Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


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Monday, June 28, 2021

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...

 Oh Dear!!!


Please I need every encouragement I can get right now.

 I just found out my husband infected me with Herpes, test results showed I have staph infection too. It started with little boils around my vagina until it developed into full blown warts that are very itchy and painful.. 

Just after two weeks we had s#x. I stopped sleeping with him since February after I discovered he is a total cheat that even patronizes prostitutes. 

I regret giving in again but I was hoping at least he would be wise enough to use protection. My world is shattered. 

Thankfully I am HIV negative but they asked me to come for a repeat test after three months. Why do men do this? This man is the only man that has seen my nakedness yet he does this to me?. 

I have turned into a shadow of myself. Can't even hold urine any longer. Just letting it out here because I have no one to talk to right now.

OMG... Do you still live with him? Does he know he has infected you? Have you discussed with him? He must have also passed it on to all those he slept with and this is how stuff like this spreads...Imagine getting such diseases from someone who cannot keep their zipper zipped.

I am just ranting and really dont know what to tell you but do one thing, STOP SLEEPING WITH HIM and tell him to go to the Doctor.


  1. It's no longer news that most Nigerian men cheat no matter what and yours isn't any different..You have to put an end to whatever kinda sex you guys used to have before and that's about it..Pele!

    1. Hmm i am speechless πŸ˜“πŸ˜“

    2. Over to ndi "as long as he is not beating you"

      I am so sorry for what you are going through, please take your medication religiously and bring his notice to it.

      Your husband patronizes prostitute and what have you done about that?

      I am happy that there's no HIv but still insist on protection

      Ps. herpes can still be transmitted even with protection

    3. So difficult to say you wont have sex with your husband, not dt u cannot hold yourself but a lot of conflicts u want to avoid comes up from refusing him. Just speak to him to see a doctor and make him understand the consequences of going around, not sleeping with him is the end of the marriage, the bitter truth. It is a bad situation. Win win will be if he stops seeing them and gets treatment while u resume ur sex life but if he refuses and continues, then consider leaving to safe ur life and the children's

    4. @push up, Herpes is worse than HIV, or at least on the same level. I’m not happy about any of this at all. I hope she has finished birthing all her kids

    5. Oh my God
      So sorry, herpes jeeeezzzzzz it's well, any Virus dieseaes just πŸƒ‍♀️πŸƒ‍♀️πŸƒ‍♀️πŸƒ‍♀️πŸƒ‍♀️πŸƒ‍♀️

    6. Anon 17:08, herpes in untreatable, there is no win win here, she will have to deal with herpes for life and staph is damn stubborn, a terrible infection to have. I desperately hope the HIV test comes out negative. Poster, suspend sex completely till you decide what to do with the marriage.

  2. This is really sad and sorry for all you're going through.

    You need to talk to him about this if you haven't done so and stop sleeping with him until he sorts this out.

  3. It is quite sad to read that your husband did this.
    It doesn't seem you are thinking of quitting this marriage; right?
    Well, get treated in the best possible way by doctors and let him know
    that he has to accompany you to get treated as well by same doctor.
    However, it is not wise to say that "men do this."
    Your husband did it; sleeping with prostitutes, not men.
    Any fornication or adultery is an effrontery to God and a disobedience
    to his laws.
    May the Lord grant you peace through these trying times.

  4. Sadly, That is what most women who are married to cheats go through. But if you advice them to leave co-wives of cheating married men association would say we are preaching divorce and throw insults about. Is it not better for you to be healthy than to be married to a walking disease carrier?. I know of a woman who refused to leave her horseband and she has hiv. The man is dead but he cheated till he died. Don't worry, You will be fine but darling after the second test comes out negative please know what to do. Don't let anyone ruin your life. You only met your husband here on earth. No marriage in heaven. The cheating is in his blood for him not to even use protection not like using protection is safe sef when it comes to herpes like I once read here. Even with protection I read you can still get herpes. So the best is to be with just your partner and be fiathfuk. It will take a bad situation or life-threatening experience for his likes to stop.
    Don't be afraid you will be fine but know what to do afterwards.

  5. Girl sorry to hear what you are passing through.
    Please note that not all men do these.
    Please don't over extend it. There are
    both male and female prostitutes and there are male and female believers in the Lord as well.
    At least I live in a marriage where my husband is chaste. But dear, when
    we get married, we have to work it out.
    It is not a time to relax because the evil one will tempt us.
    While you treat yourself, get your husband treated if you do not want to
    be re-infected.

