Stella Dimoko Wednesday SPONTANEOUS Post...


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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Wednesday SPONTANEOUS Post...

 #wednesday #wcw #womancrushwednesday #lastdayinjune #newmothloading #whatGodcannotdodoesnotexist #itiswhatitis #untothenext #dontsayanythinguntilyouhearthestory 

Good Morning beautiful People.....

Chei, that Germany versus England match pained me so much....How did England win so easily? As a Germany citizen that boasted with full chest I am so embarrassed..... Chei!!!

Someone dropped a comment for me yesterday in the Spontaneous post because i said some people ask for miracles that may kill them and i used someone over 50 trying to conceive as an example, I have screen munched your comment for Todays in house news, i will reply you there, you witch!

Let me Once again say here that this is my joint and I am in charge and because I let some of you comment anyhow and i approve it, does not mean i am in support of your comments...Give me a break and let me breath in here, I can comment however I like and you have no right to curse me out. In case you do not know, gone are the days that you insult me and I will approve the comments, now i just delete them and move on, if you comment that another Blog approves comments where they drop insults, its that persons choice, mine is to DELETE ASAP...

There was a time I used to enable such comments but it got overboard and i put a stop to it!

Let us try to respect that others have a different opinion from ours and let them breath please... 

Is it too much for you to argue responsibly and without curses? Think about it!

Have a wonderfully blessed day and lots of hugs to those who make sense.



  1. Trust And Live In The Word!!
    James 1:22-25.


    "God's Word is His material for your blessing, which is why you must get the Word into your Spirit; trust and live in the Word"

    "Don't assume that as long as God has given a word concerning you, it'll come to pass; you have a role to play. You must connect to and align yourself with His message to you to experience the blessings thereof"

    "However, the way to make contact with that power and use it to your benefit is walking in the Word, being a doer of the Word. It's the doers - not the hearers of the Word - that are blessed"


    Dear Father, I thank you for the blessings of living in your Word. Through the Word and the Holy Spirit, I'm guided in divine wisdom to walk in, and fulfil your destiny for my life, bringing you glory as i produce works and fruits of righteousness, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Dear Stella, it is too much for them to argue without curses because they've never had the opportunity to do so. Someone gives his opinion and next thing they do is to insult the person. Instead of stating theirs. Check all those who do this. They are from very crass and crude background. Touts they are to say the least. That is the way they've been communicating all their lives. Changing it will be very tough. We just pray they get to learn proper way of communication as they daily visit this blog.

    2. Starting my exams today.. I wish myself and all my course mates success in Jesus name amen

    3. Wishing all round success @ hand sanitizer

    4. Success in your exam @Hand sanitizer

    5. Goodluck to your and your course mates Hand Sanitizer

    6. I wish u success in ur exams,u will make ur papers in flying colours.

  2. This new day as you go forth...

    May God grant you an understanding of every mystery that may arise on your way to success and may heaven's light shine on your way...

    May you advance and prevail against every opposition to progress...

    In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Amen.

    Blessed and fulfilling day, I wish you!!!

  3. Good morning Bvs. We are still praying today. Are you ready to pray on the go? I am if you are!


    1. Good morning to y'all on here and stay safe


    ‘Peacemakers…shall be called the children of God.’ Matthew 5:9 KJV

    Lesson one: sometimes the best resolution to a conflict is a separation, even if it’s temporary. When emotions run high, you need space to think clearly. And God can use this time of separation for His glory. Because Paul and Barnabas parted, the gospel was preached in even more cities. But when a temporary separation is the best option, you need to agree on how long it will be. In some friendships, one person may have outgrown the relationship. But this should be handled with love and wisdom, realising that we can all learn from our mistakes and grow through them. Later Paul wrote, ‘Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for ministry’ (2 Timothy 4:11 NKJV).
    Lesson two: when you realise that you’ve been wrong, you need to acknowledge it. For a single, focused leader like Paul, this called for humility. Indeed, it’s a comfort to us to know that someone as anointed and brilliant as Paul could rethink his position and come to a different conclusion. Mistakes may be bad; but they’re not as bad as the pride that seeks to defend and perpetuate them.
    Lesson three: you must learn to disagree without being disagreeable. It’s noteworthy that nowhere in Scripture do we find a time when Paul talked publicly about their disagreement. Both Paul and Barnabas focused on their respective missions. The only behaviour you have the power to change is your own. And this should be your reason for doing so: ‘We will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ’ (Ephesians 4:15 NLT).
    Word For Today

  5. German machines wet defeated😂😂😂.
    Pele stellalicious.
    Good morning lovelies.

    1. German machines have seen better days 😂😂 Joachim Low is going,he has tried mbok after 15yrs he has seen it all

  6. Please send your photos for face of in house news competition to my Boss via

    Thank you

    1. Learn to appreciate PA. After all congratulatory massages. You can't even say thank you. Tuuueeh.
      I come in peace.

