Stella Dimoko Wordless Post..


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Wordless Post..



  1. You know how Delta-Igbos are quick to reject the term "Delta-Igbo"? I think it's an effect from the war.

    1. It's not only that. The igbos reject us too. There are times I've said I'm igbo and an igbo person cautioned me and I was so hurt.
      It's tiring seriously. I just say I'm Deltan.

    2. Igbos did not reject you, you just did not want to be Igbo for reasons best known to you!

  2. Pointless arguing with old man without sense or wisdom. It's simple. Conduct a referendum and get the shock of your life. Let the people decide and not one Abuja errand boy.

    Why are they afraid of referendum? They will tell you referendum is not in the constitution.

    Edwin Clark go and face your business of militancy.

    1. Mr TJ do you live in the south? Have you lived in any of the southern states before? We are not interested in Biafra... We do not want a tie with easterners talk more of Biafra. We do not even lias freely with Delta ibo's talk more of joining forces with igbo's... Please get your fact right! I have lived in every southern state and from my experience any Deltan and Southerner will tell you we are okay with our peace and how we navigate life freely. You think we are fools to join a group of people who reject their own in the name of OSU (out cast)? πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ I laugh in Spanish and walk away!

    2. It is not by force. If they do not want Biafra,then leave them and stop arguing...or is it because they are oil producing states.

    3. Thank you Isoko for treating that biafraud to some bitterleaf truths

    4. Elder Clark is right - good motive but the wrong process. Nnamdi Kanu for the record is just a noise maker, an opportunist without a plan, whose empty rhetoric has led naΓ―ve youths to their early graves.....I lost a cousin bcus he was one of his (Kanu) brainwashed sheep!

    5. Anon 09:57, no one is forcing anyone here. A simple referendum will solve this. Allow the people decide. Hasn't referendum be used in Nigeria before? What are they afraid of?

      Some of you claim to be educated but lack knowledge. Biafra is as older than Nigeria. So before Nigeria came to existence, what were the people in Delta or port Harcourt called?

      Look for the old map and see where Biafra occupied and the province that made it before your Nigerian government removed it.

      I won't argue blindly with adult with children brain.

    6. The law of the country you call zoo? Where in Nigeria’s law is referendum allowed?? Give us the quote!!!

    7. So why haven't the UN organised the referendum for you? Remember it is called "United Nations !" Not 'Nation!" Meaning every nation in there retains their sovereignty! If the laws of the principal country is not in tandem with that particular regulation(which is not a law as you earlier asserted ), there's nothing the UN will do.

      Secondly, I'm against Kanu and IPOB ideologies(everyone who does not accept their skewed way of secession is a slave ). Hence, I've stated my position on how it should have been done and I've been saying it long before too.

    8. Teejay i am married to someone from the south south.

      They are not interested neither do they do want to be linked with Biafra. Them no one even use ear hear about Igbo.

    9. I'm from Akwa Ibom. We don't want Biafra

    10. Teejay leave dem be ,their suffering is sweeting them.
      My gate man ,Niger Delta
      My driver,Niger Delta
      My cook, Niger Delta
      My office assistant, Niger Delta
      My mechanic, Niger Delta
      My drycleaner, Niger Delta
      My plumber, Niger Delta.

      As boyboy work is your trademark, continue suffer head.

    11. TJ please leave Naija Deltans alone. Have you lived in any state of SS the refer to them as Igbo people & average SS person has a thing or is indifferent about Igbos.
      If you live in SS you will never refer them as Igbos or link them to yourself.

      Average SS feels that Igbo people are there problem.

    12. The most complex what is south south? Do you actually know about the cardinal points we have? Is there anything like south south in it? Why don't we have West West or North North? Keep being fooled by the divide and rule tactics of the northern caliphate. I challenge you to prove to me south south in the cardinal points we have.

      Yes I am living in Rivers State the one you are referring as a south south state. I was born there over three decades ago.

    13. Now let me burst your bubble. The four cardinal points are North (N) East (E) South (S) and West(W) it's further stretched into as follows; The North East, South East, South West and North West. Now understand this, the North has its Eastern part known as North East and also Western part known as North West.

      So also does the South has its Eastern part known as South East and the Western part known as South West.

      Where then is your South South in these geographical points? Can you prove that? Black people sef.

      Don't you see it was manufactured and invented by the Nigerian government for a purpose? Divide and rule.

      I don't argue without variable knowledge. So I won't go further unless you engage me with a superior rejoinder.

    14. You see that Osu thing eh? Na there weak me pass. Why will I call my own person an outcast? God forbid bad thing for these igbo people.

