Stella Dimoko SATURDAY Spontaneous Post...


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Saturday, August 28, 2021

SATURDAY Spontaneous Post...

 #saturdaymorningrush #covid19isreal #maskup #itiswhatitis #partyday #stayfocused #staypositive #yourdreamsarevalid #dontlosehope

Guten Morgen Leute!

Have a great day !

Say what, say what?



  1. The Impartation Of Eternal Life!!
    1 John 5:11.


    "Eternal life is the nature of God; the God-type of life. Christianity starts with the impartation of the life and nature of God into your human spirit, right after which you're awakened to the fatherhood of God; you come alive in God"

    "You don't have two natures in you; you have one, and it's the immortal life and nature of God"

    "Don't think you're an ordinary person or like your next-door neighbour who isn't born again just because you have a similar physical body. No; you're a partaker of the divine nature"


    I'm a partaker of the divine nature; an associate of the God-kind. My spirit has been imparted with eternal life-the God-type of life! Therefore, I live in the realm of incorruptibility, immortality, everlasting joy, peace and glory; reigning and ruling over Satan, his demons and the elements of this world. Amen.

    1. Happy Saturday everyone.. God's blessings.

    2. Good morning and happy weekend to y'all on here too

      Jeez! I am not my usual self and i pray that God be kind to me

    3. Good morning blog visitors.



    Except your heart is given to taking correction, you can never praise God.

    Proverbs 27:5
    Open rebuke is better than secret love.

    _When you are disciplined, then you will acknowledge God_


    'The Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.' Psalm 34:6 NKJV

    Have things fallen apart in your life? Are you down, wondering if you'll ever be able to get back up? Turn to God; he's only a prayer away. And David the psalmist prayed that prayer: 'This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles' (Psalm 34:6 NKJV). And what God did for David, he will do for you today.
    Word For Today

    1. Sandy J Stitches28 August 2021 at 09:23

      Tanks for this Essa. God bless you.

      Good morning my people. Wishing everyone here a trouble free weekend.

  4. Igboman will go to Kano, Kaduna, Sokoto and Maiduguri, build Hotels, Brothels, Clubs/Lounge and Bars, and be making his cool money. His brothers will be at home discussing sharia law, and rumored Hisbah tales 🤡🤡


    I'm outtie

    1. Despite the allegations of the Igbo man always wanting to 'take over' their host community, you will rarely hear of them clashing with their hosts and killing the people that harbour them.

      Eesah, can you say the same about your people and religion?

    2. Havent they slaughtered them all and burnt down the hotels, bars, shops etc, they built?? Or is your head in the always??

    3. Yes, they've slaughtered them all, burnt down all their clubs, bars, shops, hotels and investments and driven them all away from Northern Nigeria. 😎

    4. Are they not all dead? The one that came to build a private university there, didn't they close it down by kidnapping the student? But you people are busy selling suya and selling Ankara peacefully with no one killing, raping your women or burning down your houses

    5. So you woke up this morning with Igbo man on your mind. Purge your self of this hatred so that it will be better for you in this life. Every body knows that the Igbo man is suffering in this country while the national common wealth is being enjoyed by your people. Please leave the poor Igbos to be suffering their suffering in peace. You must have a heart of stone.

    6. Aboki...I saw your reply to ceasar's comment. Inasmuch as I saw it late I will reply you directly.

      All that bullshit you wrote about Jesus...that's all in your retarded head but one thing is for certain, Muslims of Hausa Origin including yourself are the most tribalistic, nepotic, backward, mostly illiterate, lazy and dirty people I have ever met that no amount of expensive OUD perfume can cover.

      I work/worked with them and I know them...the exceptions are the ones who are quite intelligent and schooled abroad BUT if they have to stand, they stand with their brothers.

      I understand Hausa even tho I don't speak and I know what they say about other tribes esp Igbo. The hate is matter how much you cover it.

      This govt is planning something towards the Islamization of Nigeria. It's very evident since Cows are more important than humans. The only reason it's not working is cos this generation is much more stronger and stubborn coupled with technology which your "brothers" cannot even grasp.

      I will stop here cos schooling you is like talking to a village ekuke esp since it turns out you're just another broke 🤡 spewing rubbish as a result of cocaine dust you call air that you inhale daily.

