Stella Dimoko Testimonies Of Thankfulness..


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Sunday, June 27, 2021

Testimonies Of Thankfulness..

 This is a post to be grateful for all God has done..........

My big miracle may look too small to you and you are thinking, '' Is this why she is praising God and we wont hear word?'' Please let me praise God!!!!..

Recovering from COVID 19 jab is enough to praise God cos in the days I reacted to the first Jab, I was blank and unable to grasp or make a meaning of anything, I WAS BLANK.

You wont understand if you didn't walk in my shoes.

Thank you God!


  1. Thank God for delivering me from accident I came out unhurt, car was repairable, didn't spend a fortune to fix and His divine provision this week.

    1. Thank God. Untimely death will never be your portion. Amen

    2. Thank for his protection upon your life πŸ™πŸ™
      I just want to thank God for making me hale and healthy I have been ill for the past few days it was God's strength that kept me strong.
      Stella please take good care of your self

    3. I am grateful to God for life, for love, for family, for business, for provision.

      I was so down a month ago and I told God He was all I had, like He was the only one who could get me out.

      He showed up, like, my faith tripled and I kept involving Him In everything. Like when I hear people say this, I dint know I could experience it.

      Lord Jesus I am grateful, I reminded you of your word and You came through.
      I am thankful
      And I love you.

    4. Thank God for his protection upon my life and family.
      Thank you for not making my family to cry
      Thank you lord for your undending blessings.
      May your name be glorify.

    5. Hmm πŸ™†Thank God for his mercies

    6. May his name be praised forever.

      I thank God for the gift of life, provision, protection and for what he is going to do for me and my family.

  2. I'm thankful and grateful to God Almighty for making me to pass my final exam, I was blown away when I saw my result on a platter of gold. I saw myself through school cos am orphan, despite all the hurdles I encountered I still came out victoriously. isn't God wonderful? off course He is. please fam join me to praise His only name cos He has done great things beyond my imagination.

    1. May the name of the Lord be so praised in your life IJN..Congratulations!

    2. Congratulations dear

      Pretty Patience

    3. Aaawww..... Congratulations! I'm happy for you

  3. God has been good to me and my family. He provides (especially in this era), protects, heals, and does so much that I can't finish naming. I'm just grateful.

    My former colleague that has been trusting God for children has been blessed with one. I'm so happy for her and her hubby. God bless everyone here too believing Him for such blessings. Amen.

    1. Thank God for the testimony upon your family and your former colleague life

    2. Thank God for great testimony

    3. Thank God for the amazing testimony.

  4. Lord i thank You for the gift of life, provision and protection. Blessed be Thy holy name oh Lord.

  5. Thank goodness for the life of my dad and of course,God saved him from cold hands of death a couple of times..I am super grateful at this cusp and i pray that my heart desires sure will be met in the nearest future IJMN..πŸ™πŸ™

  6. Hmmmm. I'm more than grateful to God. My sister's medical bill was sorted out on Thursday. The way it happened, it still sounds unbelivable. But the way God works eh! She is also responding to treatment. THANK YOU JESUS. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    1. Great news!!! So happy reading this. God be praised.

    2. Wow! Thank goodness for you and yours(sister)

    3. Thank you Jesus Christ
      Wishing your sister speedy recovery πŸ™❤️❤️

    4. Gods ways are never our ways. Your sis healing its permanent

    5. Amen. Thanks so much, my darlings. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    6. Your sister healing is permanent.

    7. God is great.All Glory to God

  7. I am thankful for all God is doing in my life. I can't believe that a whole me has started a project I intend to see through not even for me but for others.

    Thankful for a permanent contract at work. No need to keep worrying if ur contract with get renewed every 3 months

    Thankful for the kind of husband he have me, a very stress free person. Thankful for my beautiful girl.

    Thankful for my family back in Nigeria.

    I am just in awe of his blessings upon my family.

    1. Hallelujah his name be praised.

    2. Thank God for this beautiful testimonies upon you and your family πŸ™πŸ™❤️

    3. Thank God for your testimonies.
      When you have a great husband and a peaceful home, every other thing becomes jara

    4. I tap into your testimony of marriage and relocation in Jesus name.

  8. Thank God for making me a mother again after losing my 1st child. Papa God you too much!

    1. Thank God for you, Bella. May God bless and keep your sweet child. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    2. Thank you Jesus,congratulations.

    3. Congrats is the valid conversation

    4. Congratulations to you and your family. My regards to your baby πŸ’•πŸ’•

    5. Woo www. Pls blow the trumpet more louder.πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»
      God is great

    6. Congrats dear. Thank God for you and baby

    7. Congratulations
      Thank you Jesus

  9. I am thankful for my ICSI/IVF cycle about to start this month, I strongly believe the Lord will give us reason to rejoice.
    Hubby's surgery was a success and I bless the name of the Lord.
    I am also grateful for supernatural provision. TTC in the UK when you dont qualify for free assisted reproduction can be costly, but God has provided all our needs so far, and I put my trust in Him that he will see us to the end.

