Stella Dimoko TUESDAY In House News..



Tuesday, July 27, 2021

TUESDAY In House News..



How una dey?
Someone who applied for the giveaway said she wanted it for moin moin business... How in heavens name can you be looking for 100k to invest in moin moin Business?

 Do you know how much a bag of beans is? how do you hope to get profit back even if you buy half a bag? This kind of business you will end up eating the capital and profit. I personally do not think this is a durable kind of business.

Some of you should do a lot of check up in what sells before you approach anyone with business ideas, I read some and just knew it was put up to collect the money.
I will not fall for that at all, If i dont see anyone to give the money to, I will return it to Angel Koof....

Enjoy the rest of the day and try not to rant where it is not your business.... If my statement up there is wrong, please forgive me in advance.



I waited for 7years before giving birth in the 8year. I was ridiculed by friends, family and neighbour, until God remembered me.

Join me as we celebrate/ dedicate our baby girl, Nmasichukwu Diadem Onyejekwe.

I want to invite my fellow BVs to come and rejoice with me on: 1st August 2021 at Grace of God Church (5Star).
Reception: 3 Tasia Street by ABS Junction ShopRite Onitsha, Anambra State.
You can call me 07034653942 for directions.

The same God that did it for me, will also do it for those in need of this joy.

From blog visitor Amarachi with C

Praise GOD!!!
Those of you in Onitsha that have time on this day can please go and celebrate with our sister.. I think BV Amanda lives in Onitsha.



Many marriages are just for sleeping and waking up, raising kids and ageing together till death comes. This is not right. Marriage must be enjoyable and romantic.

* Many couples hardly kiss and they only hug each other when they receive good news.

*The husband only puts food in his wife's mouth only when she is terminally ill and cant feed herself (but busy feeding the small girl called side chick everyday)

* If you see a man opening car door for his wife means the door is faulty.(u have forgotten when u just met her)

*The only thing that makes an African man touch his wife's neck is when she complains of fever. He wont touch it again till the next fever.

*The only time he can carry his wife on his arms is when she is in labour.

* If you see them seated outside at night, dont think they are romantic. They are only waiting for the smell of insecticide to vanish.

*Many wives buy gifts for their husbands only when they are hospitalized.

*The only time they race together is when there is danger and everyone is running.

*The only time they go for evening stroll is when they want to go and lay a complain to the parents of the person that beat their child or got their daughter pregnant.

*The only time they bath together is when both are late for work.

*The only time a wife looks closely to her husband's eyes is when he complains of dirt in his eyes.

Is this the love you promised her/him? what happened to the lovely way you display to others out there? why can't you ignore those ladies and face you woman at home.

Don't forget, when you are sick and can't use the toilet, she will be the one facing those challenges most especially if your children are not grown up enough to face it. Your side chick won't ever remember you because she will be busy with another healthy man.

Change your attitude and build your home with love.

*I am open to critics in order to learn more*

Well this does not always follow.. Its the Naija mentality, I see love displayed in this part of the World all the time

I see couples do all these things you mention all the time in public sef and it aint no big deal.

The women complained you were bashing them and you moved to the men...LMAO




In economics and business decision-making, a sunk cost is a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered. It is a cost that has already occurred and has no potential for recovery in the future. Anyone who engages in business aim is to make profit, meanwhile, while one might experience gain and revenue, one is also bound to incur unavoidable expenses or costs, one of such cost is sunk cost. Sunk cost are monies you spend on ‘bad’ investment. 

These are monies you spend on an investment that doesn’t yield a return of investment (ROI).

For example, you rent a shop, furnish it and start a restaurant business, after some months, the business is yet to pick up, maybe due to its location, or the culture of the people that live around that vicinity is that they don’t eat outside, when you notice this, you don’t continue making more investment into the business just because you have already invested a lot and can’t let go, It’s advisable for you to stop anymore investment in the business, count your loss, and move on, if not, you’ll end up making more loss at the end of the day. 

