Stella Dimoko Saturday Morning Spontaneous Post....



Saturday, September 18, 2021

Saturday Morning Spontaneous Post....

 #saturdaymorn #ekaro #ndewo #namaste #goodtidings #itiswhatitis #happyday #dontletthesungodownonyou #enjoytheday #letloveleadifyoucan #letyourhairdown #oghenemeh

Ekaro Oh......

Here's hoping your Friday went smoothly and that you slept well? Nice!

May today be a perfect day, May you find love and laughter where ever you go...

May God keep you in his tender care all day...

May all your plans work out well if it will not put anyone in harms way...

Just wondering that thieves and kidnappers and murderers also pray in the Mornings before they leave the house to carry out their evil....

E go be!



  1. Inhabitants Of The Heavenly Jerusalem!!
    Psalm 50:2.


    "In Isaiah 60:15(MSG), Zion refers figuratively to Israel as the people of God"

    "But today, in the New Testament, Zion refers to God's spiritual Kingdom, which we're a part of. Hebrews 12:18, 22-23(MSG)"

    "So, in the mind of God, we live in Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem, NOW, in the same way that the natural born Jews live in Jerusalem that's in the middle East"


    I'm not of this world; I'm born from heaven and live the life of heaven now in the earth! I'm conscious of my heavenly blessings, rights and privileges, and I walk in them to the full. Hallelujah!

    Further Study -
    Pslam 48:11 AMPC; Psalm 50:2; Psalm 69:34-36

    1. Amen...
      Thanks Stellz, I slept well. Body no be firewood abeg.

      I need maximum rest this weekend. I deserve it!

    2. Good morning to y'all on here and happy weekend to you too..🥰😍🤩😘

    3. Good morning blog visitors..

      A sunny Saturday... Loving the weather already..


    4. Amen! Good morning Rhapsody.

  2. This new day as you go forth...

    May the Lord lift every embargo on your life making it difficult for you to move forward...

    May the hand of God be upon you to empower you for great impact...

    In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Amen.

    Blessed day and exciting weekend, I wish you!!!

  3. Replies
    1. Beautiful to you @Miss SOPHIA.How are you doing?

  4. Amennnnnnn to your prayers Stella. Good morning all. A blessed and fruitful day to us all. Happy Saturday.

    1. Hope you're better today? Quick recovery 🙏🤗🤗

  5. Good morning everyone,I wish you all a great weekend.

  6. Amen

    Like who or what will they pray to?

    Morning fam, enjoy your weekend

    School resumes on Monday in kwara state, end of long hours of sleep

  7. May today be filled with love, laughter, fun and fulfillment...

    May all evil doers .. the kidnappers, bandits, seemed robbers, evil doers, murderers and all the politicians and leaders that don't want the good of this country meet their Waterloo 🙏🏿

  8. Beautiful morning to you all ❤️❤️😙

    1. Beautiful morning to you.Trust you are fine @BLACKSLIMZY?


    2. Beautiful morning to you.Trust you are fine @BLACKSLIMZY?


    3. Good morning ogoja boy, I'm good

  9. Wait oh!

    Is it true that pastors now pray for Yahoo boys to be successful in their business?

    I'm just shocked and surprised at what I heard.

    Imagine someone who calls himself a man of God supporting evil.

    1. Is possible the pastor doesn't know what they do for a living or the pastor knows but greed to have heavy offering and tithe from them has closed their eyes from seeing the truth.

      Let us not generalised until one is sure that those pastors understand that they are yahoo boys and still pray for them.

    2. Let's just leave this story for another day cos matter plenty.
      Nigerians are so gullible and easy to decieve, the easiest way is to attach pastor or imam to your name and there you have it. Or just pretend to be spiritual by quoting passages from the Bible or Quran, share small money or gift with pictures and videos of you doing such, you don play them finish be that.
      Just read yesterday's post on being kidnapped and see what humanity has become here.. may God bless everyone with the kind of people they deserve, as you can't help a kidnap husband, so may you be married to a man who won't also help you if kidnapped.
      NONSENSE country

    3. @BitchandSlut: No, it is not true. I typed, "No" because, in a crate where we find a few bad eggs, we could also find some good eggs.

      In that, despite the fact we have some "pastors" who have allowed their stomaches become their gods, pastor who are/were not truly called or called at all, we still have some who are/were truly called, some who no matter what, will never bow to pressure. Never!

