Stella Dimoko Valentines Day Drama


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Valentines Day Drama

 Does anyone have a Valentine's day drama to gist us? Did you catch your lover or did your lover catch you? Did your double dating backfire?

Some guy borrowed money from his cousin and bought a lot of goodies for his girlfriend for Valentine....She was so excited and assured him he was the only one...He wanted to surprise her on the D-day so he told her he was leaving town and would be back after two weeks....She cried.

On Valentines evening he paid her a surprise visit and met his co boyfriend who looked like he just finished smashing her in the home he decorated for her..... Ooops!

Maybe what you experienced is worse............


  1. My own is that my husband even thought Feb 14th was February 13th. Lol. Baby drama.

    When I asked for my gift. He was like shebi that blender u broke and I asked u to use my card to order another after we had agreed u will buy it back, na ur valentines gift be that' ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    I stupidly broke our blender that same day sha so I gree. I will take the weirdest vals gift... A blender cos I already got my best gift Alex.

    1. Which gift you give am๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’
      Unromantic Nigerian girls with their entitlement mentality..


    2. Lol. I think am the only one. My husband didn't Know its Valentine's day. It was when I showed him the gift that I got for him that he remembered. So I didn't get any gift on valentine day but am not bothered because he buys things for me all the time without asking. Even a week to valentine he bought a hair of 100k plus for me, so I considered that one as my valentine gift.

    3. Alex๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ baby's name.

  2. Very funny and heart breaking at the same time.

  3. Here to read comments.

    I have no valentine gist to share.

  4. Went to a sports bar to watch match o that was how one brother agbaya started asking for my number from my husband...

    1. I can imagine your husband's facial expression

  5. Children of these days don spoil finish... I saw young teenagers displaying PDF publicly like the thing left was to gbensh. No shame at all

    1. PDA??? Or PDF? Portable Document Format?

    2. Shy gal stop!!! ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿคฃ

    3. No na PDF o๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    4. Public display of affection

  6. No val gist o, i am not too keen ont he razzmatazz

  7. No val gist o, i am not too keen on the whole razzmatazz

  8. My friends bf blocked her on the 13th and unblocked her on the 15th. Meanwhile she sent me to check and he had put up another yellow babes pic as per Val. Meanwhile he has been talking to her of marriage. Suwah. Men enh!!

    1. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    2. if your friend goes back to that guy she is stupid...

    3. Anonymous 14.19 your comment cracked me

  9. I caught my husband chatting with his ex girlfriend. D ex was asking him, if am wit u would u ve married me. When i saw d message i almost died. I told him abt d messages i saw on his phone and he as been apologizing. I ve forgivin him, but am still hurt. Plz bvs wat do i do. I lov my husband.

    1. U have already forgiven him, its not bad u did though.just prepare your mind for the worst, keep loving him and being a good wife. Men who want to cheat will cheat, just remove your mind there ok, try and develop a thick skin. It's ok to be hurt, but don't think you are not woman enough or better for him, u are the best ok, just take it easy on urself. E-hugs dear, wish I can console you in person. Sorry dear

    2. But I don't see much in that chat o. There is nothing wrong with them chatting and she expressing her regret on loosing him. Relax nne. No biggie jor. What if they were talking about how to meet or how they missed eachother?


    3. Why are you telling her sorry though? Did she fall down, did anyone die? Madam, do not assume a passive role in your marriage otherwise, you will get a terminal diseases or a bunch of step children or even worse, your husband and/or potential side chick kill you to get you out of the way. It is not impossible, people have experienced worse. You deserve a man that will worship you just as much as you worship him. For now, start planning your independence. Hope to God that your husband would change but prepare for the alternative of leaving him if he doesnt. You are not a dustbin where your husband can throw thrash whenever he likes. NB: insist on periodic STI testing and use protection. Adieu NOTE: THIS ADVICE IS FROM EXPERIENCE. INUGO?

    4. Aaah,anony 18:29, who hurt you? LMAO,you no even read wetin the aunty type see reply. Wahala na me too oo

  10. Didn't have a negative experience. Just that wifey claimed to forget that Sunday was valentine. As in this na woman wey no allow me to rest since January with 'honey how are we going to do this year valentine?' How she come forget?

    Meanwhile, I had gotten her quite an expensive gift as a surprise. She appreciates it and that's all I care about. I don't expect anything in return.

    1. Don't worry, she will make it up to you. Maybe she is pregnant.

  11. I didn't get a gift o, burrai gat gist . going to sdk mail soon

    1. Mama nnuku abeg gist us, my ears are itching. But babes hope you didn't throw that your legendary bag

  12. My husband bought a fuse as in socket and wrapped it and offered it to me as valentine gift.
    I told him to pls explain this gift to me. He shouldn't have bothered wrapping it.

    1. Ewo!!!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    2. Lol ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    3. for your charger

    4. He is a clown๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


    5. Ah!! Anon 16:29 are you my husband? Because that was exactly the words he used. The fuse has different holes that any charger can enter. Hmmm.

    6. What did I just read, fuse to charge his amu abi or phone,i don't understand

    7. STELLA O!!! COME AND SEE THIS COMMENT O. As you pack crase ppl full one place say na blog nkor๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    8. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

  13. No drama for me.... Hubby just sent me a text 12am... Well I appreciate that alone because am glad we are taking this journey together

  14. and a woman was thrown out of her husband's house on Valentine's day. na wa

  15. No Valentine for me ooo, but I am grateful for life.

  16. Because of the latest happenings around me,I wasn't feeling this yr valentine..lost my job last yr and hubby's shop demolished.But hubby got me undies.i collected and thanked didn't give any gift but I gave my in I went extra๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. Awwww! God will replenish all you have lost, amen.

