Stella Dimoko Actress Iyabo Ojo Calls Out Colleague Funke Akindele After Actress Toyin Abrahams New Movie Was Rated Low



Sunday, September 12, 2021

Actress Iyabo Ojo Calls Out Colleague Funke Akindele After Actress Toyin Abrahams New Movie Was Rated Low

Actress Toyin Abraham released her much talked about movie ''The Ghost and The Tout Too'' on Friday September 10,2021 and the star studded movie got the worst review ever on Instagram.
Actress Iyabo Ojo fingered her Colleague Funke Akindele as being behind the horrible review because she is allegedly warring with Toyin Abraham...


Instagram handle Cinema Pointers reviewed the Movie thus....

''Not Recommended for intelligent people. Over the years, we have told you many truths but non Greater than this: Intelligent minds were not taken into consideration at all in the writing and in the making of 'Ghost and The Tout Too'. Thusly, intelligent minds will not enjoy it at all.

Regardless of how flagrantly it copycats off 'ร“mรณ Ghetto: The Saga' desperately hoping to shine like it. Unlike that one 'The Ghost and The Tout Too' doesn't understand that movie-making is rooted in brain-work and not in using cinema to do "Yahoo", abusing stardoms to fleece fandoms.

Sadly, in 'The Ghost and The Tout Too', celebrity after celebrity only lead to leprotic performance after leprotic performance. As a haplessly brain-dead story leads to pointless scene after pointless scene, all soaked together in a deluge of sterile dialogue. So much so that trying to find any mirth seeing it would be an exercise in futility.

Trust us, IF you are intelligent, you are better off staying back home this weekend to watch 'ร“mรณ Ghetto: The Saga' which incidentally opens on Netflix this Friday, 10th of September 2021. If not.

Brain Go Pain You Tire''.

Actress Iyabo Ojo responded on behalf of actress Toyin Abraham...

Please has anyone here watched this movie? If you have, please agree or disagree with this review and if you haven't, please watch it before you join any bandwagon!


  1. I haven't watched the movie and I doubt if I will watch it.As for iyabo allegation, only God knows the truth, people have really said alot about funkes bad character,only God knows but am sure that is an atom of truth in what iyabo is saying. My opinion.

    1. Wait! Iyabo Ojo is giving advice on how to have inner peace? Wondersious!!! The turmoil in the soul of that woman is unqualified.

      Meanwhile, watching Alakada Reloaded that year marked the last time I spent my money to see Nigerian movie at the cinema. Makes me wonder what is the quality control for movies to get to cinema and Netflix/box-office? God forbid I put myself through watching another Tonyin Abraham's movie ever again.

    2. I liked alakada reloaded

    3. If you watch the 1st episode abi part one,you would understand what the reviewer is on about. Toyin needs to take a break from film making and just act. Her ๐ŸŽฌ are wack.

    4. I don't think it has anything to do with funke
      The movie is wack, like I don't even understand.
      It wasn't all that

    5. I watched the part on of that movie,and i had headache. Plot was wack. Think she should just stop with movie making for now,and concentrate on acting alone. But if she must make movies, then she should invest on good script writers.

    6. The alakada gave me brain fag low iq diarrhoea. Wasted time electric bill etc never ever again!!! Even if them strap me with bomb. And that elevator baby another mistake ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ

    7. The issue I have with the so called review is bringing down one movie to promote another.

      The blogger needs to be called to order cos that was so not cool

      I am yet to see the ghost and the tout too (not eager to see it after seeing the first part and that alakada reloaded) but I have seen Omo ghetto and I can say that it was not worth the hype at all, I didn't enjoy it..