      So, let's kindly not lump them together through generalization. I come in peace.

    4. Not all though, even some Pastors are yahoo yahoo members

    5. Pastors wey dey do MMM with church money? some pastors sef ba yahoo yahoo, there's this respected pastor here that was preaching against MMM and all those ponzi schemes,only for the wife to gather women and tell us to register MMM, since mama says so, most of us begin do am, na so our money crash,

    6. Bitchplus.. Are you A jjc?
      Not new thing.. Na old story.
      They receive car and cash donations for them.. Some churches have mostly Yahoo boys as members..

    7. I remember one useless prophet that said I shd snap my man's atm card so he can use it for yahoo and wipe his acct. I warned him and blocked d thief

  10. Morning Queens and Kings. 💛💛

    1. Good morning Perx, how have you been? How's your Lil damsel? Glad to see your comment this morning.

    2. Good morning perxian I hope you are good.
      How's your beautiful daughter I hope she's okay

    3. Good morning baibay. Been a minute!

    4. Good to have you back, hope you're good?

    5. Been a while! How have you been? And our princess

    6. Good to have you back..hope your princess is fine? Loads of ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  11. Good morning people, amen to your prayers, Stella

  12. Up and thankful🤸🤸💓
    Good morning to everyone💓

  13. Beautiful Saturday morning my people.

    Amen yo your prayers @Stella.

    The life no balance at all, today is resting Saturday for me.

  14. Good morning and a lovely weekend to you all💋💋💕💕💙💙💖💖💚💚💞💞

  15. I dunno who sent me overtime work. I went to apply to work today. Now I no wan do. Kai! The pursuit of money ehn 🙃🙃🙃

  16. Replies
    1. I have been trying to send an email,and I keep getting that the email address is wrong. Is actually a gmail.

  17. Good morning this morning everyone 💕💕💕

    Stella babe 💕💕💕 good morning.

    Happy weekend.

  18. Good morning people

    Teejay's yesterday contribution story made me remembered how God saved me when I newly opened my store.

    The lady came to tell me how they collect Ajo for people and pay monthly.I have never liked Ajo right from my secondary school days.Thats how she was consistently collecting and paying them monthly till the 4th month when my neighbour increased her ajo to #100k so as to pay her daughter's fee when they resume school.The Ajo lady has japa and even packed from her house.My neighbour has been crying and cursing her.

    I will rather do kolo than Ajo(contribution)

    1. Some people are wicked, in this harsh economy they still have mind to dupe their fellow hustler

    2. Cursing her kwa?! Dem no go find her, beat crase comot her head?
      Where is she packing to? Did she die?!
      It's paining me cos it's happened in my area before. The beating ehn

  19. Good morning my lovely blogfam 😘.

    Amen to your prayers Jewelu star woman.

    It's a beautiful sunny mimorni here,we give God the glory.

    I've a whole lot to do today,so I breezed in there to wish you all a beautiful Saturday.Make I go start with my poultry first.

    E go surely be ✌️.

  20. A Resounding Amen and Amen 🙏🙌👏 to your prayer Stella..

    God continue to bless you and yours..

    God's blessings upon all d Angels 😇 here.

    God's blessings upon us all in Jesus name.Amen.

    Good morning everyone ❤😍😘☺

  21. En route to village(Enugu). Somebody's son said he wants to come and introduce himself(the anon wey talk say that phrase irritates him or her, sorry o😂😂😂 cause I already know you will be irritated🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣).

    Please, any Enugu based professional makeup artist here???

    I'm open for recommendations too, thank you.

    Have a lovely day y'all 😘 😘 😘 😘

    1. Wow great news! So happy for you Jessi. Congratulations to you. I wish you a safe trip and pray all goes well

    2. Awww, congrats sweetheart. 🎊💞

    3. Congratulations 🎊🎈🍾

    4. Hey! Congratulations ☺️🤗

    5. Happy for you

      Pretty Patience

    6. Yassssss 🥳🎉 congratulations darling 🥳🎉🎊 success all the way

    7. Congratulations dear....


    8. Thanks Lovelies, I appreciate you all 💖

    9. Goodnews💃💃💃congratulations with u a successful introduction.

    10. Congrats nne.

  22. May GOD make your saturday a super pack of funfair,peace,love and joy.Good blogfam

  23. May GOD make your saturday a super pack of funfair,peace,love and joy.Good morning blogfam

    1. Beautiful morning to you @ESSAATELIER.How are you doing?Trust you are fine?Have a terrific saturday.Have not read your today's devotional.What a gwan?

