Stella Dimoko Frequently Asked Questions On Stella's Blog..



Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions On Stella's Blog..

 This is a segment where you ask any kind of question and you get answers from those who know...

Its informative, Educative and awesomely Bombshell.....LOL


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    1. Please which lab in UK delivers days 2 and 8 covid testing kits at the same time?

      Most labs deliver the test kits separately

      My test kit has not been delivered and it's almost day 8 ie I've not done day 2 test yet

      What is the Implication? I am scared to my bones

      I just want to order another test

    2. I'm two months pregnant,I enjoy sleeping on my tummy or on my back. Is it bad at this early stage?

    3. 15:36 Nope, no harm but you have to start getting used to sleeping on your side (left, preferably) as you move up in months.

    4. Right from my first pregnancy all through my second ....I slept on my tommy all through till 7months where is switch from belly to back side time to time or where I’d just twist a bit but still on my side belly. Doctor said unless u feel pain or discomfort, you are very fine ! I have two lovely beautiful kids no complications at all.

    5. Please my dear try and adjust quickly, pls everyone is not same, body system and genetics are different. "But avoiding your tummy isn't just about what feels good—it's also for safety reasons".

    6. Thanks perx and anon

    7. Pls who knows if 4g network sucks data more than 3g?

  2. Please I need help, I usually have a very full and long hair,but it's not growing anymore, what should I apply please 🙏

    1. Hair growth has different stages: anagen, catagen, telogen, and exogen..There are period of rapid growth and then there is what we call the ''resting stage'' which may not mean you have a stunt growth but that is how the hair cells really work..

      So I will advice you continue your hair routine: moisturize with hair conditioner, steaming and the rest of them...Don't worry it will start to grow again

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Please I lost weight and there is this stuff at the back of my laps, if I wear any trouser, it's shows like a big buldge, like fat went to one place and retain. That's why I'm always with blazzer

    Please what can I use there to melt it or lower the buldge, if that's the right words

    1. Ok I believe you try some exercise routine to tone that area and make it firm...It is normal because you look weight...Speak with a gym instructor concerning it

    2. Hope you didn't lose with slimming teas/pills/soap/cream etc

    3. If you lost weight please go and do a full blood work .

    4. Maybe she has lipoma . And only surgery can remove it.
      Local anaesthesia should be enough.

  4. So if you are complaining of lice in your hair, I have a remedy I used for my daughters who got it from school that worked.

    Use hot water to wash the hair, but not enough to burn the scalp. Add Dettol disinfectant. Wash thoroughly and after the hair is dried, part into portions as if you want to plait it, this is so that the heat from the cream will get to every corner of the hair.

    Apply CACATIN hair cream to the scalp of the parted portions, and also apply to the top of the hair. Cover with a scarf or shower cap. Leave for a few hours and comb out. You'll see the dead lice all over the floor. Repeat every two days till it completely clears out.

    1. Wow another method of eliminating hair lice..Thanks

  5. Thanks Jewelu for this segment.
    Pls my pple make una help me..I've small boobs and I see babes wearing all these off shoulder dresses without their bra strips showing,which means they're wearing strapless I went to buy the strapless bra cos I made some off shoulder dresses but the bra doesn't stay firm as in it is coming down cos my boobs are small.pls how can I rock my off shoulder dresses without my bra strap showing and without my chest looking flat..abeg make una help me. Thanks sweet bvs.

    1. Uhhhhmm..did you get your bra size? There’s a bra for every size no matter how small your boobs are.

      You can go for boob tapes anyway, those are perfect for strapless and off shoulder dresses. You can always pad up too.

    2. Try purchasing strapless bras or boob tapes from a lingerie shop so you dont have to worry about the straps

    3. God bless u perxian but what can I use to pad up plsss put me through..I just want to have that full chest when wearing the strapless bra.. thanks much maama.

    4. I used to cut out the foams/ silicon in bigger bras then place them inside my bra for lift. Don’t do it when you go visiting yo man tho. Lol

    5. Buy brea*t tapes. Dats the lastest tin now.

    6. Cellotape your nipples

  6. I still have just one question. How in God's name can i get a baby who hates feeding bottles to accept It 😢😢😢

    1. Lucky you, mine hate taking breast

    2. Have you Considered trying different bottle brands? I discovered that of the 4 brands(teeth) I had then, she took only 2 and always rejected the other 2.

    3. Not all babies take feeding bottles, spoon feed him/her,it takes time but it's less stressful to keep clean.

    4. Use spoon and cup. Some babies never accept bottles you know

    5. If she hates Dr brown bottles then accept her preference in peace cos that’s the best bottle outchea . Imo

    6. Change the bottle u are using . It worked for me . Don’t buy the regular baby feeders buy toddlers bottles and show the baby how to hold it .

