Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Saturday, September 18, 2021

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Hi Stella.

Hi BV’s.

I’m sending this chronicle because I feel like I need a hard reset and I need the undiluted truth.

I have been in two relationships all my life.

I’m actually in the second one.

I’m 30 years old.

I dated my ex for some years. long enough for a child who’s was born when we started dating to get into primary school.

We were headed to get married before he developed cold feet, and wasn’t so sure anymore.   So I broke things off myself.

After about a year plus, I got into this second relationship.

He is a great person.

Loves me. Loves my family. Supportive of my goals. Family oriented. And smart.

We’ve had a few hurdles here and there but we’ve always surmounted it.

Now to the issue at hand.

I am worried about our conflict resolution.

Most times we have issues, I’m always the one who goes to meet him to talk. If I don’t, we may not talk to each other for days. This has happened a couple of times. I practically beg him to talk. Most times after our conversations, we won’t resolve it properly until I cry. I’m a very soft babe. I don’t like malice so I do everything within my power to make sure it doesn’t happen.

I sleep over at his sometimes. It’s meant to be a no S#x relationship but it’s not been easy. So when I’m there and issues come up, he’s ready to ignore me till I come and meet him.

He takes things very seriously and so a simple step out of line can be a big deal.

There was an issue that we had. I did something bad during an argument. No I didn’t slap him. I wanted us to talk and he hit me with the ‘I don’t Want to talk’ and I insisted and In the process raised my voice at him. He made to leave the house and I refused. Then he left through the other door and I locked it.

He felt I had no right to do that and after three days, said he was done with the relationship. Note that he didn’t reach out.

I was the one who went to his house before he could talk and tell me he was done.

I apologised and begged the next morning and also cried before we made up and continued.

The last issue we’ve had that has made me have a rethink is that he hasn’t been feeling too good and felt like I wasn’t caring enough.

He had mentioned it but I was suggesting palliative care and wanted to be sure before we treat anything.

So I got back one day and instead of asking about his health as I could see he was very sick, I asked about something else and he said he didn’t want to talk again.

We didn’t talk for three days even though we were in the same space.

I had to go and meet him again and he said he doesn’t want to talk as he’s not feeling too good. Doesn’t want to tell me what he’s symptoms are. Isn’t allowing me to touch him. Giving me one worded answers.

I’m going back to my place today and to be honest I don’t know what else to do.

We’ve already started marriage plans but I feel he takes me for granted or i cheapened myself to him. I may be wrong. But if this is the case, what do I do?

If it’s not, how should I handle this.

I suspect he thinks I’m desperate for marriage as I’ve jokingly said once that I’m old.

Please what should I do.

I’m tired.

*What kind of marriage headed relationship is this that looks like Jamb exams?
Please the next time there is a problem, dont be the first to go to him, stay where you are and see how long it will take him to contact you and if not then the relationship will die from there...

Marriage is not perfect but with this kind f person it will lead to deep frustration.
If the quarrels are becoming to frequent and you are always the one apologising, if you go ahead to marry him, get ready to continue with the apology...

Not right all..


  1. Na real wa oh! NARCISSISM IS ALL I SEE HERE

    1. @ Poster this man will use MALICE to finish and kill before the marriage clock ⏰ 1yr..

      Please run 🏃‍♀️

      He is using malice to settle debt🤣

    2. Lol
      I’m the poster and phew! You guys hold no hostages at all. 😂😂.
      From Stella’s red pen to the sarcasm and the outright reprimands.
      Thank you guys.
      I don’t take you all for granted.
      The nut that unscrewed in my brain has been screwed back.

      I’m back to my house

      I would just let him be. Maybe text once a day to check up on his health.

      But I will let him be for now and start cutting ties with him in my mind.

      I’m just realising that ALL the major issues we’ve had were only resolved after I MADE the move to talk.

      It’s only once that he came to find me after I ignored him.
      I understand sometimes he needs time to process his feelings but nah, it’s too much.
      I’ve been the one going after him and God knows I’m exhausted already.

      Thank you guys.
      Thank you!