    8. I haven't watched the movie but i doubt if i will ever as well.I Was sorely disappointed in the first installment, didn't last 15 minutes into the movie. Even Alakada reloaded was disappointing, couldn't watch it till the end even with broda Shaggy in it. Toyin's acting has become lackluster no vava voom vibes like Nse Etim ... In short i can't stand her movies again. She should hire script writers if she wants to really produce her movies

    9. Watching part 1 will tell you the movie is not for intelligent minds. It's only a comedy. I don't think it is fair of Iyabo Ojo accussing Funke. I have watched the preview on Instagram and it is not even funny. Making a successful movie is not about star studded casting but the content you put out. Iyabo stop making enemies left right and centre.

  2. There's something evil about Funke Akindele, whichever way you look at it, despite her trying to be a comic Jenifa actor,most people who have been in contact with her express ill feelings.

    1. Keep Funke's personality aside, focus on the work and critique.

    2. I remember that year on the set of Gulder Ultimate Search celebrity edition.. Funke and and Chioma Chukwuka Akpotha left us disappointed with their attitude. Funke was very razz, uncouth, rude, restless, name them .. Chioma was very troublesome and quarrelsome, wicked, name them..
      Well let's leave their attitude and focus on their works right?

    3. I remember chioma was wicked to mama gee but can't remember funke ooo.
      Well me sha i just like toyin as a person. That's all. Not a fan of her movies. She seems like a sweet person though.

    4. Funke was razz, classless, fought with some contestants on the set of that tv show. She was evicted very early, I think a few days into the show cos she was not serious, she took the show as a playing ground, just playing around and laughing on tasks. We were so annoyed at her attitude.

    5. 11:44 12:09 And that was how many years ago again????
      In your village people dont grow abi? They dont evolve?
      They dont learn from the mistakes?
      Well looking at you two, one can understand.

      May people continue to remind you of your flaws like a loud ringing bell over your head through out your life.


      I know there will be at least one dunce you will say 'Welcome Funke, welcome chioma.'
      I say welcome dunce.

    6. Anon 12:47 what did I say wrong? I said I didn't remember funke. And no I was not castigating chioma ooo. You read my message wrong. I like chioma a lot. And of course I have made a lot of mistakes.
      I only said what I remembered on the show
      That's all.

    7. 12:47. is it easy for a grown adult to change their inborn character?
      They were both adults and Chioma was even a wife and mother then, so tell me, what would make them change? Full grown adults went to make a mess of themselves on a show and you are talking about change.
      Funke is not a good person. Forget the social media shekarimi. No one who has been in contact with her has any good thing to say about her. Chioma too same thing.

      Your prayer no hold water, stop disturbing yourself. God never even answer good prayers finish talkleless of bad prayers๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  3. Hmmmmmmm, I haven't watch it oo but I'm not expecting much from the movie because if I see Toyin today, I will beat her for that alakada reloaded, movie has no meaning...
    Well, Iyabo might just be accusing Funke wrongly. Another drama loading....

    1. September! A month of drama and call outs...

    2. Not hating
      I watched Alakada and did not bother watching the reloaded

    3. Both movies are crap....the Omo-ghetto and GhostnTout. All they do in both movies is just make noise. Headache inducing movies.
      Watched Omo-ghetto in cinema and was a waste of my money. This ghostnTout,watched 10mins of it and i was reminded of d migraine i got from the other one. Just packed stars to be making noise in a movie. No head or tail in both story-lines.

    4. I actually enjoyed omo ghetto ooo lol.

    5. Sometime is good to let sleeping dog lie, she has just giving free publicity to the movie

  4. I'll take all these with a pinch of salt. They might just be trying to promote toyin's movie and funke's own at the same time.

    1. Are a fan of Alexis and Ava MC Claire (not sure about the spelling)

    2. Amazing Grace: Were they part of the movie?

  5. The description of that movie is apt.too many pointless scene with terrible dialogue to go with it.

    1. But what is the problem with iyabo ojo always inserting herself in pointless controversies? Aunty gboromideleru.
      Why not let Toyin do the call out herself if e too sure her, the owner of movie is quiet, na you dey rant upandan.
      But in truth, a lot of Toyin's cinema movies are crap, so even though I haven't seen this, I'm sort of inclined towards the reviews.

