Stella Dimoko Saturday Spontaneous Post...


Saturday, March 27, 2021

Saturday Spontaneous Post...

 #weekend #ekaro #namaste #gutenmorgen #positivevibesallday #commentpotactivatedtoswallow

Good Morning Ya'all

I hope your night was peaceful and sleep came easy? I wish I can say same but I woke up with a headache cos i couldn't sleep well. I kept seeing that Fridge in Fridays Chronicle and imagined the parents standing in front of it and crying everyday.

If i had a nightmare on this issue that does not concern me I wonder what little Leos parents will be going through.

I am still using this medium to beg the poster to contact me via email or phone and we will look for a solution... Please do not take the easy way out .

Those of you who always come into sensitive Chronicles to say the story is a lie, hope you know that your comments might discourage the person from making contact? A lot of things happen so never say never.... 

Also consider the fact that no story telling must be perfect, some people cannot tell stories and leave out things that make it look like they are lying... Please read and give your advice and move the axx.

Make una take am easy and have a nice, relaxing day.

Remember also that covid 19 is still around the corner and spreading again.

E go be!



  1. More Than Letters!!
    2 Corinthians 3:5-6.


    "The Word of God is more than letters; it’s spirit  and life"

    "As you study or listen to  God’s Word, every time there’s a stirring in your  spirit to speak forth words on the basis of what you’re  studying or being taught, don’t suppress it. Speak forth"

    "His Word is settled in  heaven, but you must settle it in your life through your  affirmations of the Word"


    Dear Father, your Word is my life, and the light that  guides my path in victory and glory. I’ll never walk  in darkness, because my spirit is enlightened by the  Holy Spirit to know and take a hold of my inheritance  in Christ, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    1. Ah Stella wahala dey my area now oooh, the wedding that was supposed to hold today was cancelled because the soon to be bride was tested positive with HIV😱🙆
      Wedding don scatter ooh, ladies pls you guys should stop forcing marriage on men when you know perfectly well that you're sick or better still inform him before going ahead with the wedding, if he likes you he will stay and if he doesn't nko, carry yasef well and move on, life is not too hard👌👌👌

  2. Good morning to y'all on here and happy weekend to you too.💛💛 Belated happy birthdays to Style by Lynn and Xhlrted P™'s grand mum..Mawumi Mercy,what God cannot do doesn't exist and thank goodness for you

    1. Thanks Eloquent.
      We're still on the matter.
      Celebration galore in a bit.


    ‘All of you will…stumble.’
    Matthew 26:31 NKJV

    On the night before His death, Jesus made this announcement: ‘All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written: “I will strike the Shepherd, and the…flock will be scattered.” But after I have been raised, I will go before you to Galilee’ (vv. 31-32 NKJV). Think about it! If the disciples who had spent three-and-a-half years walking and talking with Jesus, hearing His messages and seeing His miracles could stumble, then any of us can. ‘All of you will…stumble.’ But the promise was lost on Peter. ‘Even if all are made to stumble because of You, I will never be made to stumble’ (v. 33 NKJV). This was not one of Peter’s finer moments. ‘Even if all…’ Arrogant. ‘I will never be made to stumble.’ Self-sufficient. Peter’s trust was in Peter’s strength. Yet Peter’s strength would wear peter out. Jesus knew it: ‘Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren’ (Luke 22:31-32 NKJV). Satan would attack and test Peter. But Satan would never claim him. Why? Because Peter was strong? No – because Jesus was. ‘I have prayed for you.’ And here’s a wonderful truth – Jesus prays for you too: ‘Father, you have given me your name; now protect them by the power of your name…I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me’ (John 17:11, 20 NLT). Will God answer Christ’s prayer on your behalf? What do you think? Of course He will!
    Word For Today

    Good morning.. so sorry about the lengthy text Stella, read through and couldn't find any part to leave out pls bear with me. Thanks ma'am.

    Essa Atelier

    1. All my prayers are answered in Jesus name. Amen

    2. A Resounding Amen and Amen 🙏 🙌 👏

    3. Essa Atelier thanks for the 'lengthy text'.
      That devotional reminds me of my fallibility and the assuring comfort that Jesus prays for me to be strengthened.

      A timely reminder so I won't think I'm better than those who fall.

      Amen. 🙏

  4. "Money can't buy happiness"

    What is poverty buying for you?

    1. Una don come again with una yeye talk.
      That talk about money not being happiness is a metaphorical statement, which means that you shouldn't do something wrong because of money.. asin don't be so desperate to engage in trash for money..

      It's mostly greedy, lazy, fraudulent, and myopic people that say what you just said, that should tell you the idea behind their comment.

      People who work legit for their money rarely say such trash..

      If you like go on, be desperate and do nonsense for money, you'll learn the hard way and find out money cannot buy happiness.

      Been there, done that

  5. I guess I'm the only one on this!

    No matter how I try or learn to cook, watch cooking videos or even watch one-on-one cooking, I just don't know how to cook.

    The food can never come out amazing.

    I guess cooking is not for me.

    Good morning!