    7. Not again. Stella where is my comment? It's an innocent comment no be flagged.

    8. Amethyst you have sent aboki to his early grave ooo. What!!! 🙆‍♀️

  5. A blessed good morning to you all
    Rest well ooooo

  6. I don get alert💃💃💃💃God win.
    Thank you Stella,God bless you immensely.
    Thank you Angel Koof,may your pocket never run dry in Jesus name..I am so grateful.
    Good morning everyone..

  7. I feel much better this morning. Thanks🙏🙏 to everyone for the show of love💕 and concern on Friday night Post.

  8. Good morning.
    Happy weekend guys.

  9. A Mama! God bless, prosper and keep you always! I love you so much! Happy birthday, Mum. 💕

    Good morning everyone. Enjoy your weekend people.

    1. Wow, birthday blessings mama. Good health and long life. Pls give a nice treat

    2. Happy birthday to your beautiful mum. I pray God grants your mum good health

    3. Happy birthday to your lovely Mom🎉🎊🥳🎈 God bless and keep her in sound health 🙏

    4. Happy birthday to your mom

    5. Happy birthday to your mum Cynthia. May she live in good health and happiness.

    6. Happy birthday to your mum. More years of celebration

    7. Happy birthday to your mum. Wishing her more glorious years ahead in good health and happiness.

    8. Happy birthday to ur mum.God bless and keep her in good health,she will eat the fruits of her labor.

    9. Happy birthday to your mum.

    10. Happy birthday to your Mum🤗🤗, Cynthia + Iyede😁. May God keep her in good health. Amen.

    11. Happy birthday to your mum.

    12. Happy Birthday to your mum. God keep her always.

  10. I was shocked reading about the online loan and the number of people who apply and have difficulty paying back. 😳 I was in a fix sometime ago and suddenly the loan app advert popped up on my phone. I was like is this a temptation or an answered prayer. I tried applying and when it got to the point of inputting my BVN I felt something was off and canceled the registration. I was glad I did after finding out later about the ridiculous interest rate and the trouble associated with getting the loan.

    Now the question is some people said they are illegal which is obvious considering their interest rate and the manner they treat and respond to people. Is the government or the board responsible for regulating such transactions not aware? Probably they charge high interest rate assuming some people will default so they can make up for defaulters using interest paid by others. Whatever it is, they need to be checked and their activities regulated. It's a pure case of market failure.

    1. You are right. They need to be regulated

    2. Honestly, I'm still thinking of applying,but I'm scared of their interest rate, those that think they escaped paying should rather have a rethink, when they catch up with them, they will pay wetin dey no chop

    3. People should also know what they are signing up for before taking such loans. Interest rate, duration etc. It is still SHEER WICKEDNESS to borrow and deliberately choose not to pay back. Let's talk true.

  11. Beautiful morning to us All..

  12. Good morning from this side, it's a rainy Saturday but we have to move 😊😊😊😊😊😊

    Wishing everyone a lovely day ❤️

    Stella babe 💕💕💕💕💕

  13. Good morning people.En route Enugu from Benin to go and pick my son who has been spending the holidays with my parents. Have a splendid morning y'all.
    Morning stella

  14. OMG!OMG!!OMG!!!
    SDK,I woke up this morning to see 100k alert from you.This is huge to a total stranger Stella.l am speechless.
    SDK and Angel koof l pray for multiple blessings upon your lives.Where you plant few,you will harvest plenty and in countless, manifold ways. The Lord will continually open doors of blessings and Favour. You pockets will never run dry Amen 🙏. I am grateful and will eternally remain grateful.
    You may not know what you have done in my life but the truth is,you will forever be in my heart and in my prayers.This cash will grow like a river that will never run dry in my business Amen 🙏.Long life SDK, Long life Angel koof.Thanks a million times.

    1. Congratulations Ada and your business will flourish...

    2. Amen 🙏🙏

      Congratulations 🎉🎊

    3. @Ijeoma, thanks so much.
      @Back slimzy,thanks💞💞
      @Plumpyj, Amen 🙏. Thank you so much💞💞
      @Paris Savannah, Thanks so much 💞💞

    4. Amen

      Pretty Patience

    5. Congratulations. May your business flourish 🙏.

    6. Amen to your prayers, congratulations

  15. Good morning beautiful people
    Happy weekend 💃❤️

    1. Happy weekend Boo 🥳🎊🎉

      It's jubilation galore 💃💃💃 as CR7 is back home 🤸🤸🤸🤸

    2. Morning morning Ijeoma
      @paris yes ooo o 💃💃💃

  16. Happy weekend great people,let's have a blast, I have two weddings of two very close people to me today,diet wan lazdent o,the Lord is my muscle

