Stella Dimoko Actress Mbong Amata Responds To EX Husbands Allegation That She Is Dead And Recounts His Manipulations With Their Daughter


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Monday, June 28, 2021

Actress Mbong Amata Responds To EX Husbands Allegation That She Is Dead And Recounts His Manipulations With Their Daughter

On Sunday June 27,2021, ex Movie producer Jeta Amata put out another alert insinuating that his US based ex wife Mbong had died and then added my name calling me out that i lied that I had spoken to her severally.

 He indicated I was impersonating her because i wanted to inherit something..

Mbong did a video thereafter opening a can of worms on why she went silent

''Hello Y'all
My name is Mbong
People who matter to me and are close to me know how I use my social media, they understand that I take breaks from time to time and I have been on social media detox since January.

This time around it lingered for a bit longer than normal which is okay because I'm perfectly fine, there's nothing wrong with me, I'm just social media detoxing.

I have heard so many disturbing reports about me but please take it from me I am well, alive and healthy.

To everyone who has reached out to me, scared, worried and anxious about something happening to me, I am fine, I'm just off social media.

The case about my daughter, personally I won't speak about it but I will just scratch this off a bit. I share a daughter with my ex husband, she would be 13 in August. She is a huge part of my life, I love her dearly and no one could possibility love her more than I do but unfortunately I have been faced with custody issue that has lingered for so long and right now my ex husband is going on a rant on social media acting like he doesn't know what happened.

He fought me to a stand still concerning our daughter. It got really bad. I'm not going to put a time frame on it but its been long. This man insisted that I be a part time mum to my daughter by only communicating with her over the phone.

I clearly told him if he wouldn't let me be a full time mum to my daughter then I don't want to be part of it. I can't be a mum who hangs on the phone and only speaks to my daughter when it is convenient for him or when he has an event then he remembers Veno has a mom. I told him it can't work out I want to teach my daughter, have fun times and also a proper relationship with her but he denied me all access. To be frank I don't know why he chose this route, he feels my daughter can be with any other person other than me.

By God's grace I'm doing well for myself I'm grateful for life I'm in a great place physical, mentally and otherwise. I have three homes in American I live well so what is his problem?
Jeta knows he and I have absolutely nothing to talk about if it has nothing to do with my daughter.

I am perfectly fine, why is Jeta looking for me? I only want a perfect relationship with my daughter. He has pulled me and dragged me on everywhere possible because of this girl. why are you looking for me? I'm okay.

He has done a lot of things to spite me but I'm not that person to play in the mud with him, no I won't. My daughter is a huge part of my life no matter how he discredits me by making my daughter refer to his babymama as mum.

 To be honest i can't get involved. 

He wanted a full custody of my daughter and that's what he got. He fought me to a standstill and I was left high and dry.

I want to let you my online friends know that I am perfectly fine, I am not missing from the face of the earth. I am home , I'm perfectly fine. Thanks to everyone who reached out. Special shout out to Stella Dimoko, I spoke with her several times before I made this video and my daughter I'm sure soon we are gonna be together, okay? love you baby


  1. Well done for speaking out.

    Some men are babies Sha.

    1. Nigerian men? Dirt.

    2. I wish I can get my previous comment.
      Mbong, do you think saying I love you on social media will count to your daughter?. Children dont understand.
      By the rate your going, when she comes to you, you both will be STRUGGLING to have a relationship. Heck, she might even say she no want to again. No be 5 years until she reach 18?.
      Lol. She'll just curve you and your eyes go clear. Shell ask you why you didnt fight for her, then you'll say you're madam all or nothing.
      Collect any bits hes giving you and fight fight fight.

    3. Mbong said she wants full custody and she didn't go to court to get it? If she did and the court didn't grant her full custody for a minor then there is something she isn't telling us. Jetta's lawyers must have proved something to the court for them to deny her full custody and the father, Jetta, visitation rights. Something isn't right. She isn't telling the full story.