  6. Never say never!

    Good morning everyone 💕💕

    Stella babe 💕💕💕 sorry about your headache, you are doing well by asking her to contact you, let's hope she does.

    This weekend eh🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
    God on our side, it will go smoothly

  7. I have small tatafo for you. Update on Dr Ajayi’s estate.

    Helen is saying she is a wife by ‘civil companionship’ and that the estate should be shared by ‘idi igi’ formula.

    Let me enlighten people who don’t know about Yoruba inheritance laws.

    We have two sharing formulas. Idi igi and ori o j’ori.

    Spouses do not inherit. Only children do. A man cannot inherit his wife’s estate and a woman cannot inherit her husband’s estate. Only children can. That is because it is believed that it is the child that is the blood of the deceased. Both male and female children have right of inheritance.

    Now idi igi goes like this - the estate is divided into the number of wives. So, even though wives do not inherit, they are seen as branches of a tree with the man being the tree. A man with 4 wives will have his estate divided into 4 and each wife’s child(ren) will share what is allocated to their branch.

    Ori o j’ori means no head is bigger. The estate is shared equally between the children. If a man had 20 children from 4 wives, the estate would be divided into 20 equal parts.

    Helen, via her lawyer Mr Abiodun Owonikoko SAN, is saying that the estate should be divided into 2. Lol. Which means that Mrs Yemisi Ajayi’s 5 children will share half. While Helen’s 1 child will take the other half.

    Idi igi will favour Helen. Ori o jori will favour the wife.

    Helen is also claiming that she is a ‘shadow’ director and a wife via ‘civil companionship’. Mrs Ajayi, via her lawyers, Falana &Falana Chambers (Falz’s Popsie’s chambers), says there is nothing like civil companionship in Nigerian law. And that the idi igi formula is used when the women are all wives. In this case, Helen was not a wife wether traditionally married or Marriage Act marriage. And that the directors of the company is the Late Dr Ajayi himself and Mrs Yemisi Ajayi.

    I disagree that it is only wives that can be represented under idi igi. Since the estate is shared amongst the children, I believe that anyone who bore child(ren) with the deceased can be represented.

    I however don’t understand why Helen is insisting that she is a wife when she is not. She was never married to him wether in accordance with the Marriage Act or under Traditional law. She is a lawyer and knows there is nothing like ‘civil companionship’ in Nigerian law.

    Helen told Mrs Ajayi’s children to stay away from some hectares of land at a village in Ibeju Lekki. My sources told me that Dr Ajayi was going to build an estate for Helen and had started the process. Then he stopped. I don’t know if this is the land that Helen is saying the children should stay away from. I hope that the land had been formally transferred to Helen before he died. If not, hian.

    Lawyers in the house, what is your contribution on this matter?

    Read this last night and am shook🤔
    Hope we women are learning,do right by yourself to avoid heartaches.🤐

    1. I am a lawyer and I have never heard of the term civil companionship before. The mistake Helen made was to not take steps in legalizing her union even if it is traditionally. In common law, she's not recognised as a wife irrespective of whether she has spent 25 or 50 years. However, in equity, she might be entitled to a bit of compensation having stayed that long with him, add the fact that the companionship produced a daughter.

      She's not his wife so neither idi igi nor ori o jori will favour her.

      This should be a lesson for women who fail to do the needful before getting hitched with men who are separated or in the process of divorcing their wives. Even the divorce is never final until it becomes absolute after 3 months.

    2. What's happening to Helen shows how she treated the first wife children when their father was alive. How come they all came together to fight her?they really want to show her pepper.
      What happened to Helen's first marriage?

  8. Good morning BV's... My friend since JSS 1 is getting married traditionally today. I am so happy for her.. .It was a long wait but worth it at the end.

    My big Tummy is not stopping my shine at all 😁😁I am going to shine shine everywhere today

    1. Wow, congratulations to your friend. Happy celebration...

    2. Congrats to your friend. Tips on how to be noticed at the wedding:
      1-wear a very big gown that sweeps the ground as you walk, the one that covers everywhere
      2-wear a skimpy gown that'll hardly hardly get to your knee or show your preg very well(shebi na traditional wedding, you and those elderly women go quarrel tire today😂)
      I hope with these two points of mine, you'll be noticed and shine wella at the wedding even more than the bride, tankiu🚶

    3. 😆😆😆 congratulations to your friend and enjoy yourself

    4. Lol. Congratulations to your friend. Saturdays are for wedding💃💃💃

    5. IJ PH 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for making me laugh. E never reach to outshine the Bride oooo. I am just happy for my darling girl. My Asoebi dress is lovely shaa 😁😁😁

      Thank you Golibe, Black slimzy and Addylove

  9. Government just announced that the side effect of Civil Vaccine is ""Constant Erection""

    Nigeria men what are you waiting for??
    Go take your Vaccine now.

    🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ analim oooo 😁🤣😂😂🤣

    1. I don dey two hours for queue here waiting to get mine! I even jam bro David our sunday teacher

    2. I don dey two hours for queue here waiting to get mine! I even jam bro David our sunday school teacher

    3. Lol..naija women are in trouble

    4. I knew you'll be here @Jerry curl, werey

  10. Hello everyone.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Boys, hope you are doing your kegels too?

    You that your kinikan is small
    You with low libido
    You with premature ejaculation
    You with watery sperm

    Oh, ya think kegel is just a woman’s thing? LOL

    1. Hahahaha. Please how can they do it? Explain abeg.

    2. Dante dey come o, i no go gree commot for road o

  12. It's been awesome so far. Miracles do happen. Believe that God hears our prayers!

  13. I felt the love yesterday guys, I deeply appreciate. May God favour you all in ways you never expected. Amen.

    Belated happy birthday dear Phoenix. Saw your question late last night. My dear I didn't have time for fun, worked till 9pm and got home almost 10:30pm. Will try and have fun today though.

  14. Good morning y'all. My night wasn't okay, thanks for asking..🙄🙄 Yesterday's chronicle gave me the creeps. Oh dear!!
    Meanwhile, i think my life should be a Biopic or a documentary. Just like "The boy who cried blood, The boy who sees without eyes (RIP)." Mine would be "The Girl who falls 70times a day". Like the movie "Breathe", my Biopic should be named "Fall."😩😩 I got home yesterday, the light has been fixed. Glory!! First things first, i decided to fill up the "drum" because I don't want to hear story later. The floor wasn't wet, I Sha find myself for ground. Everything was funny, I didn't even realize my left shoulder got bruised until it was time to sleep. Me and my chores are looking at each other eyeball to eyeball this morning. Aru Adighim mma hoohaa..! Personally I think my Chi is a drunk. Okoro in Onye Eze kind of drunk. Because I don't understand this falling all the time.😫😫

    1. Hahahahahahaha, werey. Thanks for making my lazy morning

    2. Jubilee o!!! Lmao. Your chi might be a stoner you know

  15. PH is now small Lagos with all the traffic, how can you keep Someone's child on the road late in the night in the name of construction, oga Wike caution them o

    1. Hi Ij,

      Is etche also ikwerre or it's on it's own?was arguing with a friend yestdy dr it's ikwerre but she said it isn't

    2. Hello Anon,Etche is an LGA on it's own, though we share boundaries and other things with Ikwerre. That's why you hear Ikwerre/Etche most times

  16. Good morning madam Stella and dear bvs. Stella, sorry about your headache, couldn't sleep well either cos of some personal ish.
    Dear poster of yesterday's chronicle, suicide can and would never ever be the easy way out, don't allow those evil voices telling you it is,to win, fight for your life, leo wouldn't be happy in heaven seeing that you guys ended your life, please reach out to Stella.
    Saturdays are for chores and weddings, it's been years that I have attended a wedding ever since I relocated to this town, that's one of the side effect of relocation, but it's getting better.
    E-hugs everyone 😘 😘😘

  17. Saturday!!! Good morning people. Thank you for the words of encouragement and prayers.

  18. Good morning y'all.

    I kept thinking about that poster yesterday too. Imagine waking up in the morning and seeing the fridge alone. May God help them.

    Have a blessed day y'all.

  19. Good morning beautiful people, Stella sorry for the headache and try to get better. Candilious candy I hope your sister is getting better wishing her speedy recovery and just know everything will be alright my prayers are with you 🙏🙏
    Have a great weekend beautiful people❤️❤️

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Good Morning Beautiful People. Happy weekend to you all.

  22. Good morning everyone, wishing you all a great day.

  23. Good morning everyone, wishing you all a great day.

  24. Good morning everyone, wishing you all a great day.

  25. Good morning dearies and happy weekend.

    Remember to spread love

  26. Good morning
    Happy weekend to u all.

  27. Pls there is this Bra I'm looking for that's like iron u just place it like under your burst... It lifts the breast up... Pls help me I need it child birth has really gone goo ld to me...God bless you all what's d name and where can I get it in Port Harcourt?

  28. Good morning my lovely bvs.
    So sorry about the headache ma'am Stella, truly that yesterday chronicle was terrifying.
    Dearest candilicious candy,so sorry abt ur sis health,but trust in God cause He's Jehovah Rapha,He heals diseases and the causes of the diseases,ur Sis will definitely be fine.

    Make I go continue with my house chores.

    It can only get better, e go surely be ✌️.

  29. Amicably kor Amaka wey dey sell cable ni🤣🤣🤣

  30. Just feel like ranting out to clear my head... Everytime people need help and they come to me I always try to help them out even though I don't have enough
    But anytime I need help from people o don't get any at all. It doesn't bother me that much before because I am not a lazy person I always hustle for what I need but now it is getting to me. Like I feel like I got people's back when they need help but I don't think anyone dey even reason my own sef .

    1. Give help to the less privileged and filter your 'friends'. Sieve out the leeches.

      Learn to say NO when you don't have or think you can give. 💞

    2. We are the same.
      Keep been you my dear.
      Maybe we were created to be solution givers.

      My knuckle hurts.
      The way my children socks get dirty ermmmm😭😭😭😭

    3. Anon keep giving if you can afford it.
      Sorry Waju, always soak them with hypo for at least one hour before washing


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