Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative......


Saturday, May 08, 2021

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative......



BVs I've been thinking of what to do. 

My husband is fond of keeping late nights to the extent that I pleaded with him, instead of coming home in the middle of the night why not sleep over there. Last week he had an accident by 4am when he was coming home and damaged the car. 

When he came back we started thanking God for sparing his life but when everyone left, I started quarreling him because he claimed he was attacked by armed men and on the process of trying to escape they brushed his car, which made him had the accident. 

I told him had it been he was sleeping jejely on his bed that night, would not have happened. He reported me to his parents and they cautioned me to be grateful to God for saving my husband instead of making troubles with him. 

Few days ago he had a heated quarrel with his sister that we live together with and out of anger she went to her room and brought human hair, 2 teeth (1upper and 1 lower teeth) artificial nails all these she saw on the front seat of the car that morning my husband had the accident.

 She told him that she even found a used condom inside the car. So in no doubt my husband had that accident with a woman. 

I've not been able to say anything since it happened because I really don't know what to do. Note, he lied to us he had the accident alone while coming back from the house of a senator that he went to discuss business with and his parents said it's true that big politicians only have time at night, before the sister now came and opened his rotten bumbum.

*So what do you want to do? Include yourself in the quarrel with his sister that does not concern you? Will your confrontation change him and make things better? My dear just keep quiet and observe things, sometimes silence says a lot..... watch the scenario with his sister play out I really dont know what advice to give you


  1. It is well with you ma. Only you know what is next.

    1. That ur sister in law sha. She kept someone’s teeth ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    2. Some men enh, God forbid
      What if he had died with the girl, can you imagine such rubbish.

      I will call the same parents that warned me the last time, so they will know the actual truth.

      Don't get involved in the argument with his sister but give him a stern warning later, except you are scared of your husband.
      Just imagine this rubbish

  2. So all the late nights he was keeping, you thought he was doing what? Flying planes?

    1. Going to the mountains to pray ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  3. She said, "before the sister now came and opened his rotten bumbum" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ. Very funny. Na your husband you dey insult like that?

    Hmmmm, it is well.

  4. Yours is an unrepentant cheat(er) of a husband and you have gotta deal him heavy blows this time around

  5. Please continue to keep quiet until you can prove the truth yourselves. Spouses should never get inbetween their respective in-law dispute or rivalries as it's always a trap.

  6. And you're surprised?? No responsible man comes home by that ungodly hour everytime without a reason, it's either he's pursuing something or something is pursuing him... Politician ko, Pastor ni!!

    The decision is yours to keep tolerating his rotten bumbum or not!

  7. @Poster, the decision to stay in your marriage lies in your hands. You know what to do.
    I guess you must have known your husband very well and his philandering ways before you married him hoping he would change.
    If he wasn't like that before and her developed this cheating lifestyle later, check to see where things went wrong.
    Do you want to come back together? Do you want a separation? Do you want a divorce? The decision lies in your hands. You alone can make that final decision

    1. Na wa! why must solution to alleged infidelity always be to end the marriage?? You people of this generation tire person I swear.

    2. Lol!! What is keeping a marriage with infidelity worth? Not everyone can watch war room and keep praying! even in that generation women still walked out of their marriages when they couldn’t deal

    3. Even in the bible divorce is am option for that particular sin.

      Would the man stay with his wife if she was one the cheating unrepentantly like this.

      Stop hurting peoples children in the name of marriage, when you won't want to be hurt this way. Just stop

  8. Meself follow Stella ooo i don't know the kin advice to dish you ooo. Just manage yourself very well. Na you go know how you go take package your life.

  9. Keep quiet and pray. Ask the sister to talk to him for now.
    But think about it; was this man coming home 6PM before you married him?
    Yes, I ask this question because many times, ladies see these things but due to the vanities of this life; big cars, houses and perceived wealth/gifts they receive, they are blinded and do not mind his character flaws. Even the parents will be "getting him married to tame him" as if a wife is the saving blood of Jesus. There is only one way to have a peaceful home; being in Christ. A lot of you might contest this but don't worry, the creator knows his creation and gave a manual, the Bible which so many hardly ever open.

  10. Men......they always cheat..poster,face front and live your life, do what makes you happy above all protect yourself.

  11. You either stay or leave

    Nothing will change him.