    4. Anon 14:15, please do not say what you don’t know. Most mom’s get primary custody because most fathers do not ask for it.
      But abusive men will use the family court system to harass & control their ex.
      The court is meant to be gender neutral, with no preference given to a gender for custody. 50:50 is actually the preferred custody option, especially if the parents were married, meaning the father is assumed to have been present & active in the child’s life.
      Ask Deion Sander’s ex wife, Dwayne Wade’s ex wife, Ludacris baby mama.
      A man with a vindictive heart, will find an aggressive lawyer & fight his ex into the poor house.
      They will accuse the mother of parental alienation, withholding visitation (even if the mother was only trying to protect the child(ren) from an abusive father.
      God help the mother, if the judge is a “fathers right judge”. The fathers right movement have spent millions to lobby & change laws fo favor them.
      Deion Sanders ex wife, only got back primary custody when her kids reached a certain age (12 in Texas) & could speak to the judge.
      You are spewing exactly the garbage Mbong’s ex wants you to say. To tarnish her image as an absent & deadbeat mother.
      Do you know how much it will cost to start an international custody war. An aggressive lawyer will drag the process for years.
      Mbong probably feels defeated. At some point, Pillar Sanders was ordered to pay millions of dollars to Deion Sanders lawyer.
      She was lucky to have a millionaire boyfriend to keep appealing & fighting.

    5. Anonymous 16:02 Jeta that doesn't have money to pay a hotel in Abuja would have money to pay an aggressive lawyer? Don't spew rubbish there. You mention Ludacris here. Can Jeta hire the Ludacris type of lawyer?
      Your last but one paragraph says "Mbong probably feels defeated" if so, then she's given up on her daughter.
      You are here spewing exactly the trash Mbong wants you to say. Neither of them is a saint! I don't care for Jeta as much as I don't care for Mbong. Since she chose to stay silent when the news broke up then she should stay silent forever.

    6. You are very stupid. I don't insult online but had to. Pray you are not in her shoes because na Uselu you go de. Pray not to deal with a manipulator. Someone that stole his child to Nigeria.

  2. Mbong, you and your husband or ex, should go and settle whatever matters you have
    and stop using the internet as a court house.
    And stop using your daughter as a ping pong ball. You are both destroying that child for your selfish ends. I don't listen or side anyone that goes to the internet with marital woes and tales. Settle it or keep quiet or at worse go to the courts.

    1. Anon 11:09 thanks for saying it as it is. The truth is both Mbong and her husband are the same. Imagine she saying she either has a full custody or nothing else and because of that, she's not calling her daughter. Such an irresponsible statement and the stupid man is also saying his daughter will surely get pregnant at age 14 or 16. Two sick people and I hope that man is not sleeping with the little girl to say that.
      The girl has two psycho for a parent and I I pity her.

    2. Both Anon,you spoke my mind and that' s why is saying she will not speak much.

    3. BITCHandSLUT.com28 June 2021 at 12:02

      Anon 11:34, read again.

      He wants her to be a mom to her daughter only through phone when he pleases and not physical.

      Who does that?

    4. @Bitch and slut, I watched and listened to the video she made, go to Stella's Instagram and listen for yourself then come back, let's see if you will defend this Mbong. I repeat, both she and her husband are the same.

    5. Honestly, she isn't the best mum, she's too relax concerning her daughter, haba. She's discussing her daughter as if she's a thing, she even reffereto her as the girl...true true ,she n her ex na same WhatsApp group

    6. @11:34 he didn't say she will get to understand...he said if she goes to her grandparents she is likely to get pregnant because their own daughters got pregnant at very young ages. He is insinuating that they will not do a good job of raising and protecting the girl as they may be too liberal. I hope you get it now.

    7. @12:14, what he wants is not what he gets if the matter is tabled in a court. What he gets is what the courts decide. That's the reason the matter should be taken to court. In cases like this, if the mother is proven to be component to keep the child, she usually jets to keep the child with the father having visitation rights and paying child support. Something isn't right with Mbong.

    8. Mbong you sound like a very careless mother. I doubt you even love your daughter. If you love that girl, you will do all you can to get her close to you. Tell us the truth, why was Jeta granted full custody of that girl? You are not ready to tell us the truth.

  3. Glad she is ok

    Im still wondering how come a crazy man got full custody of their daughter and the mother got no access through the courts...strange. i think he has something he is holding over her.

    Mbong if you read this, please sort out whatever the reason you lost custody and go back to the courts to get legal access to your child.

    1. American citizenship, money, clout, good lawyers maybe

    2. It's obvious nau, when she joined Ini Edo gang,her marriage kaput.
      For the judicial system to grant custody to Jeta,she's guilty of many things.

      The video recording shows stoned eyes. Mbong repent you hear, repent.