    3. Hi poster from ur write up now I see u as someone who will u “die there”, he needs time to process his feelings while u guys are making marriage plans???? OMG, u well at all or has he so diminished ur self esteem? Or u are so desperate n totally lost ur sense of reasoning. Please don’t come back here soliciting for advice because u don’t need it. No one is telling u to take any hasty decisions but mehnnn this ur recent post just says it all that people are wasting their time typing for u

    4. Babe he’s a narcissist. Dump him. He’s not going to make u happy. He thinks I are desperate so he can do what he wants. And u are soft so after a while u will start getting stressed. It’s better to stay single than be with a narcissist. Dump him I beg.

  2. Babe is more like yur the only one inlove in dis situationship🤔

    1. Exactly what I wanted to write, it MUST be the effort of the two of you, so if it's only your effort then you are on a very long thing

    2. My ex was like that. That was how relationship ended.i would be the one to reach out after any misunderstanding,mind you these misunderstandings were not even my fault most times. One day I decided not to reach out to see what would happen and that's how he never called and I just deleted his number and moved on.
      My husband does not allow our quarrels go beyond that day.

  3. Poster are you ready to keep apologising, begging and compromising for years of your marriage? Not that any of this is bad but when it's continually one-sided it looks like he married you out of pity and therefore have control over your life. O don't believe it will stop at arguments. Maybe next time it will be whether or not to quit your job, take kids to the hospital, put properties in his name and so on. If this is so much for you to bear then please walk away. Divorce is on the rise and don't let yours be a part of the statistics

  4. This one is a one way street. You're the only one putting in the effort to make the relationship work and your guy is obviously not interested

  5. Dear poster..Let me be brutally honest. Manipulation is the skillful handling,controlling or using of something or someone. But this word also has some negative connotations. A manipulative person knows how to twist words,play on emotions and otherwise manage a situation in a sneaky fashion to get what He/She wants. I think here lies your answer. You decide. #StayDiscerning.

    1. The guy is a disaster waiting to happen
      Poster you cannot cure his deviousness


  6. Pls dump him before you enter a marriage of tears. Don't you read comments here? What are some girls dumb like this? So you want to marry late and marry nonsense at the end?
    Women come here to complain of how they cry silent tears in their marriage to your kind of man. How they will be the one to beg him even if he was the one who was wrong. How their husbands do not give a damn about them, how their husbands would keep malice with them for weeks until they cry and beg, yet you still want to chook head. I no pity you at all. Shebi na marriage you want, you go see marriage.

    1. jeez some of you are so rude.. cant you give advice without being nasty? she knows something is not right that is why she is seeking advice but some of you are just ready to be nasty..

  7. See my friend,it's not going to get better even after marriage.. love is not enough ... Do it right

  8. If your relationship now lacks communication;and your partner is not willing to learn and adjust;kindly do yourself a favour and dissolve it now(in posters case)..

    Marriage is between Two people(Forgivers) who are willing to Love,communicate,forgive,understand,learn what needs to and move ahead..

    Probably you are not all it seems to him;he is trying to fit in a missing puzzle in what both of you share now(Relationship) and each time you both quarrel;the puzzle fits in and he gets enough reason why he isn't suppose to settle down with you as a wife..

    You are the one who needs the marriage here;not him,cos a man who loves you enough can only be angry for sometime and still come around;and not you crying every minute and further inflate his ego then he sees himself as a demigod..

    Its tiring;the crying and begging might mean little to you now but if you eventually settle down with him as a husband;YOU GO BEG TIRE and become frustrated and that will lead to hatred with time cos you will realise you settled for less than you deserve..

    Real men dont keep malice;they say their mind and move on..

    The HARD truth? He was only attracted to you;came in and wasnt okay with what he saw,but doesnt know how to go about breaking it off with you..

    He just Hope's one day the quarrel will linger where you will also decide not to talk to him;and that ends the relationship easily for him..Coward Style!!


    1. True, he is very petty and doesn't cherish her

    2. Oga Martins, abeg face your market please and leave relationship matters, cream matter, cosmetics matter, weave on matter alone. Did you read the chronicle up there? Is the poster a baby that can’t act right for once? Someone chronicled how she behaves with her fiancé, can’t you for once put yourself in his shoes and think how I will react if my wife behaves like this? No, her fiancé never wanted the relationship to end, if he does, he could have outrightly call off the relationship. This is a man that needs time to process his thoughts, and after, things are back to how it was. Or you want him to react and be termed someone with anger issues? The two times poster wrote about, she was clearly in the wrong, didn’t she even say he was a great guy? If you want to keep on licking asses, please do, but not at the detriment of a “great guy” who just want a lady with a good head on her shoulders, not a lady who allows her hormones to get the better part of her. So how’s sales today?