This loss you made from the bad investment is what is regarded as a sunk cost. They were necessary costs, but due to whatever reasons, things didn’t work out as expected, so you had to end the spending immediately, to avoid losing more.


Most times, we want something so bad that we spend all our time and resources, energy and prayers in trying to get it, but it still wasn’t achievable, due to a fault which isn’t ours, that is, the power of making such thing become a reality lies in the hand of someone or something else, but the person or thing is not cooperating with you to make this your want a reality, after so much try. 

It is best to count your loss and move, if not you’ll suffer more loss. You should face other important things in your life so you don’t continue wasting time and regret in future. Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.

For example, You have been asking this girl or guy for a relationship, doing everything within your power (time and resources) to woo the person into seeing reason why he or she would be better off with you, If after doing your best, the person still doesn’t see reasons why he or she should accept your proposal, it’s advised you move on with your life and channel the time and energy into other important aspects of your life, if not you’ll end up losing more and still not achieve what you want. Same goes to marriage, business, friendship, and every aspect of one’s life. know when to move on, so as to avoid stories that touch, know when to leave anything that causes you sadness, pain, loss and other things that are toxic to your health and general wellbeing. Lingering sadness becomes depression, high blood pressure and cardiac arrest, these are ugly psychological disorder. It might not be easy, it’s never easy, but it’s worth it.

It also applies to those who are living an illegal or immoral lifestyle, no matter how far you have gone, you can still stop now and count it as your ‘sunk cost’, if not, that way of life would probably be the cause of your death or you ending up in jail..

Have a blessed day..

BV Dante.



A computer operator is needed for employment to work in a school in River state. Around egwuruta axis.

The person must be fluent in English
Neat/ descent in dressing.
Interested individuals should call;




  1. Good afternoon everyone!
    We welcome IHN!
    The weather is friendly......

    1. Afternoon to you too

      Friendly with cold

    2. Cool afternoon good people.

      Congratulations to the new mother, may God bless and keep the new born.

      Pinky 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄you see as I dey look you?

    3. Ihn ti dey... Congratulations to the new mom, enjoy it's the Lord's and it's marvelous in our sight

    4. Congratulations to the new mom, I rejoice with you. May God protect your precious gift as you journey through motherhood.


    5. Congratulations on your baby, indeed our God is faithful.

    6. Interesting IHN.

      Congrats to the new mom. God is great.

      Pinky you are right. Couples have to learn to rekindle their love. Don't allow see finish take complete control of your relationship or marriage.

      Dante such a beautiful write up. (So you sabi write better thing? But of course) In fact I am contemplating a very big sunk cost in my life now and still trying to push it. Guess I should stop. Just don't know what to do next.
      May the weather continue to favor us.

    7. Congratulations to the new mom..
      O know how u feel..

  2. Divine Health Confessions!!

    My life is for the glory of God. I declare that Christ dwells in me by faith; therefore, no devil of infirmity has any right over my body. I have no facility to accommodate disease in my body. I live in absolute divine health and above all the corrupting influences of the world.

  3. Replies
    1. I am very happy for the newest mom and dad in town. That child will bring joy, happiness and other siblings to your home and hearts in Jesus Name. Amen
      God will bless other women looking unto God for this kind of heartwarming blessings. Amen.

  4. He didn't say it will be all rosy
    But He said; He will be with me
    And He won't leave me
    And that am sure of......
    Him and I are in this together

  5. I have always have this fear of Covid 19 in me, have been very careful because am prone to flu

    When I saw Eka's post yesterday it gave me a frieght, cos she's been vaccinated, kept worrying about Alex how will she suck and all,🤗🤗 Eka hope you are okay, do take care of you🤗

    My husband came back with flu yesterday I was just interrogating him and he was like you don start again 🙄
    Do take care of you dear

    Stay safe everyone

    1. Thanks dear but I had the covid before my vaccination but I thought it was fever

    2. I hope that you are getting better joy ? please take care of baby Alex

    3. Waoooo
      How are u feeling now

  6. Good afternoon everyone
    Hope ya day is going smoothly

  7. It's a pleasant afternoon.

    Enjoy the rest of the day.