    7. Mine used to accept before from birth. I just dunno why she stopped. Dunno if her creche will accept to feed her with spoon and cup.

    8. How old is your baby? If he is up to 6 months try giving him squeezed out orange juice in a bottle immediately he wakes up from sleep because babies are usually hungry after a deep sleep and he can't also resist the sweet taste. First start in small quantity and watch how he reacts to it before introducing other food in the bottle.

    9. Must he use bottles? I did ebf for my son and he refused using bottles, all the expensive bottles I bought he did not use. He only took water from his bottle for sometime and migrated to cup. I started feeding him with spoon and plate from six months. None of my sister's three kids used bottle.

    10. Chidiogo I believe Eka wants to return to work thats why she wants her daughter to take bottles.

      Mine never did. So I haven't got a solution

    11. Chidiogo, I'm going to work soon so she has to. Perxian she rejected Dr Brown like it's poison.

      Omeh, I think I will try spoon and cup and see if we have luck will that. Will I also use spoon and cup for breastmilk?

      Anon my baby is just approx 3 months, she can't hold a bottle yet

    12. Are you sure it is the bottle though?

    13. Change the bottle teats

  7. Good afternoon. Please how can i go about applying for Canada express entry?

    1. Check Canada IRCC website, you'll get all the information you need.

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  9. Im about to finish my apprentice,and starting my own immediately isn't feasible with the rate at which things dey go,I never even get my own machine, now my madam says she may employ us as a designer,but she won't be paying us monthly,until after working for 6 month as we will still be getting advantage to learn more from her, but she will be giving transport fare and lunch daily, though she's a very nice person ,she's ever ready to render help, but I think she should be paying even if its 5k a month , I'm thinking maybe I should look for somewhere else where I will be paid, but I don't want her to see me as an ingrate because she really beat down learning fee for us,but how do I gather money if I'm working for her without pay.please make Una advice me on what to do

    1. Look at it like extended learning. You can still be working for her and getting fabric from others.

      6 months is a short time to me sha

    2. Since she has been helpful to you...I will suggest you seat down with her and re-negotiate the terms and conditions...Ask her if you are able to sew or design lets say 10 dresses for the month each cost like 5000NGN, can she pay like between 8% - 10% off the total costs of designing 10 dresses i.e will be like 4k - 5k monthly but the transport and lunch money may have to go...Just discuss with her with her response, you will know the next step to take..

      I believe that monthly payment will go a long way so you can save and purchase the sewing machine with that you can get some small outside designing jobs that will augment your income..

      2nd Option: If she does not accept the monthly payment, check your area for some tailors that may need designers (not all tailors are good in it), liaise with them so they can pay you a fee for designing some clothes therefore you can be getting more money on the side whilst being with your madam improving your designing skills.

      My dear this is what I can think of...I don't know all but this is what I will do if I am in your shoes...All the best

  10. So I usually use sheer butter since God knows when..but now I want to start using cream..please suggest affordable ones for me,that won't make one sweat like it judgement day..ok my skin color is like Ini Edo😜

    1. Ok you can Nivea range of lotion and creams, Olay, Palmers great for your skin

    2. Hi @Sisi Brownies..

      Kindly scroll down;replied someone below regarding this..

      Use the cream and give your testimony and no heat or bleaching;Made in Paris too..


    3. Ok guys... thanks will ask around now🥰

  11. How do you earn on YouTube? Like for instance Rudeboy's Reason with me song has over 100m views on YouTube,
    how much can he earn on daily, weekly or yearly basis? Please i would like to learn.

    The most Complex B

    1. 1k views is about $8. I think there is a registration of some sort with YouTube.

      Online is the way now. That's why our musicians still flex without shows and gigs. The more YouTube views, the more they make noise on Instagram.

    2. That's why they're all directing fans to their YouTube page.
      Eminem Rap God had over 1 billion views and counting, do the math.

    3. 1k equals $8. You can imagine how much 100m views will give in foreign currency.

  12. I need to learn how to make money online. Please if anyone knows sites for virtual jobs, help. I have tried fiveer and freelancer, nothing.
    Thank you jewelu baby

    1. Do you need Network marketing?

    2. Same here oh! I really do need an online job but not marketing. If I see on-site job outside Lagos, I go do sef. So long it's legal

    3. Thinking of venturing into wedding gown business.
      Please who has any idea on how i should go about it? Where to buy beautiful and cheaper ones etc

    4. I do *Hu*m*an*at*i*c
      Hope you decode?
      Anon 15:02

    5. Waju, abeg how can I do that?
      I've checked the site up but there are some things they are requesting and I don't get it. Thank you.

