Stella Dimoko EX Actress Georgina Onuoha Replies Pastor Bamiloye And Says Nigerian Women Use 'Kayamata' Because Of Pastors Preachings



Friday, February 12, 2021

EX Actress Georgina Onuoha Replies Pastor Bamiloye And Says Nigerian Women Use 'Kayamata' Because Of Pastors Preachings

US Based Former Nollywood Actress, (now Health Information consultant) Georgina Onuoha reacted to a post tweeted by Pastor Mike Bamiloye and is blowing hot that teachings from Nigerian pastors are the reason most marriages break up and these preachings also encourage women to use kayamata...

Pastor Bamiloye tweeted

 “If you are a single sister do not join the feminist movement, the feminist movement makes you miss the will of God for your life. If you are married do not join them either if you want to get the best out if your marriage'' .

Georgina fired back on Instagram..

''These are the kind of teachings and preaching from men of God that are suppose to be spiritual leaders are teaching Nigerians, yet we wonder why women in Nigeria are seen as commodities, properties and are constantly abused by the society. Yet this same pastor has enjoyed the dividends of feminism because we all watched his wife growing up as a part of his ministry.

I hope someone tells him that his wife being able to have a voice and be part of his production is the textbook definition of feminism.

I pray he understands that his daughters are as important as his sons and as such should be treated equally and accordingly.

It is teachings like this that has dimmed the light of so many women in Nigeria, because they cling to the words of their pastors while denying themselves the abilities to attain their full potential.

Demanding equal pay, same respect, right to lead and be heard is not a sin..
The Bible never taught any of us that.
So many pastors continue to take advantage of the scriptures, perverting it to soothe their own fragile masculinity.

Women, demand what is due you, honor your father and husband but never let anyone tell you you are not enough not even your pastors.

Any woman wanting To claim head of the family is sick upstairs, hence the head can not stand without the neck.
If you are a man or woman that wants his or her daughter to be treated differently because of her gender.. raise up your hand 🤚🏻..
It is because of such teachings that our girls and women have been reduced to kayamata''.

Do you agree with her?


  1. Georgy is talking out of both sides of the mouth.

    1. 3Amigos Bread @ 6 Okesalu St, Ikotun. 0813851632812 February 2021 at 13:21

      A lot of people that go about yakking about feminism have no clue what it’s all about. I agree with a lot of her points.

      I’ve come to realize that there are women who are satisfied with or feel like they have no other choice than to be in the background or accept the status quo. It’s all fine and dandy. But, the ones that want to reach the top be it in their careers, businesses etc should be allowed to do so. The joy I feel when I read an article about women breaking barriers is indescribable.

      Many have reduced the value of the Nigerian woman to marriage...their whole life revolves around marriage. Nothing about teaching them how to become successful, confident and have self love. It’s all about marriage. And the saddest part is that the push for marriage is not even about love or happy companionship but just to procreate. Within a year of being married, some are being terrorized about getting pregnant. Nothing about having fun as a couple. What a warped mentality. A 22 year old that should be establishing herself is desperate for marriage while at 30, some feel like their lives have ended because they’re single. Well, feminism is telling you that whether you’re married or single, you’re enough as a woman. Strive to be independent, happy, confident, love yourself, be fulfilled...ain’t nothing wrong with that...ever. Have you ever come across a confident, fulfilled woman?...well you should or become one yourself.

      Feminism is all about you being what you want to be and getting well deserved respect for doing that without being looked down on. You can be the CEO of a company without anyone insinuating that you got the job as a result of sleeping your way to the top or telling you that women aren’t fit for such position. Feminism wants you to break barriers and be accorded well deserved respect while doing so.

      Some men feel threatened when they marry ambitious wives and will do anything to dim her light. To me, that is evil. Insecure men should marry women that are okay with their insecurities and being in the background. They should never marry a firebrand and then try to clip her wings.

      There’s nothing wrong with feminism. Women especially, that condemn it should realize that they wouldn’t be able to read this my comment if not for the feminist movement that paved the way for their education etc.

    2. Stellakoko, I did not agree with her. There's no correlation at all...

    3. Well I agree with some points of hers.

  2. Georgina, that you disagree with the man doesn't imply that he has nothing upstairs.
    You can share your views without being impudent.