  8. Good afternoon blog family
    Welcome to IHN❤️❤️❤️

  9. I am here thinking of my love recently i'm always feeling sleepy and always falling asleep and eating too much. I think i'm kinda of lonely or depressed.

    1. What happened to your love?

    2. Is something bothering you? You should go out and meet friends and try to losen up.

  10. Congratulations to the bv dedicating her baby,may she grow in love and God's grace

  11. Bv, that gave birth, I am so happy for you. Congratulations.

    My people, how una dey?

  12. Join me to Thank God for Safe delivery. This my third child birth journey was so stress free and I give God the glory. I don hang boot oh.
    Baby dust to all awaiting Mums.

    1. Congratulations Ma'am..😊
      Thank God 4yur nd yur beautiful baby..

    2. Congratulations to you
      My regards to your beautiful baby

    3. Congratulations Momma❤️❤️ God bless and keep the newborn..I just thought of you yesterday oh!God is great

    4. Oh! Thank God for you, dear. Kisses to your baby. 😘😘😘😘😘

    5. Congrats dear Engraced.God bless ur baby and keep he/her safe.We thank God for safe delivery.

    6. Thank God for safe delivery. Congratulations to you and yours

      Pretty Patience

    7. Congratulations Engraced,May God almighty protect you and ur little one,and provide for u to take good care of ur child.amen.

    8. Congrats💃💃💃

      You sure say you don hang boot🤔🤔🤔
      All my former birth mates when dey shout hang boot hang boot
      They are currently breastfeeding

    9. Congratulations Engraced.

    10. Congratulations dear, may God keep your newborn.

    11. Thank God for safe delivery
      Congratulations to you

    12. Congratulations Engraced

    13. Congratulations

    14. Amarachi with C27 July 2021 at 15:36

      Congratulations dear.

  13. Its a rainy day in kD, congratulations to the new parent,God bless and keep baby Nmasi .

    Hello IHN

    1. Congratulations to the new Mom❤️❤️ God bless and keep baby Nmasichukwu

  14. Replies
    1. What happened to you yesterday?

    2. @SluttyChic..
      😊Babe nothing much happened reaction yesterday was about what Stella wrote and only she can ununderstand why i was crying..😂😂
      Buh no serious issues sha so we movvvveeee😘

  15. Good afternoon to y'all on here and hope everything is fine wherever you are at?
    5 easiest ways to become a Nigerian celebrity
    1.Have a big quality phone with some good camera
    2.Tone up your skin big time or be all bleached up
    3.Ensure to be top notch with your fashion sense(shoes,clothings,jewelleries and shoes must always be on point)No repetitions please..😆😆
    4.Stir up controversies from time to time and don't freaking relent
    5.Always get your groove on by dancing or choreographing or tweaking to the latest numbers or songs that are blazing hot in town
    😆🤣😂 I am just catching cruise and stay positive,peeps

    1. Twerking** and not tweaking

    2. no well aswear😂😂😂

    3. And add that you are an actor to your cv.

  16. Dante's write up 👌👌

    Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.

  17. Jamiu bus conductor quote 😂😂

  18. Good afternoon Everyone
    Guess who just signed out of university! Mua! Aliamdulillahi!
    BSc bagged with ease
    One day I am going to share my life experiences,how I spent 7years in school not because of Carry over o, I was among the More than 25% students that was laled( uniport students ll understand).
    Good afternoon

    1. Congrats dear🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

    2. Congratulations Poshhajia!

      Pretty Patience

    3. Congratulations
      I very well know this feeling

    4. Wow 7 whole years!! Congrats dear bv poshhajia.delay is not denial indeed.

    5. Posh hajia, congratulations. July has really been good to you. Many more wins for you I pray.

    6. Congratulations Hajia
      More wins I wish you in life

    7. Congratulations posh👍🏿

    8. Congratulations poshHajis

    9. We left uniport before Laale came in the next year. Heard stories about him.Thank God for you finally.

  19. Congratulations BV Amanda
    Your joy will never stop.
    The baby will be an open door to blessings in your family.