  6. I have not watched it but this one but the part one was full of pointless scenes just like that elevator baby that I had to skip through

  7. I haven't watched too but most Toyin's movies appear to be rushed or not well thought through.She needs to learn to do better

    1. It's NEVER well thought through.. E dey reduce IQ.

    2. people cover up mediocrity with aggressive accusations no body has to pay anybody to know that a particular movie is not well thought through or the plot is all over the place e..if the critic decides to compare it with another movie doesn't mean that producer caused it .

  8. The story line itself is stolen intellectual content. Watch the movie GHOST starring Whoopi Goldberg to know what am talking about.

  9. I can't even watch that movie because it's just not worth wasting my time..the few minutes I spent viewing some scene on net was just annoying.

    Do something that intelligent minds will gain from and not iranu...

  10. I watched the ghost and the tout.Brain pain us for that one,but he ghost and the tout too,i haven't watched.

  11. This is for stella.toyin had a premiere it was not news worthy on your blog but this is?I kept checking to see the pictures but u didnt post....u are a part of the issue this industry has

    1. YOU ARE INSANE FOR THIS COMMENT.... EVERYONE HAS THEIR PLATFORM AND A RIGHT TO POST WHATEVER THEY LIKE; THEY CHOOSE WHO TO PAY WHEN ITS TIME TO PAY AND WAIT FOR OTHERS TO POST FREE NEWS AND I AM IN CHARGE HERE AND CHOOSE WHAT I POST.....people like you are part of the problem of whichever industry you are referring to....I choose whatever news comes here and dont go with bandwagon.... Kapish? keep quiet if you dont under the mafia games going on with these people

    2. Toyin zukwanuike!

      You're a great actress and everybody can testify that. But you see producing abi directing, it's not your thing. All the movies you have produced are trash. I go to see them not because I expect anything better but because I want to support you and I end up leaving the cinema disappointed that you keep getting worse. At least check reviews and do better, that's how great men do but yours is different.

      Who knows? You might want to be known as the worst producer of all time and no one can fight you for that. I wonder why people close to you chose to a**lick than tell you the truth.

      Toyin please do better. I love you and I know a lot of people do. Just do better.

    3. Anon 10:26. If not for this post Stella did, I have never heard about the movie and now, I might check it out to watch and judge for myself.
      What I'm trying to say is, by this post, Stella is drawing attention to the movie anyway.

    4. I doubt 10:26 is Toyin. With her IQ reducing movies, I don't think she can write like 10:26.
      Maybe toyin's Publicist or PA but definitely not Toyin herself.

    5. not a Stella fan but this accusation is baseless ..did you present your movie to her to publish ?lets be less sentimental pls..And why do Nigerians not take kindly to criticism it only should make you step back , do research and consultations,go to your drawing board and do better..look at present crop of movies like KOB, Living in bondage the bar is getting higher and higher ...Plot seems to be a big challenge in Nigeria movies

    6. So you expect a blog to promote a movie for free when they will make millions from the same movie? You're not smart at all. I will still choose Funke over Toyin

    7. this is not Toyin.but u are daft if u can publicly call out someone else's IQ...u have a low social quotient

    8. Everybody on this blog na intelligent mind now oo :)

      All types of entertainment have their audience, or why do you see millions of views on SM for stupid videos and telemondo...

      Besides, even the "intelligent minds" can't be watching only "scholarly" movies all the time, take a break with something different to get your groove back.

      Iyabo Ojo co and even Stella on this matter are just giving us more content.

      My intelligent mind :) choose to dwell on this before we become serious for tomorrow's seriousness.

  12. After seeing Alakada I just told myself never ever again !!!!!!
    I'd wait for reviews .

  13. The part one was brain killing, don't know about part two.i saw the advert and concluded that I will watch it the year DStv shows,I won't stress myself

  14. Seriously @Pretty girlie I tried several times to watch the first one but couldn't finish it.. what will make me watch the second one ๐Ÿค”?