    3. Poster, I dated this kind of person in my past Life and it frustrated me. I was always apologizing and explaining myself. You don’t want to keep doing that, trust me! He probably knows you love him more or you are probably eager to settle down. You need to start holding your ground and see how he reacts. You need to see yourself as more. You need to show him you have self esteem and some self pride. If it gets more toxic, just bail. The best decision I made was not to marry ex that was like that.

    4. Yur Past Life..???😲🤒☹️😵👻

    5. Anonymous 16:07, I understand where you are looking at it from but this is a bit harsh on Martin's. He might not have deliberated on the poster's issue comprehensively, but he picked out some flaws and Gabe his opinion. We don't have to result to this level of debasement to pass across our disagreement - your opening remark is so unnecessary. Teach with love, we all see things differently.

    6. To the issue at hand.
      Poster yes you might have cheapened yourself by staying over at his place. Even though you said it's a sexless relationship, but you are doing some other wifey duties already at his place. Put on some garments of respect on your person and stop visiting him. Let him be the one doing the visiting, if he's genuinely interested. The sexlessness could be the reason for his attitude. Guys and sex are 5 and 6.
      Then again, I don't know how good your communication skills are, he might be an individual who doesn't like confrontation and would rather recoil into his space rather than talk things through.
      Your fear should be, is he controlling, very less understanding, intolerable, emotionally petty (I think he is), does he have a competing disposition towards you in the relationship? If he is all this and more, with your personality you can't complement each other. Your compatibilities are at variance and can't fly without, because all ai foresee is inconsiderate adjustments. And like Stella suggested, with this new quarrel don't reach out. See how be manages it, in it lies some of the questions you need to answer by yourself.

    7. Anon 16:07 why are you taking it so personal? Leave Martin abeg and face your frustrations.

  9. “”We’ve already started marriage plans but I feel he takes me for granted or i cheapened myself to him. I may be wrong. But if this is the case, what do I do? “”

    The quote above is urs n darling this is where ur problem is. Once u start begging a guy everytime thinking oh I’m the woman n I shld keep my home or relationship then ur value depreciates. Trust me that doesn’t make a guy love u more instead it makes u seem and look desperate, I remember in my own case my cousin who is a guy would always tell me to hold myself but I never did cos of age and “fear of him leaving if I dnt beg” he would always tell me whenever u start feeling so nervous and panicking that is the time to throw ur heart out and reason with ur head because men reason with their head.

    You are sitting on a veryyyyy long thing n if he has put u in a mixed feeling place in his heart ur begging n seeming like the virtuos woman won’t make him value u.
    When next u have a disagreement please madam respect ur self, STAY IN YOUR SPACE ALSO ,and don’t go running back to him once u see his call or msgs , he will guilt trip u into making u feel u r the problem n u shld keep chasing him because honestly uve been the one doing the chasing n not him n so u are now the man .
    Forget my long epistle but if u search deep down u know the answer to ur predicament but u just don’t want to take chances. If he wants u ull know and U see the fear that he ll leave if u dnt keep begging ? My dear he’ll leave even if u move the mountain for him n I fear his heart moved on from u a while ago.

    Please be guided , Marrying u in this case does not mean he loves u, I’m sorry but ull suffer if u keep this energy with him

    1. Many were brought up to believe that a woman ALONE should push a relationship , while the man puts minimal effort

  10. If you are in a relationship, whether you are a man or woman and you feel drained, if you have to put in so much effort for such relationship to work, my dear, you are in a wrong place, take a walk and don't look back. Relationship between two people who have feelings for each other is meant to be smooth most of the time with a lot of funny moments, it shouldn't feel like you are in an exam hall all the time. What's the begging and crying all the time for?

  11. He wants you to leave but your persistence is still holding him. He is just like my husband. He wants me to beg in everything. I was just like you.
    I begged for his attention, begged to be loved and most times, sex.
    I am treating him back like everything he did to me, he is getting it back.