    3. Jeta can move on but I don't understand why Mbong will want to move on without her daughter. The daughter to me is the most important person in this triangle. She is still a minor for Pete's sake! Even if she can get 5 minutes to talk with her daughter on phone is that not better than nothing? So to be free from Jeta she is willing to completely let go and abandon her daughter? I mean where is the love? Don't get me wrong. I know it won't be an easy fight, but it is a fight that is worth it. Or isn't it? Anyway I doubt I will comment on this matter again because the vibe I am getting from beautiful young Mbong is that we should mind our business. Mbong your daughter is looking unkempt in that video. How can you leave her like that? According to your sister there is fear of incest, aren't you scared about that? And lastly have you found out if truly your daughter is in storage and being used as collateral by a hotel for 3 years?

    4. He has no custody

  4. She sounds like she has given up on her daughter.Chai..

    1. Honestly, if anything goes wrong with the girl, she's to be blame, even poor mothers with nothing fights for their kids

  5. I am truly disappointed at her statement , i understand your ex is manipulating your daughter but at least take advantage of the time you can have with her for now and keeping fighting... like when she said if she can have all then i don't want it like she is talking of an item.... that is your daughter

    1. Thank you!!! Like I would rather take 10 mins of being on phone with my daughter once a month to not speaking with her at all.
      Mbong you no try haba. How do you sleep in America knowing your daughter is with a mad man? How?? Please do something about it, stop waiting for fate to decide for you or thinking that jeta will one day change for good, it might be too late by then. For goodness sake, you have just this 1 child, fight tooth and nail if you have to.

    2. Same though,some in this scenario are praying for just one minute to hear the child's voice.
      At least let her know you tried and not just sit back and say you will not take the access he has given you.
      It's not about him but about your child.

    3. Does the child have a striking resemblance to Jeta? If yes then that could be a reason for Mbong not doing so much because, Jeta is a regrettable mistake she’s made in her life so far so, if she had her way, she’ll cut all ties with him.
      Also, this might be a plot to keep her safe. Jeta seems like a psycho.

    4. Five minutes you speak with your daughter means a lot. She can tell you things happening around her, if the father is touching her inappropriately or not. Especially as her puberty is approaching, she needs you to teach her how to handle menstrual circles and how to keep her self clean during and after menstruation. Buy her bra, give her sex education that will help her know that if she gets contact with a man she can get pregnant, once she has started seeing her menstruation. These are the things living mothers do for their children. Mbong leave those friends, they are not advising you well. It is obvious your ex is crazy, this is a good time to win custody and get your child. Stop relaxing, feeling you are punishing both of them for spiting you. Fight for that little girl. Look at Chidinma Ojukwu, her mother left her for the father to raise!

  6. The babe is the most beautiful Nollywood actress.Nobody else comes close! Damn!!!

  7. WeldonWeldone Stella. Thanks for reaching out to her.

  8. Well done Stella. Thanks for reaching out to her.

  9. Jeta, why are you looking for her? You've gotten what you wanted abi? Just let this woman be. For those asking why the lady lost the custody battle If she's a good mum, may they pray never to meet narcissist males. He's fighting for custody isn't really because he do really believes their daughter will be better off with him, no! It was done out of spite. His interest is to drag her and take everything from her. But he's not God. He should keep the child and let this lady be and stop using the innocent child as bait to get her attention. She looks beautiful and she absolutely glows. Move on Jeta.

    1. Jeta can move on but I don't understand why Mbong will want to move on without her daughter. The daughter to me is the most important person in this triangle. She is still a minor for Pete's sake! Even if she can get 5 minutes to talk with her daughter on phone is that not better than nothing? So to be free from Jeta she is willing to completely let go and abandon her daughter? I mean where is the love? Don't get me wrong. I know it won't be an easy fight, but it is a fight that is worth it. Or isn't it? Anyway I doubt I will comment on this matter again because the vibe I am getting from beautiful young Mbong is that we should mind our business. Mbong your daughter is looking unkempt in that video. How can you leave her like that? According to your sister there is fear of incest, aren't you scared about that? And lastly have you found out if truly your daughter is in storage and being used as collateral by a hotel for 3 years?

    2. You people just talk like you are the ones living the life of this lady. There are some fights you get involved in and at a point you no longer have any fight left in you.
      Do you guys think this lady has not been fighting? Just pray not to get into a situation like this. My elder sister who is 50 years now almost lost her child because of a manipulative husband she ran away from. She ran with her one year old daughter and the man used his influence to take the child from her. There was no beating she didn't receive when she makes attempt to see her daughter. It took her almost 20 years to get together with this girl cos she escaped from her dad after so much torture and attempted forced marriage. Who saved her, her mum because table of life turned.
      Infact my sister gets beaten like a kidnapper everytime she tries then she just gave up. Judgement is always at the tips of your fingers when you don't even know what the person is passing through. May God not let you guys experience some of the things you read about here.
      Talking about courts as if its not nigerian judiciary system you are referring to abi she should sue the man in another country ni?

