Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Saturday, August 14, 2021

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Ì am so sad right now...Met a girl in here on Stella's Single Mingle about a year and 3 month ago, i am married though and she is a single mother of 2 and fully aware of My Marital Status...

I stay Abroad and we have both agreed she was going to be my second wife, and i was going to establish her and be responsible for upkeep, even though she is working as well...

Fast forward to now, I send her 10k everyday for upkeep for about a year now, even though we have not met in person....The problem right now, is she told me that she has a loan she borrowed before she met me and its about 220k,and she needs to pay, She is giving me a lot of pressure and ULTIMATUM to pay a loan i knew nothing about...

If we had met in person the loan wouldn't have been a problem for me to help her pay.....i have told her wait till i come, but her pressure on me is so neck gripping i dont Know what to do......

I dont know if should laugh or cry!

Oga!!! This a simple case of thief Jam thief.....
You have been giving her 10k every day? that is 70k every week X One year? Please who can tell us how much he has spent?

You cannot give her bulk money until you meet her and gbensh her right? And you say you are married oh...
The singles mingles platform is not for Married people but all you serial husbands dont hear word.

Na wah!!!
You are sad? LMAO!!!


  1. Hia!!
    10k daily and she couldn't repay a loan of 220k?
    Two of una no serious.

    1. Oga do you mean 10k everyday or every month? Whichever one it is, serves you right ashewo oshi.
      Does your wife know you're taking a second wife?
      Dem Don use you play luske to gbona.
      I've got no advise for you.

    2. πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚ don't l love this game. The girl done Bobo you. Married Man

  2. LMAO,you never see anything yet

  3. That woman issa bad ass's
    Serves u right Mr cheat.
    Your innocent wife is the only victim here.
    10k everyday?

    1. Stick with one

      You say no

      Egusi, ogbono

      Welcome to purge

    2. 10,000 X 30 days = 300,000k

      300,000 X 12 (1 year) = 3,600,000

      Poster, ana ha gi Uche.

    3. This man may even be collecting money from his wife to give the side hen or giving his wife little or nothing. Mtchew I don't have to tell you man that you are not serious. I am not sure why this is a chronicle.

  4. If it is true you were giving her 10k every day. She should have paid off the loan in one month..

    By the way, why do you want to marry a 2nd wife?

    1. I can't laugh....u dey ask am ni?

      Everyone to his or her own way of be person marry 3 at once ni

  5. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ€£ This man is such a funny character and what exactly is making you all time sad? Married man wey no get shame for body..Your shame dey shame me
    220k bawo..

    1. U are getting it wrong...

      He chose have a polygamous home and it's a decision and not a sin or an offence. But the way he is going about it is wrong..

      I have decided not to have more than one what works for A might not work for B..

      Everyone to his own way of the lady sef dey fuck up..she is a single mother and has a great opportunity but she dey misuse am

  6. 🀣🀣🀣Oga good for you. Next time you see single and mingle, you will pass. Continue sending her money and also pay the said amount. Mr santa

  7. Things are happening! Your daily offering for a month is enough to pay her loan.
    This and others are what you end up with when you choose to invite problems with your hands.
    You both fit each other, maga jam maga. Continue to pay your due in peace

  8. Lmaoooooo.... OK byeee

  9. are a married woman and tend to have another not condemning that cuz that's the way you choose to go.

    But the issue is, you have been giving her 10k everyday multiply by the weeks in a month and finally by 12months gives you 3,360,000 and she has not being able to pay for that rubbish loans then she is scamming you knowing fully well that you are married.

    As for me, it's better you let go of her and if you can't, then stand on ur point, tell her to wait till you come then u can decide if you want to continue or not..


  10. Kikikiki… thief jam thief

  11. Good for you jor. Since you want to cheat you can as well be scammed

  12. I smell lies here though. Abi u mean to say u send 1k to her daily as daily contribution or what

  13. Oga I don't know why you want Ceaser to finish us again......

  14. I don't know why I find this Chronicle so funny. Two of you are not serious 🀣☺️🀣

  15. I would let Ceaser and Dante handle this chronicle. Hopefully they've wise words to spare. πŸ™ŠπŸ™ˆπŸ™Š

  16. Those your relatives you refused to assist with your monthly freebies will be happy to hear this your gist. Alaye, take heart. Won ti gbe e ni handicap

  17. 10k everyday na lie for an unknown n unseen woman.

