
Wednesday, February 17, 2021


 #midweek #goodtidings #namaste #ekaro moinmoin #positivevibes

Good Morning........

Una well done oh... where you dey and wetin you dey do? Any work today?

Have a beautiful day and I pray that everything good collides with you today.

Today is woman crush Wednesday, crush on yourself na...LOL



  1. Examine What You Hear!!
    1 John 4:1. Msg.


    "You don’t just  run with, or do whatever you’re told by just anybody;  examine where that authority is coming from. It could  be from Satan. So, you have to be careful.

    "Just because you felt  good about what someone of authority told you  doesn’t mean it was from God"

    "It’s important you listen to God. Find out what He wants, and do His will. Refuse  to compromise"


    Dear Father, I consciously weigh every instruction  against the truth of the Word, irrespective of who  gives it. I refuse to go contrary to your Word, which  gives life, light, direction and purpose to me. My  steps are ordered by you, through the Word and your  Spirit, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


    Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.” John 12:24

    Consider the mighty oak tree. Though the oak tree reaches 60 to 100 ft in the sky and has branches that spread 150 ft across, hidden beneath the earth’s surface is a complex root system that’s deep and wide. God wants our knowledge of His word to develop a complex root system in our heart like the mighty oak tree. This is what makes us unmovable. He desires that we grow in Him, but growth is first downward.
    Keep growing downward. Soon you will break through the hard earth, and you will reach high and stretch wide in helping others. Don’t be concerned with how high you go, focus on how deep you go in your understanding of the Lord.
    Messages From God's Heart

    1. Hello beautiful Essa. God remember you of that great heart desire Amen. As you remember our date of birth so shall Angels as men remember and favour you Amen. Thanks once again

    2. Good morning to y'all on here and happy ash Wednesday too.😃😃

    3. @ yori, as in ehn...kudos to her for that

    4. @Yori yori...AMEN!. Anytime dearie. Glad to hear you had an amazing one🤗

  3. In the name of God,
    I welcome you to this year Lent. I ask that the Almighty God will grant you grace to worship Him in spirit and truth. May the glory of God manifest in you.
    However, I wish you to faithfully observe this season, not as routine but in true sober reflection. Let God visit you. Make time to seek God in holiness of heart.
    Pray for yourself and all around you; your family, community, State, nation and the world at large.
    Seek reconciliation with all who offend you and who you offended.
    Let God have His way in you. As we pray to God to heal our land, to deliver this nation from every evil manipulation, to safe us from pandemic.
    Remember the weak, the destitute, the oppressed and many more, who need God's visitation and attention in their lives, families and businesses.
    As you begin with Ash-wednesday today, create time to study the scripture, visit the sick, pray for every one.
    Be an example of believer (Christian) in all you do. God is looking for someone who will stand for Him and take His name to the world. (2 Chro. 16: 9).
    There should be a cry for social justice in a time like this.(Amos 5:10 - 24).
    Will you stand for God in a time like this?
    Jesus is waiting to accept your cry for deliverance of our land and Church. Love you.
    Have a great and wonderful season with your creator.

  4. Gooooooooooooooooodmorning😊❤️🥰❤️💃🏻💋💋❤️🥰❤️💋❤️

    Happy AshWednesday, Wishing all faithfuls an uplifting spiritual 2021 Lenten experience.May our souls, mental and physical health be renewed through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Thank you all for your messages yesterday❤️Congratulations to all who celebrated❤️❤️

    Have a blessed day beautiful ❤️

  5. Good morning beeveeleons.❤❤

    Cooking my noodles with eggs. Who will eat??🤒🤒

    Happy Ash Wednesday.

  6. Good morning Stella and BVs.
    Happy Ash Wednesday to y'all.

  7. Behind every scar, there is an untold story of survival.

    My testimony today is a proof that I survived it all and still standing strong.

    Good Morning.