    3. Does Jeta beat up Mbong when she tries to see her child? Is still too hard to speak to the child on phone? This is all so messy. Poor child.

    4. Exactly, abusive men, use the child to hurt & humiliate the mother. They will fight the mother, till depression & frustration causes the woman to give up. Mbong is using avoidance as a coping mechanism. She has been absent on social media, not communicating with her child.
      Pray not to be in her situation.

    5. Mbon you no try all my ex took my children away for many yrs and he block every road to reach them, but I persist on reaching them on phone every week to God be the Glory I am with my children today. Mbong that phone conversion matters alot

  10. It's good she's fine.

    Mbong, get the authorities involved to fight for the custody of your child.

  11. When a pained-Ex has looked everywhere to get to you and he found none, he came up with death.
    Is Dead a joking matter? you're wishing the mother of your child dead simply because you think that is the highest you can come up with?
    Mbong you better act fast before this guy will destroy the life of your daughter for you

  12. Custody is decided and granted based on the best interest of the child.

    Mbong, I am deeply concerned you lost the custody battle, not shared custody or visitation rights, haba, what happened bikonu? Why does the judge think your daughter is better off with Jeta?

  13. THE COURT DID NOT GRANT HIM ANY CUSTODY, he took the child and thats it....The only thing i blame Mbong was being too silent whilst all these was ongoing.. allowing people talk her out of a court battle for their daughter reminding her the child will be damaged....

    1. Wehdon ma! The mbong girl looks depressed. Hope she is truly ok?

    2. How can she allow herself to be talked out of fighting to have access to her daughter haba. Its not too late now. I hope she has filed in court to get her daughter back.

    3. Thank you Stella for reaching out to her. Atleast we got to know she is well but she shouldn't give up. She will definitely regret it later in life if she does nothing for that little girl. Houses and properties can never be compared to your blood.

    4. If the court didn't grant him custody, the more reason she should be fighting him in court.

    5. It's never too late, she should go to court, she needs to get the custody of that child.

      Thank God she's fine.

    6. @Stella, if the court didn't grant him custody, he can't take the child! not in the US. If she reports it he would be in trouble. Stella remove your emotions from this. Why will she allow people talk her out of a court battle? Is she that dumb? Okay even if she was talked out of it and then saw how he was depriving her of access to her daughter why didn't she go back to court? Stella, don't believe every story you are told. Probe further and ask questions. Most people always like to paly the victim!

    7. Anon 14:51, if there is no legal custody order in place, both parents are assumed to have equal rights. Airport officials & customs are not family law enforcers.
      His child bears his last name, he is allowed to travel with his child. He has dragged his daughter to Nigeria, expecting Mbong to run to Nigeria.
      He is not getting the reaction he wanted. He wants Mbong back in Nigeria & frustrated. He wants her broke & in debt, just like him.
      Mbong will need to hire lawyers in the USA & Nigeria. He played his hand very very well. The video he released is all part of the plan, to create the narrative he want.
      Mbong is out for the battle of her life. At this time, the USA court will likely decline jurisdiction because her daughter has been away for more than 6 months.
      Mbong, probably thought this could be resolved with family intervention & kept away from the public.
      But when you are dealing with a narcissist, you need to get in the mud with them & roll in it, you cannot take the high road, you cannot be logical with them.
      I made that costly mistake with my ex, thank God for my sonshines and God. I know how much it has cost me financially. The PTSD will be for life.

  14. U all abusing her should please keep quiet abeg! So she should pause her life and die of hypertension because she wants to prove she's mother of the year to you people! If you've never fought a custody battle where the court grants full custody to the father, abeg make una keep quiet. The man would frustrate your life and deny you access to the child/children. They hope to use it to frustrate you into being unhappy all the time and alone.

    Let Mbong fight her battle the way she sees fit. You are not wearing her shoes.