    1. Georgy I have no problem with what you said but the insults was not necessary ..He made a point which you could have countered without insulting him personally thats the only thing I think people are may lose people with how you say things not what you say ...I have learnt that a long time ago

    2. Where did she say he has nothing upstairs please?

  3. Lol..
    So bamiloye would advice me, and this lady here would also advice me.. it's obvious whose advice I'll take seriously.. by their fruits you shall not them.. ranting and giving bad advice everywhere..

    See her trying to white wash feminism, can she with all honesty deny that feminism hasn't been bastardize to become an association of men-haters instead of a sisterhood trying to support and uplift women in positive things..


    1. Dante, who hurt you?

    2. Please go back and carefully read what she wrote. You reacting to your imagination

    3. Alex..
      I read and understood her, I also understood where bamiloye is coming from..
      Bamiloye was talking about feminism in the negative senseit has been made into.. instead of her to face her fellow ladies who are messing up and bastardizing the word, she's coming her to say another crao..

      It's the same way many ladies dont call out ladies who lie about rape for revenge, some even justify such call outs, now, how do you think people would continue to take rape allegations seriously?

      Feminism as a word has been abused.. it's filled with bitter women who just hate on men. It's the reality on ground. So whenever anyone talk about feminism, this is what I picture, and not the crap this lady is talking about.

    4. Lol..@Q.s..
      You don't have any sense.. you think I go to church? Ode

    5. Who is ode calling ode. And why is ode calling others ode. Ode!.

    6. Ah Mr. Alexander i like you eh,🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

      Ike gwuru nnoo

    7. For once, I actually agree with Dante. It's common knowledge that feminism has been seriously turned upside down. Let me not go into that.
      Now, if you are a smart person with a functional brain who is abreast with the current trends in the society, and not just looking to "show yourself", it's easy to see the angle the pastor was coming from, which is that of the "distorted feminism". And yes, a lot of women have lost good partners and good opportunities because of this distorted version of feminism.
      Georgina and Victoria should look for other productive ways to stay relevant rather attacking people's posts with unintelligent counter posts. They should take a cue from Regina Askia.

  4. Georgina the fire woman. I support her stance.

  5. There is, I think, what seems to be a misunderstanding of the message by Bro. Mike Bamiloye and the comment by Georgina.

    To the right, feminism advocates equal rights for women; but to the left it is misunderstood in Africa by some as hatred for men. Feminism is an ideology that women can hold their own in all social strata.

    Pastor Mike Bamiloye tweets may have stemmed from a wrong premise and misunderstanding of feminism, but Goergina too shows her misunderstanding of the tweets because a woman with the wrong concept of feminism in Africa will definitely rebuff men. This is probably what Pastor Mike Bamiloye had in mind.

    Feminism is not hatred for men; it is the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of gender equality.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This lady lacks respect and I'm sorry to say, she lacks good reasoning too. Insulting the man clearly shows that. Go sit down for poto poto abeg!

    1. I am not surprised. Nigerians should learn to read and understand. It is a clear case of misunderstanding. Sir Mike Bamiloye did not construct his statement well. Nigerians are gullible and believe everything their elders/ pastors/ imams say so they should learn to make statements that will not be misinterpreted wrongly. Georgina is 💯 correct but she should not have insulted him. It was uncalled for.
      June 27

    2. Cynthia, may God not allow you to be in a disadvantaged situation because if your gender. Then you will understand what she is on about.

      Granted, she was a tad harsh but she is absolutely right.

    3. Where did she insult the man? Or is there another article I'm not aware of?

    4. Did we read the same thing or what? How did she insult him bikonu

      Yes o, i agree with Georgie.

  8. I am a woman, and I don't equate being an advocate for gender equality to being a feminist. I think they are two different things. Like having both on a continuum with feminism at the extreme end of it.

    1. You obviously don't understand what feminism is about. Google is your friend.

    2. I actually thought gender equality was the bane of feminism.
      If a boy child goes to school the girl child should also have the right to attend
      Dont train the boy to feel superior to the girl child simple because he has a dick
      Dont promote undeserving males where there are qualified and available females.
      Dont expect your wife to be a slave simply because you paid her bride price
      Dont unduly set a standard that a male that is different from a female etc.
      Dont force a girl into marriage just to make money off her. That is gender equality.

