Stella Dimoko Frequently Asked Questions On Stella's Blog


Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions On Stella's Blog

 This is how it goes......

You ask the questions in the comment section and you read the comment section for the answers...

One BV wants to know......

''Good day everyone. I would love to have the contributions of bvs who are residents in Canada. How is life and what to expect. I have applied to relocate to Canada, done my research on Google about it. But still developing cold feet and do not know what to expect.

I am relocating with my 4 kids and hubby will be visiting. Please help me out. Thank you''.


  1. Beautiful ladies of SDK blogfam. Which soap is better for a chocolate skin. Glutathione soap, Hawaii soap or K bothers. I am currently using oly quench lotion. Thank you

    1. Hawaii soap is good...If you want to lighten your skin then Glutathione soap..

    2. Poster I really wanna get in touch with you because that's what I want to do and one woman I called told me that the first step is biometric.

      I need a clue on the Canada stuff, how much do I need to save and declare?

    3. Try brothers liquid soap

    4. Mao Akuh.
      First step is save your proof of funds. Just google Proof of funds for Canada then you will know how much you need for the total number of your household if you are married with kids.
      Second step register with WEs, then request transcript from your school. Your highest degree only.
      Take two months to adequately prepare for Ielts. Digest it and egest it on the exam day. Pass with a good score then open a profile on IRCC website.
      Input your scores.
      Lest I forget you should have at least one year of skilled work experience.

    5. Please do not use or swallow glutathione. It damages the kidneys. If you can afford it use Clinique or EstΓ©e Lauder products and stick to the same line. Glutathione will not only bleach your skin but give you a strange whiteness that is unnatural and will ultimately destroy the liver. The worst is the carcinogenic and Steven Johnson syndrome side effect. Lighter skin is the side effect used to whiten skin but remember you only have one liver. Stella please post fir the sake of those who genuinely do not know.

    6. Anon 7.06 πŸ‘Œ please keep telling them. These things have severe consequences, all for short term gain.

  2. I need a side hustle cos salary level no dey give joy for Nigeria

  3. Is your husband going to join you soon? Families living apart seems to be becoming common but it's not the best. Just my 2 cents. Wish you all the best.

    1. He must be earning very well here hence the wise decision for him to be visiting and not just outrightly quitting his good job to sail with the wind.

    2. Poster, depending on the age of your kids, Canada will be tough for you without your hubby. That is the major downside of diaspora life...childcare. you will end up not being able to get further qualification or spending all your money on childcare.

      Loneliness is another major problem most people overlook. loneliness is not good for the mental health and should not be taken for granted.

    3. Bianca, to you it is wise because you prioritise money above a broken family.

  4. Hoping to relocate out of the country.
    We're a family of 5.
    We don't have the money for Canada, please what are the steps for America and what are the things we need to know or do.
    Parents are US citizens, but don't know how to go about it.

    1. Depending on what age you were when your parents became US citizens and how they got their citizenship, they could have applied for you. there are many types of family/.relative visas with different conditions. Check on google, all information is available.

    2. Your parent will need to file for you. Why not try contacting a US immigration lawyer to help with the process?

    3. Citizens cannot file for a child above 21 years old. Just FYI.

    4. Anon 7:18, that’s a lie! YES THEY CAN.

  5. Please what are safe ways to brighten one's skin beyond exfoliation and gluthanianone injections?

    1. Exfoliations helps remove dead cells to make your skin supple and healthy..It does not brighten...Well people swear that Gluthanione drips/Injections are safer..If you need to go for the injection or drips, contact Maxihealth at Ikeja or Laserderm...

    2. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells thereby showing clearer, brighter skin.

    3. Why do you ladies want to be lighter with glutathione and steroids? Glutathione can damage your liver and cause fatal Steven Johnson Syndrome among many dangerous side effects. Besides being carcinogenic, it’s produced in the quantities needed by the body already. Is your liver worth the admiration or the desire you crave with a “brighter” skin? Be content, eat well, drink lots of water and use Clinique, EstΓ©e Lauder or good old black soap with Vaseline intensive care lotion to maintain your skin. Don’t follow a multitude to do what is dangerous. Steroids, hydroquinone, glutathione give a strange “ashen white” look to a lot of Naija girls. Stella please post. Liver transplant is very risky and no temporary feeling is worth it.