    1. My east African friend fought her ex for their their daughter,he was better off financially and is AA. She won shared custody but accumulated lots of debts in lawyers fees. Safe to say it ruined her life. See eh, shared custody with an evil ex when you are still building your own life is and without child support is life changing.the evil ex was forever scheming, hovering, looking for ways and things to use against her so he can get full custody. He wants her to suffer, take her child and also get her to pay child support to him.and she was so young then.She was young,came to us in her early twenties as a student, met and married this man.her life has never been the same. She was waiting patiently for the daughter to get to age 18,she is 16 now and the evil of a man just died.he didn't even let her have that moment of glory of making it to 18 on her terms.custody ish that started since a child was 6 years old.

    2. Let him continue fighting custody in the grave now!!!

    3. Anon 14:12, God bless you. Fighting a narcissist in family court will drain you. They do not want you to have the joy of leaving them & also having the child.
      They do not want fo pay child support to an ex that escaped their control.
      They use the Court de facto preference for 50:50 to ensure that they do not pay child support. But they will even go further to get 60:40 to ensure the mother pays them child support.
      People do not know how the American family court system works. Wendy Williams husband was cheating, spending WM money on that woman, had a baby with that woman & Wendy Willians still had to pay him Millions as part of the divorce settlement, because they were married for a long time & he was a “producer” on her show.

  15. How can you just give up on a child you claim you love

    This is deeper than it looks.

    1. Because, Mbong cannot pour out of an empty cup. She needs to be okay in order to take care of her daughter. Men like Jeta aim to make the mothers miserable!!!!
      Mbong continue to take care of yourself. Be careful of subsequent relationships. Have other children and this time, tie up all loose ends so no SOB would torture over a child you carried in your body because he donated spermatozoa. Whenever you can, reach out and secure an inheritance for your daughter. Pray for her and document your struggles for her to access someday. Don’t die trying to prove mother of the century.

    2. Eka whenever I read your comments, I laugh in swahili. Please take several seats. Pray not to be in her position. Mbong is doing well. Stay safe

  16. I can’t get over her beautiful face! Anyway! I she made a very wrong statement when she said she wants all or nothing. How does she expect her daughter to feel hearing that ?

    Sometimes you need to stoop to conquer Mbong. Speaking to your child for 5 minutes is better than nothing regardless of the games your ex is playing.

    Secondly, you sound too complacent, when a child is involved you are allowed to bring out the lioness in you. I expected real emotional tears in that video, not a very matter of fact statement. I know you want to appear strong but sometimes vulnerability is powerful.

    May God unite you and your daughter soon and wipe her tears away. Amen.

    Yummy mummy in England.

    1. Someone up there said we are abusing Mbong that we should leave her alone because she does not have to prove to be mother of the year to us. Okay ooo. Why I go drink panadol for another man headache? But I am just so worried for the child not the two adults involved.

    2. Tears would be the sweet reward Mr Jeta is looking for and he will be disappointed. He can only keep this going till the kid is 18 when shell wonder what her father was doing tidying a teenager and why the second womb left. The bank statements and documents are still there. Mbong should get her daughter back in school and with her mother and not impoverish herself with a custody battle that she has already won.

  17. Chai! Mbong, you and your daughter will be just fine.God's not dead.

    Mum Glow

  18. See person pikin as she fresh like today bread and one mad ex somewhere is wishing her death. Chai! Thanks for convincing her to do this and for letting her tell her side of the story. What Jeta needs is a woman like Tonto Dike not this soft-spoken, easy-going paragon of beauty. Body for don tell Jeta by now.

    So, if Mbong "accepts" to only speak with her daughter on the phone and the girl says: "Mom, I feel a terrible ache in my abdomen. I think I'm gonna pass out any minute", dear mothers, how would you feel if you were in America and the child was in Nigeria? Is it not to quickly send someone you trust in Nigeria? If care is not taken, cardiac arrest fit kill the mother sef before that child gets to the hospital if the mama na the type wey no get strong mind. And even when she sent her mother- the child's grandmother, did jeta still release the girl? No. He has decided that he'd rather die than give up his only remaining manipulative power over Mbong and she knows it. He just wants to be using that girl to torture Mbong mentally and psychologically.

    Who knows if it's even a shrink that told her to "halt for now" before she loses her sanity. This detox that she's detoxing, una think say na play? I pity quiet people who bottle up things a lot. If not for jeta's poor drama, how many of you knew her before now? That's to show that she's really quiet in this Nollywood where actress and quiet in the same sentence is a kind of taboo.

    For those blaming her, I know your criticism is from a place of love and concern but she had been trying to get legal backing to be "totally in her child's life" without ranting on social media. No be everybody sabi social media ranting and drama.