      The misunderstanding is that some people see it as an anti male campaigne which is wrong.
      I am a feminist but i am happily married and well submitted to my husband as the head of my family. Afterall, I submit to my boss as the head of my department at work as well. The religious injunction is for administrative purposes and it is fine in my opinion. It should not bring about rebellion against men or the institution of marriage. In my home, I take good decisions matter of fact my husband trusts me to take intelligent and informed decisions but I know my decisions are subject to his agreement. I always argue for his buy in and where he has reasons not to he explains and I sometimes let it go after all in life you win some and loose some.

  9. Georgina is only living to prove her name.

    The man of God did not say you should not do all the listed points. His emphasis was on the family and you also alluded to it. You just wanted to be noticed. Clout chasers.

  10. She also said Mr. Bamiloye has nothing upstairs Stella. That's really not a nice thing to say. She could have said her piece without insults. She and Victoria Inyama are just blowing so hot every time. Make una dey calm down abeg.

    1. Those two lack common sense.
      Very bitter women.

    2. Cynthia, please read again.

    3. Castle,did you listen to the video she made? Her veins popping and all..

  11. Georgina I Stan with you 100%. It’s for the reason of feminism that women can now drive cars in Arab countries. That you are a lady today and schooling is as a result of feminism

    Georgina understands exactly what feminism is

  12. She has very valid and strong points. But babe calm down. You sound angry.

  13. Georgina has a point, feminism isn't a negative thing but it has been bastardized so much, it now has a negative connotation. She should have done her own post, no need responding to the pastor in such a manner. I don't swallow all I hear from pastors hook, line and sinker, its important to study and learn the word of God for yourself, especially in this generation.

  14. Nonsense and Georgina �� that she disagrees with the Pastor doesn't call for insult on the man. Apart from being a Pastor, he's an elderly man and should be accorded some respect for Christ's sake. Attention seeker oshi ����

    1. You people and this elderly man talk

      No wonder we read news of 70 years raping 7 year old

      Age does not equal wisdom
      Age equals the person's experience.


    2. U shd not rebuke an elder is a Biblical injunction and part of African heritage. If u need to point out a flaw, there are ways to go about it without being crass. Anyone that has a problem with that, actually has a problem.

  15. The way male pastors are intimidated by feminism ehn! You would think that a feminist killed their mother.
    Men in this part of the world in general are the poster boys for toxic masculinity. Their egos are so fragile. They have been taught by patriarchy that they automatically have agency and autonomy over women. That is why they were so bothered by the silhouette challenge and the bussit challenge: calling the women who did it prostitutes and whatnot. Because they couldn't take the fact that women were confident enough to express pride in their bodies and they weren't doing it to please any man,they were doing it for themselves.
    That is why male pastors over here are always "advising" women. Because if you notice most of their preaching regarding marriage always addresses women.
    That is why a man in Nigeria can divorce his wife just because he found out she has properties and didn't tell him.
    And that is why they cling to the idea of headship and submission for dear life. That's why they always "forget to mention" the part of the bible that says a couple should submit to each other. Because their egos are so fragile that they cannot stand the thought of losing control of women.
    That's it. That's all. They have been raised to expect subservience from women, to expect automatic respect from women without having to earn it.
    And now that there is a movement that is asking legitimate questions such as "why do you think having a penis automatically makes you the better leader" they are losing their shit.

    1. Okwu agwugo!!

      You’ve said it all!

    2. That's alllllll

      Lol@feminist killed their mother🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. Abeg leave that bussit/ silhouette crap. Those are entirely different issues and NOT feminism.

    4. Nne ikwugo ya

      You need a vacation and a promotion


    5. The problem with today's feminism is that it has been hijacked by women who don't even understand the ideology. True feminists are not placard carrying noisemakers. They are the Dora Akunyilis, the Ngozi Okonjo Iwealas, the Michelle Obamas. These women command the respect of all the men around them. They are respected by their spouses, brothers, fathers, sons, colleagues and neighbours. They are making measurable contributions to advancement in every imaginable sphere and they do not have to make noise as their actions speak for themselves. But I get troubled when women like Georgina Onuoha from unit 1, GH, Gwagwalada also come out to cry about a movement they are undermining by their actions. Georgina and I were in Gwags together and this girl barely graduated because she was perpetually in town sleeping with politicians and Alhajis. Unigwags was pretty small then so we knew her story. Georgina continued the lifestyle even after marriage until she got divorced. Toke Makinwa too, an openly practicing call girl, is canvassing for feminism while engaging in actions that completely undermine the work of true feminists. To be continued.