  20. We'll come ihn ,hope everyone is fine? Congrat to the bvs who just welcome a new child ..ire na aKari loruko Jesu.🙏🙏 Amin.


  21. Good afternoon blog Fam 💕💕💕💕💕

    Stella babe lovely afternoon 💕💕💕💕💕💕

    Blog visitor congrats! Great testimony,our God is awesome.

  22. Hiyaaaa everyone😘😘😘. Hope your day's going good.BV Amanda, sooo happy for you🤗🤗. May God bless ypur bundle of joy. You will be a point of contact to those trusting God for theirs🙏. Oga Pinky, this your write up no follow at all. 🙄. Jamiu Moshood, dem plenty for Lag😂😂😂😂. Sometimes you ask for your change, and they act like they were hoping you'll forget it. Stay safe my darlings. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    1. My candilicious candy I don't think it's bv Amanda that put to bed.jewelu meant that bv Amanda stays in onitsha so if she has time she can attend the child dedication on behalf of SDK.
      How's ur sister doing.

    2. @Osundi, I thought it was bv Amanda too. Wetin person dey think plenty biko. Congratulations to the joyful momma

  23. Congratulations to you and your family on the birth and dedication of your daughter, she shall be a blessing to your family.

    Hello everyone.

  24. Congratulations to you Mummy Diadem. This God who did it for you will do it for other waiting mothers, Amen

  25. Amarachi with C27 July 2021 at 14:13

    You are all invited. Stella you made a mistake, my blog name is "Amarachi with C".

  26. Hello ma'am.
    Bless full Tuesday to you all.

    The way this giveaway is paining me ehn.

    Wanted to apply was discouraged cos i tot i wont be picked. As my business is bearly a year.

    Congrats to the lucky 30.

    My miracle is on the way

  27. Some Naija men are not romantic at all......The one i know said he has to hustle, till he makes money first before he can think of Romance

  28. Belated happy birthday to you Dante.

    Congratulations to the bv that just welcome her baby, God bless your baby

    Congratulations to the giveaway recipient. God bless our blog angels

    Have a lovely afternoon everyone

  29. Powerful quote indeed. I remember how I left #450 change in the hands of a conductor in a danfo bus in Lagos. I remember it till tomorrow even though it is almost 15yrs ago. Reason is I was a job seeker going for an interview, that change was the only money I had left and without it, I could not take the next bus to the interview venue on time, conductors kept sending me out of the bus until a good Samaritan helped. I got to the interview venue late and was sent back home.
    Remembering it now, I laugh.

    Lagos conductors? In their own case, you not only ask for it, you must keep asking and pestering them for it.

    Congratulations to the new mum.

    Mrs Sharon, how far? We are waiting for that thing you talked about in the morning.

    1. Sorry please..
      I will send it in sp tomorrow,was so busy since.

  30. Congratulations on the birth of your baby.

  31. Pinky you lost my respect for you already with the stuff you wrote about women before especially the fathers day own where you called women "awon were" meaning "mad people"

    1. I don't think am in anyway better than you or anyone here but have it at the back of ur mind that " I am the best of myself"

      This is a faceless friendly blog and it will be so bad for me trying to prove what is not.

      All were ups are open to critics either constructive one or the other way round(no qualms)if am opportune, I would have loved to explain better that Father's day article.

      All the same, Respect is just a word on its own but God's blessing towards everyone is most paramount.


    2. Anon please forgive him for he has apologized.

    3. Pinky apologised, some of you people need to ease up. Na wa ooo. You wanna hang him or what? Pinky carry go my dear bv.

  32. When you want to submit a business proposal, try as much as possible to breakdown the cost, write how and what you will do with the capital, and say this is how the result will be.

    That way it's easier for you and others to know what you really want to do.

    Eg. Moi Moi business.

    Let's say, the things you will use for its is;

    Beans, oil, onions, big pot, fish, pepper, eggs, curry, spice.