  15. Alakada reloaded and The ghost and the tout were a waste of time I sat through because my data cannot coman waste. I won't be surprised sef if the part 2 is just as bad.

    Omo ghetto the saga was long as fuck with a few geniune laughs here and there. nothing wowing in the plot

  16. Saw the ghost whatever on Netflix, didn't bother clicking on it.

  17. I will not doubt what the review says, I'm sorry to say but toyins's movies are just not pointless. I couldn't sit thru the ghost movie and then I mistakely watched alakada nko... I told my sef never ever ever again.
    She just makes use of the trending stories and the newest 'celebrities' in town

  18. Iyabo go and sit down. How can you accuse funke without evidence? Who does that? I trust funke not to reply you sef. She doesn't have time for social media drama , she only has time for her biz that pays her in millions.

    As for toyin , I like you a lot but please stop packing celebrities in your movies. Such movies usually don't make sense. You can do better abeg.

  19. Me I'm yet to forgive Toyin for my 3500 naira i wasted on her prophesies

  20. Stella,the page is a review page and not only did the page review GandT it has other movie review. The only problem i have is them using omoghetto as a yardstick for GandT. It would have just been plain constructive criticism, but unfortunately, it isnt.
    Iyabo ojo is a one troublesome woman who acts as everybody's oniduro, that allegation on funke is baseless and false, she did it like she has been waiting for this day. Even when we know funke personality for real has question marks, i dnt think she would go low to pay blogs to do that to toyin when she knows the sky is wide enough and they are on different lanes.
    Toyin needs to take a chill from movie production. It's better you ain't recognised as a producer than being recognised as a Bad producer and script writer. The other day yvonne threw a shade about shooting a movie in three days and the next thing it's in cinema. Toyin films are star packed with poor storyline. Too much ingredients spoils the food. She takes all the celeb just for a film that screams loud, razz and all that. Abi na free them they act for?

    Toyin storyline aren't fresh but tapped from here and there.

    I know funke might keep quiet about this but iyabo ojo needs to rest or did toyin pay her too?
    Let her stop hitting heads together, a day Will come when she won't see anyone standing by her including those she FOUGHT for.

    Make toyin rest from shooting movies for now.

  21. Whatever, Nigerian movies are mediocre, I don't bother

    1. Some of them are actually really nice. They're doing better. Hollywood is far ahead. However, they have many whack movies too. I was surprised to find out that they give recognition to their worst actresses.

    2. Metoyou ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  22. Both Toyin and Funke should go learn from the best-Kemi Adetiba.I will never waste my money on G and T.I love them both but they can both do better.

    And what's the rivalry between these two
    You cant be friends with everyone but you can be cordial.My friend in their industry told me how FAB told a director that if toyin will be in the movie they are casting she will leave.She tells same to stylist that they must not style toyin while working with her.Thought the sky is big enough.

    Toyin too must have done or said something deep.She like eye service with kneeling down everywhere and talking behind people's back.Oju aye po.

    Love them both but they both have some growing up to do.That industry no be am.

    1. Kemi Adetiba is in a class of her own. The improvement you see from the wedding party to KOB the movie and series is soooooooo encouraging to creatives across the continent. Please don't even drag her name into this.

  23. Abeg let's be sincere,I love Toyin but her movies are mostly crap, not worth it at all. She should get good story writers and improve on her directing too. Dt Omo ghetto sef looks funny,I can't watch sef. But Funke dey try pass Toyin for productions honestly

  24. I haven't seen it and woe betide me if I do. From the title sef, one can already tell, it's a movie for the intellectually comatose beings.

    People like Iyabo and Toyin can't handle criticism. Always looking for who to hold responsible for their deliberately stupid actions.

    I only fault the reviewers decision to juxtapose Omo ghetto with the ghost and the tout.