  6. Good afternoon bvs please I need your advices, I am a graduate of Accounting with a third class, what can of courses will I run to help boost my certificate, I plan on going for a PGD thou but no money for now and is it still adviceable to do a pgd in accounting ? Please advise me

    1. I don't know if NOUN offers PGD in accounting and how affordable it is? Maybe you can make enquiries. However I believe you can do ICAN, ACA if you meet all their requirements.

      In summary, just believe in yourself and don't allow anyone to look down on you because you had a 3rd class...You are more than it and you are gonna make it okay...

    2. If you have the money try ICAN or any other. PGD is ok too

    3. Thank you so much @ at Elsewhere phoenix and Mao Akuh

    4. Can you learn coding online free? There are coding jobs you can do in financial technology or go tech that will pay you six figures. They can all be done remotely in any country. Google is a good resource. “She codes”, “Coursera” etc may be interested in helping you if they know you have a background in accounting or finance. Fin tech is high paying. Goodluck

    5. St Elsewhere Phoenix24 June 2021 at 11:16

      Anonymous you can add Data Analysis. Most companies are really big on analytics. Try to do it but don't put yourself under pressure. One step at a time

  7. I live in London and must applaud your courage to move with the children. Obviously it is a good thing for them but can you move with hubby if possible. It's not easy but we (my hubby and I) make it work.
    London is not as far as Canada but give it a try and if hubby can be focused and self disciplined, hopefully, it will be for a short time before he comes around

    1. @Mao, to migrate to the UK, if you have a qualification within healthcare, i.e: Nursing, Physio, Radiography, OT, and Medicine, then immigration is very possible as the UK is desperating in need of those professionals, another option is via the Student route(Bsc or Msc) as you are guaranteed a 2yr stay after graduation..this route though is the most expensive...good luck!

    2. I know most people may not want to hear this but Botswana is a good country to first migrate to en route US or any country. Keep your options open but salaries are low in the Il even for consultants compared to the US, a reason the US immigration queue has many Canadians & other Westerners waiting for their green card is that it’s the largest economy in the world. Many of us have advertised for employees even high school level at $18 and more per hr but still can’t find help. There are jobs right now in the US but not enough candidates.

  8. Hello blog fam! Pls what can I use to sweeten zobo? Any natural sweetener?

    1. Pineapple, cucumber, honey, big grape or honey or dates..

    2. Pineapple, mango

    3. Pineapple, sugarcane or dates

    4. dates. You'll love it.

      Buy the dates, break them and remove the seeds inside, wash and soak overnight with clean drinking water, blend it with that water you used in soaking it, and add to the zobo after you have finished cooking it and removed the zobo leaves from it. Make sure the zobo is still hot though. Stir and voila. Yummy. Natural and organic.

    5. Thanks for your replies guys.I appreciate

  9. Hi, I need natural remedies on how to get fat. I have never been fat but I was chubbier than this before. Suddenly I started losing weight probably due to stress. I need tips on how to add little weight as soon as possible

    1. Eat lots of junks, basically anything that contains fat and sugar of you want to get fat quickly. Note: all of this is not healthy

    2. Take super appetite, that shit works, but you have to also up your exercise routine while at it because e go make your belle big if you don't. And also go easy on it, you can take one tablet for the whole week, it will make you sleep well and eat well

    3. Lots of food and snacks gulped down with coke or fanta

    4. Take tea everynight. Chai! See life, and to think I'm here starving myself to loose weight. Congratulations to you oo

    5. All the remedies above l do them but never gets fat. Okay ooo

    6. Eat N500 loaf of 🍞 everyday.

    7. If you do them, it will come massively. Lol

    8. Just increase the amount of fat in your diet. Fats and protein. More oil. More avocado, nuts, fatty meat etc

    9. How about you remove the source of 'stress' in your life?

  10. Please who knows if going for teeth Braces at Babcock teaching hospital is okay. Before they will use my teeth for experimento

    1. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 before you come out and your teeth will reaarange your dentition and your teeth go begin lap each other. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 I beg you, eyes, teeth and ears are not what they will price like tomatoes. Just do a google search for top dental clinics in your location.

  11. Please who knows if going for teeth Braces at Babcock teaching hospital is okay. Before they will use my teeth for experimento.