    Don't be like me that tolerated such a narcissist fellow.
    Walk away while they're is still time, or set the pace for the relationship now. Don't go after him, allow him to come.
    Men are meant to come after women, not the other way round.

    1. Women are their worst enemy.You are advising the poster to walk away but you are still with ur own hubby which you said is exactly like the poster's partner. So why haven't you walk away.

    2. Am married, and she is not yet. Annie is still with Tuface, just like other women. I think, l am the Narcissist fellow in the marriage now.

    3. anonymous next comprehend before because you ended up in a ditch (apologies amara I am just making an example) you cannot warn others? must other women fall into the same ditch and suffer the issues? that is even showing love than allowing another woman go through it. the guy is obviously immature and has no feelings for her, she has not married him yet so now is the best time to walk.

  12. He has someone else. He does not love you. That is how most of them behave in a no sex relationship like you forced them to date you. They will start frustrating you unnecessarily to break your resolve and that is the right time to ghost them but you kept on begging and crying on top what Nah? One tried that with me, gave me a cold shoulder, one worded answer too and told me I was not caring enough. I just blocked him. He later came back and told me what was actually biting him which was lack of sex but I was done. He has someone he is sleeping with. You are not the only one he is seeing.

    Sorry if it seemed like I jumped into conclusion but he does not love you. But you said he loves you. Please can you highlight the things he does that made you feel that way because all the things you wrote contradicts the action of someone who loves you. More like he is tolerating you and dating you out of pity.
    No matter what do not sleep with him and stop sleeping over at his place.

    1. He may be restful that you are sleeping with him

      It shows how childish and petty

      People get married at different ages all the time !

      Do not settle for the dregs of human behaviour because you are afraid to start over

  13. Poster there are already too many red flags here. Please don't marry this guy. If he is acting like this in a relationship, trust me when I say when you get married, he will be worse and you will hate yourself. This is an emotionally abusive man who will enjoy torturing you in marriage.

    Please walk away with your dignity. Also why sleep over if you don't want to have sex? Our people say what you dont want to eat, don't bring it near your nose.

    Please walk away now that you still can.

  14. You are dating yourself. Wait for your own man to come.

    If you think I'm wrong, break off the relationship and watch his reaction. He'll most likely not come looking for you. From there, allow it to die off.

    Even if he comes back, tell him to give you time to think. Never call him again. If he really wants you, let him grovel for months so that you can get your pride back, which you will seriously need in the marriage.

    Don't ever try this method in any other relationship, if not men will take advantage of you. A man is supposed to chase you throughout courtship. Submission should fully start when you are married. Let a man marry you for the things that attracted him first and not because you were able to take shit while dating. From experience, I'll be surprised if this one marries you. He has long been giving you the signs, but you are hanging onto the last thread of hope thereby cheapening yourself. Cut the thread and move on.

    By the way, you seem desperate for marriage. It shows in your write up. Tone it down a bit.

    1. I’m the poster

      Thank you.

    2. Wife material for such men are women who are desperate, insecure and willing to tolerate abuse in different forms (physical, mental, emotional, financial, spiritual kpa kpa)

      Sister poster you never see husband
      Leave time waster alone

      Then go and work on your self confidence and standards that this guy has covertly tried to destroy

      Avoid manipulative men
      They are from hell

    3. Even in marriage, self respect should always be there else see finish will enter and he’ll double the malice. Poster you’ve completely lost your self respect jeez. Enough already. Get a grip and get it together and stop chasing this man. Find yourself again please and love yourself first because loving yourself with bring automatic respect. Cut ties with this man. Goodluck and update us!

  15. Don't make the mistake of marrying this man. You'll end up miserable & looking for happiness elsewhere. Speaking from experience.

  16. I once dated a guy like this and I am glad he broke up with me. I nursed the pain for a long time but today, I am in a better place. Married with three kids and my husband is caring, generous,kind and doesn't have time for grudges.
    Poster,I see you are really worried and believe that age is not on your side but my advice is this: if you can cope with his attitude for life,then go ahead. But if you can't, move on. God will give you a man who will treat you like a queen. Infact, don't even go back to his house for now. It will give you time to figure out what you actually want. It will shock him if you don't beg as usual and he will try to make up with you. But take a firm decision about what you really want.
    Haba! He is stressing and frustrating you now, what do you think will happen when you are married? I pray that God will see you through.

