Stella Dimoko Boredom Eliminating Post


Friday, March 05, 2021

Boredom Eliminating Post


  1. Replies
    1. A little girl in my hood just got diagnosed of multiple incurable STDs. Just one contact! Taken advantage of cos poverty. People are really really suffering it's so sad.

  2. Getting married. "Single n comfortable" people don't know what they are enjoying.
    Life is not fair. *hot tears*

    1. I understand your plight dear,be strong for yourself, there's more to life
      Christ is your rock, your refuge and your stronghold.

  3. Am blank🤔... Can't think of nothing. Don't have any regrets so far.

  4. Never to abort and remain intact.

  5. One weekend in 2005 October at Crystal Palace Hotel Garki II.

    Traveled to Abuja to watch the match between Nigeria Super Eagles and the Zimbabwe sides.

    Had an encounter with a lady who was on errand for satan.

    I lost $6,000 afterward.

    1. Madame koinkoin A.K.A "PeaceMaker "5 March 2021 at 23:25

      Just like that ? this is not funny , abeg give us the complete gist no vex.

  6. Having my previous son out of wedlock. We later married and had other children though but the guilt of sex before marriage is huge. I wish I waited

    1. I am sitting on this table right now. I am regretting big time

    2. You people just know how to be hard on yourself, as if the country isnt hard enough... the child out of wedlock, is his IQ lower than the others?? Mtcheeeeew

    3. Lol @Samurai..As Nigeria hard reach like this,this one go be person biggest regret.But madam you still married and had other kids so what is there to regret again??Are you not proud to have a child as old as that while still young regardless of how he came.Na wah oh.

      If you remained a baby mama till now how e for be?? Or you are not able to have kids if you aborted the child??

    4. Hian!!!! I don't understand .You didn't abort and child's dad married you so what exactly are you regretting. Honestly don't see what the problem is but if it's killing you that bad, talk to God about it and move on. Just don't take it out on that child. There are way worse things in life

  7. Have my mom in the room when I gave birth. Flight from Nigeria was delayed and I was impatient. Now she is late. Its just the one memory I wish I experienced with her.

  8. Not being at my father inlaw's death bedside. I couldn't travel for obvious reasons, but i could have put more effort. Rest on Papa

  9. Replies
    1. Sorry dear. U can still do it cos education has no age limit.
      So don't be hard on yourself

    2. You can still go back.. I didn't drop out but I went back to get the degree I always wanted. Am in my final year now. It may not be an easy journey especially since you have a family, but take the first step and you will be glad you did

  10. I would marry my childhood sweetheart.

    I treated him so badly. Now he wants to come back but I’m so scared it’s for revenge.

    I’m still in love with him and he says he’s in love with me, but I’m so scared!

    Funny thing is that I wouldn’t blame him if he treated me badly. I deserve it!

    I messed him up, even though he showed me a lot of love and respect. This guy cried for me several times.

    If I could turn back the hands of the clock....

    1. Wow!

      I can relate.

      Childhood love is pure and sweet and very hard to break and move on.

      No one deserves disrespect or maltreatment, so I suggest you let the relationship go if you suspect the guy is on a revenge mission.

    2. Please send it in as chronicle.
      Give him a chance. What do you stand to loose?

    3. You never loved him... you still dont. It's now a love/relationship of convenience, I feel so sorry for guys like that, their SIMPle nature getting them at deep blue ends.

    4. Samurai, I genuinely love him.

      My whole family likes him as well. Imagine my mum telling him to dump me 🤦🏾‍♀️. That he was too good for me.

      I’ve realised my mistakes now but fear no gree me.

      He’s an honest and respectful person. I’m sure he’ll marry me. Lol. I’m just not sure how he’ll treat me when we’re married and I’ve got no where else to go.

      He swears he’s past it though.

    5. Samurai say na SIMPle nature.. I got that mahn😃😃.. very SIMPle man.. Tony umez

  11. Marrying my husband

  12. Assuming my ex didn't love me and saying yes to my hubby. Hubby and I are happily married and in love but I can't stop thinking of him. We thought it was just sex but... I wish he had told me sooner or I had opened up on my feelings for him. Pride is bad finally
    Oh well

    1. How possible is it to be happily in love with your husband and still pinning for your ex? Is is that he has some qualities your husband doesn't? You need to kill that thought before the devil go make you jam am and you sleep with am..