  3. 😩😩😩bikonu, the south needs the north, the North needs the east, the east..west, the West. .south, the south...minorities etc etc etc

    1. Exactly, we need each other.

    2. Nobody anyone, let everyone go their separate ways, we can have a close economic tie but everyone should decide their faith

  4. 😩😩😩bikonu, the south needs the north, the North needs the east, the east..west, the West. .south, the south...minorities etc etc etc

  5. Adaka Boro went this way, how did it go? Ken Saro Wiwa did the same thing, how did he end? Una no go ever learn. Keep suffering. You were deceived to believe the Igbo man was leaving this cursed zoo because of your oil. Abi? Now let me ask you, how many of your people own oil blocs? 80 percent of the oil blocs are owned by aboki. Most of the remaining 20% are owned by Yoruba. How many Igbo people are into oil? We see oil as a lazy man's business. Make una siddon there dey answer Niger Delta.
    Finally, as a so-called Niger Delta person, the only person you truly have in this zoo is the Igbo man. That is the only person that gives a fuck about you. And e be like say time don reach make we comot face where una dey because you can't be loving person wey no love you. The Igbo man was the only person that supported your son GEJ. Na only us. Yoruba abandon am, hook up with aboki to destroy him. Till today, we are the only people that still hold him high despite his fuck ups.
    Please and please, Mr Edwin Clark sir, we don't need to go with you. But when we are going , we must surely go with our Igbo siblings who were wickedly cobbled inside what you all call Niger Delta. Una go beg to join Biafra one day.

    1. Before Ken Saro Wiwa was captured and hanged, he tried making amend with the Igbo. A man who connived with the Nigerian government to collect Igbo's properties in the name of abandoned properties. He indicated interest to join the Ohaneze ndi Igbo socio cultural group but failed. He apologized for his behaviour but I think it was pretty too late.

      It was here in Port Harcourt 1994 if my memory still serves me well he was executed by the Abacha government. Before his execution, Gen. Dim Chukwu Emeka Ojukwu came to him and uttered these words "Good Morning Ken Saro Wiwa". You know what it means to be told good morning at noon.

      I will keep saying, no matter how you serve the caliphate, you will always end up in shame and disgrace. To them, religion and ethnicity comes first.

      Do you also want to know how Adaka Boro was killed?

    2. Stop displaying your ignorance . Why not add Ojukwu that tried and close 3 million igbos were killed like rats. There is crude oil in Imo and Abia, how many igbos have oil wells there. If you want your dead Biafra and you are serious stay in your land locked South East. Leave South South alone. Decades before independence, the eastern minorities wanted out because of the way igbos dominated them and treated them like second class citizens.

    3. Igbos never dominated Niger-deltans. That is the complex that they put in your minds. If you have an instance you site it here. Ojukwu our hero helped bring them and Igbos back from the north after they were killed and massacred by the North, the problem Ojukwu did not cause. It was Kaduna Nzeogwu an Asaba man who killed Sarduana of Sokoto during their coup which failed. Ojukwu saw how the easterners (old eastern states) were being killed and he intervened, he sought restructuring which Gowon disappointed him after he agreed to it. Ojukwu now went back to the east and declared Biafra and made an Akwaibom man his deputy, it was an Ijaw man that brought the name Biafra which Ojukwu adopted. So what is the dominance here? He equally handed the Biafran country to his deputy and Akawibom man when he lost the war! Well for your information, Imo and Abia oil combined together can feed our five states if oil will still be viable and sustainable in the next ten years. Switzerland and many other successful countries are landlocked and are doing better than Nigeria and most countries that are islands! The only person bothered so much about our brothers from the south south is Kanu! For some of us we are tired of this issue and I think he cannot force people to join him. If I can suggest to him, let the five states of Igbo extraction leave, and if later the other ones want to join they can join and we form a confederal union where every region controls their resources by themselves. That was what Ojukwu was looking for that made Gowon back out at the last minute. So this issue is over flogged already, I'm not a fan of forcing people to remain with you, that is what we are fighting against about Nigeria forcing marriage on people who are tired of it. So we Igbos should not force Niger-deltans to join us. I am a fan of 'let everybody fight their battle by themselves'. Israel is like a 'dot' in a circle, yet no circle dares them!

    4. Anon 18:44, you have written well. What Nnamdi Kanu is doing is to unite all Biafran people together so that tomorrow there won't be complain that the Igbo people left us behind and went with their Biafra. He had said it repeatedly that if at the referendum the people of Akwaibom, Delta, Rivers State etc refuse to join the Biafra cause and opted for Nigeria, then it will be on their own making and decision. This is the sole aim of the referendum, for documentational purpose.