    Except he cries to God for change


  12. Do not interfere if someone is fighting for you or on your behalf. Just keep watching.

  13. Deep down you know your husband is cheating on you that is why you are not bothered you only want him to be careful while sleeping around well they say if is not beating you then you can lookoverlook cos i know you won't leave your marriage over that so all the best just so you know your husband is not having any stupid meeting with any politician his with is girlfriends having a good time

  14. Those items somehow looks like items for rituals.
    Poster hope your hubby is not having dealing with the underworld. Everything is not cheating ni.

    May God give you the wisdom to do the right thing.

    1. Another angle๐Ÿค”

    2. Exactly thats what came to my mind. Was surprised seeing people relating it to cheating.
      I am suspecting him of ritual dealings

  15. So disrespectful and shows lack of regard. If it was you that did that, u will be held to a diff standard. STds and diseases are real and some are incurable. Plz stop having sex with him for now. You do not know what he might be infected with cos I believe deep down you know this is not the only time. The choice to do whatever lies with you. Goodluck cos u going to need it.

  16. SILENCE! SILENCE!! SILENCE!!! Is the action word here my sister. Let your surname become l๐Ÿ‘€kmon. You sure will win the fight. All the best.

  17. Welcome to the club...With time you will get used to it. Is either you stay and check out emotionally. Or move out if you are financially okay to cater for yourself and kids.

  18. Is it that the side chick removed her wig and teeth ๐Ÿฅบ to give him head. He was so enjoying it that he lost control and crashed the car?

  19. Poster this is your headache so learn to manage it your own possible ways. I don't think confronting your husband will change anything rather it will make things worst for you.

    If you can ignore the whole drama but watch with your side eyes till the drama is Iver because whatever you say now his family will use it against you. Your husband has cheating in his blood, don't tell us you don't know he has been cheating on you. A man that comes home late is hardly to be a faithful partner.

  20. Poster this is not an easy one to handle. I just found out after 10 years of marriage that my husband was dating someone else when we were even engaged to be married. I was 100 percent loyal to him when we were dating . This happened a decade ago but i hurt beyond i overeacting? Presently i have not caught him with solid proof of cheating but there were different times in this marriage that i have had suspicions . He hangs out regularly with friends. He is home sometimes 8pm at other times 10pm. I can't even trust him . I have young kids maybe i will just focus on them and put more energy into my business. One thing is certain, i will reduce my love and emotional attachment to him.

  21. Sometimes women are responsible for this , you don'thave to agree with me. I have been around for too long enough to know the truth. Some men are just not comfortable going home after work. Some spend the weekends with friends, in their family homes just to avoid their wives. There's never peace in their homes. Some men display their stupidity and foolishness during courtship, some women go in believing they can change the man after marriage. Men also believe they can change women after after marriage. I know a women who became a deeper life member in the 1980s, she stopped wearing jewelleries , watching tv and stopped wearing most of her clothes. The man told her l saw deeper life members before I married you. I saw women who don't like partying before I married you. At some point the man stopped eating at home. Their families had to intervene and asked the woman to save her marriage or leave so that the man can remarry. Men have their issues too, some can kill you with nagging. I met a lady in 2015 whose husband was not giving feeding money. The man was the MD of a big firm in Lagos. All he knew was sex , morning and night, even when the lady was sick or having her period. He sometimes raped her when she said no. The idiot will still beat the woman even when she was president. I taught her how the collect feeding money from her husband. The guy started with 20k a month for a family of 7. People tolerate a lot of nonsense in the name of marriage.

    1. I hear you!! Men are polygamous in nature. Even in the peacefulness of homes and prettiest of wife they still cheat...biko stop this excuse. Don’t offend God

  22. Let me tell you how this will end.
    The late nights will continue. He will start spending weekends and holidays out in the name of business meetings. Your instincts will tell you something is amiss and you will fight him ans be frustrated which will lead to further strains in your marriage. If you have children they won't get to enjoy a happy Mum but a sad, worried, anxious and frustrated life.

    He might go ahead and make another family or have children with other women. Your household resources meant for you and your children will be spread outside.

    You will end up resentful, old and probably poor if your financial situation is not that strong.

  23. Poster your husband is a kidnapper and a ritualist. I hope he is not kidnapping and harvesting organs for politician oh. That's how Uduak does his own. Teetg and hair, how?

    1. ๐Ÿค” It appears so

    2. Teeth, hair, politician , hmmm hope he isnt a killer, or they had an accident and the girl probably lost consciousness and he pulled her out of the car, something is wrong somewhere.


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