    2. Very proud annoying thing.

    3. So annoying

    4. BITCHandSLUT.com30 June 2021 at 09:25

      I observe that as well, but sha, it's up to her.

      Every mallam to his kettle.

    5. You people are mean. Have you asked her if she read or saw those messages?. A new bride on honeymoon, you think she'll have the time?.
      It's too early to be bitter tbh

    6. No mind the girl, as she don become PA,she thinks she's above other bvs

    7. Why are you people like this. I thought I saw her thank you post few days ago. PA please ignore and enjoy your marriage. Rubbish..


    8. @Anon Dee: There's nothing like "mean and bitter" in all people have said. You guys should learn to accept the truth. Not everyone who tells you the (bitter) truth is an enemy or hater, please.
      You can't tell me, the blog PA hasn't read the blog since, say, yesterday, to even drop a "Thank you everyone for the prayers and wishes" comment. Time she used in posting comments on Monday, yesterday and today, would have also being used to post just, "Thank you". So, if you can't say the truth or if you can't see the truth even though it's so glaring, (maybe because you are afraid, when you say the truth, she won't approve you for data give away), then I say, you are the mean and bitter one.
      "A new bride on her honeymoon" as you said, shouldn't even be found posting comments on the blog, she should be busy basking in it.
      No just let me vex.

    9. Wish her well and leave her in peace. If God demands our thanks for all He does for us, where will we be today?

    10. Wait o!!! You guys are attacking Blog P.A cos she didn't "ALLEGEDLY" acknowledge your congratulatory messages? Damn!! you all need to be checked! Gosh!

  7. Gooooooooooooooooodmorning😊❤️🥰❤️💃🏻💋💋❤️🥰❤️💋fam!
    Crushing on all pregnant women today,that they will carry to term and deliver peacefully,and to those in pangs of labour,that the Lord will show them mercy and grant them safe delivery 🙏

  8. 1 Chro.4:9-10. The amazing Grace of God that made Jabez more honourable than his brethren shall distinguish you amongst men. I decree and declare that every chapter closed by men against you shall be re-opened in your favour in Jesus name. The Lord God shall give you a new name and identity that will bury all the ugly stories associated with your background. All areas that disgraced you, the Mercy of God shall raise men of influence in your favour in Jesus Mighty name... Amen.

    Good morning. Have a peaceful day.

    Jesus is the Lord of lords......

  9. Up and Grateful.... The month of June come to an end today. I believe it's the fastest month so far. Oh Lord! Bless the works of my hands and let your Grace always speaks for me, for in You I trust.

    Thanks guys on the recommendation for Samsung washing machine. I truly appreciate. God bless.

    Good Morning Guys.

    1. So you mean you're just going to drop a "normal" comment this morning, avoiding the obvious?

    2. You've been conveniently avoiding your supreme leaders posts.
      Liver fail you?

    3. Your business is laundry biz I guess.

    4. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 afi 'supreme leader'🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    5. I am here to be petty and laugh in 3D again..😆🤣😂😹😆🤣😂😆🤣😂😆😆😆😆😆 @TheAnonymouses above me
      I pity the frail looking man and his brainwashed followers tbvh

    6. 😁😂😁😂😁 Anon 08:40, is it because I bought a washing machine? So people don't have washing machine at home anymore?

      Well to answer you seeing you asked politely, NO, it's not. I will disclose it whenever I feel like. At least Stella, Angel Pee and three Bvs I respect a lot here knows about it.

      Thanks for asking.

    7. Amen to your prayers Teejay


    Eloquent I am and other anonymouses Good morning - Olanne if I am correct in Kogi language.

    Most of us read Amebonawork's writeup on different personalities here. Some of us laughed it off and we started to link some bvs to some personalities listed. However I don't know how many of us internalized it; well I did and it opened my eyes and my thoughts towards people on this blog.