  8. Good morning everyone! Please I need something for my acne! It's becoming worse and this is not me. Help!!

  9. No matter how bad things are, you can at least be happy that you woke up this morning."
    My today's crush is my mother .Good bless u mum.
    Good morning famblog

    1. *God bless u mum*

    2. Grateful for life, God bless & give your mother long life🙏
      Congratulations on your new ride may God Bless and enriche your Hubby's

  10. Good morning Ladies and gentlemen 😘

    Thank you all for the beautiful birthday wishes.. God bless! ❤️❤️

    1. Belated birthday to you dear. God bless your new age.

    2. Good morning Tade happy belated birthday to you🎂🎂🎂🎂🍾🍾🍾🍾🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈🎈

    3. Belated happy birthday Tade,God bless all that concerns you.

  11. Today is Ash Wednesday,the beginning of Lenten season for Catholics.

    1. #EndSWAT #Endpolicebrutality Phoenix17 February 2021 at 08:49

      And anglicans too

  12. Crushing on all the hard working woman 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 God bless our Hussle, amen
    Wishing everyone a great day.
    Stella babe 💕

  13. Stella on my way to the office but traffic will not let one get to the office in good time.

    Happy women crush Wednesday to my very own self, I am a very strong person, I have been holding on and waiting on God .

    You all should have a beautiful Wednesday.

  14. Good morning Bvs. How’s everyone?
    I feel a whole lot better today unlike the past one week. Thanks you Jesus!

  15. Good morning.everyone. I Jin madam Stella to pray that all good and amazing things will ‘jam’ us today. I crush on myself and al the women f SDK Ville. May we all reasons to rejoice this day in Jesus Name. 🥰🥰

  16. "Police nab Kano Hisbah Commander with married woman in downtown hotel". Various news sources.

    Religion. Religion is akin to cancer. It permeates the body with toxins, blights the brain and deprives it of rational thinking. Another thing it greatly does is to transmute its advocates into egregious hypocrites cum uncanny reprobates. This scum of the earth must have beaten some other men and women into coma in his brash operations for patronizing prostitutes and being prostitutes respectively. But oga had to tow another man's wife to an "arna" territory to fuck. Yes, the deed was done in Sabin Gari, a predominantly Christian area. He avoided his fellow Islamist hypocrites to avoid being judged and found a nest in an arna area.
    I think religion is just a facade mostly to shield people from inferiority complex and certain deep-seated hideous attributes. Just imagine a filthy Hisbah Commander fucking another man's wife in an area populated by "infidels"!

  17. Good morning all.. may God favor us today . Amen 🙏

  18. Moin Moin, we Don start our early morning hustle ooo, we pray the hustle pay one day, good morning,

    HAVE FAITH, HUSTLE..... TILL YOU MAKE IT. 💪 🙏 ✈️ 🏠 🚗

  19. After 6months of constant workout those abs and 6packs finally obvious!🍷 weytin I go do with the packs ooo? Abi make I go to the office topless with just my suit trousers and briefcase 💼 today just to show it off ? Wnt people start thinking otherwise? Them fit carry phone now begin call my people make dem no come book room for persin for yabalefted
    Goodmorn 🌹🌹☕️☕️

  20. Ezekiel 11 v 2. Then said He unto me, son of man these are the men that devise mischief and give wicked counsel in this city.

    Every evil and wicked ruler or personality occupying or sitting on the gate of your glory and greatness, denying you entrance into your land of promise, I command them be removed now by fire, I root them out of your gate, the sword of the Lord is against them, your settlement has come, God have taken over your case in Jesus name... Amen.

    Good morning, have a victorious day.

    Jesus is alive.......

  21. Replies
    1. I love you Essa, this is the first time anyone is responding to my greeting on SDK blog. I will always appreciate you

    2. Awww love you too dearie...have a beautiful day🤗🤗

  22. Good morning Everyone 😍😍😍😍

    Today is Ash Wednesday

  23. You went for prayers and was told you and I are not too compatible, that I need to carry out some sacrifice to make it compatible 🤣🤣🤣😉😉😉 like seriously if God says you and I are not made for each other so I should stress myself to make it work and after few months of marriage things will go south and I will stay suffering or regretting why I took that decision.

