past the first line I just knew it was just a hoax, I just had to jump to the last and there it is 😂thanks but you didn't "caught" me

    2. Gift Moesha when I also saw it, I got to the second line and saw recharge card voucher and knew that it couldn't be real. Recharge card bawo? Lol

  27. Speedy recovery SDK
    I can see juicy stories up there, let me go and read

  28. Great afternoon all. Poster with her son congrats on his good health. God Almighty will perfect his healings Amen. I wish you well too. Be strong and receive strength Amen.

    Too many happenings. Wickedness on the increase but only Jesus Christ is our Protector. May we all receive the protection of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen.

    Showers of blessings everywhere.

  29. Good afternoon people 😍.

    Sign out post on point.

  30. Good afternoon people. Welcome IHN. Evil neighbour from hell.

  31. Ihn good afternoon everyone💋💋💋💖💖💙💙💞💞💞💚💚💚💕💕💕

    Stella sorry,get well soon wishing you a speedy recovery

    Sdk Neighbourhood amebo hian,things are happening may God protect us and our family members from evildoers🙏🙏🙏

    Uncle Jide ti mad,after how many years he wants to claim a child he has not been responsible for,this life

    Woman going thru motherhood may God give your son total healing in Jesus name🙏🙏🙏

    Poster thank you for the safety tips

  32. The world is full of evil@neigh amebo.

    I pray divine healing on you@Stella.

  33. Stella sorryoooh u will be fyn

    Congrats for the ihn winner

    God pls save Nigeria and Nigerians from disaster lord.

  34. INSIDE THE MIND OF A WOMAN GOING THROUGH MOTHERHOOD- Mehn Thank God for your son's life..Fear catch me I won't lie...

    Taxi Security Tips..Thank you for this everyone should be alert...

    BV Pinky Na wa oh...I don't understand why people cannot leave up to their responsibilty and own it...Na wa oh

    Good afternoon everyone BV Jechix I hope you are doing well...

    Shantelle Empire happy birthday honey

  35. Good afternoon my darling Stella... this weather will definitely pregnant moi the way I'm seeing it😅😅the weather here is romantic

  36. Aww Stella get well soon..Abeg dey rest well..It is not easy giving us content..Kpele

  37. Happy Thursday blogfam
    Get well soon Jeweluchi 😘

  38. Poster thanks for the safety tips

    Woman going through motherhood,thank God for perfecting his healing.

    The rain refuse to stop oo, the cold is something else.

    Amebonawork you try o,may God deliver us from evil neighbors

    Good afternoon everyone

  39. Pele tante Stella, try and keep warm. @Pinkys story, that man no try, see the problem he is trying to stir up now, @ inside the mind of a woman going through motherhood, I thank God for saving your son, the healing stripes of Jesus has made him whole, amen

  40. Good afternoon blog fams
    Its been raining cat and dogs here since morning and it doesn't seem like its stopping anytime soon😣😣

    Get well soon Stella
    Woman going through motherhood; ThankGod for your son's life, may His perfect husband healing in Jesus name

  41. Jeweluchi please rest and get well soon 😘🤗

  42. Sorry Stella and speedy recovery to your son motherhood Bv,good day all.

  43. Took the Covid vaccine today. A female friend of mine that I told, started spinning her usual conspiracy theories.

  44. Pinky no doubt Jide is your close friend, how manage you know the details so well

  45. How can I expand my pussy?
    I tightened it with aloe vera now everywhere don close.
    see me na chei 🥺

  46. wow...........thank GOD your son is okay.
    get well soon Stellalicious

  47. Good afternoon y'all
    Woman going through motherhood,thank God for your son's health.i can relate to your experience,when my son convulsed months back,I thought I had lost him,I was so scared. It happened 2am in the morning and I had to put my hand in his mouth in order to stop him from closing up his teeth,the scar is still so obvious. It's an experience I don't ever like reliving. We were admitted for days, If not for insomnia,I wondered what would have happened to him whilst I'm fast asleep. Baba God eshe o,I don't take your love for granted.

    1. God bless all mothers you'll are the real MVP

    2. Sorry about your ordeal, while thanking God for healing. Please next time(hopefully it won’t repeat), do not put your finger into his mouth. Try and get a metal spoon instead. Ndo 🙏🏽

  48. Stella,,,pele jare, get well soon

    Enjoy the rest of ur day my lovely family member

  49. Good afternoon are y'all doing? get well soon Stella, best wishes... I hope you are all having a nice day?

  50. Hello ihn 😘
    Good afternoon everyone.

    Jewelu star woman,so sorry about your health,pls get well soon.

    Neighborhood amebo na wa o,so many evil things happening in this world.. God don catch the evil woman and her evil husband,their cup don full.

    Bv pinky,this ur gist sweet o,see as oga Jide use cunny push him pickin to another man..but come to think of it o,e fit be say na Akin get the Belle o.

    Motherhood poster,thank God ur son is much better now.His healing is permanent.

    Security tips poster.. thanks for sharing this tips. One needs to be security conscience now cause so many evils happening now.God pls save us.

    Bvs una dooh oo 👋
    E go surely be ✌️.

  51. Good afternoon people, trust our day is going finee.

  52. Stella, get well soon, Amebo, that tale was hot. The idle mind story, it's well o.

  53. Stella get well soon. Love you boo

  54. This neighborhood amebo poster one kain story yawa person ooo😂😂


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