    1. Cope

      He will get worse!

      Jesus did not die for you to allow a candidate for deliverance to be frustrating you with your FULL cooperation!

      Can't you stay alone in peace?
      Is singleness a curse till the right person finds you?

  17. My dear, run now. If you marry him he will reduce your self esteem to zero. Most people like this do that as a way of controlling you, because u want peace u will keep doing things you hate to please them

    1. Even the peace she no go find with this frustration machine on two legs

  18. Poster walk away!!!! I am suffering the same in my marriage. Mine won't talk to me for a month or more,refuse to do his responsibilites in the house e.g bring money for food or pay bills.i would beg him, he won't listen then he Turns around to say it's my fault he behaved like that. It got worse, the only words he would say to me were insults if he ever had to talk to me. Just walk away.

    1. The narcissist you are married to is a child of the devil if all you say is correct

      Their job is to kill peace, steal joy and destroy intimacy and marriages

    2. cant you divorce the wicked man? I am sure he will cheat and blame you for it too. honestly women we tolerate too much rubbish from these men..women should take their time to get married, its saves you alot. yes nobody is perfect but at least you will meet a man who ticks most of your boxes. like this poster sometimes they see the signs but because they are desperate they go ahead and live a marriage of regrets..pls dont let any man waste your life abeg. if he has no value for you and you can afford it, go and build a life with your reward for suffering abeg

  19. You wrote this

    "I sleep over at his sometimes. It’s meant to be a no S#x relationship but it’s not been easy"

    Does that comment up there means you are having sex with him? If yes! Then he has probably had his fill and he is tired of you already. He is barely tolerating you hence his getting easily angry over every little thing you do. I do not what your definition of love but that man you describe in your chronicle does not love you except there are some things you omitted.

    That asides, you both seem childish and his childishness is just a little bit extra and over the top I guess because you indulge him and feed his ego.

    If you are sleeping with him, stop!

    Stop apologising over every little thing overtime it gets annoying.

    Take your mind of the relationship and be open to friendship with other guys. If he comes back, fine! if not, then tell him, hasta la vista baby.

  20. Poster please tread carefully,,he is not into you.
    He will use malice to send you to an early grave

  21. Poster you are dating yasef. You hear?
    Please marry him if you are ready to live a life of suffering and lamentation.
    Tears and humilation will be your daily bread.
    If you doubt me, try it.

    You are only dating and you are already sleeping in tears and fear and waking in pain.
    How will it be when you marry this kind of person? Ehn?
    Come to think of it, it is better you kuku marry him and save somebody's innocent daughter from falling victim.

  22. Marriage is a union of 2people who are ready to love,learn,forgive and be submissive to each other.let me ask a question,if u people have a misunderstanding and u don’t go to him to squash it will he ever come to you to settle it??? If he doesn’t for how long will you people keep malice?? My ex was like this,he could just wake up one morning and decide not to speak to me for months.i wasn’t perfect but I wasn’t a bad or inconsiderate girlfriend.he was the master malice d beginning I used to go to him to beg him when we had issues,then at a point I realized he was always waiting for me to approach him wether it was his fault or not,so I stopped going to him,I will stay away as long as he couldn’t apologize,One time,I did nothing to him he just stopped commucating I called and called and he didn’t take my calls so I stopped calling,chatting or texting and he didn’t reach out too.we were like that for more than a year.then he came out from the blues one day to start begging me to come back to him.he felt I couldn’t do without him but in my mind I was done with the relationship.the emotional torture was too much,I was always sad and unhappy,always crying cos I couldn’t imagine my own fiancée staying away from me for close to a year!!! i left him and till today he is still begging me to take him back.he had proposed to me already and my fear was how will marriage look like if relationship was like this.,I’m better off single than bin in such a wicked relationship with such a wicked human.poster u deserve better pls take a walk.