    Most times we say it's an ANONYMOUS Blog, some do not agree however I believe no one is anonymous and we all leave our "footprints on the sands of the internet" and SDK blog is no exception. Same way I believe God reigns supreme on this blog is the same way some persons allow themselves to be manipulated by demons.

    Eloquent I am and other anonymouses calling themselves Auditor of SDK Blog ( I laugh because have you audited your own life or known your life purpose, are you a giver or just jealous about people's progress and not been selected for giveaways) why are you always attacking Teejay and even other BVs who received funds from Stella/Angels? What has he done to you? Why don't you want to rest on his case? Why are you so petty and toxic even though I hate using that word? Why are you always hell bent on bringing him down a fellow human like you? Did he take anything or scammed you? Jeweluchi gave him funds as giveaway along with a few persons here. Why this inordinate desire to make sure he does giveaway on this blog or give account of the money given him or to prove that he is a fraud? You and other anonymouses even laugh at him when he shares his challenges..Are you a giver yourself? It is sad that you have constantly been attacking this guy for no reason..Stella and a good angel here gave him the money so the only persons he should be accountable to is : Stella and the angel; and I don't think either of them are complaining. He can choose to give money to charity or anyone his heart chooses to. HE OWES NOBODY HERE I MEAN NO ONE. Instead what we should do is pray and encourage them.

    Hehehe Eloquent be careful oh with this your desire to bring someone down. When 2 wrestlers dey fight, the one wey dey on top wey want the other man to stay down na him go stay down o. I am not cursing you but that is just L.I.F.E. You need to grow up and listen to people when they counsel you because you act like you know it all and lash at those that correct you showing you are not willing to learn. Anybody from here can help anybody tomorrow even Teejay could be of help to you. This world is a small place but wide enough for everyone.

    Helpers and angels are abound on this blog especially those on BEP and I can testify to that. You are not a child Eloquent I AM but a man GROW UP. If you feel anyone is a fraud, let them be and they will be exposed- some have been exposed here. If you want to test your skills, go and join EFCC. This life is a circle what goes around comes around. Be careful Nigeria is tough; don't add to another man's pain if you cannot help him at least leave him the way you saw him before. You are going overboard and you need to watch it. Have a great day. Much love!

    1. Please, go and yansh down miss goody two shoes!

      When they troll Eloquent, you're blind and have sudden memory loss.
      Some of you are evil here and you're not exempted.
      Speaker of the universe and supporter of the cowardice be calming down!!

      Like, you're God that created Eloquent and your curses will work, joke's on you miss notice me or I die.

    2. You Phoenix writes majority of the anonymous comments here. Yes!!! We know your type.

      This minute your id is working,next minute it's off in black ink,we know what you do dangerous fat twat.

      Shut up pls

    3. Phoenix, thanks a lot. If there's one thing I love about the new me is that, I've mastered the act of calmness. I control my emotion now even though I'm not perfect yet but I've learnt never to react unnecessary unlike before. Truth is that I'm enjoying my new found peace. I still pray for Grace to continue towing this path. As I grow older in life, I understand life better that some things shouldn't be given attention at all. So I don't even feel pained or angry seeing pettiness forming trolling beneath me. It shows I'm doing well.

      Even if I disclose the nature of my business here, some won't still believe it. So what is the point? They accused me of not giving or being stingy as if they live with me. Those that accused me, how many have they given here? At least twice I've given data here. The last one was on my birthday where ten persons got data. So I wonder where the stingy thing is coming from.

      Stella, that's an investigative journalist would have known long time ago if I squandered that money given to me here. In fact, she would have called me out before now. I carried her along from the scratch when I was setting up my business. She has all the pictures of it. So why should I bother of inconsequential accusations on me? I'm even opened to visitation from any PH bv that Stella will send to come down to my office if she feels like so you guys know that my business is up and running and not closed as you wickedly thinks in your heart daily.

      Once more, thanks Phoenix. God bless.