  17. Good morning bvs. My landlord suddenly decided to plant a mast in front of our door. Obviously he has sold the little space at the front of our door to a telecoms company.I've never heard of mast in residential buildings before. This one is about to be planted right in front of our door. What do we do? Which agency can help? This Lagos landlords can be wicked. I feel so helpless and cheated. Please I need help. It's not fair

    1. Is your rent still running? Did he give you an option of parking out, in form of quit notice? If none has happened, sue him immediately, you will be rewarded by the court

      But if your rent has expired and he did the normal court processes, just pack out quietly, cos you will be living in a dead zone

    2. You need to move out of his property. Too dangerously close. Move out for your health and safety

    3. A mast is not supposed to be close to a residential building. I believe the signals it emits is very harmful to humans.

      Google NCC rules regarding installations of masts by telecoms in your area and report them. Do it anonymously...both your landlord and the company will be fined and the mast pulled down...hopefully.

    4. You can consult a lawyer regarding this. It is a legal matter and should be treated as such. Apart from the health implications it is an infringement on your right as a tenant.

    5. 10:16 I agree with you. Ask your lawyer to seek for refund of rent money and jejely pack from the house..


  18. Good morning BVs. A sales truck (without a vehicle tracker installed) was stolen. We only have the phone number of the thief and have reported to the police for tracking but they directed us to another unit that is charging way way above our pockets. Please How else can one track the location of a phone using the phone number and what else can we do to help get the vehicle back. Police said we shd relax that the vehicle will resurface but it's not just easy to relax and take their word for it when you know they won't do anything about it.

    1. The police is our undoing in this shit hole of a country

  19. Good morning all. It's a beautiful day full of great victories for all of us.

  20. Blog visitor Paris and co have crashed Manchester United website bcuz of Christian Ronaldo return, una welidone o

    1. 😆😆😆 we love cristiano Ronaldo ❤️❤️

    2. Yassssss 💃🤸💃🤸💃 that's how we roll💃💃 CR7 return broke the internet yesterday.. nobody envisage his return cos it was Man City who were initially interested!! And boom Rio Ferdinand,Wazza and SAF called him up to return home instead of going to the noisy neighbors

  21. Beautiful Saturday morning to everyone.
    Hope we all had a splendid night.
    Have a great Saturday everyone.

  22. Good morning my lovely blogfam 😘.

    I woke up and saw alert of 100k! from Jewelu star woman 💃💃💃. Jewelu and Angel Koof,God will continue to bless you both,no evil shall come near u,u will live long in good health,you will receive favor from strangers. Thank you,thank you,thank you. I promise not to disappoint you.This is a huge one and I appreciate.
    My bvs please help me say a prayer for jewelu and Amazing Angel Koof.

    Happy weekend bvs.

    E go surely be ✌️.

  23. Ekaro! Ututu oma nu! Me siere! To all my yard people for SDK ville. May we all have a great weekend.

  24. Good morning my lovely blogfam 😘.

    I woke up and saw alert of 100k! from Jewelu star woman 💃💃💃. Jewelu and Angel Koof,God will continue to bless you both,no evil shall come near u,u will live long in good health,you will receive favor from strangers. Thank you,thank you,thank you. I promise not to disappoint you.This is a huge one and I appreciate.
    My bvs please help me say a prayer for jewelu and Amazing Angel Koof.

    Happy weekend bvs.

    E go surely be ✌️.

  25. Belated blessed birthday to you sweet Candy, you're such an adorable human. God bless your new age Queen Virgo.

    BV Salma, how are you? Been a while. Hope you're good?

    Original cosmetic dealer (OSD) nne it's been months since you last commented, hope you're fine omalicha?

    Yvonne O, how's it going? Successfully right? Do and start showing up down here biko. Missing you my love.❤️

    XP Momma, ke kwanu eze nwanyi? 😘😍

    BV Bini, hope you're fine love? It's a while. ❤️

    1. Bv Salma lost her husband few weeks ago

      I hope the others are fine too

      Happy weekend Chibaby❤️💕

    2. Good morning Chisom!

      How are you?

    3. Jesus! I didn't know @Paris. This is sad. BV Salma, if you're reading this, accept my condolences hun, i know you must be going through it now, so sorry sweetheart. He's resting now in paradise.

      Happy weekend Queen Paris. 💋🌺

      Good morning dear @ Gifty, i'm fine love. Happy weekend to you.