  6. Will she stop sleeping with him forever? As long as he cheats then she is not safe o. God protect you poster.

  7. Kai this is so annoying!! What is wrong with we humans? No one fear STDs, HIV/AID, Syphilus, Chlamydia..Jesus Christ!! Poster please just stop sex totally and please deal with all those infections, take and complete all antibiotic medications..I am sorry about what you are going through...Please protect yourself and your kids at all cost...We just losing our morals, decorum and humanity. Throwing all out of the window..😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

  8. Have you confronted your horseband? Why did you not shout and scream of what he has done to you but you kept quiet and having heartache.

    Just get to the hospital and get treated and also stop sleeping with him.

    He is an idiot. The foundation has been broken, can it really be amend?

    Your husband will just be transferring evil spirit up and down because those ashewos most are possessed.

    Also, keep praying to God to help you so as not to get any deadly disease.

    A lot of homes are demon possessed because of adultery and fornications with different partners, that is why marriages keep breaking

  9. Aw mahn! I’m so sorry this happened to you. Herpes aren’t curable but can be managed with prevented outbreaks. Pls start treatment if you haven’t already as herpes can cause blindness.

    Stay away from that disease infested demon. ‼️

  10. I am so sorry for your dilemma dear bv... Get treated and stay away from your husband sexually until he understands the consequences of his action. A cheating partner is deadly!!!. A few days back I met a girl who happened to be an orphan. This girl and her siblings lost their parents due to the fathers philandering ways. Mr man had a prostitute he patronizes regularly. News broke out that the girl tested positive for HIV and she went into hiding. On going for a test the man discovered he is HIV positive. The wife also tested positive. He couldn't help it so he committed suicide. It didn't take up to three weeks after the man's death when the wife died of hypertension and suspected suicide because of her health status. The children are now orphans fending for themselves but God has been providing.

    Single ladies, please think twice before marrying a promiscuous man. Married women take precaution if your husband is promiscuous. You only live once don't let your life be a pain because of your partner's deliberate ill acts.

  11. Mine did too to me, but we die there.we are receiving treatment from time to time or what else can I do. You catch him,he begs, you forgive,next he changes tactics. so you can't catch him again.the only thing that is saving me from leaving him is that he is rich.

    1. 15:41
      Your comment is nauseating.
      My goodness! If this isn't ment, then I don't know what else to call it.
      I must be married syndrome.... tueh!

    2. Stay there and be yarning dust! Till he infects you with HIV you will then know that peace of mind is better than money! TAFIA!!!!

    3. Hmmmmmm since you don't want to leave because of money, it will be better you get a female condom to help you help yourself.

      I wish you well.

    4. Na wa o.

    5. Anon isi Gini? u mean u are not smart to siphon money from ur cheating hubby and leave already, health is wealth darling not the other way round.

  12. So sorry but please take good care of yourself.

  13. This is really sad. Sorry OP. I agree that you should discuss this with your husband and gi for treatment. If he refuses to seek treatment, don't let that stop you from taking care of yourself. Please, do not sleep with him again until you are BOTH being treated (doesn't seem like you are considering leaving and body no be wood). This is really sad. Especially considering that it isn't curable and he has total disregard for himself and you. If you conceive, best to sign up for c-section to avoid exposing an innocent baby to the virus. Best of luck. I pray for your healing.

  14. Dear poster, so sorry for what you are going through. I wish you had insisted on protection the last time you slept with him, since you know how he is.

    You can be completely healed of every disease in your body. There is a balm in Gilead. Jeremiah 8:22, 46:11. The blood of Jesus is stronger than any disease of any kind. Matt. 8:17. Jesus has paid the price for our healing. Receive it fully. If you don't have a relationship with Jesus, get it now. Hold him real close and pour out your heart to him. He's the only one that truly understands how you feel.

    Relax. God has got your case in control. Pray for healing. You will get healed. If you can go to any church where you can buy holy communion items and take communion daily on your own prayerfully, the diseases will disappear in God's time, while you back it up with drugs and treatment from the hospital. As you take the communion daily, believe strongly that you are eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Jesus. You will be healed. Read the following passages as you take the communion and claim it to yourself. John 6:53, 2 Corinthians 4:11

    If you must ever sleep with him again, peradventure, mistakenly (you are human and may give in), please use protection. But I won't advice you to sleep with him. Inform him. So he gets treated too. He may not even know.