    4. Well said Phoenix, well said.

    5. Wow I must have touched your nerves that is why you are pained by my write-up. The truth is truly bitter. Peace out!!

    6. Monitoring spirits everywhere.

    7. Anon, Has Teejay ever come at anyone on this blog without provocation? To the best of my knowledge, the guy is even humble and takes corrections without fuss. So why is Eloquent always bullying him. Will he try that with try the other outspoken males on this blog? We all come from different backgrounds, as such, our diverse perceptions and opinions about life. Eloquent can pass his message or opinion without the constant derogatory and condescending insults. Tjay has refused to acknowledge him and yet, he's still at it. He mustn't like Tjay, but what he's doing is bullying.

    8. You mentally unstable one that doubles as an ITK have got nada on me..Get a brain and stop yarning opata..You absolutely goofy dullard most definitely need a brain reset..What's she even typing? Are you this retarded? Who asked you to fight on behalf of him or her? Busy bodied dumdum! E pain her! It be nice you jump into the Lagos lagoon if you are that salty..Ewu! Ode ni e!

    9. I do not support Eloquent or any of the anonymouses but, @Elsewhere, why the long epistle? Allow Teejay defend himself while you face your "Miss goody two shoes business". Cos we all know, your "goodness and usefulness" is also for an aim.

    10. @ St.Elsewhere Phoenix. I have a group of bv’s, eleven of us, we do meet on zoom from time to time. We discuss issues of life and SDK bv’s. We contributed a million naira equivalent, and wanted to assist Teejay with it, due to what he had gone through on this blog, his tenacity, grit and determination in spite of daunting criticisms from bv”s alike. We want to use him as an example for others to inculcate entrepreneurship and hard work because where we live, just forget giveaway, nobody is going to give you any money. I told my colleagues, being the facilitator, that Teejay is a scam, and I said I will ask him that auditing question. What is our gain from auditing him? We only want to test his transparency. We all have our careers and families, we only thought of giving back, which we do anonymously. We don’t crave that attention, and just like Angel Pee, we rather slide in your email, i.e if you enable it to see how we can help when such bv’s ask for help. Teejay is a man like us, if he had replied, “yes, I will send my records for audit,” at least call our bluff by acceding to our request, God is my witness, he will be a million naira richer now, and how much is a million naira now that naira is further deprecated. Stella is known to us, She particularly calls me on first name basis, and she calls once in a while to check up on me. What stops me or us from assisting her philanthropy when we can? You people should exercise restraint. If I tell you the caliber of people I know personally that frequents this blog daily, believe me, as in addicted to this blog, all of you will go get blog ID’s and behave. I have nothing furthermore to add. I wish you all the best, SDK no longer Auditor General

    11. What's wrong with asking for accountability from someone by the blog visitors? Is that not what it's supposed to be? Haven't you heard of people being motivated or inspired by someone else's business story? Not everybody is a hater,sentimental ninny and some ass licker like you @Phoenix
      SDK BVs and not only me have made it clear what they sure want
      @TheAnonymous above me,to what end? 😆🤣😂 You must think that a divisive and stingy person is everything for you..
      We know what's up on this blog now..No be today nyash don dey back

    12. Phoenix read the comment at 9:40 am three times.
      Tee Jay read it three times.
      Slutty chic read it three times.

      After, digest it properly and behave yourself, people bigger than you are here.
      They know who's a scammer and who's not.

      Someone should be kind enough and give this Phoenix of a woman N100k giveaway, that way she'll quit trolling in anonymous and being good with her id.
      Madam we know what you do.

    13. How's it witch hunting when people want accountability from you? I am totally bemused..Aren't we all seeing what Martins and Olawealth are doing on here? Don't we get to pray for their hustles? Who's there hating on them? You demand accountability from government at the slightest opportunity but you can't be accountable for your dealings? Why are human beings so hypocritical and irrational in their way of thinking? Smh!

    14. I hardly or would never comment on things like this but today I really have to agree with you.

      I have been on this blog longer than a lot (about 6years or more) but I will never understand this mentality of pulling others down.

      What does it even matter who is given what? If I want to give I do so without any explaination so also should be receiving.
      Some even calculate how much has been given, some even know gadgets that have been what is your business?

      If you need help, reach out, God will direct a helper to you, it's not by shouting and calling someone fake. So what if they are? Let stella deal with it.

      Some will even go as far as swearing who is who like they aren't even scared of accusing someone falsely.

      Walahi it's tiring, stop counting others blessings and yours might just get to you.