    Now you should forsee about 50 moimoi wraps. Which you can sell at #150 for egg only #200 for egg and fish

    50 x #200 fish n egg that's #10,000

    Now your cost;

    A rubber should make 15, then 3 rubbers will make 45.

    3 rubbers is 900 x 3 that's #2,700

    One egg can serve 3 moimoi

    For 45 moimoi. That's 15 eggs. A crate is #1600 so half crate is #800

    You buy shawa big for #500, 2 will serve 45 that's #1000

    Oil for 45 moimoi should be #120 x5 that's #700

    Onions, pepper,spice will be like #700

    That's total;#5900 and you sold for #10,000

    That's #4100. At first, it will be tedious, but with time you will blend. So #50,000 to #100,000 can get you more moimoi and sell with more profit.

    So when you have a business and you want to apply for a business opportunity, try and break it down, that way you are open and plain.

    I may be right or wrong thou. It's just a guide..😆😆😆😁😁😁😁😉

    1. God bless you! This is so useful!

    2. Thank you Ola Wealth.

    3. Thank you so much. But I did try with my breakdown, though didn't input the prices

    4. And also buying things in bulk helps in business like for her now she can buy her Ben's in bag, 25 litters of oil and crates of egg, foil or nylon then device a means of saving for each mudu she makes so as to help her get money to restock

    5. The moin business can actually be a good business. The content, packaging, pricing and location all will play a part in the success of the business. Hygiene is also a very important aspect of food business many overlook.

  33. The weather here is so bad and tempting but in his name I will over-come👁️

    Is there anyone who want to cut soap for me

  34. Congratulations to the new God💃💃💃.
    God be praised!!!
    What GOD cannot do does not exist.halleluyah!!!!

  35. Congratulations to you Onitsha BV Thank God for wiping away your tears...
    BV Dante nice writeup I will tagged it THE ART OF LETTING GO.
    Ijeoma PH how far I miss all your gists oh please bring them back.

    Good afternoon people have a great day ahead...

  36. Congrats BV Amanda. God bless you and the new born.

  37. Good afternoon house, welcome to ihn

  38. Good afternoon Stella. I am the person that said I sell MOI MOI in the business giveaway.

    For what's worth, I didn't lie in my application just to win the giveaway money. I've been making and selling moi moi since February 2021 and even with the increase in the prices of food commodities ; it is still a profitable business.

    So I didn't just make that story up to win the money. And whether I win the giveaway or not, I am still a PROUD MOI MOI SELLER.

  39. Congratulations new mum. God bless your bundle of joy.

    1. Nwannem o, thanks for the shout💕💕

  40. Good afternoon BVs. I thank God for the gifts of life. just got out from the hospital since last month ending.

  41. Congratulations to the bv that just had a baby,the same God that gave u a testimony will do for my sis.she has bin ttc for years,God please bless them with a child and wipe away her tears.let her joy be complete and permanent.Amen🙏

    1. Amarachi with C27 July 2021 at 15:42


    2. Amen to your prayer Vahleree. She will rejoice very soon.


  42. Congrats to lady God blessed with baby girl .

  43. Beautiful afternoon to you all 😘🙂
    Congratulations to the bv that gave birth it can only be God
    Dante I sight you👍👍

    1. Goodafternoon Black slimzy..
      Have a beautiful day ahead..😊

    2. Good afternoon Iyke Desmond
      Have a great day 😘

  44. Nice one Dante. Your piece is the real truth.

    Will be traveling this weekend to the East for a wedding. My tailor did a very good job and I'm so happy about it.

    Nice weather here today. Still waiting for my meal to arrive ooh. Hungry want finish me here.

    Good Afternoon guys.