    Watch this space......

    1. I pray that it comes out successful and not abortive

    2. Your testimony is sure, you will come back to share your wonderful testimony πŸ™

    3. May your testimony be permanent

    4. Start celebrating dear. Cos it will surely come to pass. Ameb

  10. Thank God for Mercy and Grace. Some move by strength but I move in Grace through the Mercy of God. My life is a testimony surviving the trouble waters of life.

    I don't look like what I've been through. #GraceUnmerited#

  11. Thank you Lord,for your guidance and for your protection,July1st 2020 we bought a property,started renovations,it was so tasking and I had no time to rest,May14th 2021 we moved in and it has been the most peaceful six weeks of my life,I appreciate God for making me a Landlady in this Lagos,this property is within my former vicinity,enough space for the children to play, I didn't need to change their school,infact I have attended Landlords association meeting,I do not take this blessing for granted, and I'm grateful Lord.
    N:B-I tapped into a BV testimony here,I said thank you Lord I desire same to be replicated in my life,and he did it for me.

    1. Congratulations are in order to you and i tap into this your testimony too cos i am in dire need of God's favour/provision

    2. I tap into this your testimony I pray I become a landlord which has always been my heart desires. I know it is done in Jesus name Amen πŸ™πŸ™
      I'm happy for you and your family πŸ’•πŸ’•

    3. Glory be to God. By the auction of the Holy Spirit l'm also tapping, l just need a miracle (Good job with good pay) l want to testify too in Jesus name.

    4. Congratulations dear. More blesings

    5. I tap into all the good testimonies.

      I want a good paying job/source of income.
      I want to be a landlady too by this time next year.
      I want to make lots of money to make my husband ,kids, parents, siblings happy.

      I want to reach out to as many family members too as possible ,as anonymous maybe...

      Lastly I want to do much of charity works extending hand of help to the needy.
      By God's grace nobody I know shall be hungry!


    6. Big big congrats.

      Lord thank you,I desire same to be replicated in my life amen.

    7. Thank you Lord for this testimony, I am next in line.

    8. Thank you all for your good wishes,may the good Lord grant you all your expectations in Jesus name,Amen.

    9. Congratulations and thank God for this testimony. I'm believing God for this kind of testimony for my father's house in the village.

  12. I'm thankful to God for my family. We are healthy, we don't lack, we are alive.

    Thank you lord.

  13. I'm thankful to God for the gift of live, healthy family and for not lacking anything despite the economy situations.

  14. Iam thanking God for paying my house rent,he stepped in at the last minute when all hope was lost,He also healed my brother from fire incident he had with generator,indeed God has been faithful to me even in my little state,he surprised me this month,iam so grateful to Him

    1. Thank God for you and your family πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ™πŸ™

  15. Thank you lord for sound health and for my family.

  16. Thanking God in advance for my IELTS results, I believe he would cover up for any lapses I might have had in the exam

  17. Thank you lord for life,good health and protection πŸ™

  18. Dear God I thanks you for life. For my family, admission for my wife, promotion and increment in salary. I key into you will for my life. Thank you Lord

  19. Thank you Jesus for how far You've brought us.Hubby got an unexpected promotion this month, I had protein showing in my urine last week, I was told I may be induced if it persist. I prayed to God about it and when I went back for my routine antenatal test everything came back well and I was asked to go home. I really want to thank God for a complication-free pregnancy and I'll be due in like two weeks time. I'm thanking him ahead for safe delivery and a healthy baby.
    Thank you Jesus!!!

    1. Amen, wishing you safe delivery and healthy baby.

      Thanking God for his mercies upon my house hold,to him alone be all the glory.

    2. Wishing you safe delivery
      Thank God for the testimony

  20. I can't count my blessings cos they are uncountable.
    Thank you, God, for making me lucky to have such a great companion in my life.
    I can never finish listing all the reasons why I should be grateful to you. Keep blessing my family, dear Lord

  21. I am the one that shared a testimony last time about how God cut off hassle and stress for us by hastening our relocation plan by hubby getting a job in Germany.

    I pray that all of you that desire such thing will be answered by God in due time.

    I am testifying in advance that the testimony God has started, he will do it to completion.

    Many are telling me joining hubby in Germany can take years.. We are a young couple, yet to have children and the distance isn't good for us.

    But I trust God and ask him to break protocol for us.


    1. Amen, God will break protocol for your sake.

    2. Amen
      Everything will be alright

    3. 12:59 I REMEMBER your testimony and it INSPIRED ME to believe that MY multiple citizenship will come through soonest.