    15. Coming from someone that went under anon to curse out XP and used her I.D to praise her. You're doing well ma

    16. Anonymous 9:40 you called someone you've never met, interacted with or done business with a scam? You are the bigger scam yourself! First off, you went anonymous. That's big identity of scamming! Use your ID and comment. Stella calls you indeed. You and your remaining ten yahoo boys will surely reap these fruits of discord and name soiling you are sowing. Just jealous of the young man that's all. He will grow right before your eyes and your pains will quadruple. Teejay please ignore these yahoo boys. They are unknown gun men. Don't bring anyone to see your business. You don't owe any of them any explanations. You wanted to audit Teejay indeed. Do you even know where your next meal will come from? Lol. Success indeed has many friends and enemies.

    17. Phoenix, thank you for this.

      Anonymous, nobody is bullying anybody. The said eloquent has consistently been looking for trouble and hardly takes corrections. See him up there laughing and being petty on teejays post. Did teejay say or do anything to this dude to warant the insults today. Didnt you see him lauging in glee on sunday when the so called anonymous auditorwanted to audit his books. You could easily see that it was coming from a place of spite/malice. I agree Teejay get him own for body but the constant attacks on him by eloquent even when teejay has done nothing to him isnt fair.

      At this rate, I kinda of respect Eesah. The only time you would see him at loggerheads with teejay is on tribal/political posts. Not once have I seen Eesah bully Teejay outside of those posts.

      Learn to be objective and say things as they are. If you are biased, then its on you. What do you have to say to the anonymous who said that they are here for the drama on IHN yesterday.

      Eloquent, you are nothing but a bully and if people come for your head, I will also laugh at glee the way you just did this morning. You come here to look for trouble and you cuss out those who try to correct you. Okay ooo. I know you will come for me but then, let your conscience prick you, that is if you have one.

      I wasn't wrong after all, you have already insulted phoenix. Know this...the ear that refuses to hear will join the head when it is cut off. If dem born you well, try this with either Dante or ceaser and watch them put you where you belong.

      Stella, please post. Enough is enough.

    18. Anon 9:40 the way you asked him about the auditing question was really demeaning. Go back and read your comment and do it slowly this time. Simply because you wanted to help someone as you claimed does not give you the right to talk down on them like you did with teejay the other day. You were simply gloating. You felt like a good right? If truly your calibre was as you claimed you wouldn't need 11 people to donate just 1 million naira to teejay because one person is enough.

      You brought up such a comment on the blog to the visible eyes of everyone when you know this same person gets bullied all the time. What was your aim? To prove he is a fraud.
      You said you told your members that teejay is a fraud. Do you have proof? Have you met him before? Did he defraud you and you complained to stella and she let it slide? Even Stella herself has said it times without number that teejay's business is none of anyone's concern but you just don't get it. If you were that close to tell she would have told you what his business was or did stella complain to you?
      So you see your motive was not to help him or make his life better to start with but just to disgrace him and show people he is a fraud according to you. You had your bias about him and you hoped he took the bait. He is not a dog that will wiggle his tail and bring out his tongue in front of you just to show his excitement when you dangle a bone in front of it. I hope he won't stoop so low simply because of freebies just to please you. Go away with your bone and let him rest.
      If you do not help him others will. You aren't the only one on earth.
      If you talk to stella regularly as you claimed you wouldn't still need to perceive Teejay as a fraud because stella would have corrected that perception of him considering she isn't complaining about him. Stella does not fear anyone. If teejay did not meet up to the expectation she would have made it known.

    19. Na wa oooo let's try to behave ourselves in this blog stop hating each other it is not at all good to our health and mental. if one decide to love n help someone nothing can it

  11. Good morning Bvs.It was a cold morning.We thank God for the grace to witness the last day in the month of June..Ireawamiri...

  12. Reading mode activitated 😍😘

    Good morning everyone.

  13. God you are still God no matter what is happening to me, you are still the perfect father no matter what people say.

    I don't know why people don't know how to relate to others, you have an argument with someone and the next thing you are using their present situation to mock them.

    Even the native doctor that gives you charm doesn't know what tomorrow holds for him so please be humble. That you are enjoying life and others are struggling doesn't give you the right to talk to people anyhow. Sorry all I have to rant a little but I know soon everything will turn around for our good.

    Happy Wednesday beautiful souls.