    Bros continue your own sacrifice and leave me alone. I am not doing anything to please any gods, if you are tired of the relationship talk or walk away stop this stupid gist of not compatible. When you met me from the beginning why didn't you tell me but I am happy you spoke now cos this has changed everything I felt for you.

    Since last night I have already move, let me face front and look for who we are compatible with, life goes on and love will find me someday.

    1. Run very far from him. Delete his number so you won't be seeing his status cos he will be uploading all sorts for you to see.
      He may be telling lies, just an excuse to leave you. Even if it is true, I hate men who go to mediums and seers or prophets, they are dangerous.
      Mark my words, he will soon come and beg you to come back when he is tired of his new catch. I hope you would not foolishly go back to the idiot even if you are still boyfriendless

    2. Sacrifice to make you two compatible? Nah!

      That sacrifice is for other motive and not what he made you believe.

      Thank goodness you are not desperate else, you might have been among those naked, running mad ladies.

    3. inukwa nonsense. just delete and say good riddance to bad rubbish. your own man will come by Gods grace

  24. Goodmorning
    May all your desires come through today

  25. I graduated with a 2:2 from one of the Nigerian federal universities and i want to see if I can relocated to canada or any sane country like Australia, Newzealand , U.S e.t.c
    Please is it possible for me to migrate using student visa considering my low grade. Thanks for your inputs. Please no insults, I’m a sensitive person. Thanks

  26. Good morning ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  27. Good morning ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  28. Good morning y'all.

    Yippee! It's my son's birthday today. Beautiful people of sdkville, help me wish him well.

    1. Happy birthday to you your baby boy

    2. #EndSWAT #Endpolicebrutality Phoenix17 February 2021 at 08:51

      Happy birthday to your sonshine. Long life and prosperity

    3. Happy birthday to your son, may he be a source of joy to you and his generation

    4. Happy birthday to your son.

    5. Happy birthday to your son.

    6. Happy birthday to your son. May the Lord protect him.

    7. Happy birthday to your sonshine.

    8. Happy birthday to your son🥂🍾

    9. Awww wishing him a very Happy Birthday. God bless, keep and preserve him now and always. Amen.

    10. Happy birthday to your son

    11. Happy birthday to ur son dear.. May he be a source of blessings to ur family.

    12. Happy birthday to your sonshine..🎈

    13. HBD to your son. the lord grant him long life and may he fulfill his destiny in Jesus name.

  29. Thank you, Lord, for my health. I'm grateful.

    Good morning my people. ❤️

  30. Good morning beautiful people
    Crushing on all the beautiful hard working ladies and women on this blog,May God continue to bless your hustle 🙏🙏🙏

    Have a beautiful day ahead everyone 😘😊😘

  31. Good morning.. happy Ash Wednesday to u all

  32. Pleasant morning everyone.

    Amen to your prayers Stellz.May everything good come my way,there shall be no loss,no lack,no limitation in my life.May God's grace and mercy be sufficient for me.Goodluck and unlimited favours is mine henceforth in Jesus name AMEN!.

    May favours locate everyone in Jesus name AMEN.

    Have a blessed day ahead😘.

  33. Good morning everyone 🥰....
    Crushing on myself today❤️🙈

  34. Good morning.

    I need everyone to pray and wish me goodluck, i have a test on Friday.

    I might use my phone,Martins and everyone kindly recommend a fast and free browser. Thanks.

    1. Wishing success in your test.

    2. You need tips on how to do expo? We don’t dont do that here. Thanks 🥴

    3. You'll come out in flying colours

    4. @Anon 08.37, I wish you the best in the test and pray that everything will go well with you. Have a good day 😀

  35. Good money all. It is a beautiful day. Thank you all for giving me a shout out Amy birthday and others celebrating yesterday. God bless you all Amen.

    Had so much goodwill messages from everywhere. The messages were just too much and I became a celebrity over night. Still eating the jollof rice prepared by my bishop's wife. A full chicken and wine. Got a call to come. Had presents. It was just too great. Never believed it will get Luke this. Still typing thank you to my secondary school forum, university and other forum. What about Facebook, the messages tripled and more still coming. I bless God Almighty for all who celebrated me. You all shall continue to dwell in celebrations this year and beyond Amen.

