Stella Dimoko Lagos State To Prosecute Nnamdi Kanu For Leading EndSARS Protest


Monday, July 05, 2021

Lagos State To Prosecute Nnamdi Kanu For Leading EndSARS Protest



  1. Wahala no dey finish for this country.

    Let's wait n see..this one na season film..una never chichomchi

    1. St Elsewhere Phoenix5 July 2021 at 09:32

      This is a case of giving a dog a bad name. Hmmm ike gwuru

  2. And SanwoIKU believes ppl will vote for him next election. Evil puppet
    I wonder what lies he wants to spin then.This is d reason ENDSARS didnt want a specific leader. Hmmmmm

    1. St Elsewhere Phoenix5 July 2021 at 09:31

      But Lagos does not even have strong opposition that is my worry. I have given up on him tipe tipe. Ambode warned us šŸ¤·‍♀️šŸ¤·‍♀️

    2. You must think if he decides to run, only Easterners residing in Lagos will vote for him. Joke's on you šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

    3. @ EESAH Mr Nobody..jokes on you too..Ask rock house boy..

    4. Sincerely speaking sanwo doesn't need eastern votes but I still want APC to lose lagos

    5. @Eesah pls get off my post and take ur madness elsewhere. Thank you

  3. End SARS protest in Lagos?!šŸ˜‚
    Never expected this, now they are grasping at straws.
    Nnamdi, pele. They will throw everything at you until something sticks.

    1. Ofcourse, definitely a few will stick.
      He had it coming.
      He should kiss his Fendi and Freedom goodbye, till Buhari is out of power.

    2. A lot will stick because Nnamdi is already dirty and slimy, which only makes it easier.

    3. @Samurai and that his Fendi no gree you sleep, is this witchcraft?

  4. Endsars killers nkoor

  5. I knew Sanwo Olu was evil sha. I knew.

    God punish every single politician that has decided to play with the lives of Nigerians. Their end shall now be good

    1. God punish Nnamdi the coward and his entire followers that has refused to let peace reign in the East of Nigeria

  6. Why are they still pained about the ENDSARS? They know something bigger is coming and they can't stop it. Kanu had nothing to do with the protest

  7. Can this govt for once take responsibility for their inadequacies.

    1. Which state are you from? Go and compare it's development to Lagos then we'll know which state government isn't taking responsibility for it's inadequacies šŸ˜Š

    2. Let them be deluding themselves, Blesso.

  8. When we said EndSARS and LekkiLies was an attempt by insurrectionists and Ipob to overthrow a democratically elected government, their sorosoke werey minions here came for us. FYI, y'all can pretend that Nnamdi Kanu didn't have anything to do with the EndSARS protest but the receipts are online for all to see. The receipt of your Lord commanding his stooges to kill, burn and maim during the EndSARS protest. IPOB really played a fast one on Nigerians by hiding under a genuine cause (EndSARS) and then use Uju Catherine Ude to stage that LekkiLies to burn down Lagos but Lagosians are woke now and never again shall that happen!!!

    1. Continue defending this govt..Mr Nobody...Your end will soon come..That kobo kobo they are paying you will soon end and you will run back to this blog for giveaway but no one will heed to your plea...For supporting this government when you know they lie,may you never know peace all the days of your life..

    2. I never really paid any attention to Kanu until i heard one of his broadcast during the #Endsars protect where he was claiming that his boys were the ones protesting and was giving "his boys" order to kill poilce officers and military personnels! That was when i knew that something was terribly wrong with him. Its time to answer for those claims and orders. That guy needs to be off the streets for a very very very long time. Coming from an Igbo woman! I dont support evil. Some of the police officers they killed in the east were Igbos! Their crime? They were officers!!

    3. 10:34 you just cursed yourself. I needn't say more šŸ˜Š

    4. Are you sure? I fear who no fear internet, una can do and undo. Well Kanu will meet them in court. šŸ˜€šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜„šŸ˜šŸ˜†šŸ˜€šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜„šŸ˜šŸ˜†. Lazy government.

    5. Yeah Eesah I listened to some of those VN and I feel that Nnamdi kanu has a hand in it.

    6. Anon 12:35, see him in court.

  9. Amarachi with C5 July 2021 at 10:14

    This is a joke. NIGERIA can never work with this type of leaders that conspire against their citizens. How can a normal human being, gang up against his brother, talk more a Country against her citizens? I have given up on this Country. Many Nnamdi Many will spring up tomorrow,if we fail to address the impunity and oppression going on in this Country .