  14. I do not understand this. Just because you came out as a male while l was birthed a female. You were conceived the same way l was. My mother suffered the same labour pains like yours. You went to school and l did. The same school fees your parents paid is the same my parents paid. I might even be doing better academically than you while in school. I am earning a living through hard work and you are too.. I might even be earning more than you. From no where you came and slipped me of with love rhythms and we became a couple. During our traditional and white wedding we contributed equally and no one had a problem with it. Where was custom and tradition all these while. Just for the mere fact you came out a man and l was birthed a woman everyone expects me to worship the ground you match. You are now automatically a mini god. You are now dishing out does and don't in a house we built together. I must cook fresh food, don't retaliate when l am dragged to the mood. If l complain all l will hear is. Don't you know you are a woman?. Who made these laws?. Who? I am the one that carried these children for 9months. I went through all the pains ALONE. If l may ask again? Who made these laws of a man being Superior. Who?

    1. Wow! You must be a feminist

    2. Hnmmmm this is deep. It is well with you dear.

    3. @eloquent, what's the meaning of that?

    4. I am sorry oo but you guys had your courtship, I mean there are some traits you should be away of.
      I am guessing you're a feminist, you should have married someone with the same feminist ideology (which I don't think it's a bad idea). It's called marriage, you married him and if you want it to work, there are some things you should tone down

    5. May we not marry idiots as husbands sha

    6. Abeg make una carry una matrimonial wahala dey go meet counsellors or Baba God Almighty lets have peace. Stop scaring those that are yet to get married.

    7. Sister didn't you see the signs before getting married to him

    8. Before a woman gets into a relationship or marriage, she should be sure to know that the man isn't a misogynist. That he isn't the type that thinks women mere objects, that he isn't the type that feels he's a lord and personal savior and owner of women, that he believes in equal right and respect for both genders because if not, this your complain will be the resultant effects of such marriages and relationships. I don't take a man that sees women as, "she's just a woman, or don't you know you're a woman?" seriously. Sorry for the crap the man is making you go through because of ignorance, forgive him and maybe try and see if you can talk him into changing. Teach your kids to know better, at least your sons shouldn't have that mindset and your daughters shouldn't believe the mindset too.

    9. Anon, your husband is obviously a 'traditional man'. He will not be chnaging. Its who they are. All I can advise is for you to have a plan for your own life . You will be needing that plan soonest.

    10. Eloquent, na who do you this thing?.
      Pneumocranium ajoka

    11. BITCHandSLUT.com30 June 2021 at 09:36

      Fadalawd, may I not be in a situation where I'll contribute finance to my marriage/wedding.

    12. Wait, Bitch and Slut, one shouldnt contribute financially to her own wedding???? Na wa oh

    13. @Eloquent, you said he/she must be a feminist? Well if that's another name for common sense and asking to be treated equally as a human being then so be it.

    14. BITCHandSLUT.com30 June 2021 at 10:09

      Yes oh dear Eka, I cannot do that honestly.

      A man that wants to marry should foot every responsibility.

      I'll assist financially at home and not my wedding.#myopinion.

    15. BitchandSlut that's one hell of a prayer.

      what's wrong with contributing financial to one's wedding/marriage???

      What a warped mindset.

    16. Stop referring to people's husbands as idiots. Have some respect ahn ahn.

  15. • An extrovert is a friendly person who enjoys talking to and being with other people. Extroverts love parties, talking on the phone, and meeting new people.

    • An introvert generally prefers solitary activities to interacting with large groups of people. If you would rather work through your feelings in your diary than have a conversation, then you are an introvert. In summary, introverts prefer being on their own.

    • An ambivert is someone who exhibits qualities of both introvert and extrovert. They cannot be labeled as pure introvert (shy) or extrovert (outgoing). ... Depending upon their mood, context, situation, goals, and people around them, ambiverts can switch to extroversion or introversion.

    • A textrovert is someone who is expressive and funny in texts but shy in person

    What personality are you?

    1. An anniversary textrovert

    2. Extroverted to the core✌️

    3. Now I know what I am. Ambivert. Thank you.

    4. In my formative years ,was an introvert(novel was was friend then) but am an ambivert now.. a mix of intro and extro now depending on who, where and how

    5. BITCHandSLUT.com30 June 2021 at 09:38

      I'm ambivert then.