      I'm still waiting for Alexander rejoinder at down below but I'm yet to see it. Let me assume he's busy with work, for I don't want to believe he ran away. One of the reason I usually don't engage his many rants here.

    5. I have already cleared him on that one.

    6. Alexander people like you talk about landlock and I laugh. If I mention countries that are landlocked, you will see that your Nigeria got nothing on them! Armenia, Austria, Luxembourg, Ethiopia, Switzerland and many more. These countries are doing well to me.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Just like the currupt Yoruda leaders are already dying and will continue to die. Who ever told you the Igbos wants anything to do with Edo people and the naija deltans that keeps hollering? They'd just tell you guys what it, how it is and leave you to your fate. Who's forcing you people? And oh, Nnamdi is not killing anyone, no one is contesting with him as we all are aware of the fact that he's our Supreme leader, have you heard or seen anyone argue that with him? It's you and your likes that'd continue to die like wild hungry dogs in exiles, not Igbo leaders.

    2. You think the Igbo leaders doesn’t know his insatiable thirst for power, they know he will terminate anyone who doesn’t pay royalties hence they will do everything to see him rot in jail...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. What you have is inferiority complex. Kanu is the most democratic person I know. Ask none Igbos who are with him and let them tell you. Kanu is just consumed with his concern and love to liberate his people. Igbos are republicans by nature ask anybody that knows the Igbos, the reason we don't have kings. We are very democratic and capitalist. You will hardly see Igbo person not having a say in an issue because he is being suppressed by his fellows. Every person is free in Igbo land and you are the king of your own home. Nobody lords it on anybody. The reason you don't see us bow down to people or prostrate to greet. It is not lack of respect, but we very democratic! The reason Ojukwu wanted confederation! Nobody intimidates anybody in Igboland.

    4. Anon 18:52 everybody is free and you guys have Osu? Igbo's still don't marry their people (Igbo's) to fellow igbo's tagged Osu because they are bond and not free men. Keep deceiving yourselves.

    5. Osu was a tradition by the ancestors for whatever reason they put it there! Many of your communities practiced things that you are not proud of. And the osu you are talking about is not practiced in every part of Igboland! Anambra people and most parts of Abia states don't practice osu. The state that practiced osu is Imo mostly acknowledged during marriage, the so called osus are not deprived of school, government jobs or political positions or even association. They are not treated any less. You will not know unless one tells you! So that does not define an Igbo person. Bring another argument!

  7. I’m from Delta state, Anioma to precise, I used to hate anything or anyone that mentions Biafra to me, but lately I have been researching and Nigeria is a terrible country, if a lot of people knew what happened in Nigeria since inception y’all will burn it to the ground, anyways these incidence had made me trace back my roots and I finally understand why they cause division, sow discord and hide history.

    1. They all know the truth but I will say purveyors of those falsehood are deliberately mischievous. Leave them to keep wallowing in their foolery.

    2. Stop deluding yourself, what research did do about Nigeria that is hidden. Igbos hate themselves. An Anambra person believe his state is better than others. Go solve your OSU issues. Shameless

    3. Thanks Alex... They should.start my solving their internal problems. An igbo man that hardly watch out for his brothers progress. They are always in competitions with themselves. The few at Obi Cubana's event shouldn't fool anyone.. Them full onitsha market. Backbiting their brothers etc. I rest my case Jare!

    4. So Isoko people are all saints? No backbiting among them abi? I sense envy in you. If you are following up, you will know effort are being made to eradicate the Osu system. A meeting has been held on that regards which Obi of Onitsha presided. So calm down and say something else.

  8. πŸ™„πŸ™„juπŸ™„sing one eye, to look at the writer(the man)
    Edward why??
    Like seriously, how would you imagine such??
    This is more than a mind game.

    Fine, let's get it better.
    Why don't we opt to referendum.
    Instead of one person drawing conclusions to his heart desires πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

    1. Leave the Abuja errand boy. I guess his trying to curry favour from his pay masters in Abuja.

  9. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ just using one eye, to look at the writer(the man)
    Edward why??
    Like seriously, how would you imagine such??
    This is more than a mind game.

    Fine, let's get it better.
    Why don't we opt to referendum.
    Instead of one person drawing conclusions to his heart desires πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

  10. And this is why the North always holds the cards. There is no unity in the south. Even if they break up, disunity will still plague them.