  17. Guy mama pretend visit 13th, picked one unnecessary quarrel. Looking at him with side eyes, as plans were made for him to sleep over. He picked his keys, I need to cool off. End of him till 14th 11pm. Back story,
    single parents, looking to mingle. It is over. Don't really do sleep overs, he asked for it. To do all that drama. No time for that mehn. Guys full street.

    1. Hello? what's going on here? ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿค”.

    2. Sorry, it was the weed speaking. I smoked my annoyance away. We have being together for two years plus. We are both single parents. We live in our separate homes and because of the kids, do not really sleep over in each other's place. So this valentine the silly man, said he will sleep over at my place. We both made arrangements for our kids. Come the 13th, he comes over. I am happy. Half way he picks a fight, that made no sense. He leaves and I don't hear from him till the 14th at 11pm. Of cos he spent the day with another lady. I am done with his ass. He lies he fell asleep, after I annoyed him.

  18. Hubby gifted me ๐Ÿ’ฐ, we still lodged out and had a good Time. God please ๐Ÿ™ Bless my Husband for me Amen he's God sent in my Life. Abeg Martin which phone can i get for 350-400k..

    Phone with top notch camera (I flim my YouTube videos with my phone)
    I want a phone with ROM 256gb
    RAM 8 or more
    Good battery ๐Ÿ”‹ life

    Martin please Reply Thank you.

    1. Samsung s20 series is your best plug

    2. iPhone 11 pro

  19. I got a shocker in Valentine's day. We have been in this relationship for past 3 years. In this 3 years the first two Valentine's day I am usually the one who does the remembrance so this year's Val I told myself I will not be the one to celebrate us again. On Sunday he called twice that day but no time did he ever talk about the occasion, so I asked him why he is not saying anything about Valentine's day. He proudly told me he does not believe in that or doing what others do. I was shocked so I asked if he is joking' he said no. I asked him why he didn't tell me all these years that we have shared memories, commitment and even our families are involved. He said he does not owe me an apology or explanation of what he believes in. I was shocked so I ended the call. He called back I refused picking up. Next thing I saw was a text " this is the last time I will call you, bye"

    Now I have been thinking were I went wrong?
    I have been a good girl to him.
    Even though he is far away Holland.
    I have been faithful
    Not demanding financial assistance from him.
    Even though I'm a single mom.
    You will not know except I tell you.
    Men disturb me but I kept myself for years because I don't want to indulge in sexual sin from dating people close to me.

    I have refused to shed a tear concerning this .

    In my own I have managed to live Nigeria twice last year but my Visa was denied.
    He consoled me that this year he is going to assist me financially concerning my travel plans.
    He asked me to get the visa agencies which I got their contacts and gave him to find out whatever he wants.
    Since this month he kept proscratinating it so I stopped asking him.
    Then he gave me this shocker on Sunday.

    1. LET HIM GO! You are doing well for yourself sis! Do not reply that SMS he sent to you. Yes Val is just any regular day for some people and a very important day for others.
      While not downplaying any of the two, he has no reason to throw that "not owing explanation..." crap at you.

    2. I just have to believe that once you heard abroad your senses left cos wtf??? Are you doing for 3years with this man?.
      This is the type that their manhood will shrink they cook for you.
      Either you've been a fool for3 years or you've been playing the angel, keeping a relationship that is dead on arrival .
      With this one, expect poor communication plus lord and master persona

    3. He really doesn't seem to be into you to be honest. A lil fight and has done with a relationship of 3 years? Nah. Any day that is special or important to anyone I love, I always make effort to mark the day. Cry if you want to. The best awaits๐Ÿ’•

    4. Can you not see the signs?? Quit wasting your time on this man. Do not call him back please. And obviously he does not want to help you out. DO NOT call him back. Donโ€™t disrespect yourself because of this man. Focus on yourself and your child please and focus on your achievement. Youโ€™ll find someone better. Enough of the emotional roller coaster. I mean are you not tired of it?? I feel stressed out reading your comment self. Let that man child GO. He lacks emotional maturity.

    5. Na wa o...all ontop mere valentine....are ye kids?

    6. Sorry sis, cry if you have to but please move on from him.

  20. Husband woke up excited on Saturdaycleaned the house (someone that doesn't get up early) , Sunday he made breakfast for us We went to my inlaws, came back as I was bathing our baby I heard a knock it was a delivery of cake, muffin, perfumes and a designer bag. I was surprised

  21. G,u are my best Valentine's gift!Thanks Stella

  22. Hello @Mummy Ebube..Is a 128gb Rom okay with you? Yea,its 8gb too..

    Check out Samsung S20+,S21 or A71s or even M51..there are more but I can't type much right now..

    Please send a DM on whatsapp and I can reply appropriately when I'm settled(heading home and can't type much)..


  23. As for me I got a really beautiful neck piece and a silver wrist watch. He was my ex but the love has been rekindled ojare. I realized that nobody can love me better.

  24. I masturbated myself to sleep. Who love epp?

    1. I just laughed out loud in my office. Love will find you.

  25. I asked my hubby "are we not celebrating Valentine day?^ He replied "Havent you heard that a broke man is not romatic?" I quietly left him to prepare a delicious party jollof rice. He bought drinks for the household. I felt his withdrawal cos he's doing the memorial of his late dad this weekend.


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