    Or should I go to Osuth, they said there is a dental clinic in there. Not sure

  12. Please my Instagram page has refused to open since yesterday, it keeps saying a code will be sent to me via SMS for verification, till now no code has been sent, anyone please help me.
    Martins please?

    1. Use the email option and not the phone number..

      Also ensure you are using the correct phone no for that option..


  13. please who knows any liquid bath soap that will make my skin brighter. I am tired of changing soap every other day 😫😁

    1. Try k.brothers

    2. Gluta white shower bath. Buy the one made in USA

    3. Use Clear Nature Original Lightening Exfoliating Shower Gel with Scrub

  14. I am fair in complexion. please who knows any liquid bath soap that will make my skin brighter. I am tired of changing soap every other day 😫😁

    1. Makari is good but pls ensure it's the original.

    2. Fake Makari that gave me reaction on my chest omo! It worked but..
      There's no such thing as "original" cos makari don't make shower gels just tablet soaps.

      Anon try gluta white

    3. Why does every lady on here want lighter or “brighter” skin? It’s sad. Deal with low self esteem in other ways. Stuff that do that are carcogenic

  15. Is organic product good for the skin?

  16. I saw one height enhancement oil on a shopping site. Who has used it before, is it effective or just a hoax?

    1. height enhancement?? lol.
      Never heard of that oh

    2. Height? It's not possible biko!

    3. It’s a hoax. The only way to enhance height is growth hormone taken before a certain age. Ladies &gentlemen, be careful with internet purchases. There is no control of the actual ingredients so you buy at your own risk.

  17. Does any one have two Nigerian passport. With the same NAMES but different DOB. Someone said it's possible

    1. Why should a person have more than one DOB? We need to change in this country.

    2. Why do you or why would anyone need 2 passports of the same country! Yahoo?

  18. i have been seperated from my partner in the last 3 years ago and i have been caring for the kids alone except for the school fees that he pays I have about 10M saved up.Thinking of either relocating abroad via study with the kids or invest the 10M and stay back. The business I am doing at the moment is not as lucrative anymore and i am worried for the kids. I am 42 btw.

    1. Please my dear, try the relocation route.
      You can try going to Botswana if you are interested in staying in Africa.
      Or better still, UK, Canada or Europe.
      Best of luck dear.

  19. Hello my people, what is the best children iPad to buy for my children? Maximum N50,000 each. The one I bought last year is wasted money.

  20. please does anyone have an idea on how to permanently treat JOCK ITCH? Thank you

    1. Use Antifungal ointments/Powder I want to believe you have it near your groin area?

      --Change your under-wears, make sure you air them and ensure it is dried properly after washing them...
      --When you take your bath; always pat underparts and the groin area dry...
      --Wash your towel frequently and make sure you dry them under the sun..
      ---Wear loose and cotton under-wear avoid satin or nylon underwears...

    2. Do all the things above, loose underwear, bath, etc. Jock itch or Tinea Cruris is a fungal infection in the groin.

      Keep the area constantly clean & dry before applying otc Terbinafine, Miconaxole or Clotrimaxole cream or powder. Wash underwears separate from the rest of the laundry. Aerate or expose the area after washing then apply Terbinafine cream or powder. Make sure your patner doesn’t put her mouth near it as it can cause a fungal infection in her that may be systemic more dangerous and more difficult to treat. Finally, if it doesn’t go, see your physician about prescribing oral terbinafine 250mg. The caveat is that you need to do a liver function test almost every 6-8weeks with oral Terbinafine because it can cause liver damage. Start with the creams and powders & goodluck

    3. Pls see your skin doctor for treatment... Do you have similar rash in between your toes? See your doctor Pls...

    4. Some comments are by professionals who prefer anonymity. Sorry for my typo “clotrimazole”, “miconazole”. They are the first line over the counter treatments of jock itch. If your symptoms persist is when you go see a physician. Here you have a target of how many patients you have to see per day so they put some things over the counter but the caveat is that if symptoms persist you need to call the office and see your physician. Please refrain from buying meds online. It’s a risky thing to do in a world that worships mammon