    2. Isn't this contradictory?
      Well, you better focus on your "happy" marriage before devil go use you. You guys probably weren't meant to be

  13. Getting married
    Ever aborting
    Being close to some folks

  14. After a hard thought,allowing my phone to fall into water barely 7 days of buying it.

  15. WAEC not releasing my first ever exams results after putting so much effort to prepare, may be I would have been a lawyer today.

  16. Disobedience to God's instruction years back

  17. Farting at a lecture hall. I thought the fart wouldn't smell, but it oozed so badly the lady behind me ran for dear life. I cringe whenever I think about that day. I packed my bags and exited the scene, and I never went back to the hall to read again until I graduated.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      And your path did not cross?

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣na normal tin na

    3. Lmaooooo!! Am sorry but this got me laughing out loud

    4. It could be spontaneous with another persons fart, you sure it was all yours??? Hahahahaha....

    5. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Stella come and carry your crazy BV oooh, Lol!!

    6. Lol. But this is nothing to regret na.

  18. Not visiting my very sick aunt during my nysc days...she was so sick and I was busy procrastinating till she died.

    1. Eyaah. Always pray 4 her soul

    2. Hope that will bring her back to life

    3. This so sad.

  19. Not getting on birth control when i i'm pregnant

  20. Not traveling out with my ex in 2016 when he suggested.

    Though I feel bad when I think of it, I just want to believe it wasn’t time for me.

    Now I know it’s time,seriously working on moving.So help me God🙏

  21. I didnt tell my father to his face how much of an asshole he was, i guess he knew I hated him, so that's enough

  22. A dalliance i had at 18 with a married man. Had just left secondary school and knew nothing about men,boys or relationships. He was the first male to ever show me attention. I didnt have sex with him but i let him fondle me. I hate to think about it. I wish wish wish i could erase that.

  23. Is it wrong to say d truth?
    The truth left her in depression. I felt bad so how and relieved at the same time

    1. The relief counts more. The bad feeling will give way with time and your conscience will be intact.

  24. Fall out with my dad few months before he died. Though he told me he has forgiven me but I still live with that guilt. If I had known he wouldn't live longer,I really wish I could turn back the hands of time.... The only man after God who ever genuinely loved me and looked past my excesses. I miss you my hero,continue to Rest in Peace💔💔💔

  25. Dating a narcissist and even aborting for him

  26. Living in disobedience to God Almighty and seeking pleasures of the world at an early age, I thank God for His Mercy and Grace for giving me a second chance, I Love you Jesus Christ. Eno

  27. Marrying my present husband,wish I knew I would av waited on God and married as a virgin.i feel regret in this marriage I wish I can turn the hand of clock

  28. Hmmmmmm!
    E plenty shaa.
    I learnt from the not so cool experiences and move.
    No need to be wallowing in self pity, naa, NOT necessary.
    Look back briefly and keep it moving.
    God is alive.

  29. Telling hubby I had an abortion.

  30. I regret not starting a business earlier in life. Now salary has spoilt me and now I am so confused about what business to start. I have started praying for Devine direction Sha.

  31. Committing multiple abortion. I still live with the guilt each day and I keep praying and hoping that my womb is intact

  32. I wish I didn't date much guys before getting married now the thought of my girl doing the same is worrisome.

  33. I would have married earlier, got married at 40, now 44 no pregnancy yet, God please answer my prayers, i want children.

    1. Madame koinkoin A.K.A "PeaceMaker "5 March 2021 at 23:30

      Amen to your prayers 🙏. Stay strong and be hopeful.

  34. Aborting two pregnancies. I feel everyone makes mistakes so I look past it and focus on God and myself

  35. Having my bride price paid by an ex, who is mentally ill and a narcissist. Thank God I left him early enough before the marriage took place. Good riddance to bad rubbish!!!


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