    1. Tee Jay send us pictures o.I know that feeling when my tailor exceeds my expectation lol.

    2. You live in Port Harcourt and is traveling to the East. 🤷

  45. Came back to in house news very late yesterday. I had even forgotten that I dropped any comment sef.

    I saw your prayers and I am thankful. Thank you very much. You will actually believe Corona virus exists but I'm not sure it really really sinks in until it comes close to you. We can't even say for sure how we got it but we are leaning towards our daughter bringing it back from daycare or so as she was the first person to show symptoms. But to us we were just treating normal cough and catarrh until I also got cough, catarrh and sore throat that I just believed was normal. And then fever came and I still thought it was just normal fever that would come at night and with small paracetamol leave in the morning.

    Then we went and took the first dose of the vaccine and my fever worsened. Two days later, my husband started showing the exact symptoms that I had but slightly worse and at first we thought it was a reaction to the vaccine but when it wasn't going away, we just knew there and then that we had contracted the covid19 even before taking the vaccine.

    So we called the health center and they scheduled us for a covid test and both my husband and I tested positive. It almost felt like a death sentence. Hehehe. I didn't test my daughter tho as a friend of mine advised not to because she had a really bad experience when she tested her 1 year plus when they had covid last year. She kept bleeding from the nose for days. So we just assumed our daughter was positive because she also kept having high grade fever that would go down with benuron.

    I think my worst mistake here was telling our parents that we were covid positive. My mum and dad didn't sleep that night and as early as 7am, my dad called to check up on us and told us they didn't sleep through the night. I asked them why na, that it's not that serious that we slept just fine.

    My mother in law burst into tears and begged me to take care of her son and her grandchild. It was as if we told them we were dying.

    Yesterday we have been certified okay and now allowed to go out. We've been quarantining since we tested positive. I am really grateful to God that our symptoms were not more than that of the regular malaria fever and we are almost as good as new.

    Now I worry about returning my baby to creche oh but what can one do when both my husband and I are working and we both need the money.

    Once again, thanks a lot for the prayers

    1. Kpele dearie Thank God you guys are doing just okay Ehugs

    2. Sorry Joy. God will perfect your healing in Jesus'Name.

    3. May God protect the lil one and u both IJN.
      Una get naija blood, the Rona won't get u ppl deep. Here, ppl get it and also get better. Hardly anyone dies, just up ur vitamins intake esp bit C, u ll be fine.

    4. So sorry
      Wishing your family speedy recovery 🙏🙏❤️

    5. Thank God for you. I guess coming from a place where you had been treating malaria might have contributed to your recovery. May God perfect your healing

    6. Thank God you both are fine.

    7. I pray God's healing and divine health upon your household

  46. Has anyone bought rice and garri in the markets recently? Same price? Or increased? Let me not go and be reduced to Charlie Chaplin there tommorow.

    1. Lol. Just go with extra cash so you don’t go home disappointed.

    2. We make our garri ourselves so it's been long I bought. I don't know how much it is being sold for but I bought a quarter bag of short grain rice on Saturday for 6000

    3. The price of rice has increased,I don't know about garri.

  47. Has anyone bought rice and garri in the markets recently? Same price? Or increased? Let me not go and be reduced to Charlie Chaplin there tommorow.

    1. Garri, almost 500 per mudu, Nigeria local rice 23,500 a bag.

  48. Somwtimes Change will not be given to you,unless you ask for it👌🏼.

    Pinky , naija men dey always put the problem of the country for mind, no time for love play, most only do love play when dem don fuck up and need appease to madam.

    Congrats madam, God has finally wipe away your tears, may God bless the new baby. I wonder how people have mind to taunt people that are waiting to conceive or waiting for marriage?

  49. Congratulations to you Anambra Bv. May God bless your baby
    Nice one Pinky


  50. It is best to count your loss and move, if not you’ll suffer more loss. You should face other important things in your life so you don’t continue wasting time and regret in future. Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.

    Dante,this is quite inspiring. Permission to copy

    BV Amanda, congratulations on your baby christening. Celebrations will not leave your house

  51. Cold weather here in Lagos.

    Congratulations BV Amanda on the birth and dedication of your baby.