  21. Please how do I cook egunsi I grounded with water,please help

    1. If you want the seeded boiled egusi...
      First ground 1 or 2 onions and add to the ground egusi
      Then boil your meat. Add your blended pepper to the meat.
      After some time, add small quantity of water. Depends on how much you want the soup to be
      Add your palm oil and allow to boil for like 5mins
      Then lower the heat and add the egusi in small chunks to the boil.
      The cover and allow cook for about 10mins. You'll see it forming chunks or seeds
      If you're using bitterleaf, add it at this point
      Add your ground crayfish, and your fish, if any.
      Add Maggi and salt to taste
      If it's other vegetables like ugu you used, add it at this point. And leave to cook for some time

      Always stir and check in case it's burning. That soup can burn sometimes and fall your hand

    2. The fried egusi... Bleach the palm oil small. Then pour the egusi, on low heat... And stir till you tireπŸ˜‚
      Then start adding the rest "mede mede"... I love blending my fresh pepper with lots of onions. I like the taste it gives to the soup
      Also add lots of crayfish...

      I dunno if this helps

    3. Do you want to cook Ijebu egusi? Just sieve it and then use to juice to cook soup or boil it till it dries...

    4. U can fry it so dat it will not be watery after cooking it

    5. Just cook as normal, that is fry the egusi, if that is the style you use, keep stirring it so it won't burn, if you normally boil your egusi, using egusi ground with water shouldn't be a problem.

  22. Please how much can I sell a UK used iPhone, someone gifted me,but na food I need no be money, it came with the pack and everything

    1. Go to computer village if u are in Lagos and sell it shapely

    2. Look for someone that needs it;then sell

      Post on your WhatsApp/Facebook status;someone might see and need it..

      If you go to computer village and meet those guys that start with "fine boy,fine girl,come wan buy or sell abi you wan swap?" You would not be happy with the price you would get..

      Do you have the receipt too? Go with it for a higher bargain anywhere you decide to go sell;else it will be tagged stolen and price will depreciate more..


  23. Martins, How can I retrieve my Facebook that was hacked?

  24. abeg is there money in spice business? I have been thinking of it because I want to start a retirement business. thanks for the feedback

  25. Abeg, I am illegal in the Uk, who knows where I can baptise my baby in a Catholic Church without them asking for anything not even a baptismal card from me? Abeg make una help a sister.

    1. I live in the UK and was never asked for proof of id(immigration status( before my kids were baptised. Just go to the church and register as a member, few months down the line, tell them you want to register your child for baptism. Are you living in all these London Hackney area? If yes, maybe that's why they are asking you for that coz dey too do. Go reside I Hampshire or Berkshire, nobody will ask you anything and your child will be baptised.

  26. Please how much do I need to start female clothing business..

  27. Pls BVs, when are safe days to make love without using condom.... my husband doesn't like condom......we will start making babies by next year.

    1. Go to the google play store or apple store and download an app to track your cycle. Type in “period tracker” or something similar. Apps will pop up. Pick the highly rated one and use. You enter the dates of your period every month and it calculates your cycle . It will tell you when you are safe.
      Note that safe periods don’t always work. So have a back up.

      Your hubby doesn’t like condom but you will bear the brunt of an unwanted pregnancy. So be responsible for this pls.

      Maybe he doesn’t like the condoms because he buys the one that is like rubber of N100. There are those of 1k per pack of 3. They’re almost like skin feel. They will give him skin to skin feel. Let him buy them or you buy them. Let him try them, they’re good.

      Still find a backup plan. Condoms break. I have a personal experience. There are temporary contraceptive methods to use . Go to the nearest family planning facility.

      All the best and pls take my advice

    2. Monitor your cycle. Try using FLO app and chart in your cycle there.

    3. Can your husband do tubal ligation? Let him tie his vas deferens. It’s an outpatient procedure and it’s reversibke. Have him read up on him to make it comfortable. The burden should not be on the woman to plan the family.

  28. I'm planning of relocating to American but i have never travelled out before how can I start ols

    1. Maybe when you are sure of the name of the country you want to travel to, there will be answers for you .

  29. since I clocked 40 I can't see clearly what could be the cause.

    1. Go check for diabetes

    2. It is very normal, you just need glasses, the eyes start ageing you know, especially with constant use of computers and phones. Just try to get your eyes examined, no need to panic.

  30. I am into skincare line and thinking of getting a store.Please what other lucrative business can I add to generate income as the economy is getting harsh.