    1. U lie ke...what of those client that do pay 50dollar every week to one idiot here in Nigeria

  18. Hehehe. Stella, yes na. You don't get? See. He's spent so much and is about to lose out. How? If he doesn't meet up with the 220k, she'll bone him and block him and all his "investments" will go down the drain. Kwakwakwakwa. So right now he's in a fix to either pay or stand not being able to eat the food he paid for. Very painful something. Hehehe.

    Now why was he giving her money in bits (10k, roughly 20 dollars)? That's all he can afford at a time! Or maybe he's miserly. Still, it could be that maybe he has joint account with his wife and wouldn't be able to move much money at a go. Or he prefers "systematic investment". God is good! Hehehe.

    Dear poster, we will put you in our prayers. Hehehe. God will do it for you. Pray fire! If I hear.

    Young man, please, I beg you with God. Face your wife. Leave this woman. Consider all you've spent as sunk cost (in Dante's voice). Use all that energy, time and resources to build your home. Adultery has grave consequences.

    And to the lady. If you get to read this, since you are a bv, please, LEAVE someone's husband alone oooo. If his children cry to God for you, you go suffer oo.

    He that hath ear, let him hear.

    1. Is it just me that is missing something here betthwy man categorically stated that he wants to embrace polygamy so which one is, face your wife? The only thing here is he jammed the wrong person and he was so quick to dole out money (if it’s true). Sir, do not give out a dime again. All you know she might be VERY MARRIED or SINGLE or might be a GUY (frontingwith his babe). Please mourn this loss and move on. Sorry.

  19. Lol..
    Actually stellz, this man no wise at all. The lady is a smarter thief.. you dey send babe 10k daily as per say she don go tie your sense for cele church or Wetin.. you never even nack am sef make e be say somehow Una don 'sacrifice' something for each other.

    Even though I preach and support living and doing right, permit me to digress a bit Lol..

    For those of you that have long throat.. don't ever give a greedy lady anything without asking or getting something in return.. she ask you for favour, you sef ask for favour back.. e.g Her: please I need a favour of 10k urgently.. You: I also need a favour too dear, can you send me nudes.. I'm very horny. If she asks you what you take her for, ask her back what she takes you for. Don't allow yourself to be used and come here to cry because say you won do street but you no get game. Most time these greedy girls ask for a favour, they expect you to also ask for something in return which is how the 'world' works.. when you don't, they get shocked at your stupidity, but your silly ass would think you're a gentleman.. oga you no get Sense.. na you dey bring shame and embarrassment to men.

    Now, the floor is open to anyone who wants to say shii.. you're only decieving yourself.. you and I know I just said it as it is/ should be. You get 2 legs and hands like me.. go and work if you don't want 'insult'.. better still, ask for favour from your gender

    1. Thank you Γ³ Dante. It seems that lady has done special package for this abroad guy.

      That was how one asked me for 'urgent 30k few weeks ago'. I simply told her point blank...I am not your atm. Go to the bank and loan the money.

      She are just stingy. I are just a beggar.

      I now went ahead and gave her the shii of her life. The fact say me and you dey talk no mean say I be your bank account.

      Dem plenty for this blog. Forming queen Kong....hating on men but very quick to want to reap where they didn't sow.

      Of course....there are many hard working ladies too who don't do this shit. You don't deserve special kudos for being responsible for yourself. Na normal thing.

  20. Hmm I no fit laugh. As I Guy like you. Omo you Don fall mugu. You will see what you are looking for in some other woman. There are some that will agree to your terms on this blog. So keep searching. Cheers

  21. No be you say you be oga, na why you dey run? Continue spending for the woman, nothing do you. but I hope you are spending for your wife also because some of you cheaters like to frustrate your wives but became Mr do good outside

    1. Aku abata obi your name sounds familiar to me. Are you from amaigbo?

  22. I don't believe the man saying he sends her 10k everyday. Could it be that he meant every week or every month????

  23. Lol..
    On another note, go back to July 26th IHN and read the piece I wrote about sunk cost.. you'll get the advice you need there..