  11. Teejay, there is no referendum in the Constitution because of igbos like you. During Lancaster negotiations for the independence Constitution, Awolowo wanted referendum in the Constitution. Bello, the premier of the northern region agreed with Awolowo. Your brothers and sisters led by Zik disagreed and spent hours talking , accusing Awolowo. So blame those who represented Igbos in the Lancaster talks. Today, people want true federation, they're heating up the system. It was your brothers led general Ironsi and Ben Nwanbueze who destroyed what we had in the first republic by turning out country into a unitary system with the introduction of decree 34 of 1966 . It was your brothers who led the murderous coup of January 1966, killing only northern and western soldiers and politicians. Nobody was killed in the East. Igbos are generally the problem of our country, they have always been , while claiming to be victims.

    What's there to debate about, South-south elders and governors insist they are not part of Biafra and will never be. Your supreme leader even wants part of Benue state and Kogi. Is this not madness. Free those who don't want to associate with you and go. Just go. Is it that difficult.

    1. With all your knowledge you are still calling south south, isn't that a crying shame to you?

      In your words you said during Lancaster negotiations before independence, Zik and his people frustrated referendum. Okay fine, if you said so which is still under subject of verification. I want to ask you now. If Zik frustrated Bello and Awolowo on referendum before 1960 independence, why was referendum used in 1961? You see you are contradicting yourself now. Or you don't know referendum was once used in Nigeria. Should I school you on that episode?

    2. Alexander zukwaanu ike ontop igbo matter. I neva see o

    3. Tj there is south south! You don't like it and believe geographically or ethically there is no south South but it is what it is. The geopolitical zones are what they are. Is there a middle belt? Should there be a north-central? They are names that way and it is what it is.

    4. @Lily Ambrose, please don't tell him to rest, I need his rejoinder. He always present himself as a historian. Let him answer my question. The other day, my good friend schooled him here and today he has come again with his usual lies.

    5. Teejay don't mind that Alexander, I have been questioning his intellect. I have researched all morning and couldn't find this so called nonsense he wrote up there! I could only discover from a thesis written by Olayiwola Abegunrin 1975. Zik created a federal system if government that looked like a cabinet system where the federal government will be called the common wealth of government, the chief executive will be the governor general, cabinet of fifteen ministers working with the prime minister. So in conclusion, Zik wanted a federal government that will bring people together. Being a nationalist that went for independence, he was not working to destroy what they agreed upon before independence was given. Awolowo brought his own idea of federalism which I as a person prefer considering the fact that we are different in many ways. (I prefer Awo's ). Awolowo's idea of federalism puts into consideration our differences, he wanted regions to manage their own lives and resources. His argument is that people are different and everybody should be on their own. Zik had always been a unity and 'one Nigeria' kind of person. He wants Nigeria to be one and he saw himself more as a Nigerian more than he saw himself as an Igbo, the reason he fell out with Ojukwu. Zik did not participate in the Nigerian civil war. He was born and bred in Zungeru Niger state and learned how to speak Igbo when his parents sent him home to stay with his grand parents. So talking about Zik, we love him, he is our illustrious son, but he was all about on Nigeria which an average Igbo person did not believe in. If you check on the amalgamation treaty, there was no Igbo person among the six Nigerians who signed it. So I don't know what Alexander is writing up there!

    6. Anon 20:45, my good friend, thanks for the input. The Edo guy suddenly ran away from engagement. I wonder what people stand to gain in distorting historical facts. Do you now see why history was obliterated from the school curriculum?. I just don't get it with the audacity some persons hold claims on falsehood.

      @Isoko babe, you are too small intellectually on this matter to join in an argument with me. Maybe you can do well or defeat me in matters like Big brother naija and Zee world but definitely not on this.

      Your brother Alexander ran away seeing the truth and you feel you stand a chance. I give you an assignment to go and check the cardinal points and when you come back tomorrow, tell me the location you find the North central or South South.

    7. Tj the intellectual King, BRAVO!! On your debth of knowledge. There is no point discussing (because this is certainly not an argument) with a bragadat . Let the rest of your day be filled with bliss that surpasses forcing your opinion on people .

      #CuteIsokoBae ...

  12. Let him tell us how and when Rivers State was created first. When did the term South-South, South-West and South-East come into existence? It is divide and conquer. We used to have Anambra and Imo. Now it is divided into Anambra, Enugu and Ebonyi. You will see an Anambra man deriding an Ebonyi person forgetting that until the division, we are all the same Anambra State.

  13. Nothing wey no be problem bikonu. People say they no wan join us, una dey force. Hapunu ha aka . Which kind wahala be this? Let everyone be free to make a choice na. Ike gwuru


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