    Mostly what can be shipped nationwide.
    Thinking of Vagina wash and the likes.

  31. Where can I buy those fancy tracksuit in Abuja at affordable price ?
    Where can I buy okrika winter jackets, and then traveling box at an affordable rate? Pls all in Abuja.

    1. Nyanya market. Karimo market.
      I can hardly wait to start my own shopping.

    2. I can't wait tooπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

  32. My hair is my atmost concern. How can a young woman of less than 30 have bald hair. It has been like this for almost five years. It is not hereditary because my parent have full hair. I can't braid. I am tired of running to cover my hair when l hear a knock at the door. I have tried mixing Igbo to my hair cream. Used so many hair cream things but non had worked. Please what can l use. What can l do

    1. Since it's not hereditary, then you def have an underlying health condition

    2. Have you really tried though? Steaming, Jamaican black castor oil, drop tight braids, frequent washing and moisturizing, etc. put your money where your mind is.
      All will be well

    3. What's your diet like?

      Also, did you go through any significant life changing event at the point this issue started?

    4. See your dermatologist(skin doctor)...there are many causes of alopecia..

  33. Nyanya market. Go early on Wednesdays for okirika. Or karimo market on Fridays. You can get traveling bag any where. Utako market or Wuse market.

  34. Please House, can you recommend a good body wash and cream for brown skin. I don't want to be yellow and I don't want to bleach. I just want to have glowing brown skin. Also, my skin is extremely sensitive. Thanks.

    1. Clinique line or EstΓ©e Lauder line from face wash to serum to moisturizer. You will just glow like Lupitha

  35. Please what local airline is good from Lagos to Abuja?

  36. I like my kunu very spicy but no matter how much ginger i add,it never comes out the way i want it. I add ginger and sweet potatoes to my kunu. What can i add to make it spicy and tasty?

    1. Anon u can add uziza seed and kaniferi.Theres one that looks like uda seed,ask the person selling the kunu spices but add that one much cos it will give a bitter taste.

    2. *pls don't add that one much I meant to write.

  37. Pls who has written CIPM professional exams, is it as difficult as ICAN Exams?

    1. Just register with a good resource center & read your manuals well. I registered at Abule Grammar school Ikeja then but I don't know if the resource center is still there & good

    2. I have and it is not as difficult as ICAN. I wish you the very best❤️

    3. Thank you all for responses.

  38. I need a side hustle, salary doesn't give me joy any longer. I work 8am to 6pm pls help me oooo

  39. Please when we give let's give people what can actually be of help to them not what would cause depression.

    20,000 and above can change a life (not 5,000, PEOPLE IN DIASPORA ESPECIALLY PLEASE TAKE NOTE)
    Thank you for giving!!!

    1. Anon this ur advise no follow o, if someone gives 5k,the person try too na,do u know if that's what he can give at that moment and besides 5k can still go a long way for someone.

    2. In as much as 5k isn’t so much, madam, you should stop this rubbish! They may not be fending well for themselves either. Has it ever crossed your mind? They may be in between jobs or sorting out endless bills . It’s not easy over there either. People work multiple jobs to keep up. Calm down.

    3. No one owes you anything, including that 5,000. Also, next time just reject it or give someone else since it's too small.

    4. With this mindset, you will keep yourself at the level of receiving. Ungrateful people don't grow. You are holding the key to your financial breakthrough
      Repent and things will turn around for you.
      I just said let me tell you. Hope you get to read this. Peace πŸ™

    5. Imagine!!!

    6. You are a very ungrateful person, I pray you repent from this your attitude cos it won't take you far at all.

  40. Pls what can be use to clear armpit bumps

    1. How do you shave? Shaving stick πŸͺ’ or shaving cream? Try shaving cream and stick to it , your bumps will clear . Personal experience

  41. Pls does hair medicine that those Fulani women sell, does it work pls?

  42. Please how can i loose weight without exercise. I ate once a day yet I'm adding some weight. Please help a sister

    1. Probably you ain't eating the right food... You can go on vegetable and fruit detox or diet for like 1 week and you will see rights..Eat more of Spinach, Ugu , avocado, watermelon...You can eat steamed Ugu/Spinach with fresh/dry fish...Take rolled oats; its healthy and better than any other type of oats (it will fill you and you won't get hungry so quickly)

