Stella Dimoko Tuesday Spontaneous Post


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tuesday Spontaneous Post

 #day2of7 #namaste #ekaro #coldsun #happygokindaperson #saywhatsaywhat #yesfromGodcannotbeannulled #positivementalityhelpsacrisis #stopbackwardthing

#lovewithoutconditions #idonturnmotivationalpreacher #itsaministry

Good Morning.....

Hope Yesterday was good? if it wasn't, don't worry, e don pass!

I don't have much to say cos I am still too sleepy to function well oh, even chewing alligator pepper this Morning wont help...LOL

Does anyone have Omugwo Chronicles or wedding night brouhaha? Make una share nah? why so stingy? lol

 Any ideas for in house gists topics?

Have a good day and dont forget that Rome was not built in a day!!!



  1. Living For His Glory!!
    2 Corinthians 5:15.


    "Have you discovered His purpose for your  life? Are you about His work"

    "He seeks to beautify the lives of those around you, and lead them into righteousnes through you; that’s living a purposeful life"

    "A life well lived, a successful life that pleases God, is one that achieves those things God destined you to do"


    Dear Father, I thank you for giving me the opportunity  and ability to influence those in my world with  the Gospel. I go forth today, in the fullness of the  blessings of Christ, impacting my world with your  grace and righteousness, turning men from darkness  to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, in  Jesus’ Name. Amen.


    “Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing indeed: Forgetting the things behind and reaching forward to the things ahead” Philippians 3:13, Berean Literal Bible.

    My sister, you’re not hurting anyone but yourself when you give in to the enemy because of what someone did to you. I’m sorry they hurt you. I’m sorry they didn’t believe in you. I’m sorry they weren’t there when you needed them most. It hurts, I know it does. But you know what, my friend? You can either use this as fuel or as an excuse. It is time to go full force into the things of God, to go full force into your purpose.
    Give God your broken heart and let Him kiss it and make it better. He can give you more new memories that will take the place of all the old hurtful ones. He can show you that there is life after heartbreak. There is more life to live. Your best life is in front of you, not behind you. Reach forward into God’s perfect plan. You can do it. You will find grace waiting in front of you. You will find happiness waiting in front you. You will find healing…waiting… in front of you.
    Messages From God's Heart

  3. The story about the woman that pounds children and still has a prayer house gave me serious trauma yesterday

    The state those children found in her custody really broke me.

    This are the type of situation that makes you question God.
    I know it's our fault that we behave like this, God gave us free will to make choice.
    But my question is "God why do You allow these kinds of evil to be perpertrated on the innocent" ?

    My imagination is really running wild on this issue, God help me.😪

    Good morning neighbours

    1. We ar in end time era,she is a satanic agent.

    2. No be only you question God at times, I’ve not been myself after seeing those children, Nigeria is the worst place to have children, if there is anything I owe my unborn children, it’s not having them in this God forsaken country, I will be like Eka joy, go born for the abroad and secure the life of my children

    3. Good morning beevees.

      God bless our hustles. Amen

    4. Forgiveness Is For Me23 February 2021 at 09:49

      I am battling with a lot of negative emotions for a long time now!

      I have been abused physically, sexually, emotionally and psychologically! This has given rise to several negative emotions that has inhibited my growth over the years - emotions like Guilt, bitterness, anger, Malice, Resentment, hatred and Envy!

      I have prayed and fasted but somehow I still battle with these emotions. One day in church, my pastor, Pastor Paul Morka of Ecumenical World Outreach, said the battlefield of life is in the mind. Once the negative emotions start coming I should declare(speak) the Word Of God To counter it. Declare who I am in Christ.