    Funke is not your leagues, and you Iyabo, I can see you just consumed 50 liters of hater-raid, you can never smell the success she has attained because, you lack the capacity to put in the legit hard work and consistency she puts in to get the results she does.

    1. Chai see blasting. When they’re married to men they feed they have to keep up to fund them na

  25. I wonder what goes on in the yoruba movie industry. I can imagine the kind of fight and back biting that goes on there. Na wa o.

    1. It happens in the movie industry generally. Even in Hollywood and Bollywood. Yes.

  26. I watched Omo Ghetto the saga for the first time yesterday and I completely enjoyed it. Toyin's new movie I haven't seen but still mourning the #3500 I spent to watch Alakada reloade in the Cinema I felt so pained dat day!

  27. This iyabo and trouble ehn!! Always feeling like she's the only one that can talk. How sure are you that Funke paid the blogger? Nonsense!!

  28. both of them should go back to the drawing board, if possible learn from kemi who is near perfect at her job.Alot of the celebs they tend to cast end up trying too hard to b funny on screen thereby spoiling what is meant to b an interesting comedy. to me mercy Johnson, warri pikin, ay and so many of them try too hard on set, I find them truly boring.if u can't get the right people to play the role, please leave production for those who can.i can't waste my money on any of their movies.

  29. I watched both movies on Netflix yday and they are both as bad as each other tbh but I used them to pass time

    1. ๐Ÿ˜†. I loved Jenifa 1 and 2 but I really think the story and character have been wringed dry. It's time to go for something else.

      Since Funke went the ghetto way over a decade ago, there has been a creative freeze in the industry. All everyone wants to do is shout and be razz but I think it was fun till it wasn't after a few movies. Without this petty critic, fans ran down Mercy Aigbe's Jenifa copy cat project and the movie flopped. Funke did nothing. Fans were just tired of the same old thing.

      Critiquing art does not have to be mean and petty. It pays in the long term to be objective. The critic had no business comparing the movies and promoting the sale of one while putting down the other. This is the Yelp and Rotten Tomatoes generation. If you think you can play God as a critic, you'll have to check yourself into the dustbin because you just won't matter to the viewing public anymore especially when your reviews are childish and unprofessional.

      It pays to sit and learn. If Toyin watched the movie starring Shaggy with a movie professional, probably a director who loves her, he'll tell her to go and formally learn producing and even a bit of directing so that she doesn't settle for any nonsense. Managing different talents from different parts of the industry is not as easy as it looks and every scene matters in a movie.

    2. Also, it is very unprofessional and quite tiring when Iyabo, without presenting any evidence, begins to accuse a colleague of such a serious wrong. I support her totally the way she stood up to that defiler and his colleagues who I won't bother naming in this post but when it comes to interpersonal matters between colleagues, she needs to be wiser. You don't want to be the call-out queen fighting so many former friends and colleagues and pointing fingers. Blogs will keep feeding off you and making up you infamous.

      If you are quarrelling with about five people at the same time that we know of publicly, can you be that perfect? Since you know Funke personally, DMs, private texts and phonecalls exist for a reason. Not everything has to be to be publicly said. As a lady with a brand, it doesn't make sense.

  30. But in all honesty this is not how to do a review,no constructive criticism,no newer ideas,u don’t put down one movie to advertise another,u don’t tell people to watch this instead of another.Its very wrong !! No matter how bad the movie is leave a review and people that are still inquisitive will watch,people that believe ur review won’t bother to watch.u don’t rubbish someone’s hard work to promote another persons own in the same post.they are colleagues and this will breed unnecessary bile,anger,jealousy and competition.its very very wrong.this cinema pointer critic is a vile and wicked person.asking people to watch omo ghetto instead of ghost and tout is too bad Abeg! It seems more like a paid pair from Funke even if it wasn’t the intention.we need to apply wisdom when dealing with people.