  13. What are best supplement for one who is trying to get pregnant..I just started trying tho.

    1. So folic acid, evening primrose oil, cod liver oil capsules..Then eat more of fruits and vegetables as well...I wish you success Amen

    2. You can buy wellwoman conception multivitamins.

    3. I used proceive max

    4. I drank guava leaf tea during my period along with my husband

    5. Try taking prenatal. Then also read this book " it starts with the egg" . Baby dust to you

    6. Actually buy folate not folic acid. Folic acid is the synthetic version. Folate is what you really need. Read more about folate vs folic acid. Goodluck.

  14. My question can my hubby come back to me? Bcs i wnt my children in place,i still luv him.

    1. Address the issue that caused the separation between both of it alone with him.

    2. You both need to see and talk. Are you both ready to make it work?

  15. Please bvs I need a body lotion and soap that will bring out my complexion without bleaching me. Stress and not using a good cream has darkened me. Especially my face.@retiredslay and others please help.

    1. Get original Q7 carrot..

      It has three types;Body Brithening Lotion,Body Lightening and lastly Skin clear lotion..

      Go for Body Brightening Lotion;its #5000

      For soap;go for original Foreign Eva soap..#300 now

      The cream will make your skin glitter and very good irrespective of your skin(Dark or light tone)..


    2. Original clear nature lotion with the soap. Use the pink pack

    3. @ Martins, pls how do we differentiate the original soap and cream from fake

  16. I have milk discharge like a drop from one side of my breast, never had a child and not even pregnant, should I be worried?

    1. See a doctor. Most likely hormonal imbalance,Hyperprolactinaemia

    2. Mostly likely high level of proclatin..Please see a doctor

    3. Yes you should be, please see a doctor ASAP.

    4. Chineke Aunty Oki!!!!

      15:06 go for a test. Hormones seem to acting up. Dont fret!

    5. Hormonal imbalance

    6. STD?! Pls stop with the misinformation, Okiroyalty.

      Listen to everyone else and go see a gynae and you can still get pregnant if you are worried about that.

    7. Yes Per,it happened to my besty, nd when she went for scan ,it happened to STD, but another doctor told her it is normal, to some women..thats y i said it might entitle to my opinion.

  17. Why am I lasting more than before? Since I started with my side chick, I last longer than normal. Even my wife acknowledges that I last longer now. Can someone explain to me?

    I don't take any drugs or herbs. I even pray to cum these days, for where!

    Let no one come to preach under my comment. If you have answers, please give. If you have advice, go to the next comment.

    1. Cos you releases sperm always now

  18. I gave birth Tru cs seven weeks ago, plz wen can I start using waist trainer on my stomach advise too big. Thanks

    1. I'm begging you;please dont use it for even the next one year;go on portion control,check daily calories and exercise a bit if you can..

      Your body is to fragile for you to tie a waist trainer now;it can kill..


    2. Welcome to motherhood,please as regards the waist trainer,give your body time to heal properly probably as from six months you can start using one. In the meantime take more of fluids especially water and will definitely go a long way

    3. I gave birth through Elect CS a week ago, this is my second time and my tummy always go back when it’s ready. Give your body time and treat it with care, that’s a major surgery.

    4. For goodness sake leave that tummy alone for now and enjoy motherhood. Like everyone said, take care of yourself and mental health first. child care can take a toll on you/body. congrats to you and your new born baby. 🎉

  19. Pls o, i used to hear that I'll add weight when I marry, it's been 3years after marriage, instead of adding, I'm shrinking. And nor be say I no fit fat o, during my nysc, those Calabar foods gave me kpomo(folds)for my back head.
    And pls, don't recommend food, rather recommend drugs or food supplements that can wake up the fats in me.
    #drugs o, abeg
    PS: I'm 35,and weighing 58kg, I'm a man too.

    1. Complan milk and feroglobin capsule are good.

    2. It may be genetic that is another factor you should look at...You can visit your local drugstore to buy multivitamin supplements

    3. I am 37 and weigh 45kg, last I checked. I do eat but I am someone who gets full after eating small portion of food. For instance, I eat a cup of rice or beans twice before it would finish. I love fruits. I love bread too. What can I do? I am female and slim/petite

    4. How tall are you? What is you BMI?
      This does seem to be low for a me even if you are below 5ft at 35.Do you have underlying health issues ie thyroid etc?

      Don't start popping pills until you address the root cause.

    5. Just browse Keto diet. Be eating Keto food with your regular food. Add plenty healthy fats and oil to your regular food. Nuts etc

    6. You need food man. How can a man be weighing 58kg? Food, more food, more food man, supplement and gym up. Lastly, food esp carbs and fatty ones.