      I have been declaring God's Word, am pleased to said the negative emotions is gradually loosing their power over me. They come, sometimes I entertain them, sometimes I remember to declare the Word Of God. The relief after each declaration is so worth it. These are the scriptures I am using.:

      1.) I Am The Righteousness Of God In Christ Jesus, I Live A Life Of Righteousness, Holiness And Sanctification (2 Cor. 5:21);

      2.) I Am Crucified With Christ, Therefore I Live For Christ. (Gal. 2:20);

      3.) I Have The Mind Of Christ, I Forgive Easily And Wholeheartedly. (1 Cor. 2:16);

      4.) I Am Triumphant In Christ, I Live A Life Of Excellence And Productivity. (2 Cor. 2:14);

      5.) The Love Of Christ Controls Me, I Live And Walk In Love Always. (2 Cor. 5:14);

      6.) I Am A New Creation In Christ Jesus, My Old Way Of Life Is Gone, I Live A Brand New Life In Christ Jesus. (2 Cor. 5:17);

      7.) I Put On Christ Having Discard My Old Garment Of Sin. (Gal. 3:27);

      8.)I Am The Aroma Of Christ To God, I Positively Influence My World For Christ. (2 Cor. 2 :15);

      9.) The Love Of Christ Has Been Shed Abroad In My Heart By The Holy Spirit, Therefore I Walk In Love And Forgiveness - Advance And wholehearted Forgiveness. (Rome. 5:5);

      10.) My Body Is The Temple Of The Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit Dwells In Me, Therefore I Manifest The Fruit Of The Spirit - Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Meekness And Self-control. (2 Cor. 3:16, Gal. 5:22-23);

      11.) I Forget All Those Things(Pain) Which Are Behind, I Reach Forward To Those Things(Blessings) Which Are Ahead. (Phil. 3:13).

      I hope this blesses someone and sets you on the path of forgiveness and love in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!

  4. There was no air mishap on Sunday. Those Air men were murdered. Most of us don't seem to understand what is happening in this zoo. Nigeria is gone. You know your country is gone when ethnic profiling becomes the norm in your military. Alot has been happening in the military. Southern and northern Christian soldiers form the bulk of casualties in the theater of war. From the way they are always ambushed, most of them will tell you Boko Haram animals always had info on their movements. I have a lot of family members and friends who have deserted the military because of this. If they tell you what's happening in this zoo!
    There is a trending video where a terrorist called sheikh Gumi was telling his fellow Fulani kidnapping terrorists that it was non- Muslim (obviously Christian) soldiers that were killing them! Do you know the implication of this? And the so-called government is just watching a supposed Islamic cleric locate and hobnob with the same Fulani terrorists that have made our lives miserable. We all know where these Fulani kidnapping terrorists are located, yet no body is going after them! What does that tell you? It's a collabo. It's all about indigenous lands. And you think you can ever make progress in this type of setting? The zoo is gone. Nigeria cannot be redeemed.

    1. Most shocking is statement from the military saying they don't investigate crashes.

      It then means they know what brought the plane down.

    2. I am still surprise how a Capt reported Engine failure on air and there was no Mayday Mayday to that effect, that air craft wasn't Airbus/Boeing that needed space to land, it's really too bad that life in Nig nothing. Yeah I know plane crash happen all over the world but ehhhh doing the right thing n putting things in other can reduce it

  5. Is it possible for a woman to prepare her children for school every morning without shouting?
    Mothers are the real MVP

    1. It's not oh. I shout every morning and it's only one I have. I raise hand for people with two three or more kids. Even to eat breakfast is a drag, wear pant nko? We run around the house for that part.
      Even with the cold weather, I sweat like a goat every morning. Odiegwu o.

    2. Lol. I can imagine! Motherhood is more than a full time job. God bless all the mothers.

    3. Castle 😂😂😂😂😂
      I understand

    4. Story of my life,lol!
      I beg, I sing, I make promises of buying real aeroplanes ooh🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
      Motherhood is more than a full time job sincerely speaking.