    1. Nobody who loves you genuinely will torture you emotionally and see you suffer

      His Ego
      His inner demons
      Plus his village people fanning his head
      And the rubbish character he has grown with

      Make him a zero friend talk less of husband material

      Leave thrash for Lawma

  23. This chronicle got me angry. Baby girl step back and smell the coffee. This is not relationship. If you marry this guy. Your second name is sorry. You will cry tire

  24. I think you are the problem and you know you are the problem. You need to change your attitude. You seem like someone who look hard but soft on the inside. You are giving the young man attitude and you expect him to remain with you. mbanu! A woman should submit to her husband and expect the man to love her in return. if you can't submit you have no business getting married. Why should you lock the door on your fiance. He was trying to run from hitting you. Hitting you will result to DV. He wants to separate from you because he doesn't want it to repeat in marriage

    1. How is she the problem chai Jesus you just concluded she is the issue without properly going through her post ,So it her fault the guy won’t apologize till she comes to him ? Ur kind of person eh I fear who no fear you

    2. this guy is always yarning shit...pls where is your brain positioned in your head.. chauvinist pig...danm irritating

  25. It is a one sided relationship. Please take your things and stay in house for now.If you marry him you will see nwii

    1. Poster better single alone than in bondage with only deeper and deeper frustration

      Go and work on yourself

      Locking door? Poor choice,powered by frustration and desperation

  26. Poster, for your mental health sake, do not arty this guy. You will leave to regret it for the rest of your life if you go ahead and marry him. You will beg for everything in that marriage. You will beg to the point that you will be frustrated and depressed. Better let him go. Good luck.

  27. He doesn't love you sister and it's obvious you don't love yourself

    1. Gbam. Imagine she still wan text him. Pick up your self worth on the ground poster!

  28. And I locked the door, I could see he was very sick , but instead of asking about his health, I asked of something else. You are the problem young lady. You gave two instances, in both cases you were wrong.

    1. So he cannot forgive?? Abegiii that guy no get joy. He does not have a forgiving spirit! Poster probably did that for some kind of attention from him. He’s something else abeg

  29. Poster I'm in your shoes and I know the feeling. it's 5months without talking or seeing each other,I know be already broken the crap.i'm very soft emotionally that's why he's giving me attitude, please, I so love my life,my son and whoever gives me PEACE!!

  30. Poster, this your guy sounds like my husband of 23 years. Be warned. If you marry him, he will use malice to kill you slowly. I have survived my marriage because I learnt to harden my heart and ignore my husband who gets angry and keeps malice over the silliest things. There are times we don't talk for three months, six months. But he still demands sex ooo. Bottom line, run as fast as your legs can take you and don't look back! You'll find a better person. Just take your time. No rush. No pressure. Good luck!

    1. U are still calling him husband?na God go save our gender from some men worse than devil.

    2. so he will demand for sex and you will give him? no way, you cannot treat me like shit and fuck me on top. get your sex toys and call his bluff. what rubbish, we allow some of these men too much.

  31. Pls run far axay, i was in the same position months ago. I even married the bastard for a year. Over the flimsy of things he packed my belongings and dumped them at the gate of my family house.
    Less than a week later his mentee who is a junior colleague that i supported careerwise moved into the house we built together.
    He stole from me, sold off assests we owned jointly.
    My dear, today i wish i was never the ever begging peacemaker wife.

    I curse them everyday of their lives on earth.

    1. so sorry for all you went through....forgive them and hand them over to God...he is the God of vengeance. watch him pay them back his own way, they will be the one to run and ask you for forgiveness.. evil men everywhere

  32. My wife is the never apologise type. I realised this when she apologized once after our marriage of about 8 yrs then. But I have to live with it, very bad trait, but she is not a bad person, just that she doesn't know how to say sorry or admit of being wrong.

    1. Very stubborn wife/fragile Ego. Na wa ooo. Well You’re the enabler so deal with it.

  33. Why do you still feel like texting him once in a While? When you folks reach 30, Na so so desperation go dey affect you. You’ve lost your sense of self worth and esteem all in the name of marriage and he sees it all, so he’s emotionally blackmailing you. DO NOT marry this guy, heck you’re already emotionally exhausted from your write up. Move on and end this relationship immediately. He’s not emotionally mature at all and lord knows you need a mature man!

  34. end this relationship now...he doesn't love you and has a lot of emotional issues he needs to deal with. he needs to grow up too. dont let your age make you take desperate decisions. enjoy your singlehood till another relation ship comes. please run from this guy because abuse will set in when he feels he has legal rights over you.


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