    Cheer up and be joyful. Everything will be alright. It is well with you. You will smile again.

  15. Hmmmm
    Echi kita nwanyi kaa ya nma asi na odi wicked.

    Herpes is not headache that can go away easily.

  16. Met a woman at HIV clinic the other time when I went to pick my drugs,we got talking and she told me never in her life will she imagine herself HIV posotive, she said she kept herself holy, for fear of God and diseases, got married to a cheat,who can pretend for Africa, guy man acts like a spirikoko, he's a banker, but along the line he got himself infected and also infested the wife , her two pregnancy she was negative, she has already given up on getting pregnant again, but God made her pregnant and she tested positive during antenatal, if she didnt get pregnant the 3TD time ,she wouldn't have known, maybe till it becomes full blown, the funnies part is the man no dey come clinic,na she still dey pick his drugs. She's my friend now, we need each other for hubby is still negative though 10 years n still counting πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

  17. All these silly men that cheats without protection

  18. Tor! When I talking about ignorance not being bliss and making sure you dont die like a stray dog due to it, one stray scarecrow was out yarning pure unfiltered dust.

    Arm yourself with EVERYTHING you need to know.
    Be proactive, otherwise...hmmmmm.

    Madam with the Herpes, so sorry for your plight.
    If you know your husband is a serial prostitute, you should NEVER have sex with him, even if he is using 10 condoms at a time.

    Condoms are not full proof and some of Satan's children even remove them before the do.

    HIV/AIDS, Gonorrhea, Herpes are not child's play.

    Also, have you read abi watched War Room?????

    1. Oh please, you can make your point like several others have done on this post without talking in a crass manner and being rude. Teach yourself, if you weren't taught, how to communicate politely. It's really not that hard.

  19. Chai. It's not good for someone to be reading stories like this. U go dey fear unnecessary fear. Take heart poster n put ur safety, fertility n health 1st above ur marriage

  20. Marriage sefeeeeh it's well,Our Good lord saw all these diseases and gave us an option of divorce for a cheating partner and yet some advice people here to pray and be patient. No bv here will come to ur aid when u go down with HIV, ask urself what do u want, if u want a divorce fyn, u want to continue fyn, as for me, cheating is a deal breaker for me. Cheating disgusts the hell out of me, not just disease, what of sharing of demons and marine spirit. After I don cleanse myself spiritually, one marine spirit fo begin worry me bcoz if a man. Ahbegi make una begin love unaself more biko. Some of these men will pretend to the extent u will begin to question urself if u are mad or seeing things, family will say endure, will he endure the disease if u are the one bringing it home.

    1. My dear, the matter tire me.
      God gave them brains but they will refuse to use it.

  21. Does your husband's name start with "U" and surname with "A"?
    He is from Okija and trades in Onitsha, short and fair?
    Pele oh, if it is him.
    That guy is a serial cheat and will dig his joystick into any hole.

  22. Unfortunately, there are no words of encourage for you poster. Herpes is a big deal and a lot of Nigerians do not know enough about it. You have to be careful going forward. Go to the hospital so they can give you your daily medication. Have you been giving him oral sex? You may have it orally too.

  23. Poster get proper treatment with your husband, while undergoing through the treatment do not sleep with him.

    If he refuse to get treated as well, walk away before he will kill you before your time in the name of marriage.

  24. Prostitutes?! Herpes!!!

    If you must stay with him, use condom during intimacy and have a full STI screen regularly. Only God knows what next he will carry

    What a disgusting man. I’m shivering.

  25. I think people in the comments are even replying nicely because they don’t know about herpes. It has no cure and can be transmitted orally so you probably shouldn’t even kiss your children etc
    Maybe Stella should do a topic on diseases and consequences people get from spouses. Percentages etc Many Nigerians don’t know that Nigerian couples are the greatest % of having HIV + children in Africa

  26. Hello viewers in the world am here to share my experience on how I got cured from Herpes through the help of Dr Destiny who use his roots and herbs to cure my Herpes today am healthy and strong once again all thanks to you Dr. may you live long to continue the good work you started, as many of you out there looking for solution to your problems I will like you to give A try today add him on whatsapp +2348105074556 Or FACEBOOK PAGE: He can also cure so many sickness like, DIABETES, CANCER, HEPATITIS B, HPV, HIV


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