    6. I AM A WOMAN and I affirm that whoever participated in the silhouette/bussit challenge is a PROSTITUTE. You can't commoditize your body and turn around and tell your customer that you are his equal, how ridiculous is that??? 🤔

    7. How does a woman twerking on her own social media prostitution? How is a woman posting pictures of her own body prostitution? In which of those challenges is sex being sold? Why can't a woman appreciate her sexuality without people like you commodifying her?
      I hope you had the same energy for the men who also participated in the silhouette challenge. Or it's just the women who deserve to be called prostitutes? SMH

    8. @Anon 20: 28 How does a woman twerking on her own social media equal prostitution? How is a woman posting pictures of her own body prostitution? In which of those challenges is sex being sold? Why can't a woman appreciate her sexuality without people like you commodifying her?
      I hope you had the same energy for the men who also participated in the silhouette challenge. Or it's just the women who deserve to be called prostitutes? SMH

  16. Let's face it, the concept of Biblical submission in marriage is outdated and has no place in modern society. All the married women I know who scream "submit oh, submit oh" are not truly submissive to their husbands. Do you know what the word submit means? It means to allow yourself to be dominated. When the man says sit, you sit without disagreement. When the man says don't go out, you agree without question. What he eats is what you eat. The time he sleeps is when you will sleep. You dare not own property without him. He chooses your friends for you. If he doesn't like your family members, you cut ties with them. You are not allowed to question your man or reason with him. That's what our grandmothers did.
    These days, a man cannot tell his wife what to do and expect her to blindly obey without question. Even the church women who scream "submission" don't allow their husbands to order them around. They respect their husbands,yes, but they don't obey them. When the Bible was written, women weren't educated. Women weren't financially independent. So women could not take decisions. They had no choice but to obey their husbands.
    But in this day and age where women have money and are educated, you cannot expect them to obey their husbands. I repeat, even the church women do not blindly obey their husbands
    Respect is a much more fitting concept

    1. I respect my man and submit not to be dominated but allowing him lead as per his traditional roll...and if the leadership is faulty I tell him as respectfully as I can ..Let me say this a Man will forever prefer respect to love .this lack of respect is sometimes the root of problem in homes ..

    2. Anonymous 13:34, did you take time to read what you just posted before clicking publish? Can you read it over again and process it? Your government tells you to wear face mask, why didn’t you decide not to? “They respect their husbands, but they don’t obey them? This mindset of yours cannot work in a relationship, you need to calm down and realigned your thoughts to accepting some facts about life, what works for A might not work for B. Go read about Mrs. Folorunsho Alakija, maybe reading up on her will help realign your mindset to modern day realities, cheers

    3. @Anon 15: 28 so you want to tell me that if your husband asks you to rob a bank, you will do it? If your husband asks you to murder someone, you will do it? Or if your daughter's husband advises her to commit a crime on his behalf, you will advise her to obey her husband?
      If Folorunsho Alakija's husband asks her to jump off a bridge and break her neck, will she agree?
      I repeat, most women might say they obey/submit to their men, but they do not. They are not ready to tolerate anything and everything from their men like our grandmothers did, no matter how much they preach it.
      Which is why "respect" and "compromise" are best.

      @Anon 15: 01: Respect is very important in a relationship, man or woman. Treat your man the way you want to be treated.

  17. But she sounded rather too rude on her first reply to his post. Saying he's senseless wasn't nice at all. You can actually disagree without insulting the person.

    1. Aha! So there was a first post where she insulted him?
      That's a thumbs down.

    2. Yeah there is! Serious one!!

  18. What I find appalling is that people especially women agree with the man. A Twitter user said she was a feminist while single and now married, she is no more a feminist. 😄😄😄 Granted, Georgina sounds harsh but the situation warranted harshness. For people making excuses for man that he meant the bastardized version of feminism, I disagree. He would have specified. Feminism is feminism. If people are going about it the wrong way, it's on them not the movement. Do you know how dumb it sounds when a female opens her mouth to say "I am not a feminist"? Meanwhile if they face injustice as a result of their gender they want to protest. Smh.