    My twin called and asked where did you know these people on Facebook. The messages are so.much.

    Let me go and reply more.

    Love you all.


    2. Happy belated birthday YORI PRINCESS

    3. Yori yori princess happy birthday baby God bless you bountiful lly

    4. Happy belated birthday YORI PRINCESS

    5. Belated blessings to you yori yori

  36. Good morning blogfam.

    Today, I am crushing on every woman who is TTC. I want to let you know that you deserve all the joy and happiness with or without a child.

    May God come through for us🙏

    1. God will surely come through for you and others this year, keep holding unto Him only

    2. Amen may God come through for them

    3. God will show up in their lives. Amen.

    4. God will show up for you 🙏🙏

  37. THE LORD HAS ANSWERED ME.whatGODcannotdodoesnotexits.
    Good morning beautiful people.

    1. Thank God for you

      Your testimony shall be permanent

    2. Amen
      It's your time to testify

  38. Today is ash Wednesday..lent begins.

  39. Good morning lovelies.
    Went to worship my God o and collected ash. Holiest short service.
    Happy Ash Wednesday my beloved christians.

    Currently trapped in serious traffic, it's a gridlock mehnn, if at 11am I don't get to Falomo? We turn and go sleep at home.

    My WCW today is Prof Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala(Ngólingó in Mumsie's voice). Mum of 4, and 3 are Professors.
    Congrats Ma'am,it's another feather to the indefatigable. No make up, no accents, no wig, no airs, no bleaching. All naturelle and a very good traditional Christian.
    I greet you. Ekenem gi, kene kwazia "ndi na ejelu gi ozi".(only few Igbos know the meaning of this line).
    And thank you for proving to women that Home Training and Girl Child Grooming has categories. Which one are you giving your daughters? Slay queen or slay book, slay motherhood or slave close-knit family? Haha.
    BTW I'm fully kitted like Prof Ngozi,haha. Most women today are gonna turn up looking same, Twitter made it so yesterday.
    My 3 elder sisters sent their pictures already with bomb ass geles looking very Nigerian, na dem teach me before na. Haha.

    Don Nkay,and Jessi...belated happy birthday.
    Yori yori princess... Happy birthday slim shady. Haha. I know.
    May lines fall in pleasant places for you all.

    CHISOM...just to remind you that on this blog, typing big English is a big big offence. It "makes some cry". I've been there, I know so. Don't quarrel over some acidic replies when your thread is dragged down,turn it into humor so you don't develop high blood pressure. I na akuja zi akuja aburo kwa maka ndi mmuo. Fa ga apikpó your small nkpuru obi.

    Yeah, so I'm out while munching on my breakfast and sipping chilled zobo, as inefficient governance in Lagos has refused to make our life easy. To work 2 hrs and back from work is 3 hrs of carjam, make una dey see us for this Lagos o. Ehen!

    Stella Kork...wait o. You didn't go take Ash for Christ? Hun? I na ejekwa uka? *Wrinkles nose*
    Attend evening service o. Shioor.

    Have a nice day guys.
    Ngwanu bye.

  40. Thank You LORD for another day .

  41. Just coming back from church, happy ash Wednesday bvs..

  42. Good morning to you all. Grateful for the gift of life! Sometimes we just need to thank God for his blessings and not just asking or requesting for more, he already knows what we need. Gratitude pays.

    we are on lockdown and the church bell only rings for ringing sake.....

  44. “Even now,” says the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and tear your hearts and not your garments.” Return to the LORD, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy, and repents of evil.

    Am crushing on all women that knows their God.

  45. Good morning everyone 😍
    Happy Ash Wednesday and may God honor our fasting and cleanse our land.

    It can only get better, e go surely be ✌️

  46. Good morning blogfam.
    Happy Ash Wednesday

    I am crushing on myself because I am a strong woman😍

  47. Good morning blogfam.
    Happy Ash Wednesday

    I am crushing on myself because I am a strong woman😍


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