    2. St Elsewhere Phoenix God bless you for this response. I appreciate

    3. St Elsewhere Phoenix24 June 2021 at 11:10

      You are welcome. Then i wanted to add : Take soups like carrot, cabbage with vegetable soups as well without swallow or eat them with unripe plantain swallow, oatmeal swallow. Check some recipes on youtube. All the best in your weight loss journey

  43. Are you going as a permanent resident, if you and your kids are going as permanent residents, you might not need to worry much. It gets really cold during the winter. Colder than the US. When you get there, try to know your way around as fast as possible. Life is not easy bit better than naija. If your kids are not up to 18, the government will pay you some amount monthly. Canada can be boring though.

  44. Can a disable person enroll for nysc?

    1. Yes but will be posted in his/her state of residence.

    2. Yes but will be posted to his/her state of residence.

    3. Maybe call their hotlines? Check their website?

      I mean, how will the person participate in the morning drills? They are hectic and physically demanding.
      Maybe the person can skip camp and go straight to the PPA.

  45. Pls what can I use to get wet during sex ,my virginal dryness is on another level and hubby is beginning to complain. I have tried Okro water and date.pls help and save a situation

    1. Vagina please

    2. Try to use a lubricant. Preseed lubricant is very nice. That's what I use anytime I m dry. Works like magic.
      You can get it from a pharmacy

    3. Use KY JELLY or other water based lubricants.

      Foreplay helps A LOT. Let him suck your breast and do other things that turn you on.

      You too, put your mind into the action. When he’s giving foreplay, participate, moan, encourage him, you too will be turning wet in the process.

      Also, if you’re horny, you can give him a blow job (side eyes at Dorothy and bright). As he’s exclaiming in excitement, you get wet in the process because his satisfaction turns you on the more and makes you wet. Hopefully, he won’t come in your mouth while you’re already wet. Because... some men sha.

      It’s vagina abeg

    4. Evening primrose helps with wetness and acne, helps the skin too.

  46. The safe days to make love without using condoms is that day your monthly period ends up to two more days. Then 20 days from the very first day the menses started is also safe. I suggest you read more on natural family planning . I recommend the book love and life ( Billings method ) mostly sold in Catholic church

  47. I find it hard to access sdk blog on my iPhone while
    browsing with my Glo sim. please do anyone know how I can resolve it? thank you

    1. Kindly download a VPN like Touch VPN or Betternet

      Or search on appstore and read reviews then go with the best..

      After download;open the app and switch country and that's all..


    2. Same here. Images aren't opening on my Google Chrome.

  48. I live in Canada with my two kids( no 3 on the way) and husband. Been here a little over three years and I was really sceptical about moving. In fact , hubby was here two years before we joined because I wasn’t sure I wanted to move. Today, I can say it’s the best decision I ever made. Too many things to be grateful for including free and quality education, free healthcare, I get over a thousand dollars monthly from the govt for my Children’s upkeep etc etc. There are just so many things I can’t finish listing. I would advise anybody to make it to Canada. My family is a one-income family and we are living very well.

    1. Hope you know what they teach your children in school. Won't say more than that.

    2. It's different strokes for different folks. Some people aspire for more.

    3. Happy for you. Congrats.

    4. Anon 21:06πŸ‘πŸΎ Nigerians with food stamp, free lunch etc are the ones with low aim in Nigeria, no offense & I don’t mean to disrespect your view. The money they are giving you is from other people with high income, Nigerian Canadians included, taxes to the bone. Aim higher if you are coming to the US. The food in low income schools are filled with junk that create obesity which Mrs Obama was trying to fix. Aspire to be the best version of you and you won’t need to live a life of entitlement as the highly taxed despise it. It sucks to release $40 or more of every $100 only to hear folks boast about living well on those programs meant for those truly unable to help themselves. I even heard they sell WIC food in Lagos! So some will collect from taxpayers free then sell in Lagos making double money taken from those in higher tax brackets? Some Nigerians never change! They change location sometimes but never assimilate. Kids are watching. That’s how welfare generational families start!

  49. God bless you Phoenix for all the helpful responses you give to questions πŸ™

    1. St Elsewhere Phoenix24 June 2021 at 11:10

      Amen dear and you too


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