    5. Hahaha...I thought I was the only one. Even with routine, you still shout. After all that. You must still work. God help us

  6. Good morning beautiful people
    How are you feeling candy and Gem I hope you are getting better, please take good care of yourself ❤️❤️

  7. Stella I was the lady that asked a question you carried to yesterday’s IHN about my NYSC certificate bearing my ex husband’sname,while my other certificates bears my father’s name and now my cv bears single. But no one answered me yesterday 😩 guess because we were all carried away by the blessing that sounds like a lie 🤗

    Please any one with an advise

    1. You didnt say which name you're bearing now?

    2. May be a change of name will help.

    3. madam,go and do court affidavit.

    4. If you have a marriage certificate and your divorce paper, then you don'thave any problem. Simply have a lawyer prepare an affidavit stating that you got married on xyz date and divorced on abc date. That's all. Even if you did traditional marriage (and so don't have any certificates to show), simply do an affidavit stating when youvgot married, the name of your husband and when tge marriage ended. That's all

  8. Don't lose your sleep for someone who killed your dreams......

    Good Morning All....

  9. Eyin temi bawo ni o shewa.

    Good morning lovelies.

    Have a beautiful day ahead

    1. Good morning Gem,how are you feeling today

    2. @Gem, your greeting is making sing Yinka Ayefele in my We dey o. Have a blessed day

    3. I feel much better slimzy

      Ayettymama.....abi,it's actually an excerpt from the song.I love the song.


  10. Hehehe. Me I'm still typing my LRD slowly but gradually. E long sha. I'm trying to pull a Castle Windsor but failing woefully.

  11. Please if you have any of these interesting articles below..
    Wedding night brouhaha, Omugwo Chronicles, Meeting Point, How Motherhood Changed Me, Service year Boulevard and Labour Room Drama etc..

    Kindly send directly to my boss via
    Thank you

  12. 2020 came to steal from me, 2021 isn't smiling also. I have never been this low before, my job was the only good thing I had going and it was taken away from me. Now I have thyroiditis and just tests alone has cost me so much money.

    No children to call my own, all my investments are closing up...God you know I prayed, I really did. Now it's time to save myself from this Italian boss that is cutting cost in Nigeria while our counter parts in Italy are more than 23. God you know I tried, please forgive me in advance.

    1. Hold on please 🙏🙏🙏 the help you need is around the corner, God's still in the affair of turning situations around for good and bringing calmness to storm going on.
      Hold on for your help is near. I pray God makes provision available unto you quickly.Amen

    2. Hold on please 🙏🙏🙏 the help you need is around the corner, God's still in the affair of turning situations around for good and bringing calmness to storm going on.
      Hold on for your help is near. I pray God makes provision available unto you quickly.Amen

    3. Please hang on, never give up
      God will come through for you 🙏🙏

    4. Suicide is never an option,ur line "God you know I tried,please forgive me in advance".says it all,see how God came through for that woman BV Sue wrote about,He is the same God,remember there is hope only for the living .

    5. Please stay strong
      I love you 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰

    6. Why do you people always contemplate suicide when faced with challenges? That we are Christians don't mean we won't go through hurdle.
      Stay strong, you do not know what God has in stock for you.

  13. Good morning everyone
    Wishing us all a wonderful Tuesday

  14. Good morning everyone! The way zoom meetings drain my data ehn.. God help me.
    I prefer male friends to females. My female friends stay hurting me😭

    1. So sorry dear
      Can I be your friend??

    2. Henceforth, be intentional when picking those that join you as friends,don't give it too much. Let it flow naturally.
      Don't give anyone impression you cannot do somethings without them.
      Check yourself as well,most times we tend to give excuses to our male friends if they're not meeting up because of all we've heard about female friends ditching each other and how we've conditioned our mind.

  15. Heavenly Father will shine His radiant light on you this week, renew your strength and empower you with virtues needed to face the challenges of daily life. The Lord will anoint you with His wisdom for every circumstances and lead you to the best paths as He journey with you this week. The beauty of heaven will come upon you and turn all your hopes into reality.

    May the good Lord also clothe your days with favour and divine uplifting all the days of your life. May His Favour, Joy, Peace, Breakthrough and Success accompany you wherever you go this week and always in Jesus Mighty name.... Amen.