    4. Awwww. Thank you, Chisom baibay♥️♥️♥️. Appreciate your sweet words. Stay safe my darling. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    5. Lord have mercy! So sorry Salma, may God comfort you and your children. Please be strong

    6. So sad, at least he is resting now from pains, take heart bv Salma

    7. Warm regards to you Chisom and other BVs MIA. guys are missed.

  26. Please house is there anything one can apply on a feet that was used to step on something kept for another person.

    I knew it was not for more cos the effect is just only the discomfort of the leg, my right leg alone. I have gone to hospital and done plenty x-ray and still nothing can be seen. I even took several native medicines for cold thinking it was cold but to no avail.

    I am suspecting I may have step on something kept for another person, that could be why no one can see what is wrong. I am currently applying anointing oil with prayers but if you can recommend something else please let me know.

    1. Bitter kola

      Chew and spit all over the leg, someone you trust can help you do this

    2. Go native on the leg. Contact your mum or senior aunts

    3. Lol. You think xray can see everything? . Lmao.

    4. 10.43 what is funny about someone else's predicament? Some of you just lack empathy.

  27. Belated blessed birthday to you sweet Candy, you're such an adorable human. God bless your new age Queen Virgo.

    BV Salma, how are you? Been a while. Hope you're good?

    Original cosmetic dealer (OSD) nne it's been months since you last commented, hope you're fine omalicha?

    Yvonne O, how's it going? Successfully right? Do and start showing up down here biko. Missing you my love.❤️

    XP Momma, ke kwanu eze nwanyi? 😘😍

    BV Bini, hope you're fine love? It's been a while. ❤️

  28. Last night some birds were on my roof and windows from 2am till 4am making noisy and crying all night and they sounded like Owl pls what can be the meaning of this cuz it was so scarying last night.

    1. It means nothing...owls perch and cry at night....

    2. Please pray 🙏 , it's means death

    3. @Anon08:55, miss Sophia has answered you. Is that not what you want to read from blog visitors? After I replied you yesterday that it meant nothing, as birds are used to doing that, you still came with the same story today.
      As she has said, it means death.Oya,start running from one church to another for deliverance.

    4. You no fire prayer? You just allow them disturb your sleep. Hmmmmm..... Dont make that place a comfort zone for them o.

    5. Lmaooo. Dont mind anon. Owls that God created as night birds kwa. Hian. You dont want them to communicate or mate or what?. Ngwanu, take miss Sophia's advice.

    6. Erm from Nat Geo wild, aren't owls like bats? Out to feed at night? Besides they have a distinct sound and do not cry for 2 hrs.
      Since you said they just came to your rooftop a few nights ago, it may mean something or not but do not make your rooftop a common ground for crying birds

    7. Fast
      Pray on fresh oil
      Throw on your roof

    8. Sometimes when the cry someone is about to die

  29. Good morning everyone... Wish us a wonderful Saturday

  30. Good morning to everyone, am up and grateful for the gift of life, lovely Saturday to everyone.

  31. I don get alert o 💃💃💃💃
    100k alert from SDK greeted me as soon as I put on my phone.
    God in heaven, pls bless SDK, bless the giver Angel Koof, give him/her long life in good health, let him/her always be in abundance, joy and peace. For blessing total strangers, you shall receive favours from strangers in Jesus name. Amen. I am very grateful.

  32. Happy weekend everyone.... August seriously folding up. Phewwww!!!!

  33. Good morning all, happy weekend and congratulations to all the BVs that received the business giveaway money, May God leads and guide all our activities today. Anam abia, Kam jee tachigodi ulcer

  34. Good morning bvs. Where in Benin can I buy charcoal in bags? Pls help a sister, I intend to buy in large quantity.

  35. As August is running out, your blessings, breakthrough and testimony will not run out with it.
    Lord will remember you for good before this month finally pack it's loads.
    Every evil forces, joining negative hands in agreement against your destiny fulfilment shall be frustrated to death.
    Every deadly counsel of anyone standing in the position of Ahithophel concerning your destiny and glory shall be inflicted with incurable insanity. The mercy of God will position you for an uncommon miracle and promotion, in Jesus mighty name.
    Good Morning.
    _Have a blissful weekend._

  36. Good morning everyone happy weekend to you all

  37. Good morning everyone... happy weekend to us .. blessed day

  38. Congratulations! The Lord will multipy your business and distinguish the works of your hand. Happy weekend everyone!


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