  19. Some of these women try to twist things to suit their narratives, more especially when it's coming from a man of God! I admire that Bamiloye's Family so much... the family is blessed, his wife Gloria Bamiloye is enjoying her marriage, when i say she's blessed, she's blessed and she has become a blessing to many... so please! "his opinion, your opinion". NB: the man is still the head take it or leave it, ladies we still have good and God fearing men out there.

    Anyways! Bro Mike Bamiloye said what said... period! BYE

  20. I applaud her bravery for speaking up. Why do men think a woman cannot be a feminist and be a good mother and wife. Women have never threatened men on this Earth. Yet men have done everything to subjugate the female voice, freedom and demonstrate the female spirit to one of servitude. A woman having power or a voice not take anything away from men. Only a weak man will feel threatened by a woman thriving and becoming all that she can be in every aspect of life. Enough of caging us because you want to shine. Life is for every living being to thrive in every way they choose.

    1. There is no bravery in hiding behind your keyboard to type and rant.
      Georgina is taking this too personal.

  21. MThis is why I dont want to be a feminist....most of the few I have met are rude and aggressive and if you dnt support their stance, they pick up arguments.
    I dnt want to be a feminist bc I know the power of my feminity.
    I dnt want to be at war with the other gender bc some other men treated you(the feminist) without respect at some point hence you assume all men want to suppress your greatness bc you are a woman. I have on several occasions been in a position where I was recommended by men for opportunities. I hv used the power of my feminity on countless situations and it has helped me and no, it dsnt entail sleeping with men. Know the power of your feminity snd youd realise you are even worth more than dragging space with men when you can conveniently walk through.
    There are sm things a man is better at and there are sm things a woman is better at. Why did Jesus not appoint a woman as part of his disciples and why was it a woman Jesus exposed himself to first after resurrection??
    No one can win this gender war.
    mmy motor is humanity before anything else. So whether male or female, just act like a human with empathy first.

    1. No one wants you to be a feminist when you cant make a comprehensible sentence.


    2. XOXO I think I have made my point.
      Most feminist are aggressive and rude, you are displaying what im talking about just because I am not identifying myself as a feminist.
      Learn some manners and stop hiding under being a feminist. Empathy will help you all in your endeavours.

  22. Why are Nigerian men afraid of feminism?

    I have found out that some Nigerian religious leaders derive joy in the exploit of women and their pain. If women aren't subdued, who will they exploit from? When you scream that your husband is cheating, they will tell you to pray for him or do you want your home to be broken? So you are in their religious centre praying for his wandering prick, doing all sorts and still the man stops only when he is tired. You scream your husband does not take care of you, they will tell you to pray. No one ever tells the man to pray when you are cheating or not being a wife.

    Then you decide to become successful and per chance you become more successful than him, busy, faithful and ignoring his unfaithful self, they will remind you of how one very rich woman told them how she makes sure she cooks the food her husband eats. They will tell you that you are not submitting enough. No matter how busy you are, even if you are the breadwinner, you will cook and feed him like tata.

    And God forbid you complain he doesn't touch you, they will tell you to face your children. Basically you are a log of wood who came to procreate for him. You have no feelings. When you cry the loudest, he threatens to divorce.

    You will see a young beautiful woman
    In three years of marriage, she is looking fat and unkempt, older than her age and totally subdued. In ten years of marriage, she has white hair, old looking and front seat adviser of young couples. Her popular saying will be 'i have been married for donkey years". Subdued , unhappy and masking it by turning to adviser while her husband looks fresher everyday. She can name all the divorcees and single women but she is married and living single.

    If the religious leaders tell you the truth which is in the bible
    You will go to church because you do not want to forsake the gathering of believers and you love God. You will read the Bible yourselves. You will not let anyone exploit you.

    That's why you will see jobless couple
    The woman is praying for her husband to have a job. She has never prayed that she gets a job. While she is praying, the man is snoring. Why won't he?

    That is why Nigerian men are so scared of feminism, they do not want women to demand better from them. They do not want their wives to demand better. Its not like they can't give it, men can. Guess what, they prefer to give it to the sidechic else. If they are not respectful, how come they respect the sidechic. If they are not romantic, how come they can buy the latest car for the sidechic. They will give the sidechic a job while you remain at home.