    1. You just spoke my mind๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

    2. Anon 12.34,thank you. Please guys go and read the so called review! It was paid for. It was praising the one that had not come out and crushing the one he had not watched. It was uncalled for. Iyabo Ojo might be overwhelming but she was saying the truth..and she was part of that film. Please,read the review again.I am a literary person,so l know what l am saying!

  31. I will be sincere here. I haven’t watched The ghost & the tout 2, but I have watched Funke’s Omo Ghetto the saga, in all sincerity, I do not like it, my husband was like I don’t see any sense in this movie and you made me sit here for over 2 hours! That’s my husband’s review Cos I made him sit and watch with me. I don’t think Toyin’s tout will be any better too, but I will wait until it gets to Netflix, I won’t line up to watch that thing at the cinema, God forbid. It’s not for the ticket money, but for the time to drive and go and sit or queue at the cinema.
    One thing though, make Iyabo go take some chill, I won’t make enemy with someone that didn’t offend me directly. Na here we go dey when Toyin and Iyabo go dey hit each other in IG. Make every mallam carry im kettle!

  32. Iyabo should go and sit down and leave Funke alone. Say what you want to say with your full chest directly to her without using someone else's matter as a base. Yinmu.

    As for Toyin, her movies are crappy. It's so tiring seeing them. She needs to do better

  33. What the reviewer did wrong was comparing Omoghetto to Ghost and the tout too. Else the review was on point. Toyin needs to train in production, listen to reviews and hire people who are good at their jobs to do things like writing, directing for her. She is passionate about it, she should train and get better.
    Omoghetto was noisy too and loud, but had better direction.
    Toyin movies never have direction.

  34. I've always seen Toyin as a copycat. Always copying Funke.

  35. Sincerly speaking when i see the ratings of Toyin's movies i ask myself who are those watching cos ordinary alakada reloaded i watched got me so pissed i vowed never to collect her films for free again. no plot, no ending, no point just anyhow anyhow to the end. the review was bound to happen. Nigeria is very expensive now no money to squander anyhow.

  36. I once saw some parts from the part 1 of the ghost & the tout on TV,& when I heard about the part 2 I just laughed like these people kuku no get job to do.
    Well I'm not watching, cos I personally don't fancy the lady's way of speaking & acting... although I enjoyed alakada, but all the part 2 to part100 made no sense to me.

  37. Also, it is very unprofessional and quite tiring when Iyabo, without presenting any evidence, begins to accuse a colleague of such a serious wrong. I support her totally the way she stood up to that defiler and his colleagues who I won't bother naming in this post but when it comes to interpersonal matters between colleagues, she needs to be wiser. You don't want to be the call-out queen fighting so many former friends and colleagues and pointing fingers. Blogs will keep feeding off you and making up you infamous.

    If you are quarrelling with about five people at the same time that we know of publicly, can you be that perfect? Since you know Funke personally, DMs, private texts and phonecalls exist for a reason. Not everything has to be to be publicly said. As a lady with a brand, it doesn't make sense.

  38. I dunno about their fights but I personally took a decision not to waste my money buying cinema ticket for Toyin's movie going forward...they are as wack as they come. This review is not a lie. Toyin can do better.

  39. Wow. I love Toyin's films. She puts in a lot of effort and she shows that she is an intelligent person. U need to understand the background of her stories. I was heavily dissuaded by the comments about her movies but thank God I watched them. I found them very entertaining. God bless her hustle.

    1. You are most definitely in the minority, because her movies are crap to majority of people.

  40. Well, I hope they can both come on this post and see what actual people think of her movies. Why would anyone waste their precious time asking someone to give you bad review when you already do it for yourself. When you think you are more than you are the people of the world will make sure you are humbled.

    The people of SDK have spoken and the verdict is in. Let us ensure that whatever our name is attached is of quality especially when you are asking ppl to part ways with their hard earned money in a pandemic no less. Ain't nobody got time for substandard entertainment.


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