    7. At times it's just stress,trying to meet some target and providing for the family. Worrying too much all drains.
      No matter what you take if you don't have peace of mind it wouldn't work.

    8. Na me be the Anon whey put this post.
      I'm 5.8ft tall, and regarding food, I get tired easily, especially with home cooking, and Wiffy dey try o, but u see outside food(good igbo foods oh) na der i dey get power pass.

      Anon 15:52, wait o, do you know me personally? Your post is just the story of my life. Peace of mind🙄 I still dey find am

    9. Genetics, perhaps. I know a lady that eats too much food and junks in between yet she's always looking very thin.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. 400,000,000 in naira. Waka to the world. *Weeps hysterically and roar like a lion

  21. Me too. I would like to learn how to do e commerce(teaching pple how to run ads on social media)

  22. Do I need to have an IG account before I can view videos of someone or their activities?

    1. No.

      If its viewing only you can do it via Google.

      No need to open an account.

      If you want to respond to their posts that is when you need an account.

  23. Where can I get adderall in Nigeria, specifically is it usually prescribed in Nigeria?

    1. That's a strong drug and would only come prescribed from a GP..However check Jumia, Konga, Medplus, Healthplus...Unfortunately I don't have any medical directory to know exactly..But try the aforementioned stores...

  24. Please someone advice me I was using O'tentika before,the brown one and 8 stopped. I noticed that my colour became dull. Please what affordable cream and soap do you suggest I use that would make me glow or do I go back to using O'tentika?
    Please slayers help!

    1. There’s no new production for Otentika cream, you are most likely using a fake one.

    2. Run from otentika... It will only make you fine now after continuous usage you will start aging faster and stretch marks will be visible. Its not a good cream. Talking from experience.

      On what to use.. Sorry i have no idea.

  25. Please is there any other way to reverse CATARACT apart from surgery? like natural remedies?

    1. Actually there are no natural cures for Cataract except through surgery but you can adopt these lifestyles: Quit smoking, Reduce alcohol intake, always wear protective glasses, regular eye check, eat healthy balanced diet..

  26. I need help to gain weight naturally or better put improve my appetite. I eat only when I either take Oraxin or appetamin and If I dont take those supplements, I go back to not eating again. please how else can I boost my appetite without the use of medicines and put on weight?

    1. Appetamine side effects can be dangerous. Read up on it.

    2. Chew gum everyday and eat like a wolf

    3. Mayonnaise anf bread with hot full cream milk daily. Eat a lot of fries too

    4. I also lost my life from taking that that syrup please be very careful

  27. Pls is there any igbo lady that's married to okene man here? Pls how do they treat their women? Pls I need advice because a man from there asked me to marry him. I like him but I don't know much about okene people. I'm from 042. Madam Stella pls post!

  28. Pls how can I reduce stomach fat alone. I don't want reduce body weight oooo. Only my stomach. Pls help a sister

    1. Sorry to inform you but you can't spot reduce fat. You lose fat all over when you start exercising. But I would suggest you incorporate strength training ie weight lifting in your exercise routine. It would help you to lose fat and gain lean muscle. This way, you are not only healthier but look good as well.
      Remember to eat lots of protein and vegetables and drink lots of water. It equally helps to find out your body type and work with it.
      And no, weight lifting won't make you look like a man.
      You can read up on it as well.
      Best wishes.

  29. I have a horrible big boil on my forehead. So big it’s affected my eye. The pain no be here. I have used Shea better, Vaseline plus anointing oil sef. I started ampiclox today, I have been on pain killers since 3 days ago. The boils now gree go down o. Very hard with severe pains. Please what else can I use. Help a sister in pain...,.

    1. My dear go and see a dr. If possible would advise a biopsy. Don't self medicate.

    2. Take ampicillin

    3. Stop taking ampiclox, ampiclox is going to make it hard

    4. Go for scan so that it can be surgically removed.
      I just pray it is not malignant.

  30. Thanks to Baltic and Sumari.

    The most Complex B

  31. Please parent that have Austic child (no offence pls), what are the symptoms the child shows? I have a son that is 2yrs 5 months and he is yet to talk, he only blabs and make all those baby sounds. I read somewhere about speech delay been a symptom of Autism.

    1. #StopKidnappingOurSchoolChildren Phoenix5 May 2021 at 23:48

      Go to the hospital and meet a paediatrician who may likely refer to a sppech therapist

    2. Early signs of autism- lack of eye contact. Doesn't recognize his name before the age of 1. Not talking in an age appropriate way (delayed speech), repetitive movements like flapping hands, rocking back and forth etc. Preferring objects to people.

      *Omo Iya Doctor*


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