  52. Stella, I beg to disagree on the issue of moi moi business. 100k for the business is very good. The beans must not be bought in bags. She can start with half bag or even three to four rubbers of it. Then buy other things in small quantities. These include: a gallon of groundout oil, a rubber of dry ungrounded pepper ( and grind only the quantity needed per time), a rubber of onions, if using kerosene, one 10 litre worth for a start, a basket of dry fish, foil for wrapping and any other little thing. The money will still remain sef. She can go to a big market to get these things at cheaper wholesale rate.

    I'm not advocating you give her but just to let you know that if she is given, the money will be made use of diligently. She announced the start of this business right here months earlier and we celebrated her. If she could start small, then I strongly believe she could use it to boost it well. It is people like this that actually know how to keep business since they started small. She'll plough the profits back into the business and from there it keeps growing. My opinion.

    Nmasichukwu Diadem Onyejekwe, welcome to this world and be blessed for life. Congratulations to the parents. Many more to come.

    MC Pinky, nice write up. Relationships are purely hardwork between two parties. When it's only one party slaving it out, that's when it becomes suffering. God help us.

    Dante, are you an accountant? This one you know about sunk cost. The major reason people keep hanging on to sunk cost is to save face. If not, deep down, they know their project is already a failed cause. Nice one.

    Good afternoon Stella and bvs.

  53. I sing because I'm Happy
    I sing because I'm Free
    His eyes are on the sparrows and I know he watches Me
    His eyes are in the sparrows and I know he watches Me.
    God is mindful on YOU!!
    Hello People

  54. Hello ihn 😘
    Good afternoon everyone and our landlady Jewelu star woman.

    Wow,congrats mama Diadem..I love the name.The birth of Diadem will open doors for many other babies and she will be a source of joy and peace in ur family.

    Pinky I refyref to believe that our men aren't romantic as u listed up there,some just don't know how to do it (specially my igbo brothers) but can learn if taught.So women can also teach their hubbies how to be romantic.Some women even shy away from PDA in public.

    Nice one bv Dante,I learnt something new from your write-up.God bless you.

    Well-done o Jamiu Moshood the conductor 🤣🤣

    Bvs una dooh oo..e go surely be ✌️.

  55. I just saw the movie, 'Apaye.' Learnt many lessons from it. The child named, Hardstone, turned out to be very troublesome and stubborn. Even ended up being in and out of jail. The child named, Healer, became a doctor. The child named, Starlight, became a philanthropist, lawyer, politician and owner of several companies. And it's a real life story.

    1. I never thought of watching it if not for a friend but sincerely,it was cool and learnt alot

    2. Hmmm..what you name your child really matters..nice.

  56. Good afternoon everyone
    A big congratulations to Onitsha BV for your new baby

    I had 2 male friends. One was doing all in your post but will sneak out around 1am to attend club, frolick with girls and come back before his wife wakes up as she sleeps deep. While the other was not romantic but very faithful to his wife.

    One day, the faithful guy's wife asked him why he does not see how our friend treats his wife, romantic and loved up. He replied her asking if she will prefer being kissed before going out and coming home, hugged in public, romantic as our friend is but unfaithful to her? She did not answer the question till today.

    We are Africans and should do our thing in our way. Following oyibo blindly has caused some relationships and marriages to break up. Not saying being romantic is not okay.

    You do what works for you.

  58. Congratulations Bv Amanda

    May your joy remain permanent. Amen

  59. Lol @ Jamiu quote.
    Congrats BV with the new baby. I'm happy for you.

  60. God bless baby Nmasichukwu.congrats to your family.
    Seriously Nigerian men are so unromantic, maybe the financial situation of the country stresses the so much and beats out their romantic nature....

  61. Candy and Darajah,read to understand.
    The bv dedicating the child is not bv amanda

  62. Good afternoon ihn is here💋💋💋💕💕💚💚💞💞💙💙💖💖

    Congratulations to the newborn mother,may the baby be a source of joy and blessing to your family🙏🙏🙏

  63. 100k is enough for moin moin biz na.
    He/she doesn't have to start with one trailer of beans.


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