  24. Good morning Sdkers, blessed weekend to you all.

    A big thank you to bv Wendy for the birthday shout out, thanks hun. Went through some missed posts and saw it, God bless you more hun. Hope you had a beautiful birthday?

    Thanks to everyone of you darlings for the birthday wishes, sorry this came late. God's blessings always. 🌺🌺❤️

    Belated blessed birthday to everyone that has celebrated their birthday especially to Stella's Virgo bambino, he must be a rare gem.

    1. Happy belated birthday baby 🎂💕 age gracefully

    2. Thanks hun @Jessi. 😘

      Yea i did love,☺️@Essa

      Thanks sweetie @SM boo boo. 😘

    3. @Chisom: You are welcome and God bless you too.

      Yes, I had a very beautiful birthday. I can't start typing all that happened. And funnily enough, as I am typing this, I just got a birthday gift delivered to me.

      Hope yours was beautiful too?

    4. Yea it was babe. It's still our birth month so more gifts to us. ☺️❤️

    5. Thanks my darlings @Amarachi and Beautiful soul.

  25. Good morning everyone
    It’s chores day, have a lot to do

  26. Good morning Everyone! Amen to your prayers! Happy weekend!

  27. Good morning everyone
    It’s chores day, have a lot to do

  28. Lagos Mainland Girl18 September 2021 at 08:59

    Amen Woman Of God Stella!

    Good morning FAM
    How una dey?

  29. Good morning beautiful people.

  30. Good morning beautiful people,I want to thank God in my life,I praise him for the things he has done and will do,God perfect everything concerning me,give me the wisdom I need to pull through,thank you for answered prayers

  31. Goodu morning o. I also wish to go and greet Tinubu in London ,but no tfare, abi who will contribute money for me too bayi? So I can go and do get well soon to jagaban

  32. Abeg howmuch be scaling and polishing umunnem???

    1. Depends on the number of teeth you have nna/nne.

  33. Gooooooooood morning People. Happy weekend oo. Still in bed e no easy rara. Saturday na for smallrest for me. Here's wishing us all a beautiful n stress free day.


    "For who has known the mind of the Lord, so as to instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16

    When God gives you a command, whether spoken or written, you are not limited by your own finite mind and human ability to carry it out. As a born again believer, you have received the mind of Christ. You have received a new nature that empowers you to do everything God commanded you. With the mind of Christ, you can love like Him, submit to the Father’s will like Him, respond like Him, wait patiently like Him, and endure and persevere like Him.
    Messages From God's Heart

    1. Wow!The devotional is here.I crave to wear the mind of christ daily IJN.Thanks dearly @ ESSAATELIER.God keep blessing you.

  35. Pls how does one go about beneficiaries.

  36. Good morning lovelies.. beautiful weekends to us all

  37. Good morning all,have a blessed and lovely weekend

  38. Some of us need to be calming down. Not everyone takes certain posts seriously. BEP is one of such. Judging people, based simply on comments made on certain posts is sometimes misplaced. Some comments na cruise. A kind person doesn't pray for negative incidences to happen to others. I understand that certain topic might ignite negative emotions in some who have experienced it, and they're allowed to feel that way. However, if anyone chooses to judge others based only on comments made on this blog, you just might be judging the person wrongly.

  39. Amen to your wishes to the house Stella
    And also to you too

    Good morning everyone and happy weekend

  40. But finish house chores with baby on my back.

  41. This weekend, Almighty God will compensate your life with a new glory and an outstanding breakthrough.
    Heavens shall crown all your prayers with an unimaginable testimony. All situations, laws, constitutions circumstances and legislations shall work for your favour and upliftment.
    All heavenly forces shall work for you and transform your life.
    Your glorious results shall silence all your wicked enemies forever and You shall climb a new height of prosperity and destiny fulfillments, In Jesus mighty name.
    Good Morning.
    _Have a blessed weekend..._

  42. Good afternoon all...

    Have a blessed afternoon.

    Happy weekend to you all ❣️😍


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