    Good morning, have a pleasant day.

    Jesus is the light of the world......

  16. Good morning beautiful people ❤️❤️❤️

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Good Morning everyone,
    Just breeze in to say good morning to you all.
    Candy,hope you are doing good now.
    My testimony is evident in Jesus name,Amen.

    Mimi Love.

  19. Thank God for another new day.
    Mumsy has being least I can rest more now. Kudos to our mothers.

    Catholics in the house, I hope you do say your Divine Mercy prayer cos me I believe the prayer works like magic. I can't still forget what it did for me in my last pregnancy and delivery. TTC mothers should try and be saying it too, there's nothing more powerful than God's mercy on one's life.

    IHG topic?...Stella what of our first day in secondry school or higher institution?

  20. It's another day..Lord am grateful.Hello Bvs, wishing you all a blessed 🥰😘🥰

  21. Yesterday was great. Thank you, Stella.

    Good morning everyone. Enjoy your day.

  22. Don't wait for someone else to offer you the love you want and deserve. Start being intentional and actionable about how you love yourself. Self love is the best love ❤️

  23. Hello from the city of Yenagoa. Do have a Fab day

  24. So it's not "Mummy Oyoyo", it is "Mummy, oh you're home" my school fees😭


  25. Reading comments on the post about the Size of P*** yesterday left me worried. How do guys with the small size cope.
    Like that's how God made you and you get judged because of it and nothing can be done about it. 🤔
    Just to encourage someone out there... The lady that would fit you...will come your way. Don't allow your size to define you.

    #aworriedmind #worknopaylikeme

    1. Honestly. I felt sad for them too but the comments were hilarious.
      I'm team size doesn't matter anyway. I can work with any size, I have my ways. After all, penetration doesn't make most of us come, right?
      So if you have a small this thing, don't panic my brother. There are lots of women like me. Ndeewonu.

      Copied from my pastor's wife's wall.

    2. Castle Nwanne you are a case 🤣🤣@ your pastor's wife wall

    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Extend our greetings to your pastor's wife

  26. @Darajah my own shout no be here ooo,my second daughter makes it her duty to be crying over nothing just to piss me off, me I know send her.

    1. To eat sef is war with them.
      Best thing is to put snacks,food and juice in her pack, enough to last her,and remind the teacher that she didn't eat.

    2. Me looking at you people and trying not to be scared cos I'm already shouting at my 5mth old that likes putting everything in his mouth😪

  27. vs help me ooo I no dey see or touch my clitoris again ooo.
    I wasn't putting much concern to it since I have noticed it a while back until this my new guy asked me if I was circumcised. I was furious at first when he asked me but I later thought to myself that it's true. I wasn't circumcised and I used to see and touch it oh.
    Is there any medical explanation why it's like this and what can be done to get it out back?
    Don't waka pass please.

    1. You are not alone. Mine has been disappearing by the day. I have too many things to worry about m I can't add clit to it.

    2. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣anon9:36😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

  28. Good morning SDK blogfam ����������������������������������

    I need a miracle that sound like a lie in my life right now Father Lord ������

  29. So Daft Punk have split. What a fvcking coincidence. I played Get Lucky with Pharrell thrice yesterday morning before going out. In the evening, their name kept popping up on my Google notifications. I checked at night, bam.
    I loved the duo.

    1. I wasn't happy when I heard of Daft Punk split,they have shared good memories together. I wish them the best

    2. Daft Punk Split?? Oh nooooo!!! Guys please tell me it is a lie!

  30. A Tuesday blessings BVs, it has been a week of celebrating great news and I pray it remains permanent in our lives.

    SDK thank you for all you do for the Bee Vees. Good Morning

  31. Good morning blogfam.

    May God give us testimonies that sound like a lie today in Jesus Name Amen.

  32. A beautiful morning to us all.

  33. How do I get screen shots of whatsapp conversations saved to my USB from android phone. Please help @Martins


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