    1. You can decide to become another Nnamdi Kanu and take up arms against Nigeria now! What are you waiting for? Pls start now!!! Terrorists are no brothers of Nigerians. We kee them in whatever alias they come under. There is a shoot on sight order for Boko Haram and Bamdits in the north, there will also be a shoot on sight order for IPOB terrorists in the south soon. Go and join them quickly or better still, relocate and leave Nigeria for Progressives and well-meaning Nigerians. Nigeria will surely win!!!

    2. Las las, it looks like they have no case against Nnamdi Kanu! This one can be easily trashed out of court! They sued Jack Dorsey first, that he masterminded endsars, it didn’t work, Now it’s Nnamdi. Jokers!

    3. @EESA (Akhi Next Door) and why have they still not done anything if they have such order, haven't they been seeing bandits? They will still give Gumi money to go and pay these ones that kidnapped these kids today! Who is deceiving who?

    4. The bandits Gumi has been seeing and negotiating with are invisible to normal eyes abi?. Shoot at sight kor.......

      Nigeria remains a huge, pathetic joke.

  10. How???I just tirešŸ¤¦‍♀️šŸ¤¦‍♀️šŸ¤¦‍♀️

  11. Sanwo olu now i know you're truly MAD

  12. Why are they pained about Endsars.
    Very soon there will be petitions to ban them from entering Europe, US, etc.


  13. I just wish we can travel back in time to September 30 1960 and prevent October 1 1960... Oga governor sir, "my hands were tied ,power beyond your control".. who ordered the lekki tollgate shooting, you are yet to give an answer.. you people forget that nothing lasts forever..I just wonder if these people sleep very with free conscience at night...

  14. Inasmuch as I don't like this Nnamdi Kanu's ways,
    Was it Nnamdi Kanu that sent soldiers to kill peaceful protesters
    and hide their bodies?
    Sanwo Olu should hide his face in shame! šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€⚖

    1. I heard the audio where he instigated people to kill uniform men and cause destruction

    2. @deenity sealord, you can hear and unhear, just meet Kanu in court! Not all these lies you guys are peddling everywhere.

    3. @deenity sealord, I guess Kanu was referring to policemen who were deployed to the east to kill innocent young men going about their business, and calling them terrorists. He asked them to defend themselves instead of becoming statistics. Hope Uzodinma deployed police and whatever security men to be picking guys up and killing the ones who engage terrorists in the bushes.

    4. @deenity sealord, u called it 'audio' abi? Ok na. Meh dem go court go prove audio.

  15. U see why so many people from the SE and SS decided to keep quiet about June 12 and make it a Yoruba thing? cos they know u guys will still blame them for what they didn't do..
    Same Yorubas are the one shouting southern Nigeria but will be the first to betray others
    Meanwhile they don't have balls to hold the fulfude people responsible when it is obvious that bubu and co are the ones behind endsars massacre....
    Fulani keeps using 'divide and rule' against the southerners but u can never see them condemn their own, take Hell rufia, Gumi and even bubu cowhead for example...
    Assuming Pantamu was a Southerner, same southerners will definitely call for his head not supporting him tho but some times make we southerners de use our brain.....
    Yorubas are quick to castigate Igbo especially this MNK issue, but I have never see any Igbo person castigate Igboho cos we know the tactics of the Fulanis.
    May God help us

    1. @11:51, you are very correct!

    2. Igbos know what's up. They call things out for what they are.

  16. This one here shows me that they cannot pin any serious crime on him. They said treason, he was not trying to overthrow govt, he was asking for referendum which is not treason, he does not believe in Nigeria, so he cannot try to overthrow a govt of a country he doesn’t believe in. They said he jumped bail, but his life was in danger so he ran for his life, so that cannot be ascertained. They are saying money laundering, which is a fallacy. Killing? You cannot prove it in law court, even if you pay somebody to come and testify against him, it is contestable in court. So long as everything is hear say, he is good to go with a good lawyer! I guess that’s why they are looking for anything that will ‘looks like it’.

  17. Oya, the next is one repentant unknown gunmen will come out and say Nnamdi Kanu paid them to be killing people in the streets!
    I think the Nigerian govt said Jack was the sponsor,even blamed crypto traders,so Nnamdi Kanu is the sponsor,wowwww, this govt takes award as the most foolish in the world!
    No time has Nigeria been looked down upon like this time all over the world!


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