    Moreover, is it not in this Nigeria where Atiku's son is not allowing Indimi's daughter access to their children despite plenty court cases? Billionaire versus billionaire dem o. Is it not in this Nigeria where a popular Lagos Billion$ire took his daughter away from her mother since childhood and hasn't allowed her access since then; so much so that people even think his wife is the mother of all the children? Is Precious Snowwhitey not in this same country as FFK and her boys and yet has no access to them? Has anyone arrested FFK yet?

    In Nigeria, even the police and courts can fail you but you see public opinion and social media ehn, e get im own advantage. If there is a threat to burn down that hotel where Veno is hidden, the hotel owners will eject jeta immediately to protect their property. Besides, what is to stop this sick, obsessive jeta from contracting an assassin to kill Mbong once she steps foot in Nigeria? They will just make it look like a robbery or kidnapping gone wrong in this unknown gunmen era. Hian! This one wey he don dey shout say she die in advance so make she shine eyes before she enter Naija o.

    Mbong, give Nigerians the name of the hotel where he is hiding your daughter abeg. A girl needs a name. Social media needs a name. Vhallar morghullus.

    1. Thank you @Amebonawork.rightly said.

      Mbong, you're a strong mother. I will always pray for you. Get your sanity, happiness and self-love back first before anything.

      Your daughter will be fine I believe. You alone, know what you must have painfullly endured in the hands of your ex-narcissistic - partner.

      Please stay safe, stay alive, stay informed.

      Don't act rational, remember you first before anyone else (children too inclusive, our children benefit from parents better who are healthy).
      LASTLY, please don't be trapped into the death pendulum the enemy wants to rope you in eg. Unknown gunmen, assassination, etc by coming to Nigeria.
      Utilise social media, ask for sM help. You are not alone. You are loved. I wish you peace Mbong 🙏🙏

  19. Amebonawork that you so much. I have someone I know who had to leave all her 3 children because the husband took them away & have been manipulating them. It's not easy oooooh. Because I have seen it first hand I don't feel that Mbong is weak.

    Wait until you experience it, then you will understand
    but I don't pray for such for any family because it's a nightmare. Mbong you are a strong woman.

    One day I'll tell the story on this blog

  20. Beautiful Mbong, thank God You're perfectly fine.Thank you for speaking out.its never too late.i only blame you for not speaking out a long time ago buh I respect your reason. You will get your daughter soon. Help is on the way. God is at work already. Stay strong hun and stay beautiful. It will end in praise.

  21. Nigerians! when one actress was speaking and letting hell loose about her son y'all was calling her a drag queen and said she should shut it. Now someone who has been quiet decides to speak up eventually y'all says she doesn't love her child enough.
    God I pray not to be in any one shoes, grant all the grace and mercy to overcome household enemies Amen.

    1. Big amen!!! No send world people o! Listen to your own sense and conscience because even they are just given their own opinion based on limited info.

  22. All I see is her beauty. She's very beautiful

  23. As rich as Dinos ex-wife's family is, she left her children behind when he almost killed her.

    It's only when you are alive you can claim a child biko.

  24. Is the child an American Citizen? Was the custody battle fought in America? If a woman is not given custody of a female minor here it’s either the man filed the papers manipulating the system so that hearing takes place when she is out of the country and was not able to show up and he made it seem like a character issue or the woman has other issues proven to the court. The US court system is extremely favorable to women. I only know if one other case. The man filed when she was in Nigeria making it seem she wasn’t interested plus other issues. Fight for your child. If it took place in Nigeria, it’s a misogynistic society. If here, she can go back to court and stop boasting about 3 homes. Most affluent folks here have a big home and a vacation or lake home or timeshare. Rental properties don’t count as your home even if she has. Why even talk about that when we are talking about a 13 year old child’s future with an abusive man holding custody. Moving on with her attitude is strange.

    1. The child s not an American citizen and what you explained is exactly what happened...
      She talked three house because part of te rumour is that she is eating from hand to mouth and has probably died from hunger......

      Someone up there says i am covering up for Mbong,no I am not, i just refused to let Jeta use me to hurt her and that is why he has been calling me out but its OK

  25. Thank you Stella, you have done very well. I knew she mentioned houses because the foolish man painted her as poor. Referring to her daughter as The Girl, is spoken grammar. She clearly told her she loves her. I call my daughter my girl. I could refer to her when talking as The Girl who makes my heart beat. Jeta married her young and was obsessed,I remember those days when it was clear he saw her as HIS OWN in a very diabolical way. Glad she is doing well.


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