    A happy wife and a happy woman is the best


    1. Again, that's all!😂 😂

    2. Women have NEVER threatened men. EVER. But from women has walked this Earth men have seen every reason to kill, maim, beat, ill-treat, subjugate ad silence women in every way. Yet, if women were to decide tomorrow to stop creating the male specie we would be considered to be evil. Women are the only specie on this Earth where what they give birth to becomes their greatest threat to existence. We suffer for giving birth to males and we die in droves yearly because so many men hate us and perpetuate that hate through all kinds of euphemisms to hide their inherent misogyny.

  23. Why are Nigerian men afraid of feminism?

    I have found out that some Nigerian religious leaders derive joy in the exploit of women and their pain. If women aren't subdued, who will they exploit from? When you scream that your husband is cheating, they will tell you to pray for him or do you want your home to be broken? So you are in their religious centre praying for his wandering prick, doing all sorts and still the man stops only when he is tired. You scream your husband does not take care of you, they will tell you to pray. No one ever tells the man to pray when you are cheating or not being a wife.

    Then you decide to become successful and per chance you become more successful than him, busy, faithful and ignoring his unfaithful self, they will remind you of how one very rich woman told them how she makes sure she cooks the food her husband eats. They will tell you that you are not submitting enough. No matter how busy you are, even if you are the breadwinner, you will cook and feed him like tata.

    And God forbid you complain he doesn't touch you, they will tell you to face your children. Basically you are a log of wood who came to procreate for him. You have no feelings. When you cry the loudest, he threatens to divorce.

    You will see a young beautiful woman
    In three years of marriage, she is looking fat and unkempt, older than her age and totally subdued. In ten years of marriage, she has white hair, old looking and front seat adviser of young couples. Her popular saying will be 'i have been married for donkey years". Subdued , unhappy and masking it by turning to adviser while her husband looks fresher everyday. She can name all the divorcees and single women but she is married and living single.

    If the religious leaders tell you the truth which is in the bible
    You will go to church because you do not want to forsake the gathering of believers and you love God. You will read the Bible yourselves. You will not let anyone exploit you.

    That's why you will see jobless couple
    The woman is praying for her husband to have a job. She has never prayed that she gets a job. While she is praying, the man is snoring. Why won't he?

    That is why Nigerian men are so scared of feminism, they do not want women to demand better from them. They do not want their wives to demand better. Its not like they can't give it, men can. Guess what, they prefer to give it to the sidechic else. If they are not respectful, how come they respect the sidechic. If they are not romantic, how come they can buy the latest car for the sidechic. They will give the sidechic a job while you remain at home.

    A happy wife and a happy woman is the best


  24. I can boldly tell you that 99.9% Nigerians do not know the real meaning of feminism. Once that Chimamanda mention it everyone bought and then, wore it like their daily attire. Oh well,I hope she keeps same energy in private? Don't come online to rant while you are the opposite in private. When a man treats you right,submission comes naturally no need to force it that being said,being a feminist does not mean that you can't attain greater heights..Take Ngozi Iweala for example I have never seen her rant online about what and whatnot to do with your man but look,her marriage is still on and going strong.

    1. Thank you. That's the crux of the matter.

    2. Why won't her marriage be strong?
      She is an asset to any man.

      Isn't that enough for you to encourage feminism?


    3. Why won't her marriage be strong?
      She is an asset to any man.

      Isn't that enough for you to encourage feminism?


  25. As a grown up woman, saying a grown up man is empty upstairs just because he gave his opinion is really disrespectful. Why can't people disagree with other people's opinion(s) without being rude? Make your point like he made his without throwing insults!!

  26. All these abroad retired actresses trying to sound woke to stay relevant.
    I am sure Georgina knows the pastor was speaking from the standpoint of what people have turned feminism into. If her reply was to correct him that what he thinks of as feminism is not what feminism is, that would have been another thing. This hoodlum aggressive attitude of attacking, ranting and insulting is exactly what feminism has been twisted to become. Thinking that you have to be aggressive, hateful and rude to men to exact your stance as a woman is exactly why feminism is being condemned.

    1. He made a very general statement

      Why are you afraid of disagreeing with him?