    6. No 5: I'm a moneyvert.

  16. I don't even know how I feel about this country, I feel sad ,and disappointed in our leaders, and I keep asking myself will it ever get better... I miss my childhood, life was really good then....I miss the yesterday years...sometimes I wonder how we arrived at this point in this country...

  17. Happy to be here once again..
    A blessed morning to you all.

    This is to notify this big happy family that my wedding is coming up on 28tg of August 2021 with a silent Bv in here in lagos...

    Details will be sent to mama Stella

    Love u all


    1. Congratulations Pinky🎊🥳🎉 God's provisions on all you need🙏 successful planning 🙏

    2. St Elsewhere Phoenix30 June 2021 at 08:50

      Congratulations to you. Happy married life.

    3. Congratulations! Wishing you a happy marriage

    4. Which pinky is ThisDay? Stella's son? Pinky of 'I have fantabulous job fame' Congratulobia o!

    5. Wow
      Congratulations to you and God bless your home

    6. Congratulations to you and yours BV Pinky.

    7. Congratulations pinky.Wishing you a happy married life.Its raining Congratulations here on SDK.

    8. BITCHandSLUT.com30 June 2021 at 09:39


    9. Wow! God is great. Big congrats to your pinky. May God bless and perfect all that concerns your home in Jesus name...Amen💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽❤❤❤🙏

    10. Congratulations to you and yours. May your big day be blessed.

    11. Wow, congratulations sweetheart

    12. Congratulations girl.


    13. Congratulations girl.


    14. Congratulation to you and God bless your new home

  18. Good morning my neighbours. I have missed SMP for some days. How's everyone doing?

    1. Good good. Just trying to survive another day in Buhari's Nigeria.

  19. Blood of Enogie is suspense filled. Akugbe (Etinosa) is so desperate and the number of people that get roped in or die in her desperate search for her husband's affection is deadly. She like every wicked person will meet her water loo. Truly, no peace for the wicked.

    Blood of Enogie, Nigeria series I'm glued to after Gifted.

    The writers, producers and director doing good job on the fictional adaptation of the culture of Benin Kingdom.

    1. I love blood of enogie.Everyone brought on their A-games.So glued.It is the only series I watch and I wish I understand the lyrics.Maybe I will check out gifted

    2. It seems I'm the only one who change channel when blood of Enogie is about to start.

    3. I pity ivie doing akugbes dirty job,thereby soiling her hands with blood and getting herself in more trouble.only a matter of time before the wicked will be disgraced.Akugbes disgrace,doom and punishment is very very close.i love the series so much.

    4. Yea, Spongebob, the soundtracks, all of them are soulful. I don't understand the lyrics too but I sing along anyways.

    5. @Vahleree, yes, Ivie too is desperate. She is a case of desperate and desperation meeting. Can you imagine Ivie telling Akugbe (queen) to share her husband, Enogie?

      Ivie is really Akugbe's executioner. Desperation has levels. Her doom is imminent.

  20. The truth is Germany 🇩🇪 was not in form and it wasn’t a surprise England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 won.

    1. Yeah! I said so yesterday,they are not at their best..but I'm happy England won🥳

      Jeweluchi I told you, England might just surprise you and they did it👍👍

    2. Jack Grealish was the game changer for England, Stella so sorry Germany did not win don't worry there's world cup next year

  21. I'm grateful for life. Thank you God for another year. Happy birthday to me ❤ 😍 😘

    1. Happy birthday darling 🎈🎊🎉🥳 God bless your new age richly 🙏 enjoy 🎉

    2. Happy birthday, dear. God bless you now and always. 💕

    3. Happy birthday to you.

    4. Happy birthday to you enjoy your day ❤️❤️

    5. God bless your new age
      Happy birthday

    6. Happy birthday Anon Baibay 💛

    7. Happy Birthday Anon. God bless and keep you always in Jesus name. Amen. Have a blast darl🥰

    8. Happy birthday to you. Age gracefully.

    9. God bless your new age darling

  22. Good morning.
    Cough and catarrh has been dealing my drugs seems to be working. God,i need divine healing upon them.

    1. Pele🤗🤗 try ginger and garlic

    2. They will be fine. Don't stop using the drugs oooo.. It's well with you

    3. It is well with them in Jesus' name. Give them citrus fruits.

    4. So sorry
      Please visit the hospital

    5. Aww! Hugs to them..cold is air born disease, pls make sure they don’t sneeze or cough around one another cos it just might be a case of reinfection. Separate them when they sleep. 💛

    6. I pray them healing and wholeness in Jesus name. Ginger mixed with honey to the rescue

    7. I pray God's healing upon them.

  23. Pelee Stella, I guessed right that England will win cos Germany hasn't been playing that well.

    Belgium please make me happy. Win it!

