Stella Dimoko Saturday Breakfast Post



Saturday, September 18, 2021

Saturday Breakfast Post

Have you considered hot Jollof rice on a fine Saturday Morning? Just Jollof rice and no other distractions!

I would love to eat Jollof rice with plantain, moin moin by the side, some Vegetable soup by the side, ofada sauce with pomo, eggs, roundabout and ram meat..... LOL

In reality i just had my 'Oyibo' Breakfast of Tea, bread, strawberry Jam, Chicken filet for the bread, Cappuccino et al.

What do you dream of eating as breakfast and what did you eat?


  1. I am preparing yam and beans.

    I do this every Saturday for over 3 years now. My family is used to it and always looking forwrd to a meal of yam n beans on Saturday morning.

    1. That's good.
      I personally dislike the combination beans and yam.
      It's either beans alone or yam alone.
      The day I made it for my kids, they didn't eat it.
      Guess it runs in the family, lol!

  2. Pan cakes and sprite πŸ˜‹ got me in the 1hr.

    Doing Saturday chores now.

  3. I just finished eating spicy jollof with dry fish.It was yummyπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

  4. Drinking water and watching TV

  5. What I dreamt of eating is Nsala soup with catfish.Pregnancy cravings don start.

    I helped a neighbor make Nsala soup with catfish yesterday.She begged me to eat the delicious soup with them but I declined the offer.I watched them eat the soup and devour the fish and I almost ran mad.
    I returned to my house and after few hours I couldn't get the soup and fish off my mind and it was late at night.I almost went to beg them for the soup o.I sha dreamt of eating it this morning but I made jollof instead.

    I will be going out later to get catfish mbok,problem is I won't be able to eat it after cooking it in my houseπŸ˜₯

    1. You should have collected na. Even if you weren't hungry. Collect and out in the freezer πŸ˜€

      I'm even graving nsala soup laidis. With cash fish, dry fish, intestines and kidney. Very yummy

  6. Hehehe Stella…coincidentally, I am eating jollof rice and plantain. So yummy

  7. Don't feel like eating this morning maybe by 4 will eat eba n egusi and am done for the day

  8. I had green tea.
    Dream breakfast?πŸ€” Maybe fruits and a bowl of salad

  9. Yam is currently cookingπŸ˜₯ even though it's bread,fried eggs and tea I would really love to have πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

  10. Just warmed the leftover spaghetti for the kids,still thinking of what to eat

  11. I had Akara and pap for breakfast.

  12. Dream breakfast?? Who breakfast help sef πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

    I will be making buka stew with assorted to download with brown rice

    Normally I don't like nor eat too much pepper but I noticed for the past few months now I enjoying eating peppery sauce or stew 🀷🀷🀷 just wondering what happened to my system

    1. Welcome to the pepper dem geng. Lol. Enjoy darling.

    2. Sunshine Sweetie πŸ’–πŸ’– see me oh,I can't even explain how it happened!! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ Pepper dem gangπŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    3. Lol!!!
      I follow for una Gang Ooh.
      πŸ’•πŸ˜πŸ₯°πŸ’•πŸ˜πŸ₯°πŸ’•πŸ˜πŸ₯° Happy weekend girls!

    4. I think pepper eating comes with age, but some start early, while people in group, grow with increasing pepper intake,
      My funny experience, a friend of mine from Salvador, once begged me to teach her on how to eat pepper, just because her doctor recommended it. She even got a big book to read for it, l laughed at her book.

  13. I had some spaghetti and afterwards took some biscuits and tea for breakfast.

  14. Replies
    1. I wish u good luck on your interview.we await your goodnews.

  15. Eba and okra and ogbono soup. I can't imagine having draw soup and not eating swallow in the morning abeg. I had to make the eba over night or else e no go sweet me. I'm off to the gym now. Who do me laidis?

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ your comment cracked me up.
      As long as you are active, you can eat everything, just be mindful of portion.
      Like you can make small eba, With plenty soup.
      Just reduce oil to the barest, while making your soup.
      Enjoy your weekend dear, 😘

  16. Fried rice did it for us this morning.

  17. Dream breakfast is akara and custard,but I no fit do that wahala this morning so we settled for pancakes and warm milk.
    I've made turkey stew,afang and egusi soup just this morning,to be kept in the freezer. I'll be having peppered sauce laced with shredded pomo,iru and ejika,to be eaten with ekuru. Kids and hubby will never eat it so they'll be having rice with curry sauce.

    1. I want turkey stew!
      You sure your weekend sorted out already.

  18. 4 raps of okpa ntucha and pap down loaded this morning, waiting for afternoon food which will be white rice and egusi soup

  19. you guys eat heavy o kudos ..I had oats with mashed banana inside ,bacon and ginger tea

    1. Lol!
      Varieties na the spice of life.

      I have soaked my oats in milk with cinnamon will be eating it an hour.

      I have been sipping lime water and Lipton.

      Late evening should be peppered okro soup without any swallow.

      I made pancake mixed with sardine and tea for the kids.

      Afternoon is Egusi soup and garri for them.

      Snacks is watermelon and some bananas.

      In the night they will be having boiled yams and mixed vegetables sauce.

      Then warm milk and honey before they sleep.

      My dear husband has already downloaded peppered okro soup with hot akpu this late morning and was giving me side eyes as he eats lol!

      Happy weekend guys.

  20. i just had native rice with small snails, shrimps, crayfish, ponmo with fried meat.

    1. My throat is longing for some of your meal.

  21. I just had Poundo yam with catfish Banga soup. So sleepy right now.

  22. Nothing this morning sickness is dealing with me, I can’t stand the thought, smell and Sight of food 😩😩

  23. Yellow Irish potato, boiled with cabbage, carrot, purple onion, spring onion, green pepper, shallot, baby green peas, beef, spices, all cooked together with lots of water at the end, add vegetable oil.

  24. 1st time commenting on this food section.
    Funny, I made very spicy sweet jollof yesterday, even ate it twice, lunch and dinner. It was that gooooddd.
    Had not planned breakfast yet, but seeing this JF, I'm salivating for my jollof.
    Wahala is, woke my pikin by 5am, we japa to wholesalers seafood market close to us, but different types of fish - just lying on the sofa resting before I clean fish.

    I'm thinking one of the fish with the jollof. Yes, breakfast oh, na so e dey hungry me.

    1. Cleaning fish eh, let me not complain. When done, the hunger that was wayaing me eh, I couldn't wait to bake fish oh, I just threw all the fish heads in a pot made better fish head pepper soup with sweet potatoes, carrots and acini de pepper pasta. Jollof, see you later.

  25. Pottage. Porridge is pap and oats etc


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