    Sorry mahn but πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.. you need prayers.. this isn't ordinary, Asin your mumu is legendary πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

    1. 🀣🀣🀣🀣not only legendary but Epic

    2. @Dante, you are a man! Much respect to you.

    3. Hahahahaha 16:46 a "man" indeed

    4. Hello Dante, I went back to read your note - very elucidating and detailed.

      And you proved right the saying not to judge a book by its cover; or if I may rephrase, judge a man on a blog only by his previous or some of his posts.

      Again, it was a well written and explained note.

  24. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚what kind of chronicle is this?

  25. A man will genuinely try to help a woman and she will think she’s scamming him..10k everyday is N3.6m in a year and you still want to pressure him to give you 200k.I pity some women

    1. The man is a fool. Does he give his wife or mother that amount? Madam side chick,chop him wella since he does not want to have sense..oh,and make sure he does not chop that kpekus. Useless man

    2. She thinks she is smart…..#annoyingmuch

  26. 🀣 🀣 🀣 🀣 🀣 🀣 🀣 🀣 🀣 🀣 🀣 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Very funny mam
    He said he is angry

    Abeg getat

  27. 10k everyday!!!!hope you de give your mama same amount everyday???

  28. I’m supposed to be surprised at how women are whitewashing this issue but I’m not.It’s women supporting women.instead of Yall to tell the woman she’s doing something wrong.Kmt

    1. If he gives her 10k everyday, she should be able to repay the loan, besides she works.
      She is not considerate at all.

    2. Very true, Anon 17.17; if it was a man ripping off a rich single mum living abroad or in Nigeria, most female bvs would have cursed out all men.

    3. It’s their way.A lot of women are hypocrites.

    4. 17:17,a rich single mum is different from a married woman. Just saying

  29. Why do I not believe the tale of you sending her 10k daily? Cause if you did, she should have been able to offset her debt?

    Abeg make una settle una self, when una start we know no

    1. That because that person might be a man or a very much married woman who is ready to suck the mugu dry.

  30. It is his cheating fee for me....10k dailyπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

  31. Wagwan πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  32. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    As you decided not to have sense

  33. Just when I thought I have read all there is to read here, never knew I cant still be suprised nt the chronicles column, phew!! What do I know😁

    Oga that means 210k every month for a year now, it's alright, 220k no suppose be wahala now, it's your cheating audacity for me.

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  34. Sorry 300k monthly, no be small something

    1. 290k/300k/310k per month🀩🀩🀩

    2. Logan ITK, the average is N300k.

  35. 3.640k well done

  36. Dear Mr. Chronicler, assuming all you wrote is the truth, that the receiver of your money is a woman, and that she is not scamming you, she is still not a second wife material. She is a spendthrift.

    Any woman who values the effort you make to earn N10,000 (equivalent) daily abroad would have paid a N220,000 loan from that daily amount within a period of one year.

    The woman has given you an ultimatum because she wants to end the relationship. Note the craftiness of back dating the loan. Or did you tell you are coming home this summer?

    Please do yourself a favour let go of her or whoever you sent the money to.

    Above all, think of it this way: You do not need a waster as a second wife.

  37. You mean like 10k every blessed day. Wawu

  38. I'm just imagining what I could do with daily 10k...

  39. Lagos Mainland Girl15 August 2021 at 09:29

    Single mingles is NOT for married people
    Make una allow the Single pringles see road

    And to the lady in question doing this strong thing to you,aunty do you want to kill this man? Na bad thing hin do say he wan marry u as wife number two?

    Oga,your wife no no give you pressure na your side chick dey give pressure

    Stay with one wife una no go hear

  40. ohhhh shitttt.... 10k per week, that's 3.65m a year, you're paying daily wages to a lady you haven't met before wow brotherly!!! omooo she don use you catch premium she wan put her gbese ontop your head, something yunno nothing about...this guy shaaaa


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