    1. Yassssss 💃💃 not that I love England like that,but I'm happy they knocked out Germany 👍

      Okay on Belgium,I want Italy and Spain out 🤪🤪 let the underdogs win abeg

  24. My 8 yrs old son made me happy today, the weather changed after we left the house, and before we know it rain started falling while we were in car, I removed my top and gave it to my younger child cos of cold,and my scarf for the older one, my son now said ,mothers are supposed to be the president because they can sacrifice anything for their children, that he knows his mummy is also feeling cold o, but I removed all my clothing for them, and he gave me an hi 5 with a hug

    1. This is all shades of nice

    2. Awwwww, God bless your babies 🥰

    3. Omg! I love him.. he’s so wholesome. 😍

    4. That's nice words coming out from your loving son. God will keep your children 🙏🙏

    5. Awwww. Bless his cute innocent lil heart. ❤️❤️

    6. That's thoughtful of him.

    7. BITCHandSLUT.com30 June 2021 at 09:40


    8. Aww🤗🤗🤗,God bless all mothers.

    9. Awwwww, this is so nice.

    10. And someone will be asking why I love kids? Your little cutie just made my day.

  25. Good morning to you all💋💋💋💞💞💙💙💙💕💕💚💚💚💖💖

  26. Good morning everyone
    Wishing us all a lovely Wednesday

  27. These blog readers are damn two faced.
    Blog Id Dariosity blog hates Stella with everything in her, what is she doing here.
    Calling Stella a charlatan in another blog then return back here to praise her.
    It is somehow, some of you are evil the original devil

  28. Thank God for the gift of life
    Beautiful morning to you all ❤️❤️

  29. Stella I must commend you for trying to audit some comments. Sincerely I didn't think too much of it until of recently when I dropped a nasty comment on a certain post. Infact, I was waiting patiently, kept on refreshing to make sure that Anon received my message but fortunately and unfortunately Stella didn't enable it. In my head that day, it felt as though the "Anon" had won. I shared with my hubby he told me Stella was right. There was no need to lose my morals because of a faceless bully on a cyber space. By the next morning, I felt very grateful and relieved that the comments weren't enabled.
    At long last its ur rules, your blog. Keeping it civil even in the midst of chaos should be the goal.......

    Moving on, I had a duo with my immediate boss yesterday. It felt so great, I'm already utilising all the tips you guys dropped for me and I must say I'm really getting great results. I recently received a message from our "oga at the top" requesting a feedback on things happening internally. And this was because I had followed up with him on some sales strategies during our last meeting. Other revelations have come up ever since I started following the tips that were given. I will share them soonest, thank you my blog family, truly no man is an island.

    Have a great day people!!!!

  30. It's a sunny day, good morning everyone. Have a beautiful day.

  31. BITCHandSLUT.com30 June 2021 at 09:28

    I give it to bv amebonawork on this blog.

    OMG! The analysis?

    Most times I read to the end before scrolling back to look at the ID.

    You are three much.

    Amebo na really your work 🙌🙌🙌

    1. On what post. Pls drop link, we want to join in praising her efforts

  32. BITCHandSLUT.com30 June 2021 at 09:44

    On another note, I think most of the information Nnamdi Kanu gives is accurate.

    If I'm not mistaking, I think I read here when he Stated they wanted to arrest him in the UK and he ran to some place and everyone here was basking him for talking thrash.

    Once I read of his arrest, that was what can to mind.

  33. Thank you for the beautiful day lord. The day is bright. Good morning people!! Fruitful day ahead. Amen.

  34. Good morning everyone 😊. I hope you are fine.
    Everything good will come to me and my family. Amen

  35. Please someone should recommend a good green tea for weightloss/flat tummy..

  36. Good morning everyone.

    Jewelu star woman sorry o,as England use una play yesterday.

    Bv pinky congrats on ur forthcoming wedding,God bless ur new home.

    Up and God do am for me o.

    Wishing us all a beautiful and fruitful day ahead..e go surely be ✌️.


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