      Do you think if you are a feminist, you won't marry.
      Why are women scared to be identified as a feminist?


  27. I totally agree with Georgina.i am a feminist and it's totally clear pastor Mike bamiloye does not understand the meaning of feminism. Georgina was not rude.

  28. Insulting a grown person by saying they have nothing upstairs is NOT feminism.It is not a hatred of men which leads to perversion. Anyone, male or female who believes in equal rights, equal opportunities, equal treatment of the girl child and women is by definition a feminist. WOMEN"s rights advocates don't sleep with men for money, its an admission of inferiority. They believe women can achieve what men can given the right conditions hence they fight female circumcision, promote girl child education and fight domestic violence and unjust political systems.Feminism is NOT competing with men or hating men, it is acknowledging each others strengths, weaknesses, opportunities for improvement and threats to the achievement of the girl child's destiny.

    If you are the side chic to an alhaji whose 3 wives are in purdah and dare not be seen or are beaten because of you, don't call yourself a feminist. if you are a madam trafficking in housemaids or sex workers, you are not a feminist. We do not have feminists in Nigeria. With all due respect, what we have is "gender envy" and "cronyism seeking females"(launderers of stolen loot while selling their jay as a bait). Yes, submission and tithe are the only 2 parts of the bible some charlatans quote, they need to be reminded of the first half of Malachi that says do not. be mean to your wife so your prayer won't be hindered. but role reversal isn't feminism. Role optimization is.
    Esther optimized her position as the King's wife, "Deborah was a mother in Israel" but she was known to and by God. Abigail mediated and saved David's destiny from being destroyed by anger against Nabal her husband. Sarah and Abraham were so close she was involved and was part of the covenant with God. She had so much influence she used negatively, that she told her hubby to do something stupid which he did. Her influence was so huge that when she rectified her own unbelief, there is no account of Abraham or God resisting her when she asked him to send Haggai and Ishmael away! She is in Hebrew 11 as a hero of faith.

    The little boy with the 5 loaves and 2 fish is a biblical story many people know. A good mother, in her gender role, took care to pack the lunchbox of 5 loaves and 2 pieces of fish for her son.
    She ended up making history as the savior used her proverbs 31 virtues to feed thousands.

    If we had feminists in Nigeria, girls will not be sold into marriage at 10 while some are flaunting fake Hermes purses and 3rd hand "whips" bought with sugar daddy loot, a whole section of the country won't be known for exporting prostitutes, and the "silhouette challenge", an affront to womanhood would have met with an outcry. There won't be 16 year old maids not in school taking care of the "feminists" 17 year old son and getting raped in the process and women will be shamed for exposing privates by fellow women.
    Feminism?, not yet in Nigeria in its pure form. You collect housekeeping money, Peruvian hair money, tickets to different places, he pays all the bills, all the giving is one-sided and you are a feminist? It's on this blog they advise each other not to marry poor men, google Otedola's picture when he was a bookshop owner, a poor hardworking man will not remain poor forever. Feminists marry who they love because they believe they can and will make it so don't take about feminism. I know physicians who are married to electricians here and professionals married to janitors because they were high school sweethearts plus many who make more than their men due to their career but all I read here is for women to take from men, How can you call yourself a feminist when you need his money to buy him a gift? I am a woman, a mother and wife but a man can advocate for women's rights and so a feminist doesn't even have to be a female. Look inwards, take the log offmyour eyes then help remove the speck from the others eye.

    1. Anon 03:31, God bless you for this!!! You can't be a feminist by selling your body to men or by advertising your body through silhouette challenge or some ridiculous pictures online and turn around and expect men to respect you. Real feminists lead by action. Women such as:
      1. Folorunsho Alakija
      2. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
      3. Late Dora Akunyili
      4. Tara Fela-Durotoye
      5. Michelle Obama
      6. Condoleezza Rice
      7. Hilary Clinton etc.
      The above 👆 are examples of true feminists; they walk the talk. They don't use their bodies to get ahead, they use their brains and everyone around them respects them. They are quiet trailblazers and change makers.
      Lots of today's feminists are ladies who use their bodies, do not wish to support the man in any way but just come to take,take and take. They don't want to cook, wash or clean because they are feminists, lol!!! Hiding behind prostitution, irresponsibility and laziness just makes such women an impediment to the feminist agenda. SMH.


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