      You WILL SURELY JOIN your husband speedily in Jesus Christ Mighty name. Amen πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  22. Thank God for keeping me. Yesterday I thought I won't see today,I was alright o,after doing my house chores,I went to the market,I was standing waiting for the tomatoes seller to attend to me and the next thing was everywhere became dark,I was feeling dizzy and my breath was seizing,I became woman standing close to me noticed what was happening and led me to a bench,I sat and asked for water.she went and brought water and I drank.after like 30mins I regained my strength and hurried back home without buying all what I was supposed to buy.At the moment I thought I was going to die.
    Thank you Lord for life.

    1. I thank God for you. I once experienced this.

    2. Thank God for you. Bless God that a helper was readily available if not we dont know how the story would turn out

    3. Thank God for your life that have been saved

  23. Thanking God for the gift of life and food health,for a roof over our head(no landlord is disturbing us for rent),for peace and also for granting my kids admission and the resources for school fees in this not so pleasant economy,I do not take it for granted because I'm not better than anyone but it's by God's mercy and grace.Father I'm grateful πŸ™‡‍♀️πŸ™‡‍♀️πŸ™‡‍♀️

  24. I am grateful for God's faithfulness. This month has been filled with good news and i am glad that he is crowning this month with his glory. I look forward to a more fulfilling and perfect July.

  25. Thanking God for all He is doing in my life and family. My brother's wife just gave birth to baby boy.I am so happy,three days after my birthday. Glory be to God

    1. Congratulations to your family πŸ™πŸ’“

  26. I am grateful for life. Hallelujah!

  27. Thank God for his provision. I am a landowner now by his grace. I have a good home life and a profitable job. Starting investments too.
    I know God is still improving my lot and I will not fail to continue to testify of the good bounties in my life, in Jesus name, amen.

  28. Thanking God for life,good health and protection.
    Thanking God for family and friends.
    Thanking God for turning things around that enemies see and cry for nothing.
    God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is still the same and never fail.

  29. I thank you Most High God for all the beautiful testimonies here - from Stella to every bv.

    May God's Awesome name be glorified forever and ever in Jesus Christ name. Amen πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  30. Thank God for my health and my family

  31. I thank for his unconditional love and his inexhaustable mercies upon my life and my family. I will be a year oolderby Wednesday and I'm thanking God in advance and i pray that my Joy will be full Amen

  32. I thank for his unconditional love and his inexhaustable mercies upon my life and my family. I will be a year oolderby Wednesday and I'm thanking God in advance and i pray that my Joy will be full Amen

  33. I thank God in advance for blessing me with the good job I attended the interview for last week in this new week.Thank you Jesus.

  34. Thank you Lord for your Love and faithfulness over me and my family. Been two months in marriage now and all is going well and smoothly, all thanks to God.❤

  35. Thank God for the gift of life

  36. I just have to thank God for my life last month I didn't celebrate my birthday last month but I celebrate my life last month and dis month. For those who are depressed God will take control over their life cause I thought I was depressed n doctor prescribed depressant drug for me I started to have suicidal thoughts that made me took overdose of d depressant drug and off I go and after everything God still kept me and He didn't allow me to leave my hubby and children. Let the name of the Lord be praise forever

  37. Thank you Lord for a new house and the new job all within a week and healing my children. This has indeed been my season of harvest. You are too faithful.

  38. God, I thank you for everything

  39. I thank God for delivering me from fire accident and road accident last week

  40. I'm thanking God in advance for my answered prayers and the miracles that await me soon. Hallelujah

  41. I'm thankful for all God has done for my family and me. My husband returns tomorrow after 6 months.

    My happiness can't be contained. I'm testifying ahead for journey mercies. Thank you Jesus!!!

  42. I am grateful to you my Heavenly Father, the Lord of all Lords, He that calleth those things as though they were and they are. Thank you for restoring my husband's health. He's healing is complete and whole in Jesus name ..Amen. Thank you for removing my family and I out of darkness and poverty into light, life and wealth. All glory and honour belong to you my God. Hallelujah

  43. I am thanking God for Perfect health ,for provisions and protection for myself and family. I am thanking Him in Advance for business breakthrough,career breakthrough and marital breakthrough.

  44. I am grateful to you my heavenly Father,the Awesome God,for a perfect health ,for provisions and protection for myself and my family.
    Am thanking him in advance for a perfect birthday gift (business, marital ,career breakthrough).Thank you Jesus

  45. Thanking God for life,his love and faithfulness towards me and my family.
    Thank you Jesus for everything you've done for me.

  46. I am thanking God for His mercies over my family and life, thanking Him for taking care of me and giving me blessings money cannot buy. Thank you Lord in advance for your wonderful added gift to my life and family. Glory to be your name amen

  47. I Thank God for his protection. I survived a fatal accident. The car was totally crushed but I came out without a scratch. God has always been faithful to me.

    1. Thank God for his protection upon your life πŸ™πŸ™

  48. Cheery's hairs28 June 2021 at 20:45

    I'm thankful to God for always being my peace & being a faithful father & friend. πŸ™‚


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